Jul I 39
Insurgent Player Turn.
A Nationalist SM-79 and a CVT CR.32bis are rebuilt. The forces at Cordoba are ordered to remain in their defensive mode and not counterattack the disorganized Republican units in their area.
Loyalist Player Turn
An I-15 is rebuilt. The losses from the Cordoba disaster are made good, but there is no more supply to fuel offensive action.
Jul II 39
Insurgent Player Turn.
A Nationalist He111 is rebuilt. Units remain in a defensive posture.
Loyalist Player Turn
The Republican high command no longer sees any quick chance to penetrate the strong Rebel river and mountain lines in the south. Offensive operations are put on hold while an assessment is done as to where to make the next big push. In any event, it is decided that it will be necessary to stockpile supplies before any major operation, rather than to continue to run offensives on a shoestring. It will be some time before large stores of attack supply can be gathered. Without any major battles looming, the eyes of the world, never fully trained on the Spanish situation, begin to be drawn more and more toward Central Europe…
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