All forces are Soviet Regulars unless indicated as:
(f)                                             Soviet Foreign Contingent
(w)                                            Winter-capable
(NKVD)                                     (internal security forces)
*                                               Supported
^                                               Unsupported
(^)                                             One less strength point

Initial Conditions:

Fortifications: Place in hex 35:4813:
1x0-3-0* Fort X                         Kar (UR22)
Rail Capacity: 15 REs.
Airfields: Place 1 permanent airfield each at Petrozavodsk (35:4305) and (35:4608). Place 1 permanent airstrip each at Kanalaksha (35:1504), Loukhi (35:2104), Ukhta (35:2508), Belomorsk (35:2902), and Medvezhyegoesk (35:3704).
Naval Bases: Major Nava Bases: Leningrad (35:4915). Minor Naval Bases: Kronshtadt (35:4916), Murmansk (35:0701), and Polyarnyy (35:0501).
Resource Points: 2
Infantry: None.
Armor: None.
Artillery: None.
Special Conditions:
Soviet Mobility:
1) C/M units may not move in the Exploitation Phase if in an enemy ZOC; 2) may not move in the Exploitation Phase if an attack was made in the preceding Combat Phase; 3) may only move up to half its MPs in the Exploitation Phase.
Soviet Combat Restrictions: 1) apply a -1 die modifier when resolving combat (+/-1); 2) a unit is disrupted following the resolving of a combat (remove disruption marker during the next friendly Initial Phase). Exception: Light and Mountain units.

Initial Forces:

Soviet Armed Forces

Northwest Front.
Seventh Army. Place in the Soviet Union within three hexes of the Finnish border from 35:4915 to 35:4713:
1x 5 Army HQ                           7IndA
2x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                19C, 50C
1x5-6-8 Rifle XX                        138 (w)
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        70Pet
5x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        24, 43, 49, 90, 123
1x4-5-6* Rifle XX                       142 (w)
1x4-3-5 hv Tank X                     20Hv {T-28}
Note: Three tank btns. The 217th was also attached until 18Feb40.
1x5-4-6 Tank X                         40
1x5-4-6 Tank X (^)                     35
1x1-0-6 Tank II                          217Sep
1x1-0-6 Flam Tank II                  210
2x3-2-6 Art III                                       124(10A) 165(1A), 01(23A)
3x1-2-6 Art III                            320(OrdVO), 455(28), 320     
2x2-6 Art III                               301, 378 (RGVK)
2x2-1-6 Art III                            21hv(27), 207hv
2x2-1-6 Siege III                        24(50), 492
2x2-1-6 hv Siege II                     316hv, 317hv. 
2x0-1-6 Bdr III                            4, 6 (NKVD)
1x1-6 hv AA III   AA=2               474
1x0-1-6 lt AA [III]   AA=1            7A
1x1-6 Eng [III]                            7A
1x0-5 Cons [III]                          7A
2 AS
DN: The 492 art is converted to152s(gap) later (40/41) and assigned to the 152 Div (FEM).
Group Grendal (Thirteenth Army).
Place in any hexes of Leningrad:
1x10-9-6^ Tank XXX                 10
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        50Pet (w)
1x1-0-8* Cav III                         1 {?}
Leningrad Military District Reserves. Stack with any units of the Northwest Front:
1x1-3-4 Res X                           1Len {31&32; 6Feb40>>35}
[+res regts=38,111,112,113,114,339,346,435,615,653,
1x0-1-R Art II                             9
1x0-6 RR Eng III                        1
1x 8 TC III (1 RE)                      91

Northern Front.
Eight Army. Place in the Soviet Union within three hexes of the Finnish border from 35:4509 to 35:3608:
1x 5 Army HQ                           8A
2x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                1C, 56C
4x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        18, 56, 139, 155
1x3-4-5* Rifle XX                       168 (w)
1x1-2-6 Art III                            73(10)
1x2-1-6 hv Siege II                     315hv(5A)
1x4-3-7 Tank X                         34Lt
1x1-6 Tank II                             35
3x0-1-6 Bdr III                            1, 7, 8 (NKVD)
1x0-1-6 hv AA [III]   AA=1          8A
1x0-5 Cons [III]                          8A
1 SP
DN: Ex: The 155th Div had 14,128 men, 22 tanks, & 100 guns (art & AT). The 139th Div had 15,876 men, 20 tanks, & 138 guns. The 56th Div had 15,876 men, 100 tanks [410btn: 20 T-37 & 14 T-26; 112/35TkB btn: 54 T-26 & 4 T-26ch].
Ninth Army.
Place in the Soviet Union within three hexes of the Finnish border from 35:3509 to 35:1108:
1x 5 Army HQ                           9SplA
2x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                47, Spl
1x4-5-7* Mtn Rifle XX                54 (w)
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        122 (w)
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        163
1x1-6* Mtn Rifle III                     273/104 (w)
3x0-1-6 Bdr III                            2, 3, 5 (NKVD)
1x1-6 Eng [III]                            9A
1x0-5 Cons [III]                          9A
1 SP
DN: The 54th Div was stationed at Kandalaksha pre-war and was considered the best div in the LVO.
Fourteenth Army.
Place in the Soviet Union within five hexes of Murmansk (35:0701):
1x 6 Army HQ                           14A (w)
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        3 (w)
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        14
2x1-2-7* Mtn Rifle III                  217/104, 242/104 (w)
1x0-1-8 Ski [III]                          Ark {41&43} (w)
2x3-2-8 Art III                            104(14A), 310
1x3-2-6 Art III                            302
1x0-1-6 lt AA [III]   AA=1            14A
1x0-1-7 Mtn Bdr III                     101 (w)
2x0-1-6 Bdr III                            72, 82 (NKVD)
1 SP
Murmansk (35:0701):
1x0-3-0^ Static [XX]   AA=1        Mur
Breakdown Box.
1x4-5-7 Mtn Rifle XX                 104 (w)
10th Tank Corps:
1x2-8* MG X                             15
2x4-3-7 Tank X                         1Lt, 13Lt

Soviet Air Force

Up to three air units may be placed at any airbases in Estonia (no more than three air units may base in Estonia). Place all remaining air units at any airbases in the Soviet Union:
2x 4F3   0/5                               I-16/10 (VVS)
3x 3F4   0/5                               I-16/5 (VVS)
4x 3F3   0/9                               I-153 (VVS)
2x 2A2   1/6                              I-15bis (VMF)
1x 2B3   1-5/30                          DB-3B (VVS)
1x 2B3   1-2/V/21                       DB-3T (VMF)
2x 2B2   1-2/18                          SB-2bis (VVS)
2x 2B2   1-1/S/12                       SB-2 (VMF)
1x 1A2   1/13                             R-10 (VVS)
1x 1A2   1/10                             R-5Sh (VVS)
1x 1T2/34   1-3/20                      TB-3 (VVS)
1x 1T1   0/11                             G-1 (VVS)
1x 0T2   0/26                             G-2 (VVS)
4x 4 hv pos AA

2nd PVO Div (air defenses). Place at any Soviet-owned airbase:
5x0-1-4 hv AA III   AA=1            169/2PVO,
1x0-1-4 MG III   AA=1                2p

Soviet Navy (VMF)

Naval Units:
Baltic Fleet.
Baltic Sea.
Place at any Soviet-owned naval base:
2x 5BB/4 TF   AA=1                   Marat, Okt. Rev
1x 2CA/2 TF   AA=+1                 Kirov
1x 1CL/1TF   AA=0                    Auroa
5x 2DD/1M Flot   AA=1              BF-2, BF-3, BF-4,
                                                BF-5, BF-6
1x 1DE/0M Flot   AA=0              BF-1 (VMF)
1x 2MW/M Flot                          BF
1x 1Aux Flot                             IceBkr (-) {x8}
6x NTP (C1)                              NTP-1 thru NTP-6
Kronstadt (35:4619):
1x0-1-2* Fort Cadre (2-4-4*)       Kron
Any Soviet-owned port, or any river hexside or port:
Lake Ladoga (Ladozh):
2x 2-pt River Flot (C2)   AA=2    Ladozh-1, Ladozh-2
DN: The two RFs were mobilized for the war.
Northern Fleet.
Arctic Sea.
Place at Murmansk (35:0701):
1x 2DD/1M Flot   AA=1              NF-1 (-)
1x1MW/M Flot                          NF (-)
1x NTP (C1)                              NTP-11 (-)
Ground Units.
1x3-6* Mar X                             Mar (VMF)
1x4-2-8 Art [X]                          BF (VMF) <71g>
1x2-1-R Siege Art [II]                 BF (VMF) <6g>
Breakdown Box.
2x1-5 Mar III                              1Mar/BF, 2Mar/BF (VMF)
1x0-1-6 Art II                             Mar (VMF)

Strategic Reserve:

Place in Strategic Reserve Box:
Stavka Reserve:                       
1x3-2-8 Art III                            311
2x3-2-6 Art III                            47, 375
2x2-6 Art III                                          36, 49(44)
1x2-1-6 Art III                                       116 {13A}
2x3-1-6 Siege Art III                   136, 168
1x1-0-8* Cav III                         28/4
Arkhangelsk MD:
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        88Ark (w)
Leningrad MD:
1x3-4-8* Mot Rifle XX                42
1x6-4-8* Mech Cav XX              25M
Estonian Border:
1x6-7-6 Rifle XX   AA=1             16
1x3-4-5* Rifle XX                       11Sve
Kalinin MD:
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        164
[JAN 40; 494 HAR art III]
Moskva MD:
2x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 17, 84
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        136
1x4-3-7 Tank X                         34Lt
Byelorussian MD:
2x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                10C, 23C
3x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        4, 8, 113
1x4-3-8* Mech Cav XX              24M
Kiev MD:
1x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                15C
2x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        62, 80
5x3-4-5* Rifle XX                       7, 60, 87, 97
Odessa MD:
1x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                8C
1x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 95
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        51
Volga MD:
1x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 86Kaz
1x3-4-8* Rifle XX                       173M  
Ural MD:
1x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 128Tur
Siberian MD:
1x3-4-8* Rifle XX                       37M
7x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                1C, 8C, 14C, 28C,
                                                34C, 47C, 56C
1x 8 Cav Corps                                     3C
1x6-7-8 Rifle XX   AA=1             8M
1x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 44
1x4-5-7 Mtn Rifle XX                 72 (w)
1x3-4-7* Mtn Rifle XX                77Ord
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        59 (w)
6x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        41, 52, 75, 81, 100,150
3x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        33, 53, 70
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        40 (w)
1x3-4-8* Rifle XX                       91M (w)
5x5-4-6 Tank X                         28, 31, 32, 33, 39Lt
DN: 39Lt is equipped with T-26 type tanks instead of BT-5 & 7s.
2x4-3-7 Tank X                         24Lt, 29Lt
4x2-1-6 Tank III                         22/173M, 28, 62, 63
1x2-1-6 Tank Rem (5-4-6)          51
1x1-5 hv Tank II                         14hv {T-28M}
4x1-0-6 Tank II                          17, 38, 41, 81
3x1-0-6 Flam Tank II                  201, 204, 218
3x1-2-5 Para X                          201, 204, 214 (w)
2x1-2-6 Rifle X                          BOS, Dol (w)
1x1-6 Rifle [III]                           8A
DN: The 5th & 6th Ski btn.
1x0-1-8 Ski [III]                         Ark
DN: The 42 & 43 Ski btns from Arkhangelsk - trained.
3x1-0-8* Cav III                         5/9, 28/4,102/36,
                                                116 {33}
2x1-6 lt AA III   AA=1                 13A, 15A
2x1-6 Eng [III]                            13A. 15A
2x0-5 Cons [III]                          13A, 15A
1x 2B4   1-5/33                          DB-3F (VVS)
1x 4F4   0/7                               I-16/18 (VVS)
2x 5F3   1/4                               I-16/17 (VVS)
1x 2A2   1/6                              I-15bis (VVS)
1x 1A2   1/10                             R-5h (VVS)

OB Notes:

1-Tank brigades have a REM or remnant side (a cadre).
2-Ignore Bold print units.
Special Note (naval): Using the Marat above, ship entries are read as, 5=naval gunnery; BB=battleship; /4=naval gunfire support; TF=task force; AA=anti-aircraft; then the name of unit.


Note: All units released from the Strategic Reserve, and all Replaced units are placed at any hexes of Leningrad.
Bold                                         Not in play
5/9                                            regiment/division
49(44)                                       regiment(corps)

DEC I 39

Strategic Reserve, Release:
1x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                10C
1x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 44 <9Dec39>
4x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        4, 52, 75,150
1x1-6 Rifle [III]                           8A (w)
1x1-0-6 Tank II                          17
2x1-0-6 Tank II                         97/39Lt, 88/34Lt
[These two units were detached from their parent bdes.]


Strategic Reserve, Release:
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        88Ark (w)
2x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        41,100
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        136
1x4-3-7 Tank X                         39Lt
1x3-2-8 Art III                            311(13A)
1x3-2-6 Art III                            47
2x2-6 Art IIII                               36, 49(44)
1x2-1-6 Art III                                       116(13A)
1x1-5 hv Tank II                                    14 {T-28M}
1x1-0-6 Tank II                         38Sep
1x1-0-6 Flam Tank II                  204
1x1-0-8* Cav III                         5/9
1x1-6 Eng [III]                            13A
Petrozavodsk (35:4305), Full:
1x3-6* Rifle XX                         1FNA (f)
Upgrade: 1x0-1-6 Bdr III…1 (NKVD)   to:
1x0-1-8 Pltcl Pol III                     1 (NKVD)

JAN I 40

Note: Flip any one Corps HQ to its regular stacking side.
Special Note: “The I-16 tip 20 [late ‘39] was a version of the tip 18 that could carry 20.5 gallon auxiliary fuel tanks under the wings, extending its endurance by up to one hour. From January 1940 all new versions of the I-16 were able to carry the drop tanks.”
[rg=700km (59g) +44% w/drop tanks (26g)]

Strategic Reserve, Release:
2x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                15C, 18C
1x6-4-8* Mech Cav XX   AA=1   25M
1x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 17
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        52
3x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        33, 62, 70
1x3-4-8* Rifle XX                       131M
1x3-4-5* Rifle XX                       11Sve
1x5-3-6 Tank X                         28
1x1-0-8* Cav III                         28/4
1x3-2-6 Art III                            375
1x3-1-6 Siege Art III                   136
2x 5F3   1/4                               I-16/17 (VVS)
1x 2A2   1/6                              I-15bis (VVS)
1x 2B4   1-5/33                          DB-3F (VVS)
1x 1A2   1/10                             R-5h (VVS)
Petrozavodsk (35:4305), Full:
1x2-3-6* Rifle XX                       3FNA (f)
Convert: 1x I-153   to:
1x 4F4   1/7                               I-16/24
Convert: 1x5-6-7* Mtn Rifle XX…54 (w)   to:
1x5-6-6*Lt Rifle XX                    54
Upgrade: 2x0-1-6 Bdr III…2, 3   to:
2x0-1-8 Plctl Pol III                     2, 3 (NKVD)
Available for Assembly.
1x9-6 Art [XX]                           1br
Note: Artillery Marker: Holds up to 4 REs of artillery units (4x2-6/2-1-6). It is not a separate unit. Place the artillery units off-map when in use.


Note: Flip any one Corps HQ to its regular stacking side.
Strategic Reserve, Release:
1x6-7-8 Rifle XX   AA=1             8M
1x6-7-6 Rifle XX   AA=1             16
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        81
3x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        72, 85,113
1x3-4-8* Rifle XX                       173M
2x3-4-5* Rifle XX                       60, 97 
1x4-3-7 Tank X                         24Lt
1x2-1-6 Tank III                         22/173M
2x1-0-6 Tank II                          41Sep, 81Sep
2x1-2-6 Rifle X                          BOSS,Dol (w)
1x3-1-6 Siege Art III                   168
1x2-6 Art III                              495/123
Convert: 1x I-153   to:
1x 5F3   1/4                               I-16/17
Convert: 1x SB-2bis   to:
1x 2B3   1-5/38                          DB-3M
Convert: 1x10-9-6^ Tank XXX…10c   to:
1x2-8* MG X                             15
2x4-3-7 Tank X                         1Lt, 13Lt
1x10-9-6^ Tank Corps               10
Upgrade: 2x0-1-6 Bdr III…4, 5 (NKVD)   to:
2x0-1-8 Pltcl Pol III                     4, 5 (NKVD)

FEB I 40

Note: Flip any one Corps HQ to its regular stacking side.
4 inf
2 arm
2 air
3 resource pts
3 attack supply
Strategic Reserve, Release:
4x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                14C, 23C, 34C, 56C
1x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 84
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        51
3x1-2-5 Para X                          201, 204, 214 (w)
3x5-4-6 Tank X                         32, 33
1x2-1-6 Tank Rem (5-4-6)          51
2x1-0-6 Flam Tank II                  201, 218
1x1-6 lt AA III   AA=1                 13A
1x0-5 Cons [III]                          13A
Convert: 1x 5 Rifle Corps HQ…Grendal   to:
1x 5 Army HQ                           13A
Upgrade: 1x0-1-6 Bdr III…6 (NKVD)   to:
1x0-1-8 Pltcl Pol III                     6 (NKVD)


Note: Flip any one Corps HQ to its regular stacking side.
1x 5 Rifle Corps HQ                   Grp K. Pavlov
Strategic Reserve, Release:
1x 5 Army HQ                           15A
2x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 86Kaz, 128Tur
1x4-5-7* Mtn Rifle XX                72 (w)
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        80
1x3-4-8* Rifle XX                       37M
1x3-4-7* Mtn Rifle XX                77Ord (w)
3x2-1-6 Tank III                         28, 62, 63
2x1-0-8* Cav III                         102/36,116 {33}
Note: The 28th & 62nd tank regts were attached to the 70th & 86Kaz divs, respectively.

MAR I 40

Note: Flip any one Corps HQ to its regular stacking side.
4 inf
3 arm
3 air
3 resource pts
3 attack supply
Strategic Reserve, Release:
1x 5/6 Rifle Corps HQ                28C
1x 8 Cav Corps HQ                   3C
Note: The Cav 3C allows normal stacking for cavalry units only at any time - reduced stacking for non-cavalry units.
1x6-4-8* Mech Cav XX   AA=1   24M
1x4-5-8 Mot Rifle XX                 95
1x3-4-8* Mot Rifle XX                42
1x3-4-8* Rifle XX                       91M (w)
3x3-4-8* Rifle XX                       119M, 144M, 172M
2x4-2-8* Cav XX                       7, 36
1x5-4-6 Tank X                         31
1x4-3-7 Tank X                         29Lt
2x2-1-6 Tank III                         61, 82
1x1-2-6 Art III                            108
1x1-6 lt AA [III]       AA=1           15A
1x0-5 Cons [III]                          15A


Note: Flip any one Corps HQ to its regular stacking side.
8x-0-8 Ski II                                         102, 103, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121
3x0-8 Ski I                                           40, 56, 75
Strategic Reserve, Release:
1x5-6-6 Rifle XX                        59 (w)
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        40 (w)
1x4-5-6 Rifle XX                        53
1x1-6 Eng [III]                            15A
Petrozavodsk (35:4305), Full:
1x2-6* Rifle XX                         4FNA (f)

APR I 40

Note: Flip any one Corps HQ to its regular stacking side.
4 inf
2 arm
2 air
3 resource pts
3 attack supply


Note: Flip any one Corps HQ to its regular stacking side.
2x1-2-6 Art III                            343/8Br, 491/54
[from 24RD; from 40 Res Art III]
Convert: 1x4-5-7* Mtn Rifle XX…104   to:
1x4-5-6* Lt Rifle XX                   104
Convert: 1x5-6-6* Lt Rifle XX…54 & 1x1-2-6 Art III…491/54   to:
1x6-7-6 Rifle XX                        54
Optional: Convert: 1x3-6 Rifle X…8Sep & 1x1-2-6 Art III…343/8Br   to:
1x4-8 Rifle [XX]                         8Sepbr
DN: The 8th Brigade is listed as having 14,000 men and a number of trucks by the Soviet archives. Its artillery operated separately. It’s possible the number of men includes other support assets assigned to the brigade.


Names and Abbreviations:
Armed Forces:
A                                              Armiya [Army]
BF                                            Baltic Fleet
BOS                                         Brigada Osobeya [Special Brigade]?
Dol                                           Dolins [commader’s name]?
Flot                                          Flotillas
FNA                                          Finlyandya Natsionalaya Armiya [Finland National Army]
Kar                                           Karelsk [Karelian]
LVO                                          Leningradskogo Voennoyo Okruga [Leningrad Military District]
M                                             Partially motorized
NF                                            Northern Fleet
NKVD                                       Narodnyi Kommissarist Vnutrenniki Del [People’s Commissarist for Internal Forces/Security]
Okt Rev
                                                Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya [October Revolution]
OrdVO                                      Odessa Military District
PVO                                         air defense forces/command
VMF                                         Voenno-Morskogo Flota [Military Marine Fleet; Soviet Navy]

Special Note:
Ski Battalions:
*56,60,61,63,64,109,110,111,112,113 {Grp Komkora Pavlov}; 65,99.
*2,7,8,11,12,22,23,36,38,39,44,71 & 72 (Komosomolsky); 77 & 78(f. 38 regt); 106,107,115,116,117,118,119,121.
*Ski Sqns (BOVO):5,6,7,8,20,21,22,23,24,25,35,36, 37,38.
*3,9,13,17,18,19,34,35,40,45,46,62,75,102,103, 120,123.
 [1x0-1-6 Rifle [II]…ValleyBr-9,13,34 btns/9A]
*Ski Sqns:
                                                (COVO) 1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,

*41,43. {from Arkhangelsk}

15A (8A).
*1,4,5,6,10,37,70(Komosomolsky),73,74,105,124, 125,126,127,128,130,131. {5,6 =8A III}


Irincheev, AvBair. War of the White Death: Finland Against the Soviet Union, 1939-40. (paperback, U.S.) Stackpole Books, 2012.
<ISBN-10: 0811710882>
[First published UK, Pen & Sword Limited, 2011.]

{Order# Amazon, 112-2222059-3246668}

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