Europa Game VIII, The German Blitzkrieg in France and the Low Countries, June to September 1940. Designed by John M. Astell.
First Edition, January 1981
Initial published by Game Designer´s Workshop and shipped in a Red and blue MacGowan box. The Errata sheets for the game were dated 12 February 1981 and 9 September 1981. The 9 September 1981 errata sheet is definitive.
The counter intensity in the campaign led the designer to provide corps markers in order to alleviate stacking congestion.
Second Edition, 1985
Printed: 10,986
Game Components
- Two 21" x 27" Maps (Europa maps 16 & 17)
- 2040 Die-cut Counters (Counter Sheets 23-30, and 31 [which is a half-sheet])
- A Complete Set of Rules
- One Chart Set:
- French Order of Battle
- British Order of Battle
- Belgian Order of Battle
- Dutch Order of Battle
- Swiss Order of Battle
- German Order of Battle
- Italian Order of Battle
- French Unit ID Chart
- Turn Record/Replacement Chart
- Europa Corps Marker Display (x3)
- French Unit Breakdown Chart
- German Unit Breakdown Chart
- CRT/Terrain Effects Chart (x2)
- One Europa VIII Supplement:
- French mobilization and reinforcements
- British forces on the continent
- Belgian mobilization and reinforcements
- Dutch mobilization and reinforcements
- Swiss armed forces and reinforcements
- French Unit Breakdown Chart
- One Die
Related Games
Expanded by: Spain and Portugal
The Grenadier
French Armor in the Fall of France by Paul F. X. Dunnigan - The Grenadier 13
The Fall of France by David Berry - The Grenadier 14
Fall Rot - Operation Red: The Battle for France, a Fall of France scenario by Michael Parker, Nuts&Bolts #13/14
The Europa Magazine
“An Army by Any Other Name...” By James Vandine. TEM 38/39.
“Fall of France Variant Rules.” By Mike Purcell. TEM 76.
“Fortress Holland.” By Alan Tibbetts. TEM 27.
“The Great Western War.” By Mark Pitcavage. TEM 24.
“1939-40 Fall of France French Ground Units.” By John Gee. TEM 30.
“Operation Saar: The French Strike First.” By Jason Long. TEM 29.
“Updating Fall of France.” By Russell Jennings. TEM 76.
“Winning at Fall of France.” By Russell Jennings. TEM 76.
The Europa Series
- A Winter War (AWW)
- Balkan Front (BF)
- Case White (CW)
- Drang nach Osten (DNO)
- Fall of France (FOF)
- Fire in the East (FitE)
- First to Fight (FTF)
- For Whom The Bell Tolls (FWTBT)
- Marita-Merkur (MM)
- Narvik (NV)
- Scorched Earth (SE)
- Second Front (SF)
- Spain and Portugal (SP)
- Storm over Scandinavia (SOS)
- The Collector´s Edition
- The Near East (TNE)
- The Urals (TU)
- Their Finest Hour (TFH)
- Torch (TO)
- Total War (TW)
- Unentschieden (UN)
- War In The Desert (WitD)
- Western Desert (WD)
Fall of France at
Grognard provides the Errata and some optional rules for Fall of France