Non-Phasing Allied supply activity at step 16 in the Axis Initial Phase:
In the Initial Phase the non-phasing Allied player converts one of the two steps of attack supply at Tobruch (18A:4817) into 12 gsp’s, per Rule 12C4b-GSP’s from Steps of Attack Supply. Per the WW Master Sequence of Play Summary this is always done after the supply determination segment of the Initial Phase. These 12 gsp’s will provide general supply for the besieged Allied forces in Tobruch in the upcoming May I 41 Allied and the May I 41 Axis Initial Phases. General supply for the construction unit at Tobruch in these Initial Phases is critical for the 66 RPC cons X’s ability to finish improving the fortress hex.
Mainland Europe off-map holding box [end of turn]:
2.5 Italian inf replacement points [no builds this turn]
2 Ger ARPs [no builds this turn]
In Sicily [end of turn]:
Licata (18A:0102) [point city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield
SM 79-1 2B3 1-5/22 [inop.; did Malta Status strat bombing air mission: Miss; began turn here]
Coast hex 18A:0403:
3-cap permanent airfield
MC 200 3F4 1/8 [inop.; did Malta Status tac bombing air mission; added its tac factor to that of the Ca 309; Miss; began turn at 18A:0603, at Sicily]
Ca 309 2B1 1/L/9 [inop.; did Malta Status tac bombing air mission; added its tac factor to that of the MC 200; Miss; began turn here]
CR 42 3F3 0/9 [inop.; air transferred to here from 18A:3618 (Libya) in the E. Phase]
Coast hex 18A:0603:
3-cap permanent airfield
G 50 3F3 0/9 [inop.; air transferred to here from 18A:3617 (Libya) in the E. Phase]
Syracusa (18A:0702) [reference city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield
Augusta (18A:0701) [point city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield
Malta Status:
At the beginning and at the end of the Axis turn: 10. No Malta hits are achieved this turn.
In Libya [end of turn]:
Tripolitania Garrison Box:
0-1-6* Inf III 280 GaF
0-1-6* Inf III 290 GaF
0-1-6* Inf III 340 GaF
0-1-6* Inf III 350 GaF
0-2-6* Inf III 330 GaF
Tripoli (18A:0121) [clear terrain dot city/major port transportation line junction coast hex]:
Axis Supply Terminal marker
fort marker
2 steps of attack supply [never moved; both steps of attack supply were reinf arrivals on the Apr I 41 Axis turn]
1 resource point [never moved]
0 pos flk unit AA=3 [Italian]
18A:0122 [Castel Benito; clear terrain secondary rail line hex; S of Tripoli]:
3-cap permanent airfield
Misurata (18A:1022) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
1-cap temporary airfield
Homs (18A:0522) [rough terrain point city/minor port coast road junction hex]:
one step of attack supply [never moved]
18A:1025 [clear terrain road hex]:
1 step of attack supply [began at 18A:0923; used 5 SMPs to move along the road to here in E. Phase]
18A:1026 [clear terrain road junction hex}:
3-4-6 Art III 221 (Ger) [turn reinf; disembarked @ Homs, admin moved 10 hexes along the road to here]
Sirte (18A:1727) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
fort marker
3-cap permanent airfield
1 resource point [never moved]
18A:2227 [sand coast road hex]:
5-3-10 Pz III 8 (Ger) [turn reinf; disembarked @ Homs, admin moved 12 hexes along road to 18A:1226 (Buerat el Husn); then exploited to here]
18A:2730 [Arco dei Felini; clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
18A:2829 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-6 Inf XX 55 Sav [began at 18A:1627; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to here]
El Agheila (18A:2930) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
Agedabia (18A:3327) [clear terrain point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
18A:3832 [sand road hex to Gialo]:
1-6* Inf III A [began at 18A:3528; used regular movement to move 6 hexes along the Gialo road to here; breakdown of 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol]
Bengasi (18A:3121) [clear terrain reference city/major port transportation line nexus coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
12 hits on the port
3-4-6 Art III 5 A [began at El Agheila; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to here]
1-6 Hv AA II 29 [began at El Agheila; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to here]
4 pos flk AA=1 [Italian; began at 18A:3328; admin moved 8 hexes along the road to here]
one step of attack supply [never moved]
Soluch (18A:3222) [clear terrain point city secondary rail terminus hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
18A:3219 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
0-6 Cons III 5 A [began at 18A:3129; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to here]
18A:3617 [rough terrain road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
CR 42 3F3 0/9 [operational; never moved]
Br 20M 3NB4 2-5/24 [inop. during the Axis player turn; did Harassment air mission in the prior Apr II 41 Allied turn]
18A:3618 [Maraua; rough terrain road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
18A:3916 [rough terrain road junction coastal cliffs hex]:
2-3-6 Art III 24 C [began at 18A:3223; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to here]
Derna (18A:4116) [rough terrain point city/minor port coastal cliffs road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-6 Lt AA II AA=1 36 [began at Bengasi; admin moved 11 hexes along the road to here]
Me 109E 7F5 1/7 (Ger LW) [inop.; provided escort for the Tobruch airfield bombing air mission; began turn here]
Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 (Ger LW) [inop.; did tactical bombing air mission of airfield in the Tobruch hex; Hit; began turn here]
Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 (Ger LW) [inop. during the Axis player turn; did Harassment air mission in the prior Apr II 41 Allied turn]
18A:4216 [stony desert coastal cliffs road hex, SE of Derna]:
0-6 Cons III 10 A [began at Bengasi; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to here]
18A:4119 [stony desert road hex]:
1-6* Inf III A [began at Agedabia; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to here; breakdown of 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol]
18A:4318 [stony desert road hex]:
3-6 Inf XX 27 Brs [began at 18A:3425; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to here]
one step of attack supply [used 14 SMPs to move along the road from Agedabia in E. Phase]
18A:4417 [stony desert coast road junction hex]:
1-8* Inf III 61 [began at Slouch; admin moved 16 hexes along the transportation lines to here]
Ain El Gazala (18A:4518) [clear terrain point city coast road escarpments hex]:
1-8* Inf III 62 [began at 18A:3320; admin moved 16 hexes along the transportation lines to here]
18A:4618 [clear terrain coast road escarpments hex; E of Gazala]:
3-6 Inf XX 17 Pav [began at Zaulet Msus; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to here]
2-3-8 Art III 16 C [began at 18A:3921; moved 8 hexes along the road to here]
18A:4718 [clear terrain coast road escarpment hex; SW of Tobruch]:
10 Pz XX HQ 15 (Ger) [began at 18A:2227; in M. Phase admin moved 20 hexes along road to 18A:3821; exploited to here]
3-10 Mot Inf III 104 (Ger) [began at 18A:2227; in M. Phase admin moved 20 hexes along road to 18A:3821; exploited to here]
8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le (Ger) [began at 18A:4318; in M. Phase regular moved to 18A:5121; exploited to here; on the way in both phases it gained control of the Giarabub road south to 18A:5123]
one step of attack supply [began at 18A:4318; used 4 SMPs to move along the road to here in the E. Phase]
18A:4818 [clear terrain road escarpment hex; S of Tobruch]:
5-8 Lt Arm XX 132 Ar [began at El Mechili; in M. Phase regular moved to 18A:4619; exploited to here]
1-10 Mot Hv AA II I/33 (Ger LW) [began at 18A:4318; in M. Phase regular moved to 18A:5121; exploited to here]
1-10 Mot AT II 605 (Ger) [began at 18A:3921; in M. Phase regular moved to 18A:4619; exploited to here]
18A:4819 [clear terrain road hex; 2 hexes S of Tobruch]:
2-10* Mot Inf III 7 B [began at Derna; in M. Phase regular moved to 18A:4920, on the way it gained control of Porto Bardiya; exploited to here]
1-8 Mot Art III 3 AC [began at 18A:3917; in M. Phase regular moved to 18A:4618; exploited to here]
18A:4720 [clear terrain hex]:
1-8 Mot Art III 1 AC [began at 18A:3721; in M. Phase regular moved to 18A:4318; exploited to here]
18A: 4721 [stony desert hex]:
1-8 Mot Art III 2 AC [began turn at 18A:3719; in M. Phase regular moved to 18A:4216; exploited to here]
On Scarpanto:
Scarpanto (19A:0701) [rough terrain minor port point city hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
At Rodi:
Rodi (20A:2230) [clear terrain major port point city coast hex]:
3-cap-permanent airfield
20A:2331: [rough terrain coast hex]
3-cap permanent airfield
Non-Phasing Allied Air Activity in Egypt late in the Axis Exploitation Phase:
19A:1418 [clear terrain major rail line coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
{1-8 AT II 65}
Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23 [inop.; did non-phasing air transfer to here from Matruh (19A:1218)]
Ismailia (19A:3516) [sand reference city/standard port/Suez Canal transportation line junction hex]:
{1-8 Marine Cmdo X Layf}
Glad 3F3 0/8 [inop.; did non-phasing air transfer to here from Matruh]
Axis Considerations in Vichy Levant on the Apr II 41 Axis turn:
In game play perhaps channeled by the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario draft rules, the Axis player this turn in the Initial Phase, at step 5, will likely in many (but not all) games attempt to pressure Vichy France to grant the Axis privileges in neutral Vichy Levant, if desired, per WW Rule 38V3a-Axis Privileges [in the Levant]. In the new Scenario this may or may not be done in conjunction with a simultaneous (eg., done at the same time at step 5 of the Axis Initial Phase) Axis declaration of an Axis Intervention in Iraq, per WW Optional Rule 38J6. But if the Axis player wishes now, at apparently the optimal strategic turn in our new “historical” Scenario, to declare the Axis Intervention in Iraq per WW Optional Rule 38J6, then per the new Scenario draft rules he must do this in simultaneous conjunction with pressure on Vichy France to grant the Axis privileges in neutral Vichy Levant. When he does this he thereby assuredly kicks in the gaining of “Axis privileges” stipulations found in the Levant Status provisions of WW Rule 41B1-Western Desert Campaign, which allows the Allied player to invade neutral Vichy Levant and also begins the -1 Allied VP loss “each turn until the Levant surrenders to or joins the Allies.” If the Axis player declares the Axis Intervention in Iraq per WW Optional Rule 38J6, which in the new Scenario is the equivalent of the Axis actually gaining privileges in the neutral Vichy Levant, he may or may not then do a dice roll on the Vichy Levant Table, found on WW Game Play Chart 8. The Axis player who has declared the Axis Intervention in Iraq, may instead postpone a dice roll on the Vichy Levent Table until later, but the pertinent stipulations of the Levant Status provisions are still now in effect, once he has declared Axis Intervention in Iraq, per WW Optional Rule 38J6.
The point of the above stipulations currently provided for in the new Scenario’s draft rules regarding the Vichy Levant is to create essentially three alternative war game choices for the Axis in the second quarter of 1941. Either 1) German intervention in an anti-British/anti-colonial Iraqi coup, based on WW Optional Rule 38J6, using the Vichy Levant as essentially a transit base to and from Coup Iraq, or 2) overt German protection and/or occupation of exclusively the Vichy French Levant colony from an Allied attack, with any Iraqi coup being a subordinate matter, and perhaps in conjunction with Axis use of Tunisia, based on WW Alternate History and Variants D, or 3) the Axis policy of deliberately delaying an Allied attack of Vichy Levant for a stipulated period in 1941, based on the restrictions stated in the Levant Status proviso found in WW Rule41B1-The Western Desert Campaign. Probably there will be more later on the various ramifications of the options discussed, if an EA discussion should begin.
Here in the EA game report of the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario demonstration we say that this turn at step 5 in the Initial Phase the Axis player declares both an Axis Intervention in Iraq per WW Optional Rule 38J6 and decides to roll on the Vichy Levant Table and comes up with a 9: No Effect. But the pertinent stipulations of the Levant Status provisions described above are nevertheless now in effect.
In pro-Axis coup Iraq [end of turn]:
In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, the pro Axis Iraqi coup automatically occurs in the Apr I 41 Axis initial phase.
Per the WW Master Sequence of Play, early in the Axis initial phase the Allied player for the first time checks for an Iraqi Coup Collapse by a dice roll done using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table on the WW Game Play Chart 8 to determine results. There is a +1 Modifier for the Allied-owned dot city of Basra. But the roll isn’t done because the best result could only be a 13, not enough for a Coup Collapse, which requires at least a 14.
When using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table, be aware of the important correction found in the Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005 addendum. Here it says: “The +5 modifier for ‘If a supported Allied unit is adjacent to Baghdad and this is the first turn that Baghdad is Iraqi-owned’ should instead read ‘First turn (only) that a supported Allied unit is adjacent to an Iraqi-owned Baghdad.’”
Iraqi railcap is now 3, with the loss of the dot city/major port of Basra in the Apr I 41 Allied turn.
Bandit Fawzi al Qawukji:
WW Optional Rule 39E4-Fawzi al Qawujki action die roll: 2 Fawzi changes mode but does not move. This occurs early in the I. Phase, at step 2.
Rutbah (21A:5023) [stony desert point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
Pro-Axis Guerrilla unit Fawsi [per the Fawzi action die roll, flipped to guerrilla mode early in the I. Phase, at step 2]
Ramadi (22A:2830) [reference city stony desert road hex]:
Pro-Axis Guerrilla unit Fawsi [dummy guerrilla-capable unit per Rule39D; placed here early in the I. Phase; per the Fawzi action die roll this unit presumably cannot move in the M. Phase of this turn]
I currently have some reservations regarding the use of both the Fawzi al Qawukji Rule 39E4 and the dummy guerrilla-capable unit Rule 39D. One certainly doesn’t want the Iraq campaign in Europa to spin mainly around the rules capabilities of a unit (or two) for this Iraqi renegade, one would think. Perhaps more later on the Fawzi Bandit unit in WW.

Apr II 41 Axis Combat Phased at the moment of the die roll: the Iraqi Coup attack of the Allied Habbaniya airfield hex
Pro-Axis Iraqi Coup forces [end of turn]:
Baghdad (22A:2825):
1-6* Inf XX 2 [admin moved to here along 12 transportation line hexes from Kirkuk (21A:3904)]
1-0-8 Lt Arm X 1 [started at Baghdad; in the M. Phase it moved to 22A:2928; in the Combat Phase it participated in the attack against Habbaniya; in the E. Phase this c/m unit moved back into the Baghdad hex]
Mxd 1A2 1/8 [inop.; at start at the Baghdad hex; flew GS air mission above the Habbaniya hex (22A:2828); returned to Baghdad]
22A:2928 [clear terrain hex SE of Habbaniya (22A:2828); end of turn]:
1-2-6 Inf XX 3 [regular moved to here from Baghdad; in the Combat Phase it participated in the Habbaniya attack]
1-6* Inf XX 1 [regular moved from Baghdad; in the Combat Phase it participated in the Habbaniya attack]
22A:3423 [canal intensive secondary rail line hex]:
0-1-6* Inf XX 4 [ regular moved to here from Diwaniya (22A:3623); at Diwaniya it spent 4 MPs inflicting damage hits on the reference city airbase and the secondary rail line in that hex]
Med/NA Replacement Pool
1 x 2-6 Inf XX 60 Sbr
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 10 B
1 x 2-1-8 Lt Tnk III 3
2 x 1-8 Lt Tnk X 1,2
5 x 1-6 Tnk II 1, 3, 5, 6, 21
1 x Para Inf III Tonini
3 x 0-1-6* Inf III 300 GaF, 310 GaF, 320 GaF
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 24 dM
3 x 2-3-6 Art III 10 C, 20 C, 21 C
1 x 1-6 Art III 23 C
4 x 0 pos flk unit AA=1 [Italian]
Med/NA aborted air units box:
1 x SM 79-1 2B3 1-5/22
1 x CR 42 3F3 0/9
Med/NA eliminated air units box:
1 x SM 79-1 2B3 1-5/22
Turn Activity:
At the very beginning of the M. Phase, prior to the Naval Movement Step, the Axis player does a Malta Status bombing air mission at the Valletta target hex (18A:0407), on Malta. The SM 79-1 B type, the MC 200 F type (on a bombing mission, per Rule 23D1-Fighter-Bombers), and the Ca 309 B type fly the bombing mission and all make it past the Valletta flack shot. The Ca 309 B type and the MC 200 F type add their respective tac bombing factors of 1 each for a total of 2; the SM 79-1 B type air unit uses its strat bombing factor. But their combined and the SM 79-1 B type air unit die rolls on the Bombing Table are both Misses, and so they all return to base in Sicily.
After the Malta Status bombing air mission the Axis player does a tactical bombing air mission on the Toburch 1-cap temporary airfield (see Rule 20G2a-[Bombing] Airbases), where the operative Br Hurri 1 F type air unit is based. The single operative LW Ju 87B D type air unit based at the Derna airfield (18A:4116) flies the airfield bombing air mission, escorted by the LW Me 109E F type air unit, also based at the Derna airfield. With nowhere else in range to rebase if it flies the interception air mission and the Tobruch 1-cap airstrip is hit, the Br Hurri 1 F type air unit based at the Tobruch target hex declines to intercept, and takes its chances on the ground. The LW Lu 87B D type air unit on the bombing air mission makes it through the Tobruch hex’s 3 flack factors, and rolls a Hit; and so the 1-cap temporary airfield receives a hit of damage and the Hurri 1 F type air unit based there is aborted and placed in the Middle East Replacement Pool’s Aborted Air Units box. The Axis air units on the air op mission to Tobruch return to the Derna airfield and rebase inoperative.
In the Combat Phase the Iraqi Army attacks the Allied 0-1-4 Static II 1 AS and the 1-8 Inf II 11 (CS) ground units stacked together at the Habbaniya hex (22A:2828) from the adjacent hex 22A:2928, using all three Iraqi ground units that moved there from Baghdad in the Movement Phase. The Allied Audax A type and the Bombay T type air units based at the Habbaniya airfield fly the DAS air mission over the hex and the Iraqi Mxd A type flies the GS air mission over the Habbaniya target hex. The Allied defense factor is 2 and the Coup Iraqis attack with a factor of 2.5, which equates to a 1 to 1 Combat. The pro-Axis Iraqis attack and the Axis player rolls an AS result. After the combat all involved air units return to their respective airbases. In the Exploitation Phase the Iraqi c/m X moves back into the Baghdad hex.
Recap of Axis SMPs: 23
Axis end of turn accumulated replacements: 2 Ger ARPs, 2.5 Italian inf RPs. These are stored at the Mainland Europe off-map holding box.
The siege of Tobruch has begun, but it’s a tricky affair for the Axis player. One problem concerning the Axis approach to Tobruch on his Apr II 41 turn seems to be the fact that only the German armor/panzer units have full AECD; therefore the Axis player must beware of the possibility of a successful Allied “Battle Axe” offensive if he advances too quickly in wrapping around the three southern land perimeter hexes of the Tobruch port fortress. This turn the only definitely safe besieging Axis stack with good AECD effects is the geographically rearward SW hex at 18A:4718.
Putting the same thing another way, the vulnerable and therefore currently vacant SE hex at 18A:4918 is liable for an Allied double pronged (read: Crusader style) attack from both within the Tobruch fortress and also from a lunge by the British Western Desert Force lurking in western Egypt. The key center South hex at 18A:4818, also vulnerable from an Allied mobile attack from western Egypt, at least has the overlooking ridge hex to help protect them from attack from the Tobruch hex, but not from its entrapping enemy ZOC. At the overlooking ridge South hex the 2 RE It 5-8 Lt Arm XX 132 Ar counts on the ATEC of the two Ger c/m IIs stacked with it for protection from the armored British Western Desert spearhead to the east, in western Egypt. And so the Axis player in this solo game keeps the vulnerable SE hex at 18A:4918 vacant for now, and likely next turn, too, until the two German panzer divisions are in at least two of the three the besieging landward Tobruch hexes and some close-in temporary airfields are built to provide DAS, just in case. If the siege of Tobruch becomes prolonged and drifts into the second half of 1941, it perhaps almost unconsciously becomes less an obvious Allied prisoner of war camp and more like an Axis trap waiting to happen. The sign of this impending turn of events might be when and if the Allied Western Desert Force threatens to pounce by beginning to creep forward westwards from its initial defensive shield position done in west-central Egypt, perhaps first established on this previous Apr II 41 Allied turn.
In the projected new 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, with the historical Iraqi coup embedded in the Apr I 41 Axis Initial Phase, there appears to be at least two channeled critical turns for pro-Axis Coup Iraq: one critical turn is this one, in the Combat Phase, when the Coup Iraqis might do their big Habbaniya airfield hex attack. But it is possible in other new Scenario games the big pro-Axis Coup Iraq Habbaniya airfield hex attack might occur on the May I 41 Axis turn, instead. The point of the Iraqi ground combat attacks is to shake off the Iraqi Unsteadiness of Rule 38J4a, a key to the longevity of the Iraqi coup. The other critical turn for Coup Iraq comes perhaps in the upcoming May II 41 Axis turn, in the Initial Phase, when a big dice roll is likely to be done using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table. I’m currently guessing that on the May II 41 Axis turn, in many games of the new Scenario, the Allied player will then possess the big +5 modifier for having “a supported Allied unit [eg., the British 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab] … adjacent to an Iraqi-owned Baghdad.” Surviving this Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse dice roll will maintain the Iraqi coup for another two months, I think, eg., until the July 1941 Europa turns, at least.
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