Spain and Portugal is an Europa  module like The Near East. The original plans envisioned inclusion of the Spanish Civil War, but that project would have required additional counters and game systems which would not have furthered the basic concept of a World War II simulation. The Spanish Civil War was finally covered by For Them The Bell Tolls in 1994.

Published in October 1984 by Game Designer´s Workshop. Blue Europa map box. No official errata sheet has been published

Designed by John M. Astell, Art by Richard Banner

Printed: 3,756

Game Components

  • One 21" x 27" Map (Europa Map 23)
  • 240 Die-cut Counters (Counter Sheet #43)
  • One Chart Set
  • One Europa Scenario

Related Games


Successor: For Whom The Bell Tolls


ETO Newsletter

Operation Felix: Scenario and Commentary, Bill Stone, ETO #1
Spain and Portugal: Errata, ETO #1
Spain and Portugal: Historical Background, ETO #1
Spain and Portugal: Review, Bill Stone, ETO #1


Spain and Portugal: A Commentary, by Jim Arnold, Nuts&Bolts #19/20

The Europa Magazine

“The Great Western War.” By Mark Pitcavage. TEM 24.
“Operation Felix: Scenario, Commentary.” By Bill Stone. TEM 64.
“Spain and Portugal Errata Sheet.” TEM 38/39.
“Spain and Portugal: Historical Background.” By Bill Stone, TEM 64.
“Spain and Portugal: Review.” By Bill Stone. TEM 64.
“Spanish Torch Battle Report.” By Ben Knight. TEM 20.

