Weather – 11 – C & Rough, 12 – Mud & Rough, 13 C & Calm
38th XX lands at Digos and joins the attack on Davao supported by bombers – P-40s try to intercept but are killed by Zeros operating out of Argao. The attack is successful and the Filipino defenders are chased out of the city with the Merchant 1 flotilla escaping to sea. All Res Pts in the city are destroyed by retreating units (3:1 = DR) The 16th XX attacks two regiments of the US 41st XX and the US units give a good account of themselves crippling a regiment of the 16th XX – but at the cost of destroying themselves in the process. (2:1 = HX). the 16/9 and 16/33 IIIs advance towards Del Monte.
At Luzon, numerous units are landed while an attack goes in against the F 11th XX and attached units – despite superior numbers the Filipinos get off lightly and retreat to Cabantuan (4:1 = DH) An Ann bomber is aborted by a single point of F AA resistance. MacArthur awards the unit a citation.
At Manila more airstrikes go in and the last of the B-17s in Luzon are aborted on their runways.
An airbase is constructed at Bayombong.
Mindanao – Defenders at Davao retreat to Hijo with the F 2nd III heading to Mati where the Merch 1 awaits it. The US mixed transport airlifts the 101 II to Malaypalay where the 104th II and 204 Art III meet it, ready to defend against the advancing Japanese.
Off the coast, the B-17s again find the Kami DD group and this time send it to the bottom of the sea. MacArthur is ecstatic and press statements announce the sinking of a major IJN fleet.
The 43PS II is upgraded and the 102 F [III] returns to Cagayan.
In Luzon air units are regrouped and ARPs spent on rebuilding the P-40 squadrons. The PAAC III is built and a general pull back to behind the Pamapanga River occurs. The 12-12 Art X is formed up allowing the formation of the 12 US XX.
In the Visayan Sea the B-18 and Mix B squadrons locate IJN units at sea, but both are turned back by their targets who have a single AA strength point each! MacArthur sacks the squadron commanders.
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