Published March – April 1985
Pages: 60
Dimensions: 8.5x11x.25″
- Editorial: Generally Speaking by Jeffry Tibbetts
- Fire in the East
- A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Europa by Marion Bates
- Back in the USSR by Jeff Millefoglie
- Fire in the West by Harald Hansen
- Strategic Games of the American Civil War
- Part II: American Civil War by James T. Naughton
- All in favor of Blitzkrieg – a Fire in the East roundtable by Jack Radey
- 9:00 by Jack Radey
- Europa Notes by John M. Astell
- Pass in Review: books of interest to the military hobbyist by George Mead, Booksellor
- A Company on Parade: Game Designers Workshop by Winston Hamilton
- Short Arms – Reviews in Brief
- Killer Angels: Lee’s Offensive in the North, June to August, 1863 by West End Games
- Guadalcanal Campaign computer wargame by Strategic Simulations, Inc.
- Air War 2nd Edition by SPI [TSR]
- The Third World War: Battle for Germany by Game Designers Workshop
- Stars and Bars by 3-W in The Wargamer 30
- Ortona by Simulations Canada
- Fire in the East Play Aids Kit 1 by Game Research / Design
- The One World by Simulations Canada
- Southern Front: The Third World War Game 2 by Game Designers Workshop
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