
The failure of the military coup and the equal failure of the Republican government to crush it meant that both sides needed constant arms and equipment to prosecute the war.

The Republic looked to France as a likely sympathetic supplier but France herself was generally reliant on Britain for mutual support against a resurgent Germany under Hitler.

Whilst there were ministers who supported the legitimate Spanish government’s plight street fighting had already taken place in France between left wingers and fascist groups and they did not want a repeat of the Spanish conflict on their own soil.  So discretion was key.  An aircraft shipment of 20 Potez bombers was assembled in secret until leaked to the press no doubt by Nationalist sympathisers in the Spanish embassy.  France now effectively was politically treating the Republican and Nationalist causes as equals – not a good sign for the Republican cause.

As a result the lack of supplies was beginning to bite and in late May the Republican forces were forced to take up a purely defensive stance along the entire front in Castilla la Nueva in order to supply their attack toward Calatayud.

FWtBT No 4 - May II 37

FWtBT No 4 May II 37

Nationalist Turn

WeatherAtlantic Rough Seas,  rest Clear.

Supply: Nationalist pocket at 2031 (outside San Sebastian) become U3.

Nationalist pocket at 3011 (N of Alcazar de San Juan) are Isolated but feed off GSPs

3 GSPs generated at Cordoba. 1 GSP is generated at Seville.

Replacements: 1.5 SRPs recovered.   5-6 inf XX 51, 1-8 mtn 5, 1-8 mg Ard (CTV) replaced, Ju52  g4e repaired.

Pacification: Seville

Builds;  Permanent 3 cap airbase @ 3414

Air Activity: Mxd T air drops 4 GSPs to Hex 3011.

HE 45 with CR32.bis (CTV),  CR.32  stage via 3414, joins with R0.37 and fly escorted GS to 3112. Mxd F out of Toledo intercepts and attempt to bypass the screen CR.32 misses but Cr32.bis (CTV) aborts the Mxd F. Fighters return to 3414. Aslt bombers add 2 points to attack.

Attack 1: 2814 Wooded rough (W of Toledo) Unsupplied 3-6 inf XX 2FN, 3PN, 3-8 inf XX 3Lit (CTV) Attack 1-6 sec 1GC @ 9:1 (-2) = DR. Advance 3PN, 2FN

Attack 2; 2914 Wooded rough (W of Toledo) Unsupplied ), 1-8 lt 5, 1-6 infs 29, 32,  1-8 mg Van (CTV),  1-6 inf 28, 2-3-6 art 61 attack 1-6 bdr 5Car @ 7:1 (-2) = DE Advance All.

Attack 3: 3112 clear (N Alcazar de San Juan) ) Supplied 1-8 mb B (CTV), 1-8 aslt G (CTV), 3-1-2 sge art Man (CTV), 3-2-6 infs 1LE, 3LE, 2-1-8 art o, 5-6 inf XX 11,1-5 inf 2Zar (Fal) and 1-6 art 4L, , 6-6 inf XX 52, 2-1-8 cavs1E, 1E (Col) 2-6 infs Tdi, 3Ceu, 2Mel and Isolated 3-6 inf cadre 13, 1-8 lt tk Bab (CTV) 1-10 lt tk Dro (KV),  4-3-6 art Leg with GS He 45 (KV), Ro.37 Attack 3-6* inf XXs 1,19, 4-6 inf XX 6 @ 4:1 = EX!  Lose 1LE, 3LE, 2O (Col), 1E (col).  Advance 52 XX, 3ceu (Col), B (CTV).

Attack 4: 2132 (wooded rough) (Outside San Sebastion) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 4 (Req) , 1-8 lt infs 1,6, 2-6 eng AM, 1-6 mg 2, 1-8 mtn 4 and Unsupplied 4-6 inf XX 3 (Req), 1-8 mtn art 2, 1-8 lt tk LE, 1-6 infs 19, 30, 1-5 mech 1, 5-6 inf XX 71 Attack 1-6 inf 21, 2-6 art 3P @ 6:1 (-2) = DH. (Surrounded but U2 pocket at 2031 has no ZOC so inf 21 retreats.  Advance 71, 3 (Req), LE,  1st Mech.

Exploitation; 1-8 lt tk LE, 1-5 mech 1 to 2031

Republican Turn

Supply; All pockets relieved all in full supply.

Replacements: 3 SRPs , ½ SRP (Ast) recovered

4-6 inf XX6, 3-6* XX infs 1,10, 1-6 bdr 5Car, 1-6 inf 6 replaced

Naval Activity; NTs 2, 4, 5 transport 1ASP from Vigo to Seville and return.

Attack 1; 2702 rough (Catalayud) Supplied 3-6* inf XX 24, 4-6 inf XX 34, 3-4-5* inf XX 27CH, 1-2-6* infs 23, 24, , 2-6 art 2P, unsupplied  2-6* inf 6ch with  SB-2, R-5 as GS attack 3-4-5* inf XX 22 @ 4:1 (-1) = HX.  Lose 6ch. Advance 24, 34, 27CM