(Vol.VIII, No.2, 1995)
- “Battalion Report” (Commentary) Winston Hamilton
- “From the Editor” (Editorial) Rick Gayler
- “Inside Europa: Air Unit Ratings: American-Produced Aircraft” (Designer Notes) John Astell
- “Battlefield Report: Field-Testing on the Eastern Front” (Commentary) Mike Pinkus (Fire in the East/Scorched Earth)
- “Eeuropa Counters Calatogue” (Insert) (For Whom the Bell Tolls)
- “Counterbattery” (Commentary) Jason Long (The Fall of France/War in the Desert)
- “The Swedish Armed Forces, 1939-45” (Historical) Sven-Ake Bengtsson
- “The Battle for Kiev, 1943: Overrun Contest” (Contest) Rick Gayler (Scorched Earth)
- “EXchange” (Commentary) Readership
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