Nationalists Turn
Weather; Clear and Calm across the Iberian Peninsular
Replacements; 1.5 SRPs recovered. 2-6 Eng AM replaced.
Pacification: Laredo (1502)
Movement: 1 RES Pt spent to increase Rail Cap to 20.25 Res
Attack 1: 3511 clear/fort. (NW of Albacete) Supplied 5-6 inf XXs53, 81, 105, 3-2-6 inf 1LE, 2LE, inf cardre 71, 1-10 li=t tk Dro (KL) , unsupplied 1-8 mech 5and 5-6 inf XX 84, 1-8 cavs 6, 9, 1-6 arts 13L, 16L 1-6 inf 4MG (COL), 2-6 inf 5Alh (Col) , supplied 6-6 inf XX F (Mxd) attack 2-3-5* XXs 9, 73 @ 6:1 (-1) = DR. Advance 53, 105 XXs, 6, 9 cav, 13L art, 5Alh (Col. Fort destroyed.
Attack2: 1802 Rough/fort (E of Bilbao) Unsupplied 3-2-6 inf 3LE, 1-6 inf 33, 2-5 inf AGN (Fal), and 2-1-8 arts E, O, 7-6 inf XX 13, 3-4-5* inf XX 23, 2-1-8 cavs 1E, 2O (Col). supplied 2-10 AA 88 (KL) and 2-1-8 Bab (CTV), 1-8 mg Ard (CTV), unsupplied 4-6 inf XX 85, 1-6 mg E, 2-6 inf Tdi (Col) and 6-6 inf XX 3, 5-6 inf XXs 54,82, 1-6 art 9L, 2-8 inf 1Tet (Col) attack 2-3-4* inf XX (San) @ 9:1 (-2) = DE. Advance 85 XX, E, Tdi (Col). Fort destroyed.
Air Activity: Sortie 1: CR.32bis X2, (CTV), CR.32, Me 109B (KL) fly airfield bombing at Albacete. I-16/t10 scrambles and escapes to Murcia. 3pts AA misses all targets. Fighter pair up to bomb and 1 hit inflicted.
Sorties 2, 3, 4: Rail hits @ 3207, 3703 and 3709.
Sortie 5: SM-79-I, SM.81 avoid AA fire and inflict 1 Terror hit on Valencia (N +2 VPs)
Republican Turn
VPs: Lack of Goberneto collapse (+10 VPs)
French border; Open
Replacements; I-16/t5 Repaired
Supply “Santander pocket” (immediately SE of the fallen city) becomes U2/Isolated.
Attack 1: 3201 Clear (North of Albacete) Supplied4-6 inf XX6, 3-6* inf XX4, 2-6* inf 1V, 3-4-5* inf XX16, 1-6 art14L and unsupplied 2-3-5* inf XXs29, 54, 63 attack 3-4-5* inf XX16 @ 4:1 = DR. Advance 4, XX, 18XX, 54XX
Attack 2: 3511 clear (NW Albacete) Supplied 2-6* inf 14Mar (Int) and 2-1-8 tx2, 2-6* inf 13Dom (Int), 4-6 inf XX 47, unsupplied 4-6 in f 65, 1-0-8 lt tk AAC, 1-2-6 art, 4, 19 attack 4-6 inf XX107 @ 3:1 (+1) = DR Advance 2tc,AAC, 47xx, 65xx, 19art, 14Mar (Int).
Attack 3; 2133 (NE Pamplona) Supplied 3-4-4* inf XX 4, (Bas), 2-3-4 inf XXs 1, 5 (Bas) 2-4 inf 13 (Bas) and over mtn 2-3-4* inf XX 2 attack 3-8 inf XX 23 Mar (CTV) @ 3:1(-1) = EX. Lose 1 XX, 13. Advance 4xx. (R +2 VP)
Attack 4: 2233 rough (immediately W of Pamplona) Supplied 6-6 inf XX 35 (Int), 5-5 inf XX15 (Int), 5-6 inf XX11Ch, 2-1-8 tk 3,P, 2-1-8 cav 3, 2-6 art 2P, 1-6 art 7L and 5-6 inf XX 46Ch, 4-6 inf XX 34, 6-6 inf XX 45 (Int), 2-1-8 vac3,4, 2-6 nvl 151, 1-2-6 art 20, 1-8 mtn art 1 attack 3-4-5* inf XXs 14, 73, 74 @ 4:1 (-1) = AS!
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