Only southern Norway remains free from heavy snow falls which deluge northern Scandanavia. At sea, the conditions remain unstable and rough.

Oslo Airfield

Incessant air raids continue from British P 51s on Oslo Airfield. Luftwaffe mechanics are unable to maintain unit readiness and another Ju 88 wing is damaged by the ferocious air campaign. Over Stavanger, the FW 190A2s circle awaiting expected Allied air attacks from the Orkneys, but the Beaufighter and Sunderland bomber pilots have decided that the threat of air attacks on the Kreigsmarine is more than enough to keep the Germans on tenterhooks and remain in their Nissan huts, drinking cocoa.
(Forgetting to move the remaining Ju88 to Stavanger pays dearly when another Airbase raid goes in and scores an abort)


The US Commander brings the tank battalion back to Bodo to participate in the final offensive that should seize the city. With a superiority in strength three times that of the German defenders, the attack is started off by artillery bombardments and American soldiers advance under the cover of smoke. German troops have now spent a long time on their fire plans, and accurate defensive fire catches the Americans before they can bring their superior numbers to bear. The assault pauses and while front line company commanders struggle to bring sense and order to their men, a rumour starts at Corp HQ that the German 236 battlegroup and ANS Battalion have made an unexpected crossing of the strait protecting the US flank. This rumour, subsequently proved false, causes a panic to set in. A ripple effect occurs throughout the Corp formations and a hurried retreat is made. Vigorous local counter attacks by the Bodo Garrison keep the Americans unsettled and off balance until the truth is discovered. The Corp, Divisional and Regimental Commanders are sacked en masse.
(3:1 -2, AR result)

Glomma Valley

The 25th Panzer is assaulted by the main Allied Army. The panzers try to take their toll on the attacking Scots and Canadians, but the armour piercing rounds their tanks are supplied with makes little impression on the infantry. Tanks are hunted down one by one in the woods by parties of troops armed with PIAT launchers specially flown in from Britain. Heavy artillery fire breaks up what ever resistance the remaining Germans have and they fall back, a shattered shell that was the German-in-C last hope. The Canadians of the 2nd Division are eager to press southwards. Intelligence reports indicate only a weak OKW brigade occupies Oslo and feelings are strong that the city can be liberated within a week. Orders are received that no advance south of their present position is to occur – the reason is difficulties in geting the supply columns over the mountains, through the forests to the head of the advance. Long distances and poor weather are affecting the supply route. Disappointed, the lead allied units can only watch a build up of German units in front of them where only days previous there had been nothing.
(9:1 -4, DE result. This occurs right at the limit of the Allied supply line)


The OKW Bergund Brigade is marched up the road towards the broken wooded terrain just south of the city of Hamar. There they link with the southern forces of the stretched out and weakened 69 cadre. This line is all that protects the German hold on Oslo, so the 613 infantry cadre and Kirsten fortress brigade is sent to Oslo to hold the city. These troops dig trenches on the outskirts of the city to the jeers of the locals. They are silenced when the Naval punitive battalion is marched into the area to aid the construction of defences. These desperate criminals threaten to do worse than any battle could do to the northern Oslo suburbs.


The 236 cadre and ANS approach the outskirts of the city, greeted ironically as liberators by the 270 Fortress XX. The commander is gracious enough to allow the Luftwaffe to once again return to the airbase for anti-shipping patrols in the North Sea.