Game Settings

  • Game: Over There
  • Scenario: 1918
  • Optional Rules: All used
  • Game Played: 2003
  • Game Lengh:
  • Game Turns played:
  • German Player: Michael Tapner
  • Entente Player: Robert Walker

Turn Reports

  • Apr II 1918 - French morale has plummeted to 47, Germans are down to 180. British morale also took a pummeling after rolling an AX with 334 attack factors. The Portuguese and Italians are now looking rock solid with morale levels of 2. The only thing growing is the dead pile, with the first arrivals of 2 German artillery […]
  • May I 1918 - The May I turn started off so well for the French as the Germans failed to score one hit on them. Loss of German elite airunits is now beyond a joke. Over the course of the game only 1 has ever returned to base. Germans made up for the misdemeanor in their own turn though. […]
  • May II 1918 - Entente Turn Turn started quite well – I rolled command unity and shot down yet another German elite fighter. Germans aree now out of ARPs for the cycle! The game then went into a decline. Deputising for the British I failed 4 reaction rolls. Resorted instead to doing 2 regular attacks by the Brits at […]
  • Jun I 1918 - Entente Player Turn All is fine and well with the world. Dice like me (and me – Rob). The French recovered immediately and achieved a rebound of 100 points. I also rolled up a whole 2 Americans (for a total of 3 since the beginning of the scenario). The Turn commenced with the regular Italian […]
  • Jun II 1918 - At last the true elite combat forces have come to the fore! The elite combat formations, in terms of National Will are now the Portuguese! Having the princely morale of 2 (I would be tempted to say that the Americans are doing well with 4 (but so far, after the Jul I rolls if have […]
  • Jul I 1918 - Entente Turn We’ve survived enough night of emotional turmoil – just. There have been some significant changes in the game with this turn. CP artillery has an increased chance of dropping short – although it didn’t seem to stop them! These guys just don’t seem to know what drop shorts are… The major Entente powers […]
  • July II 1918 - Things began aggressively for the Allies. The long awaited pincer movement began, with the British attacking south, from the newly liberated pile of rubble formerly known as Lille; while the Americans attacked in a northerly direction into hex 1823. Very long pincers, I admit, but designed to strike a fatal blow at the flanks of […]
  • August I 1918 - Failed to roll influenza (again). Attemptred to roll up American forces. Finally succeeded with somewhat normal odds – rolling up 7 divisions (from about 20 units still at Red Eff)! This means I now have 2 full strength American divisions in each of 5 hexes! Wonder of wonders! Strong shift this turn in player will. […]
  • August II 1918 - The Aug II turn began with some trepidation. Nobody wanted to roll the influenza dice. After some minutres of inaction two of us picked up a dice each and threw them simultaneously. The reaction was electric and simultaneous for all of us as the boxcars stared up at us forlornly. This sent both Germany and […]
  • September I 1918 - The Germans have still not recovered from collapse. We are beginning to wonder if they ever will, as when they do they will not have many – if any morale points remaining. After taking cycle losses into account the German morale is at -63, with the Austro/Hungarian empire now only 27 points from total surrender. […]
  • September II 1918 - The Entente tank offensive continued in its merciless fashion, smiting the northern flank and opening up the plains of central Belgium. By turn end Belgian cavalry and French armed forces had exploited adjacent to Antwerp and Brussels, while the British stormed into Mons after a brutal frontal assault. German national will was reduced to -121 […]
  • Summary - All four of the combatants enjoyed the game and would play it again The game saw the emotions of all 4 of us on a rollercoaster, ranging from despair to high-5\five victory choruses! Critical dice rolls in the game: Early clear weather. French and British recovering from being shaken so quickly. French recovering from collapse […]