
Republican Plans for 1939: The Republic realise that the loss of manpower cannot be sustained. Therefore the days of large counter offensives are over and should not be repeated even if opportunity arises because troops need to be preserved. However they do intend to assemble some local counter attack reserves consisting of larger 5 and 6 strength Divisions plus assembled artillery brigades. The intention is to have these as a “force in being” to dissuade any deep penetrations and seal off any weak advances.

However the complete lack of manpower reserves in terms of IRPs means that each time a hex is eliminated they either thin the line or pull back to shorten the line and keep the same stack density. The latter they can do for a time but there will come a point at which there is no space left.  Hopefully with a combination of these tactics and favourable weather such as a long rainy season and the mud that results will alow them to survive long enough.

They realise that international opinion is changing as tales of brutality and fascist killings  circulate among the international observers and cling to the hope that perhaps a much reduced Republic will survive after a negotiated settlement.

Supply:  The Republic have secured the rail junction at 3907 so Anarchists are mainly back in supply.
Replacements:.  Cav, Eng rebuilt.   Mxd 1A2 Repaired, He 111E Replaced.

Attack 1: 3707 rough (NE of Yecia)  Supplied 1-8 mc B, 2-1-8 lt tk Bab, 1-8 mot art L (CTV), 2-1-8 AA 88 (KL), Transported 4-6 art 3RG, 3-3-8 lt tk N, unsupplied 2-1-8 lt tk 3, 1-5 mech 1 and Supplied 7-7XX 13, 3-2-6 ing 3LE Attack 2-3-5* inf XX 73 @ 8:1 (-3) = DE. Advance mc B, lt tk Bab, mot art L (CTV),  AA 88 (KL), Transported art 3RG,  lt tk N,  lt tk 3,  mech 1

Attack2: 3607 clear W of Albacete) Supplied 6-6 inf XX 102, 3-2-6 1LE, unsupplied 6-6 inf XX 52, 1-2-8 art 50, 2-1-8 cav 2O and (over river) 6-8 lt xx 150, 6-6 inf xx 3, 2-6* inf cadre2 11, 81, 3-2-6 inf 2LE, supplied 2-6 art 4P (transported), 2-1-8 art O  Attack 2-3-5* inf XX 29, 0-1-5 cons 2,8 @ 6:1 (-2) = DR. Eliminated no retreat path. Advance 102, 3  XX, 1LE, 4P, 50 arts, trans.

Attack 3: 4316 Rough (NE Almeria) Supplied 1-2-6 art 46, 3-5 inf XX 14, 1-6 inf 7, 1-6 inf 3ML (Col) 1-5 infs 19Jul, Conf (An) @ 6:1 (-3) = EX  Lose 7, 3ML (Col) Advance 14th XX

Exploitation: Mech elements and transported artillery evacuate the vulnerable hex 3807 and exploit over to the east Bank of the Juar river cutting  supplies to the Republican lines running north and threatening Valencia.

Air Activity: sortie 1; Massive air raid to try to eliminate Republican offensive capability. Unescorted

SM 79-1, SM.79-1 (CTV), He 111E (KL), Mxd B, SM.81, Ro.37 fly to Cartagena.  The Ro.37 is Intercepted by a  I-16/t5 while a I-152 takes on the SM.79-1 (CTV).  The SM.79-1 (CTV) is Returned. Fighters suffer no losses.  R0.37 and unengaged bombers  cause 1 hit aborting the SB-2 on the ground preparing for a Naval patrol target.

Sortie2:  He111B, Do 17E fly DAS to 3606.  Escorted by the CR.32bis (CTV). Intercepted by I-16/t10 who attempts to bypass the screen and is Returned by the CR.32bis (CTV)

Naval Activity: SS-2 (2 pts) circles Cartagena and takes up station at 4103.  SS1  (1 pt) on station just off the harbour at Aguilas are searched for by the Naval  Patrol but remain undetected.

The Republic holds the line but reserves are dwindling

The Republic holds the line but reserves are dwindling

Nationalists Turn

Weather; The temperature drops in the North heralding the onset of winter. Warmer weather n the South continues to turn everything to mud . At Sea the squalls diminish bring calm to the Mediterranean although the Atlantic forecast is Rough.  (D=W, E=M, M=C, A=R)

Republican Turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (R+10 VPs). None Surrender( R+10 VPs)
French border; Open
Guerrillas; Hit the rail junction at Aranjuez
International Replacement city re0established @ Barcelona (3624)
Supply:  3 Hexes on the Valencia/Madrid rail line defence line are U1. Remote outposts at the north of the Penebetica are U3 on both sides of the line.
Replacements;  1.5 SRPs recovered. 1-6 eng 3. Replaced, SB-2 Repaired.

Air Activity: GE.23, R-Z, SB-2 are placed on Naval Patrol

Attacks: None: The Republican forces resist the temptation to make any low odds attack and go defensive on all fronts.