The game seems to have reached a tipping point. The two sides are like a couple of drunks in a club brawl. Each is delivering a right hook in the hopes that the next punch will be decisive but at the same time not having the strength to effectively parry the others blows. The Nationalists have the crucial rail junction at Aranjuez and threaten to strangle Madrid and the forces defending it. The Loyalists for their part have captured Catalayud and isolated the Nationalists left flank. Both have realised that it may be easier to open new paths to their armies than reopen the old ones. Thus the Loyalists have turned due East from Catalayud and now have only one hex to clear on the rail line to Madrid. If they can open up this line it will make the whole Nationalist summer offensive be for nought. The Nationalist for their part have realised rather late in the game that they should clear the south of Euzkadi. This will open an alternative supply route to their left flank and form a springboard for the elimination of the Basques.
Both sides are running low on supplies and need to capitalise on the U2 status of their opponents, both have run out of Artillery RPs. The Loyalists seem to be holding the upper hand in the field but they have run out of manpower while the Nationalists can easily replace losses.
The game hangs in the balance…
FWtBT No 4 – JUL II 37. Picture (c) 2017 by Ken Newall
Nationalists Turn
Weather; Weather: Clear/Clear, Clear/Rough in Atlantic.
Supply: Units north of Madrid go to U2. The left flank of the Nationalist line East of Zaragosa including the attack forces in south Euzkadi go U1.
Replacements: 1 SRP, ½ (col) SRP recovered.
2-6 inf 3Ceu (Col), 2-1-8 cav 2O (col), 3-2-6 infs 1LE, 2LE, 1-6 infs 19,30, 1-6 sec 23 GC, Inf XX 22 replaced and equipped by art point to 3-4-5* inf XX 22.
1 Res pt expended for temp rail cap increase to 15.5
Naval Activity; NTs transport 2-6 inf 3Ceu (col), 2-1-8 cav 2O (Col) to Malaga
Fleet and subs move to station in Mediterranean to intercept Loyalist Supply shipping.
Air Activity;
Sortie 1; He 45 hits rail line at 3505.
Sortie 2; Mxd bomber bombs artificial harbour at Motril and inflict 2 Hits.
Sortie 3; CR.32Bis (CTV) escorts CR.32 on airfield bombing mission to Madrid. Intercepted by Mxd F who engages CR.32Bis (CTV). CR.32Bis (CTV) Eliminates Mxd F. (+2 VPs) CR32 bombs airfield and misses.
All Republican Naval Patrols fail to make contact.
Attack 1: 2033 rough/fort (S Euzkadi) Unsupplied 4-6 inf XX3 (Req) and 5-6 inf XX 4 (Req), 5-6 inf 71 and 3-2-6 inf 2LE, 1-8 mtns 4,7 , 1-6 mg 2, 1-8 lt 1, 1-6 art 12L with He 51 GS attack 2-4 infs 14,15 (Bas), 1-2-4 inf 2 @ 4:1 (-2) = AR!. the gamble fails. 4-6 inf XX3 (Req) eliminated (no retreat path)
Attack2: 1902 rough/fort (S Euzkadi) Supplied 4-6 inf XX 1 (Req), 3-2-6 inf 1LE, 2-6 art 4P, 1-8 lt tk LE, 1-8 aslt G (CTV), unsupplied 2-5 inf 6 (Req) 2-5 inf AGM (Fal) with Ju 52g4e, SM 81 GS attack 2-3-4* inf XX5 (Bas) @ 5:1(-2) = DR. Advance 1 (Req), 6 (Req). Fort destroyed.
Attack 3: 2714 clear (NW of Toledo) Unsupplied 3-6 inf XX 2FN (CTV) and 1-6 infs 27,33 and 3-8 inf XX 3Lit (CTV) attack 2-6* inf 3Car (U2) @ 3:1 = AS
Attack 4; 3313 clear/fort (E of Tomelloso) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 11, 4-6 inf XX Mov, 1-6 inf 28, 1-8 lt 5, 2-3-6 art 61, 2-1-8 cav 1E (Col) and 2-6 infs Tdi, 2Mel (Col) and unsupplied 1-6 eng ZMO, 1-6 art 4L attack 2-3-5 inf XX 42, 2-6* inf 2Ch at 4:1 (-1) = HX. Lose 28, 1E (Col). Advance Mov, 61, ZMO
Attack 5: 2405 rough (40 miles SW of Soria) Unsupplied 2-3-5* inf XX 1Sor and 1-6 sec 24GC, 1-8 mg Ard (CTV), Supplied 4-6 inf XX 83 and 4-6 inf XX2 (Req), unsupplied 1-8 lt 6 attack 50-6 inf XX 11Ch @ 4:1 (-1) = HX. Lose 6,24,Ard (CTV). (+2 VPs to Loyalists). Advance 83 XX
FWtBT No 4 – JUL II 37. Picture (c) 2017 by Ken Newall
Republican Turn
VPs (+15) for lack of gobernetos collapse.
Reinforcements: Delayed art RPs attempt to land at Valencia 1 succeeds, 1 turned back.
2 AS points attempt t to land at Valencia both are turned back.
Replacements: 1 SRP recovered.
Mxd Fighter replaced.2-3-5* inf XX 42 replaced.
Construction: Airfield built at 3619 (E of Guadix)
Attack 1; 2912 clear (E of Aranjuez) Supplied 2-1-8 tks 1,2, 2-6 inf 15AL (Int), 2-6* inf cadre 45, 4-6 inf XX 6, 5-6 inf XX 46Ch, 1-2-6 art 4 and (over river) 2-6 eng ZM, 3-6* inf XXs 4, 68, Unsupplied 1-5 mech 2, 1-8 lt tk 1 Attack 3-6 inf cadre 13, 3-2-6 inf 3LE, 1-8 mb B (CTV), 3-1-2 sge art Man (Transported) (CTV) @ 3:1 (+1) = EX Lose ZM, XX 68, 15AL (Int). Advance 1 tk, 45 (Int), 6 XX.
VPs (+6) to Loyalist (I have awarded VPs for the Transport unit)
Attack2; 2703 rough (W of Catalayud) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int), 2-6 nav 151, 2-6 art 2P, Unsupplied 1-8 mtn 6, 3-6* inf XX 1 and Supplied 2-6* inf 5Car, Unsupplied 4-6 inf XX 47, 1-2-6* infs 21,24, 3-6* inf XX 24 Attack 3-4-5 inf XX 31 @ 4:1 (-1) = Ex Lose 24 XX, 6 mtn. Advance 1 XX, 151 nv1, 2P art
This Mar II 41 Axis OB is extracted almost entirely from F. Watson’s classic “Enter Rommel-II” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#71.
At the start of the scenario the Allied player controls the Middle East, Near East, Greek (eg., for brevity’s sake in the new Scenario’s early draft Allied OB, in addition to the Greek Off-Map Holding Box, the Greece Command includes the on-map Aegean Sea zone, including the Dodecanese), and Malta Commands. The Allied player does not control the latter Balkan Command until the Assault on Crete Segment begins on the May II 41 turn. At the start of the scenario he owns the Greece Off-Map Holding Box, the Aden Holding Box, the East Africa Holding Box, and all hexes in Egypt, Malta, Cyprus, on-map Greece, Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq, Kuwait, and all hexes in Libya on or east of hex row 18A:28xx. He starts with an on-map Eastern Med NTP capability of 10 NTPs. He cannot use the on-map Western Med NTP capability in this Scenario, but he can use the Gibraltar Convoys proviso found in the Western Desert Campaign section of WW Rule 41B1b. The weather on the Mar II 41 Axis turn is clear in all weather zones. Seas are calm. At the start of the new Scenario, the Axis deploys first. Then the Allies deploy second. All Allied forces Transferred to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box in the course of the game per the new Scenario’s Allied OB are required to go there, and are considered part of a strategic High Command Reserve (HCR) for this purpose. The four at-start Allied ME Command ground units that are Greece Off-Map Holding Box Transfers begin the game at Delta ports and must remain at able-functioning port hexes in Egypt or Palestine until they transport to Greece.
Per the new Scenario OBs and the Rules, forces from the stipulated Commands may enter Egypt, Libya, Palestine, Transjordan, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, the Dodecanese, the Vichy French Levant, Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran and the off-map holding boxes of Europe, Greece, and Aden.
Initial Conditions:
Rail Capacity: Middle East net 16, Cyrenaica net: 1.
1-Capacity Permanent Airfields: El Agheila (187A:2930), Agedabia (18A:3327), Ain el Gazala (18A:4518). Rethymnon (18A:4903) [on Crete]. [On Cyprus]: Limassol (20A:3615) and Famagusta (20A:3411).
Supply Terminals: Alexandria (19A:2416/20A:49304) and Suez (19A:3718).
Steps of Attack Supply: 2 steps at Zaulet Msus (18A:3523), 1 step each at 18A:3223 [El Magrun], Barce (18A:3418), Tobruch (18A:4817).
SMPs: 28
Accumulated ME replacements: 5 Br Inf RPs, 1.5 Arm RPs, 1.5 Aus Inf RPs, 1.5 NZ Inf RPs, 0 Ind Inf RPs, 0 Br ARPs.
Port Status: In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario Bengasi (18A:3121) is a major port with an artificial harbor. It begins the game with a port damage tally of 14, the maximum (capacity = 0).
Fortifications: The fortress at Tobruch is unimproved. The fortress at Bardiya is unimproved.
Malta: Malta Status = 10. Malta Repair Rate: 1 repair point each Allied turn.
Middle East:
Mersa Matruh (19A:1218):
1 x 2-8 Inf X 18 (Aus)
Any cities in the Delta:
1 x 3-8 Inf X 22 G
1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 7
2 x 2-8 Inf X 16, 23
2 x 2-8 Inf X 21, 25 (Aus)
1 x 1-2-10* Mot SG X 7 [AA=1]
1 x 2-1-6 Tnk II 7 RT
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 7 (Aus)
Any ports in the Delta: HCR units destined for Greece:
2 x 2-8 Inf X 17, 19 (Aus)
1 x 0-2-6 HV AA X MNBDO AA=4 1 (RM)
1 x 1-8 Marine Cmdo X Layf
Any cities in Palestine:
1 x 2-1-8 Cav X 4
2 x 1-8 Cav X 5, 6
Any airbases in Egypt or Palestine:
1 x Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23
2 x Glad 3F3 0/8
Any airbase in Palestine, Egypt, or Libya on or east of Hexrow 18A:48XX:
1 x Bombay 1T2 1-2/15
Any airbase in Egypt or Libya:
1 x Hurri 1 5F5 1/8
Any port hex on Cyprus (on map 20A):
1 x 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME
1 gsp, generated on the Mar I 41 Allied turn. [new Scenario addition]
Note: The marine cmdo II on Cyprus begins at black U-1 [new scenario addition]
Hex 18A:3618:[Maraua]:
1 x Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23
If the Axis player begins with the 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le [Leichte; see Optional Rule 38F5]:
El Agheila (18A:2930):
1 x 1-10* Mot SG X 2 [AA=1]
1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 3
If the Axis player begins with the 9-10 Pz XX 21:
If the 9-10 Pz XX 21 is used, then the Axis Command Problems Special Rule in F. Watson’s ER-II Europa Battle Scenario ought to be implemented in the game. This is for purely technical reasons in order to better recreate the historical Axis attack. This rules says: “Due to the caution in the Italian command brought on by their recent defeat by the British, Italian ground units may not perform overruns or attacks in the Mar II 41 movement and combat phases. In the Mar II 41 exploitation phase, one Italian RE may participate in overrun. Italian units may otherwise move normally.” If the 8-7-10* Pz XX 7 Le is used, then the Axis Command Problems Special Rule should not be used.
Hex 18A:2829 [Mersa Brega]:
1 x 1-10* Mot SG 2 [AA=1]
Within two hexes of 18A:3228:
1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 3
Bengasi (18A:3121):
1 x 2-8 Inf X 20 (Aus)
1 x 1-8 MG II 1 RNF
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 9 (Aus)
Barce (18A:3418):
1 x 2-8 Inf X 26 (Aus)
1 x 3-8 Art X 13
Hex 18A:4818 [El Adem, w/ a 3-cap permanent airfield]:
1 X 1-10* Mot Inf X 3 (Ind)
Tobruch (18A:4817):
1 x 2-8 Inf X 24 (Aus)
1 x 1-8 AT II 65
1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 51
1 x 0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col)
Zaulet Msus (18A:3523):
1 x 1-10 Mot Inf II 1 M (FF)
Other Allies:
Any city in Egypt or Palestine:
1 x 1-8 Inf II 11 (CS)
1x 3-8* Mtn X Karp (Pol)
Anti-Shipping Holding Box:
1 x Sunder 1 3B4 2-1/SF/30
Royal Navy Available Box:
1 x 4 pt TF (RN)
1 x 2 pt TF Force T (RN)
1 x CG-1 (RN)
1 x CG-2 (RN)
The task force and carrier groups have not been activated.
Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-10 Arm XX 7
1 x 7-6-10* Arm XX 2
1 x 8-8 Inf XX 2 (NZ)
3 x Inf XX 6, 7, 9 (all Aus)
ME Replacement Pool:
1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 4
Initial Conditions:
3-Capacity Airfield: Valletta (18A:0407):
Malta Status: 10
Malta Repair Rate: 1 repair point each game turn
Intrinsic Flack: 7 at the Valletta hex 0407, 4 at 0306 & 0307.
Anywhere on Malta or Gozo (18A:0307,0407,& 0306):
1 x 3-6 Inf* X 1 M
1 x 2-6 Inf* X 2 M
1 x 1-8 MG II 1 Ch
1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 10
1 x 0-4 Cons X MC Note: All units are Allied phase U-2.
6 gsp’s; 2 were generated at Gibraltar on the Mar I 41 Allied I. Phase and 4 were generated at Suez on the March I 41 Allied I. Phase.
Greece Off-Map Holding Box:
1 x 4-3-10* Arm X 1 [this unit comes from the BF Refit Kit]
1 x 3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 16 (Aus)
2 x 2-8 Inf X 4, 6 (NZ)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 14
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 2 (NZ)
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 6 (Aus)
1 x 3-2-8 Art X W
1 x 0-8 Lt AA II AA=1 57
1 x 0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col)
1 x 5 pos flk (AA=1)
1 x Blen 1 2B3 1-2/16
1 x Hurri 1 5F5 1/8
1 x Well 1C 3NB4 1-6/28 [this Allied air unit begins the new Scenario here]
Near East:
Initial conditions:
3-Capacity Permanent Airfields: In Iraq, Habbaniya (22A:2828) and Shaibah (22A:4314).
No British Supply Terminals exist in the Persian Gulf on map 22A.
Iraq is pro-Allied neutral on the Mar II 41 Axis At Start Turn.
In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario the Iraqi coup automatically occurs on the Apr I 41 Axis Initial Phase.
British and Other Allied:
Habbaniya (22A:2828):
1 x 0-1-4 Static II 1 As (Col)
1 x Audax 1A1 1/8
Shaibah (22A:4314):
1 X 0-1-4 Static II 2 As (Col)
Mar II 41 At-Start dispositions; Libya and Egypt
Mar II 41 Axis turn at-start set-up
Axis Reaches the Suez Canal.
Middle East:
If the Axis Reaches the Suez Canal: In all Scenarios, use the Axis Reaches the Suez Canal Allied conditional reinforcement found in the WitD Allied OB, p. 5, per the instructions found there.
Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces.
Near East:
Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces:
Use the Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces found in the WitD Allied OB, p. 5. But in the new Scenario the Iraqi coup automatically occurs on the April I 41 Axis Initial Phase. Using the Apr I 41 Axis turn as the date of the Iraqi coup, then the WitD Allied OB’s Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces Conditional Reinforcements begin to appear on the Apr II 41 Allied turn (Coup Turn 2). Proceeding then, May I 41 = Coup Turn 3, which includes the 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab Conversion (along with a new Allied unit tentatively introduced in the new Scenario, the Trans-Jordanian 1-10 mot Cav III AL [Arab Legion]) and also that turn’s NE Command Arrivals, via the Persian Gulf to the Iraqi port of Basra; Jun I 41 = Coup Turn 5; Jun II 41 = Coup Turn 6; and Jul I 41 = Coup Turn 7. For the specific turn-by-turn composition details of the Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces OB, see below in the Allied Reinforcement OB.
Free French:
Forces From the Levant
Middle East:
Free French Forces from the Levant:
In all Scenarios, if the Allies conquer the Vichy Levant, use the Free French (FF) conditional forces found in the WitD Allied OB, p.6.
APR I 41
Middle East:
1 x 2-1-6 Tank II 4 RT
1 x 2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus)
2 steps of attack supply
Transfer to GreeceOff-Map Holding Box:
2 x 2-8 Inf X 17, 19 (Aus)
1 step of attack supply
Greece Off-Map Holding Box: Arrive from Middle East:
2 x 2-8 Inf X 17, 19 (Aus)
1 step of attack supply
ME Replacements: 2 Br inf, .5 Br arm, .5 Aus inf, .5 NZ inf.
Apr I 41 Allied EOT dispositions; Eastern Libya and Western Egypt
Reduce the Allied Eastern Med naval transport ability by 9 REs (but not below 0 REs) this turn.
Middle East:
Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 4 (Ind)
3 x 2-8 Inf X 5, 7, 11 (Ind)
1 transport counter (1 RE).
Near East:
Conditional Reinforcements:
Arrive [Coup Turn 2]:
1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 10 (Ind)
1 x 1-8 Inf X 20 (Ind)
Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind)
1 x 6-8* Inf XX 10 (Ind)
Apr II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Western Desert
MAY I 41
Middle East:
1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 6
This is a Unit Identification Change, per the Middle East Order of Battle Options section found in the WW OB booklet. The Option provides for the temporary renumbering of the British 70th Inf XX to the 6th Inf* XX, until its conversion on the Oct I 41 turn. This coincides better with the historical references to the British 6th Inf XX in the Middle East during the time frame of the new Scenario, thereby hopefully increasing its realism and authenticity.
2 ARPS Arrive:
1 x 0-8 hv AA II AA=1 2 (Aus)
2 steps of attack supply
2 ARPs
Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 5 (SA)
1 x A-22 3A3 2-1/19
1 x Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 (SAAF)
Arrive [from South Africa]:
1 x P-40C 5F5 1/13 (SAAF)
Conditional Conversion [Coup Turn 3]:
1 x 2-1-8 Cav X 4 and 1 x transport counter (1 RE) to:
1 x 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab
Middle East:
In the same Trans-Jordanian hex (only) of the 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab Conversion, place:
1 x 1-10 Mot Cav III AL (T-J) [Trans-Jordan; Arab Legion]
This is a provisional new Allied ground unit introduced in the new Scenario. It is placed in the same hex that the Br 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab conversion takes place. It may enter Iraq with the Hab mot inf X unit if they both enter Iraq stacked together. Its initial operational area is Trans-Jordan and Iraq. It may also operate in the Vichy Levant when the Allies invade it. It may move (regular or admin, or by rail) through Palestine, but may not end its move there at the Allied turn’s end. If forced to retreat there due to combat in the Axis turn, it must move out of Palestine by the next Allied turn’s end, if possible. It may not serve as part of any WW Allied garrisons in the Scenario. It has an AGZOC (See WW Rule 39B2). It draws general and attack supply from the Amman reference city hex (19A:4807), in Trans-Jordan. It may also draw general supply from the Allied standard supply sources or gsp’s. It may also draw attack supply from Allied steps of attack supply. It is a fragile unit and cannot be replaced in the new Scenario, nor can special Allied RP’s be derived from it, if eliminated.
Transfer to Greece Off-Map Holding Box:
From the new Scenario’s start these two Allied ground units are considered part of an Allied High Command Reserve (HCR) destined for use in Greece. Accordingly, from the game’s start, these two units are required to end their turns at an operative port in Egypt or Palestine, and are required to transfer to Greece this turn. Per the WitD Allied OB booklet, both units Transfer to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box this turn.
1 x 1-8 Marine Cmdo X Layf
1 x 0-2-6 HV AA X MNBDO X AA=4 1 (RM)
Available for Assembly:
7-8* Inf XX 6
This is a Unit Identification Change, per the Middle East Order of Battle Options section found in the WW OB booklet. The Option provides for the temporary renumbering of the British 70th Inf XX to the 6th Inf XX, until its conversion on the Oct I 41 turn. This coincides better with the historical references to the British 6th Inf XX in the Middle East during the time frame of the new Scenario, thereby hopefully increasing its realism and authenticity. Note however, the important self-supporting designation on the British 6th Inf XX, as opposed to the 70th Inf XX. This reduced status disappears on the Oct I 41 Allied turn, when the Inf XX Converts fully to the 70th Inf XX.
Middle East: Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 2-1-8 Inf X Orient (FF)
ME Replacements: 2 Br inf, .5 Br arm, .5 Aus inf, .5 NZ inf
Greece Off-Map Holding Box:
Arrive from Middle East:
1 x 1-8 Marine Cmdo X Layf
1 x 0-2-6 Hv AA X MNBDO X AA=4 1 (RM)
In the Greece Off-Map Holding Box: Convert: 1 x Blen 1 to:
1 x Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23
1 x Hurri 2 5F5 1/9
Near East:
Per F. Watson’s “Iraq” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#81, no E Med NTP use is allowed this turn in the Persian Gulf. The Conditional Reinforcements arrive using reinforcement NTPs and are not affected by this restriction.
Conditional Reinforcements:
Arrive [Coup Turn 3]:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 21 (Ind)
2 steps of attack supply
5 SMPs
May I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Western Desert
Middle East:
Convert: 1 x 2-1-8 Inf X Orient (FF) and 1 x 1-10 mot Inf II 1 M (FF) to:
1 x 3-8* Inf X 1 FL (FF)
Special Assault on Crete Segment Allied OB:
Below, the Assault on Crete Segment is sometimes referred to as “the Crete Segment.”
The new Scenario Allied at-start OB for the Assault on Crete Segment is based on the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Allied OB, found in the WW OB booklet.
At the start of the Crete Segment the Allied player controls the Balkan Command and owns all of the hexes on Crete and the nearby islands of Gavdos and Anditkythera. [At the start of the Crete Segment the Axis player owns the Southeast Command and owns all hexes in Greece and the Dodecanese except for those on Crete, Gavdos, and Anditkytheria.]
The Allied player deploys the Crete Segment Allied at-start forces first. Then the Axis player deploys the Crete Segment Axis at-start forces second.
Allied Balkan Command.
Initial Conditions.
Allied Aegean NTP Capacity: 1
Greek Government: The Allied player has evacuated the Greek government.
Mainland Greece is Axis controlled at the beginning of the May II 41 game turn.
The 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario follows the WitD Allied OB Jun II 41 Allied turn Other Allies stipulations regarding the placement of the Greek and Yugoslav units in the Forming box of the ME Command holding box.
Standard Supply Terminal: Suda Bay (Hex 18A:4503/15B:2113) See WW Rule 12C1.
Steps of Attack Supply: One step of attack supply at any port on the island of Crete, including Suda Bay.
Balkan Command:
Place in any hexes on the island of Crete:
1 x 3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ)
2 x 2-8 Inf X 4, 6 (NZ)
2 x 2-8 Inf X 16, 17 (Aus)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 14 [Br]
1 x 0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col)
0-1-8 Lt AA II AA=1 57 [Br]
1 x 5 pos AA AA=1 [Br]
1-8 Marine Cmdo X Layf [Br]
The WW Assault on Crete Scenario Allied OB shows this unit as a Jun I 41 reinforcement to Crete, but the WitD Allied OB booklet shows it as a May I 41 Transfer to Greece reinforcement; and the latter is currently intended to be in the new Scenario’s Allied OB. In any event, I want to be sure that the Allied player doesn’t always conveniently “save” it for use later in the Scenario by never sending it to Crete from the ME Command. Note too, that in effect this unit is a fragile unit and if eliminated cannot be replaced in the context of the game.
Place in Hex 18A:4503/15B:2113 (Suda Bay):
1 x 0-2-0-Hv AA X AA=4 MNBDO 1 (RM)
Supply Terminal Marker
Port Upgrade Marker [per the new Scenario]
This designates the hex as a major port. It is removed if the hex becomes Axis-owned
*1 cap temporary airfield [per the new Scenario]
* A 1-cap temporary airfield marker may be placed at-start at the Suda Bay hex, at the Allied player’s option, if the 0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col) is also placed there at the beginning of the May II 41 turn.]
Per the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario draft Allied OB, at step 14 of the I. Phase of the May II 41 Allied turn, these two British air units do a Transfer “from the Greece Off-Map Holding Box to any airbase/airfield on Crete or the Egyptian or Palestinian coastlines”:
1 x Well 1C 3NB4 1-6/28 [Br]
1 x Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23 [Br]
Per the new Scenario’s Allied OB, both these British air units begin the game in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box, and remain there until the May II 41 Allied turn, and leave the Box per the stipulated Allied OB Transfer. They should be operative this turn, unless declared inoperative at step 21 of the I. Phase.
Place one unit in each standard port:
3 x 1-4 Static X Erak, Khania, Reth [Greek; from the BF counters]
Balkan Command (BC) Replacement Pool [at the start of the Crete Segment]:
4-3-10* Arm X 1 [Br; this unit counter comes from the BF Refit Kit]
After the voluntary Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans (WW Rule 3E5b), when the Allied player “moves all non-Greek/Yugoslav Allied forces in the BC … to the … ME Command” Replacement Pool, this special enhanced and supported arm X conversion unit is removed from play and is replaced by the original pre-conversion 3-2-10 Arm X 1.
3-2-8 Art X W [Br]
This is a fragile unit in the new Scenario and cannot be replaced once eliminated in Greece. As such, in the new Scenario it is never moved from the BC to the ME Replacement Pool when the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans. This coincides, I think, with its Replacement Pool Removal on the Jun I 41 turn, per the WitD Allied OB.
2-8 Inf X 19 (Aus)
8 Inf XX HQ 2 (NZ)
8 Inf XX HQ 6 (Aus)
Balkan Command Aborted Air Units Box [at the start of the Segment]:
1 x Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 [Br]
Greece Off-Map Holding Box:
This off-map holding box, which is a corollary of the now defunct Greece Command, in the May II 41 Allied turn’s I. Phase becomes a relic no longer in use by the Allied player. On the May II 41 Allied turn, per the Crete Segment’s Allied OB, the surviving Allied at-start Crete Segment ground units are removed from the Greece Off-Map Holding Box and are placed on-map at Crete. At this same time Allied ground units in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box that did not survive the campaign in or the subsequent evacuation of mainland Greece are placed in the BC Replacement Pool. This reshuffle would include the two earlier WitD Allied OB Apr I 41 Aus Inf Xs 17 & 19 “required HCR” Transfers from the ME Command to the Greece Off-Map Box. The British Hurri 1 air unit in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box is placed in the Balkan Command Aborted Air Units Box. At step 14 of the Allied May II 41 turn I. Phase the British Well 1C and Blen 4 air units do a Transfer from the Greece Off-Map Holding Box to any airbase/airfield on Crete or the Egyptian or Palestinian coastlines. All steps of attack supply in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box are removed from play, except for one placed at Crete (see above), as are all ARPs stored there that were required earlier Allied OB Transfers from the ME Command to the Off-Map Greece Holding Box. In the new Scenario the Greece Box must be vacant of any additional surplus ARPs by the end of step 14 of the Allied I. Phase, at which point the off-map box is removed from play. These “additional surplus” ARPs are those that were voluntarily sent to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box in the course of the new Scenario and are in excess of the May I 41 “required HCR” 1 ARP Transfer from the ME Command, per the WitD Allied OB booklet. The WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario’s at-start contents of the Greece Off-Map Holding Box is slightly different than F. Watson’s in the “Enter Rommel-II” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#71. And in the new Scenario the two Australian Inf Xs 17 & 19, which on the Apr I 41 turn are “required HCR” Transfers to Greece, are required to begin the game on the Mar II 41 Axis at-start turn at “any port in the Delta.”
Allied Special Considerations Regarding the New Scenario’s Assault on Crete Segment.
On the May II 41 Allied turn there could be additional Allied ground and air units on Crete other than just those stipulated in the Assault on Crete at-start Allied OB. Those additional Allied ground and air units would be those which were voluntarily moved on-map to Crete from the ME Command prior to the May II 41 Allied turn and after the new Scenario’s start on the Mar II 41 Axis turn. Prior to the May II 41 Allied turn, all additional surplus ME Command ARPs sent to Greece must be sent to the Off-Map Holding Box, and not directly to Crete. Prior to the May II 41 Allied turn Crete Segment, no additional surplus steps of attack supply, replacement points (RPs), or resource points may be sent to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box in the new Scenario, as the eventual evacuation of these additional surplus items from mainland Greece to Crete would be problematic. Additional surplus steps of attack supply and resource points from the ME Command may be sent directly to Crete from the ME Command prior to the May II 41 Allied turn. Prior to the establishment of Suda Bay as a Standard Supply Terminal, inf RPs from the ME Command may only be air transported to Crete. If available in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box at the beginning of the Crete Segment, one additional surplus ARP may be expended in the May II 41 I. Phase to repair the Hurri 1 air unit in the Balkan Command’s Aborted Air Units Box and then be placed on-map at Crete. At the start of the Crete Segment, any additional surplus ARPs in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box are stored at the Standard Supply Terminal at Suda Bay as Balkan Command ARPs. Per WW Rule 31C3-Replacement Points, no RPs are allowed to be sea transferred directly to Crete prior to the May II 41 Allied turn. When the Crete Segment starts, Allied ME Command RPs can be sea transported only to the Suda Bay standard supply terminal.
Here are the current new Scenario’s OB/Rules requirements for the Crete Segment’s at-start positioning and operational use of the three at-start Greek static Xs: “Each of the three Greek static X units must be placed at a standard port [hex] on the island of Crete. They cannot be stacked together. The three Greek static Xs must remain in their three Crete standard port hexes throughout the May II 41 Allied turn, and are always in these same three different Crete standard port hexes at the beginning of the May II 41 Axis turn. The three Greek static Xs must remain in their respective Crete standard port hexes until either a particular Greek static X moves out of its standard port hex due to an Enemy Reaction movement (WW Rule 33B) or if a particular Greek static X is moved out of its standard port hex due to movement after Combat in a C. Phase. Thereafter the affected Greek static X may move freely on Crete.” The three Greek static Xs may not be evacuated from Crete, as Greece is their operational area.
The 0-2-0 Hv AA X NMBDO 1 (RM) must remain in the Suda Bay hex 18A:4503/15B:2113, as it cannot move or be sea transported. If eliminated, it is placed in the BC Replacement Pool on its original 0-2-6 side. It may be disbanded in an Allied Initial Phase, but this gains the Axis VPs, per the WW Common Victory Chart.
At step 13 of the current Allied I. Phase the Allied player will likely declare the existence of a South Aegean Naval [Tight] Interdiction Zone, per WW Rule 31D7. This tight naval interdiction zone “is [then] in effect until the start of his next initial phase.”
Per a likely new Scenario rule, “if there are no British forces (per WW Rule 3B2) on Crete in an Axis Initial Phase, then any remaining Greek static Xs automatically surrender at the very beginning of step 4, thereby enabling the Axis to then cease operations in the Balkans, per WW Rule 3E5b, if he chooses to.”
For additional information regarding the Assault on Crete Segment in relation to the Allied OB, see the Special Considerations Regarding the New Scenario’s Assault on Crete Segment section found in the early draft of the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario Axis OB.
May II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: eastern Libya, western Egypt, mainland Greece, Crete, and the Aegean
May II 41 Allied end of Movement Phase dispositions: eastern Libya, Egypt, Greece, and Palestine
JUN I 41
Middle East:
1 x 1-8 Art II 1 (Aus)
1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II 68 [AA=2]
2 steps of attack supply
ME Replacements: 2 Br inf, 0.5 Br arm, .5 Aus inf, .5 NZ inf
Near East:
Conditional Reinforcements:
Arrive [Coup Turn 5]
2 x 2-8 Inf X 24, 25 (Ind)
Jun I 41 Allied M. Phase naval movement step activity in the seas surrounding Crete
Jun I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: eastern Libya, western Egypt, Crete, mainland Greece, the Aegean Sea region
Jun I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Palestine, Cyprus, the Vichy French Levant, and Iraq
Middle East:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 50 Nth
6-4-6 Tank X 1 T
2-8 Inf X 150
Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 9 (Ind)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 2 (SA)
Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 50 Nth
Other Allies:
Middle East: Forming [per the WitD Allied OB booklet]:
1 x 3-8* Mtn X 1 (Gk)
1 x 0-1-8 Inf II Gd (Yugo)
Near East:
Conditional Reinforcements:
Arrive [Coup Turn 6]:
1 x 1-8 Inf X 17 (Ind)
2 steps of attack supply [per Watson’s “Iraq” Europa Battle Scenario in Europa #81]
The two steps of attack supply indicated for the Jun II 41 Allied turn in Watson’s “Iraq” Europa Battle Scenario’s Allied OB evidently did not come from the ME Command, as they aren’t indicated as Transfers to the NE Command in the WitD Allied OB booklet. But they are included here in the new Scenario as NE Command reinforcement Arrivals and are considered essential in the game.
Jun II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: the Western Desert region, the Delta zone, Crete, Greece, the Aegean, and Cyprus
Jun II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Palestine, the Vichy French Levant, western Iraq, and Cyprus
JUL I 41
Middle East:
2 ARPs Arrive:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 151
1 x 1-8 MG II 2 Ch
1 x Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 (RAAF)
1 x Well 1C 3NB4 1-6/28
3 steps of attack supply
3 ARPs
Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 5 (Ind)
2 x 2-8 Inf X 10, 29 (both Ind)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 1 (SA)
1 x A-22 3A3 2-1/19 (SAAF)
Arrive [from South Africa]:
2 x 2-8 Inf X 3, 6 (all SA)
Convert: 1 x Glad to:
1 x Hurri 1 5F5 1/8
Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 5 (Ind)
ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf, 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf.
Malta Repair Rate: 2 repair points each I turn and 1 repair point each II turn Arrive:
1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 4
Near East:
Regular reinforcement: Arrive:
1 x 2-1-10* Lt Arm X 252 (Ind)
Jul I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: the Western Desert region, Crete, and the Dodecanese.
Jul I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Palestine and the Vichy French Levant.
Middle East:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 69
Near East:
Regular reinforcement: Arrive:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 18 (Ind)
French: Note: Historically, these are now placed in the ME Forming Box. For the variable placement turn, see WitD Allied OB, p. 6:
1 x 2-8* Inf X 2FL (FF)
1 x 2-6 Inf X 3 FL (FF)]
AUG I 41
Middle East:
1 x 3-8 Art X 10
1 x 5 pos flk AA=1
3 steps of attack supply
Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x Inf XX HQ 1 (SA)
1 x 2-8 Inf x 4 (SA)
Arrive [from West Africa]:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 161
WitD Middle East Garrison:Arrive:
1 x 0-1-6 RR Eng X MEF (Emp)
Convert: 1 x Hurri 1 to:
1 x Hurri 1 5NF5 1/8
[Note: In the WitD Allied OB the Ind 5 Inf XX HQ and the Ind 2-8 Inf X 9 both transfer from the Middle East to the Near East.]
ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf
Malta: Arrive:
2 Br inf RPs Upgrade: 1 x 1-8 MG II 1Ch (+ the 2 Br inf REs) to:
1 x 3-6* Inf X 3M
Near East:
Regular reinforcements:
1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 8 (Ind)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 19 (Ind)
2 steps of attack supply
5 SMPs
Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA)
1 x 6-8* Inf XX 8 (Ind)
Matruh-Tobruch railroad construction may begin.
Middle East:
Arrive from South Africa:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 2 (SA)
1x 2-8 Inf X 4 (SA)
Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 2 (SA)
SEP I 41
Middle East:
1 x 0-1-4 Cons X 61 RPC (Col)
2 ARPs
1 x 0-8 Lt AA II AA=1 27
1 x P-40C 5F5 1/13
5 ARPs
Convert: 1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 3 and 2 x 2-1-6 Tnk II 4 RT and 7 RT to:
1 x 6-4-6 Tnk X 32 T
1 x 1-10 Recon II 1 DG
1 x MNBDO AA=4 1 (RM)
[Note: In the WitD Allied OB the Ind 2-8 Inf X 10 transfers from the Middle East to the Near East.]
ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf
Near East
Regular reinforcement: Arrive:
1 x 1-pt river flotilla PAIC (RN) [AA=1]
OCT I 41
Middle East: Arrive:
1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 22
1 x 1-2-8 Eng X 8
1 x 5 pos flk AA=1
3 steps of attack supply
Arrive [from East Africa]:
10 SMPs
Arrive [from South Africa]:
1 x Recon II 4 (SA)
Convert 1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 6 to:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 70
This is a Unit Identification Change, per the Middle East Order of Battle Options section found in the WW OB booklet. The Option provides for the temporary renumbering of the British 70th Inf XX to the 6th Inf XX, beginning on the May I 41 Allied turn, until its unit ID Conversion (and upgrade status) this turn. This coincides better with the historical references to the British 6th Inf XX in the Middle East during the time frame of the new Scenario, thereby hopefully increasing its realism and authenticity. Note however, the important self-supporting designation on the British 6th Inf XX, as opposed to the upgraded status of the 70th Inf XX upon its Conversion this turn.
Available for Assembly:
7-8 Inf XX 70 Remove: When the 1 x 7-8 Inf XX is assembled for the first time:
1 x 7-8* Inf XX 6
ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf
Near East:
Regular reinforcement: Arrive:
1 x 0-8 Lt AA II AA=1 1
[Note: In the WitD Allied OB the Ind 2-1-10* Lt Arm X 9 and the Ind 2-8 Inf X 9 both transfer from the Near East to the Middle East.]
NOV I 41
Middle East:
2 ARPs Special:Appears in any Allied-owned unisolated city:
1 x 1-8 Inf X 38 (Ind)
1 x 3-8 Art X 30
1 x Bftr 1C 6HF5 1/S/21
1 x Huri 2C 5F5 2/9
1 x Well 2 4NB4 1-6/36
3 steps of attack supply
Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x transport counter (1 RE)
WitD Middle East Garrison:Arrive:
1 x 1-6 Trng X MEF (NZ)
Special: Convert: 1 x 2-1-10* Lt Arm X 9 to: ME Forming Box:
1 x 4-3-8 Arm X 9 Note: 3 Arm RPs must be spent to activate this unit at full strength.
Convert: 1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 51 to:
1 x 0-2-8 Hv AA X AA=4 12
Convert: 1 x Hurri 1 (SAAF) to:
1 x Hurri 2 5F5 1/9 (SAAF)
1 x Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23
Special:Withdraw 1 x 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME and receive the WitD/WW Allied raiding ability. If 1 x 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME is in the Replacement Pool, remove it from the Pool and receive the Allied raiding ability on Mar I 42.
ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf
Anti-Shipping: Arrive:
1 x Blen 4 3B3 1-2/S/23
Near East:
Regular reinforcements: Arrive:
1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 6 (Ind)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 27 (Ind)
1 x 1-8 Inf X 26 (Ind)
1 x 1-6 Inf X Indr (ISF)
Available for Assembly:
1 x 6-8* Inf XX 6 (Ind)
[Note: In the WitD Allied OB the Ind 8 Inf XX HQ 5 and the Ind 2-8 Inf X 10 both transfer from the Near East to the Middle East.]
FWtBT No 4 - JUL I 37. Picture (c) 2017 by Ken Newall
Front Line (Loyalist): Since January the Loyalists mainly with Anarchist units has pushed West into Andalucía and now controls Motril and surrounds Grenada on 4 sides. The line then follows north and west along the mountain chains to 3712 (30 miles West of Albecete). The line then turns north through Alcazar de San Juan which the Loyalists still hold to the Tajea River then straight west to include the mountain redoubt at 2616.The line then curves back east with the Loyalists occupying the Cordilla Cental. At around 45 miles short of Catalayud the line south and around a 2 hex intrusion of Nationalists at the head of the Jiloca River turning east to the outskirts of Zaragoza which is now contacted on 3 hexes. From Zaragoza the line runs east then north hooking over the road to the French town of Pau.
Victory Points
From JAN I 1937
Interventionist Losses
International losses
Air Losses
Naval Losses
Terror Bombing
Gobernitos Non-Collapse
The Asturians control just 2 hexes, Gijon and immediately east. Santander and Euzkadi are as yet free of Nationalist troops..
Nationalist View of the war since January. Disappointment at the lack of progress from Jean. The initial attacks went well with some breakthroughs and yet the Loyalists still control the key town of Alcazar de San Juan. Progress has been made North and Toledo captured but without Alcazar any further move will be unsupplied even in summer. Zaragoza still holds but the Republic is still a real and present danger and their attack towards Cataluyad has twice succeeded in cutting supplies to the Left flank and been beaten back only with the use of precious Attack Supply Points.
The need to contain this has meant that the attack on Euzkadi already far too late had been further delayed and the Loyalists are now amassing VPs for the loss of collapse of all 3 of the gobernetos (This is a result of solitaire play where VPs usually are not at the forefront of thinking. I should have abandoned the attack from Juan when it became tough and used the troops from the Fall of Seville to start attacking the gobernetos)
Plans for the rest of 1937 – Central Front to capture Aranjuez to eliminate Madrid as a source of supply and clear the railroad south to Alcazar de San Juan to maintain supplies to the troops around Toledo ready for winter.
To force the collapse of Euzkadi and Santander.
To use Navy more aggressively to starve Loyalists of supplies.
Loyalist View of the War since January– Very pleased with the stiffening resistance and blunting of the main Nationalist Attack from Jean and of the progress of the attack to Catalayud and on the secondary front at Grenada. Allowing the loss of Toledo was a mistake but the breakthrough has been contained and force levels are building. All Gobernetos are at full strength except for the shortage of art points which is preventing the Equipping of Divisions
Plans for the rest of 1937. Defensive posture to be maintained on the Central front with Madrid protected at all costs. Local counterattacks authorised at full supply to stabilise the front at its current position. No pasarán!
The capture of Catalayud remains the primary attack focus. Secondary front in Andalucía to continue. Aim is to encircle Grenada and besiege unless direct assault becomes necessary.
The accrual of Gobernetos VPs is to be continued as long as possible.
FWtBT No 4 – JUL I 37. Picture (c) 2017 by Ken Newall
Nationalists Turn
Weather: Clear/Clear, Clear/Rough in Atlantic.
Supply; All units in full general supply.
Reinforcements: All divisions arrive Equipped. Delayed conversions; Bab.
Naval Activity: NT-5 transports 2-6 inf 9Arc (Col) to Malaga
BBTF-1, CATF sail for 1832 (A 101 out of Cartagena fails to Contact) with the intent to prepare for NGS. Reaction move by BBTF-3, LtTF-1 (Bas) succeeds initiating the first Naval Combat of the war. Both sides allocate ships to main body.
Bay of Biscay is Rough so strengths are halved ; BBTF, CATF (Nat) 1.5, BBTF-1 (PA) 1, LtTF (Bas) 0.5
Round 1. Nationalist Fleet makes one 3pt attack on BBTF-1 and misses. Loyalists make one 1pt attack on BBTF-1 and miss. Nationalists attempt to disengage and fail.
Round2; Nationalists make two 1pt attacks against BBTF and one 1pt attack against LtTF-1 (Bas) and score 1 HIT on each!. Sinking LtTF-1 (Bas).( +8 VPs). Loyalists make one 1 point attack on BBTF-1 and fail.
Both sides elect to disengage. Loyalist TF sails to Bilbao.
Nationalist TF sails to mission hex and prepares for NGS.
Air Activity:Sortie 1; Mxd B hits rail line @ 4214
Sortie 1; He 51 (KL) flies to 1735 (Bibao) and bombs crippled BBTF-1 in Port. Survives AA fire and Hits TF which sinks. (+4 VPs)
Sortie 2; CR.32, CR 32bis (CTV) fly to 2710 (Madrid) on airfield bombing mission. Intercepted by Mxd F which engages Cr.32bis (CTV) and is Aborted.
Attack 1: 1832 rough/fort. Supplied 5-6 inf XX 4 (Req), 4-6 inf XX 3 (Req), 5-6 inf XX 71, 3-2-6 infs iLE,3LE, plus 3 pts NGS Attack 1-2-4 inf 1 (Bas), 1-6 eng 1 (Bas), 2-3-4* inf XX61 (Bas) @ 5:1 (-2) = EX
Lose 1LE,2LE. Advance 3 (Req) 4(Req)
Attack 2; 2911 clear, (Alanjuez) Supplied 6-6 inf XX 52, 2-6 inf 3Ceu (Col) , 2-1-8 cav O (Col) , 2-3-6 art 61, unsupplied 2-1-8 art O and Supplied 2-1-8 lt tk Bab (CTV), 1-8 mb B (CTV), 1-10 lt tk Dro (KL), 4-3-6 art Leg (CTV) ( Transported) , 3-1-2 sg art Man (CTV) , 4-3-6 art Leg (CTV), 3-6 inf cadre 13 Attack 6-6 inf XX 45 (Int), 4-5* inf 17 @ 3:1 (+1) = DH. Cadre 45 (Int). Advance 52 XX, O, Bab, B, Leg (CTV) Dro (KL)
Exploitation: BBTF-1, CATF move to Mediterranean replenishing en-route and join with submarines (CTV) to continue naval blockade of Loyalist Ports.
Republican Turn:
Victory Points: None collapse of Gobernetos (+15 VPs))
Supply; Madrid – no longer connected. North West section of Loyalist Front U1.
Ideological Purification; Completed for all point and reference cities in Catalonia
Reinforcements; 2 Delayed Art RPs attempt to land at Barcelona 0.5 are returned. 1 Delayed ASP attempts to land at Barcelona 1 is turned back. 4 art RPs attempt to land at Barcelona 1.5 are tuned back . 4 ASPs attempt to land at Barcelona 1 is turned back. 1 Res Pt attempts to land at Tarragona and succeeds.
All divisions appear equipped. Delayed Upgrade; 1-8 Cav 4 to 2-1-8 cav 1
Replacements: ½ SRP (PA), ½ SRP (ASt), 1 SRP (Bas) recovered.
1-6 mg 4, 1-6 inf 13, 1-6 bdrs 4Car, 10Car, 1-6 art 3L replaced and form 5-6 inf XX46Ch.
2-3-4* inf XX 6 replaced and equipped with 0.5 art at Bilbao. Mxd F repaired
1-2-5 infs 1,2 (Cat) form Inf XX 30 (Cat) which is equipped with 0.5 art RP to 3-4-5* inf XX 30 (Cat)
Fort Construction: 3211 (Alcazar De San Juan.
Air Activity; Naval Patrols fail to make contact.
1-16/t5, 1-15/t22 Hit Zaragoza airfield which is now 0 capacity.
It is said that an army marches on its stomach. Certainly a civilian population needs food to survive and support a cause. The Food Committees had their deficiencies but their disbanding by Joan Comorera the Communist Governor did not improve the situation with hoarding and profiteering rife. The communist groups blamed the agricultural collectives and food riots and unrest outside Barcelonan shops were increasingly commonplace often queues started at 4 o’clock in the morning. Increasingly violent methods were desperately used to maintain control with the Assault Guard often charging mounted into crowds and rifle butting hungry, desperate housewives. The communists then demanded that the Catalonian forces be disarmed and fully integrated into regular units. The POUM realised that they may be next and even believed in some circles that the People’s Front was hatching a secret plot to join with the Nationalist against them. Andreu Nin leader of the POUM was perversely pleased that pressure was building hoping that the Anarchists would join him in an attack “on the counter –revolution”. The battle lines of the so called “events of June” were being drawn.
FWtBT No 4 – JUN II 37. Picture (c) 2017 by Ken Newall
Nationalist Turn
Weather: Clear/Clear, Clear/Rough in Atlantic
VPs; Republicans Gain 15 VPs for loss of Goberneto Collapse
Supply: No change
Replacements: 1-8 mtn 8
Air Activity: Mxd B cuts rail in 4015. Ju52 4ge Hits Lerida airfield aborting R-5. Cr 32 Bis (CTV) and Cr 32 Hit Albecete airfield.
Po.540 on Naval Patrol contacts SS-2 (CTV) but misses. SB-2 on Naval Patrol Contacts SS-3 (CTV) and Hits sinking a sub (+4 VPs)
Naval Activity; Nationalist Combat ships and subs (CTV) reposition further out at sea to minimise Naval Patrol interception.
Moves: Nationalists considered very carefully whether to pull out of the salient @ 2835 (South of Catalayud) or counterattack 2802 or 2834. In the event they decided to pursue the long overdue attack on the Basques and left an overrun proof delaying force in 2805.
Attack 1: 1932 rough/dot city (San Sebastian) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 4 (Req), 4-6 inf XX 3 (Req), , 1-8 lt inf 1, Unsupplied 1-6 art 12L and Supplied 5-6 inf XX 71, 1-8 lt tk LE, 3-2-6 infs iLE,3LE, Unsupplied 1-5 mech 1 Attack 3-4-4* inf XX 4 (Bas), 2-3-4* inf XX 1 (Bas) and 1pt unsupported garrison @ 3:1 (-1) = AR.
Attack 2: 2913 rough (“Toledo Pocket”) All adjacent Units Unsupplied Attack Isolated U1 2-3-5* inf 23 @ 5:1 (-1) = DR Eliminated as surrounded. Advance 1-6 infs 28, 29, 1-8 lt 5, 2-3-6 art 61
Republican Turn
Supply; All in supply
Barcelona Revolts!. ½ SRP recovered from POUM disarmament.
Reinforcements; 4 Delayed Art RPs attempt to land at Barcelona 2 are returned. 4 Delayed ASPs attempt to land at Barcelona 1 is turned back.
4 Replacements: 2-3-5 inf XX 23 replaced. Mxd F Repaired.
Air Activity; Po540, SB-2, A-101, R-Z on Naval Patrol. I-16/t5 hits Zaragoza airfield (2 hits currently)
Naval Activity; NT-3 transports 1 Res Pt from Gijon to Bilbao.
Moves: All rolling stock is commandeered to move People’s Army troops to suppress the revolt in Catalonia.
1-6 inf 1Exp (Ast) , 4Exp (Ast) eliminated for over-stacking
Attack 1: 2835 rough (W of Zaragoza) Unsupplied 3-6* inf XXs 1,19, 2-6* inf 5Car and 3-6* inf 5, 1-6 mg 4, 1-6 sec 5GC, 1-8 mtn 6, 1-6 inf 13, 1-8 mtn art 1 and , (over mtn hexside) 4-6 inf XX 47, 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int) and (over mtn hexside) 2-6 art 2P, 1-2-6* infs 21,24, 3-6* inf XX 24 Attack 1-6 infs 19, 30 , 1-8 cav 5 @ 4:1 (-1) = HX. Lose mg4, 13. Advance 15 (Int), 6 mtn .
This Mar II 41 Axis OB is extracted almost entirely from F. Watson’s classic “Enter Rommel-II” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#71.
At the start of the new Scenario the Axis player controls the Med/NA, NE, and on-map SE Commands. At the start of the new Scenario he owns the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box, all hexes in the Italian Central Mediterranean Islands, the Dodecanese, all hexes in the Italian Central Mediterranean Islands, and all hexes in Libya on or west of hexrow 18A:30xx. He starts with an on-map Med NTP capability of 3 NTPs. The weather on the Mar II 41 Axis turn is clear in all weather zones. Seas are calm. The Axis deploys first. The Allies deploy second. No Axis air units flew Malta bombing missions (Rule 37I2a) in the previous turn.
At the start of the game, per the new Scenario OBs and the Rules, forces from the stipulated Commands on the maps may enter Egypt, Libya, Palestine, Transjordan, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, the Dodecanese, the Vichy French Levant, Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, and Iran.
Initial Conditions
Med/NA Command:
Fort: Tripoli (18A:0121).
Rail capacity: Tripolitania rail net: 2.
Supply Terminal: Tripoli (18A:0121).
Steps of Attack Supply: 2 at Tripoli (18A:0121), 1 at Sirte (18A:1727), 2 at 18A:2730 [Arco dei Fileni].
Resource points: 1 at Tripoli (18A:0121), 1 at Sirte (18A:1727).
SMPs: 23 [per F. Watson’s ER-II]
Conditional Reinforcements: The Italian Mobilization in Africa reinforcements have been received.
3-Capacity Permanent Airfields: 18A:0122 [Castel Benito], 18A: 2730: [Arco dei Felini]. Also, 5 “anywhere on Sicily;” [in playtest: at Augusta (0701), Syracusa (0702), Licata (0102), and 0603, all on map 18A]. Scarpanto (19A:0701). [On Rodi:] Rodi (20A:2230) and 20A:2331.
Accumulated Med/NA Replacements: German: 2 ARPs. Italian: 3 Inf RPs. Stored at Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box.
For Axis breakdowns and assemblies use WW Axis Game Chart 2-Breakdowns/Assemblies.
In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario the Iraqi coup occurs on the Apr I 41 Axis Initial Phase.
[Special Notes related to the Early Draft OBs: In the new Scenario the Allied-owned port of Bengasi (18A:3121) is considered a major port with a fragile artificial harbor and 14 port damage hits (the maximum permitted, per the WW Port Summary) inflicted on it at the start. As a corollary, WW Advanced Rule 12C1d-Axis Standard Supply Terminal Restrictions, and WW Optional Rule 12C1e-Standard Supply Terminal Suppression are both strongly recommended in the new Scenario. Also, in the new Scenario the use of WW Advanced Rule 14A1g-Road Construction is strongly recommended. Accordingly, the Tobruk Bypass stipulations are used, per the second bullet. Tentative lists regarding the advisability of which of the WW Advanced and Optional Rules ought to be used and not in the new Scenario have been done in an update & revision of the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario game reports Prologue, posted at the website.]
Libya: Within two hexes of Sirte (18A:1727):
1 x 3-6 Inf XX 17 Pav
1 x 5-8 Inf XX 102 Trn [In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario this Italian inf XX starts assembled; in the original ER-II Europa battle scenario it starts unassembled in its unsupported components and HQ unit]
1 x 2-3-6 Art III 24 C
1 x 2-3-8 Art III 16 C
2 x 1-8 Mot Art III 2 AC, 3AC
Within one hex of coast road hex 18A:2529:
1 x 5-8 Lt Arm XX 132 Ar [In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario this Italian lt arm XX starts assembled; in the original ER-II Europa battle scenario it starts unassembled in its unsupported components and HQ unit]
1 x 3-6 Inf XX 27 Brs
1 x 1-8 Mot Art III 1 AC
Sirte (18A:1727):
1 x 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol
1 x 0-6 Cons III 5 A
1 x 4 pos flk AA=1 [Italian]
unfinished fort marker (complete in the Mar II 41 Axis initial phase)
Misurata (18A:1022):
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 5 A
1 x 1-6 Hv AA II AA=1 29
Garian (18A:0125):
1 x 3-6 Inf XX 55 Sav
Tripoli (18A:0121):
1 x 0 pos flk AA=3 [Italian]
[WW] Tripolitania Garrison Box: [found on WW Axis Game Chart 1]
4 x 0-1-6* Inf III 280 GaF, 290 GaF, 340 GaF, 350 GaF
1 x 0-2-6* Inf III 330 GaF
Regia Aeronautica: Place at any airbase in Sicily:
1 x BR20M 3NB4 2-5/24
1 x MC200 3F4 1/8
1 x CR42 3F3 0/9
Place at any friendly airbase in Libya:
1 x G50 3F3 0/6
1x SM79-1 2B3 1-5/22
1 x CR42 3F3 0/9
Place at any friendly airbase in either Sicily or Libya:
1 x Ca 309 2B1 1/L/9
Place in the air units aborted box:
1 x SM79-1 2B3 1-5/22
1 x CR42 3F3 0/9
Place in the air units eliminated box:
1 x SM79-2 2B3 3-2/V/20
Italian Units Available for Assembly:
1 x 8 Arm XX HQ 132 Ar
1 x 2-1-8 Lt Tnk III 32
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 8 B
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 102 Trn
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 7 B
2 x 1-8 Inf III 61, 62
Libya: At sand coast road Hex 18A:2227:
1 x 10* Pz XX HQ 5 Le {optional at-start use}
1 x 5-3-10 Pz III 5
1 x 1-10 Mot Hv AA II 1/33 AA=2 (LW)
At coast road hex 18A:2730 [Arco dei Felini] or Hex 18A:2629:
2 x 1-10 Mot MG II 5 {optional at-start use}
1 x 1-10 Mot AT II 605
Alternate German at-start set-up, beginning with the 9-10 Pz XX 21:
If the 9-10 Pz XX 21 is used, then the Axis Command Problems Special Rule in F. Watson’s ER-II Europa Battle Scenario ought to be implemented in the game. This is for purely technical reasons in order to better recreate the historical Axis attack. This rules says: “Due to the caution in the Italian command brought on by their recent defeat by the British, Italian ground units may not perform overruns or attacks in the Mar II 41 movement and combat phases. In the Mar II 41 exploitation phase, one Italian RE may participate in overrun. Italian units may otherwise move normally.” If the 8-7-10* Pz XX 7 Le is used, then the Axis Command Problems Special Rule should not be used.
Hex 18A:2227:
1 x 10 Pz XX HQ 21
5-3-10 Pz III 5
1 x 1-10 Mot Hv AA II I/33 (LW)
Hex 18A:2730 [Arco dei Felini] or Hex 18A:2629:
1 x 3-10 Mot Inf III 200
1 x 10 Mot AT II 605
[Note: Beginning the new Scenario with the 9-10 Pz XX 21 in lieu of the 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le calls for a slightly different Allied at-start set-up than the one indicated in the new Scenario’s Mar II 41 Allied Turn Allied At-Start Set-Up game report, posted at the website. That Allied at-start set-up is the one presently used for development analysis with the Axis player using the optional 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le unit at the start. Europa players wanting instead to use the optional 9-10 Pz XX 21 unit should use the Allied at-start set-up found in F. Watson’s “Enter Rommel-II” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#71, at p. 30. The only difference in the two Allied at-start set-ups involves the placement of the 1-10* Mot SG X 2 and the 3-2-10 Arm X 3 Allied units.]
Any airbase in Sicily:
1 x He 111H4 4B4 2-7/S/22 (LW)
2 x Ju 88A1 3B5 3-5/26 (LW)
1 x Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 (LW)
1 x Ju 87R 2D3 4-1/13 (LW)
Any friendly airbase in Libya:
2 x Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 (LW)
1 x Me 110D 5HF5 4-2/12 (LW)
German Units Available for Assembly:
1 x 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le {optional at-start use}
1 x 9-10 Pz XX 21 {optional at-start use}
1 x 2-10 Mot Hv AA III 135 AA=4 (LW)
Med/NA Replacement Pool
1 x 2-6 Inf XX 60 Sbr
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 10 B
1 x 2-1-8 Lt Tnk III 3
2 x 1-8 Lt Tnk X 1,2
5 x 1-6 Tnk II 1, 3, 5, 6, 21
1 x Para Inf III Tonini
3 x 0-1-6* Inf III 300 GaF, 310 GaF, 320 GaF
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 24 dM
3 x 2-3-6 Art III 10 C, 20 C, 21 C
1 x 1-6 Art III 23 C
1 x 0-6 Cons III 10 A
4 x 0 pos flk unit AA=1 [Italian]
Mar II 41 At-Start dispositions; Libya, Malta, and Sicily
Mar II 41 Axis turn at-start set-up
Return of Luftwaffe Air Units from the Balkans.
On the turn that the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans (WW Rule 3E5):
Med/NA: Available in Europe:
1 x He 111H4 4B4 2-7/S/22 (LW)
3 x Ju 88A4 4B5 3-7/26 (LW)
1 x Me 109F1 6F6 1/8(LW)
1 x Me 110D 5HF5 4-2/12 (LW)
Note: These Conditional Reinforcements always arrive entirely, converted, and available, regardless of any eliminations or aborts incurred while operating in the SE Command (eg., in the Assault on Crete Segment of the new Scenario). Nor are any Med/NA ARP costs incurred on their account upon their arrival, regardless of eliminations or aborts incurred while operating in the SE Command in the Assault on Crete Segment.
Optional Axis Near East Forces.
Axis Intervention in Iraq:
In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, an Axis Intervention in Iraq may be declared by the Axis player in the April II 41 Axis turn I. Phase (only), at step 5, immediately prior to Axis Pressure to grant Axis Privileges in the Levant. See below.
The new Scenario OB below is based on the Optional Axis Near East Forces OB found in the WW OB Booklet, at pp. 27-28.
SE [or in some cases Med/NA]:
Coup Turn 3, or in the new Scenario, May I 41: Available at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x Mxd 2A3 1-1/16 (LW)
Coup Turn 4, or in the new Scenario, May II 41: Available at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x Ju 52 1T2 0/20 (LW)
Note: If the Axis player has not ceased operations in the Balkans this turn, use an available Ju 52 LW air unit from the Axis Assault on Crete Axis OB. Keep the same Ju 52 LW air unit in play as the designated Optional Axis Near East Force at the instant that the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans.
1 gsp at the port hex of Rodi (20A:2230), if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans. This reinforcement is not indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB.
Note: Beginning this turn, if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans, 1 gsp Reinforcement is placed at the port of Rodi, at step 14. This single gsp reinforcement is available this turn, and on the Jun I 41 Axis turn, and then on the Jun II 41 Axis turn, if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans. This reinforcement is not indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB.
Coup Turn 5, or in the new Scenario, Jun I 41:
Available At Rodi (20A:2230):
1 gsp at the port hex of Rodi (20A:2230), if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans. This reinforcement is not indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB.
Coup Turn 6, or in the new Scenario, Jun II 41: Available at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 gsp at the port hex of Rodi (20A:2230), if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans. This reinforcement is not indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB.
Convert, at Rodi (20A:2230): 1 x Mxd A 2A3 1-1/16 (LW) to:
1 x Me 110C 5HF5 1/12 (LW)
Note: The conversion takes place at Rodi (20A:2230). The conversion evidently cannot be done either in the Vichy French Levant or Iraq because, per Rule 25D [Air Unit] Conversions, the air base where the converted air unit is based at cannot be isolated, which it would evidently be the case at either mentioned location, per Rule 3F-Isolation and Lines of Communication. However, in the new Scenario the Mxd A LW air unit (only) can do its Conversion at Rodi (20A:2230) prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans (WW Rule 3E5), essentially via a new Scenario enhancement of WW (new) Optional Rule 23J, found in the Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005.
At the option of the Axis player: Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x 2-6 Inf III SV 288 (GA)
There may be OB changes done later regarding this unit in the new Scenario.
Coup Turn 7, or in the new Scenario, Jul I 41: Available in the Dodecanese:
1 x He 111H4 4B4 2-7/22 (LW)
August II 41: Withdraw:
1 x Ju 52 1T2 0/20 (LW)
1 x He 111H4 4B4 2-7/22 (LW)
Note: Neither of these withdrawals are indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB, but I have included them here, thinking that they are ultimately accounted for in the 1941 German Scorched Earth OB. I will admit that the Aug II 41 Withdrawal date is arbitrary, and have tentatively picked that date because it is the end turn of the WW Balkan Campaign (see Rule 41C1-Balkan Campaign). The withdrawal requirement is deliberately withheld from affecting the Me 110C LW air unit. If either of the Withdrawn LW air units are in either the NE Command Aborted or Eliminated air units boxes, then the Axis player must forfeit the appropriate ARPs from his Med/NA Command.
[Oct I 41:
The German motorized Conversion of the 2-6 Inf III SV 288, per the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces Conditional Reinforcement OB, is presently omitted from the early draft of the Axis OB, pending further new Scenario analysis & development. See below.]
Tentative new Scenario Rules text Defining WW Optional Rule 38J6’s Axis force operational restrictions for the Optional Axis Near East Forces:
The wording of the third paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6-Axis Intervention in Iraq, has been changed and expanded with explanatory bullets. Except for one rare amended instance [see below], the voluntary withdrawal of individual Axis Intervention in Iraq LW air units can always be done, if allowable per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6. However, in the new Scenario the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit is added to the list of Axis Intervention in Iraq forces that may voluntarily withdraw. It can do this voluntarily withdrawal if it is in general supply via an unrestricted full supply source, per WW Rule 12C2a. In the South Aegean Islands this occurs after the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans, per Rule 12C2a. The Axis declaration of an Axis Intervention in Iraq kicks in the proviso in the last paragraph of Rule 38V3 (and amended by official WW Errata) whereby “the Allied player loses one victory point at the end of each game turn that the Axis has privileges in the Levant and the Levant has not surrendered to the Allies.” In the new Scenario’s draft Rules the third paragraph revision would be as follows:
“In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, an Axis Intervention into an existing Iraqi Coup (only) may be declared by the Axis player in the April II 41 Axis turn (only) I. Phase, at step 5, immediately prior to any Axis Pressure to grant Axis Privileges in the Levant and after the step 4 Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse dice roll. ‘Axis Intervention in Iraq’ forces are received to support the Iraqi Coup and any use of these forces prior to the Iraqi Coup collapse contrary to that intent is prohibited. In game terms, this means that intervention forces must move to Iraq as expeditiously as possible; until such time as these forces do enter Iraq they may only move by air transfer and air transport. The Optional Axis Near East forces may transit (in this case, air transfer or air transport missions) over the Vichy French Levant, even if there has been no Axis privilege given per Rule 38V3; but in this case they may only use airbases in the Levant for air transfer leg series that are outside the patrol zones of Allied fighters. They may not end their turn at Levant airbases. Regarding the activated Axis Intervention in Iraq Conditional Reinforcements, the following stipulations apply:
The Mxd A LW air unit must immediately transit to Coup Iraq the turn it is received (the Coup Turn 3 May I 41 turn), if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed. After that, if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed, it must stay in Iraq until the Jun II 41 Allied Turn, when, if possible, it should do a non-phasing air transfer from Iraq back to Rodi (20A:2230) to do its Conversion on the following Jun II 41 Axis turn. On the turn of the Conversion, the converted Me 110C LW air unit must return to Iraq if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed. If the Iraqi Coup collapses while the Mxd A LW air unit is in Iraq, it may remain in Iraq and conduct air missions there, or else do a one-way transit back to Rodi (20A:2230). If the Mxd A LW air unit is in Iraq after the Coup collapse and the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges per Rule 38V3, it may conduct air missions in both Iraq and the Levant. In any event, if the Mxd A LW air unit is based at Rodi (20A:2230) after the Iraqi Coup collapse, it must remain there inoperative until its conversion on the Jun II 41 turn.
The Ju 52 LW air unit must immediately transit (eg., air transfer or air transport) to Coup Iraq the turn it is received (the Coup Turn 4 May II 41 turn), if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed. After that, as long as the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed and no Axis privileges have been given per Rule 38V3, it may transit back and forth across the Vichy French Levant between Iraq and the Dodecanese, and continue to do air missions in Iraq. If the Ju 52 LW air unit is in either Iraq or the Dodecanese and the Iraqi Coup collapses, it may transit back and forth between the Dodecanese and Iraq, and do air missions in Iraq. Prior to both the Iraqi Coup collapse and the gaining of any Axis privileges in the Levant per Rule 38V3, the Ju 52 LW air unit may carry as cargo the gsp’s listed in the Optional Axis Near East Forces OB, or gsp’s generated at South Aegean Island port hexes per Rule 12C2a, after the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans. The Ju 52 LW air unit may also carry Med/NA-specific cargo and the Conditional Reinforcement German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit across the Vichy French Levant if the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges, per Rule 38V3, and also if the Axis player has obtained Axis Transit privileges as stipulated in the amended Rule 38V3 Transit bullet for the new Scenario [see below]. These Ju 52 LW air unit air transports may be done in tandem with eligible Axis bombers being used as transports, per [new Scenario recommended] Optional Rule 23E3-Bombers as Transports. If the Ju 52 LW air unit is in either Iraq or the Dodecanese after the Coup collapse, and the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges per Rule 38V3, it may conduct air missions in both Iraq and the Levant, and it may base in either the Vichy French Levant, or the Dodecanese, or Iraq, if possible. While based in the Dodecanese after the Iraqi Coup collapse, the Ju 52 LW air unit may do air transfers within the Dodecanese and do air transport air missions to Crete, excluding air-dropping para/glider units, as long as it bases in the Dodecanese. It may also do air transport missions between the Dodecanese and Athenai (15B:0911) as long as it bases in the Dodecanese.
The He 111H4 LW air unit must immediately transit (eg., air transfer or air transport, per Optional Rule 23E3) to Coup Iraq the turn it is received (the Coup Turn 7 July I 41 turn), if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed. Prior to the Iraqi Coup collapse, it may operate in Coup Iraq and/or transit between Coup Iraq and the Dodecanese. If the Iraqi coup collapses, the He 111H4 LW air unit may operate in Iraq and/or transit back and forth to the Dodecanese. If the He 111 H4 LW air unit is in Iraq or the Dodecanese after the Iraqi Coup collapse, and the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges per Rule 38V3, it may do air missions in both Iraq and the Levant, and may base in either the Dodecanese, the Vichy French Levant, or Iraq, if possible. Excepting the instances above regarding Iraq and the Vichy French Levant, the only air missions the He 111H4 LW air unit may do while based in the Dodecanese are air transfers within the Dodecanese or air transport missions in the Aegean per the last two sentences of the above bullet for the Ju 42 LW air unit.
The Me 110C LW air unit must immediately air transit to Iraq the turn it is received (the Coup Turn 7 July I 41 turn) if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed. Prior to the Iraqi Coup collapse, it may operate in Coup Iraq and/or transit between Coup Iraq and the Dodecanese. If the Iraqi coup collapses, the Me 110C LW air unit may operate in Iraq and/or transit back and forth to the Dodecanese. If the Me 110C LW air unit is in Iraq or the Dodecanese after the Iraqi Coup collapse, and the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges per Rule 38V3, it may do air missions in both Iraq and the Levant, and may base in either the Dodecanese, the Vichy French Levant, or Iraq, if possible. Excepting the instances above regarding Iraq and the Vichy French Levant, the only air missions the Me 110C air unit may do while based in the Dodecanese are interception air missions if its base is the enemy target hex, or scramble air missions and/or air transfers within the Dodecanese, or escort air missions with the Conditional Reinforcement Ju 52 LW air unit doing air transport missions to Crete or Athenai (15B:0911).
Alternately, if on the same Axis turn of the Iraqi Coup collapse, the Me 110C LW air unit may air transfer from Iraq or Rodi (20A:2230) to an airfield in Iran, there to operate in Iran (only) until eliminated or aborted, or Iranian surrender, per Rule 38I4. In the alternative case of air transferring to Iran, it is subsequently prohibited from any voluntary withdrawal, per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6, while in Iran until after Iranian surrender. If it survives in Iran after the Iranian surrender, it is on its own until it is aborted or eliminated, and presumably may attempt to make its way back to Axis airbases in Iraq, the Vichy French Levant, or the Dodecanese, only. Only after the Iranian surrender may the Me 110C LW air unit voluntarily withdraw per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6, if that is possible. If it is eliminated or aborted in Iran, it is placed in the NE Command Replacement Pool and will remain there until the end of the new Scenario, and will then be counted as an Axis loss for VPs.
If the Iraqi Coup has collapsed and the Vichy French Levant has surrendered to the Allied player per Optional Rule 38V3f, and the Ju 52 and He 111H LW air units have withdrawn, either voluntarily or on the Aug II 41 turn per the new Scenario Axis OB, and there are no Axis forces (excluding Fawzi) in Iraq or the Vichy French Levant or Iran, and there are no remaining Axis-controlled airbases in Iraq or the Vichy French Levant, the Me 110C LW air unit must voluntarily withdraw per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6, if possible, unless it is on-map in Iran prior to the Iranian surrender. If all the above conditions exist and the Iranians have surrendered to the Allies and the Me 110C LW air unit is still on-map, it must voluntarily withdraw as soon as possible per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6. Regardless of the location of any Optional Axis Near East Forces losses [excepting for now the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit, pending further new Scenario development], the units are always placed in the Axis Near East Command Replacement Pool.”
Here is a partially formulated Optional Rule 38J6 amendment regarding the Ger 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit:
In the new Scenario the Ger 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit may be brought on-map as an Axis Intervention in Iraq OB Conditional Reinforcement on the Coup Turn 6 Jun II 41 Axis turn (only) at Rodi (20A:2230). Per the WW OB booklet, under the Optional Near East Forces OB, it is brought into play “at the option of the Axis player,” and it is not a required Axis reinforcement. But if it is not brought on-map into play as a Conditional Reinforcement on the Coup Turn 6 Jun II 41 Axis turn, it cannot enter play later as an Axis Intervention in Iraq force. In this case it then enters play on-map as its motorized infantry conversion unit, in the Med/NA Command on the Oct I 41 Axis turn, per the WitD Axis OB booklet.
If it is placed at Rodi on the Jun II 41 Axis I. Phase it must remain on the island of Rodi until it either voluntarily withdraws via its new Scenario addition to the “voluntarily withdrawal” capable units per the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6, or it does a sea or air transport from Rodi to the Near East (eg., either to the Vichy French Levant or Iraq) prior to the Iraqi Coup Collapse. After the Iraqi Coup Collapse it cannot go from Rodi to the Near East, even in the case of Full Axis privileges in the Levant, per Rule 38V3a. [This is due to its apparent largely European Islamic composition achieved from recruitment in recently Axis conquered Yugoslavia.] If it voluntarily withdraws from Rodi, per the above-mentioned Optional Rule 38J6 amendment, it remains so removed from on-map play until after its motorized conversion on the Oct I 41 German turn (per the Optional Axis Near East Forces OB) when it also becomes Available in Europe as an Oct I 41 Med/NA Regular Reinforcement.
If it is sea or air transported to the Vichy French Levant prior to an Iraqi Coup Collapse, it can only do so if the Axis player has Full privileges per Rule 38V3a. Once in the Vichy French Levant it must move to Iraq as expeditiously as possible, by air or ground movement, as long as the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed. Under no circumstances prior to an Iraqi Coup Collapse may it attack while in the Vichy French Levant, unless it attacks into an Iraqi hex. If the Iraqi Coup collapses while the 2-6 Inf III SV 288 is in the Vichy French Levant, it may operate in the Vichy French Levant along with other Axis units there per the Full privileges of Rule 38V3a. If it arrives in Iraq it must operate in Iraq (only) as long as the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed. If the Iraqi Coup collapses while it is in Iraq, it may continue to operate in Iraq and/or it may only then, in this incidental case, cross the Iraqi border and operate in the Vichy French Levant, if the Axis player has Full privileges per Rule 38V3a. If it is able to return to the Dodecanese after the Iraqi Coup collapse it must voluntarily withdraw from play as an Axis Intervention in Iraq force [per the above]. Alternatively, if it is in Iraq after the Iraqi Coup collapse it may cross the Iraqi border into Iran, where it must remain until eliminated or the Iranian surrender. After the Iranian surrender it is on its own and may attempt to make its way back to the South Aegean Islands, in order to voluntarily withdraw. If, in this situation only, it is able to make its way back from the Near East to North Africa on the WD map group, it may do its motorized conversion there on the Oct I 41 turn or afterwards, if in general supply.
If it is eliminated while isolated [perhaps in Iraq, the Vichy French Levant, Cyprus, or Iran] it is placed in the Near East Replacement Pool.
In the final analysis, the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit should be perhaps either excluded from the Optional Axis Near East Forces or else allowed to be exchanged with the 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr, which is indicated as a SE Command Regular Reinforcement on the Jun II 41 turn, per the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB, found in the WW OB booklet, on p. 21. More on this tentative mulling below, in the Assault on Crete Segment section of the new Scenario’s Axis OB.
Tentative new Scenario draft Rule covering the operational restrictions for Axis forces gaining Transit privileges in the Vichy French Levant, per Rule 38V3:
In the new Scenario, amend the Transit bullet text at WW Rule 38V3-Axis Privileges [in the Levant] to read: “Transit: Axis Med/NA-specific air units may use airbases in the Levant that are outside the patrol zones of Allied fighters. Axis Med/NA-specific air units may use these Levant air bases only if flying transfer air missions. Axis Med/NA-specific air units may Transit the Levant doing air transfer or air transport missions per [new Scenario recommended] WW Optional Rule 23E3-Bombers as Transports [eg., I see no available T type air units in the Med/NA-specific WitD Axis OB]. They may not end their air operation [eg., air transfer or air transport air missions] at Levant airbases, however, and must continue transferring to airbases outside the Levant.”
In the new Scenario, Axis Med/NA forces transported to the Near East map group via Axis Transit privileges in the Levant per the amended Rule 38V3 indicated above, may operate in either Iraq and Iran. In the case of Full privileges, per Rule 38V3, Axis Med/NA forces (production items and ground and air units) transported to the Near East map group could operate in the Vichy French Levant, Iraq, and Iran. In case of Air privileges, Axis Med/NA air units only and not Axis Med/NA ground units or production could operate in the Levant; and air transported Axis Med/NA production and ground units could operate in Iraq and Iran.
Axis ground and air unit supply considerations for activated Optional Rule 38J6 Axis Intervention in Iraq forces in the Near East map group and Med/NA Axis forces in the Vichy French Levant/Near East, via Rule 38V3a:
Per WW Rule 12C1a-Standard Supply Terminals, Iraqi, Vichy French Levant, Iranian, or Turkish (insofar as using WW Rule 38T2) standard supply terminals (as identified per the WitD Neutral Nations OB) are never supply sources for either activated Axis Intervention in Iraq Conditional Reinforcement forces and/or Med/NA-specific Axis forces in the Near East, via Axis Privileges per WW Rule 38V3a. In the new Scenario, WW Rule 23I-Out-of-Supply Airbases is used. WW Optional Rule 12E3-Elimination from Lack of General Supply, is strongly recommended. FYI, WW Optional Rule 12C4c-Special GSP Expenditure and WW Advanced Rule 12D3-Minimal Attack Supply (of interest to the Allied player in the NE map group) are both strongly recommended in the new Scenario. It is unlikely that in most new Scenario games the Axis player will be able to trace a road & overland element supply line from Axis units in the above named Near East countries and across the Suez Canal to say, the Axis standard supply terminal at Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya. Therefore it appears that all Axis forces in the Near East must rely for general supply via an overland element traced to an Axis-specific gsp that has somehow been transported onto the Near East map group. There is some mulling here that a one or two turn (at the most) special limited supply terminal status (per the meaning of the last paragraph of WW Rule 12C1b-Limited Supply Terminals) might be done at the Mosul hex if 1) the Vichy French Levant has not been invaded by the Allies 2) Jean-Guy Rathe’s Special Vichy French Levant Variant At-Start Set-Up is used, and 3) Rathe’s TFL Article’s BANP Railroad proviso is in use, and none of the BANP Railroad hexes in Iraq were Allied-controlled [or have damage hits]. This would be for 1 RE of Axis ground units, or one Axis air unit, for Rule 23I considerations, at the Mosul hex, for one or at the most two game turns.
This is based on the WitD Axis OB booklet.
Mar II 41 Axis EOT dispositions;
APR I 41
In the new Scenario, on this turn the Axis may try to gain Axis privileges in the Vichy French Levant for the first time, starting in the I. Phase, at step 5. This coincides with the bullet text indicated in the WitD Axis OB for the Apr I 41 Axis turn. The WitD Axis OB is used as a basis for the new Scenario. Also, per WW Rule 38V3a-Axis Privileges [in the Levant], “The Axis player may receive special privileges in the Levant through the Vichy Levant Table … [i]f the Axis player has not violated the neutrality of any Vichy region [and beginning on] [a]ny turn starting from the turn that Germany intervenes in the Balkans (Apr I 41 if the Southeast Command is not under Axis player control) through the end of 1941. [Also, the Axis player may roll on the Vichy Levant Table] … [a]ny turn at all if the Allied player has violated the neutrality of the Levant and the Vichy forces in the Levant have not surrendered ….”
In the new Scenario, the Iraqi coup automatically occurs in the Axis I. Phase, at step 13. But per WW Rule 38J4-[Iraqi] Coup, the Axis player may not move the Iraqi forces this turn.
Med/NA: Available in Europe: Italian:
1 x 0-6 lt AA II AA=1 36
2 steps of attack supply
0.5 Ital Inf RP German:
1 x 10 Pz XX HQ 15
1 x 3-10 mot Inf III 104
1 x Me 109E 7F5 1/7 Available for Assembly:
Apr I 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Lybia
Beginning at least at the very start of the Apr II 41 Axis turn, the Axis naval status number for the Aegean Sea is 12 (see WW Rule 31D6-Aegean Sea). This is indirectly implied at WW Optional Rule 38J6, where it says “In scenarios where the Balkans are not in play (Rule 3E5), Athenai (15B:0911) is considered to be Axis-owned during all [presumably game] turns on or after Apr II 41” Implicitly, Thessaloniki (14A:4510) would also now be Axis-owned. Per WW (new) Optional Rule 23J-Axis Air Operations from Aegean Islands, this Axis naval status number change for the Aegean Sea means the end of the U-4 out-of-supply airbase status for Axis airbases there, such as in the Dodecanese, per Rule 23I (excepting the two Italian Mxd type air units that start BF-specific games in the Dodecanese garrison).
Beginning this turn in the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, the Allied player may begin to roll for an Iraqi Coup collapse at step 4 of the Apr II 41 Axis I. Phase. At this early Axis player turn date however, it is likely impossible for the Iraqi Coup collapse to occur per the dice roll results.
In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, an Axis Intervention into an existing Iraqi Coup (only) may be declared by the Axis player in the April II 41 Axis turn (only) I. Phase, at step 5.
If Axis privileges in the Levant have yet to be received, the Axis player may roll on the Vichy Levant Table to grant Axis privileges in the Levant immediately after an Axis declaration of an Axis Intervention into an existing Iraqi coup.
In the Apr II 41 Axis turn the Axis player may move the Iraqi Coup forces. In the prior Apr II 41 Allied turn, the first Coup turn 2 Allied Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces will certainly have arrived to southern Iraq via the Persian Gulf and taken Basra (22A:4313) and declared it to be an Allied Standard Supply Terminal in their M. Phase. It is in the Apr II 41 Axis turn C. Phase that the Axis player might conduct a big Habbaniya airfield hex (22A:2828) ground attack.
Apr II 41 end of Movement Phase dispositions: Iraq
Med/NA: German: Available in Europe:
1 x 5-3-10 Pz III 8
1 x 3-4-8 Art III 221
Note: Starting on the May I 41 Allied turn, Axis air units may now operate normally from friendly-owned airbases in the Aegean Sea, such as the Italian-owned Dodecanese, per WW (new) Optional Rule 23J-Axis Air Ops from Aegean Islands. In the new Scenario “Athenai is considered Axis-owned during all turns on or after Apr II 41,” per WW Optional Rule 38J6. This should change the Aegean Sea status number to 12, lifting the Axis air unit supply restrictions indicated in WW (new) Optional Rule 23J.
Apr II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Libya and Sicily
MAY I 41
Available in Europe: Italian:
2 supply steps
5 ARPs
0.5 Ital Inf RP
1 x Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 [Italian] Convert from Med/NA Command forces: 1 x SM.79-1 to:
1 x SM.79-2 2B3 3-2/V/20 German:
1 x 3-10 mot Inf III 115
3 ARPs (LW)
Conditional Reinforcements
Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq
German: SE Command: Place at any airbase on the island of Rodi:
1 x Mxd A 2A3 1-1/16
WW ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario
The Assault on Crete Segment May II 41 Allied Turn Axis At-Start OB:
The new Scenario Axis at-start OB for the Assault on Crete Segment is based on the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB, found in the WW OB booklet.
At the start of the Crete Segment the Axis player owns the Southeast Command and owns all hexes in Greece and the Dodecanese except for those on Crete, Gavdos, and Anditkytheria. [At the start of the Crete Segment the Allied player controls the Balkan Command and owns all of the hexes on Crete and the nearby islands of Gavdos and Anditkythera.]
After the Axis player has in hand his SE Command Special Operation plan, the Allied player deploys the Crete Segment Allied at-start forces first. Then the Axis player deploys the Crete Segment Axis at-start forces second.
The Axis Aegean Sea naval status number is 12, per WW Rule 31D6. [Evidently it has been so since the Apr II 41 turn. Presumably the Allied player does not roll on the Naval Table doing sea transport in the Aegean Sea and certainly doesn’t use it in the Eastern Med or Persian Gulf.]
Southeast (SE) Command: Initial Conditions; at the start of the May II 41 Allied Turn.
Note: Axis initial temporary airfields remain in play even if no construction units are present in their hexes.
Italian: Greece. Place anywhere in Mainland Greece:
1 x Ski II MC [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]
1 x Marine Cmdo II Gr/SM [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]
Place at Athenai (15B:0911):
1 x Z 506B 2B3 2-4/F/22 [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]
Place at any airbase in Mainland Greece:
1 x G 50 bis 3F3 0/10 [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]
1 x MC 200 3F4 1/8 [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]
Place in Samos(15B:1400):
1 x 4-6 Inf XXX 6 Cno
Place in Scarpanto (15B:2503):
1 x 0-1-6 Lt AA II AA=1 Scar [Rhodes garrison]
Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x 1-0-6 Lt Tnk II 312 [Rhodes garrison]
1 x 1-6 Hv AA II AA=2 Rodi [Rhodes garrison]
1 x 0-6 Lt AA II AA=1 Rodi [Rhodes garrison]
1 x 3-4-6 Inf XX 50 Reg [Rhodes garrison]
2 x 1-2-5 Art X 35, 36 [Rhodes garrison]
one step of attack supply [per the WW Operation Marita Scenario Axis OB, in the Axis Initial Forces section.]
Place at any airbase on the island of Rodi:
1 x Mxd B 1B2 1-2/21 [Rhodes garrison]
1 x Mxd F 2F2 0/9 [Rhodes garrison]
Note: The Rhodes garrison is released, per WW Rule 37D5.
German: Greece. Place anywhere in Mainland Greece:
1 x 7-6 Para XX 7 (LW)
2 x 7-8 Mtn XX 5, 6
1 x 2-5 Para III 2 St (LW)
1 x 1-5 Glider II I/1St (LW)
2 x Eng III [any WW M-M German OB]
10 x 5 pos AA AA=1 (LW)
Place at the airbases at Melos (15B:1610) or Scarpanto (15B:2503), or at any airbase in Mainland Greece:
1 x DFS 230 0GT-1 -/T (LW)
3 x Do 17Z 3B4 2-7/S/22 (LW)
1 x He 111H 4B4 2-7/S/22 (LW)
11 x Ju 52 1T2 0/20 (LW)
2 x Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 (LW)
1 x Ju 87R 2D3 4-1/13 (LW)
3 x Ju 88A1 3B5 3-5/26 (LW)
2 x Me 109E 7F5 1/7 (LW)
1 x Me 110C 5HF5 1/12 (LW)
1 x Me 110D 5HF5 4-2/12 (LW)
May II 41 Allied end of step 21 of the Initial Phase dispositions: easten Libya, western Egypt, mainland Greece, Crete, Melos, and the Dodecanese
Special Considerations Regarding the New Scenario’s Assault on Crete Segment.
On the May II 41 Allied turn there could be additional Allied ground and air units on Crete other than just those stipulated in the Assault on Crete at-start Allied OB. Those additional Allied ground and air units would be those which were voluntarily moved on-map to Crete from the ME Command prior to the May II 41 Allied turn and after the new Scenario’s start on the Mar II 41 Axis turn. Prior to the May II 41 Allied turn, all additional surplus ME Command ARPs sent to Greece must be sent to the Off-Map Holding Box, and not directly to Crete. Prior to the May II 41 Allied turn Crete Segment, no additional surplus steps of attack supply, replacement points (RPs), or resource points may be sent to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box in the new Scenario, as the eventual evacuation of these additional surplus items from mainland Greece to Crete would be problematic. Additional surplus steps of attack supply and resource points from the ME Command may be sent directly to Crete from the ME Command prior to the May II 41 Allied turn. Prior to the establishment of Suda Bay as a Standard Supply Terminal, inf RPs from the ME Command may only be air transported to Crete. If available in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box at the beginning of the Crete Segment, one additional surplus ARP may be expended in the May II 41 I. Phase to repair the Hurri 1 air unit in the Balkan Command’s Aborted Air Units Box and then be placed on-map at Crete. At the start of the Crete Segment, any additional surplus ARPs in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box are stored at the Standard Supply Terminal at Suda Bay as Balkan Command ARPs. Per WW Rule 31C3-Replacement Points, no RPs are allowed to be sea transferred directly to Crete prior to the May II 41 Allied turn. When the Crete Segment starts, Allied ME Command RPs can be sea transported only to the Suda Bay standard supply terminal.
At the beginning of the May II 41 Allied turn, in conjunction with the beginning of the Crete Segment, the Axis player may formally have in hand a SE Command Special Operation (airborne and/or amphibious) “planned in advance,” per WW Rule 33-Special Operations. Although technically the Axis player is supposed to have done this planning at step 8 in the prior Axis I. Phase of the May I 41 turn, in the new Scenario it is necessarily better done at the start of the Crete Segment on the May II 41 Allied turn.
Per both the new Scenario’s Axis OB and the WW Assault on Crete Axis OB, there are no available initial accumulated German or Italian SE Command ARPs or replacement points. But note that at as early as the May II 41 Axis I. Phase, at step 14, the Axis player can transfer Med/NA Command ARPs stored at the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box to the SE Command, per WW Rule 25C14-ARP Transfer, and expend them in the same turn. Per a new Scenario amendment to WW Rule 37C2a-Mainland Europe, in the new Scenario: Corresponding on-map Axis force returns to the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box are allowed in the Axis I. Phase, at the end of step 14, from Sicily, or from the South Aegean Islands, after the Axis has ceased operations in the Balkans. In conjunction with the Assault on Crete Segment, [see below] the Axis player may begin to do the following: “During any Axis I. Phase (after reinforcements are received), Med/NA Command forces (excluding Axis arm replacement points) in the Mainland Europe Holding Box may be placed on-map [in the SE Command] at Athenai (15B:0911). Conversely, any Axis Med/NA Command forces at Athenai during the Assault on Crete Segment may be returned to the Mainland Europe Holding Box at the end of step 14 of the Axis I. Phase. Additionally, if the the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit is at Athenai in the Assault on Crete Segment, it may be may be returned to the Mainland Europe Holding Box at the end of step 14 of the Axis I. Phase, for the purpose of voluntarily withdrawal only.” Steps of attack supply have been added to the Crete Segment’s SE Command Axis Regular Reinforcements [see below]. At the end of the Crete Segment, after the Axis player has ceased operations in the Balkans per WW Rule 3E5b, any Med/NA-specific items (only) remaining on-map on 15B (only) in mainland Greece or the Greek Islands revert back to the Mainland Europe Holding Box.
Here are the current new Scenario’s OB/Rules requirements for the Crete Segment’s at-start positioning and operational use of the three at-start Greek static Xs: “Each of the three Greek static X units must be placed at a standard port [hex] on the island of Crete. They cannot be stacked together. The three Greek static Xs must remain in their three Crete standard port hexes throughout the May II 41 Allied turn, and are always in these same three different Crete standard port hexes at the beginning of the May II 41 Axis turn. The three Greek static Xs must remain in their respective Crete standard port hexes until either a particular Greek static X moves out of its standard port hex due to an Enemy Reaction movement (WW Rule 33B) or if a particular Greek static X is moved out of its standard port hex due to movement after Combat in a C. Phase. Thereafter the affected Greek static X may move freely on Crete.” The three Greek static Xs may not be evacuated from Crete, as Greece is their operational area.
The 0-2-0 Hv AA X NMBDO 1 (RM) must remain in the Suda Bay hex 18A/450315B:2113, as it cannot move or be sea transported. If eliminated, it is placed in the BC Replacement Pool on its original 0-2-6 side. It may be disbanded in an Allied Initial Phase, but this gains the Axis VPs, per the WW Common Victory Chart.
At step 13 of the current Allied I. Phase the Allied player will likely declare the existence of a South Aegean Naval [Tight] Interdiction Zone, per WW Rule 31D7. This tight naval interdiction zone “is [then] in effect until the start of his next initial phase.”
In the new Scenario, the SE Command Axis Assault on Crete Segment Axis air units’ operational area definitely includes the Greek and Dodecanese hexes of map 15B, including the associated Aegean Sea hexes, and the Mediterranean Sea hexes on maps 18A, 19A, and 20A that are in range of Axis Naval Patrol air missions, including other directly related air missions, ie., escort of these SE Command Naval Patrol air missions and possible related Axis SE Command interception air missions. In this case all Crete Segment SE Command Axis air units surviving their air missions must always return to base in the SE Command, in our case meaning to Axis bases in mainland Greece, Melos (15B:1610), Crete, or the Dodecanese. Also, the Crete Segment SE Command Axis air units probably ought to be allowed to do air missions at target hexes in Cyprus, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, and the Vichy French Levant, if the surviving Axis air units always return to base in the Crete Segment’s SE Command. All losses of Crete Segment Axis SE Command-specific air or ground units would always go into the SE Command Replacement Pool and never to either the Med/NA or NE Replacement Pools, regardless of where they were lost at.
Per a likely new Scenario rule, “if there are no British forces (per WW Rule 3B2) on Crete in an Axis Initial Phase, then any remaining Greek static Xs automatically surrender at the very beginning of step 4, thereby enabling the Axis to then cease operations in the Balkans, per WW Rule 3E5b, if he chooses to.”
At step 19 of the I. Phase of the second Axis turn after the implementation of Rule 3E5b-Voluntary Cessation of Operations in the Balkans, which is necessarily used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, 3-cap permanent airfields (w/out hits) appear at Khania (18A:4403) and Erakleion (18A:4903). If there are any temporary Axis airfields at either Khania or Erakleion at the time of the voluntary cessation of operations in the Balkans, these temporary airfields remain on-map without an accompanying Axis cons/eng unit until the said 3-cap permanent airfields (w/out hits) appear per the above, at which time the temporary airfields are removed. This appears to coincide with the WitD Allied OB booklet for the WW WD Scenario situation.
Per WW Optional Rule 38J6 as it is written, the Jun II 41 Axis Intervention in Iraq Conditional Reinforcement German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit appears to be in play indefinitely from that turn onwards, perhaps lingering in the South Aegean Islands, or forlorn, forsaken, & isolated somewhere in the Near East map group, or maybe somewhere else on the WD map group (including Cyprus on map 20A), assuming it ultimately got to one of these places from Rodi. Or perhaps in the new scenario it could be “voluntarily withdrawn” from play if in regular general supply (eg., still in the South Aegean Islands), via its likely addition to the “voluntarily withdrawal” of German LW air units stipulated in the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6. If it has been “voluntarily withdrawn” it could certainly do off-map its important Oct I 41 motorized Conversion, per the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB, at p. 28, and then be readily Available in Europe on the Oct I 41 as a Converted 3-10 Mot Inf III SV 288 Regular Reinforcement, per the WitD Axis OB booklet. Otherwise, if the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit was on-map and unisolated, it could certainly do its Oct I 41 motorized Conversion and be readily Available in the Med/NA Command for service in the Western Desert
All Crete Segment Axis SE Command forces (only) are removed from the game at the end of the Crete Segment, which is done via WW Rule 3E5b-[Axis] Voluntary Cessation of Operations in the Balkans. Strictly in the context of the new Scenario’s development, a possible exception to this Rule 3E5b SE Command withdrawal stipulation might be the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB Jun II 41 SE Command’s German reinforcement 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr unit, which per the WitD Axis OB booklet comes into play later in the Med/NA Command as a Mainland Europe Holding Box reinforcement, in the July and August 1942 turns. However, per the WitD Axis OB the 164 Lr Inf XX unit comes in as a 7-8 inf XX, which increases the technical problems to be addressed. In such a new Scenario revision, the German 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr could remain in the new Scenario indefinitely, once Available in Mainland Greece on the Jun II 41 turn as a Crete Segment SE Command reinforcement. In this alternate optional situation, it might then Transfer to the Med/NA Command the same Axis player turn the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans per Rule 3E5b. This Transfer would of course include any 164 Lr divisional breakdown losses in the SE Command Replacement Pool. If this option involving the German 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr unit was chosen, then the Conditional Reinforcement German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit might ought to be required to voluntarily withdraw on the turn the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans, assuming it was still in the Dodecanese and not isolated somewhere in the remote NE map group. And additionally, if this Axis OB change is included in the new Scenario, it might suggest that the WitD Axis OB Sep I 41 Italian reinforcement 5-8 Mot Inf XX 101 Trs unit be correspondingly delayed quid pro quo, presumably doing the assumed garrison work in the Balkans the German 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr unit did until the Jul I 42 turn. But the Italian XX 101 Trs might not necessarily retain its given motorized Arrival status, which could be included as a stand-alone Sep I 41 reinforcement Arrival in Libya, specifically for the motorization of the already in play Italian 5-8 Inf XX 102 Trn XX unit. In this example, on the Jul I 42 turn, the 101 Trs XX would then come in as an Italian 5-8 Inf XX.
It is likely that on this Axis player turn, at step 4, the Allied player will be able to do the dice roll on the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table (per WW Optional Rule 38J5) using the big +5 Dice Roll Modifier: “First turn (only) that a supported Allied unit is adjacent to an Iraqi-owned Baghdad.” This is per the revised wording for the Additional Wavell’s War Chart Errata found in the Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005 addendum. This “supported Allied unit” would probably be the 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab.
WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario May II 41 Axis Initial Phase dispositions
Med/NA: Available in Europe: German:
1 x 1-10 mot hv AA II 1/18 AA=2 (LW)
Special Axis Assault on Crete Segment Axis OB:
SE: German:
Available at Athenai (15B:0911):
one step of attack supply
This is an additional Axis reinforcement available in the new Scenario Axis OB; it is not available in the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB. To me right now, this is considered to be one of the steps of attack supply listed as German reinforcements for the Apr I and Apr II 41 Axis turns of the WW Marita Scenario Axis OB.
Conditional Reinforcements
Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq SE or Med/NA Command: German: Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x Ju 52 1T2 0/20 SE Command (only): Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 gsp, generated on the May II 41 Axis initial phase. [received as reinf only if still in the SE Command]
May II 41 Axis end of step 21 of the Initial Phase dispositions
May II 41 Axis early Movement Phase dispositions
May II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: the eastern Mediterranean Sea basin
JUN I 41
Med/NA: Italian: Tripolitania Garrison: Release:
1 x 0-1-6* Inf III 280 GaF Med/NA Command: Available in Europe: Italian:
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 8A
1 x 1-6 Tank II 4
1 x 1-8 Aslt Eng II 31 G
2 steps of attack supply
0.5 Ital Inf RP Available in Europe: German:
1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 90 LA
1 x 2-8 Inf III 155
1 x 5-8 Inf XX 90 La
Note: The WitD Axis OB Regular Reinforcement Luftwaffe air units indicated for the Jun I 41 Axis turn are omitted as Regular Reinforcements in the new Scenario’s Axis draft OB, as they have been designated at Axis Conditional Reinforcements, arriving on the new Scenario’s Axis turn that the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans.
Special Axis Assault on Crete Segment Axis OB:
Available in Mainland Greece:
1 x 8-6 Air Lndg XX 22 [per the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB] Available at Athenai (15B:0911):
one step of attack supply
This is an additional Axis reinforcement available in the new Scenario Axis OB; it is not available in the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB.
Conditional Reinforcements
Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq German: SE Command (only): Place at Rodi (20A:2230)
1 gsp, generated on the Jun I 41 Axis initial phase. [received as reinf only if still in the SE Command]
Jun I 41 Axis EOT disposition detail.
un I 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Palestine, Vichy French Levant
Jun II 41
Special Axis Assault on Crete Segment Axis OB:
SE: German: Available in Mainland Greece:
1 x 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr [per the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB
Note that this German unit arrives in Libya in July & August of 1942, but as a 7-8 inf XX.
Available at Athenai (15B:0911):
one step of attack supply
This is an additional Axis reinforcement available in the new Scenario Axis OB; it is not available in the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB.
Conditional Reinforcements
Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq SE or Med/NA Command: German: SE Command (only): Place at Rodi (20A:2230)
1 gsp, generated on the Jun II 41 Axis initial phase. [received as reinf only if still in the SE Command]
Convert, at Rodi (20A:2230): 1 x Mxd A 2A3 1-1/16 (LW) to:
1 x Me 110C 5HF5 1/12 (LW)
Note: The conversion takes place at Rodi (20A:2230). The conversion evidently cannot be done either in the Vichy French Levant or Iraq because, per Rule 25D [Air Unit] Conversions, the air base where the converted air unit is based at cannot be isolated, which it would evidently be the case at either mentioned location, per Rule 3F-Isolation and Lines of Communication. However, in the new Scenario the Mxd A LW air unit (only) can do its Conversion at Rodi (20A:2230) prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans (WW Rule 3E5), essentially via a new Scenario enhancement of WW (new) Optional Rule 23J, found in the Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005.
At the option of the Axis player: Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x 2-6 Inf III SV 288 (GA)
There may be OB changes done later regarding this unit in the new Scenario.
Jun II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Libya, Sicily, Malta, and Crete
Jun II 41 EOT dispositions: the Vichy French Levant, northern Palestine, and the western half of Iraq
JUL I 41
Med/NA: Italian: Available in Europe:
1 x BR20M 3NB4 2-5/24
1 x MC200 3F4 1/8
2 steps of attack supply
Convert: 1 x CR42 to:
1 x CR42AS 3F3 1/9
1 x SM79-1 2B3 1-5/22 German: Available in Europe:
1 x 0-8 Cons III Afr
5 ARPs (LW) Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm
Conditional Reinforcements
Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq German: SE or Med/NA Command: Place at any airbase in the Dodecanese:
1 x He 111H4 4B4 2-7/22
Med/NA: Italian: Available in Europe:
1 x 4-3-6 Tank III 132 Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-6-8 Arm XX 132 Ar
AUG I 41
Med/NA: Italian: Available in Europe:
2 steps of attack supply German: Note: if beginning the game already using the alternate 9-10 Pz XX 21 unit, then omit this turn’s conversions for the 8-7-10 PZ XX 5 Le. Convert: 2 x 1-10 Mot MG II 2, 8 to:
1 x 3-10 Mot Inf III 200 Convert: 1 x 10* Pz XX HQ 5 Le to:
1 x 10 Pz XX HQ 21 Available for Assembly:
1 x 9-10 Pz XX 21 Remove: When 1 x 9-10 Pz XX 21 is assembled for the first time:
1 x 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm
Med/NA: German: Available in Europe:
1 x 2-8 Inf III 361
Conditional Reinforcements
Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq German: SE or Med/NA Command: Withdraw:
1 x Ju 52 1T2 0/20 (LW)
1 x He 111H4 4B4 2-7/22 (LW)
SEP I 41
German 1941 special operations forces are available starting this turn. Med/NA: Available in Europe:
1 x 0-1-10 Mot Lt AA II AA=1 617
5 ARPs (LW) Italian: Available in Europe:
1 x 8 Mot Inf XX HQ 101 Trs
1x 2-10 Mot Inf III 9 B
2 x 1-8 Mot Inf III 65, 66
1 x G50bis 3F3 0/10
1 x MC200 3F4 1/8
2 steps of attack supply
6 ARPs North Africa: Special: At any time, demotorize 1 x 8 Mot Inf XX HQ 101 Trs and 2 x 1-8 Mot Inf III 65, 66 and receive:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 101 Trs
2 x 1-8 Inf III 65,66 Available for Assembly:
1 x 5-8 Mot Inf XX 101 Trs Note: If the 101 Trs XX is demotorized per above instructions, remove 1 x 5-8 Mot Inf XX 101 Trs and add :
1 x 5-8 Inf XX 101 Trs Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm
OCT I 41
Med/NA: Italian: Available in Europe:
1 x 1-6 Tnk II 52
2 steps of attack supply German: Available in Europe:
*1 x 1-10 Mot Inf III SV 288
*This unit’s Availability and motorized Conversion may be affected by what happens if the Axis player chooses to activate the Axis Intervention in Iraq Conditional Reinforcements on the Apr II 41 Axis turn.
Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm
NOV I 41
Med/NA: Italian: Available in Europe:
2 x MC202 6F6 1/10
1 x SM84 3B3 3-4/V/20
6 ARPs
2 steps of attack supply Med/NA: Withdraw:
1 x BR20M 3NB4 2-5/24
1 x CR42 3F3 0/9 German: Available in Europe:
1 x Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8
1 x Me 109F3 6F7 1/8
1 x Me 110F 6NHF6 1/13
5 ARPs Return:
1 x Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 Med/NA: Convert: 1 x Me 109E to
1 x 109F1 5F6 1/8 Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm
No, not current politics I am talking about: Ken Newall’s game report of his solitary “For Whom The Bell Tolls” has progressed into the summer of ’37 now, and I can only recommend reading it!
Thats all for today :)
FWtBT No 4 - JUN I 37. Picture (c) 2017 by Ken Newall
Alfonso Rossi aboard the submarine Iride of the Regia Marina was glad of the action. They had been patrolling the Western Mediterranean for months running on the surface and submerging if ever an enemy aircraft showed itself, although this was a rare spot of excitement in an otherwise eventless mission. They were protecting troop convoys from Morocco to the mainland and ensuring the Republican navy did not put in an appearance to interrupt their supplies but a sighting of a Republican combat vessel was even rarer than an aircraft sighting.
But last week the orders had changed and they had sailed to loiter off the coast of Spain in the region of Barcelona. Their mission was to deter and sink if possible Republican supply ships avoiding neutral non-combatants.
FWtBT No 4 – JUN I 37. Picture (c) 2017 by Ken Newall
Alfonso’s first encounter came at dawn on the 4th June. As lookout his eyes were straining to the East where Russian merchantmen were on route. They employed a number of disguises to mask their true purpose such as sporting dummy funnels and the Soviet crews were even seen on deck in sunglasses and casual jackets strolling around the decks as if on holiday.
Their first torpedo crossed the bow of the cargo ship intentionally missing by just 100 yards – it was enough. The large vessel turned to starboard and made speed back on its previous route. A number more followed suite as the Iride surfaced in plain sight of the unarmed merchantmen.
Assured their work was done they submerged once more and sped back into their patrol pattern their position hidden against enemy aircraft patrols which Alfonso knew would soon be dispatched.
Next time perhaps they would be the prey.
FWtBT No 4 – JUN I 37. Picture (c) 2017 by Ken Newall
Nationalists Turn
Weather: Clear
VPs; Republicans Gain 15 VPs for loss of Goberneto Collapse
Supply; The whole left wing of the Nationalist force from Zaragoza to the San Sebastion outskirts are U1
Spend 1 Res Pt to increase capacity (Temp) by 5 REs
Air Activity; He51, Ju52g4e, SM.81 assemble for AS over Calatayud, intercepted by I-16/t5 who engages Ju 52 g4e both Returned.
CR32 bombs Albacete and aborts R-Z, Ro 37 breaks rail junction at 3709 (S of Albacete)
Naval Activity: NT-2, 4, 5 transport ASP to Cadiz. NT-2 Joins NT-1 at Ceuta and transports 2-1-8 cav 1E to Malaga. Returns to Ceuta in Exploitation phase. NTs 2,4 transport 2-1-8 cav 1E from Ceuta to Malaga disembarking in Exploitation phase and move to Ceuta.
BBTF-1, CATF move to 4511 (off shore @ Cartagena), SS-1 moves to 4306 (offshore Alicante), SS-2 moves to 3903 (off shore @ Valencia), SS-3 moves to 3725 (off shore Barcelona)
Attack 1; 2813 clear (outside Toledo) Unsupplied 3-6 inf XX 3PN, 2FN (CTV) , 3-8 inf 3Lit (CTV), and 1-8 lt 5, 1-6 inf 29, 2-1-8 art o, 1-8 ast G (CTV), 1-8 hvy AA Vian (CTV), 1-6 inf 28, 1-6 art 61 attack 3-6* inf 40 @ 3:1 = DH. Advance 3PN, 2FN, Vian,.
Attack2; 2912 clear (outside Toledo) Supplied 6-6 inf XX 52, 3-6 inf cadre 13, 3-2-6 inf 3LE, 3-1-2 sge art Man (CTV),Transported 4-3-6 art Leg (CTV), 1-8 lt tk Bab (CTV), 1-10 lt tk Dro (KL), 1-8 mb B (CTV) and 5-6 inf XX 11 Attack 1-5 mech 2, 6-6 inf XX35 (Int), 2-6 eng ZM @ 3:1 = DR Advance 11, 13 cdre, Dro, Bab, B, Leg
Attack 3: 2032 rough (outside San Sebastian) Unsupplied 5-6 inf XX 4 (Req), 4-6 inf XX3 (Req), 5-6inf XX 71, 1-6 mg 2 and 1-5mech 1, 1-8 lt tk LE, 1-6 art 12L, 1-6 inf 23 attack 1-6 infs 21, 1-6 bdr 10 Car, 1-6 sec 12GC @ 6:1 (-1) = DE. Advance 4th xx.
Attack 4: 2702 rough (Catalayud) Supplied 1-8 cav 5, 4-6 inf 2 (Req), and 3-2-6 inf 1LE, 2LE 4-6 inf XX 83 and 3-4-5* inf 12 and 1-8 lt 1, 1-8 mrtn 4, 1-8 mtn art 2, 1-6 inf 30, 3-4-5* inf 72, unsupplied 1-6 inf 19, 1-8 lt 9 and supplied 5-6 inf XX 51 and He 51 (KL), SM.81 (CTV) attack 4-6 inf XX 34, 3-4-5* inf XX 27CM, 1-2-6* inf 23 @ 3:1 (-1) = DR (Nationalists breathe a sigh of relief). No retreat path all Eliminated. Advance 12, 72
Exploitation: Transported 4-3-6 art Leg (CTV), 1-8 lt tk Bab (CTV), 1-10 lt tk Dro (KL), 1-8 mb B (CTV)move to Toledo and overruns Garrison.
Republicans Turn
Supply; Nationalists all supply restored. Republican 2-3-5*inf XX at 2913 Isolated U1, mountain redoubt at 2616 U1
Reinforcements: 4-6 inf XX 47 arrives supported. 2-5oinf XX 44 (Cat) Unsupported
Naval Interdiction: 6 ½ art points attempt to land at Barcelona 4 are turned back. 6 Supplies attempt to land 4 are Turned back.
Replacements: 5 SRP recovered.
2-6* infs 130Dom, 14Mar (Int), 1-6 bdr 10Car, 1-6 inf 21 replaced and Form 6-6 inf XX
4-6inf XX 34, 3-4-5* inf 27CM XX, 3-6*inf XX 40 1-6 eng 2, 1-6 sec 22GC, R-Z Replaced. 1-2-4 infs 1, 13 (Ast) replaced.
Air Activity; Po540, SB-2, A-101,R-Z on Naval Patrol
Naval Activity: NT-1 with LtTF1, BBTF-2 accompanying Transports 1 Res Pt to San Sebastion and 1 to Bibao from Gijon