Nationalists Turn
Weather; C=M, D=M, M=R, A=S Heavy rains spread across all of Spain, Mede Rough with Atlantic Storms.
Supply: All are in supply except high outposts of both sides on the Penebetica range (circa 3913 SW of Albacete)
Replacements; 1 SRPs. Eng, cav Replaced.
Attack1:@ 3408 clear/fort. (SW Cuenca) Supplied 4-6 art 2RG, unsupplied 4-6 inf XX 107, 3-5 inf XX 14, 73 and Supplied 4-6 art 3RG, Unsupplied 5-6 inf XXs17,81, 3-5 inf 21, 2-6 inf cadre 54 and 2-1-8 lt tk 2, 7-6 inf XX 13, 5-6 inf XX 62, 3-5 inf 34, 2-1-6 art O, supplied 3-2-8 lt tk N, 2-1-8 lt tk Bab (CTV) and 3-5 inf XX 40 Attack 3-6* inf XXs 4, 7, 66, @ 4:1 (-3) = EX. Lose 14, 21, 73. Advance 11, 81. Fort , destroyed
Attack 2: 3611 rough/fort. ( E of Albacete) Unsupplied 5-6 inf XX 53, 64, 105, 1-6 inf 5, 1-6 inf 4MG (Col), 1-6 art 13L and 4-6 inf XX 112, 1-8 cav 3and 4-6 inf XX 15, 1-6 inf 20, , 2-6 infs 8Rif, 6Xau (Col) Attack 1-5 infs LV, Lar, 19Jul (An), 1-6 art 6L @ 4:1 (-4) = EX. Lose 20, 5, 3 cav, ANG (Col)Advance 84, 15 XXs Fort destroyed
Republican Turn
VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+10 VPs)
French border; Closed
Guerrillas; Rail Hit at 3522 (Puente Ganil)
Supply; Pursuers moving down the Aragon valley outrun supplies to U1 as does 4-6XX in 3005
Replacements; 2.5 SRPs, 0.5 (An) SRPs recovered. I-15/t15 Repaired.
Air Activity: SB-2, R-Z fly to airfield @ 3414 (E of Valdepenas). Intercepted by ME 109B/D which is engaged by Escorting I-16/t5 and Returned. Bombers get through but miss target.
Attacks: None
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