Jun I 39
Insurgent Player Turn.
A CTV CR.32bis, a Nationalist Me109, and a KL He111 are all rebuilt. Seeing no targets of opportunity and no chance to retake the initiative, the Rebels shuffle their lines and await renewed Republican attack.
Loyalist Player Turn
An I-15 is rebuilt. Some supply is brought up, but not enough for a cross-river assault. An air raid targets Sevilla this time. A KL Me109 aborts an I-16 but a Nationalist Sm-79 is killed of the ground.
Jun II 39
Insurgent Player Turn.
The Nationalist Sm-79 is rebuilt. The Rebels have suspended offensive air operations, preferring to husband their aircraft for DAS.
Many Loyalist units near Huelva and between that city and Sevilla are out-of-supply following their failure to capture the town. Continued Insurgent fears about losing artillery limit counterattack possibilities, but a small scale attack (no attack supply burned, not that the Rebels have any shortage of attack supply) is made on the IV X (U-2) just west of Sevilla (hex 3225). The brigade gives a surprisingly good account of itself before being overwhelmed (3:1 -1 = EX). The Rebels decline to pursue, chosing to remain in what they hope are safe positions south of the river.
Loyalist Player Turn
An I-16 is rebuilt. A large air battle erupts as the Loyalists attempt a direct assault on Cordoba. An I-16 aborts a CVT CR.32bis and 3 Republican fighters manage to bypass the Insurgent’s fighter screen. A CVT SM-79 is returned by an I-15 but manages to abort the fighters, while another I-15 kills a Nationalist SM-79. Both sides manage to get through some close support. The attack plan had relied on keeping Rebel ground attack aircraft away from the battlefield and the result is a fiasco (2:1 -1 = AH).
At Huelva, odds and ends are scraped up for another attack without attack supply on the 39 lll. This time, the Loyalist forces are larger the in the May attack, and manage to carry the day (3:1 0 = DR) (Defenders eliminated due to all adjacent land hexes being enemy occupied.)
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