The War Archive presents after action reports of games played.

A Winter War

Gregory Bartels  reports from a solitary campaign game of A Winter War, played in March 2013.
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Balkan Front No 1.

Robert Williams colorful description of a Balkan Front campaign game is from 2001, but still a lot of fun to read
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Balkan Front No 2.

Brian O`Connell shared this game report of a full Balkan Front campaign game played in 2004 against Jim Broshot and Dean T. Moon
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Fire in the East

Our only Fire in the East game report so far was written up and shared by John Barr in 2001 and reports from the Axis side of the front.
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Fire in the East/Scorched Earth

Our second FitE/SE game report courtesy of Ken Newall, who reports from a solitaire game in 2018
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Fall of France

A short but dramatic report from a game of FoF, played solo by Mike Willner in 2012
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For Whom The Bell Tolls No 1.

This epic write-up from a full-length game of For whom the bell Tolls was graciously shared with us by Friedrich H. Helfferich, who spent the better part of 1999 playing the Insurgets against the Loyalist player Elias Nordling.
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For Whom The Bell Tolls No 2.

This report from a full-length solitary campaign game of For Whom The Bell Tolls was written by Davis Stokes in 2001.
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For Whom The Bell Tolls No 3.

Ralph Sunley tested the scenario "Invasion of Spain" included in For Whom the Bell Tolls. The solitary game took place in 2007.
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For Whom the Bell Tolls No 4

A game report by Ken Newall, who tried the variable start to the revolution in a solitaire game, played in 2017 and notable for lots of pictures documenting every turn.
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For Whom the Bell Tolls No 5

A very promising game report with excellent and extensive reports by Brian O'Connell from 2014. Unfortunately, Brian only found the time to write up the reports covering 1936, even though the game lasted until 1939.
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For Whom the Bell Tolls No 6

One of the earliest game reports of FWTBT, played and written up by Wolf Broszies in 1998/99.
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For Whom the Bell Tolls No 7

In this game the Loyalist never really got of the ground, owed mostly due to a variable start to the revolution with Valencia declaring for the Insurgents. Dan Waldstein reports from a solitaire game played in 2018.
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March to Victory No 1.

 Before buying GR/D from the estate of Winston Hamilton, Karl Kleihege was heavily involved in the design and development of March to Victory. The game was demonstrated at several conventions and three successive Europafests - this short report is from Europafest 1998.
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March to Victory No 2.

Another short writeup from a March to Victory game at Europafest by Carl Kleihege. In this report from 1999, the "February 1915" scenario was played.
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March to Victory No 3.

The third and last of the March To Victory  game reports from Europafest written bei Carl Kleihege - 2000.
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March to Victory No 4

This game report details the course of a campaign game of March to Victory, played in 1998-99 and written up by Carl Kleihege.
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Over There No 1

Michael Tapner and Robert Walker took on a breathless "1918" scenario from Over There that kept getting more exiting and in the end  hung on several critical dice roles, each of which could have decided the game.
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Over There No 2 (ongoing)

These are the reports of the still ongoing Full Campaign game of MTV/OT started by Todd E. Jahnke in 2004.
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Scorched Earth Game Report No 1

Ken Newall kindly shared his game reports on the Europa Mailing list from 2018 to 2022, while he played a solo campaign game of Scorched Earth, all through the pandemic and up to its bitter end. An epic read from one of the biggest games in the Europa series.
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Second Front – Baby Grand Europa

In March 2000 Robert Williams started a game of Second Front with the inclusion of Spain. The result makes quite a read.
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Second Front from WitD

Phil Mason and Derek Cassidy explored the possibilities of prolonging War in the Desert into Second Front in 2000. Their game resulted in an Europa-Howto on how to do just that, as well as in this game report.
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Second Front – Accountant Style

Alan Tibbetts was so impressed by Rich Velays description on "Accountant-Style" game play in TEM that he decided to test it for himself in 2001, resulting in this massive game-report on a solitaire Second Front game.
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Second Front – The Long Left Flank – Twice!

Lee Hanna tests out the "Long Left Flank" scenario of Second Front  in 2017 to test some Allied strategies against the Axis West Front defenses.
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Storm over Scandinavia No 1.

 Robert Williams and Peter Peter Ljungberg played the scenario "Arctic Thunderbolt" from Storm over Scandinavia in the spring of 1999.
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Storm over Scandinavia No 2.

Robert Williams again, this time delivering a very enjoyable game report on the scenario "Northern Theater of Operations" from Storm over Scandinavia, played and written up in February 2000.
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Storm over Scandinavia No 3

Greg Bartels delivers another game report with lots of "end of turn"-locations and highly detailed reporting from Storm over Scandinavias  "Campaign for Norway"-Scenario, played in the winter of 2013/14
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The Damned Die Harder!

A quick but fun game report written by Robert Williams on his campaign game of The Damned Die Hard, played in January of 2000.

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War in the Desert No 1.

Robert Williams granted himself the "Rommels Fantasy"-option in this game report on War in the Desert from 1999.
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War in the Desert No 2.

This abridged game report by Glen Davis describes an abortive attempt of a "Mini-Wavell" campaign game tried in 2001 which due to circumstances got reduced to a shortened North-African campaign.
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War in the Desert No 3.

Another game short game report of a WitD campaign game by Bill Jenman, conducted to experiment with the Malta table, summarized from mid-42 onwards.
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War in the Desert No 4/GE43 Test

A concise game report by David Tinny, testing how WitD can be used as a starting point for a Grand Europa-scenario encompassing both the Southern and Western Theaters. Played in 2018
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War of Resistance No 1.

Another epic game report of a solitaire game played by Friedrich Helfferich from his game of War of Resistance, played in 2001
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War of Resistance No 2.

Robert Williams took to War of Resistance in the Fall of 1999, learning the hard way that while the Chinese army can take quite a beating, its loyalty to the National government is sometimes outright questionable.
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War of Resistance No 3.

Dean T. Moon reports on a short game of War of Resistance that unfortunately got abandoned in the winter of 37/38
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Wavell’s War – Iraqi Campaign Scenario

Gregory Bartels examining in fascinating detail the Iraq Scenario of Wavell's War, played in 2014&15
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Wavell’s War starting with Desert Cauldron

Gregory Bartels updated Frank Watson's  "Desert Cauldron"-Scenario (TEM 36)  to serve as a starting point for an abridged game of Wavell's War, with interesting results.
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Wavell’s War Game Report No. 3

Brian O'Connell heads the Allied team in this monumental game report about a full campaign of Wavell's War, played in the Spring of 2005
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Wavell’s War – Extended Enter Rommel Scenario

Gregory Bartels at it again, using the Enter Rommel Scenario from TEM 15 as a starting point for a solitaire camapign game of Wavell's War. Depth and Scope of the report are astounding, and Greg provided an unprecedented amount of pictures with it. The original of the report is still hostet at Greg's Game Board.
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