Europa Games and Military History

Author: chef (Page 22 of 27)

Generalstab Updates, May 24th, 2012

Mostly minor revisions not readily visible: I consolidatet some of the PHP code into less files and extended the CSS: We have now nixe boxes around larger images, and Icons denoting the type of link, wether external, internal, mail or footnote. Even less visible initially: I’ve started filling up the Arsenal, starting with the entry for “Total War” and its predecessors.

Generalstab Updates, May 11th, 2012

The last two weeks went by with transferring the games entries from the german glossary to the armory, a process that is by no means finished. The glossaries both look okay now, except the image placements and some lacking entries, but a lot of the 80 new pages in the arsenal still lack content or corrections. Unfortunately, rectifying that is only one entry on a rather long todo-list regarding the general staff archives, so it might be a while. On the bright side, I plan to add another link entry next week.

Generalstab Updates, April 24th, 2012

FINALLY managed to fix the %!§$*! language selector. I have no idea how it got messed up again, I do remember distinctly it was working some time ago. I’ve tested it in Firefox and Internet Explorer, if there are any problems remaining, let me know. Thanks at any rate for Gabriel C. at Bitrepository who’s article helped me fixing my website.

Generalstab Updates, April 18th, 2012

The new navigation is up and running in English, too, though it does look less than optimal in Internet Explorer, and the language picker seems to be a little flawed – again. I need to work on that.

In other news, we’ve started a collection of interesting Links, and the armory is now exclusively dedicated to the Europa games (including, soon, TEM and various play aid kits). And yes, much remins to be done there, as a lot of games lack a proper descriptino and/or further ressources. As usual my ressources are not mathcing my ambitions.

Generalstab Updates, April 17th, 2012

I am rapidly improving the site right now, at least it looks like that to me. From the outside, it probably gives the impression that I’m making a mess of things. I managed to plug the great navigation presented by Guillaume Marty on NetTut+ into the german version of the site, and will work on the english part today. A lot still remains to be done, but slowly am inclined to call what I have assembled here of bits and pieces a flatfile CMS. In any case I think the site will improve visibly in the next days.

Edit April 25th, 2021: Link to Tutorial at no longer working.

Generalstab Updates, April 12th, 2012

I started working on the website again some days ago. The most noticable change will be font sizes – I found it uncomfortable to read longer articles with the standard font size. Now I am expanding the german glossary and have also started assembling an english glossary, which has since grown to potentially take over the whole “arsenal” section, depending on how much time I find in the future.

Generalstab Updates, 5.7.2010

Hello everyone. The past two days I’ve fixed errors in the navigation (two game reports were inaccesible) and improved the right navigation that pops up on multi-page-articles. Now its possible to jump back from there to the category the article is placed in, and additionally I’ve increased the width of the column to include longter headlines. Looks good to me. my attempt in integrating a lightbox has been thwarted tho by an JS-Error that places the full-size image at the end of the page instead of opeing the lightbox. Why that is, I dont know, so I might either try out a different lightbox or abandon the idea for a while.

Upcoming are more images (I shall shameslessly plunder some Wiki Commons in oder to provide some better maps), as well as an improved treatment of maps and images on the site. Even if I dont fix the lightbox, I will at least provide some frame around images and space for a proper caption. See you then!

Fixed the language picker

Its been a while, I’d say. I’ve finally found some time to fix the error in the language settings, which took some time. Funny how fast a website grows old. Next step should be grazing the Europa-Mailing-List archive for some more game reports and putting them online. Plus, I need to fix the Archive, its missing some game reports.

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