(Vol.XIV, No.4, 2001)
- “Company Briefing: Rules, Rules, Rules” (Commentary) Carl Kleihege
- “From the Editor: The Changing Face of Second Front” (Editorial) Frank Watson (Second Front)
- Second Front“EUROPA CONTEST #5: The Anzio Beachhead” (Contest) Alan Tibbetts (Second Front)
- Second Front“INSIDE EUROPA: Return of the Truck – Supply Trucks in Second Front, An Experimental Rule” (Variant) John Astell (Second Front)
- “Battlefield Report: WitD to SF, Kiwi-Style or how Kiwis got from the Palm Trees to the Olive Groves” (Series Replay) Derek Cassidy and Phil Mason (War in the Desert/Second Front)
- “Home Front: Jury-Rigging a WitD – SF Link” (Variant Discussion) Derek Cassidy and Phil Mason (War in the Desert/Second Front)
- Second Front“Rules Court: Scenario Q&A and Errata” (Discussion) Frank Watson and James A. Broshot (Second Front)
- “Europa Battle Scenario: The Italian Campaign – Salerno to the Alps” (Scenarios) Frank Groblewski (Second Front)
- “Europa Battle Scenario: Victory in the South – June 1944-May 1945” (Scenarios) James A. Broshot and Frank Watson (Second Front)
- “Historical Background: Elba” (Historical) Jean-Guy Rathe
- “Facts behind the Counters: US “Siege Artillery” in Second Front” (Historical) James A. Broshot
- “Europa Side Trips: “D-Day Dodgers”/Who was Lady Astor” (Historical)
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