Pamplona, one of the hotbeds of the revolution, is under threat from Republican forces moving north, and is to be defended at all costs. General Emilio Mola, the myopic and meticulous commander who infuriated fellow commanders with his caution dispatched his Reservada No 1 from here on 25th May 1936, oragnizes the defence. The Republic generals, despite evidence to the contrary, dismissed Mola’s preparation in Pamplona for the uprising stating that “Mola is loyal to the Republic” Not much later a strong detachment of 1400 Carlist Requites sent by Mola from his Pamplona base arrived to support the uprising in Saragossa, with others sent to Madrid and along the coast to Asturas. Yet now this cradle of the revolution is under threat. The Nationalist have 3 divisions plus supporting arms in place, reinforcements are rushing south to reinforce the enclave. The next few weeks could be decisive. Long live the Revolution!
On checking the fate of the collapsing units the Republicans find to their horror a Santandero XX under a fort in Eskudi, a” Forgotten Legion”. (A technical rules breach as only 2Res are allowed outside the aspiring republic) In a bizarre twist of fate it survives the collapse as a Fragile division fighting on for the cause. Had it failed the roll the Nationalist would have a clear run at Bilbao – a lucky escape for the careless Republicans. At this point I considered a penalty for the rules breach but the fact that it was not available as part of the Santander defence force seems sufficient in itself to compensate for this.
Replacements: 5 SRP, 0.5 SRP (CTV) recovered.: Me109B (KL) Repaired, 54, 62, 13 XX rebuilt from cadres
Movement: 3-6 inf X 1DLV (CTV), 4-8 inf XX Lit (CTV) 1-8 mg Ard (CTV) overrun 0-1-6 art 14 (Bas) @ 12:1 in 1435
Air Activity: Mxd B (F) breaks line at 4210 (E of Murcia)
Attack 1: 2802 Rough (S of Catalayud). Supplied 6-6 inf XXs 1, 5, 108, 4-6 arts 1RG, 3RG, 2-6 infs 9Arc (Col), 10BT (Col), 7Lam (Col) and 6-6inf XX102, 6-8 lt XX 150, 6-6inf XX F )Mxd), 1-10 lt tk Dro (KL), 3-1-3 sge art Man (CTV), 2-6 inf 3Ceu (Col), 2-6 eng AM, 4-6 art 2RG with GS Ro37, 2X Mxd A, HE51, Mxd T, HE 45 (KL), HE 111B (KL) attack 2-5* inf XX 23, 1-2-6 art 1, 1-2-6s Sec 12GA, 5GA, 1-2-6* inf 21m 19, 1-6 eng 3 @ 5:1 (-1) = EX. Lose AM, 5, 102 XXs cadred. Advance 150 ltXX, 108XX , 2RG, 9Arc, 3Ceu, 7Lam (Col)
Attack2: 1635 rough (Adj Bibao) Supplied 2-10 AA 88 (KL(, 2-1-8 lt tk Bab (CTV), Unsupplied 2-3-6 art 62, 1-6 art 9L, 2-1-8 lt tk 2, 6-6 inf XX 5, 5-6 inf XX 82, 4-6 inf XX 122 attack 2-4 inf 15, 1-2-4 inf 1, 1-4 inf 12, 0-1-4 cons 1,2 (all Bas) plus 2 pts NGS from BBTF-1, CATF @ 4:1 (-1 +1) = DR. Advance 3,82 XXs, 9L.
Attack3: 1702 wooded rough/fort (E of Bilbao). Supplied 7-6 inf XX13, 2-1-8 arts E, O, 2-1-8 cav 1E (Col), Unsupplied 5-6 inf XXs 54, 62, 2-1-8 cav 2O (Col), 2-6 inf 1Tet (Col) @ 6:1 (-3) = DR (eliminated – no retreat path) Advance 54, 62 XXs, 1Tet (Col). Fort Destroyed.
Nationalists Turn
Weather; Clear and Calm across the Iberian Peninsular
Santander collapses: Generating 0.5 Republican SRPs.
Republican Turn
VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+10 VPs)
French border; Closed
Replacements; 4 SRPs recovered, Rebuilt 1 -6 eng 2 (Bas)
Supply “Santander pocket” (immediately SE of the fallen city) becomes U1/Isolated
The Republic continues the attack north to link up with the Basques.
Attack 1: 2333 wooded rough (SE Pamplona) Unsupplied 1-6 art 7L, 2-1-8 tk P 6-6 inf XX 35 (int), 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int), 2-1-8 cav 2, 2-1-8 tk 3, 2-6 art 2P 5-6 inf XX 11ch and (over river) 4-6 inf XX 34, 6-6 inf XX 45 (Int), 5-6 inf XX 45ch, 2-1-8 cavs 3,4 2-6 nvl 151, 1-8 mtn art 1 and (over river) 1-5 mech 2, 1-8 bike 1, 1-8 tks 6, 4-7 mtn XX 43 (Cat) and 1-8 mtns 2,3, 3-4-58 inf XX 56 (Cat), 2-3-58 inf XX
(Cat), 1-2-5 infs 1, 4 (Cat), 1-2-6 art 10 (Cat) attack 3-4-5 * inf XX @ 6:1 (-2) = DH. Eliminated. Advance XX 45 (Int XX 45ch, cavs 3,4, nvl 151, mtn art 1
Basques sally forth to try and link up with Republicans driving north.
Attack2: 2032 rough (S of San Sebastian) Supplied 2-4 inf 13, 14, 0-1-6 art Ortiz 2-3-4*XX 5 (all Bas) and unsupplied 2-3-4* XX 1 (Bas) and Supplied 2-3-4* inf XX 2 (Bas), and 3-4-4 inf xx 4 (Bas) attack
2-8 mtn Pir, 1-6 inf 5 @ 8:1 (-1) = DH. Lose Pir. 5th eliminated as no retreat path. Advance 4th.
The Republic adds more troops to the diversionary attack out of Albacete.
Attack 3; 3310 clear (N of Albacete) Unsupplied 4-6 XXs47,65, 3-6*inf XX 3, 2-6* inf 15AL (Int), 1-2-6 sacs 11GA, 6GA, 1-2-6 art19 and 3-4-5* inf XX18, 2-6* inf 12 Dom (Int), 1-2-6* inf 25, 1-6 inf 1, 1-6 bdrs5Car, 6Car, 1-6 art 14L, 1-2-6 art 4 and 4-6 inf xx9, 3-6* inf XX 4, 3-4-5* inf XX 17, 2-6* inf 14Mar (Int) , 2-6* inf 1V attack 4-5-5inf 55 @ 4:1 = DR. Advance17, 18 XXs, 8GA, 11GA, 25, 14L.
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