Europa Games and Military History

Category: FWtBT AAR No 4 (Page 4 of 8)

Game Report by Ken Newall about a solitaire game of For Whom The Bell Tolls and a variable start of the Revolution

MAY I 1938


Italian intervention although welcomed by the Nationalists was not without its problems. It soon became clear as the Blackshirts were formed into independent Italian units that Mussolini’s aims were not primarily to aid the Nationalist cause but for his own aggrandisement and prestige. The result was poor co-operation and indeed some Spanish took a secret delight in seeing the strutting Italians getting themselves into trouble. At the battle of Santander in May 1938 for example Italian General Roatta fielded around 20,000 men in two divisions (“The Lords Will and “Littorio”) plus supporting MG regiment.  Although these divisions looked impressive on paper they were comprised of a mixture of Blackshirts, regulars and conscripts including groups of labourers who were under the impression they were going to Africa to appear as extras in the film “Scipio in Africa”. Equipped with his 1:400,000 Michelin map of Santander Roatta planned his attack although many of his troops were motivated to join up purely for the 175 lira a day army pay, a fortune to a poor Sicilian farm labourer.

Some, meeting Italians on the Republican side, surrendered immediately to the Garibaldi fighters. Some no doubt swayed by the loudspeakers spouting Republican propaganda slogans and questions such as “Brothers why have you come to a foreign land to murder workers?” Meanwhile Mussolini was advising his partner Hitler that he was encountering Russians. In terms of material it was true. The 3 ton Italian tanks were no match for the 50 ton Russian built opposition. The biting rain and conditions underfoot also helped to crush morale. Thus the Italian efforts often ended in chaos. It was said that after the battle Franco’s staff drunk a toast to the health of the Republicans who had proved that any Spaniard was a match for an Italian. (The primary source for this turn’s narrative is “The Guinness book of Military Blunders” by Geoffrey Regan.  Chapter 7 “The Battle of Guadalajara”)

Spoiler alert – skip this for now if you want to see the turn unfold step by step.

The return of clear weather in the North sees the largest battle of War to date in terms of units employed on both sides. Surprisingly this is initiated by the Republic on a 5 hex surrounded Nationalist redoubt protruding into the Republican lines towards Zaragoza. (Actually formed by Republican attacks either side in recent months)… The Nationalists had believed a 15 point stack unassailable and indeed this attack took almost the entire stock of Republican Attack Supply points to initiate at a guaranteed 4:1. In terms of ASPs expended this could be seen as a waste and the Republic would have been better to go fully defensive and spread out the attack forces. But there are two reasons why they chose to attack.  Firstly they still harbour some hope of a link-up with the Basques and the captured rail line is an important first step allowing them to attack north without the cross country cartage previously needed.  And secondly –it is more fun to attack!?. While this may seem facile I view this in historic terms as the type of wasteful propaganda attack which did occur as discussed above and to that end the game mirrors reality.  Perhaps “fun” in game terms represents “propaganda/political advantage” in the real world – discuss

Santander invested

May I 38: Santander invested (c) Ken Newall, 2017

Nationalists Turn

Weather; Clear and Calm across the Iberian Peninsular
Supply: clear weather brings supply to all units of both sides.
Replacements:  ½ SRP, ½ SRP (CTV) recovered. Repaired: Me 109B (KL)
1Res pt spent to increase rail cap.

Air Activity; All bombing mission uneventful and ineffective.

Attack 1:1304 clear/cliff/fort  (NE Santander) Supplied 3-6 inf XX 1DLV (CTV), 4-3-6 art  Leg (CTV), 1-8 mg Ard (CTV) with 2pts NGS from BBTF-1, CATF attack 1-4 inf 1 (San), 0-1-4 cons (San), 1-4 inf 11 (Ast), 1-6 eng 6 @ 5:1 (-1) = EX. Lose  Leg (R +2 VP). Advance 1DLV, Ard Fort destroyed

Attack 2: 1603 rough/fort (SE Santander) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 82, 4-6 inf XX 85, 2-3-6 art 62, 2-18 lt tk 2, 2-1-8 lt tk Bab (CTV),  and 7-6 inf XX 13, 4-6 inf XX 122, 2-10 AA 88 (KL), 2-1-8 cav 1E (Col) attack 1-4 infs 5,11,13 (San), 1-6 inf 12M (San), 1-6 art 14 (Bas) @ 6:1 (-2) = DH lose 5,11,13.  Advance  XX 13,82,122  art 62, lt tk 2 lt tk Bab (CTV),  2-10 AA 88 (KL). Fort destroyed

Attack 3: 1404 rough/fort (W Santander) Supplied 3-2-6 infs 1LE, 2LE, Unsupplied 4-8 cav XX 2, 2-1-8 art O, 2-1-8 cav 2O (Col) and 5-6 inf XXs 52, 54, 2-6 infs 1Tet, Tdi (Col) and Supplied 4-6 art 1RG,m 3RG, 6-6inf XX 3, 1-8 mtn 8 attack 1-4 infs 2,4,7 1-6 inf 6M, 1-6 art 15 (All San) @ 6:1 (-2) = DR Eliminated no retreat path. Advance 1LE, 2LE, XX54, 62, 1Tet art O (Col), TDi (Col)

Attack 4; 2702 rough/fort (Catalayud) HIGH RISK  Supplied  6-6 XX infs 4,108, 152, 4-6 art 2RG, 1-8 mtn 5, 2-6 art 4P, 1-6 mg IMExp, 2-6 inf 9Arc (Col)  and  6-6 XX infs 1,5,63, 2-6 infs 7Lam, 1oBT, 3Ceu, attack 2-3-5* XX infs 23, 38, 3-6* inf XX 22, 1-2-6* infs 19, 21 @ 4:1 (-2) = DR (PHEW!)  XXs 5, 108, 152, infs 7Lam (Col), 3Ceu (Col) art 4P fort destroyed

Exploitation:  lt tk Bab (CTV) lt tk 2, Transported art 62, AA 88 (KL) move to 1636 (Laredo)

Republicans Turn

VPs: Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Closed
Replacements;   2 SRP (San) recovered.  I-16/t10 Replaced
Reinforcements: all arriving divisions equipped.
1 RES Pt spent to increase railcap

Air Activity: Sortie 1; 2x SB-2 fly to Valladolid to bomb the airfield. Intercepted by CR.32bis (CTV) which is aborted by defensive fire. Surprises Massive 7 pt AA fire fails to inflict damage but bombers are unsettles and miss the target.

Other Sorties uneventful and ineffective.

Attack1; 2734 clear (NW Zaragoza) See Narrative

Supplied 3-6* inf XX 10, 2-3-5* inf XX 48, 1-6 infs10,11, 1-2-6 sec 2GA, 2-6* inf 5Car and 1-0-R art 1 (Cat), 3-6* inf XXs61, 68, 2-3-5 inf XX 50, 2-6 inf 211c, 1-6 inf 9, 1-6 eng 2, 1-6 art 8L and over river 6-6 inf XX 35 (Int), 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int), 2-1-8 cavs 3,4, 2-1-8 tk 2, 2-6 art 2P and over river 6-6 inf XX 45 (int), 2-3-5* inf XX44 (Cat), 5-6 inf XX 11ch, 1-2-6 art 20 and 5-6 inf XX 48ch, 4-6 inf XX 34, 4-7 mtn XX 43 (Cat), 2-6 inf 150 (Int), 2-6 inf 222c, 2-1-8 cav 2, 1-8 mtn art 1, 1-6 art 11 (Cat) attack 5-6 XXs 61, 71, 3-4-5* inf XX 73, 1-8 cav @ 4:1 = DR. No escape route. 61, 71 retreat and are cadred.  Advance 50, 68, 61 XX’s, 222c, 150 (Int), 11 art (Cat).

APR II 1938

Nationalists Turn

Weather; (Unchanged) Land; North (D) = Mud. South (E) = Clear.  Seas; Med = Clear. Atlantic = Rough
Replacements: He45 (KL)
Air Activity. Sortie 1; SM 79-I Terror bombs Valencia (N +2 VP)
Sortie 2; Mxd T, Ro 37 Breaks rail line at 3103 Catalayud/Teruel rail.

Attack 1;  1305 rough/fort  (NE Santander) Supplied 3-6 inf XX 1DLV, 4-3-6 art leg, 3-1-2 sg art Man, 1-8 mg Ard (all CTV), 3-4-5* inf XX, 2-1-8 art 1-2-6* inf32 with NGS CATF (1/2), BBTF-1 (1/2) attack1-4 infs 1,3 (San), 1-4 inf 3,4 (Ast), 1-2-4 inf (Ast) @ 6:1 (-4) =  EX lose 21 XX, Man (CTV) . Advance 1DLV, Leg, Ard.  (R+2 VP)

Attack 2; 1504 rough/fort E Santander)  Supplied 3-2-6 inf s1LE, 2LE,4-8 cav XX 2, 2-1-8 cav 2O (col) and 2-6 inf2 Tdi, 1Tet (Col), 7-6 inf XX 13, 6-6 inf XX 3, 4-6 inf XX 122, 4-6 arts 3RG, 1RG, 2-10 AA 88 (KL), (transport) and  5-6 inf xx 52, 4-6 inf XX 85, 2-1-8 lt tk 2, 2-3-6 art 62, 2-1-8 lt tk Bab attack 1-2-4 infs 8,9,10, 1-4 infs 2,7, 1-6 inf 12M, 0-1-6 art AD (All San) @ 6:1 (-4) = DR. Advance 122Xx, 3XX, 3RG. Fort destroyed.

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Apr II 1938

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Apr II 1938, (c) Ken Newall, 2017

Republican Turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Closed
Replacements; I-16/t25 repaired.   0.5 SRP (San) recovered
Guerrillas; Ineffective

Air Activity: I-16/t5, I-16/t10, R-5 fly airfield bombing mission to Logrono. Intercepted by Me 109B which intercepts i-16/t10. Both are aborted. Bombs fall wide.

Attack1: 2535 clear (NW Catalayud) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 46ch, 4-6 inf XX 34, 2-6 inf 222C, 2-1-8 cav 2, 1-8 art 1, 2-6 inf 150 (Int), 1-6 art 11 (Cat), 4-7 mtn XX 43 (Cat) and unsupplied  (over river) 6-6 inf XX 35 (Int), 3-6*inf XXs 2,19, 2-1-8 tk P, 1-8 lt tk 2, 1-5 mech 2, 1-2-5 inf 2 (Cat) Attack 3-4-5*inf XX 24 @ 6:1 (-2) = DR. Advance  150  (Int), 222c,45ch,2,19 2 (Cat)

APR I 1938


Both sides are relying heavily on propaganda and much indistinguishable from each other. However the Republican rumour mill and news both official and unofficial includes many stories of dubious credulity.  Reports seize upon lone isolated incidents to make general points.  Horror stories are spread of small children’s hands being cut off by Moorish regulars because their fists were clenched in the Republican salute of defiance. Secular miracles are circulating such as bombs failing to explode because they have been packed not with explosives but with messages of support from leftish sympathisers within the foreign manufacture’s munitions factories.

The addiction of the Republican to its own propaganda machine has become so exaggerated and misplaced that it feeds on itself. Offensive gains however small are lauded and exaggerated in proportion to the hope of success rather than to any actually military significance.  These small gains after such exaggeration needed to be held at all costs irrespective of their military value for to admit defeat after such a “success” would undermine morale. Colonel Casado with some justification argues that this has a real and adverse effect on the military campaign and is wasteful of material and precious manpower and could be become a significant factor in the possible ultimate defeat of the leftist campaign.

Spoiler alert – skip this for now if you want to see the turn unfold step by step.

The return of clear weather in the North sees the largest battle of War to date in terms of units employed on both sides. Surprisingly this is initiated by the Republic on a 5 hex surrounded Nationalist redoubt protruding into the Republican lines towards Saragossa. (Actually formed by Republican attacks either side in recent months).. The Nationalists had believed a 15 point stack unassailable and indeed this attack took almost the entire stock of Republican Attack Supply points to initiate at a guaranteed 4:1. In terms of ASPs expended this could be seen as a waste and the Republic would have been better to go fully defensive and spread out the attack forces. But there are two reasons why they chose to attack.  Firstly they still harbour some hope of a link-up with the Basques and the captured rail line is an important first step allowing them to attack north without the cross country cartage previously needed.  And secondly –it is more fun to attack!?. While this may seem facile I view this in historic terms as the type of wasteful propaganda attack which did occur as discussed above and to that end the game mirrors reality.  Perhaps “fun” in game terms represents “propaganda/political advantage” in the real world – discuss

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Apr I 1938

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Apr I 1938, tactical view (c) Ken Newall, 2017

Nationalists Turn

Weather; Land; North (D)= Mud. South (E) =  Clear.  Seas;  Med = Clear. Atlantic = Rough
Replacements:  CR.32bis (CTV) replaced. Me109B (KL) repaired.  Madrid Factory in production.
Movement:  1 Res Pt expended to temp boost Rail cap to 20.25 Res.

Air Activity;  Sortie 1; CR.32bis, CR.32, escort extended range 2 X Mxd A, Mxd B evade 3 pts flack and cause 1 Hit on Murcia.
Sortie 2; SM.79-1 and SM.81 fly individual Strategic missions to Valencia inflicting one terror Hit. (N +2 VPs)
Sortie 3; Me 109B, He 45 fly airbase bombing to Zaragoza. Intercepted by I-16/t10. Me Jettisons bomb load, engages and is Aborted.

Attack 1; 1405 mtn (East of Santander) Supplied 3-2-6 infs 1LE, 2LE, 2-1-8 cav 2O (Col), 4-8 cav XX 2, unsupplied 2-1-8 art O attack 1-4 infs 4,13 (San) @ 6:1 (-4) = DR. Advance 2 cav, 2O (Col) 2LE.

Republican turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Closed
Replacements; I-16/t5 repaired. 0.5 SRP (San) recovered
Reinforcements; All XXs equipped on arrival.
Guerrillas; Ineffective

Attack 1; 2434 clear (SW of Logrono) Supplied, over river.  3-6* inf XXs 2,19, 2-6 inf 152C, 2-6 Nvl 151, 4-7 mtn XX43 (Cat), 2-6 art 2P unsupplied U2 1-8 mtn 1, unsupplied 1-5 mech 2 and Unsupplied U2 over river 4-6 inf XX 34, 5-6 inf XX 46ch, 1-6 art 11 (Cat),  U1 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int), 2-1-8 cav 3,4, 2-1-8 tk 3,  1-6 art 7L attack U3 3-6* inf XX 3Sor, 1-6 mg 2 @ 8:1 (-2) = DR. Advance inf XXs 2,19 mtn XX 43 (Cat).

Attack 2; 2331 mtn French boarder SE of Pamplona) All adjacent attack U4 1-5 inf 3Card (Fal) @ 6:1 (-4) = Hx lose 1-8 mtn 1

Air Activity; 2 x SB-2, R-5 with I-16/t10, I-16/t5 escorts fly airfield bombing at 2232 (Pamplona) Intercepted by  ME 109B which is returned for no loss. I hit inflicted Aborting He45 on the ground.

MAR II 1938

Nationalists Turn

Weather;  Land; North (D)= Mud. South (D) =  Mud.  Seas;  Med = Rough. Atlantic = Storms
Supply: Madrid Pocket (U4 isolated) dices for elimination;  No losses
Replacements: CR.32 Repaired. 1-8 mtn 4 replaced
Air Activity: Sortie 1 Me108B (KL), CEr2bis (CTV) bomb Zaragoza airfield and are intercepted by the I-16/t10 which eliminates the CR.32bis for no loss

Attack 1: 2710 (Madrid East Major city) Supplied 7-6 inf XX 13, 1-6 eng ZMO,  3-1-2 sge art Man (CTV), 4-6 art 1RG, 2-6 inf 3ceu (Col), Unsupplied 5-6 inf XXs 54, 62, 2-6 inf 10BT (Col) and Supplied 4-3-6 art Leg (CTV), 1-8 aslt G (CTV),  4-6 art 2RG, 1-6 engs ZC, ZME, 2-6 inf iTet (Col), 2-1-8 cav 1E (Col), 1-8 mtn B, 1-6  mg E and Supplied 1-8 lt 3,4, 2-6 inf 7Lam (Col),  unsupplied 6-6 inf XXs108, 152 and 6-6 inf XX 4, supplied 6-6 inf XX 102, 1-6 art 13L, 2-6 art 4P, 1-8 lt 6, 2-6 inf AM, 2-6 inf 9Arc (Col) and unsupplied 2-3-5* inf XX Cac (over river) and unsupplied 2-3-5* inf XX 3Mad over river Attack U4 isolated 3-4-5* inf XX27CM, 2-6*inf2 2Ch,3Car, 2-6* inf 11Ch, 1-6 mg 4 cadre, 3pt Garrison @ 6:1 (+1 -3) = DH survivors eliminated as no retreat path 3Mad, 2Cac, 152, 3,4,6 lt inf. Garrison dispersed.  1RERailcap captured. Factory captured with 0.5 art RP suffering only minor damage. Available Next Turn!. MADRID CAPTURED!

Attack 2;  Supplied 3-2-6 infs 1LE, 2LE, 4-8 cav XX 2, 2-1-8 art ), 4-6 art 3RG, 1-6 art 9L, 1-8 cav VMS (Req), 2-1-8 cav 2O (Col)  and Supplied 5-6 inf XX82, 1-6 inf 26, 2-6 inf Tdi, unsupplied inf 19 and  inf 30, supplied 4-6 inf XX 86, unsupplied 6-6 inf 3 Attack 2-3-4* XX  infs 3,4 (San) @ 6:1 (-3) = Dh eliminated no retreat path. Advance 82, 85 XX, 3RG art.19, 26 infs.  SANTANER INVADED!

Republican Turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Open.

Air Activity
Sortie 1: 2X SB-2, R-5 with I-16/t10 escort break rail line @ 2305   (woods north of Soria) ,Interception by  ME 109B(KL) which is aborted.
Sortie 2;  Airbase @ 4213.  A-101, R-Z fly bombing mission. Intercepted by CR 32 for no result, AA aborts A-101 and mission has insufficient strength to bomb.

Attack 1: 2332 rough (S of Pamplona) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int), 5-6 XX inf 46ch,  4-6 inf XX 34, 2-1-8 cavs 3,4, 2-1-8 tk 3 attack U4 1-8 mtn 4, , 1-2-6 inf 42, U2 2-8 mtn Pir @  8:1 (-3) = DR  Advance 34 XX, 46Ch XX.

MAR I 1938


(Skip ahead if you wish to see how events unfold first.)

The final days of Madrid were quick but not painless.  The remaining government in disarray still suffering in-fighting and a failed coup on the evening before the collapse flees South infiltrating where they can through the weaker holding forces over the Jarama river.

Nationalist columns pushing in from all fronts force the eventual collapse of the beleaguered defenders. There is no resistance as the “Reds” lay down their arms. The army of the West signalled at 2. p.m.  on the 25th “Many prisoners, including Russians”; On the 27th,” “Our artillery begins shelling at 0.50.0 No movement seen in Red lines . Infantry assaults at 0.600. The Reds have evacuated.  Only a few left in their lines the rest have run away.”

As the troops of General Espinosa move into the centre of the city many balconies fly white flags some with the addition of the flag of “Old Spain”.

Military police and Falange arrive next brandishing their own style of repression and yet restraint not present elsewhere is evident with patrols specifically ordered to prevent revenge killings. Priests are in the streets blessing the populace and fighters alike and civil guards appear in their old uniforms hidden for the last couple of years in attics and basements.

Peace, of a sort, returns to Madrid.

Nationalists Turn

Weather;  Land; North (D)= Mud. South (D) =  Mud.  Seas;  Med = Rough. Atlantic = Rough
Supply: Madrid Pocket (U4 isolated) dices for elimination;  No losses
Replacements: 1.5 SPR, recovered. 1-6 sec 8GC, 1-8 lt 1, 0-1-5 cons 1 (Req)

Air Activity;
Sortie 2; Ju52g$e, HE 111B (KL) breaks rail line at 3023
Sortie 2: 2X Cr.32 escort mxd A to bomb Lorca airfield (4212) Intercepted by i-16/t25. Aborts CR.32 and is aborted itself. Bombs miss.

Attacks;  None

Republican Turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Open
Supply: Madrid Pocket checks for elimination (U4 isolated)  5-6 inf XX11Ch cadred
Air Activity;I-16/t10 escorts 2X SB-2, R-5  to Soria (2403) . intercepted by Me 109B (KL). Fighters fail to inflict damage. Bombs break rail line.
Attacks: None

FEB II 1938

Nationalists Turn

Weather;  Land; North (D)= Mud. South (D) =  Clear.  Seas;  Med = Rough. Atlantic = Rough
Supply: Madrid Pocket;  Madrid Feeds off GSPs.
Replacements: 2 SPR, recovered.  1-8 mtn 7  replaced.
Pacification;  Madrid West
Air Activity SM 79-1 scores Terror Hit on Madrid (East) (N +2 VPs)
Attacks; None.

Republican  turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Closed
Supply: Madrid feeds off GSPs
Replacements ½ SRP, ½ SRP (Cat) recovered.
Pacification; Zaragoza
Guerrillas; Break rail line at 2822 (S of Almendralejo)
Air Activity; Sortie 1; R-Z, A-101 Break rail line at 2133 (Valdepenas)

Sortie 2; I-16/t10, I-16/t5 escort R-5, 2X SB-2 to bomb rail line @ Soria. Intercepted by ME 109B (KL), CR.32bis (CTV) eliminating  I-16/t10, I-16/t5 for no loss. Bombers return without inflicting any damage. (N +4 VPs)

Attack 1; 2433 clear (Nth of Zaragoza) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int), 2-6 inf 152C, 2-6 nvl 151, 2-1-8 cav 1, 1-6 art 7L, 2-6 art 2P and 4-7 mtn XX43 (Cat), 2-3-5* inf XX 44 (Cat)  attack 3-4-5 inf XX 22 @ 5:1 (-2) = HX  lose cav 1. Advance 43 XX mtn  (Cat), 44 XX (Cat).

Attack2; 2432 rough (Nth of Zaragoza)  Supplied 3-4-5 inf XX 30 (Cat), 1-2-5 infs 1,4 (Cat), unsupplied 1-5 inf 6 (Cat), 1-2-6 art 16 (Cat) and 2-3-5* inf XX 31 (Cat), 1-6 art 11 (Cat), 1-2-6 mg Pos (Cat) and 2-3-5* inf XX 32 (Cat) attack U4 1-8 mtn 4, 1-6 art 12L, 1-8 lt inf 1 @ 6:1 (-3) = DR Eliminated as no retreat route.  Advance 30, 31 XX (Cat)

FEB I 1938


Withdrawal under fire is considered the most difficult military manoeuvre as so it has proved here for the Republic.  Three of the stacks tasked with holding the line while the bulk of the troops move East were  overrun and three divisions falling back to Madrid were surrounded and succumbed to starvation before mounting any kind of effective defence. While the front has solidified in the South in the region of the line Albacete/Cuenca the Nationalists pursuing force have pressed on killing a number of stacks of Republican units fleeing through dreadful weather conditions to their supply lines along the Teruel/Catalayud rail line.

Game note: A Europa  e-mail exchange mentioned that Interventionalist units (CTV & KL) are automatically in attack supply if they can trace to a suitable port and do not need to expend attack supply counters. This I had missed.  Having examined the attacks to date involving these units there are a few instances where they attacked unsupplied and if supplied would have changed the odds. I have ruled this tough luck and do not intend to rerun these attacks. However I have also identified three instances where auto supply would have allowed the Nationalists to expend one less supply point.

 Because the Nationalists have never had spare transport capacity this has not had a bearing on the game  therefore by way of trying to redress the balance I have credited the Nationalists with 3 Attack Supply Points distributed one each at Seville, Malaga and Vigo.

The Nationalists will need to redeploy the CTV divisions from their current static defensive positions to more active duty in the normal course of play as a further penalty for their failure to read the rules of engagement more thoroughly!

Nationalists Turn

Weather;  (Unchanged )Land; North (D)= Mud. South (D) =  Mud.  Seas;  Med = Rough. Atlantic = Rough
Supply: Madrid Pocket;  Madrid Feeds off GSPs.
Replacements: 1 SPR, 1 SRP (Col) recovered.  1-6 sec 12GC replaced.
Naval Activity: NTs transport Colonial troops to the mainland.

Air Activity:
Sorties 1&2 SM.81 and SM.79-I fly Terror bombing to Madrid 2 Hits   (N +4 VPs)
Sortie 3; Mxd T , Ro 37 Hit rail line @ 3304 (Teruel)
Sorti e 4; Mxd A Hits Rail line at 3910 (S of Hellin)

Attack 1 3006 (Wooded rough)  Unsupplied 6-6 inf XX 108, 5-6 inf XX 53, 4-6 inf XX 151, 2-3-6 art 62 (transported), 2-10 AA 88 (KL), 2-1-8 lt tk Bab (CTV), 1-8 mg Ard (CTV) and 6-6 infs XX, 5, 63, 1-6 inf 18, 1-8 lt 5 attack U4 3-6* infs 40, 57 @ 6:1 (-4) = DR.  Advance 53XX, 18

Republican  turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Closed
Supply: Madrid feeds off GSPs
Reinforcements;  New divisions deploy and equip.
1 ASP expended at Madrid to generate 12 GSPs.
Replacements:  I-16/t5 replaced
Pacification; Zaragoza
Guerrillas; Break rail line at 2722 (Almendralejo)

Air Activity: I-15/t25 escorts A101, R-Z on airfield bombing mission at 3916 (E of Guadix). Intercepted by  cr.32bis (CTV) which engages I-16/t25 and is eliminated (R +2 VPs)  CR.32 by passes to engage the mission force but fails to inflict any losses but bombs drop wide.

Attack 1: Clear (North of Zaragoza) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int), 2-6 nvl 151, 2-6 inf 152C, 2-1-8 cav 1, Unsupplied 2-3-5* inf XX 33 (Cat), 3-6* inf XX72, 1-6 art 7L, 2-6 art 2P attack U4 3-4-5 inf XX22, 0-1-5 cons 1 (Req) @ 6:1 (-2) = EX. Loose  33 XX (Cat), 72 XX. Advance  15XX (Int), 7L art.

Attack 2: 2533 (north of Zaragoza)  Supplied 4-7 mtn XX43 (Cat), 3-4-5* inf XX30 (Cat), 2-3-5* inf XX31 (Cat), 1-5 inf 6 (Cat), 1-2-5 infs 1, 4 (Cat),  unsupplied 1-2-6 art 10 (Cat) and unsupplied 2-3-5* inf 32. Attack U4 1-8 mtn 7, 1-6 sec 8GC, 1-6 mg 2, 1-6 art 9L @ 6:1 (-2) = DR. Eliminated no retreat. path. Advance .  mtn XX43 (Cat), inf XX 30 (Cat), inf 6 (Cat), infs 1, 4 (Cat),  art 10 (Cat).

JAN II 1938

Nationalists Turn

Weather;  Land; North = Mud. South  =  Mud.  Seas;  Med = Rough. Atlantic = Rough
Supply: Madrid Pocket;  4-6 inf XX 6, 1 pt AA fails the elimination roll. Madrid expends 1 ASP to generate 12 GSPs.
Replacements: 1 SRP recovered. 0-5 cons 3 rebuilt
Naval Activity: NTs transport Colonial troops to the mainland.
Pacification Alcazar de San Juan
Air Activity Sortie 1 Mxd flies short range air drop to Cuenca and delivers 2 GSPs successfully.

Attack 1 2908 rough (Nth of Cuenca) Unsupplied 6-6 inf XX 5 and 6-6 inf XX 53 and 3-4-5* inf XX, 1-6 inf 18, 1-6 inf I-S (Col) attack U4 3-6* inf XX7 @ 5:1 (-3) = DR eliminated no retreat. Advance 33XX

Attack 2; 3108 rough (Nth Cuenca)  Unsupplied U4 6-6inf XX F (Mxd) and supplied 2-3-6art, 1-8lt tk LE, 1-8 mech S, 2-1-8 lt tk (CTV).1-8 mb B (CTV), 1-10 lt tk Dro (KL), 2-10 AA 88 (KL)  and 1-8 mg Ard (CTV), 4-6 art 1RG, unsupplied 1-6 sec 12GC, 4-6 inf XX 107, 5-6 inf XX 53, and 4-6 infs XX 15,151, 6-6 inf XX 108, 2-6 infs Tdi, 2Mel (Col) attack U2 3-6* inf XX 66, 4-6 inf XX47, 22-1-8tc 1,P, 1-6 art 2L @ 6:1 (-3) = EX lose 12Gc, 2-6 infs Tdi, 2Mel (Col), reduce 53XX to cadre. Advance 107XX

Republican Turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Closed
Guerrillas; Break rail line at 2922 south of Almendralejo.
Supply; Isolated U4 in Madrid feed of GSPs.
Replacements; 1 .5 SRPs recovered. I-16/t5 repaired.

Air Activity. I-16 escorts R-Z, SB-2 to bombe rail line @ 2305 (woods north of Soria) Intercepted by Me109B (KL) which aborts the I-16/t5 but is Eliminated! In return fire. (R+2VPs)

Moves:  Lines pulls back East of Madrid  to the wooded slopes of the Codellera Iberica. Minor adjustments to line made in Western Andalucía. Republic is now defensive with 6-8 pt stacks along most of the front line.

Attacks: None

JAN I 1938


The Nationalist VP situation is poor. They cannot hope to win on points unless they are able to force the surrender of the Loyalists. The conditions for surrender are any two of;

  1. Capture Madrid
  2. Capture all major city Hexes except one
  3. Force the collapse of all gobernetos
  4. Capture the loyalist government or force it to move overseas.

Because the government can be moved at will for very little penalty (half strength same Republican turn i.e. effectively few or no attacks in the turn it moves) and it can do so any number times Condition 4 is an inconsequential condition simply encouraging the republicans to keep it on shore.

[table id=3 /]

The Nationalists will capture Madrid. This leaves conditions 2 or 3 as the Strategic aim for 1938/9.

If Valencia is captured in an attempt to fulfil condition 2 this will still require one hex of Barcelona to be captured.  Therefore Barcelona is needed to fulfil option 2.

Barcelona is also key to fulfilling option 3. Catalonia will collapse with the capture of one Barcelona hex and may go earlier if Nationalist forces are within 3 hexes of a cut off Barcelona.  On collapse the capture of the remaining hex of the city is almost by default because Barcelona is usually declared an “open city”.

The Nationalists therefore will aim to capture Barcelona thus forcing surrender by fulfilling conditions 1 and 2.

However simply forcing a surrender will not be enough without reducing the loss of VPs from the continuing existence of all 4 gobernetos. The number of REs of all the Republican forces will barely cover the loss of points from all gobernetos remaining in existence for all the game. The worry is that there will not be enough time/resources to eliminate all gobernetos and Barcelona.  Therefore the Nationalists Strategy will be to establish a major offensive towards Catalonia with a secondary force tasked with eliminating Santander/ Asturias. Euzkadia is considered the strongest Goberneto and will only be attacked if time permits.

The Nationalists do not intend to repeat the mistake of allowing Madrid to last as long as Seville and forces will mass for a direct assault as soon as possible prior to redeployment. In the short term the strong forces moving north from the area of Cuenca en route to Madrid will climate any targets of opportunity from the  remnants of the Republic front line fleeing  East.

Nationalist Turn

Weather;  Land; North (D)= Winter. South (D) =  Mud.  Seas;  Med = Rough. Atlantic = Rough
Supply: 2 Res of “Cuenca pocket” feed off GSPs. Rep 1-2-6* inf in the mtns Nth of Madrid succumbs to U4 isolation
Reinforcements; 85th inf XX equipped on arrival to 4-6 inf XX 85.
Replacements:  1-6 sec 18GC replaced.  CR.32 repaired.

Other than the lt div and Cav div assemblies all Nationalist conversions/upgrades now completed and all Form options completed

Air Activity: Sortie 1; Mxd flies short range Airdrop to “Cuenca pocket”  3 GSPs survive drop.

Sortie 2; 2X CR.32, CR.32bis (CTV),  Mxd A (range 10), and extended Mxd B, Mxd A (range 6) fly airfield bombing mission to 4212 (Lorca). Intercepted by I-16/t5. 1x CR.32 and CR.32bis (CTV) jettisons bombs and engages I-16/t5. Both are aborted.  Mission force avoids AA and Hits airfield.

Attack 1; 2810 clear/fort. All adjacent unsupplied over river attack 2-3-5 inf XX (U4 isolated) @ 5:1 (-3) = DR. Eliminated no retreat path.  2-3-5* inf XX Cac advances.

Attack 2; Supplied 6-6inf XX 108, 4-6 art 1RG, 2-6 infs Tdi, 2Mel (Col), unsupplied 4-6 infs 102,151 and  2-3-6 art 62, 1-6 art 4L , Supplied 5-6 infs 53, 84, 6-6 infs 62, 4-3-6 art Leg (CTV), 3-2-6 inf 2LE, 2-1-8cav 2O (Col) and U2 isolated 5-6 inf XX11, 6-6 inf F (Mxd), U3 isolated)  2-3-6 art 61, 2-10 AA 88 (KL), 1-8 mb B (CTV),2-1-8 lt tk Bab (CTV) 1-10 lt tk Dro (KL), attack 6-6 inf XX 45 (Int), 3-68 inf XX @ 5:1 (-2)  = HX. 15 (Int) Cadre eliminated as no retreat.  Lose 2LE, 2O (Col). Advance 88 (KL) Dro (KL), 52, 53 inf XX, 62 art.

Mech Move;. 1-8 mech B, 1-8 lt tk LE evacuate Cuenca.

Republican Turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Closed
Guerrillas; Ineffective
Supply;  Isolated U4 Republican 14, 37 and 65 inf XXs perish (Madrid area), Nationalist 23,74 inf XXs perish (Zaragoza).
Reinforcements; Inf XX 71 equipped on arrival as 2-3-8*
Replacements; 1/2 SRPs recovered. 1,5 SRP (Int) recovered.

Air Activity: R-5, SB-2 escorted by I-16/t5 attempt to bomb 2235 (Logro). Intercepted by ME 109B which aborts I-16/t5. Bombs drop wide.

Attack 1:  3008 rough  (West of Aranjuez)Retreating stacks all adjacent Republicans eliminate 2-8 mtn Guard @ 9:1. (This was a sacrificial unit which eliminated 2 Republican XXs by isolating them last move).

Attack 2: Supplied 2-1-8 cavs 1,3, 2-6 nvl 151, 2-6 inf 152c, 2-6 art 2P, 1-6 art 7L, unsupplied 5-6 inf 1XX 15 (int) 3-6 inf* 2 and 4-6 inf XX 34, 2-1-8 tk3, 1-2-6 art 3 and 2-3-5* inf XX 44 (Cat) and  and 2-3-5* inf XX 31 over river (Cat) and  and 2-3-5* inf XX 33 over river (Cat) and  over river 4-7 mtn XX 42 (Cat) , 1-5 inf 6 (Cat), 1-2-5 inf 2,3 (Cat), 1-0-R art 3 (Cat), 1-8 cav Buxo (Cat) attack 3-4-5*inf XX 72, 1pt Garrison @ 7:1 (-1) = DE. Advance 33XX (Cat). Garrison dispersed.

DEC II 1937

Nationalist Turn

Weather;  No Change (Land; North (D) = Mud. South ( E)= Clear.  Seas; Med = Rough. Atlantic = Storms)
Supply: 2-3-8 art 61, 2-10 AA 88 (KL), 1-10 lt tk Dro (KL) in “Cuenca pocket” feed off GSPs
Replacements:  3 SRP, ½ SRP (CTV)  recovered. SM. 79-1 repaired.
Pacification; Motril

Moves: 1 Res Pt expended to increase Rail Cap to 15.5.

Overun 1: 5-6 xx 61,2-3-6 art 62, 3-2-6 inf 2LE and 5-6 inf xx 53 Overun 3211 (Alcazar de San Juan) @ 10:1.  20305 inf XX 12 (U3) Eliminated, Fort destroyed.

Overun2:  2-8 mtn Guard and 1-8 lt 3, 3-4-5 inf XX 14 and 6-6 inf XX 108, 4-6 1RG and 2-6 inf Tdi overrun 3311 @ 10:1. Eliminating 2-3-5 inf XX 41, 1-6 eng 1 (U3).

Overun 3: 6-6 XX infs 5,63 overun 1-2-6* (U4) in 2609 (Nth of Madrid) @ 12:1

Air Activity;

Sortie 1. Ju52g4e and He 111B (KL) escorted by Me 109B (KL) fly airfield bombing mission to 3033 (Sth of Zaragoza) . I-16/t5 intercepts and successfully bypasses  the Me 109B (KL)  screen engaing the He 1118 (KL) Returning it for no loss. Ju 52g4e bombs and misses.

Sortie 2. Mxd A escorted by CR,32  fly airfield bombing mission to 3609 (Albacete) . I-16/t5 intercepts and engages the CR.32.  No results. The Mxd A avoids the AA fire bombs and Hits.

Sortie 3 Cr.32Bis (CTV) successfully bombs Madrid airfield  knocking out the airfield. (3rd Hit)

Sortie 4: Mxt T airdrops to Cuenca 2 successful, 2 scatter.

Naval Activity: NTs ferry rebuilt 1E Cav from Ceuta to Malaga

Attack 1:  4015 rough (on theUneda/ Lorca road) Supplied 6-6 infs XX 102, 152, 4-6 inf XX 112, 1-6 art 10L, 2-6 infs 8rif, 5Ath (Col),   Unsupplied 1-6 inf 3ML (Col) and Supplied 5-6 infs XX 54, 62, unsupplied 1-6 inf 5MR (Col), 1-8cav (Req) with GS Mxd B attack 2-3-5* inf XX 25 (An),  1-5 infs 19Jul (An) @ 6:1 (-1) =  DH. Lose Mej, Conf, Met, Lar. Advance 102xx, 112XX

Attack 2; 3110 clear (NE Alcazar de San Juan)   Unsupplied 6-6 inf XX, 2-8 mtn guard, attack 1-5 mech 2 (U2) @ 8:1  = DH. Advance 106XX, Guard.

Attack 3: 3111 clear/fort (Nth Alcazar de San Juan) Unsupplied 3-4-5* inf XX 33, and 1-5 mech 1 and

: 5-6 xx 61,2-3-6 art 62, 3-2-6 inf 2LE and 5-6 inf xx 53 and 1-8 lt 3, 3-4-5* inf xx 14, 4-6 art 1RG, 2-6 inf Tdi (col) attack 2-3-5 unf XX (U4) @ 9:1 (-1) = DE.  Advance 61 XX. Fort destroyed

Attack 4: 3709 rough (East of Madrid) 6-6 inf XXs 5, 63 attack 1-8 mtn 6 (U2) @ 9:1 (-1) = DE. Advance 5XX

Attack 5: 2811 clear/fort (SE of Madrid). Unsupplied 7-6 inf XX 13, 6-6 inf XX 4, 4-6 inf XX 15, 1-8 lts 4,8, 1-8 mtn 8, 4-6 art 2RG, 2-6 art 4P and over river 2-3-5* inf XX Cac, and over river 2-3-5* inf XX 3Med with GS Ro 37 attack 5-6XX 46ch (U4) @ 6:1 (-1) = DH advance 14XX. Fort destroyed

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Dec II 1937

Dec II 1937: The government flees Madrid!

Republican Turn

VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Closed
Guerrillas; Ineffective
Supply;  Cuenca  pocket feeds of GSPs. (2 available)
Replacements; 4 SRPs recovered. 1 SRP (An) recovered. 1-6 sec 1GC replaced. R-Z repaired.
Government: loyalist government re-locates to Alicante.

Air Activity:  Sortie 1; I-16/t5 escorts R-S, SB-2 on Airfield bombing to 2235 (Logro) Intercepted by Me 109B (KL) who Aborts I-16/t5 and is Returned. Bombs fall wide.

Sortie 2; 3916 (E of Guadix) 1-16/t5 escorts R-Z on airbase bombing mission, intercepted by CR.32 which tries to bypass the screen and is aborted. Bombs miss target.

Attacks: None.

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