Apr I 39
Insurgent Player Turn.
The weather is now clear everywhere in Spain. A Nationalist Ro.37 is rebuilt. The Insurgents grimly await further attacks.
Loyalist Player Turn
The lack of supply only allows 1 attack (hex 3022). Another big air battle takes place. Though both sides get closse support aircraft thru to the battlefield, the Loyalist take top honors in the air as 2 I-I6’s kill 2 Nationalist CR.32’s. On the ground, the poor terrain does not prevent the attackers from carrying the day (3:1 -2 = DR).
Apr II 39
Insurgent Player Turn.
One of the Nationalist CR.32’s is rebuilt. On an ensuring raid on a forward Republican airbase (hex 3117), the CR.32 kills and I-152. AA fire aborts a Mxd A unit. A large air raid is also launched on Madrid, but both the AA fire and bombing is ineffective.
Loyalist Player Turn
The I-152 is rebuilt. The Republicans launch a big air raid of their own on Cordoba. Strong AA fire turns back 60% of the bombers, but one still eliminates a CR.32 on the ground. The arrival at the front of some more attack supply allows a couple of attacks.
Along the rail line (hex 3122), neither side has any close air support, as all the Republican bombers had flown in the raid on Cordoba, while the Insurgent bombers were either out of range or scared off by heavy Loyalist CAP over the battlefield. The 4 Urg XXX gives up ground grudgingly (3:1 -1 = DR). To the west, the Loyalists continue to push toward Huelva, blasting the 58 XX (hex 2926) despite the Insurgents getting some DAS due to the heavy committment of the Republican air to the east (4:1 -1 = EX).
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