Published January/February 1990
- “NEWS FROM GRD” (Commentary) Winston Hamilton
- “INSIDE EUROPA” (Discussion) John Astell
- “FROM THE EDITOR” (Editorial) Rick Gayler
- “The Second Australian Imperial Force” (Historical) Stuart Lee
- “Yougoslav Royal Air Force” (Historical) Jason Long
- “First Impression: Second Front” (Commentary) Rick Gayler (Second Front)
- “Touring the Europa Seashore with Occasional Excursions Further Afield (Norway)” (Historical) A.E. Goodwin
- “For Whom the Bell Tolls: Design Update” (Designer Notes) Jeff Millefoglie (For Whom the Bell Tolls)
- “Computer Assisted Europa” (Commentary) Mark van Rokel
- “RULES COURT” (Discussion) Rick Gayler
- “EXchange” (Commentary) Readership
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