The Europa-Series aims to cover all of World War II in Europe on a divisional level. the final, so far elusive, goal, is to unite all the games published since 1973 into a true monster: "Grand Europa", theoretically enabling players to simulate the whole war in Europe from 1939 to 1945. The publishing of "Second Front" in 1994 closed the last gap, theoretically every theatre of operations is now covered by at least one Europa game. However, the games are of such varied quality in terms of maps and OOBs, that HMS decided to bring the remaining games up to modern standards before attempting the big task of uniting them into Grand Europa.
Europa I - The German invasion of the USSR and the Soviet riposte, 1941-1942.
- Drang nach Osten (DNO), GDW 1973. Primarily used German sources for OB information, and had rudimentary maps (by later standards).
- Fire in the East (FitE), GDW 1984. OBs and maps were thoroughly revised, utilizing more recently-published material on Soviet forces.
- Total War (TW), HMS 2012. After a 8 year hiatus, HMS Published a completely redesigned version in the Summer of 2012, making use of numerous soviet sources that had been published since 1990.
Europa II - The Eastern Front, 19421944
- Unentschieden, GDW 1973.
- Scorched Earth (SE), GDW 1987.
Europa III - The Balkans Campaign, 1941.
- Marita-Merkur (MM), GDW 1979.
- Balkan Front (BF), GRD 1990.
Europa IV - The Norwegian campaign, 1940.
- Narvik, GDW 1974.
- Storm Over Scandinavia (SoS) GRD 1998.
Europa V - The Battle of Britain and planned German invasion, 1940.
- Their Finest Hour (TFH), GDW 1976.
Europa VI - The Western Desert Campaign in North Africa, 1940-1942.
- Western Desert (WD), GDW 1982.
- War in the Desert (WitD), GRD 1995. (see below)
Europa VII - The German Invasion of Poland, 1939.
- Case White(CW) , GDW 1977.
- First to Fight (FtF), GRD 1991.
Europa VIII - The Western Campaign in Holland, Belgium, and France, 1940.
- The Fall of France (FoF), GDW, 1981.
Europa IX - Operations in the Near East.
- The Near East (NE or TNE), GDW 1983.
- War in the Desert (WitD), GRD 1995. (see below)
Europa X - Potential involvement of Spain and Portugal in World War II, including the planned German assault on Gibraltar.
- Spain and Portugal (S&P), GDW 1984.
- For Whom the Bell Tolls (FWtBT), GR/D 1995. (Covers the Spanish Civil War as well.)
Europa XI - The Allied invasion of French North Africa, 1942-1943.
- Torch, GDW 1985.
- War in the Desert (WitD), GRD 1995. (see below)
Europa XII - The Allied invasion of France, 1944.
- Second Front (SF), GRD 1994.
Europa XIII - Expansion module giving a bigger picture of the Soviet war effort, plus updates and play aids for FitE/SE, and a scenario for the 1943 campaign.
- The Urals, GRD 1989.
Europa XIV - The war between Finland and the USSR, 1939-1940.
- A Winter War (AWW), GR/D 1992.
Material included in Balkan Front and First to Fight, published in 1990 and 1991 respectively, agreed with the above (excepting titles not yet released), and proposed the following extensions to wrap up the series, though none of them have been published:
Europa XV - The naval campaigns in the Mediterranean Sea and around the shores of Europe, 1939-1945.
- The Naval War
Europa XVI - Rules for integrating the individual games into a single game covering the entire war in the European Theater, 1939-1945.
- Grand Europa
Europa XVII - Czechoslovakia fights rather than surrendering to appeasement in 1938.
- Peace in our Time
However, material included with War in the Desert, published in 1995, introduced substantial changes to the plan. It included all the material previously distributed over Europa VI/IX/XI in a single publication, now officially Europa VI but billed as "Europa VI/IX/XI" on the game box. It also offered the following changes to the earlier numbering scheme, though none of the proposed new material has been published:
Europa V (a combination of the earlier V & VIII)
- Blitzkrieg in the West
Europa VIII - The partisan/anti-partisan campaign in southeastern Europe, 1941-1945.
- Partisan War
Europa IX (previously XVII)
- Peace in our Time
Europa XI (previously XV)
- The Naval War
Europa XV (previously XVI)
- Grand Europa
Material included with Storm Over Scandinavia, published in 1998, retained the same scheme, but proposed some new titles:
- Total War would be a third edition of Europa I.
- Total Victory would be a third edition of Europa II, and would apparently also cover material originally planned for the unpublished Die Götterdämmerung.
- The proposed but unpublished Blitzkrieg in the West would be retitled Lightning War.
Over the years, Europa Series games have been produced in a variety of packaging formats which reflected a growing or evolving marketing sophistication by GDW. Originally, gamers were packaged in generic brown cardboard containers; later games came in transparent ziplock bags; finally, they were packaged in flat store boxes. The following is a list of Europa Series packaging types.
- Brown Corrugated Box (14.25 x 12 x 1.5). The quantity of components in the original Drang Nach Osten and Unentschieden games required a thick box and one was special ordered through a local cardboard maker. The first 1,000 copies of DNO and UNT were packaged in this box. In some cases both DNO and UNT were shipped in the same box.
- Brown Corrugated Sleeve (14 x 16). A flat corrugated mailer was developed and adopted about 1974 to provide protection for games in the mail. Game components were originally placed in the sleeve and it was taped at both ends. Later, zip lock bagged games were slipped into the sleeve when they were sent out by UPS or mail.
- Ziplock bags (12 x 15). About 1975, GDW began packaging games in ziplock bags for ease of assembly, ease of storage, and for a better appearance on store shelves.
- Flat Box (14.5 x 11.5 x 1.12). When the decision was made to box Europa games for retail store sale, the flat box was created to hold them The first boxes used a collage art technique by Dick Hentz; others were executed by Rodger MacGowan. The later boxes used a graphic technique showing a map of Europe with the game's subject territory highlighted.
The Europa Series
- A Winter War (AWW)
- Balkan Front (BF)
- Case White (CW)
- Drang nach Osten (DNO)
- Fall of France (FOF)
- Fire in the East (FitE)
- First to Fight (FTF)
- For Whom The Bell Tolls (FWTBT)
- Marita-Merkur (MM)
- Narvik (NV)
- Scorched Earth (SE)
- Second Front (SF)
- Spain and Portugal (SP)
- Storm over Scandinavia (SOS)
- The Collector´s Edition
- The Near East (TNE)
- The Urals (TU)
- Their Finest Hour (TFH)
- Torch (TO)
- Total War (TW)
- Unentschieden (UN)
- War In The Desert (WitD)
- Western Desert (WD)