Mar I 37
Insurgent Player Turn.
The weather clears in the south while winter gives way to muddy spring weather in the north. Much consternation results in Franco’s headquarters when it is discovered that January’s attack west of Madrid was not only a total failure, but the supply consumed has not been replace, leaving forces in the area unable to attack. Lack of rail capacity is again the culprit; the Insurgents have huge stockpiles of attack supply building up in ports far from the front, but no good way to move the bulk of it forward.
Loyalist Player Turn.
The Loyalists, in contrast, are content to forgo offensive action in the south and await good weather in the north.
Mar II 37
Insurgent Player Turn.
Mud still persists in the north. The 13th Div. is formed from 1-strength point units. Some supply is move up in the south, but there is still not enough to launch a decent attack.
Loyalist Player Turn.
The French border is re-opened, allowing the reciept of some Po.540 bombers. The 11Ch Div is formed. The PA command is still waiting for clear weather to attack in the north.
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