Europa Game V, The Battle of Britain and Operation Sea Lion, July to December 1940.
Designed by Marc W. Miller, Frank Chadwick, and Paul R. Banner. John M. Astell managed and participated in the 1/82 redesign.

Initial publication took place in February 1976.  The game was published in a 12 x 15 zip lock bag. Errata sheets for the game were dated March 1976 and 1 April 1976 (which included the substance of the 4/76 edition).

Although marked 2/76, and called the 2/76 edition, GDW records reflect that the first copies of TFH were produced 22 March 1976.

TFH was an ambitious project even for Europa. Two Europa scale maps provided England, Ireland, and the Northern Coast of France; a third map handled an operational level Sea Lion invasion game using a regimental level approach similar to Narvik. A naval system, a Europa level air game, and a squadron level air game were added.

This edition of TFH proved to be less than successful; on one hand was at the helm in developing the game, and it suffered. Fixes were implemented immediately: a correction counter sheet (about 60 counters) and extensive errata. It became the 4./76 edition.

4/76 edition. Major revision. 12 x 15 zip lock bag. The errata sheet for the game was dated April 1976.

1/82 edition. Redesign, repackaging. Blue early Europa Map box. Two maps, 1200 counters. Errata sheets for the game were dated 12 August 1982 and 21 September 1983 (which included a correction counter sheet).

9/84 edition. Minor revision. Eliminated the need for the correction counter sheet (by changing the game counter sheets). The errata sheet dated August 1984 is definitive.

Print Runs:

(2/76) 1,000

(4/76) 1,770

(1/82) 6,008

(9/84) 1,719



Battle of Britain. A Scenario of the Air War over England in the Summer of 1940. David Berry - ETO 58
British OB 1939-'40 - ETO 57

The Grenadier

Short Review: Their Finest Hour Second Edition by Game Designers Workshop - The Grenadier 16
The Regia Aeronautica in Their Finest Hour - The Grenadier 24

The Europa Magazine

“Capturing King and Country: German Strategy in Their Finest Hour.” By Phillip Buhler. TEM 27.
“The Great Western War.” By Mark Pitcavage. TEM 24.
“Operation Dichtung – The German Invasion of Ireland, September 1940.” By Arnaud Delauney. TEM 69.
“A Second (Front) Look at Their Finest Hour.” By Chris Riches. TEM 49.

