Game Settings
Game: | Second Front |
Scenario: | Full Campaign |
Optional Rules | All used |
House Rules: | None |
Game Played: | 15.04.2001 to May 2002 |
Axis Player: | Alan Tibbetts |
Allied Player: | Alan Tibbetts |
Solitaire grand campaign game of SF played against a Rich Velay style
“accountant’s defense strategy” with much help from Rich himself. The
Allies are taking no chances, and will accept slow but steady progress
until they are on the ground in France, where the expect to kick butt and
take prisoners.
Turn Reports
- Jul 43 I - Axis Player Turn Axis troops pout into Italy, several Panzer and Panzer Grenadier divisions strat-rail to southern Italy. As many troops as possible jump across the straits at Messina, thought they don’t get far due to rail hits and harassment. The remaining Coastal devisions crowed into Messina to wait their turn to flee, while a […]
- Jul 43 II - Axis Player Turn Everything is going more or less according to plan. All Italian units either got off Sicily or were disbanded, and units began to pull out of the toe. Several engineers were required to open up the rail line north, and Allied harassment slowed down the move somewhat. On Sardinia nothing could be […]
- Sep 43 I - Axis Player Turn Calm seas and clear weather. The Axis call up their strat air and place it in France. Heavy air raids on Yeu KO the port (5 hits) and damage the airbase (1 hit). Air-to-air combat favors the Axis slightly. Weak AA (3 points) at Yeu is not effective. Engineers were unable to […]
- August II 44 - Weather is clear everywhere. Atlantic is rough, other sea zones are calm. Axis Player-Turn All units are in supply. Replacement activities result in a net gain of 30 DF. The rest of the France garrison is activated (2 Regts). Germany spends 18 Inf, 7 Arm to rebuild cadres and 10 F SS PzGren XX for […]
- Sep 43 II - Axis Player Turn Calm seas and clear weather, again The Axis use every available night capable bomber and attack unit to strat-bomb the port at Yeu, managing to KO the port again. One Do217 was lost to a NF and a couple of air units were returned or aborted by the heavy flak (US 3-10 […]
- Sep I 44 - Weather is clear everywhere, sea zones are calm. Axis Player-turn All units are in supply. Luftwaffe Tac Air loses a net 28 air units, while the Strat Air OB picks up 12. 10 ARPs are spent to return all fighters to the map. Reinforcements provide a net gain of 77 DF. One WK V garrison […]
- Oct 43 I - Axis Player Turn Weather roll is a 6, mud in zone D. Atlantic and other sea zones are calm. Anticipating a surrender roll, Axis forces withdraw from the Italian heel and break contact in the toe, destroying what they can as they go. Axis forces on Corsica are retreating north as fast as Allied ZOCs […]
- Sep II 44 - Weather is clear everywhere, sea zones are calm. Axis Player-turn All units are in supply. No garrisons are called up. Westwall restoration continues. 33.5 Inf, 8.5 Arm RPs are spent to rebuild cadres & replace units, gaining 43 DF. 3 ARPs are spent to return 1xF and 2x A to the map. 8 forts are […]
- Nov II 44 - S, F, F, M, C R, R Axis Player Turn Frost! Frost! Frost! Berlin lines up its Weather Section and shoots them. The defences of Berlin are strengthened. The last remaining motorised units are gathered together for a final hurrah and positioned outside the capital to strike north or south as circumstances may dictate. Allied […]
- Oct 43 II - Mud in zone D, clear in E. Med Calm, Atlantic Rough. Axis Player Turn Italy surrenders on the first roll. All Axis units on Corsica and Elba are isolated. All Italians except a 0-1-6 Cons III on Sardinia (left behind to finish destroying the port of Ajaccio) and a 1-3-6 Lt AA X rearguard at […]
- Setup and Pregame Turn - Setup: Axis set up with almost every ant in the WEST along with most of the better divisions stacked to the max along the French-Italian frontier rail lines. Forces on Sicily are cloistered around Messina, those on Sardinia around La Maddalena. Axis air forces are all in Italy, Southern France and Corsica, well out of […]
- Aug 43 II - Axis Player Turn Axis forces retreat up the Italian toe, destroying rail hexes in their wake. A sacrificial 2-3-2 Coastal XX is left in the mountain hex at 26/3922 to delay any Allied advance. Rail damage and harassment prevent significant movement of German ants to WEST. Italian engineers are airlifted to cities in the north […]
- Nov I 43 - Mud in zones C, D and E. Med Calm, Atlantic Rough. Axis Player Turn Luftwaffe night bombers raid Ajaccio losing a Ju188 to RCAF night fighters, but manage the one hit needed to shut down the port. Several Allied units will find themselves out of supply. Mud hampers the Axis retreat toward their fortified line […]
- June 1944 Special - C, C Axis Player Turn In Italy a few units slip into the mountain passes leading across into France while the Arno line is strengthened. Theatre Command designates La Spezia a National Socialist hero city and forms it into a western redoubt, anchoring the line against the Allied advance. In France around the allied beachhead […]
- Feb II 44 - Weather roll is a 2. Zone C is an N, which means more snow. Zone D remains Mud. Zone E is finally clear weather. Atlantic roll is a 6 for storms, Med is a 2 for calm. Axis Player Turn Very glad to get the Mud in D. Repaired 5 air units in the aborted […]
- Nov II 43 - Weather roll = 2. Zone C and D Mud, Zone E Clear. Atlantic Rough, Med Calm. Axis Player Turn 44 HuD is reincarnated as a 5-7-6, along with the 4-5* Static XX, 2-1-R RR Art II and 1-2-4 Fortress III for a total of 12 Inf RPs. The 0-1-6 Penal II (LW) is a freebee. […]
- Comment to date - An exciting time period once the tears had dried in my eyes. As I watched the attacks go in one after the other at 1.5:1 I was incredulous. One or even two of the attacks causing me damage I could accept, but all four! Even my DAS let me down (although admittedly it reduced odds […]
- Mar I 44 - Weather roll: 4 = mud in zones C, D & E. Atlantic is clear with a 1, Med is rough with a 4. Axis Player Turn Construction begins on more forts in Italy. Elsewhere engineers clear a few airbase hits. The division of labor slows rail repairs somewhat. Allied troops on Elba would be U-2 […]
- Dec I 43 - Axis Player Turn Weather roll = 4, zone D Frost, zones C & E Mud. Seas: Atlantic storming, Med calm. Germans feel short along their front and attempt ot activate the 362nd Inf XX early – they get the cadre and rebuild to XX at Pescara near the eastern edge of their line in Italy. […]
- Jun I 1944 - German Player Turn A national emergency is declared and all replacements are diverted for use in the West, North and South front. Goebells proclaims Total war and demands the utmost from German workers in producing supplies for the front. France – Units are reinforced and strengthened. Britanny is stripped of defenders who admin move/rail to […]
- Mar II 44 - Weather roll: 4 = mud in zones C & D, clear in zone E. Atlantic is calm with a 2, Med is calm with a 4 Axis Player Turn Once again Allied unitd in 26:2020 go U-1 due to mud shortening their supply lines. Elba is U-3, but has supply points to cover the ground […]
- Jun II 44 - Weather is clear everywhere. Atlantic and Mediterranean sea zones are calm. Axis Player-Turn All units are in supply, though a number of Allied units had to rely on supply points. Axis engineers complete 4 forts and begin another. Cdr Static X is reincarnated a second time, to help the port fort at Bayonne and prevent […]
- Apr I 44 - Weather Roll = 6, Mud in zones C & D, clear in E. Atlantic = 2 – calm, Med = 4 – calm. Axis Player Turn The defenders of WEST front breath a collective sigh of relief as spring weather continues to be poor. Complements of the weather Allied units in 26.2020 go U-1 yet […]
- July I 44 - Weather is clear everywhere. Atlantic and Mediterranean sea zones are calm. Axis Player-Turn All units are in supply, Allied Western Europe rail net is up for supply (Cap=12). Germans welcome the arrival of Infantry AT weapons – all non-ATEC units are now ATEC neutral. Germany spends 10 of 52 ARPs, 8 Inf, 7 Arm and […]
- Apr II 44 - Weather Roll = 2; mud in zone C, clear in zones D & E. Atlantic = 2 – calm, Med = 2 – calm. Axis Player Turn All units are in supply, but Elba would be U-4/isolated without the delivery of supply steps last turn. Brest is isolated. Germany activated most of the France garrison […]
- July II 44 - Weather is clear everywhere. Atlantic rough, Mediterranean calm. Axis Player-Turn All units are in supply. Germany spends 10 Inf RPs rebuilding cadres and upgrading to 4-6-6 Inf XX along with 3 German and 1 RSI ARPs. FW 190’s shoot down a P-47D25 escorting harassment near Strasbourg, but one B-26B makes it through. Allies put down […]
- May I 44 - Weather: Roll is a 5, clear in zones D and E, no change in C (mud). Atlantic is rough on a 6, Med is calm with a 1. Axis Player-Turn Germany replaces 1x 5-7-6 in South and 1x 1-2-4 and 1x 1-2-8 in West while rebuilding a 20-10 SS Pz from cadre. Total spent 10 […]
- Dec II 43 - Weather roll = 3, Zone C Snow, Zone D Winter, Zone E Mud. Sea Conditions: Atlantic Storm, Med Rough. Axis Player Turn Winter weather means mountain hexes are now prohibited terrain for c/m and artillery. Those Axis c/m and arty units that were still south of the final defensive line moved out of the way, […]
- May II 44 - Weather roll is a 4, clear everywhere. Atlantic and Med roll calm seas. Axis Player Turn Germans repair 2 killed and 10 aborted air units, all but 1 are bombers. 3x Ju88A4 remain in the Elim pool. Many are place in Paris where they can reach Allied ports. The air-launched V-1 unit is aborted, but […]
- Oct I 44 - Weather roll is a 5, Mud in zone C, Clear in zones D and E., sea zones are calm. Axis Player-Turn All units are in supply. Westwall restoration completed, Westwall emergency still in effect. No garrisons are called up. Germany spends 14 ARPs, RSI 1 to return all air units to the map except an […]
- Jun I 44 - Weather is clear everywhere. Atlantic and Mediterranean sea zones are calm. Axis Player-Turn Germany places most of her ground reinforcements in or ready to enter WEST. Germany spends 8 ARP for 6 aborted and 1 eliminated air units, leaving 17 ARP. 21Sk SS Mountain XX fails its roll and is completely eliminated. The Italian NRP […]
- Feb I 44 - Weather roll = 2. Zone C no change, stays Snow. Zones D and E Mud. Atlantic is rough on a 4, Med is calm with a roll of 3. Axis Player Turn Germans rebuild 4-8* Para-Inf cadre to 9-8* and 2nd Panzer cadre to 17-10, both at Roma. Engineers again open a rail line across […]
- Jan II 44 - Weather roll = 5. Snow in zone C, Winter in zone D and Mud in zone E. Atlantic and Med are both rough. Axis Player Turn Axis receive the Occupation turn 7 RSI reinforcements which should help reduce extra Italian partisan attacks. Luftwaffe and RSI fighters intercept Allied harassment missions intended to slow down rail […]
- Aug 43 I - Axis Player Turn Axis withdrawal from Italian toe is hampered by Allied harassment and rail breaks. Two 2-3-2 XX and two ants are left to prevent Allied overruns of Reggio and Giovanni, a 2-3-2 XX is disbanded and German c/m XX cover 3821 and 3921, to hold up the Allies during their exploit. The 20-10 […]
- Jan I 44 - Weather roll = 4 = Snow in zone C, Winter in zone D and Mud in zone E. Atlantic = storms, Med = rough. Axis Player Turn Germany pours a lot of reinforcements into Italy to patch up coastal defenses. The Gustav line is fully manned with at least 12 DF in each hex. Engineers […]
- August I 44 - Weather is clear everywhere. All sea zones are calm. Axis Player-Turn All units are in supply. Piemonte and Liguria garrisons are activated. Reinforcement activities result in a net loss of 1 DF for the Axis. Germany spends 14 Inf and 4 Arm RPs rebuilding cadres and upgrading to 4-6-6 Inf XX gaining 24 DF in […]