Europa Games and Military History

Author: Greg Bartels (Page 1 of 11)

Early Draft Allied OB


MAR II 41 Axis player turn.

  • This Mar II 41 Axis OB is extracted almost entirely from F. Watson’s classic “Enter Rommel-II” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#71.
  • At the start of the scenario the Allied player controls the Middle East, Near East, Greek (eg., for brevity’s sake in the new Scenario’s early draft Allied OB, in addition to the Greek Off-Map Holding Box, the Greece Command includes the on-map Aegean Sea zone, including the Dodecanese), and Malta Commands.  The Allied player does not control the latter Balkan Command until the Assault on Crete Segment begins on the May II 41 turn.  At the start of the scenario he owns the Greece Off-Map Holding Box, the Aden Holding Box, the East Africa Holding Box, and all hexes in Egypt, Malta, Cyprus, on-map Greece, Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq, Kuwait, and all hexes in Libya on or east of hex row 18A:28xx.  He starts with an on-map Eastern Med NTP capability of 10 NTPs.  He cannot use the on-map Western Med NTP capability in this Scenario, but he can use the Gibraltar Convoys proviso found in the Western Desert Campaign section of WW Rule 41B1b.  The weather on the Mar II 41 Axis turn is clear in all weather zones.  Seas are calm.  At the start of the new Scenario, the Axis deploys first.  Then the Allies deploy second.  All Allied forces Transferred to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box in the course of the game per the new Scenario’s Allied OB are required to go there, and are considered part of a strategic High Command Reserve (HCR) for this purpose.  The four at-start Allied ME Command ground units that are Greece Off-Map Holding Box Transfers begin the game at Delta ports and must remain at able-functioning port hexes in Egypt or Palestine until they transport to Greece.
  • Per the new Scenario OBs and the Rules, forces from the stipulated Commands may enter Egypt, Libya, Palestine, Transjordan, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, the Dodecanese, the Vichy French Levant, Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran and the off-map holding boxes of Europe, Greece, and Aden.

Initial Conditions:

Rail Capacity: Middle East net 16, Cyrenaica net: 1.

3-Capacity Permanent Airfields: Bengasi (18A:3121), Soluch (18A:3222), Derna (18A:4116), 18A:4818 [El Adem], 18A:5018 [Gambut], Matruh (19A:1218), Alexandria (19A:2416/20A:4930), Cairo (19A:3320), 19A:1418 [Maaten Baggush], 18A:3617 [per WW OB Booklet], 18A:3618 [Maraua], Valletta (18A:0407) [on Malta], and Khania (18A:4403) [on Crete].

1-Capacity Permanent Airfields: El Agheila (187A:2930), Agedabia (18A:3327), Ain el Gazala (18A:4518). Rethymnon (18A:4903) [on Crete]. [On Cyprus]: Limassol (20A:3615) and Famagusta (20A:3411).

Supply Terminals: Alexandria (19A:2416/20A:49304) and Suez (19A:3718).

Steps of Attack Supply: 2 steps at Zaulet Msus (18A:3523), 1 step each at 18A:3223 [El Magrun], Barce (18A:3418), Tobruch (18A:4817).

SMPs: 28

Accumulated ME replacements: 5 Br Inf RPs, 1.5 Arm RPs, 1.5 Aus Inf RPs, 1.5 NZ Inf RPs, 0 Ind Inf RPs, 0 Br ARPs.

Port Status: In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario Bengasi (18A:3121) is a major port with an artificial harbor.  It begins the game with a port damage tally of 14, the maximum (capacity = 0).

Fortifications: The fortress at Tobruch is unimproved. The fortress at Bardiya is unimproved.

Malta:  Malta Status = 10.  Malta Repair Rate:  1 repair point each Allied turn.

Middle East:


Mersa Matruh (19A:1218):
1 x 2-8 Inf X 18 (Aus)

Any cities in the Delta:
1 x 3-8 Inf X 22 G
1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 7
2 x 2-8 Inf X 16, 23
2 x 2-8 Inf X 21, 25 (Aus)
1 x 1-2-10* Mot SG X 7 [AA=1]
1 x 2-1-6 Tnk II 7 RT
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 7 (Aus)

Any ports in the Delta:
HCR units destined for Greece:
2 x 2-8 Inf X 17, 19 (Aus)
1 x 0-2-6 HV AA X MNBDO  AA=4  1 (RM)
1 x 1-8 Marine Cmdo X Layf

Any cities in Palestine:
1 x 2-1-8 Cav X 4
2 x 1-8 Cav X 5, 6

Any airbases in Egypt or Palestine:
1 x Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23
2 x Glad  3F3  0/8

Any airbase in Palestine, Egypt, or Libya on or east of Hexrow 18A:48XX:
1 x Bombay  1T2  1-2/15

Any airbase in Egypt or Libya:
1 x Hurri 1  5F5  1/8

Any port hex on Cyprus (on map 20A):
1 x 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME
1 gsp, generated on the Mar I 41 Allied turn.  [new Scenario addition]
Note: The marine cmdo II on Cyprus begins at black U-1  [new scenario addition]

Hex 18A:3618:[Maraua]:
1 x Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23

If the Axis player begins with the 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le [Leichte; see Optional Rule 38F5]:
El Agheila (18A:2930):
1 x 1-10* Mot SG X 2 [AA=1]
1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 3

If the Axis player begins with the 9-10 Pz XX 21:

  • If the 9-10 Pz XX 21 is used, then the Axis Command Problems Special Rule in F. Watson’s ER-II Europa Battle Scenario ought to be implemented in the game.  This is for purely technical reasons in order to better recreate the historical Axis attack.  This rules says: “Due to the caution in the Italian command brought on by their recent defeat by the British, Italian ground units may not perform overruns or attacks in the Mar II 41 movement and combat phases.  In the Mar II 41 exploitation phase, one Italian RE may participate in overrun.  Italian units may otherwise move normally.”  If the 8-7-10* Pz XX 7 Le is used, then the Axis Command Problems Special Rule should not be used.

Hex 18A:2829 [Mersa Brega]:
1 x 1-10* Mot SG 2 [AA=1]
Within two hexes of 18A:3228:
1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 3

Bengasi (18A:3121):
1 x 2-8 Inf X 20 (Aus)
1 x 1-8 MG II 1 RNF
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 9 (Aus)

Barce (18A:3418):
1 x 2-8 Inf X 26 (Aus)
1 x 3-8 Art X 13

Hex 18A:4818 [El Adem, w/ a 3-cap permanent airfield]:
1 X 1-10* Mot Inf X 3 (Ind)

Tobruch (18A:4817):
1 x 2-8 Inf X 24 (Aus)
1 x 1-8 AT II 65
1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  51
1 x 0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col)


Zaulet Msus (18A:3523):
1 x 1-10 Mot Inf II 1 M (FF)

Other Allies:

Any city in Egypt or Palestine:
1 x 1-8 Inf II 11 (CS)
1x 3-8* Mtn X Karp (Pol)


Anti-Shipping Holding Box:
1 x Sunder 1  3B4  2-1/SF/30

Royal Navy Available Box:
1 x 4 pt TF (RN)
1 x 2 pt TF Force T (RN)
1 x CG-1 (RN)
1 x CG-2 (RN)
The task force and carrier groups have not been activated.

Available for Assembly:

1 x 7-10 Arm XX 7
1 x 7-6-10* Arm XX 2
1 x 8-8 Inf XX 2 (NZ)
3 x Inf XX 6, 7, 9 (all Aus)

ME Replacement Pool:

1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 4


Initial Conditions:

3-Capacity Airfield: Valletta (18A:0407):
Malta Status: 10
Malta Repair Rate: 1 repair point each game turn
Intrinsic Flack: 7 at the Valletta hex 0407, 4 at 0306 & 0307.

Anywhere on Malta or Gozo (18A:0307,0407,& 0306):
1 x 3-6 Inf* X 1 M
1 x 2-6 Inf* X 2 M
1 x 1-8 MG II 1 Ch
1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  10
1 x 0-4 Cons X MC
Note: All units are Allied phase U-2.
6 gsp’s; 2 were generated at Gibraltar on the Mar I 41 Allied I. Phase and 4 were generated at Suez on the March I 41 Allied I. Phase.

Greece Off-Map Holding Box:

1 x 4-3-10* Arm X 1 [this unit comes from the BF Refit Kit]
1 x 3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 16 (Aus)
2 x 2-8 Inf X 4, 6 (NZ)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 14
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 2 (NZ)
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 6 (Aus)
1 x 3-2-8 Art X W
1 x 0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  57
1 x 0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col)
1 x 5 pos flk (AA=1)
1 x Blen 1  2B3  1-2/16
1 x Hurri 1  5F5  1/8
1 x Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [this Allied air unit begins the new Scenario here]

Near East:

Initial conditions:

3-Capacity Permanent Airfields: In Iraq, Habbaniya (22A:2828) and Shaibah (22A:4314).

No British Supply Terminals exist in the Persian Gulf on map 22A.

Iraq is pro-Allied neutral on the Mar II 41 Axis At Start Turn.

In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario the Iraqi coup automatically occurs on the Apr I 41 Axis Initial Phase.


British and Other Allied:

Habbaniya (22A:2828):
1 x 0-1-4 Static II 1 As (Col)
1 x Audax  1A1  1/8

Shaibah (22A:4314):
1 X 0-1-4 Static II 2 As (Col)

ME/ER-II Scenrio: Mar II 41 At-Start dispositions; Libya and Egypt

Mar II 41 At-Start dispositions; Libya and Egypt

Mar II 41 Axis turn at-start set-up

Mar II 41 Axis turn at-start set-up



Axis Reaches the Suez Canal.

Middle East:

If the Axis Reaches the Suez Canal: In all Scenarios, use the Axis Reaches the Suez Canal Allied conditional reinforcement found in the WitD Allied OB, p. 5, per the instructions found there.

Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces.

Near East:

Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces:
Use the Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces found in the WitD Allied OB, p. 5. But in the new Scenario the Iraqi coup automatically occurs on the April I 41 Axis Initial Phase.  Using the Apr I 41 Axis turn as the date of the Iraqi coup, then the WitD Allied OB’s Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces Conditional Reinforcements begin to appear on the Apr II 41 Allied turn (Coup Turn 2).  Proceeding then, May I 41 = Coup Turn 3, which includes the 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab Conversion (along with a new Allied unit tentatively introduced in the new Scenario, the Trans-Jordanian 1-10 mot Cav III AL [Arab Legion]) and also that turn’s NE Command Arrivals, via the Persian Gulf to the Iraqi port of Basra; Jun I 41 = Coup Turn 5; Jun II 41 = Coup Turn 6; and Jul I 41 = Coup Turn 7.  For the specific turn-by-turn composition details of the Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces OB, see below in the Allied Reinforcement OB.

Free French:

Forces From the Levant

Middle East:

Free French Forces from the Levant:
In all Scenarios, if the Allies conquer the Vichy Levant, use the Free French (FF) conditional forces found in the WitD Allied OB, p.6.


APR I 41

Middle East:


1 x 2-1-6 Tank II 4 RT
1 x 2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus)
2 steps of attack supply

Transfer to Greece Off-Map Holding Box:
2 x 2-8 Inf X 17, 19 (Aus)
1 step of attack supply

Greece Off-Map Holding Box:
Arrive from Middle East:
2 x 2-8 Inf X 17, 19 (Aus)
1 step of attack supply

ME Replacements: 2 Br inf, .5 Br arm, .5 Aus inf, .5 NZ inf.

ME/ER-II Scenario: Apr I 41 Allied EOT dispositions; Eastern Libya and Western Egypt

Apr I 41 Allied EOT dispositions; Eastern Libya and Western Egypt



  • Reduce the Allied Eastern Med naval transport ability by 9 REs (but not below 0 REs) this turn.

Middle East:


Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 4 (Ind)
3 x 2-8 Inf X 5, 7, 11 (Ind)
1 transport counter (1 RE).

Near East:

Conditional Reinforcements:

Arrive [Coup Turn 2]:
1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 10 (Ind)
1 x 1-8 Inf X 20 (Ind)

Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind)
1 x 6-8* Inf XX 10 (Ind)

Apr II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Western Desert

Apr II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Western Desert

MAY I 41

Middle East:


1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 6

  • This is a Unit Identification Change, per the Middle East Order of Battle Options section found in the WW OB booklet.  The Option provides for the temporary renumbering of the British 70th Inf XX to the 6th Inf* XX, until its conversion on the Oct I 41 turn.  This coincides better with the historical references to the British 6th Inf XX in the Middle East during the time frame of the new Scenario, thereby hopefully increasing its realism and authenticity.

1 x 0-8 hv AA II  AA=1  2 (Aus)
2 steps of attack supply
2 ARPs

Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 5 (SA)
1 x A-22  3A3  2-1/19
1 x Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 (SAAF)

Arrive [from South Africa]:
1 x P-40C  5F5  1/13 (SAAF)

Conditional Conversion [Coup Turn 3]:

1 x 2-1-8 Cav X 4 and 1 x transport counter (1 RE) to:
1 x 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab


Middle East:


In the same Trans-Jordanian hex (only) of the 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab Conversion, place:
1 x 1-10 Mot Cav III AL (T-J) [Trans-Jordan; Arab Legion]

  • This is a provisional new Allied ground unit introduced in the new Scenario.  It is placed in the same hex that the Br 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab conversion takes place. It may enter Iraq with the Hab mot inf X unit if they both enter Iraq stacked together.  Its initial operational area is Trans-Jordan and Iraq. It may also operate in the Vichy Levant when the Allies invade it. It may move (regular or admin, or by rail) through Palestine, but may not end its move there at the Allied turn’s end. If forced to retreat there due to combat in the Axis turn, it must move out of Palestine by the next Allied turn’s end, if possible. It may not serve as part of any WW Allied garrisons in the Scenario. It has an AGZOC (See WW Rule 39B2).  It draws general and attack supply from the Amman reference city hex (19A:4807), in Trans-Jordan. It may also draw general supply from the Allied standard supply sources or gsp’s.  It may also draw attack supply from Allied steps of attack supply. It is a fragile unit and cannot be replaced in the new Scenario, nor can special Allied RP’s be derived from it, if eliminated.

Transfer to Greece Off-Map Holding Box:

  • From the new Scenario’s start these two Allied ground units are considered part of an Allied High Command Reserve (HCR) destined for use in Greece.  Accordingly, from the game’s start, these two units are required to end their turns at an operative port in Egypt or Palestine, and are required to transfer to Greece this turn.  Per the WitD Allied OB booklet, both units Transfer to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box this turn.
    1 x 1-8 Marine Cmdo X Layf
    1 x 0-2-6 HV AA X MNBDO X  AA=4  1 (RM)
    1 ARP

Available for Assembly:

7-8* Inf XX 6

  • This is a Unit Identification Change, per the Middle East Order of Battle Options section found in the WW OB booklet.  The Option provides for the temporary renumbering of the British 70th Inf XX to the 6th Inf XX, until its conversion on the Oct I 41 turn.  This coincides better with the historical references to the British 6th Inf XX in the Middle East during the time frame of the new Scenario, thereby hopefully increasing its realism and authenticity.  Note however, the important self-supporting designation on the British 6th Inf XX, as opposed to the 70th Inf XX.  This reduced status disappears on the Oct I 41 Allied turn, when the Inf XX Converts fully to the 70th Inf XX.


Middle East:
Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 2-1-8 Inf X Orient (FF)

ME Replacements: 2 Br inf, .5 Br arm, .5 Aus inf, .5 NZ inf

Greece Off-Map Holding Box:

Arrive from Middle East:
1 x 1-8 Marine Cmdo X Layf
1 x 0-2-6 Hv AA X MNBDO X  AA=4  1 (RM)

In the Greece Off-Map Holding Box: Convert: 1 x Blen 1 to:
1 x Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23


1 x Hurri 2  5F5  1/9

Near East:

  • Per F. Watson’s “Iraq” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#81, no E Med NTP use is allowed this turn in the Persian Gulf.  The Conditional Reinforcements arrive using reinforcement NTPs and are not affected by this restriction.

Conditional Reinforcements:

Arrive [Coup Turn 3]:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 21 (Ind)
2 steps of attack supply
5 SMPs

May I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Western Desert

May I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Western Desert


Middle East:

Convert: 1 x 2-1-8 Inf X Orient (FF) and 1 x 1-10 mot Inf II 1 M (FF) to:
1 x 3-8* Inf X 1 FL (FF)

Special Assault on Crete Segment Allied OB:

  • Below, the Assault on Crete Segment is sometimes referred to as “the Crete Segment.”
  • The new Scenario Allied at-start OB for the Assault on Crete Segment is based on the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Allied OB, found in the WW OB booklet.
  • At the start of the Crete Segment the Allied player controls the Balkan Command and owns all of the hexes on Crete and the nearby islands of Gavdos and Anditkythera.  [At the start of the Crete Segment the Axis player owns the Southeast Command and owns all hexes in Greece and the Dodecanese except for those on Crete, Gavdos, and Anditkytheria.]
  • The Allied player deploys the Crete Segment Allied at-start forces first.  Then the Axis player deploys the Crete Segment Axis at-start forces second.

Allied Balkan Command.

Initial Conditions.

Allied Aegean NTP Capacity: 1

Greek Government: The Allied player has evacuated the Greek government.

  • Mainland Greece is Axis controlled at the beginning of the May II 41 game turn.
  • The 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario follows the WitD Allied OB Jun II 41 Allied turn Other Allies stipulations regarding the placement of the Greek and Yugoslav units in the Forming box of the ME Command holding box.

Standard Supply Terminal: Suda Bay (Hex 18A:4503/15B:2113) See WW Rule 12C1.

Steps of Attack Supply: One step of attack supply at any port on the island of Crete, including Suda Bay.



Balkan Command:

Place in any hexes on the island of Crete:
1 x 3-8 Inf X                             5 (NZ)
2 x 2-8 Inf X                            4, 6 (NZ)
2 x 2-8 Inf X                            16, 17 (Aus)
1 x 2-8 Inf X                            14 [Br]
1 x 0-1-4 Cons X                     43 RPC (Col)
0-1-8 Lt AA II        AA=1       57 [Br]
1 x 5 pos AA  AA=1  [Br]
1-8 Marine Cmdo X              Layf [Br]

  • The WW Assault on Crete Scenario Allied OB shows this unit as a Jun I 41 reinforcement to Crete, but the WitD Allied OB booklet shows it as a May I 41 Transfer to Greece reinforcement; and the latter is currently intended to be in the new Scenario’s Allied OB.  In any event, I want to be sure that the Allied player doesn’t always conveniently “save” it for use later in the Scenario by never sending it to Crete from the ME Command.  Note too, that in effect this unit is a fragile unit and if eliminated cannot be replaced in the context of the game.

Place in Hex 18A:4503/15B:2113 (Suda Bay):
1 x 0-2-0-Hv AA X  AA=4   MNBDO 1 (RM)
Supply Terminal Marker
Port Upgrade Marker [per the new Scenario]

  • This designates the hex as a major port.  It is removed if the hex becomes Axis-owned

*1 cap temporary airfield [per the new Scenario]

  • * A 1-cap temporary airfield marker may be placed at-start at the Suda Bay hex, at the Allied player’s option, if the 0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col) is also placed there at the beginning of the May II 41 turn.]


Per the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario draft Allied OB, at step 14 of the I. Phase of the May II 41 Allied turn, these two British air units do a Transfer “from the Greece Off-Map Holding Box to any airbase/airfield on Crete or the Egyptian or Palestinian coastlines”:

1 x Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [Br]

1 x Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [Br]

  • Per the new Scenario’s Allied OB, both these British air units begin the game in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box, and remain there until the May II 41 Allied turn, and leave the Box per the stipulated Allied OB Transfer.  They should be operative this turn, unless declared inoperative at step 21 of the I. Phase.



Place one unit in each standard port:
3 x 1-4 Static X                      Erak, Khania, Reth [Greek; from the BF counters]

Balkan Command (BC) Replacement Pool [at the start of the Crete Segment]:

4-3-10* Arm X                      1 [Br; this unit counter comes from the BF Refit Kit]

  • After the voluntary Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans (WW Rule 3E5b), when the Allied player “moves all non-Greek/Yugoslav Allied forces in the BC  … to the … ME Command” Replacement Pool, this special enhanced and supported arm X conversion unit is removed from play and is replaced by the original pre-conversion 3-2-10 Arm X 1.

3-2-8 Art X                            W [Br]

  • This is a fragile unit in the new Scenario and cannot be replaced once eliminated in Greece.  As such, in the new Scenario it is never moved from the BC to the ME Replacement Pool when the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans.  This coincides, I think, with its Replacement Pool Removal on the Jun I 41 turn, per the WitD Allied OB.

2-8 Inf X                               19 (Aus)
8 Inf XX HQ                           2 (NZ)
8 Inf XX HQ                           6 (Aus)

Balkan Command Aborted Air Units Box [at the start of the Segment]:
1 x Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 [Br]

Greece Off-Map Holding Box:

This off-map holding box, which is a corollary of the now defunct Greece Command, in the May II 41 Allied turn’s I. Phase becomes a relic no longer in use by the Allied player.  On the May II 41 Allied turn, per the Crete Segment’s Allied OB, the surviving Allied at-start Crete Segment ground units are removed from the Greece Off-Map Holding Box and are placed on-map at Crete.  At this same time Allied ground units in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box that did not survive the campaign in or the subsequent evacuation of mainland Greece are placed in the BC Replacement Pool.  This reshuffle would include the two earlier WitD Allied OB Apr I 41 Aus Inf Xs 17 & 19 “required HCR” Transfers from the ME Command to the Greece Off-Map Box.  The British Hurri 1 air unit in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box is placed in the Balkan Command Aborted Air Units Box.  At step 14 of the Allied May II 41 turn I. Phase the British Well 1C and Blen 4 air units do a Transfer from the Greece Off-Map Holding Box to any airbase/airfield on Crete or the Egyptian or Palestinian coastlines.  All steps of attack supply in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box are removed from play, except for one placed at Crete (see above), as are all ARPs stored there that were required earlier Allied OB Transfers from the ME Command to the Off-Map Greece Holding Box.  In the new Scenario the Greece Box must be vacant of any additional surplus ARPs by the end of step 14 of the Allied I. Phase, at which point the off-map box is removed from play.  These “additional surplus” ARPs are those that were voluntarily sent to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box in the course of the new Scenario and are in excess of the May I 41 “required HCR” 1 ARP Transfer from the ME Command, per the WitD Allied OB booklet.  The WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario’s at-start contents of the Greece Off-Map Holding Box is slightly different than F. Watson’s in the “Enter Rommel-II” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#71.  And in the new Scenario the two Australian Inf Xs 17 & 19, which on the Apr I 41 turn are “required HCR” Transfers to Greece, are required to begin the game on the Mar II 41 Axis at-start turn at “any port in the Delta.”

Allied Special Considerations Regarding the New Scenario’s Assault on Crete Segment.

  • On the May II 41 Allied turn there could be additional Allied ground and air units on Crete other than just those stipulated in the Assault on Crete at-start Allied OB.  Those additional Allied ground and air units would be those which were voluntarily moved on-map to Crete from the ME Command prior to the May II 41 Allied turn and after the new Scenario’s start on the Mar II 41 Axis turn.  Prior to the May II 41 Allied turn, all additional surplus ME Command ARPs sent to Greece must be sent to the Off-Map Holding Box, and not directly to Crete.  Prior to the May II 41 Allied turn Crete Segment, no additional surplus steps of attack supply, replacement points (RPs), or resource points may be sent to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box in the new Scenario, as the eventual evacuation of these additional surplus items from mainland Greece to Crete would be problematic.  Additional surplus steps of attack supply and resource points from the ME Command may be sent directly to Crete from the ME Command prior to the May II 41 Allied turn.  Prior to the establishment of Suda Bay as a Standard Supply Terminal, inf RPs from the ME Command may only be air transported to Crete.  If available in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box at the beginning of the Crete Segment, one additional surplus ARP may be expended in the May II 41 I. Phase to repair the Hurri 1 air unit in the Balkan Command’s Aborted Air Units Box and then be placed on-map at Crete.  At the start of the Crete Segment, any additional surplus ARPs in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box are stored at the Standard Supply Terminal at Suda Bay as Balkan Command ARPs.  Per WW Rule 31C3-Replacement Points, no RPs are allowed to be sea transferred directly to Crete prior to the May II 41 Allied turn.  When the Crete Segment starts, Allied ME Command RPs can be sea transported only to the Suda Bay standard supply terminal.
  • Here are the current new Scenario’s OB/Rules requirements for the Crete Segment’s at-start positioning and operational use of the three at-start Greek static Xs: “Each of the three Greek static X units must be placed at a standard port [hex] on the island of Crete. They cannot be stacked together.  The three Greek static Xs must remain in their three Crete standard port hexes throughout the May II 41 Allied turn, and are always in these same three different Crete standard port hexes at the beginning of the May II 41 Axis turn.  The three Greek static Xs must remain in their respective Crete standard port hexes until either a particular Greek static X moves out of its standard port hex due to an Enemy Reaction movement (WW Rule 33B) or if a particular Greek static X is moved out of its standard port hex due to movement after Combat in a C. Phase.  Thereafter the affected Greek static X may move freely on Crete.”  The three Greek static Xs may not be evacuated from Crete, as Greece is their operational area.
  • The 0-2-0 Hv AA X NMBDO 1 (RM) must remain in the Suda Bay hex 18A:4503/15B:2113, as it cannot move or be sea transported.  If eliminated, it is placed in the BC Replacement Pool on its original 0-2-6 side.  It may be disbanded in an Allied Initial Phase, but this gains the Axis VPs, per the WW Common Victory Chart.
  • At step 13 of the current Allied I. Phase the Allied player will likely declare the existence of a South Aegean Naval [Tight] Interdiction Zone, per WW Rule 31D7.  This tight naval interdiction zone “is [then] in effect until the start of his next initial phase.”
  • Per a likely new Scenario rule, “if there are no British forces (per WW Rule 3B2) on Crete in an Axis Initial Phase, then any remaining Greek static Xs automatically surrender at the very beginning of step 4, thereby enabling the Axis to then cease operations in the Balkans, per WW Rule 3E5b, if he chooses to.”

For additional information regarding the Assault on Crete Segment in relation to the Allied OB, see the Special Considerations Regarding the New Scenario’s Assault on Crete Segment section found in the early draft of the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario Axis OB.

WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario May II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: eastern Libya, western Egypt, mainland Greece, Crete, and the Aegean

May II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: eastern Libya, western Egypt, mainland Greece, Crete, and the Aegean

WW ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario May II 41 Allied end of Movement Phase dispositions: eastern Libya, Egypt, Greece, and Palestine

May II 41 Allied end of Movement Phase dispositions: eastern Libya, Egypt, Greece, and Palestine

JUN I 41

Middle East:


1 x 1-8 Art II 1 (Aus)
1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II 68 [AA=2]
2 steps of attack supply

ME Replacements: 2 Br inf, 0.5 Br arm, .5 Aus inf, .5 NZ inf

Near East:

Conditional Reinforcements:

Arrive [Coup Turn 5]
2 x 2-8 Inf X 24, 25 (Ind)

Jun I 41 Allied M. Phase naval movement step activity in the seas surrounding Crete

Jun I 41 Allied M. Phase naval movement step activity in the seas surrounding Crete

Jun I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: eastern Libya, western Egypt, Crete, mainland Greece, the Aegean Sea region

Jun I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: eastern Libya, western Egypt, Crete, mainland Greece, the Aegean Sea region


Jun I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Palestine, Cyprus, the Vichy French Levant, and Iraq

Jun I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Palestine, Cyprus, the Vichy French Levant, and Iraq


Middle East:

1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 50 Nth
6-4-6 Tank X 1 T
2-8 Inf X 150

Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 9 (Ind)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 2 (SA)

Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 50 Nth

Other Allies:

Middle East:
Forming [per the WitD Allied OB booklet]:
1 x 3-8* Mtn X 1 (Gk)
1 x 0-1-8 Inf II Gd (Yugo)

Near East:

Conditional Reinforcements:

Arrive [Coup Turn 6]:
1 x 1-8 Inf X 17 (Ind)
2 steps of attack supply [per Watson’s “Iraq” Europa Battle Scenario in Europa #81]

  • The two steps of attack supply indicated for the Jun II 41 Allied turn in Watson’s “Iraq” Europa Battle Scenario’s Allied OB evidently did not come from the ME Command, as they aren’t indicated as Transfers to the NE Command in the WitD Allied OB booklet.  But they are included here in the new Scenario as NE Command reinforcement Arrivals and are considered essential in the game.


Jun II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: the Western Desert region, the Delta zone, Crete, Greece, the Aegean, and Cyprus

Jun II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: the Western Desert region, the Delta zone, Crete, Greece, the Aegean, and Cyprus

Jun II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Palestine, the Vichy French Levant, western Iraq, and Cyprus

Jun II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Palestine, the Vichy French Levant, western Iraq, and Cyprus

 JUL I 41

Middle East:


2 ARPs
1 x 2-8 Inf X 151
1 x 1-8 MG II 2 Ch
1 x Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 (RAAF)
1 x Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28
3 steps of attack supply
3 ARPs

Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 5 (Ind)
2 x 2-8 Inf X 10, 29 (both Ind)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 1 (SA)
1 x A-22  3A3  2-1/19 (SAAF)

Arrive [from South Africa]:
2 x 2-8 Inf X 3, 6 (all SA)

Convert: 1 x Glad to:
1 x Hurri 1  5F5  1/8

Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 5 (Ind)

ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf, 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf.


Malta Repair Rate: 2 repair points each I turn and 1 repair point each II turn
1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  4

Near East:

Regular reinforcement:
1 x 2-1-10* Lt Arm X 252 (Ind)

Jul I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: the Western Desert region, Crete, and the Dodecanese.

Jul I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: the Western Desert region, Crete, and the Dodecanese.

Jul I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Palestine and the Vichy French Levant.

Jul I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Palestine and the Vichy French Levant.


Middle East:


1 x 2-8 Inf X 69

Near East:

Regular reinforcement:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 18 (Ind)

Note: Historically, these are now placed in the ME Forming Box. For the variable placement turn, see WitD Allied OB, p. 6:
1 x 2-8* Inf X 2FL (FF)
1 x 2-6 Inf X 3 FL (FF)]

AUG I 41

Middle East:

1 x 3-8 Art X 10
1 x 5 pos flk  AA=1
3 steps of attack supply

Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x Inf XX HQ 1 (SA)
1 x 2-8 Inf x 4 (SA)

Arrive [from West Africa]:
1 x 2-8 Inf X 161

WitD Middle East Garrison: Arrive:
1 x 0-1-6 RR Eng X MEF (Emp)

Convert: 1 x Hurri 1 to:
1 x Hurri 1  5NF5  1/8

[Note: In the WitD Allied OB the Ind 5 Inf XX HQ and the Ind 2-8 Inf X 9 both transfer from the Middle East to the Near East.]

ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf

2 Br inf RPs
Upgrade: 1 x 1-8 MG II 1Ch (+ the 2 Br inf REs) to:
1 x 3-6* Inf X 3M

Near East:

Regular reinforcements:

1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 8 (Ind)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 19 (Ind)
2 steps of attack supply
5 SMPs

Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA)
1 x 6-8* Inf XX 8 (Ind)



  • Matruh-Tobruch railroad construction may begin.

Middle East:

Arrive from South Africa:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 2 (SA)
1x 2-8 Inf X 4 (SA)

Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-8 Inf XX 2 (SA)


SEP I 41

Middle East:

1 x 0-1-4 Cons X 61 RPC (Col)
2 ARPs

1 x 0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  27
1 x P-40C  5F5  1/13
5 ARPs

Convert: 1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 3 and 2 x 2-1-6 Tnk II 4 RT and 7 RT to:
1 x 6-4-6 Tnk X 32 T
1 x 1-10 Recon II 1 DG

1 x MNBDO  AA=4  1 (RM)

[Note: In the WitD Allied OB the Ind 2-8 Inf X 10 transfers from the Middle East to the Near East.]

ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf

Near East

Regular reinforcement:
1 x 1-pt river flotilla PAIC (RN) [AA=1]

OCT I 41


Middle East:
1 x 3-2-10 Arm X 22
1 x 1-2-8 Eng X 8
1 x 5 pos flk  AA=1
3 steps of attack supply

Arrive [from East Africa]:
10 SMPs

Arrive [from South Africa]:
1 x Recon II 4 (SA)

Convert 1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 6 to:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 70

  • This is a Unit Identification Change, per the Middle East Order of Battle Options section found in the WW OB booklet.  The Option provides for the temporary renumbering of the British 70th Inf XX to the 6th Inf XX, beginning on the May I 41 Allied turn, until its unit ID Conversion (and upgrade status) this turn.  This coincides better with the historical references to the British 6th Inf XX in the Middle East during the time frame of the new Scenario, thereby hopefully increasing its realism and authenticity.  Note however, the important self-supporting designation on the British 6th Inf XX, as opposed to the upgraded status of the 70th Inf XX upon its Conversion this turn.

Available for Assembly:
7-8 Inf XX 70
Remove:  When the 1 x 7-8 Inf XX is assembled for the first time:
1 x 7-8* Inf XX 6

ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf

Near East:

Regular reinforcement:
1 x 0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  1

[Note: In the WitD Allied OB the Ind 2-1-10* Lt Arm X 9 and the Ind 2-8 Inf X 9 both transfer from the Near East to the Middle East.]

NOV I 41


Middle East:
2 ARPs
Special:  Appears in any Allied-owned unisolated city:
1 x 1-8 Inf X 38 (Ind)

1 x 3-8 Art X 30
1 x Bftr 1C  6HF5  1/S/21
1 x Huri 2C  5F5  2/9
1 x Well 2  4NB4  1-6/36
3 steps of attack supply

Arrive [from East Africa]:
1 x transport counter (1 RE)

WitD Middle East Garrison: Arrive:
1 x 1-6 Trng X MEF (NZ)

Special: Convert: 1 x 2-1-10* Lt Arm X 9 to: ME Forming Box:
1 x 4-3-8 Arm X 9
Note: 3 Arm RPs must be spent to activate this unit at full strength.

Convert: 1 x 0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  51 to:
1 x 0-2-8 Hv AA X  AA=4  12

Convert: 1 x Hurri 1 (SAAF) to:
1 x Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 (SAAF)

1 x Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23

Special: Withdraw 1 x 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME and receive the WitD/WW Allied raiding ability. If 1 x 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME is in the Replacement Pool, remove it from the Pool and receive the Allied raiding ability on Mar I 42.

ME Replacements: 2 Br Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Aus Inf 1 Ind Inf, .5 NZ Inf


Anti-Shipping: Arrive:
1 x Blen 4  3B3  1-2/S/23

Near East:

Regular reinforcements:
1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 6 (Ind)
1 x 2-8 Inf X 27 (Ind)
1 x 1-8 Inf X 26 (Ind)
1 x 1-6 Inf X Indr (ISF)

Available for Assembly:
1 x 6-8* Inf XX 6 (Ind)

[Note: In the WitD Allied OB the Ind 8 Inf XX HQ 5 and the Ind 2-8 Inf X 10 both transfer from the Near East to the Middle East.]

Early Draft Axis OB


MAR II 41 Axis player turn.

  • This Mar II 41 Axis OB is extracted almost entirely from F. Watson’s classic “Enter Rommel-II” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#71.
  • At the start of the new Scenario the Axis player controls the Med/NA, NE, and on-map SE Commands.  At the start of the new Scenario he owns the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box, all hexes in the Italian Central Mediterranean Islands, the Dodecanese, all hexes in the Italian Central Mediterranean Islands, and all hexes in Libya on or west of hexrow 18A:30xx.  He starts with an on-map Med NTP capability of 3 NTPs.  The weather on the Mar II 41 Axis turn is clear in all weather zones.  Seas are calm.  The Axis deploys first.  The Allies deploy second.  No Axis air units flew Malta bombing missions (Rule 37I2a) in the previous turn.
  • At the start of the game, per the new Scenario OBs and the Rules, forces from the stipulated Commands on the maps may enter Egypt, Libya, Palestine, Transjordan, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, the Dodecanese, the Vichy French Levant, Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, and Iran.

Initial Conditions

Med/NA Command:

Fort: Tripoli (18A:0121).

Rail capacity: Tripolitania rail net: 2.

Supply Terminal: Tripoli (18A:0121).

Steps of Attack Supply: 2 at Tripoli (18A:0121), 1 at Sirte (18A:1727), 2 at 18A:2730 [Arco dei Fileni].

Resource points: 1 at Tripoli (18A:0121), 1 at Sirte (18A:1727).

SMPs: 23 [per F. Watson’s ER-II]

Conditional Reinforcements: The Italian Mobilization in Africa reinforcements have been received.

3-Capacity Permanent Airfields: 18A:0122 [Castel Benito], 18A: 2730: [Arco dei Felini]. Also, 5 “anywhere on Sicily;” [in playtest: at Augusta (0701), Syracusa (0702), Licata (0102), and 0603, all on map 18A]. Scarpanto (19A:0701). [On Rodi:] Rodi (20A:2230) and 20A:2331.

1-Capacity Permanent Airfields: Sirte (18A:1727).

1-Capacity Temporary Airfield: Misurata (18A:1022).

Accumulated Med/NA Replacements: German: 2 ARPs. Italian: 3 Inf RPs. Stored at Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box.

For Axis breakdowns and assemblies use WW Axis Game Chart 2-Breakdowns/Assemblies.

In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario the Iraqi coup occurs on the Apr I 41 Axis Initial Phase.

[Special Notes related to the Early Draft OBs:  In the new Scenario the Allied-owned port of Bengasi (18A:3121) is considered a major port with a fragile artificial harbor and 14 port damage hits (the maximum permitted, per the WW Port Summary) inflicted on it at the start.  As a corollary, WW Advanced Rule 12C1d-Axis Standard Supply Terminal Restrictions, and WW Optional Rule 12C1e-Standard Supply Terminal Suppression are both strongly recommended in the new Scenario.  Also, in the new Scenario the use of WW Advanced Rule 14A1g-Road Construction is strongly recommended.  Accordingly, the Tobruk Bypass stipulations are used, per the second bullet.   Tentative lists regarding the advisability of which of the WW Advanced and Optional Rules ought to be used and not in the new Scenario have been done in an update & revision of the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario game reports Prologue, posted at the website.]


Within two hexes of Sirte (18A:1727):
1 x 3-6 Inf XX 17 Pav
1 x 5-8 Inf XX 102 Trn [In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario this Italian inf XX starts assembled; in the original ER-II Europa battle  scenario it starts unassembled in its unsupported components and HQ unit]
1 x 2-3-6 Art III 24 C
1 x 2-3-8 Art III 16 C
2 x 1-8 Mot Art III 2 AC, 3AC

Within one hex of coast road hex 18A:2529:
1 x 5-8 Lt Arm XX 132 Ar [In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario this Italian lt arm XX starts assembled; in the original ER-II Europa battle scenario it starts unassembled in its unsupported components and HQ unit]
1 x 3-6 Inf XX 27 Brs
1 x 1-8 Mot Art III 1 AC

Sirte (18A:1727):
1 x 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol
1 x 0-6 Cons III 5 A
1 x 4 pos flk  AA=1 [Italian]
unfinished fort marker (complete in the Mar II 41 Axis initial phase)

Misurata (18A:1022):
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 5 A
1 x 1-6 Hv AA II  AA=1  29

Garian (18A:0125):
1 x 3-6 Inf XX 55 Sav

Tripoli (18A:0121):
1 x 0 pos flk  AA=3 [Italian]

[WW] Tripolitania Garrison Box: [found on WW Axis Game Chart 1]
4 x 0-1-6* Inf III 280 GaF, 290 GaF, 340 GaF, 350 GaF
1 x 0-2-6* Inf III 330 GaF

Regia Aeronautica:
Place at any airbase in Sicily:
1 x BR20M  3NB4  2-5/24
1 x MC200  3F4  1/8
1 x CR42  3F3  0/9

Place at any friendly airbase in Libya:
1 x G50  3F3  0/6
1x SM79-1  2B3  1-5/22
1 x CR42  3F3  0/9

Place at any friendly airbase in either Sicily or Libya:
1 x Ca 309  2B1  1/L/9

Place in the air units aborted box:
1 x SM79-1  2B3  1-5/22
1 x CR42  3F3  0/9

Place in the air units eliminated box:
1 x SM79-2  2B3  3-2/V/20

Italian Units Available for Assembly:
1 x 8 Arm XX HQ 132 Ar
1 x 2-1-8 Lt Tnk III 32
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 8 B
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 102 Trn
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 7 B
2 x 1-8 Inf III 61, 62


At sand coast road Hex 18A:2227:
1 x 10* Pz XX HQ 5 Le {optional at-start use}
1 x 5-3-10 Pz III 5
1 x 1-10 Mot Hv AA II 1/33  AA=2  (LW)

At coast road hex 18A:2730 [Arco dei Felini] or Hex 18A:2629:
2 x 1-10 Mot MG II 5 {optional at-start use}
1 x 1-10 Mot AT II 605

Alternate German at-start set-up, beginning with the 9-10 Pz XX 21:

  • If the 9-10 Pz XX 21 is used, then the Axis Command Problems Special Rule in F. Watson’s ER-II Europa Battle Scenario ought to be implemented in the game.  This is for purely technical reasons in order to better recreate the historical Axis attack.  This rules says: “Due to the caution in the Italian command brought on by their recent defeat by the British, Italian ground units may not perform overruns or attacks in the Mar II 41 movement and combat phases.  In the Mar II 41 exploitation phase, one Italian RE may participate in overrun.  Italian units may otherwise move normally.”  If the 8-7-10* Pz XX 7 Le is used, then the Axis Command Problems  Special Rule should not be used.

Hex 18A:2227:
1 x 10 Pz XX HQ 21
5-3-10 Pz III 5
1 x 1-10 Mot Hv AA II  I/33  (LW)

Hex 18A:2730 [Arco dei Felini] or Hex 18A:2629:
1 x 3-10 Mot Inf III 200
1 x 10 Mot AT II 605

[Note:  Beginning the new Scenario with the 9-10 Pz XX 21 in lieu of the 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le calls for a slightly different Allied at-start set-up than the one indicated in the new Scenario’s Mar II 41 Allied Turn Allied At-Start Set-Up game report, posted at the website.  That Allied at-start set-up is the one presently used for development analysis with the Axis player using the optional 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le unit at the start.  Europa players wanting instead to use the optional 9-10 Pz XX 21 unit should use the Allied at-start set-up found in F. Watson’s “Enter Rommel-II” Europa Battle Scenario, published in TEM#71, at p. 30.  The only difference in the two Allied at-start set-ups involves the placement of the 1-10* Mot SG X 2 and the 3-2-10 Arm X 3 Allied units.]

Any airbase in Sicily:
1 x He 111H4  4B4  2-7/S/22 (LW)
2 x Ju 88A1  3B5  3-5/26 (LW)
1 x Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 (LW)
1 x Ju 87R  2D3  4-1/13 (LW)

Any friendly airbase in Libya:
2 x Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 (LW)
1 x Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12 (LW)

German Units Available for Assembly:
1 x 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le {optional at-start use}
1 x 9-10 Pz XX 21 {optional at-start use}
1 x 2-10 Mot Hv AA III 135  AA=4  (LW)

Med/NA Replacement Pool

1 x 2-6 Inf XX 60 Sbr
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 10 B
1 x 2-1-8 Lt Tnk III 3
2 x 1-8 Lt Tnk X 1,2
5 x 1-6 Tnk II 1, 3, 5, 6, 21
1 x Para Inf III Tonini
3 x 0-1-6* Inf III 300 GaF, 310 GaF, 320 GaF
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 24 dM
3 x 2-3-6 Art III 10 C, 20 C, 21 C
1 x 1-6 Art III 23 C
1 x 0-6 Cons III 10 A
4 x 0 pos flk unit AA=1 [Italian]

ME/ER-II Scenario: Mar II 41 At-Start dispositions; Libya, Malta, and Sicily

Mar II 41 At-Start dispositions; Libya, Malta, and Sicily

Mar II 41 Axis turn at-start set-up

Mar II 41 Axis turn at-start set-up


Return of Luftwaffe Air Units from the Balkans.

On the turn that the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans (WW Rule 3E5):

Available in Europe:
1 x He 111H4   4B4   2-7/S/22 (LW)
3 x Ju 88A4   4B5   3-7/26 (LW)
1 x Me 109F1   6F6   1/8(LW)

1 x Me 110D   5HF5   4-2/12 (LW)

Note:  These Conditional Reinforcements always arrive entirely, converted, and available, regardless of any eliminations or aborts incurred while operating in the SE Command (eg., in the Assault on Crete Segment of the new Scenario).  Nor are any Med/NA ARP costs incurred on their account upon their arrival, regardless of eliminations or aborts incurred while operating in the SE Command in the Assault on Crete Segment.


Optional Axis Near East Forces.

Axis Intervention in Iraq:

  • In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, an Axis Intervention in Iraq may be declared by the Axis player in the April II 41 Axis turn I. Phase (only), at step 5, immediately prior to Axis Pressure to grant Axis Privileges in the Levant.  See below.
  • The new Scenario OB below is based on the Optional Axis Near East Forces OB found in the WW OB Booklet, at pp. 27-28.

SE [or in some cases Med/NA]:

Coup Turn 3, or in the new Scenario, May I 41:
Available at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x Mxd  2A3  1-1/16  (LW)

Coup Turn 4, or in the new Scenario, May II 41:   
Available at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x Ju 52  1T2  0/20  (LW)

  • Note: If the Axis player has not ceased operations in the Balkans this turn, use an available Ju 52  LW air unit from the Axis Assault on Crete Axis OB. Keep the same Ju 52 LW air unit in play as the designated Optional Axis Near East Force at the  instant that the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans.

1 gsp at the port hex of Rodi (20A:2230), if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans.  This reinforcement is not indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB.

  • Note:  Beginning this turn, if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans, 1 gsp Reinforcement is placed at the port of Rodi, at step 14.  This single gsp reinforcement is available this turn, and on the Jun I 41 Axis turn, and then on the Jun II 41 Axis turn, if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans.  This reinforcement is not indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB.

Coup Turn 5, or in the new Scenario, Jun I 41:

Available At Rodi (20A:2230): 
1 gsp at the port hex of Rodi (20A:2230), if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans.  This reinforcement is not indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB.

Coup Turn 6, or in the new Scenario, Jun II 41:
Available at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 gsp at the port hex of Rodi (20A:2230), if prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans.  This reinforcement is not indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB.

Convert, at Rodi (20A:2230): 1 x Mxd A  2A3  1-1/16  (LW) to:
1 x Me 110C  5HF5  1/12  (LW)

  • Note: The conversion takes place at Rodi (20A:2230).  The conversion evidently cannot be done either in the Vichy French Levant or Iraq because, per Rule 25D [Air Unit] Conversions, the air base where the converted air unit is based at cannot be isolated, which it would evidently be the case at either mentioned location, per Rule 3F-Isolation and Lines of Communication.  However, in the new Scenario the Mxd A LW air unit (only) can do its Conversion at Rodi (20A:2230) prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans (WW Rule 3E5), essentially via a new Scenario enhancement of WW (new) Optional Rule 23J, found in the Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005.

At the option of the Axis player:
Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x 2-6 Inf III                                    SV 288 (GA)

  • There may be OB changes done later regarding this unit in the new Scenario.

Coup Turn 7, or in the new Scenario, Jul I 41:  
Available in the Dodecanese:
1 x He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22  (LW)

August II 41:
1 x Ju 52  1T2  0/20 (LW)
1 x He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22 (LW)

  • Note:  Neither of these withdrawals are indicated in the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB, but I have included them here, thinking that they are ultimately accounted for in the 1941 German Scorched Earth OB.  I will admit that the Aug II 41 Withdrawal date is arbitrary, and have tentatively picked that date because it is the end turn of the WW Balkan Campaign (see Rule 41C1-Balkan Campaign).  The withdrawal requirement is deliberately withheld from affecting the Me 110C LW air unit.  If either of the Withdrawn LW air units are in either the NE Command Aborted or Eliminated air units boxes, then the Axis player must forfeit the appropriate ARPs from his Med/NA Command.

[Oct I 41:

  • The German motorized Conversion of the 2-6 Inf III SV 288, per the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces Conditional Reinforcement OB, is presently omitted from the early draft of the Axis OB, pending further new Scenario analysis & development.  See below.]

Tentative new Scenario Rules text Defining WW Optional Rule 38J6’s Axis force operational restrictions for the Optional Axis Near East Forces:

The wording of the third paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6-Axis Intervention in Iraq, has been changed and expanded with explanatory bullets.  Except for one rare amended instance [see below], the voluntary withdrawal of individual Axis Intervention in Iraq LW air units can always be done, if allowable per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6.  However, in the new Scenario the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit is added to the list of Axis Intervention in Iraq forces that may voluntarily withdraw.  It can do this voluntarily withdrawal if it is in general supply via an unrestricted full supply source, per WW Rule 12C2a.  In the South Aegean Islands this occurs after the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans, per Rule 12C2a.  The Axis declaration of an Axis Intervention in Iraq kicks in the proviso in the last paragraph of Rule 38V3 (and amended by official WW Errata) whereby “the Allied player loses one victory point at the end of each game turn that the Axis has privileges in the Levant and the Levant has not surrendered to the Allies.”  In the new Scenario’s draft Rules the third paragraph revision would be as follows:

“In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, an Axis Intervention into an existing Iraqi Coup (only) may be declared by the Axis player in the April II 41 Axis turn (only) I. Phase, at step 5, immediately prior to any Axis Pressure to grant Axis Privileges in the Levant and after the step 4 Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse dice roll.  ‘Axis Intervention in Iraq’ forces are received to support the Iraqi Coup and any use of these forces prior to the Iraqi Coup collapse contrary to that intent is prohibited.  In game terms, this means that intervention forces must move to Iraq as expeditiously as possible; until such time as these forces do enter Iraq they may only move by air transfer and air transport.  The Optional Axis Near East forces may transit (in this case, air transfer or air transport missions) over the Vichy French Levant, even if there has been no Axis privilege given per Rule 38V3; but in this case they may only use airbases in the Levant for air transfer leg series that are outside the patrol zones of Allied fighters.  They may not end their turn at Levant airbases.  Regarding the activated Axis Intervention in Iraq Conditional Reinforcements, the following stipulations apply:

  • The Mxd A LW air unit must immediately transit to Coup Iraq the turn it is received (the Coup Turn 3 May I 41 turn), if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed.  After that, if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed, it must stay in Iraq until the Jun II 41 Allied Turn, when, if possible, it should do a non-phasing air transfer from Iraq back to Rodi (20A:2230) to do its Conversion on the following Jun II 41 Axis turn.  On the turn of the Conversion, the converted Me 110C LW air unit must return to Iraq if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed.  If the Iraqi Coup collapses while the Mxd A LW air unit is in Iraq, it may remain in Iraq and conduct air missions there, or else do a one-way transit back to Rodi (20A:2230).  If the Mxd A LW air unit is in Iraq after the Coup collapse and the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges per Rule 38V3, it may conduct air missions in both Iraq and the Levant.  In any event, if the Mxd A LW air unit is based at Rodi (20A:2230) after the Iraqi Coup collapse, it must remain there inoperative until its conversion on the Jun II 41 turn.
  • The Ju 52 LW air unit must immediately transit (eg., air transfer or air transport)  to Coup Iraq the turn it is received (the Coup Turn 4 May II 41 turn), if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed.  After that, as long as the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed and no Axis privileges have been given per Rule 38V3, it may transit back and forth across the Vichy French Levant between Iraq and the Dodecanese, and continue to do air missions in Iraq.  If the Ju 52 LW air unit is in either Iraq or the Dodecanese and the Iraqi Coup collapses, it may transit back and forth between the Dodecanese and Iraq, and do air missions in Iraq.  Prior to both the Iraqi Coup collapse and the gaining of any Axis privileges in the Levant per Rule 38V3, the Ju 52 LW air unit may carry as cargo the gsp’s listed in the Optional Axis Near East Forces OB, or gsp’s generated at South Aegean Island port hexes per Rule 12C2a, after the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans.  The Ju 52 LW air unit may also carry Med/NA-specific cargo and the Conditional Reinforcement German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit across the Vichy French Levant if the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges, per Rule 38V3, and also if the Axis player has obtained Axis Transit privileges as stipulated in the amended Rule 38V3 Transit bullet for the new Scenario [see below].  These Ju 52 LW air unit air transports may be done in tandem with eligible Axis bombers being used as transports, per [new Scenario recommended] Optional Rule 23E3-Bombers as Transports.  If the Ju 52 LW air unit is in either Iraq or the Dodecanese after the Coup collapse, and the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges per Rule 38V3, it may conduct air missions in both Iraq and the Levant, and it may base in either the Vichy French Levant, or the Dodecanese, or Iraq, if possible.  While based in the Dodecanese after the Iraqi Coup collapse, the Ju 52 LW air unit may do air transfers within the Dodecanese and do air transport air missions to Crete, excluding air-dropping para/glider units, as long as it bases in the Dodecanese.  It may also do air transport missions between the Dodecanese and Athenai (15B:0911) as long as it bases in the Dodecanese.
  • The He 111H4 LW air unit must immediately transit (eg., air transfer or air transport, per Optional Rule 23E3) to Coup Iraq the turn it is received (the Coup Turn 7 July I 41 turn), if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed.  Prior to the Iraqi Coup collapse, it may operate in Coup Iraq and/or transit between Coup Iraq and the Dodecanese. If the Iraqi coup collapses, the He 111H4 LW air unit may operate in Iraq and/or transit back and forth to the Dodecanese.  If the He 111 H4 LW air unit is in Iraq or the Dodecanese after the Iraqi Coup collapse, and the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges per Rule 38V3, it may do air missions in both Iraq and the Levant, and may base in either the Dodecanese, the Vichy French Levant, or Iraq, if possible.  Excepting the instances above regarding Iraq and the Vichy French Levant, the only air missions the He 111H4 LW air unit may do while based in the Dodecanese are air transfers within the Dodecanese or air transport missions in the Aegean per the last two sentences of the above bullet for the Ju 42 LW air unit.
  • The Me 110C LW air unit must immediately air transit to Iraq the turn it is received (the Coup Turn 7 July I 41 turn) if the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed.  Prior to the Iraqi Coup collapse, it may operate in Coup Iraq and/or transit between Coup Iraq and the Dodecanese.  If the Iraqi coup collapses, the Me 110C LW air unit may operate in Iraq and/or transit back and forth to the Dodecanese.  If the Me 110C LW air unit is in Iraq or the Dodecanese after the Iraqi Coup collapse, and the Axis player has obtained Air or Full privileges per Rule 38V3, it may do air missions in both Iraq and the Levant, and may base in either the Dodecanese, the Vichy French Levant, or Iraq, if possible.  Excepting the instances above regarding Iraq and the Vichy French Levant, the only air missions the Me 110C air unit may do while based in the Dodecanese are interception air missions if its base is the enemy target hex, or scramble air missions and/or air transfers within the Dodecanese, or escort air missions with the Conditional Reinforcement Ju 52 LW air unit doing air transport missions to Crete or Athenai (15B:0911).
  • Alternately, if on the same Axis turn of the Iraqi Coup collapse, the Me 110C LW air unit may air transfer from Iraq or Rodi (20A:2230) to an airfield in Iran, there to operate in Iran (only) until eliminated or aborted, or Iranian surrender, per Rule 38I4.  In the alternative case of air transferring to Iran, it is subsequently prohibited from any voluntary withdrawal, per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6, while in Iran until after Iranian surrender.  If it survives in Iran after the Iranian surrender, it is on its own until it is aborted or eliminated, and presumably may attempt to make its way back to Axis airbases in Iraq, the Vichy French Levant, or the Dodecanese, only.  Only after the Iranian surrender may the Me 110C LW air unit voluntarily withdraw per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6, if that is possible.  If it is eliminated or aborted in Iran, it is placed in the NE Command Replacement Pool and will remain there until the end of the new Scenario, and will then be counted as an Axis loss for VPs.
  •  If the Iraqi Coup has collapsed and the Vichy French Levant has surrendered to the Allied player per Optional Rule 38V3f, and the Ju 52 and He 111H LW air units have withdrawn, either voluntarily or on the Aug II 41 turn per the new Scenario Axis OB, and there are no Axis forces (excluding Fawzi) in Iraq or the Vichy French Levant or Iran, and there are no remaining Axis-controlled airbases in Iraq or the Vichy French Levant, the Me 110C LW air unit must voluntarily withdraw per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6, if possible, unless it is on-map in Iran prior to the Iranian surrender.  If all the above conditions exist and the Iranians have surrendered to the Allies and the Me 110C LW air unit is still on-map, it must voluntarily withdraw as soon as possible per the stipulations of the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6.  Regardless of the location of any Optional Axis Near East Forces losses [excepting for now the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit, pending further new Scenario development], the units are always placed in the Axis Near East Command Replacement Pool.”

Here is a partially formulated Optional Rule 38J6 amendment regarding the Ger 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit: 

In the new Scenario the Ger 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit may be brought on-map as an Axis Intervention in Iraq OB Conditional Reinforcement on the Coup Turn 6 Jun II 41 Axis turn (only) at Rodi (20A:2230). Per the WW OB booklet, under the Optional Near East Forces OB, it is brought into play “at the option of the Axis player,” and it is not a required Axis reinforcement. But if it is not brought on-map into play as a Conditional Reinforcement on the Coup Turn 6 Jun II 41 Axis turn, it cannot enter play later as an Axis Intervention in Iraq force. In this case it then enters play on-map as its motorized infantry conversion unit, in the Med/NA Command on the Oct I 41 Axis turn, per the WitD Axis OB booklet.

If it is placed at Rodi on the Jun II 41 Axis I. Phase it must remain on the island of Rodi until it either voluntarily withdraws via its new Scenario addition to the “voluntarily withdrawal” capable units per the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6, or it does a sea or air transport from Rodi to the Near East (eg., either to the Vichy French Levant or Iraq) prior to the Iraqi Coup Collapse. After the Iraqi Coup Collapse it cannot go from Rodi to the Near East, even in the case of Full Axis privileges in the Levant, per Rule 38V3a. [This is due to its apparent largely European Islamic composition achieved from recruitment in recently Axis conquered Yugoslavia.] If it voluntarily withdraws from Rodi, per the above-mentioned Optional Rule 38J6 amendment, it remains so removed from on-map play until after its motorized conversion on the Oct I 41 German turn (per the Optional Axis Near East Forces OB) when it also becomes Available in Europe as an Oct I 41 Med/NA Regular Reinforcement.

If it is sea or air transported to the Vichy French Levant prior to an Iraqi Coup Collapse, it can only do so if the Axis player has Full privileges per Rule 38V3a. Once in the Vichy French Levant it must move to Iraq as expeditiously as possible, by air or ground movement, as long as the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed. Under no circumstances prior to an Iraqi Coup Collapse may it attack while in the Vichy French Levant, unless it attacks into an Iraqi hex. If the Iraqi Coup collapses while the 2-6 Inf III SV 288 is in the Vichy French Levant, it may operate in the Vichy French Levant along with other Axis units there per the Full privileges of Rule 38V3a. If it arrives in Iraq it must operate in Iraq (only) as long as the Iraqi Coup has not collapsed. If the Iraqi Coup collapses while it is in Iraq, it may continue to operate in Iraq and/or it may only then, in this incidental case, cross the Iraqi border and operate in the Vichy French Levant, if the Axis player has Full privileges per Rule 38V3a. If it is able to return to the Dodecanese after the Iraqi Coup collapse it must voluntarily withdraw from play as an Axis Intervention in Iraq force [per the above]. Alternatively, if it is in Iraq after the Iraqi Coup collapse it may cross the Iraqi border into Iran, where it must remain until eliminated or the Iranian surrender. After the Iranian surrender it is on its own and may attempt to make its way back to the South Aegean Islands, in order to voluntarily withdraw. If, in this situation only, it is able to make its way back from the Near East to North Africa on the WD map group, it may do its motorized conversion there on the Oct I 41 turn or afterwards, if in general supply.

If it is eliminated while isolated [perhaps in Iraq, the Vichy French Levant, Cyprus, or Iran] it is placed in the Near East Replacement Pool.

In the final analysis, the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit should be perhaps either excluded from the Optional Axis Near East Forces or else allowed to be exchanged with the 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr, which is indicated as a SE Command Regular Reinforcement on the Jun II 41 turn, per the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB, found in the WW OB booklet, on p. 21.  More on this tentative mulling below, in the Assault on Crete Segment section of the new Scenario’s Axis OB.

Tentative new Scenario draft Rule covering the operational restrictions for Axis forces gaining Transit privileges in the Vichy French Levant, per Rule 38V3:

In the new Scenario, amend the Transit bullet text at WW Rule 38V3-Axis Privileges [in the Levant] to read:  “Transit:  Axis Med/NA-specific air units may use airbases in the Levant that are outside the patrol zones of Allied fighters.  Axis Med/NA-specific air units may use these Levant air bases only if flying transfer air missions.  Axis Med/NA-specific air units may Transit the Levant doing air transfer or air transport missions per [new Scenario recommended] WW Optional Rule 23E3-Bombers as Transports [eg., I see no available T type air units in the Med/NA-specific WitD Axis OB].  They may not end their air operation [eg., air transfer or air transport air missions] at Levant airbases, however, and must continue transferring to airbases outside the Levant.”

In the new Scenario, Axis Med/NA forces transported to the Near East map group via Axis Transit privileges in the Levant per the amended Rule 38V3 indicated above, may operate in either Iraq and Iran.  In the case of Full privileges, per Rule 38V3, Axis Med/NA forces (production items and ground and air units) transported to the Near East map group could operate in the Vichy French Levant, Iraq, and Iran.  In case of Air privileges, Axis Med/NA air units only and not Axis Med/NA ground units or production could operate in the Levant; and air transported Axis Med/NA production and ground units could operate in Iraq and Iran.

Axis ground and air unit supply considerations for activated Optional Rule 38J6 Axis Intervention in Iraq forces in the Near East map group and Med/NA Axis forces in the Vichy French Levant/Near East, via Rule 38V3a:

Per WW Rule 12C1a-Standard Supply Terminals, Iraqi, Vichy French Levant, Iranian, or Turkish (insofar as using WW Rule 38T2) standard supply terminals (as identified per the WitD Neutral Nations OB) are never supply sources for either activated Axis Intervention in Iraq Conditional Reinforcement forces and/or Med/NA-specific Axis forces in the Near East, via Axis Privileges per WW Rule 38V3a.  In the new Scenario, WW Rule 23I-Out-of-Supply Airbases is used.  WW Optional Rule 12E3-Elimination from Lack of General Supply, is strongly recommended.  FYI, WW Optional Rule 12C4c-Special GSP Expenditure and WW Advanced Rule 12D3-Minimal Attack Supply (of interest to the Allied player in the NE map group) are both strongly recommended in the new Scenario.  It is unlikely that in most new Scenario games the Axis player will be able to trace a road & overland element supply line from Axis units in the above named Near East countries and across the Suez Canal to say, the Axis standard supply terminal at Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya.  Therefore it appears that all Axis forces in the Near East must rely for general supply via an overland element traced to an Axis-specific gsp that has somehow been transported onto the Near East map group.  There is some mulling here that a one or two turn (at the most) special limited supply terminal status (per the meaning of the last paragraph of WW Rule 12C1b-Limited Supply Terminals) might be done at the Mosul hex if 1) the Vichy French Levant has not been invaded by the Allies 2) Jean-Guy Rathe’s Special Vichy French Levant Variant At-Start Set-Up is used, and 3) Rathe’s TFL Article’s BANP Railroad proviso is in use, and none of the BANP Railroad hexes in Iraq were Allied-controlled [or have damage hits].  This would be for 1 RE of Axis ground units, or one Axis air unit, for Rule 23I considerations, at the Mosul hex, for one or at the most two game turns.


  • This is based on the WitD Axis OB booklet.



ME/ER-II Scenario: Mar II 41 Axis EOT dispositions; grey mkrs cover Malta Status attackers

Mar II 41 Axis EOT dispositions;

APR I 41

  • In the new Scenario, on this turn the Axis may try to gain Axis privileges in the Vichy French Levant for the first time, starting in the I. Phase, at step 5.  This coincides with the bullet text indicated in the WitD Axis OB for the Apr I 41 Axis turn.  The WitD Axis OB is used as a basis for the new Scenario.  Also, per WW Rule 38V3a-Axis Privileges [in the Levant], “The Axis player may receive special privileges in the Levant through the Vichy Levant Table … [i]f the Axis player has not violated the neutrality of any Vichy region [and beginning on] [a]ny turn starting from the turn that Germany intervenes in the Balkans (Apr I 41 if the Southeast Command is not under Axis player control) through the end of 1941.  [Also, the Axis player may roll on the Vichy Levant Table] … [a]ny turn at all if the Allied player has violated the neutrality of the Levant and the Vichy forces in the Levant have not surrendered ….”
  • In the new Scenario, the Iraqi coup automatically occurs in the Axis I. Phase, at step 13.  But per WW Rule 38J4-[Iraqi] Coup, the Axis player may not move the Iraqi forces this turn.

Available in Europe:
1 x 0-6 lt AA II  AA=1  36
2 steps of attack supply
0.5 Ital Inf RP
1 x 10 Pz XX HQ 15
1 x 3-10 mot Inf III 104
1 x Me 109E  7F5  1/7
Available for Assembly:

Apr I 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Lybia

Apr I 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Lybia


  • Beginning at least at the very start of the Apr II 41 Axis turn, the Axis naval status number for the Aegean Sea is 12 (see WW Rule 31D6-Aegean Sea).  This is indirectly implied at WW Optional Rule 38J6, where it says “In scenarios where the Balkans are not in play (Rule 3E5), Athenai (15B:0911) is considered to be Axis-owned during all [presumably game] turns on or after Apr II 41” Implicitly, Thessaloniki (14A:4510) would also now be Axis-owned.  Per WW (new) Optional Rule 23J-Axis Air Operations from Aegean Islands, this Axis naval status number change for the Aegean Sea means the end of the U-4 out-of-supply airbase status for Axis airbases there, such as in the Dodecanese, per Rule 23I (excepting the two Italian Mxd type air units that start BF-specific games in the Dodecanese garrison).
  • Beginning this turn in the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, the Allied player may begin to roll for an Iraqi Coup collapse at step 4 of the Apr II 41 Axis I. Phase.  At this early Axis player turn date however, it is likely impossible for the Iraqi Coup collapse to occur per the dice roll results.
  • In the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, an Axis Intervention into an existing Iraqi Coup (only) may be declared by the Axis player in the April II 41 Axis turn (only) I. Phase, at step 5.
  • If Axis privileges in the Levant have yet to be received, the Axis player may roll on the Vichy Levant Table to grant Axis privileges in the Levant immediately after an Axis declaration of an Axis Intervention into an existing Iraqi coup.
  • In the Apr II 41 Axis turn the Axis player may move the Iraqi Coup forces.  In the prior Apr II 41 Allied turn, the first Coup turn 2 Allied Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces will certainly have arrived to southern Iraq via the Persian Gulf and taken Basra (22A:4313) and declared it to be an Allied Standard Supply Terminal in their M. Phase.  It is in the Apr II 41 Axis turn C. Phase that the Axis player might conduct a big Habbaniya airfield hex (22A:2828) ground attack.
WW ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario Apr II 41 end of Movement Phase dispositions: Iraq

Apr II 41 end of Movement Phase dispositions: Iraq

Available in Europe:
1 x 5-3-10 Pz III 8
1 x 3-4-8 Art III 221

Note:  Starting on the May I 41 Allied turn, Axis air units may now operate normally from friendly-owned airbases in the Aegean Sea, such as the Italian-owned Dodecanese, per WW (new) Optional Rule 23J-Axis Air Ops from Aegean Islands.  In the new Scenario “Athenai is considered Axis-owned during all turns on or after Apr II 41,” per WW Optional Rule 38J6.  This should change the Aegean Sea status number to 12, lifting the Axis air unit supply restrictions indicated in WW (new) Optional Rule 23J.

WW ME/ER-II/Crete Scenrio Apr II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Libya and Sicily

Apr II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Libya and Sicily

MAY I 41


Available in Europe:
2 supply steps
5 ARPs
0.5 Ital Inf RP
1 x Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 [Italian]
Convert from Med/NA Command forces: 1 x SM.79-1 to:
1 x SM.79-2  2B3  3-2/V/20
1 x 3-10 mot Inf III 115
3 ARPs (LW)

Conditional Reinforcements

Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq  

SE Command:
Place at any airbase on the island of Rodi:
1 x Mxd A  2A3  1-1/16

WW ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario

WW ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario



The Assault on Crete Segment May II 41 Allied Turn Axis At-Start OB:

  • The new Scenario Axis at-start OB for the Assault on Crete Segment is based on the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB, found in the WW OB booklet.
  • At the start of the Crete Segment the Axis player owns the Southeast Command and owns all hexes in Greece and the Dodecanese except for those on Crete, Gavdos, and Anditkytheria.  [At the start of the Crete Segment the Allied player controls the Balkan Command and owns all of the hexes on Crete and the nearby islands of Gavdos and Anditkythera.]
  • After the Axis player has in hand his SE Command Special Operation plan, the Allied player deploys the Crete Segment Allied at-start forces first.  Then the Axis player deploys the Crete Segment Axis at-start forces second.
  • The Axis Aegean Sea naval status number is 12, per WW Rule 31D6. [Evidently it has been so since the Apr II 41 turn.  Presumably the Allied player does not roll on the Naval Table doing sea transport in the Aegean Sea and certainly doesn’t use it in the Eastern Med or Persian Gulf.]

Southeast (SE) Command:
Initial Conditions; at the start of the May II 41 Allied Turn.

 Axis Aegean NTPs: 7.

 3-capacity Permanent Airfields: 15B:0811, Melos (15B:1610), Scarpanto (15B:2503).

 3-capacity Temporary Airfields: Levadia (15B:0612), 15B:0711, 15B:0813, 15B:0914:, and 15B1415.

Note: Axis initial temporary airfields remain in play even if no construction units are present in their hexes.

Greece. Place anywhere in Mainland Greece:
1 x Ski II  MC [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]
1 x Marine Cmdo II  Gr/SM [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]

Place at Athenai (15B:0911):
1 x Z 506B  2B3  2-4/F/22 [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]

Place at any airbase in Mainland Greece:
1 x G 50 bis  3F3  0/10 [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]
1 x MC 200  3F4  1/8 [This is an added unit from the WW M-M Scenario.]

Place in Samos (15B:1400):
1 x 4-6 Inf XXX 6 Cno

Place in Scarpanto (15B:2503):
1 x 0-1-6 Lt AA II AA=1 Scar [Rhodes garrison]

Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x 1-0-6 Lt Tnk II 312 [Rhodes garrison]
1 x 1-6 Hv AA II AA=2 Rodi [Rhodes garrison]
1 x 0-6 Lt AA II AA=1 Rodi [Rhodes garrison]
1 x 3-4-6 Inf XX 50 Reg [Rhodes garrison]
2 x 1-2-5 Art X 35, 36 [Rhodes garrison]
one step of attack supply [per the WW Operation Marita Scenario Axis OB, in the Axis Initial Forces section.]

Place at any airbase on the island of Rodi:
1 x Mxd B 1B2 1-2/21 [Rhodes garrison]
1 x Mxd F 2F2 0/9 [Rhodes garrison]

  • Note: The Rhodes garrison is released, per WW Rule 37D5.

Greece. Place anywhere in Mainland Greece:
1 x 7-6 Para XX 7 (LW)
2 x 7-8 Mtn XX 5, 6
1 x 2-5 Para III 2 St (LW)
1 x 1-5 Glider II I/1St (LW)
2 x Eng III [any WW M-M German OB]
10 x 5 pos AA AA=1 (LW)

Place at the airbases at Melos (15B:1610) or Scarpanto (15B:2503), or at any airbase in Mainland Greece:
1 x DFS 230  0GT-1   -/T (LW)
3 x Do 17Z  3B4  2-7/S/22 (LW)
1 x He 111H  4B4  2-7/S/22 (LW)
11 x Ju 52  1T2  0/20 (LW)
2 x Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 (LW)
1 x Ju 87R  2D3  4-1/13 (LW)
3 x Ju 88A1  3B5  3-5/26 (LW)
2 x Me 109E  7F5  1/7 (LW)
1 x Me 110C  5HF5  1/12 (LW)
1 x Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12 (LW)

WW ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario May II 41 Allied end of step 21 of the Initial Phase dispositions: easten Libya, western Egypt, mainland Greece, Crete, Melos, and the Dodecanese

May II 41 Allied end of step 21 of the Initial Phase dispositions: easten Libya, western Egypt, mainland Greece, Crete, Melos, and the Dodecanese

Special Considerations Regarding the New Scenario’s Assault on Crete Segment.

  • On the May II 41 Allied turn there could be additional Allied ground and air units on Crete other than just those stipulated in the Assault on Crete at-start Allied OB.  Those additional Allied ground and air units would be those which were voluntarily moved on-map to Crete from the ME Command prior to the May II 41 Allied turn and after the new Scenario’s start on the Mar II 41 Axis turn.  Prior to the May II 41 Allied turn, all additional surplus ME Command ARPs sent to Greece must be sent to the Off-Map Holding Box, and not directly to Crete.  Prior to the May II 41 Allied turn Crete Segment, no additional surplus steps of attack supply, replacement points (RPs), or resource points may be sent to the Greece Off-Map Holding Box in the new Scenario, as the eventual evacuation of these additional surplus items from mainland Greece to Crete would be problematic.  Additional surplus steps of attack supply and resource points from the ME Command may be sent directly to Crete from the ME Command prior to the May II 41 Allied turn.  Prior to the establishment of Suda Bay as a Standard Supply Terminal, inf RPs from the ME Command may only be air transported to Crete.  If available in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box at the beginning of the Crete Segment, one additional surplus ARP may be expended in the May II 41 I. Phase to repair the Hurri 1 air unit in the Balkan Command’s Aborted Air Units Box and then be placed on-map at Crete.  At the start of the Crete Segment, any additional surplus ARPs in the Greece Off-Map Holding Box are stored at the Standard Supply Terminal at Suda Bay as Balkan Command ARPs.  Per WW Rule 31C3-Replacement Points, no RPs are allowed to be sea transferred directly to Crete prior to the May II 41 Allied turn.  When the Crete Segment starts, Allied ME Command RPs can be sea transported only to the Suda Bay standard supply terminal.
  • At the beginning of the May II 41 Allied turn, in conjunction with the beginning of the Crete Segment, the Axis player may formally have in hand a SE Command Special Operation (airborne and/or amphibious) “planned in advance,” per WW Rule 33-Special Operations.  Although technically the Axis player is supposed to have done this planning at step 8 in the prior Axis I. Phase of the May I 41 turn, in the new Scenario it is necessarily better done at the start of the Crete Segment on the May II 41 Allied turn.
  • Per both the new Scenario’s Axis OB and the WW Assault on Crete Axis OB, there are no available initial accumulated German or Italian SE Command ARPs or replacement points.  But note that at as early as the May II 41 Axis I. Phase, at step 14, the Axis player can transfer Med/NA Command ARPs stored at the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box to the SE Command, per WW Rule 25C14-ARP Transfer, and expend them in the same turn.  Per a new Scenario amendment to WW Rule 37C2a-Mainland Europe, in the new Scenario:  Corresponding on-map Axis force returns to the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box are allowed in the Axis I. Phase, at the end of step 14, from Sicily, or from the South Aegean Islands, after the Axis has ceased operations in the Balkans.  In conjunction with the Assault on Crete Segment, [see below] the Axis player may begin to do the following:  “During any Axis I. Phase (after reinforcements are received), Med/NA Command forces (excluding Axis arm replacement points) in the Mainland Europe Holding Box may be placed on-map [in the SE Command] at Athenai (15B:0911). Conversely, any Axis Med/NA Command forces at Athenai during the Assault on Crete Segment may be returned to the Mainland Europe Holding Box at the end of step 14 of the Axis I. Phase.  Additionally, if the the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit is at Athenai in the Assault on Crete Segment, it may be may be returned to the Mainland Europe Holding Box at the end of step 14 of the Axis I. Phase, for the purpose of voluntarily withdrawal only.”  Steps of attack supply have been added to the Crete Segment’s SE Command Axis Regular Reinforcements [see below].  At the end of the Crete Segment, after the Axis player has ceased operations in the Balkans per WW Rule 3E5b, any Med/NA-specific items (only) remaining on-map on 15B (only) in mainland Greece or the Greek Islands revert back to the Mainland Europe Holding Box.
  • Here are the current new Scenario’s OB/Rules requirements for the Crete Segment’s at-start positioning and operational use of the three at-start Greek static Xs: “Each of the three Greek static X units must be placed at a standard port [hex] on the island of Crete. They cannot be stacked together.  The three Greek static Xs must remain in their three Crete standard port hexes throughout the May II 41 Allied turn, and are always in these same three different Crete standard port hexes at the beginning of the May II 41 Axis turn.  The three Greek static Xs must remain in their respective Crete standard port hexes until either a particular Greek static X moves out of its standard port hex due to an Enemy Reaction movement (WW Rule 33B) or if a particular Greek static X is moved out of its standard port hex due to movement after Combat in a C. Phase.  Thereafter the affected Greek static X may move freely on Crete.”  The three Greek static Xs may not be evacuated from Crete, as Greece is their operational area.
  • The 0-2-0 Hv AA X NMBDO 1 (RM) must remain in the Suda Bay hex 18A/450315B:2113, as it cannot move or be sea transported.  If eliminated, it is placed in the BC Replacement Pool on its original 0-2-6 side.  It may be disbanded in an Allied Initial Phase, but this gains the Axis VPs, per the WW Common Victory Chart.
  • At step 13 of the current Allied I. Phase the Allied player will likely declare the existence of a South Aegean Naval [Tight] Interdiction Zone, per WW Rule 31D7.  This tight naval interdiction zone “is [then] in effect until the start of his next initial phase.”
  • In the new Scenario, the SE Command Axis Assault on Crete Segment Axis air units’ operational area definitely includes the Greek and Dodecanese hexes of map 15B, including the associated Aegean Sea hexes, and the Mediterranean Sea hexes on maps 18A, 19A, and 20A that are in range of Axis Naval Patrol air missions, including other directly related air missions, ie., escort of these SE Command Naval Patrol air missions and possible related Axis SE Command interception air missions.  In this case all Crete Segment SE Command Axis air units surviving their air missions must always return to base in the SE Command, in our case meaning to Axis bases in mainland Greece, Melos (15B:1610), Crete, or the Dodecanese.  Also, the Crete Segment SE Command Axis air units probably ought to be allowed to do air missions at target hexes in Cyprus, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, and the Vichy French Levant, if the surviving Axis air units always return to base in the Crete Segment’s SE Command.  All losses of Crete Segment Axis SE Command-specific air or ground units would always go into the SE Command Replacement Pool and never to either the Med/NA or NE Replacement Pools, regardless of where they were lost at.
  • Per a likely new Scenario rule, “if there are no British forces (per WW Rule 3B2) on Crete in an Axis Initial Phase, then any remaining Greek static Xs automatically surrender at the very beginning of step 4, thereby enabling the Axis to then cease operations in the Balkans, per WW Rule 3E5b, if he chooses to.”
  • At step 19 of the I. Phase of the second Axis turn after the implementation of Rule 3E5b-Voluntary Cessation of Operations in the Balkans, which is necessarily used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, 3-cap permanent airfields (w/out hits) appear at Khania (18A:4403) and Erakleion (18A:4903).  If there are any temporary Axis airfields at either Khania or Erakleion at the time of the voluntary cessation of operations in the Balkans, these temporary airfields remain on-map without an accompanying Axis cons/eng unit until the said 3-cap permanent airfields (w/out hits) appear per the above, at which time the temporary airfields are removed.  This appears to coincide with the WitD Allied OB booklet for the WW WD Scenario situation.
  • Per WW Optional Rule 38J6 as it is written, the Jun II 41 Axis Intervention in Iraq Conditional Reinforcement German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit appears to be in play indefinitely from that turn onwards, perhaps lingering in the South Aegean Islands, or forlorn, forsaken, & isolated somewhere in the Near East map group, or maybe somewhere else on the WD map group (including Cyprus on map 20A), assuming it ultimately got to one of these places from Rodi.  Or perhaps in the new scenario it could be “voluntarily withdrawn” from play if in regular general supply (eg., still in the South Aegean Islands), via its likely addition to the “voluntarily withdrawal” of German LW air units stipulated in the fourth paragraph of Optional Rule 38J6. If it has been “voluntarily withdrawn” it could certainly do off-map its important Oct I 41 motorized Conversion, per the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB, at p. 28, and then be readily Available in Europe on the Oct I 41 as a Converted 3-10 Mot Inf III SV 288 Regular Reinforcement, per the WitD Axis OB booklet.  Otherwise, if the German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit was on-map and unisolated, it could certainly do its Oct I 41 motorized Conversion and be readily Available in the Med/NA Command for service in the Western Desert
  • All Crete Segment Axis SE Command forces (only) are removed from the game at the end of the Crete Segment, which is done via WW Rule 3E5b-[Axis] Voluntary Cessation of Operations in the Balkans.  Strictly in the context of the new Scenario’s development, a possible exception to this Rule 3E5b SE Command withdrawal stipulation might be the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB Jun II 41 SE Command’s German reinforcement 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr unit, which per the WitD Axis OB booklet comes into play later in the Med/NA Command as a Mainland Europe Holding Box reinforcement, in the July and August 1942 turns.  However, per the WitD Axis OB the 164 Lr Inf XX unit comes in as a 7-8 inf XX, which increases the technical problems to be addressed.  In such a new Scenario revision, the German 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr could remain in the new Scenario indefinitely, once Available in Mainland Greece on the Jun II 41 turn as a Crete Segment SE Command reinforcement.  In this alternate optional situation, it might then Transfer to the Med/NA Command the same Axis player turn the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans per Rule 3E5b.  This Transfer would of course include any 164 Lr divisional breakdown losses in the SE Command Replacement Pool.  If this option involving the German 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr unit was chosen, then the Conditional Reinforcement German 2-6 Inf III SV 288 unit might ought to be required to voluntarily withdraw on the turn the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans, assuming it was still in the Dodecanese and not isolated somewhere in the remote NE map group.  And additionally, if this Axis OB change is included in the new Scenario, it might suggest that the WitD Axis OB Sep I 41 Italian reinforcement 5-8 Mot Inf XX 101 Trs unit be correspondingly delayed quid pro quo, presumably doing the assumed garrison work in the Balkans the German 8-6 Inf XX 164 Lr unit did until the Jul I 42 turn. But the Italian XX 101 Trs might not necessarily retain its given motorized Arrival status, which could be included as a stand-alone Sep I 41 reinforcement Arrival in Libya, specifically for the motorization of the already in play Italian 5-8 Inf XX 102 Trn XX unit.  In this example, on the Jul I 42 turn, the 101 Trs XX would then come in as an Italian 5-8 Inf XX.


  • It is likely that on this Axis player turn, at step 4, the Allied player will be able to do the dice roll on the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table (per WW Optional Rule 38J5) using the big +5 Dice Roll Modifier:  “First turn (only) that a supported Allied unit is adjacent to an Iraqi-owned Baghdad.”  This is per the revised wording for the Additional Wavell’s War Chart Errata found in the Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005 addendum.  This “supported Allied unit” would probably be the 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab.
WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario May II 41 Axis just before step of of the Initial Phase dispositions: just before the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse dice roll; Fawzi al Qawukji action die roll (at step 2) was a 4: Fawzi does not change mode and moves randomly during the upcoming Movement Phase.

WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario May II 41 Axis Initial Phase dispositions

Available in Europe:
1 x 1-10 mot hv AA II 1/18  AA=2  (LW)

Special Axis Assault on Crete Segment Axis OB:


Available at Athenai (15B:0911):
one step of attack supply

  • This is an additional Axis reinforcement available in the new Scenario Axis OB; it is not available in the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB.  To me right now, this is considered to be one of the steps of attack supply listed as German reinforcements for the Apr I and Apr II 41 Axis turns of the WW Marita Scenario Axis OB.

Conditional Reinforcements

Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq
SE or Med/NA Command:
Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x Ju 52  1T2  0/20
SE Command (only):
Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 gsp, generated on the May II 41 Axis initial phase. [received as reinf only if still in the SE Command]

May II 41 Axis end of step 21 of the Initial Phase dispositions

May II 41 Axis end of step 21 of the Initial Phase dispositions

WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario May II 41 Axis early Movement Phase dispositions

May II 41 Axis early Movement Phase dispositions

May II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: the eastern Mediterranean Sea basin

May II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: the eastern Mediterranean Sea basin

JUN I 41

Tripolitania Garrison:
1 x 0-1-6* Inf III 280 GaF
Med/NA Command:
Available in Europe:
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 8A
1 x 1-6 Tank II 4
1 x 1-8 Aslt Eng II 31 G
2 steps of attack supply
0.5 Ital Inf RP
Available in Europe:
1 x 8* Inf XX HQ 90 LA
1 x 2-8 Inf III 155
1 x 5-8 Inf XX 90 La

  • Note:  The WitD Axis OB Regular Reinforcement Luftwaffe air units indicated for the Jun I 41 Axis turn are omitted as Regular Reinforcements in the new Scenario’s Axis draft OB, as they have been designated at Axis Conditional Reinforcements, arriving on the new Scenario’s Axis turn that the Axis ceases operations in the Balkans.

Special Axis Assault on Crete Segment Axis OB:



Available in Mainland Greece:
1 x 8-6 Air Lndg XX 22 [per the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB]
Available at Athenai (15B:0911):
one step of attack supply

  • This is an additional Axis reinforcement available in the new Scenario Axis OB; it is not available in the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB.

Conditional Reinforcements

Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq
SE Command (only):
Place at Rodi (20A:2230)
1 gsp, generated on the Jun I 41 Axis initial phase. [received as reinf only if still in the SE Command]

Jun I 41 Axis EOT disposition detail.

Jun I 41 Axis EOT disposition detail.

un I 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Palestine, Vichy French Levant

un I 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Palestine, Vichy French Levant

Jun II 41



Special Axis Assault on Crete Segment Axis OB:

Available in Mainland Greece:
1 x 8-6 Inf XX  164 Lr [per the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB

  • Note that this German unit arrives in Libya in July & August of 1942, but as a 7-8 inf XX.

Available at Athenai (15B:0911):
one step of attack supply

  • This is an additional Axis reinforcement available in the new Scenario Axis OB; it is not available in the WW Assault on Crete Scenario Axis OB.

Conditional Reinforcements

Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq
SE or Med/NA Command:
SE Command (only):
Place at Rodi (20A:2230)
1 gsp, generated on the Jun II 41 Axis initial phase. [received as reinf only if still in the SE Command]

Convert, at Rodi (20A:2230): 1 x Mxd A  2A3  1-1/16  (LW) to:
1 x Me 110C  5HF5  1/12  (LW)

  • Note: The conversion takes place at Rodi (20A:2230).  The conversion evidently cannot be done either in the Vichy French Levant or Iraq because, per Rule 25D [Air Unit] Conversions, the air base where the converted air unit is based at cannot be isolated, which it would evidently be the case at either mentioned location, per Rule 3F-Isolation and Lines of Communication.  However, in the new Scenario the Mxd A LW air unit (only) can do its Conversion at Rodi (20A:2230) prior to the Axis cessation of operations in the Balkans (WW Rule 3E5), essentially via a new Scenario enhancement of WW (new) Optional Rule 23J, found in the Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005.

At the option of the Axis player:
Place at Rodi (20A:2230):
1 x 2-6 Inf III                                    SV 288 (GA)

  • There may be OB changes done later regarding this unit in the new Scenario.
Jun II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Libya, Sicily, Malta, and Crete

Jun II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Libya, Sicily, Malta, and Crete

Jun II 41 EOT dispositions: the Vichy French Levant, northern Palestine, and the western half of Iraq

Jun II 41 EOT dispositions: the Vichy French Levant, northern Palestine, and the western half of Iraq

JUL I 41

Available in Europe:
1 x BR20M  3NB4  2-5/24
1 x MC200  3F4  1/8
2 steps of attack supply
Convert: 1 x CR42 to:
1 x CR42AS  3F3  1/9
1 x SM79-1  2B3  1-5/22
Available in Europe:
1 x 0-8 Cons III Afr
5 ARPs (LW)
Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm

Conditional Reinforcements

Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq
SE or Med/NA Command:
Place at any airbase in the Dodecanese:
1 x He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22


Available in Europe:
1 x 4-3-6 Tank III 132
Available for Assembly:
1 x 7-6-8 Arm XX 132 Ar

AUG I 41

Available in Europe:
2 steps of attack supply
Note: if beginning the game already using the alternate 9-10 Pz XX 21 unit, then omit this turn’s conversions for the  8-7-10 PZ XX 5 Le. 
Convert: 2 x 1-10 Mot MG II 2, 8 to:
1 x 3-10 Mot Inf III 200
Convert: 1 x 10* Pz XX HQ 5 Le to:
1 x 10 Pz XX HQ 21
Available for Assembly:
1 x 9-10 Pz XX 21
Remove: When 1 x 9-10 Pz XX 21 is assembled for the first time:
1 x 8-7-10* Pz XX 5 Le
Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm


Available in Europe:
1 x 2-8 Inf III 361

Conditional Reinforcements

Optional Axis Intervention in Iraq
SE or Med/NA Command:
1 x Ju 52  1T2  0/20  (LW)
1 x He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22  (LW)

SEP I 41

 German 1941 special operations forces are available starting this turn.
Available in Europe:
1 x 0-1-10 Mot Lt AA II  AA=1  617
5 ARPs (LW)
Available in Europe:
1 x 8 Mot Inf XX HQ 101 Trs
1x 2-10 Mot Inf III 9 B
2 x 1-8 Mot Inf III 65, 66
1 x G50bis  3F3  0/10
1 x MC200  3F4  1/8
2 steps of attack supply
6 ARPs
North Africa:
Special: At any time, demotorize 1 x 8 Mot Inf XX HQ 101 Trs and 2 x 1-8 Mot Inf III 65, 66 and receive:
1 x 8 Inf XX HQ 101 Trs
2 x 1-8 Inf III 65,66
Available for Assembly:
1 x 5-8 Mot Inf XX 101 Trs
Note: If the 101 Trs XX is demotorized per above instructions, remove 1 x 5-8 Mot Inf XX 101 Trs and add :
1 x 5-8 Inf XX 101 Trs
Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm

OCT I 41

Available in Europe:
1 x 1-6 Tnk II 52
2 steps of attack supply
Available in Europe:
*1 x 1-10 Mot Inf III SV 288

  • *This unit’s Availability and motorized Conversion may be affected by what happens if the Axis player chooses to activate the Axis Intervention in Iraq Conditional Reinforcements on the Apr II 41 Axis turn.

Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm

NOV I 41

Available in Europe:
2 x MC202  6F6  1/10
1 x SM84  3B3  3-4/V/20
6 ARPs
2 steps of attack supply
1 x BR20M  3NB4  2-5/24
1 x CR42  3F3  0/9
Available in Europe:
1 x Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8
1 x Me 109F3  6F7  1/8
1 x Me 110F  6NHF6  1/13
5 ARPs
1 x Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8
Convert: 1 x Me 109E to
1 x 109F1  5F6  1/8
Med/NA Replacements: 1 Ital Inf, 1.5 Ital Arm, 2 Ger Inf, 3 Ger Arm


Early Draft Neutrals OB

Iraqi Order of Battle

Initial Forces: Mar II 41 Axis player turn (taken from the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet).

Initial Conditions:
Capital: Baghdad (22A:2825).
Rail Capacity: Iraqi rail net: 5.
1-Capacity Permanent Airstrip: Rutbah (21A:5023). [per the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet, p. 2]
Supply Terminal (Iraqi specific): Baghdad (22A:2825).

Infantry Replacement Points (RPs):  Iraq receives 1 inf RP on the Jan I turn of each year, beginning no sooner than the second turn of full mobilization [I assume this to mean Coup Turn 2, along with with the Jan I turn stipulation; and so receiving any Iraqi inf RPs would be unlikely in either the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario project or in standard WW Middle East (ME) Scenarios].

Iraqi ARPs:  Iraq receives 1 ARP on the first turn of the air cycle, beginning no sooner than the second turn of full mobilization.  In the case of the new Scenario with the Iraqi Coup date of Apr I 41, that appears to mean an Iraqi ARP would be received on the May I 41 Axis I. Phase.  Then, another Iraqi ARP would appear on the Jul I 41 turn, and so on.

No intrinsic AA.

Other: the Iraqi minor port of Umm Qasr (22A:4513) has maximum damage, e.g., 5 port damage hits.


Kirkuk (21A:3904):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 2

In or adjacent to Baghdad (22A:2825):
1 x 1-2-6 Inf XX                               3
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 1
1 x 0-1-6 Lt Arm X                          1

Diwaniya (22A:3623):
1 x 0-1-6* Inf XX                             4

Any airbase in Iraq:
1 x Mxd  1A2  1/8

In Iraq:
21A:4717 (H-1 Pump Station) [stony desert road hex]:
0-1-8 Inf II                              Fawzi (Bandit) [Guerilla-capable unit; currently in combat mode]

  • Watson’s “Iraq: Rashid Ali and the Golden Square” Europa Battle Scenario found in TEM#81 is used as a basis for determining an at-start location for the pro-Axis Fawzi bandit/guerrilla unit.

Special considerations regarding the 0-1-8 Inf II Fawzi (Bandit) unit:

  • On the Mar II 41 Axis at-start turn of the new Scenario, the 0-1-8 Inf II Fawzi (Bandit) unit begins at hex 21A:4717.  The provisions of Optional Rule 39E4-Fawzi al Qawukji, do not come into effect until step 2 of the Initial Phase of the Apr II 41 Axis turn, after the automatic Iraqi coup occurs at step 13 of the Initial Phase of the Apr I 41 Axis turn.  On both the Mar II 41 and Apr I 41 Axis turns the 0-1-8 Inf II Fawzi (Bandit) remains at hex 21A:4717, in its combat mode, and may not move at all or change modes; nor is the die roll done per WW Optional Rule 39D3 until step 4 of the Initial Phase of the Apr II 41 Axis turn.
  • Per a new Scenario Rule, Axis, Vichy French Levant, or Iraqi air units may not provide DAS to the Fawzi unit, which is similar to Rathe’s provision for Vichy French TS ground units in his TFL article in TEM#81.
  • The Fawzi unit cannot be eliminated by random movement die rolls (per WW Optional Rule 39E4) off the map edge or into prohibited hexes.  In this case the Fawzi unit simply ends its random movement at the last rules-legal hex.
  • Note that per WW Optional Rule 39E4 the Fawzi unit “may never stack with another unit (including another Axis, Iraqi, or Vichy French unit).  If in guerrilla mode, Fawzi must always attempt to retreat before combat.”
  • It is currently assumed here that after the Iraqi Coup the national territory in the pro-Axis neutral Iraq is still not 100% Axis “friendly-owned” for the purposes of WW Optional Rule 39D3-Changing Modes.  Perhaps this occurs after a pro-Axis coup Iraq “join[s] the Axis,” per the last sentence of Rule 38J4 [Iraq] Coup.  I’m also currently thinking the Fawsi unit cannot, in any mode (eg., combat or guerrilla), admin move in Iraq or in the Vichy French Levant.
  • Also, neither the Fawzi unit in its regular mode, nor either of the Fawzi guerrilla mode units, either the dummy or the Fawzi hidden mode, may end their movements in any Iraqi dot city hexes or the partial full city hex of Baghdad, unless they are Allied-owned.  If forced to retreat in a Combat Phase, the Fawzi units may pass through an Iraqi dot city hex or the partial full city hex of Baghdad, but may not end their retreat there, unless they are Allied-owned.  The Iraqi dot city of Basra is not considered to be Allied-owned until the Basra hex is occupied by an Allied unit, per WW Advanced Rules 5B3-Ownership of Cities, Ports, and Airbases and/or 5B4-Half RE Units.  The main thing is to prevent the Fawzi unit or its Dummy guerrilla unit from blocking the Iraqi port of Basra from initial Allied entry or other important Iraqi towns from entry by either side.

Commentary Regarding Some of the WW Rules That are Related to the Iraq Campaign in the new Scenario:

  • In WW, per Rule 4-Sequence of Play (Intro), “each game turn consists of an Allied player turn followed by an Axis player turn.”
  • Per WW Rule 41-Preparing for Play (Intro), “within each map group [in our case, the WD and NE map groups], where there is overlap, ensure the higher number map always overlaps the lower numbered map.  Once each map group is assembled, ensure the group with the highest numbered maps overlaps the group with the lowest numbered maps.”  Per WW Rule 41A-Initial Deployment, the Axis player sets up the “Iranian, Iraqi, and Vichy French at-start OBs for those commands he controls.”  In standard WW Desert and the Balkans Scenario-based games, the Balkan map group overlaps the WD map group, but in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, BF map 15B (used for the Assault on Crete Segment) goes underneath the WD map group.  Map 20A goes over map 19A, and map 21A goes over map 20A.  Whatever you do, do not use the defective and misprinted NE maps 22A & 32 that also have the tell-tale printer’s reference mark hexes:  defective map 22A has this printer’s indicator at 2728 and defective map 32 has this printer’s indicator at 1624.
  • Careful players of the new Scenario should note conditions on the NE map group indicated under the Starting Conditions section of WW Rule 41B3-War in the Desert Campaign.  These NE map group conditions are used in the WW Middle East Campaign Scenario. The map conditions indicated for the Enter Rommel-II (ER-II) WD map group are listed under the Starting Conditions of the Western Desert Campaign (see Rule 41B1).  Also note that the Allied player begins the new Scenario controlling all hexes in Kuwait and Iraq.
  • In the new Scenario, the Iraqi coup automatically occurs in the Apr I 41 Axis Initial Phase, at step 13.  This is done to channel the shortened 1941 ME Scenario into a kind of “historical game” for Europa play, at least in terms of the Iraqi coup date and in conjunction with the ER-II at-start set-up in the Western Desert play.  Using the Apr I 41 Axis turn as the date of the Iraqi coup, then the WitD Allied OB’s Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces Conditional Reinforcements (found at p. 5 of the WitD Allied OB booklet) begin to appear on the Apr II 41 Allied turn (Coup Turn 2).  Proceeding then, May I 41 = Coup Turn 3, which includes the 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab Conversion (along with a new Allied unit tentatively introduced in the new Scenario, the Trans-Jordanian 1-10 mot Cav III AL [Arab Legion]) and the Allied NE Command Arrivals, via the Persian Gulf to the Iraqi port of Basra; Jun I 41 = Coup Turn 5; Jun II 41 = Coup Turn 6; and Jul I 41 = Coup Turn 7.
  • We strive to remember Rule 38B2-Habbaniya/Shaibah Airbase Guards, whereby each of the two British Colonial 0-1-4 Static IIs, 1AS & 2AS, are in “in general supply if it is in or can trace an overland-element of supply line to either Habbaniya (22A:2828) or Shaibah (22A:4314), and the hex to which it traces supply has never been enemy owned.”  We assume “enemy owned” means either by an Axis unit or an Iraqi coup unit.
  • Per Rule 38J4-[Iraqi] Coup, “except for hexes already occupied by Allied units [eg., in our case Habbaniya and Shaibah], Iraqi territory is no longer Allied-owned and is treated as being Axis-owned [after the Iraqi Coup].  …  However, … the Allied player may use the Iraqi[-owned]  port of Basra (22A:4313) so long as it is unsecured.  The port of Basra is unsecured until the first time an Iraqi unit enters its hex.”  This rule allows the Allied player to conveniently land his initial WitD Allied OB Conditional Reinforcements at Basra, in our case in the naval movement segment of the Apr II 41 Allied M. Phase.  Evidently, at the moment of the said Allied unit’s completed disembarkation, Basra forthwith becomes Allied-owned, per the meaning of Advanced Rule 5B3-Ownership of Cities, Ports, and Airbases.  Immediately after that, per Rule 12C1a-Standard Supply Terminals, the major port of Basra may be opened as an Allied standard supply terminal, and “from the start of the next player turn [in our case, the subsequent Apr II 41 Axis player turn], the port is a standard supply terminal for the side that opened it.”  At this point, the Allied major port hex of Basra apparently now has an intrinsic flack factor of 1, per the Intrinsic Light AA Chart.  Advanced Rule 5B3 is currently a recommended Advanced Rule for the new Scenario, as is also Advanced Rule 5B4-Half RE Units.
  • Rule 23I-Out of Supply Airbases is recommended in the new scenario, and affects play in the NE map groups.  Also (new) Optional Rule 23J-Axis Ops from Aegean Islands should be utilized, I think.  It is due to this new Optional Rule 23J that gsp’s are introduced as part of the conditional reinforcements in the new Scenario’s revisions of the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB, found in the WW OB booklet.  For the Axis supply capabilities in the Dodecanese after the Axis player ceases operations in the Balkans (Rule 3E5), see Rule 12C2a-Axis Ports.
  • Quite importantly, I think, WW Optional Rule 38J7-Iraqi Armor is currently strongly recommended for use in the new Scenario.  This stipulates the Iraqi light armor brigade “…as having neutral AECA/AECD (instead of full AECA/half AECD).”  On the other hand, I currently see no purpose of using WW Optional Rule 38J8-The Anglo-Iraqi Treaty, considering the conditions of the new Scenario mentioned above, what with the Mar II 41 Axis turn start date and the Iraqi Coup automatically occurring on the Apr I 41 Axis turn.
  • WW Optional Rule 38J8-The Anglo-Iraqi Treaty doesn’t seem to be applicable in the new Scenario, with its Mar II 41 Axis turn at-start date and the Iraqi Coup automatically occurring in the Apr I 41 Axis I. Phase.  In any event, there are no Allied ME ground units particularly appealing to be sent to pre-Coup Iraq in the short period of opportunity between the Mar II 41 Axis at-start date and the end of the Apr I 41 Allied turn, say by naval transport via the Aden Off-Map Holding Box and a final disembarkation at Basra, or by the overland Mesopotamian desert road trek from Palestine eastwards across Trans-Jordan and Iraq.  I say “Allied ground units” because, at least to me, a careful read of the first sentence of the last paragraph of Optional Rule 38J8 seems to indicate that only additional Allied ground units, and not air units, signifies a violation of the Treaty, thereby kicking in the +2 Dice Roll Modifier possibly used in conjunction with the Iraqi Coup Table, which isn’t used in the new Scenario, anyway.  And so, an Allied air unit, such as the British Glad air unit, prior to the Iraqi coup on the Apr I 41 Axis I. Phase, might possibly do a transit across pre-Coup Iraq to Habbaniya (22A:2828), doing even a necessary in-flight air transfer leg basing at either Iraqi Rutbah (21A:5023) or the Iraqi reference city of Ramadi (22A:2830) without violating the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty.  But just in case a resourceful and determined Allied player found a suitable Allied ME Command ground unit to say, sea transport to pre-Coup Iraqi Basra, via the Aden Off-Map Holding Box, then a fitting new Scenario replacement to the irrelevant treaty violation penalty of Optional Rule 38J8 as written might be a -1 Dice Roll Modifier to the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table (Opt. Rule 38J5) “if an Allied ground unit other than the Habbaniya/Shaibah airbase guard units (Rule38B2) was in Iraq in an Axis I. Phase prior to the Iraqi Coup.”
  • There might be a +1 Dice Roll Modifier to the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table on the immediate Axis turn I. Phase (only) dice roll using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table “if the Allied 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME unit (only) has seized either of the bridge hex-sides (from 22A: 2826&2926) at the Baghdad partial full city hex (22A:2825) on the prior Allied turn (only).”
  • Optional Rule 38J5-Variable [Iraqi] Coup Collapse/Surrender is strongly recommended in the new Scenario, along with the important WW Chart Errata indicated in Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005 addendum, which changes the flawed wording at the critical +5 Dice Roll Modifier of the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table.  When the Iraqi Coup collapses and Iraq surrenders, then by Optional Rule 38J5 and per the corollary stipulation found at 38J4b, “Iraqi territory, except any hexes occupied by Axis ground or air units or in uncontested ZOCs of Axis units, becomes Allied-owned.”
  • Axis 1941 Near East intriguers and strategists should note the -1 Dice Roll Modifier for “an Axis air unit in Iraq” and another -1 Modifier “if there is at least 1 RE of German units in Iraq.”  This would be for the dice roll using the Variable Iraq Coup Collapse Table.

Standard WW Vichy French Levant Order of Battle

  • This would be the new Scenario’s standard Vichy French Levant set-up, based on the WitD Neutral Nations OB for the French Levant.

Initial Forces, Mar II 41 Axis player turn

Initial Conditions.

Rail Capacity: Levant rail net: 4.

Supply Terminals: Beyrouth (20A:4207) and Damas (20A:4505).

Steps of Attack Supply: 1 step each at Beyrouth (20A:4207) and Damas (20A:4505).  [the second step of attack supply at Beyrouth is from Rathe’s article; see below]

Resource points:  2 resource points each at Beyrouth (20A:4207) and Damas (20A:4505), for a grand total of 2. [from the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet, p. 14]

SMPs: 5. [from the WW OB booklet, at p. 32, and also Rathe’s article; see below]

Intrinsic AA: 1 point per dot and major city hex in the Vichy French Levant. [per the WW Intrinsic Light AA Summary]

Accumulated Replacements: None.

Airfields: Place a 1-cap permanent airstrip at Rayak (20A:4306).  [based on Watson’s “Syria: Operation Exporter” Europa battle scenario; but he uses a 3-cap temporary airfield.  Per WitD, there are no airfields in the Vichy French Levant.]

Note: The Vichy French Levant at-start fort at 20A:4505, indicated in the WitD Neutrals OB and F. Watson’s “Syria: Operation Exporter” Europa battle scenario, is tentatively omitted here, per Rathe’s advice found on p. 44 of his article.

Vichy French [aka, the standard Vichy French Levant Set-Up, per the WitD Neutrals OB booklet]:

Alep (21A:3231):
1 x 3-2-6* Inf III                               6 LE (LE)
1 x 0-1-5 Const X                             LEV (Col)

Tripoli (20A:4005):
Railhead marker

  • Per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.

1 x 3-6 Inf III                                    24 MC (Col)

Damas (20A:4505):
one step of attack supply [eg., Initial Forces]
one resource point [eg., Initial Forces]
2 x 1-6* Lt Arm II                            6 C A, 7 CA (Afr)

Beyrouth (20A:4207):
one step of attack supply [eg., Initial Forces]
one resource point [eg., Initial Forces]

Anywhere in the Levant:
3 x 1-8 Cav III                                   1 SM, 4 ST, 8 SA (Afr)

Within two hexes of the Palestine/Lebanon border:
2 x 2-6* Inf III                                  22 TA, 29 TA (Afr)

Within two hexes of the Transjordan/Syria border:
1 x 2-6* Inf III                                  7 TS (Col)
1 x 1-6* Inf III                                   16 TT (Afr)

Any airbase in the Levant:
1 x D520  6F5  0/11  [Conversion, on Mar I 41]

Vichy French Levant Reinforcements and Replacements for the standard Vichy French Levant Set-Up:

On the Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jun II 41):  

Conditional Mobilization Turn 1 (based on the WitD Neutrals OB, p.17):     

Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 x LeO451  3B5  2-5/25

On the 2nd Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jul 1 41):

Conditional Mobilization Turn 2 (Based on WitD Neutrals OB, pp. 16 &17).

Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles.

Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 ARP [its possibility may be implied in the WitD Neutrals OB; evidently per “Syria” only, but Watson apparently shows it Arriving in the Levant]


Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 Inf RP [eg., a Vichy French inf RP; per “Syria” only]

On the 3rd Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jul II 41):

In the Axis Initial Phase, place at any one clear or rough terrain hexside of the following Axis controlled hexes, if in general supply: 20A:4308, 20A:4208 (Beyrouth), 20A4307 (Rayak), 20A:4305, 20A:4405, 20A:4406, or 20A:4505 (Damas):
1 x Unimproved Fortified Hexside  [this comes from Rathe’s article; see below]

On Subsequent Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles (hypothetical historical:  Sep I 41, Nov I 41, etc.):

Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles (Based on WitD Neutrals OB, pp. 16 &17).

Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 ARP [per Air Cycle]

If the Levant surrenders to the Allies: Withdraw from the Levant in the following Axis Initial Phase:

1 x LeO451  3B5  2-5/25

Commentary Regarding Some of the WW Rules Related to the Vichy French Levant in the New Scenario:

Per Rule 38V3a-Axis Privileges in the Levant, “The Allied player loses one victory port at the end of each game turn that the Axis has privileges in the Levant and the Levant has not surrendered to the Allies.”  This reading is amended by the Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005.  Also, per Rule 38V3a, in the new Scenario the Axis player may begin to roll for Axis privileges in the Levant, using the Vichy Levant Table, at step 5 of the Apr I 41 Axis I. Phase.  This is assuming that the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario is not being used to play the WW Alternate History and Variant (AH&V) D-Axis Use of Tunisia, found at p. 13 of the WW Scenarios & Appendices booklet.  It appears that the new Scenario would be an excellent platform to experiment with this Variant in the 1941 time frame.  Finally, in conjunction with Rule 38V3a, in the new Scenario, an Axis Intervention in Iraq may be declared by the Axis player in the April II 41 Axis turn I. Phase, at step 5 (only), immediately prior to a dice roll on the Vichy Levant Table for Axis Privileges in the Levant.

In the new Scenario, beginning on the Apr I 41 Axis turn the Axis player may try to gain Axis privileges in the Vichy French Levant for the first time, starting in the I. Phase at step 5.  This coincides with the bullet text indicated in the WitD Axis OB for the Apr I 41 Axis turn.  The WitD Axis OB is used as a basis for the new Scenario.  Also, per WW Rule 38V3a-Axis Privileges [in the Levant], “The Axis player may receive special privileges in the Levant through the Vichy Levant Table … [i]f the Axis player has not violated the neutrality of any Vichy region [and beginning on] [a]ny turn starting from the turn that Germany intervenes in the Balkans (Apr I 41 if the Southeast Command is not under Axis player control) through the end of 1941.  [Also, the Axis player may roll on the Vichy Levant Table] … [a]ny turn at all if the Allied player has violated the neutrality of the Levant and the Vichy forces in the Levant have not surrendered ….”

It appears that at least in WW ME-based Scenarios, the Allied player may invade the neutral Vichy French Levant at any time.  Following an Allied invasion of a neutral Vichy French Levant, per the provisions of Rules 38Va & b-Allied Invasion, the Axis player is restricted in any force intervention into the French colony, meaning that although the Axis player subsequently gains control of the Vichy forces in the Levant after an Allied invasion, “… the Axis player may not operate any non-Vichy Axis forces in the Levant except as allowed by the Vichy Levant Table.”

Per WW Rule 38V1, the Vichy French Levant operational area would be the Levant and adjacent sea zones.  No Vichy French Levant ground unit may leave the Levant or attack into hexes outside the borders of the Levant.  The French LeO451 3B5 2-5/25 air unit may not conduct harassment air missions or other bombing air missions to land hex targets outside the Levant.  It may conduct naval patrol air missions to Mediterranean Sea hexes, and in the new Scenario may also conduct Naval Harassment air missions.  When utilizing recommended WW Optional Rule 23E3-Bombers as Transports, it may take on as cargo only Vichy French-specific items and may never carry Axis-specific cargo items.

WW Optional Rule 38V3f-Variable Levant Surrender to Allies is recommended for use in the new Scenario, which calls for the use of the Variable Levant Surrender Table, found on Game Play Chart 5.  This Optional Rule and the Variable Levant Surrender Table applies only to the surrender of the Levant to the Allies.  In the new Scenario the following + dice roll Modifier is added:  +1 for every 5 Allied-owned Levant cities except for Beyrouth, Damas, and Alep, for a possible total of 3.

After the Vichy French Levant surrenders to the Allied player per the Variable Levant Surrender Table, then per the corollary Vichy Levant surrender stipulation indicated at Rule 38V3d-Surrender, “all Vichy ground and air units in the Levant are removed from play; these forces are considered to be eliminated.”  But evidently hex ownership in the French Levant is determined strictly by WW Rule 4B-[Hex] Ownership, meaning that there could be Axis-owned cities and land hexes in the French Levant after the Vichy French Levant surrender per Optional Rule 38V3f.

Special Vichy French Levant Variant At-Start Set-Up for the Scenario, Based on Jean-Guy Rathe’s TEM#81 Article:

  • The following special Vichy French Levant variant at-start set-up is based on one of the two Vichy French Levant OBs found in Jean-Guy Rathe’s excellent article “Troupes Francaises du Levant Order of Battle (Land), June 1941,” (TFL) published in TEM#81.  Players will need a copy of this article to make the required new Vichy French Levant counters and to have some of the necessary rules text and dice roll tables for playing with them, supplemented by the minor changes and finishing done for the new Scenario and found in the Scenario’s draft Rules and Neutrals draft OB.  His other variant is intended to be scrutinized and eventually worked into the new Scenario.  The variant is not as hard to grasp as it may appear, if one makes the new Vichy French units and then follows the set-up instructions, step by step.

Initial Conditions.

Standard Supply Terminals: Damas (20A:4505/19A4701) and Beyrouth (20A:4207).

Steps of attack supply: 1 step each at Damas and Beyrouth. [both Vichy French specific]

SMPs: 5

Rail Capacity, Levant Rail net: 4 (+1 for BANP railroad). [See Rathe’s The BANP Railroad supplement for this, found at p. 47 of his TEM#81 article.]

Airfields: a 1-cap permanent airstrip at Rayak (20A:4306) [based on Watson’s “Syria: Operation Exporter” Europa battle scenario; but he uses a 3-cap temporary airfield]

Resource points:  2 resource points each at Beyrouth (20A:4207) and Damas (20A:4505), for a grand total of 2. [from the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet, p. 14]

Intrinsic AA: Per the WW Intrinsic Light AA Summary, 1 point per dot and major city hex in the Levant.

Note: The Vichy French Levant at-start fort at 20A:4505, indicated in the WitD Neutrals OB and F. Watson’s “Syria: Operation Exporter” Europa battle scenario, has been omitted, per Rathe’s advice found on p. 44 of his article.

Initial Forces Set-Up Cross-Reference Notations for the TFL Vichy French Levant forces:

  • The notation “TFL” refers to the TEM#81 article by Jean-Guy Rathe entitled “Troupes Francaises du Levant Order of Battle (Land), June 1941”.
  • The notation “Syria” refers to the TEM#81 Europa Battle Scenario article by Frank Watson entitled “Syria, Operation Exporter: June-July 1941”.
  • The “WW” reference is for the WW Western Desert Scenario Neutral Nations OB for Vichy Levant forces found only on the WD map group map 19A; and so this particular OB deliberately omits those Vichy French Levant forces found on the NE map group maps 20A and 21A, which are included in the WW Middle East Scenario.
  • The “WitD” reference is for the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet.
  • The “Scenario” references are for the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario project, found in either its Neutral draft OB or draft Rules texts.
  • Coloring has been done to the at-start Vichy French Levant unit designations, so as to make it easier for players to better make a listing of the particular at-start units.  This is because there are so many particulars for the at-start set-up Troupes Speciales (TS) units.  And so, in the at-start set-up OB below, the regular Vichy French units are designated in blue, and the Troupes Speciales units are designated in burnt orange.  In this manner an accurate accounting of the at-start Vichy French Levant units can better be made, I hope.
  • The draft OB instructions below are certainly intended to closely coincide with the finished Scenario product Vichy French Levant Variable OB, pending any further input.

Vichy French [the Special Vichy French Levant Variant At-Start Set-Up, Based on Jean-Guy Rathe’s TEM#81 Article]:

Within 2 hexes of the Palestine/Lebanon border:

1 x 2-6* Inf III 22 TA (Afr) [per “Syria,” WitD, WW, & TFL]

1 x 2-6* Inf III 29 TA (Afr) [per “Syria,” WitD, WW, & TFL]

1 x C-8 Cav III Ligne (TS) CL = 4 [new TS unit per TFL. After the Allied invasion it can move freely.]

Within 2 hexes of the Transjordan/Syria border:

1 x 1-2-6* Inf III 16 TT (Afr) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria,” WitD, and WW indicate it as a 1-6* inf III.]

1 x 2-6* Inf III 17 TS (Col) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria,” WitD, and WW indicate it as a 2-6* inf III.]

Damas (20A:4505):

Standard Supply Terminal marker [Vichy French Levant specific]

1 x 2-1-6* Lt Arm III 6 CdA (Afr) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria,” WitD, and WW indicate it as a 1-6* lt arm II.]

1 x 2-1-6* Lt Arm III 7 CA (Afr) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria,” WitD, and WW indicate it as a 1-6* lt arm II.]

1 x 1-6 Inf II V/1 TM (Afr) [new unit per TFL. After the Allied invasion it can move freely.]

  • The new Scenario draft OB placement appears to correspond w/ his article. Per Rathe’s Vichy French Levant OB (Land) supplement, which is included in his TEM#81 article, this unit is an Apr II 41 Conversion of an earlier 2-6 Inf III 10 NA (Afr) unit not found in the WitD Vichy French Levant OB. For the time being, I have not implemented his conversion into the new Scenario, which admittedly begins on the Mar II 41 Axis turn. But perhaps additional input will change this.

1 x A-8 Cav III Tcher (TS) CL = 5 [new TS unit per TFL. After the Allied invasion it can move freely.]

One step of attack supply [eg., Initial Forces; per WitD/WW and TFL; required set-up here per the Scenario draft OB; Vichy French specific]

One resource point [eg., Initial Forces; per WitD/WW and TFL; required set-up here per the Scenario draft OB; Vichy French specific]

Beyrouth (20A:4207):
Standard Supply Terminal marker [Vichy French Levant specific]

At least one permitted Vichy French Levant unit must be placed at-start at Beyrouth. This unit may move freely after the Allied invasion, although the particular unit may still have other operational restrictions.

One step of attack supply [eg., Initial forces; This is per TFL]

  • This second step of Vichy French attack supply is not indicated in “Syria,” WitD, or WW. Vichy French specific. But I currently believe that it is quite necessary.

one resource point [eg., Initial Forces; per WitD/WW and TFL; required set-up here per the Scenario draft OB; Vichy French specific]

Tripoli (20A:4005):
Railhead marker

  • Per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.

1 x 3-6* Inf III 24 MC (Col)  [per “Syria,” WitD, and TFL]

Alep (21A:3231):
1 x 0-1-5 Cons X Lev (Col)  [per “Syria,” WitD, and TFL]
1 x 4-3-6* Inf III 6 LE (LE) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria” and WitD indicate it as a 3-2-6* inf III.]
1 x C-8 Cav III NSyr (TS) CL = 4 [new TS unit per TFL. After the Allied invasion it can move freely.]

Lattique (20A:3405):
At least one permitted Vichy French Levant ground unit must be placed at-start at Lattique. This unit may move freely after the Allied invasion, although the particular unit may still have other operational restrictions.  [I may drop the at-start placement requirement at Lattique.]

Hassetche (21A:3218):
1 x D-8 Cav III Djez (TS) CL = 3 [new TS unit per TFL.]

  • The Scenario draft OB places this unit at-start at Hassetche, and this appears to correspond w/ his article. In the Scenario draft OB it is a required at-start unit at Hassetche and must remain at Hassetche unless it is moved out of the hex by movement after combat in a C. Phase, after which it may move freely. The reason for the movement restriction is that evidently the historical Allied push into the Vichy French Levant from NW Iraq encountered definite although admittedly brief resistance at Hassetche, and that resistance was likely due to this unit.

Deir ez Zoir (21A:3922):
At least one permitted Vichy French Levant ground unit must be placed at-start at Dier ez Zoir. It may move freely after the Allied invasion.

Anywhere in the Levant:
1 x 1-8 Cav III 1 SM (Afr) [per “Syria,” WitD, WW and TFL]
1 x 1-8 Cav III 2 MS (Afr) [new unit per TFL. Rathe appears to substitute it for one of the three 1-8 cav IIIs in WitD/WW, but he evidently omits the third 1-8 cav III indicated in the “Syria,” WitD, and WW OBs.]

Any airbase in the Levant:
1 x D 520 6F5 0/11 [This is a Mar I 41 Axis turn conversion of the original Fr MS   406 4F4 0/8 air unit.]

Special Considerations Regarding the TFL At-Start Troupes Speciales (TS) units:

  • A-8 Mot Cav III Lev (TS)  CL = 4:  This new unit, evidently corresponding w/ TFL, must be placed at-start at either Damas, Palmyre, or Deir ez Zoir.  It may move freely after the Allied invasion.
  • A-5 Inf III 1 Lev (TS)  CL = 4:  This new unit’s (evidently corresponding w/ TFL) operational area is restricted to the Syrian hex area north of the Lebanon border and on or west of the major rail line going from Tripoli-Homs-Hama-Alep-Turkish border, in Syria. It must begin the game placed in this operational area, in any city hex. This restriction is lifted if it is pushed/moved out of its operational area due to movement after Combat in a C. Phase.
  • At the start of the Scenario two TS units must be considered permanently Removed. One of these Removed units must be the D-8 Cav III PTch  CL = 5, which is evidently always “Removed” the “1st turn of invasion,” per Rathe’s article, p. 44. The other required Removed unit must be either the A-8 Cav III Tcher, or the A-8 Cav III Ligne, or the A-5 Inf III 1 Lev, or the B-5 Inf III 2 Lev, or the B-5 Inf III 3 Lev, or the C-8 Cav III NSyr, or the C-8 Cav III Druze.
  • At the start of the Scenario at least two TS units must be scrapped. The two initially scrapped TS units must be either the A-8 Cav III Tcher, or the A-8 Cav III Ligne, or the A-5 Inf III 1 Lev, or the B-5 Inf III 2 Lev, or the B-5 Inf III 3 Lev, or the C-8 Cav III NSyr, or the C-8 III Druze. Scrapping these two units fetch the Axis player a total of .5 TS inf RPs (.25 for each one), which are stored at Damas, at the start of the Scenario after the required scrapping.  This tentatively required TS removing and scrapping is done to deliberately reduce the number of additional TS units that have been introduced into the Vichy French Levant OB.  But the TS scrapping provides the Axis player an available store of TS inf RPs with which he can “rally” (eg., bring back into play, by the expenditure of .25 TS inf RPs per each Dispersed unit) TS units that have been placed into one of the three Levant territory boxes (eg., the Liban, Nord-Syrie, or Sud-Syrie Territory Boxes) due to Cohesion Table die rolls done in Combat Phases where there are TS units either attacking or defending.
  • If the C-8 Cav III Druze (TS)  CL = 3 is neither initially Removed nor scrapped, it must be placed at-start at Soueida (20A:4905). After the Allied invasion it may move freely.
  • If the B-5 Inf III 2 Lev  CL = 3 is neither initially Removed nor scrapped, it must be placed at-start at either Damas or Deir ez Zoir. It may move freely after the Allied invasion.
  • If the B-5 Inf III 3 Lev (TS) CL = 4 is neither initially Removed nor scrapped, it must be placed at-start at any city hex in Lebanon. After the Allied invasion its operational area is Lebanon. This restriction is lifted if it is pushed/moved out of its operational area due to movement after Combat in a C. Phase.
  • Use the Troupes Speciales Rules found on pp. 44-45 of Rathe’s TEM#81 article.  Of specific importance are the CL (Cohesion Level) Modifications (cumulative) Chart, the Cohesion Table Chart, the Other Rules section, the BANP Railroad section, and the Iraq Petroleum Company [IPC] Pipeline section.  The last section is needed to determine the three Levant territory boxes corresponding geographical areas.

May II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Vichy Levant

May II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Vichy Levant

Vichy French Levant Reinforcements and Replacements pertaining to Jean-Guy Rathe’s article:

On the 1st Allied Turn of Invasion (historical: Jun I 41 Allied turn):

Modify, during the Allied Initial Phase:

1 x A-8 Cav III  Tcher (TS)  CL = 4 [from its initial CL = 5]

On the Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jun II 41 Axis turn):

Conditional Mobilization Turn 1 [based on WitD, at p. 17; also “Syria”]

Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:

1 x LeO451 3B5 2-5/25


On the 2nd Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jul I 41):

Conditional Mobilization Turn 2.

Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles.

Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:

1 ARP [its possibility may be implied in the WitD Neutrals OB; evidently per “Syria” only, but Watson apparently shows it Arriving in the Levant]


Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:

1 Inf RP [eg., a Vichy French inf RP; per “Syria”]


Place in Damas (20A:4505), in the Axis Initial Phase

1 x resource point [per TFL]

On the 3rd Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jul II 41):

In the Axis Initial Phase, place at any one clear or rough terrain hexside of the following Axis controlled hexes, if in general supply: 20A:4308, 20A:4208 (Beyrouth), 20A4307 (Rayak), 20A:4305, 20A:4405, 20A:4406, or 20A:4505 (Damas):

1 x Unimproved Fortified Hexside [per TFL]

On Subsequent Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles (hypothetical historical:  Sep I 41, Nov I 41, etc.):

Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles (Based on WitD Neutrals OB, pp. 16 &17).

Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:

1 ARP [per Air Cycle]

On the 4th Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Aug I 41):

Place in Beyrouth (20A:4207) [this appears to be a local scrape-up contingent, per Rathe’s article]:

1 x French Colonial Inf RP

August I 41:

In the Axis initial phase, place in any Axis controlled dot or partial city hex in the Vichy French Levant, if Damas (20A:4505) and Beyrouth (20A:20A:4207) are still in Axis control and have never been Allied owned:

1 x C-10 Recon II  AMD (TS)  CL = 5 [per Rathe’s article, but he shows it as a regular and not a conditional reinforcement]

  • Note:  If the Vichy French Levant is not yet invaded by the Allies, this unit appears as a regular reinforcement at Deir ez Zoir (20A:3922), per Rathe’s article.

If the Levant surrenders to the Allies: Withdraw from the Levant in the following Axis Initial Phase:

1 x LeO451  3B5  2-5/25


Iran Order of Battle

Initial Forces, Mar II 41 Axis player turn

Initial Conditions.

Capital: Tehran (32:1512).
Rail Capacity: Iranian rail net: 8 REs. Note: The Iranian rail net has not been renovated.
No intrinsic AA.

Iranian Armed Forces:

Tabriz (32:0229):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 3 [north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]

Rizaieh (21A:2902):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 4 [north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]

Resht (32:0718):
1 x 0-1-6 Inf X                                 Resht [north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]

Senna (32:1627):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 5 [north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]

Gurgan (32:0701):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 11  [Conversion, on Jun I 40; also, north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]

Tehran (32:1512):
1 x pos hv AA     AA=1 [technically in play, but probably designated as guarding the capital, per Rule 38I3]
2 x 1-2-6 Inf XX                               1,2 [technically in play, but probably designated as guarding the capital, per Rule 38I3]
1 x Art III                                          1 [technically in play, but probably designated as guarding the capital, per Rule 38I3]
1x 1-8 Lt Arm X                               1  [Regular reinforcement on Jun I 40; technically in play, and probably the single Iranian unit designated as able to move from Tehran, per Rule 38I3]

Kermanshah (32:2127):
1 x -6* Inf XX                                   12  [Conversion, on Jun I 40; definitely in play]

  • This Iranian unit will likely be attacked by the invading Allied army via the road from Khanaquin (21A:4501/32:2133), in Iraq.  A successful Allied attack and occupation of the Kermanshah hex will help assure the minimum of 8 Allied-owned cities in Iran typically needed to clinch Iranian surrender, per Rule38I4, using the Iranian Surrender Table, found on WW Game Play Chart 8.  Included in the tally of Allied-owned cities in Iran, assuming also Kermanshah in the count, would be two Iranian point cities along the road from Khanaquin to Kermanshah, namely Karind (32:2130) and Shahabad (32:2229).

Ahwaz (22A:3810):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 6 [definitely in play]

  • This unit will likely be attacked by the invading Allied army from starting point hexes in Iraq in the vicinity of Basra.  A successful Allied attack and occupation of Ahwaz will help assure the minimum of 8 Allied-owned cities in Iran typically needed to clinch Iranian surrender, per Rule 38I4, using the Iranian Surrender Table.  Included in the tally of Allied-owned cities in Iran, assuming also Ahwaz in the count, would certainly be at least the Iranian reference city of Abadan (22A:4410) and the Iranian point city Khorramshahr (22A:4311).  Both these cities are by the the Iranian-Iraqi border and within three hexes of Basra (22A:4313).  Including the three Iranian cities mentioned above in the vicinity of the Iranian city of Kermanshah, these three Iranian cities in the vicinity of Ahwaz would add to a subtotal of 6.  Utilizing an Allied c/m brigade in the SW Iranian-Iraqi border region, there would be several other unoccupied Iranian cities in this region that could be Allied-owned by the end of the exploitation phase of the first turn of of the Allied invasion of Iran.

Any airbase in Iran:

1 x Mxd 2F2 1/8 [Two possible placements of this unit would be at the Iranian reference city of Ahwaz (22A:3810) or the Iranian reference city of Dizful (22A:3311), both in SW Iran.]

Meshed (off-map):
1 x 1-7* Mtn XX                                 7 [off-map]

Isfahan (off-map):
1 x 0-1-6 Inf X                                 Isf [off-map]

Shiraz (off-map):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 8 [off-map]

Kerman (off-map):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 10  [Conversion, on Jun I 40; off-map]

Zahidan (off-map):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 9 [off-map]

Regular Reinforcements: 

Jun I 41


Convert: 1 x 0-1-6 Inf X Isf to:

1 x 1-6* Inf XX                                 13 [at-start at Isfahan (off-map)]

Commentary of Some of the WW Rules Related to the Iran Campaign in the New Scenario:

Per WW Rule 38I3-Allied Invasion [of Iran], the Allied player “may not invade Iran before Aug I 41.  He loses 3 victory points (VPs, Rule 42B) during each Allied initial phase from Oct I 41 on if he has not invaded Iran.  He loses 1 VP during each Allied initial phase if he has invaded Iran, but not yet forced its surrender.”

Both players ought to be aware of the at-start map conditions for the Near East map group indicated at Rule 41B3, in particular around the Basra zone, at the Iraq-Iran borderline hexes along the Shatt al Arab.  Appendix G-Transportation Lines, found in the WW Scenarios & Appendies booklet helps some.  I take these texts to mean that in 1941 there is no bridge at all at the major river hex side at 22A:4112/22A:4212.  The aforementioned Appendix G says something about “only a rail ferry crossed the Shatt al Arab until mid-1943,” but it is unclear precisely where this rail ferry would cross at, if the transportation line “does not exist.”  I take these two text wordings to mean that in 1941/42 there is absolutely nothing at the major river hex side at 22A:4112/22A:4212.  But then the whole discussion opens up the status of the major river hex side at 22A:4411/22A:4410 (Abadan).  This is also where a road apparently crosses the Shatt al Arab, according to Map 22A.  The last Middle East Scenario-based game I played I treated the major river hex side at 22A:4411/22A:4410 (Abadan) as an unbridged major river hex side with a road ending at each hex side, at the river.  Both hexes are swamp hexes.  I presently take this to mean that it takes +2 MPs, per the GE TEC, to cross at unbridged hex side 22A:4411/22A:4410 (Abadan), +1 for a road hex-to-road hex movement (with the roads in each swamp hex ending at the major river hex side, thereby negating the swamp hex movement effects), for a total of 3 MPs.  To me, the best solution is to treat the hex side at 22A:4411/22A:4410 (Abadan) as a special-case Narrow Straits Ferries, per Rule 37A2, even though it does not have the specific map symbol.  Treating it as such exquisitely solves a number of important WW Rules issues arising in this geographical zone, using the last sentence of Rule 37A2.  Otherwise you will likely have nothing but trouble and regret over the issues here, I think.

Axis 1941 Near East intriguers and strategists should note the -2 Dice Roll Modifier “for each RE of German and Italian units in Iran” when the Allied player rolls on the Iranian Surrender Table, per Rule 38I4, in the Axis I. Phase after the Allied invasion of Iran.

Turkish Expeditionary Force:

  • Use the Turkish Expeditionary force OB found in the WitD Neutrals OB, p.3.

Egyptian Order of Battle

Initial Forces, March II 41 Axis player turn (both Scenarios).

Use the Egyptian OB found in the WitD Neutrals OB, p 2. There are no Egyptian reinforcements.

Nov I 41 Allied Turn

EOT Dispositions


[{beginning of turn}/end of turn]:

Malta Status: 10, end of turn [at turn’s start 12, – 2 repairs this turn, at step 19 of the I. Phase = 10]

Malta Repair Rate: beginning on the Jul I 41 turn, 2 repair points each I turn and 1 repair point each II turn, per the WitD Allied OB booklet.

At the start of the Allied turn there were 5 gsp’s present in the Valletta hex. However, there are 5.5 REs of ground units on Malta, so the Allied player designates the 0-4 Cons X MC as the 1 RE unit that is definitely Red U-2. This would make the rest of the ground units at Malta technically U-2, but in special general supply by tracing to the available gsp’s at Valletta. Malta’s intrinsic flack is not affected by supply, as in the EA game reports for the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario we are not using WW Optional Rule 12E4-Intrinsic AA and General Supply Effects.

Valletta (18A:0407) [rough terrain point city major port hex, w/ a strong natural harbor]:
Valletta hex flack factor: 7 (3 intrinsic, + a total of 4 for the two Br 0-1-8 hv AA II units now in special general supply)
3-cap permanent airfield; one hit of damage
3-6* Inf X 1 M [technically Red U-2; never moved]
3-6* Inf X 3 M [technically Red U-2; never moved]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  10 [technically Red U-2; never moved]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  4 [technically Red U-2; never moved]
0-4 Cons X MC [definitely Red U-2; never moved]
Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
4 gsp’s [sea transported to here from Gibraltar in a W Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase of the current Allied turn]
1 gsp [sea transported to here from Suez in an E Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase of the current Allied turn]
{5 gsp’s [4 were sea transported from Gibraltar in a W Med NTP and 1 was sea transported from Suez in an E Med NTP, all in the naval movement step of the Oct II 41 Allied M. Phase; they are removed from the maps at step 24 of the current Allied I. Phase]}

18A:0307 [rough terrain hex, NW of Valletta]:
This hex currently has an intrinsic flack factor of 2, per the WW Intrinsic Light AA Summary, found on Game Play Chart 2–Air War.
2-6* Inf X 2 M [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began turn here; technically Black U-2; never moved]

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Lybia

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Lybia


[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

19A:0618 [clear terrain coast road hex, SW of Sidi Barrani]:
6-4-6 Arm X 32 T [began turn at 19A:0820; moved to here; remained in the hex]
1-10 Recon II 4 (SA) [began turn at 19A:0820; moved to here; remained in the hex]
3-8 Art X 10 [began turn at 19A:0820; moved to here]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began turn at 19A:0820; moved to here; remained in the hex]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began turn at 19A:0820; moved to here]
1-10 Recon II 1 DG [began turn at 19A:0820;  moved to here]

19A:0720 [clear terrain hex]:
3-8 Art X 13 [began turn here; never moved]
6-4-6 Arm X 1 T [began turn here; never moved]
1-10 Recon II 6 (SA) [began turn at 19A:0719; moved to here; remained in the hex]
3-2-10 Arm X 1 [began turn here; moved SW to Giarabub road hex 19A:0326, and then into the Oasi di Giarabub hex (19A:0327), and then back to hex 0326, where it ended the M. Phase; exploited back to here]
1-10* Mot Inf X 3 (Ind) [began turn at 19A:0719; moved to Siwa road hex 19A:0726 and then to 19A:0724, capturing Siwa road hexes along the way; exploited to here]
1-10* Mot SG  AA=1  X 2 [began turn here; moved to Egyptian coast road hex 19A:0519 and then continued westwards, moving through Halfaya Pass (19A:0419), the road junction hex at 19A:0218,  the Porto Bardia hex (19A:0318), and then back to 19A:0319, where it ended the M. Phase; exploited back to here]
{2-1-10* Lt Arm X 9 [began turn here; per the WitD Allied OB booklet, a turn reinf Conversion: the lt arm unit is removed from the maps and the 4-3-8 Arm X 9 conversion unit is placed in the Forming Box; it needs 3 Br arm RPs expended to activate]}

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Western Desert

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Western Desert

19A:0820 [clear terrain hex]:
3-8 Art X 30 [turn reinf; sea transported to Matruh in a turn reinf NTP, where it disembarked, railed to 19A:0819, and then moved one hex to here]
7-10* Arm XX 7 [began turn at 19A:0719; moved to Giarabub road hex 18A:5121 (via Halfaya Pass) and then moved southwards along that road to 19A:0223, capturing road hexes along the way; ended the M. Phase at 0223; exploited to here]

19A:0819 [clear terrain hex; containing the Tobruch-Matruh railway line completed this turn]:
3-cap temporary airfield [began the turn as a 2-cap temporary airfield, but the Aus 2-8 Eng X 1 spent 2 MPs in the hex building it into a 3-cap temporary airfield]
railhead marker [began the turn at 19A:0919, advanced to 19A:0819 in the M. Phase, after the 1-2-8 Eng X 8 expended all its MPs in the hex]
1-2-8 Eng X 8 [began turn here; expended all its MPs in the hex completing the Tobruch-Matruh railway line in this hex, thereby advancing the railhead marker in the M. Phase to here, from 19A:0919; never moved; the Br eng X chose not to advance forward to the next uncompleted Tobruch-Matruh rail hex at 19A:0720, as it voluntarily could have done]
1-8 Art II 1 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:0719; moved to here]
2-8* Inf X 26 (Aus) [began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 (RAAF) [opertive; began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 [inop.; turn ARP rebuild; began turn at Alexandria at step 14 of the I. Phase; late in the E. Phase it air transferred to here]
{6 gsp’s [4 of these gsp’s were generated at Alexandria and 2 were generated at Suez on the Oct II 41 Allied turn; all 6 were removed from the maps at step 24 of the current I. Phase]}

Sidi Barrani (19A:0718) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
1-cap temporary airfield [built this turn by the Aus 2-8 Eng X 1]
7-8 Inf XX 50 Nth [turn Br inf RP build from the 3-8* Inf Cadre 50 Nth, which began the turn at 19A:0918; the inf XX began the turn at step 14 of the I. Phase at hex 0918; in the M. Phase the inf XX moved to here]
2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:0819; spent 2 MPs in the hex to increase the 2-cap temporary airfield there to a 3-cap temporary airfield; spent 2 MPs moving to Sidi Barrani, where it then spent 4 MPs building a 1-cap temporary airfield]
{0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME [began turn here; per the WitD Allied OB booklet Withdraws at step 14 of the I. Phase]}
Hurri 2C  5F5  2/9 [inop.; turn reinf; began turn at Matruh at step 14 of the I. Phase; late in the E. Phase it air transferred to here]

19A:0818 [clear terrain coast road hex, SE of Sidi Barrani]:
7-8 Inf XX 6 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:0920; regular moved to here]

19A:0918 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield [completed on the Sep II 41 Allied turn]
0-8 Hv AA II  AA=1  2 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1319; moved to here]
P-40C 5F5 1/13 (SAAF) [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 (SAAF) [operative; turn conversion; began the turn here at step 14 of the I. Phase; per the WitD Allied OB booklet a turn Conversion of the Hurri 1 5F5  1/8 (SAAF) air unit that began the turn here; never moved]
P-40C  5F5  1/13 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

19A:1018 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
1-8 Inf X 38 (Ind) [turn reinf; Special: per the WitD Allied OB booklet it appears in any Allied-owned city; began turn at Alexandria at step 14 of the I. Phase; admin moved westwards along the Egyptian coastal transportation line to here]

19A:1118 [clear terrain coast road hex, SW of Matruh]:
1-8 AT II 65 [began turn at El Alamein (19A:2119); admin moved westwards along the Egyptian coastal transportation line to here]

Matruh (19A:1218) [clear terrain point city/minor port road-major rail line junction coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
fort marker
2-8* Inf X 161 [began turn here; never moved]
0-2-8 Hv AA X  AA=4  12 [turn conversion; began turn at step 14 of the I. Phase at 19A:1319; per the WitD Allied OB booklet a turn Conversion of the 0-8 Lt AA II AA=1 51 unit that began the turn at 19A:1319; moved to here]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
Bombay  1T2  1-2/15 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [inop; began turn at 19A:1418; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]
Hurri 1  5NF5  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

19A:1319 [major rail line coast hex, SE of Matruh]:
3-cap temporary airfield
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  68 [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218); moved to here]
A-22  3A3  2-1/19 (SAAF) [operative; began turn here; never moved]
A-22  3A3  2-1/19 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

19A:1418 [clear terrain major rail coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  51 [began turn here; never moved]
Well 2  4NB4  1-6/36 [inop.; turn reinf; began turn at Alexandria at step 14 of the I. Phase; late in the E. Phase it flew a night port strat bombing to the Tobruch target hex; Miss; returned to base here]
Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; late in the E. Phase it flew a night port strat bombing to the Tobruch target hex; Hit; returned to base here]
Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; late in the E. Phase it flew a night port strat bombing to the Tobruch target hex; Miss; returned to base here]

19A:0919 [clear terrain Matruh-Tobruch major rail line hex]:
7-8 Inf XX 2 (SA) [began turn at 19A:0818; regular moved to here]
2 steps of attack supply [began turn at 19A:0819; in the M. Phase both steps of attack supply spent a total of 2 SMPs moving one hex along the major rail line to here]
one step of attack supply [began turn at Alexandria; railed to here]
6 gsp’s [all these gsp’s were railed to here; 4 came from Alexandria and 2 came from Suez; all were generated this turn at step 16 of the I. Phase]

19A:1019 [clear terrain Matruh-Tobruch major rail line hex]:
8-8 Inf XX 2 (NZ) [assembled here from its unsupported components at the end of the M. Phase]
8 Inf XX HQ 2 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1220; moved to here; assembled into the NZ 8-8 Inf XX 2 at the end of the M. Phase]
2-8 Inf X 6 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1220; moved to here; assembled into the NZ 8-8 Inf XX 2 at the end of the M. Phase]
2-8 Inf X 4 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1220; moved to here; assembled into the NZ 8-8 Inf XX 2 at the end of the M. Phase]
3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) [began turn at Haifa (20A:4710), in Palestine; sea transported to Matruh aboard an E Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; after disembarking it moved to here; assembled into the NZ 8-8 Inf XX 2 at the end of the M. Phase]

19A:1120 [clear terrain Siwa road hex]:
2-8* Inf X 20 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1019; moved one hex to here]
2-8* Inf X 24 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1019; moved one hex to here]

19A:1220 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 150 [began turn at 19A:1120; moved one hex to here]
2-8* Inf X 151 [began turn at 19A:1220; moved one hex to here]

19A:1321 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 7 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8* Inf X 6 (SA) [began turn here; never moved]

19A:1421 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 5 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8* Inf X 3 (SA) [began turn here; never moved]

19A:1522 [clear terrain hex, adjacent to Qattara Depression]:
2-8* Inf X 11 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8* Inf X 1 (SA) [began turn here; never moved]

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Estern Desert and Egypt

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Estern Desert and Egypt

El Alamein (19A:2119/20A:5033) [clear terrain point city major rail coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield
fort marker [completed in the Jul II 41 Allied I. Phase]
vacant by the end of the M. Phase

19A:2417/20A:5030 [clear terrain major rail line coast hex, SW of Alexandria]:
1-8 Cav X 6 [began turn at Ismailia (19A:3516); admin moved along the transportation lines to here]

Alexandria (20A:4930/19A:2416) [full city hex/major port major rail line coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
3-cap permanent airfield
3-8* Inf X 1 FL (FF) [began turn here; never moved]
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  27 [British; began turn here; never moved]
Glad  3F3  0/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
{Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [turn ARP repair; placed here at step 14 of the I. Phase and then immediately Withdrawn, per the WitD Allied OB booklet]}
2 steps of attack supply [turn reinforcements; sea transported to Suez in 6 turn reinf NTPs in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; disembarked and railed to here]
one step of attack supply [turn reinf; sea transported to here aboard 3 turn reinf NTPs in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; disembarked here and remained in the hex]

19A:2516/20A:2930 [canal intensive major rail line junction coast hex, NE of Alexandria]:
1-8 MG II 1 RNF [began turn at 19A:2417; moved to here]
Damaphur (19A:2716/20A:5027) [canal intensive reference city major rail line junction hex]:
Bftr 1C  6HF5  1/S/21 [operative; turn reinf; began turn here at step 14 of the I. Phase; never moved]
Cairo (19A:3219) [full city hex transportation line junction hex, NW of the Cairo partial city hex]:
0-1-6 RR Eng X MEF (Emp) [began turn here; Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit; never moved]
This unit can’t move from here w/out violating the Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit provision, unless another 1 RE eng/cons unit takes its place.

Cairo (19A:3320) [clear terrain partial city hex, SE of the Cairo full city hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Port Said (20A:5121/19A:3413) [swamp dot city/standard port/Suez Canal major rail line terminal coast hex]:
8 Inf XX HQ 5 (Ind) [began turn at Basra (22A:4313), in Iraq; in the naval movement step of the M. Phase it embarked on an E Med NTP and voyaged first to the Aden off-map holding box, but it did not disembark there; instead it resumed its voyage in the naval movement step of the E. Phase, and after traversing the Suez Canal it finally entered the port hex of Port Said, where the Ind 5th Inf XX HQ unit disembarked]

Ismailia (19A:3516) [sand reference city/standard port/Suez Canal transportation line junction hex]:
1-8 Cav X 5 [began turn at Suez (19A:3718); moved to here]

Suez (19A:3718) [clear terrain reference city/major port transportation line nexus coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
1-6 Trng X MEF (NZ) [turn reinf: per the WitD Allied OB booklet a Middle East Garrison Arrival; began turn here at step 14 of the I. Phase.  The WitD Allied OB booklet identifies this particular unit as evidently a WitD ME Garrison unit.  In WW this unit’s arrival coincides with a Nov II 41 Allied Egypt Garrison increase requirement, and so it is likely the voluntary unit of choice for this Egypt Garrison increase.  However, this additional new Egypt Garrison unit, picked from Allied Garrison-category units, per the WW Allied Garrisons chart found on Game Play Chart 5, evidently may move around Egypt, unlike its eng/cons garrison unit counterpart, which must remain where it is initially placed, unless another eng/cons unit takes its place.


[end of turn]:

Per WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons, the Palestine garrison requirement is 3 REs of Garrison-category units. The Allied garrisons are determined at step 17 of the Allied I. Phase. However, per WW Rule 37E4, Forming units in the ME Replacement Pool count at their regular RE size for the Palestine Garrison requirement, as do also ME Replacement Pool units, but they count at 1/3 their regular RE size. In addition to the 1.5 Garrison-capable REs present on-map in Palestine, the Allied player is counting some of the 3.5 Garrison-capable REs in the Forming Box of the Middle East Command Replacement Pool. See below, in the Middle East Replacement Pool section, for further details.

20A:4609 [clear terrain major rail line/road junction coast hex, N of Haifa]:
Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.”  This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.
For the first time in the game the Haifa-Tripoli railhead marker is moved forward, presumably at step 17 or 19 of the I. Phase.

Haifa (20A:4710) [clear terrain dot city/major port transportation line junction coast hex]:
2-8 Inf X 10 (Ind) [began turn at 21A:5127, in Iraq next to the T-J/Iraq borderline; admin moved 12 hexes along the road to secondary rail line hex 20A:5006, in Trans-Jordan; entrained and railed to here]

Tel Aviv (19A:4308 [clear terrain dot city/minor port major rail line junction coast hex]:
2-8 Inf X 29 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Allied Units in Armistice Lebanon & Syria [end of turn]:
Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements for the Vichy French Levant, and has been since the beginning of the Allied invasion of the the Levant on the Jun I 41 Allied turn.

Beyrouth (20A:4207) [rough terrain dot city/standard port transportation line junction coast hex]:
2-8* Inf X 25 (Aus) [began turn here; never moved]

20A:4308 [rough terrain coast road hex]:
0-1-6 Cons X 61 RPC (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

20A:4107 [rough terrain coast road hex]:
0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

20A:4006 [rough terrain coast road hex, SW of Tripoli]:
0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

Tripoli (20A:4005) [rough terrain reference city/minor port transportation line coast hex]:
Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.
2-8* Inf X 18 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

Lattique (20A:3405) [clear terrain reference city/minor port road terminus coast hex]
2-8* Inf X 21 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

Homs (20A:3902) [clear terrain reference city transportation line junction hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase

Hama (20A:3702) [clear terrain reference city major rail line hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase

Alep (21A:3231) [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:

21A:4220 [clear terrain hex]:
1-10 Mot Cav III AL (T-J) [Arab Legion; began turn here; never moved]
This is a provisional new unit introduced in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario on the May I 41 Allied turn. For more details, see that posted EA game report.

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Estern Mediterranean

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Estern Mediterranean

Trans Jordan

20A:5006 [clear terrain secondary rail line-road junction hex]:
2-8 Inf X 9 (Ind) [began turn at Rutbah (21A:5023); admin moved westwards 16 hexes along the road to here]


[end of turn]:

Limassol (20A:3615) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Famagusta (20A:3411) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Nicosia (20A:3414) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
1-8 MG II 2 Ch [began turn here; technically Black U-1; never moved]
1-8 Inf II 11 (CS) [began turn here; technically Black U-1; never moved]

Larnaca (20A:3513) [clear terrain point city/minor port road hex]:
{one gsp [generated at Suez on the Oct II 41 Allied turn at step 14 of the I. Phase; sea transported to here in the naval movement step of the Oct II 41 Allied turn M. Phase in an E Med NTP; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current I. Phase]}
one gsp [generated at Suez on the current Allied turn at step 14 of the I. Phase; sea transported to here in the naval movement step of the M. Phase in an E Med NTP]

Middle East Command Replacement Pool

[{beginning of turn}/end of turn]:
3-2-10 Arm X 4 [in the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario this unit is at-start in the ME Replacement Pool, per F. Watson’s ER-II Europa battle scenario, published in TEM#71]
3-8* Mtn X Karp (Pol) [eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]
3-8 Inf X 22 G [eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]
2-8 Inf X 14 [eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]

Aborted Air Units Box
{Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23 [turn ARP repair; placed at Alexandria at step 14 of the I. Phase and then immediately Withdrawn, per the WitD Allied OB booklet; the unit was an Oct II 41 Allied turn 1 ARP expenditure build & Box move from the Eliminated Air Units Box to the Aborted Air Units Box]}

Eliminated Air Units Box
{Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 [turn ARP rebuild; placed at Alexandria at step 14 of the I. Phase; the unit had been killed in air combat on the Oct II 41 Allied C. Phase at the Porto Bardiya target hex, by the Ger LW Me 109E F type air unit, which the Br Hurri 1 air unit managed to abort]}

Forming Box
3-8* Mtn X 1 (Gk) [counted as part of the Palestine Garrison]
0-1-8 Inf II Gd (Yugo)
2-8* Inf X 2 FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase, after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the Apr II 42 Allied turn; this turn it counted as part of the Levant Garrison]
1-2-6 Inf X 3FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase, after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the May II 42 Allied turn; this turn it was counted as part of the Palestine garrison]
4-3-8 Arm X 9 [turn conversion unit; placed here at step 14 of the Nov I 41 Allied I. Phase, per the WitD Allied OB booklet; 3 arm RPs must the spent to activate this unit]

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: off-map display details

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions: off-map display details

The Allied Near East (NE) Command

The Iraqi coup collapse occurred in the May II 41 Axis I. Phase, per the dice roll done then using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table. At that time all Iraqi forces/production were removed from the map and the Iraq Replacement Pool. By the end of the I. Phase all Iraqi territory was Allied owned; except in our case the Mosul hex, which at the time contained the Axis Conditional Reinforcement Ger LW Mxd A type air unit. Seeing that the Iraqi coup had indeed collapsed, the Axis Conditional Reinforcement promptly air transferred out of the Mosul hex later in the May II 41 Axis turn, and Mosul was captured by the Allies in the following Jun I 41 Allied turn.

The current Allied Iraqi railnet-cap is 3 1/2.

At step 14 of the Sep II 41 Allied I. Phase the Allied player transferred back to the Middle East Command the 10 SMPs that had been transferred to the Near East Command on the Aug I 41 Allied turn, per WW Rule 12H2b.

At step 4 the Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase Iran surrendered to the Allies, per the Iranian Surrender Table. All Iranian forces surrendered to the Allies and were removed from the map.

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Iraq and Iran

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Iraq and Iran

pro-Allied Iraq

[end of turn]:

Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements this turn, for Iraq. This would be per the horizontal line reading: “EJIS [Jul II 41] – Sep I 41.” For a more detailed discussion of the Iraq garrison, see the Jul I 41 Allied game report.

Rutbah (21A:5023) [stony desert point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
1-8 Inf X 20 (Ind) [began turn at Ramadi (22A:2830); admin moved 16 hexes along the road to here]
Audax  1A1  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

Ramadi (22A:2830) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
2-8 Inf X 25 (Ind) [began turn at Baghdad (22A:2825); moved along the road to here]

Habbaniya (22A:2828) [clear terrain point city road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 1 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

Baghdad (22A:2825) [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:
one hit marker on the airbase
8* Inf XX HQ 10 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

22A:3224 [swamp secondary rail line hex]:
2-8 Inf X 18 (Ind) [began turn at Basra (22A:4313); railed and regular moved to here, regular moving over the rail hit at Diwaniya (22A:3623) on the way and then regular moving across the demolished bridge hex side to here]

Shaibah (22A:4314) [clear terrain secondary rail line hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 2 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

Basra (22A:4313) [clear terrain dot city/major port, w/ a major river hexside]:
Allied Supply Terminal marker
8* Inf XX HQ 6 (Ind) [turn reinf; disembarked here from a turn reinf NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; remained in the hex]
2-8 Inf X 27 (Ind) [turn reinf; disembarked here from a turn reinf NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; remained in the hex]
2-8 Inf X 19 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  1 [began turn here; never moved]
1-pt river flotilla  AA=1  PAIC (RN) [began turn here; never moved]
2 steps of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Iraq and Iran

Nov I 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Iraq and Iran

In Iran

[end of turn]:

Tehran (32:1512) [clear terrain partial city major rail line junction hex]:
2-1-10* Lt Arm X 252 (Ind) [began turn at 32:2012; moved to here along the transportation lines; remained in the hex]

Ahwaz (22A:3810) [clear terrain reference city major rail line-road junction hex]:
8* Inf XX HQ 8 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Abadan (22A:4410) [swamp reference city/minor port road hex, on a major river hex]:
1-6 Inf X Indr (ISF) [turn reinf; disembarked here from a turn reinf NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; remained in the hex]

Kohrramshahr (22A:4311) [clear terrain point city/standard port major rail line-road junction hex, on a major river hex]:
1-8 Inf X 26 (Ind) [turn reinf; disembarked here from a turn reinf NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; remained in the hex]

Bandar Shahpur (22A:4407) [clear terrain point city/standard port major rail line terminus island hex, w/ a sea causeway to the mainland]:
1-8 Inf X 17 (Ind) [began turn at Abadan (22A:4410); admin moved along the transportation lines to here]

Iran Off-Map Holding Boxes chart
2-8 Inf X 24 (Ind) [began turn at 32:1914; regular moved SE along the secondary rail line through Kashan (32:2311) and exited the map at edge hex 32:2510 at its 7th MP; it spent its last MP moving off-map along the 25 hex road to the off-map Iranian reference city Karman, per the WitD Iran Off-Map Holding Boxes chart]
2-8 Inf X 21 (Ind) [began turn at 32:2413; regular moved SE along the road and exited the map at edge hex 32:2513 at its 2nd MP; it then spent 5 MPs moving off-map along the 5 hex road to off-map Iranian dot city Isfahan, and then spent its last MP moving onwards along the 18 hex off-map road to the off-map Iranian dot city of Shiraz, per the WitD Iran Off-Map Holding Boxes chart]

Turn Activity

The weather die roll was a 5 this turn, and so it is mud in the C, D, and E weather zones. As always, it is clear in the F weather zone. This turn all seas are calm in the EA reported WW Scenario map groups. Parts of the C & D weather zones are visible in northern Iran on map 32, but on map 32 both these weather zones are in the Soviet occupation zone and therefore are not a factor in the new Scenario. On the WD map group of 18A and 19A, (and 20A) the rough terrain notch of the Cyrenaica is in weather zone E, as is part of the coastal littoral of Palestine, and all of the coastline of Lebanon and NW Syria. In addition to these North African and West Asian mainland areas that are indicated on the WD map group, a number of Mediterranean islands are also in weather zone E, namely: Cyprus, Crete, the Dodecanese, Sicily, and Malta. On the Nov I 41 game turn the weather is mud in weather zones E; but it is always automatically clear in the F weather zone, which is the prevailing weather zone in the Western Desert and Mesopotamian regions.

Nov I 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions, Central Mediterranean

Nov I 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions, Central Mediterranean

At step 11 of the I. Phase, at Malta, which is the supply determination step, five of the 5.5 REs of Allied ground units there are declared technically Red U-2, but in special general supply via the 5 gsp’s which were sea transported to Valletta on the previous Oct II 41 Allied turn, four from Gibraltar and 1 from Suez. The Br 0-4 Cons X MC at the Valletta hex is the ground unit designated as being definitely Red U-2.

At step 14 of the I. Phase the Allied player takes on some reinforcements, some conversions, and does some ARP rebuilds and repairs, all in Egypt.  He rebuilds the Hurri 1 air unit, removing it from the Eliminated Air Units Box, and repairs the Blen 4 B type air unit, removing it from the Aborted Air Units box of the ME Command Replacement Pool.  The Blen 4 air unit is then immediately Withdrawn from the maps, per the WitD Allied OB booklet.  A turn air unit reinf arrives in the Allied Anti-Shipping Aircraft Holding Box.  Using Br inf RPs, the Allied player rebuilds the British 7-8 Inf XX 50 Nth from its 3-8* Inf Cadre 50 Nth, which began the turn at 19A:0918, in Egypt.  See the text above or the pictures below for additional details.

At step 16 of the I. Phase the Allied player generates 4 new gsp’s at his Suez and Alexandria Standard Supply terminals. But this turn the Allied player believes it is not necessary to generate gsp’s at the Basra Standard Supply terminal.

Nov I 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions, Egypt and Western Desert

Nov I 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions, Egypt and Western Desert

At step 22 of the I. Phase the non-phasing Axis player flies the Me 109E  7F5  1/7 air unit based at 18A:0403, on Sicily, on the CAP air mission over the Valletta hex (18A:0407), on Malta.  Interestingly, Br Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 air unit based at the Valletta hex does not fly either the Patrol or Intercept air mission. The Axis player does not fly any Harassment air missions. But he assigns four Axis air units to the Naval Patrol air mission. These would be the Ger LW Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 air unit based at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, and the It SM 79-2  2B3  2-4/V/20 air unit at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch.  He also assigns the on the Naval Patrol air mission the Ger LW Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12 air unit based at 18A:0403, on Sicily and the It SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 air unit based at Tripoli (18A:0121).  He cannot assign to the Naval Patrol air mission the two Br 20M NB types based at Tripoli, as they flew the Malta Status air mission on the prior Oct II 41 Axis player turn, and therefore are inoperative throughout the Nov I 41 Allied player turn.  He nevertheless assigns the short-legged Ger LW Ju 87B D type air unit at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, to the Naval Patrol air mission because of the paucity of Axis air units more appropriate for this air mission in the east Libya zone, and in order to maintain at least some kind of aero-naval war in the waters north and east of Tobruch.  These Axis Naval Patrol air mission assignments also imply that this Allied turn he is not worried for the need of extra DAS assets in the Tobruch vicinity.

At step 23 of the I. Phase the Allied player does his first “Desert Rat” Raid, per WW Rule 37F, and scores an airfield damage hit at the Axis 1-cap permanent airstrip at Agedabia (18A:3327).  It appears he is able to do this now, even though 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME unit’s prerequisite withdrawal occurred at step 14 of the I. Phase, as the Desert Raid Raid effort doesn’t occur until later, at step 23.

At step 24 of the I. Phase the Allied player removes the 5 gsp’s at Valletta hex, at Malta, and the 6 gsp’s at 19A:08919, in the Western Desert, and the 1 gsp at Larnaca (20A:3513), on Cyprus. All these old gsp’s were generated in the previous Oct II 41 Allied I. Phase.

Nov I 41 Allied end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Eastern Mediterranean

Nov I 41 Allied end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Eastern Mediterranean

This turn, in the naval movement step of the M. Phase, the Allied player has available 10 E Med NTPs and also his single W Med NTP available for his sea transport requirements.

The first thing the Allied player does in the naval movement step is to sea transport to Malta 4 gsp’s generated at the Gibraltar standard supply terminal in a W Med NTP. This is done through the Gibraltar Convoys proviso found at WW Rule 41B1-Western Desert Campaign, which is used in standard WW Middle East Campaign Scenarios. Because of the two Axis air units in the Malta zone assigned to the Naval Patrol air mission, the W Med NTP carrying the 4 gsp’s from Gibraltar enters Map 18A way to the south, at hex 0115, in the daylight (this is required per the Gibraltar Convoys proviso) and deliberately 1 hex south of the official E weather line all-sea hex at 0114, and at which location it successfully rolls a no contact for the Cent Med Axis anti-shipping effects, using the Naval Table.  Immediately after this the It SM 79-1 2B3 1-5/22 air unit based at Tripoli (18A:0121) rolls for Naval Patrol contact on the Success Table. The Ger LW Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12 air unit based at 18A:0403, on Sicily, is 13 hexes away, and so would have to fly at extended range to attempt a Naval Patrol contact, and with its tac factor already halved due to the Mud weather at Sicily, doesn’t bother.  The It SM 79-1 air unit based at Tripoli is only 6 hexes away, and so its +3 modifier for the calm seas is off-set with only a -1 for the range, making for a net +2 modifier.  Its roll on the Success Table is good, for a Naval Patrol contact, and it also successfully evades the Allied NTP’s 2 factor flack shot, but in the end it fails to roll the 6 needed for a hit on the Bombing Table, with its puny 1 tac bombing factor.  And so the Allied W Med NTP carrying the 4 gsp’s from Gibraltar arrives at the Valletta port hex, voyaging from all-sea map edge hex 18A:0114 entirely at night, and disembarks its cargo there.  It can be argued that the SM 79-1 B type air unit was not suited for the Naval Patrol air mission assignment, with its 1 tac factor.  But it was all the Axis player had available in the south area of the Malta zone in the I. Phase, and so this unit was assigned to the Naval Patrol air mission in order to serve notice of an Axis aero-naval war presence in the Malta zone.

Nov I 41 Allied naval movement action detail: Malta Convoy

Nov I 41 Allied naval movement action detail: Malta Convoy

Next, the Allied player does a number of naval actions in the East and Central Mediterranean sea zones. These subsequent naval actions are listed below in sequential order. Those that are indicated by a # are indicated as such in the related naval movement step action activities picture included below in this game report.  In these same naval movement step action activities pictures included below are indicated by blank red markers what is here the agreed upon/house rule E weather line boundary in the all-sea Mediterranean Sea hexes for maps 18A & 19A, which was left off the maps.  There may well be buried in some old WitD errata or in the old Europa magazine an official or semi-official designation for this E weather line omission in the Mediterranean all-sea hexes on the WD map group.  If so, someone please let me and the EA know.  The E weather zone boundary in the Mediterranean all-sea hexes is important this turn because of the mud weather now in the E weather zone and how it affects the Naval Patrol air missions with target hexes at all-sea Mediterranean Sea hexes in the zone.  Upon a careful inspection and juxtaposing of maps 27, 25A, and 18A, we can see that west edge all-sea hex 0114 of map 18A, 7 hexes north of Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya, is an official E weather line border hex.  To me, the E weather line appears to be somewhat farther south running horizontally across the Mediterranean that what one might casually first guess where the line would be.

Nov I 41 Allied naval movement action details

Nov I 41 Allied naval movement action details

#1.  An E Med NTP carries a gsp from Suez, in Egypt, to Larnaca (20A:3513), on Cyprus, in order to keep the two Allied inf IIs there in special general supply.

#2.  An E Med NTP carries a gsp from Suez up the Suez Canal and enters the Mediterranean Sea.  It begins night movement beginning at all-sea hex 20A:4822 and continues sailing a NW bearing using night movement for 10 hexes, to all-sea hex 20A:4128.  From this route it is evident that it is likely sailing to Malta.  Beginning at all-sea hex 20A:4028 it voyages in daylight, and continues at a NW bearing, thus remaining just out of the normal range of the It SM 79-2  2B3  2-4/V/20 air unit based at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch; but eventually it will have to veer more to the west in its presumed voyage to Malta, and into the normal range of the Italian torpedo bomber air unit.  It finally does so at 19A:1003, 20 hexes away from 18A:4818.  But the Axis player has been counting his hexes, too, and knows the Allied cargo naval group must travel at least 8 more all-sea hexes in the daylight, and so waits a bit, until the NTP enters all-sea hex 19A:0305, south of the eastern end part of Crete, and now 16 hexes from 18A:4818.  There is a +3 modifier for calm seas and a -3 modifier for the range; but the skillful Axis player rolls a 5, for a Naval Patrol Contact.  Because the target hex is north of the E weather line, the SM 79-2 B type’s (V code) tac factor is halved, to 1, but he still has a +1 die roll modifier on the Bombing Table for being the V code.  But bad luck strikes the Axis side when the Allied player rolls for his 2 factor flack shot on the Antiaircraft Fire Table and rolls a snake-eyed 2, modified to a 1 due to the Axis B type air unit carrying torpedoes, and it is aborted.  When the Allied cargo naval group enters the Cent Med sea zone two hexes later he rolls good on the Naval Table also, and so the E Med NTP carrying the gsp from Suez makes it to Valletta, where it disembarks its cargo.  This was probably a lucky voyage.

#3.  The Allied player then sea transports into the Mediterranean Sea his turn reinf British 3-8 Art X 30 ground unit, beginning the turn at step 14 of the I. Phase embarked on a turn reinf NTP at Red Sea all-sea map edge hex 19A:5126.  The cargo naval group approaches Matruh (19A:1218), in Egypt, in darkness, beginning its night movement at all-sea hex 20A:4533/19A:1915.  It eventually safely enters the Egyptian minor port, where it disembarks its cargo, perhaps still in darkness.

#4.  Then the NZ 3-8 Inf X 5, beginning the turn at Haifa (20A:4710), in Palestine, is embarked on an E Med NTP and sails to Matruh, using the same technique as described in #3 in expending its final 10 naval movement points.  It too, arrives safely at Matruh in the night, and disembarks there.

#5.  Next, the Allied player sea transports all his turn Replacement Points (RPs) and one turn reinf step of attack supply from the SE Red Sea edge of map 19A into the Mediterranean Sea and sends them to his standard supply terminal at Alexandria, where they disembark.

#6.  Finally, the Allied player sea transports his two remaining turn reinf steps of attack supply to Suez, in Egypt, where they are disembarked from the turn reinf NTPs.

Nov I 41 Allied end of the naval movement dispositions, Central Mediterranean

Nov I 41 Allied end of the naval movement dispositions, Central Mediterranean

Meanwhile, back at Basra, in Iraq, the 8 Inf XX HQ 5 (Ind) embarks on an E Med NTP and begins a long voyage to Port Said (20A:5121/19A:3413). At the end of the naval movement step of the M. Phase this cargo naval group from Basra enters the Aden off-map holding box, but does not disembark its cargo there. Instead, the cargo naval group waits until the naval movement step of the E. Phase, at which time it continues its voyage from Aden to the WD map group and eventually enters Port Said, in Egypt at the north end of the Suez Canal, where the 5th Ind Inf XX HQ unit finally disembarks, ending its move.

Turn rail movement inventory on the Middle East railnet:

1 RE = for the 3-8 Art X 30 turn reinf which disembarked at Matruh, where it entrained

2 REs = for the 2-8 Inf X 10 (Ind), which began turn at 21A:5127, in Iraq, and admin moved to the secondary rail hex at 20A:5006, in Trans-Jordan, where it entrained

6 REs = for the two turn reinf steps of attack supply which disembarked at Suez, where they entrained

1 RE = for 4 gsp’s at Alexandria, where they entrained

.5 RE = for 2 gsp’s at Suez, where they entrained

3 REs =for the step of attack supply which began the turn at Alexandria, where it entrained

Allied Middle East rail net railcap: 16, per ER-II Allied OB Initial Forces, Mar II 41 Axis turn.

Nov I 41 Allied end of the naval movement dispositions, Eastern Mediterranean

Nov I 41 Allied end of the naval movement dispositions, Eastern Mediterranean

The Allied player assembles the big NZ 8-8 Inf XX 2 at 19A:1019, in west-central Egypt.  He likes to assemble the Allied infantry XXs, if possible, as then next turn he has the options of breaking them down any way he wants, which may be useful.

It is hard to say what the Allied player should do in the currently idle backwater Allied territories of Iraq and Iran, now that the Axis threat in the Near East is apparently ended forever, pending developments on the Russian front.  The Allied player currently has ownership of all Iranian cities on maps 22A and 32, although the Iranian off-map holding boxes still contain uncontrolled city boxes, still presumably considered “pro-Axis neutral.”  As far as I am concerned, all Iranian hexes on maps 22A and 32 are Allied-owned, essentially via WW Optional Rule 5B5-Ownership of Territory.  In practical Europa WW board wargame theory, at this time all this Iranian hex control concern and the Allied ground movement activity in Iran isn’t worth a thing, but I suspect that in real-life WWII, the opening of the probably important oil-exporting Iranian Persian Gulf port of Bandar Shahpur (22A:4407), ensconced with a narrow straits hex crossing, was an important war objective in the Allied strategic planning in this zone.

The Scenario’s new Trans-Jordanian 1-10 Mot Cav III AL [Arab Legion] continues to chase after the Fawzi unit in Iraq and Syria, but it can do little more as long as the Fawzi unit is in its guerrilla mode.  It has APZOCS, per the new Scenario’s rules provisions regarding the new T-J unit, but it is the only Allied unit with this capability in the new Scenario, and so cannot by itself ZOC entrap and kill Fawzi in ground combat against the guerrilla unit, unless adjacent impassable terrain or certain international border hexes help it.  I’m wondering if the British cav Xs should also have APZOCs, too, in the new Scenario; but we don’t want to be too hard on the Fawzi bandit, do we?

Nov I 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Eastern Mediterranean

Nov I 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Eastern Mediterranean

It’s tempting to air transfer the Bftr 1C  6HF5  1/S/21 air unit to Valletta, on Malta, but the Axis player has the Ger LW Me 109 air unit on the CAP air mission over the target hex, and there is the problem of keeping a second air unit at Malta in supply.  This would require sending a 6th Allied gsp each turn to Malta, and sending 5 to Malta is hard enough; in practice four is the most convenient.  The Allied player feels he has been quite lucky so far in keeping Malta supplied, and if the situation in the Western Desert continues to be static, Malta may become a magnet for Axis special attention and warfare schemes.

In the E. Phase the Allied player sends his three Well NB air units on a night strat port bombing air mission to the Tobruch hex, and scores a hit.  A hit marker is placed next to Tobruch, but not a port damage marker, with the anchor on it, as it takes two bombing hits to make a  port damage marker hit on its strong natural harbor.  Late in the E. Phase several Allied F type air units also air transfer to new temporary airfields build in west-central Egypt.

At the beginning of the Nov I 41 Allied turn the Allied player had the following inventory of ME Command RPs/ARPs stored at the Alexandria hex:  5.5 Br inf, .5 Br arm, 2.5 Aus inf, 0 NZ inf, 4 Ind inf and 1 Allied ARP. At step 14 of the I. Phase 4 Br inf RPs were spent to build the British 7-8 Inf XX 50 Nth from its 3-8* Inf Cadre.  This reduces for a moment the Br inf RP tally to 1.5.

In the M. Phase, the Allied turn reinf RPs were sea transported to Alexandria, aboard turn reinf NTPs.  Alexandria is where the Allied player is currently storing all his RPs, and intends to continue doing so as long as it is not in danger of being captured or besieged by the Axis.  Note that per WW Rule 31C3-Replacement Points, RPs “may be embarked and disembarked only at friendly-owned ports that are standard supply terminals.”  And so in WW WD & ME Scenario based games the Allied player must decide upon a turn reinf RP storage policy in reference to his two beginning on-map standard supply terminals, Alexandria and Suez.  Inf RPs however, can be moved about via rail or air transport.

At the end of the Nov I 41 Allied turn the Allied player has the following revised inventory of ME Command RPs/ARPs stored at the Alexandria hex:  3.5 Br inf, 1.5 Br arm, 3.5 Aus inf, .5 NZ inf, 5 Ind inf, and 7 ARPs.  He may spend up to 3 ARPs per turn during the new air cycle.


The WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario project EA game reports are almost at an end, but the Allied player yearns for the opportunity for revenge and counterattack, and is not at all thankful that it’s almost over.  But at the same time the Axis player is content with his present gameboard position, now that he holds the fortress and strong harbor of Tobruch, and like a successful commander looks for new ways to damage the Allied war cause in his Med/NA Command.  Both sides are stymied for the moment by the Mud weather, but probably more so the Axis side than the Allied.  Even this turn the Allied player looks hard for an opening or opportunity in the Western Desert zone, itching for his big pay-back fight.  He keeps his guard up at Malta, Cyprus and the Delta zone, looking skywards for the German paratroop air drops.  In spite of increasing the danger of an EOT deployment oversight/blunder in west-central Egypt, he still creeps forward another hex closer towards the main Axis force in eastern Libya; and he builds more temporary airfield capacity in the forward position, just behind the desert shield.  If the Axis decides to attack, then maybe so much the better for the Allies in the ensuing melee, or with EX results.  And so there is in fact an array of ways and means for the Allied player to engage the Afrika Korps in combat, and he knows that this is his present task in the world war, here in the Western Desert.

Oct II 41 Axis Turn

EOT Dispositions

Mainland Europe off-map holding box

[end of turn]:
1-6 Tnk II 52 [Oct I 41 Axis turn reinf, returned to the holding box that turn by Allied anti-shipping effects; began this turn at the mainland Europe off-map holding box; remained in the holding box this turn, as the Axis player used his three available Axis Med NTPs to sea transport a step of attack supply from Tripoli to Tobruch, using inshore waters sea movement, per WW Rule 34B1, in order to avoid the Allied anti-shipping effects Naval Table dice roll]
0 Italian inf Replacement Points (RPs) at the end of the Axis turn: .5 It RPs began the turn in the mainland Europe off-map holding box; late in the E. Phase the SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 air unit beginning the turn at Licata (18A:0102), in Sicily, staged to the mainland Europe off-map holding box and picked up the .5 It inf RP along with 1.5 Ger inf RPs and air transported them on a 1-way regular air transport at twice its printed range to Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya.
1.5 German inf RPs at the end of the Axis turn: 3 Ger inf RPs began the turn in the mainland Europe off-map holding box; late in the E. Phase the SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 air unit beginning the turn at Licata (18A:0102), in Sicily, staged to the mainland Europe off-map holding box and picked up 1.5 Ger inf RPs along with .5 It inf RP and air transported them on a 1-way regular air transport at twice its printed range to Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya.
3 Ger ARPs at the end of the I. Phase and Axis turn: The Axis player began the turn w/ 5 Ger ARPs, but at step 14 of the I. Phase 2 Ger ARPs were expended to repair 2 Ger LW air units in the Aborted Air Units Box of the Med/NA Command Replacement Pool.  The Axis player would like to spend all his available ARPs to repair Ger LW air units in the Aborted Air Units Box of the Med/NA Command Replacement Pool, but per WW Advanced Rule 25C6 he may in the current air cycle spend up to 2 Ger ARPs per turn.  The 2 repaired Ger LW air units were the Me 109E  7F5  1/7 and the the Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12  air units, which were both placed at 18A:0403, in Sicily.
2 It ARPs at the end of the I. Phase and Axis turn: The Axis player began the turn w/ 4 It ARPs, but at step 14 of the I. Phase 2 It ARPs were expended to rebuild the G 50  3F3  0/6 air unit. The air unit was removed from the Eliminated Air Units Box of the Med/NA Command Replacement Pool and placed on the maps at Ain el Gazala (18A:4518), in Libya.

Oct II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Central Mediterranean

Oct II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Central Mediterranean


[end of turn]:

Licata (18A:0102) [point city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Coast hex 18A:0403:
3-cap permanent airfield
Me 109E  7F5  1/7 (Ger LW) [inop.; turn ARP repair; 1 Ger ARP was spent to repair the air unit; placed at 18A:0403, at Sicily, at step 14 of the I. Phase; early in the M. Phase it flew the Escort air mission with the Axis air group flying to the Valletta target hex comprised of two fighters on a bombing air mission; the Me 109E air unit engaged in air combat w/ the Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 air unit based at Valletta, which intercepted the Axis air mission at the target hex; in the ensuing air combat both air units rolled a (-) against each other; rebased here]
Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12 (Ger LW) [inop.; turn ARP repair; 1 Ger ARP was spent to repair the air unit; placed at 18A:0403, at Sicily, at step 14 of the I. Phase; early in the M. Phase it flew a fighter on a bombing air mission w/ the Axis air op flying to the Valletta target hex; jettisoned its bomb load after the Hurri 2 air unit based at Valletta flew the Intercept air mission; rebased here]
CR 42AS  3F3  1/8 [inop.; began turn here; early in the M. Phase it flew a fighter on a bombing air mission w/ the Axis air op flying to the Valletta target hex; jettisoned its bomb load after the Hurri 2 air unit based at Valletta flew the Intercept air mission; rebased here]

Coast hex 18A:0603:
3-cap permanent airfield

Syracusa (18A:0702) [reference city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Augusta (18A:0701) [point city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Malta on the Oct II 41 Axis turn
Malta Status: 10, at the start of the turn, + 2 for Malta Status bombing hits done in the M. Phase prior to the naval movement step, = 12 during this turn’s naval movement step and at the EOT.

Valletta hex (18A:0407) flack this turn: 7 (3 intrinsic, + a total of 4 for the two Br 0-1-8 hv AA IIs’ 2 flack factors each, as this turn these two ground units are in special general supply via the 5 gsp’s successfully sea transported from Gibraltar and Suez to Malta on the Oct II 41 Allied turn).

On this turn Malta Status air missions to the Valletta hex would roll on the 3 column of the Antiaircraft Fire Table, shifted two columns to the left, Per WW Rule 37I2a.

There were 5 gsp’s present in the Valletta hex at the start of the Axis player turn, and 5.5 REs of ground units on Malta. At step 11 of the I. Phase the Allied player designated the 0-4 Cons X MC unit as definitely Red U-2.  The Br Hurri 2 F type air unit based at Valletta is in “special air unit supply” per WW Rule 24I3-Allied Malta Special Air Unit Supply. Four of the gsp’s beginning the turn at Malta were generated at Gibraltar on the Oct I 41 Allied turn and sea transported to Valletta in the M. Phase of that turn; the 5th gsp was generated at Suez.

Oct II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Western Desert

Oct II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Western Desert


[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

Tripolitania Garrison Box:
0-1-6* Inf III 290 GaF
0-1-6* Inf III 340 GaF
0-1-6* Inf III 350 GaF
0-2-6* Inf III 330 GaF

Tripoli (18A:0121) [clear terrain dot city/major port hex transportation line junction coast hex]:
Axis Supply Terminal marker
fort marker
0 pos flk unit AA=3 [Italian]
5 steps of attack supply [7 began the turn here, one was sea transported to Tobruch in 3 Axis Med NTPs, using inshore waters naval transport movement to avoid Allied unit-shipping effects in the Cent Med sea zone; late in the E. Phase another step of attack supply beginning the turn at Tripoli exploited westwards along the coast road to 18A:1023; the other 5 steps of attack supply at Tripoli never moved]
2.5 Ger arm Replacement Points (RPs) at the end of the I. Phase and Axis player turn [6 Ger arm RPs began the turn at Tripoli, stored at the standard supply terminal, but 3.5 Ger arm RPs were expended at step 14 of the I. Phase to rebuild the Ger 9-10 Pz XX 21 from its 4-8* Pz Cadre 21]
4.7 It inf RPs at the end of the Axis player turn [5.2 It inf RPs began the turn here (1.2 of these are special It inf RPs); late in the E. Phase 1 It inf RP at Tripoli was air transferred to Derna (18A:4116) by the Ger LW He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22 air unit, which also carried a Ger inf RP; after this air transport air mission there were 4.2 It inf RPs at Tripoli; then the SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 air unit beginning the turn at Licata (18A:0102), at Sicily, staged to the mainland Europe off-map holding box and picked up .5 It inf RP, along with 1.5 Ger inf RPs, and air transported them to Tripoli on a 1-way air transport air mission at twice its printed range; this increased the It inf RP count at Tripoli to 4.7]
3.25 Ger inf RPs at the end of the Axis player turn [3.25 Ger inf RP began the turn here (1.25 of these are special Ger inf RPs); but .5 Ger inf RP was expended at step 14 of the I. Phase to rebuild the Ger 9-10 Pz XX 21 from its 4-8* Pz Cadre, along with another expended Ger inf RP stored at Derna (18A:4116); late in the E. Phase 1 Ger inf RP from Tripoli was air transferred to Derna by the Ger LW He 111H4 B type air unit flying a bomber on an air transport air mission; this air unit also carried an It inf RP; after this air transport air mission there were 1.75 Ger inf RPs at Tripoli; then the SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 air unit beginning the turn at Licata (18A:0102), at Sicily, staged to the mainland Europe off-map holding box and picked up 1.5 Ger inf RPs, along with .5 It inf RP, and air transported them to Tripoli on a 1-way air transport air mission at twice its printed range; this increased the Ger inf RP count at Tripoli to 3.25]
BR 20M  3NB4  2-5/24 [inop.; began turn at Bengasi (18A:3121); air transferred to Bengasi late in the Oct II 41 Allied E. Phase; early in the M. Phase of the current turn it flew the Malta Status air mission to the Valletta target hex, after first staging to Misurata (18A:1022); used the 3 column on the Antiaircraft Fire Table; Hit; rebased here]
BR 20M  3NB4  2-5/24 [inop.; began turn at Bengasi (18A:3121); air transferred to Bengasi late in the Oct II 41 Allied E. Phase; early in the M. Phase of the current turn it flew the Malta Status air mission to the Valletta target hex, after first staging to Misurata (18A:1022); used the 3 column on the Antiaircraft Fire Table; Hit; rebased here]
SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 [inop.; began turn at Licata (18A:0102), in Sicily; late in the E. Phase it staged to the mainland Europe off-map holding box, picked up .5 It inf RP and 1.5 Ger inf RPs as cargo and air transported them to on a bomber on an air transport air mission to Tripoli on a 1-way air transport air mission at twice its printed range; based here]

18A:0122 [Castel Benito; clear terrain secondary rail line hex, S of Tripoli]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Homs (18A:0522) [rough terrain point city/minor port road junction coast hex]:
vacant at the end of the E. Phase

Misurata (18A:1022) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
1-cap temporary airfield

18A:1023 [clear terrain road hex, S of Misurata]:
one step of attack supply [began turn at Tripoli (18A:0121); late in the E. Phase it spent 10 SMPs exploiting along the coast road to here]

Sirte (18A:1727) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
fort marker
3-cap permanent airfield
one step of attack supply [began turn at 18A:0924; late in the E. Phase it spent 10 SMPs exploiting along the coast road to here]

18A:2730 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

El Agheila (18A:2930) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

18A:3228 [clear terrain road hex]:
one step of attack supply [began turn at El Ageheila (18A:2930); late in the E. Phase spent 3 SMPs exploiting to here]

Agedabia (18A:3327) [clear terrain point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Bengasi (18A:3121) [clear terrain reference city/major port transportation line junction hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
12 port damage hit markers
4 pos flk  AA=1 [Italian; began turn here; never moved]
1-6 Inf III A [began turn here; unsupported breakdown component of the 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol; never moved]
0-6 Cons III 5 A [began turn at Derna (18A:4116); spent 11 MPs admin moving along the road to here]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]

Soluch (18A:3222) [clear terrain point city secondary rail terminus hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

18A:3622 [stony desert road hex, NE of Zaulet Msus]:
2-10 Mot Inf III 288 SV (Ger) [began turn at 18A:1026; admin moved 20 hexes along the coast road to 18A:3029, NE of El Agheila; exploited to here]

18A:3617 [rough terrain road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

18A:3618 [Maraua; rough terrain road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Derna (18A:4116) [rough terrain point city/minor port coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
3 port damage hit markers, w/ 1 MP of cons unit repair already done [Derna began the turn w/ 5 port damage hit markers, w/ 3 MPs of cons unit repair already done on one of them]
6 Inf XX HQ A [began turn here; unsupported breakdown component of the 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol; never moved]
0-6 Lt AA II  AA=1  38 [began turn here; never moved]
1-6 Hv AA II  AA=1  29 [turn RP build; placed here at step 14 of the I. Phase; remained in the hex]
0-6 Cons III 10 A [began turn here; spent all 6 MPs in the hex, first finishing the repair of a hit of port damage that it had already expended 3 MPs on the previous Oct I 41 Axis turn, next spending 4 MPs to fix a second hit of port damage from scratch, and finally spending 1 MP towards the fix of a third hit of port damage]
{1 Ger inf RP [began turn here; expended at step 14 of the I. Phase to rebuild the the Ger 9-10 Pz XX 21 from the 4-8* Pz Cadre 21, which began the turn at Tobruch (18A:4817)]}
{1 It inf RP [began turn here; expended at step 14 of the I. Phase to rebuild the It 1-6 Hv AA II  AA=1  29, which is placed here, at Derna]}
1 Ger inf RP [began the turn at Tripoli; late in the E. Phase it was air transported to here by the He 111H4 B type air unit on a 1-way air regular transport air mission at twice its printed range, along w/ an It inf RP]
1 It inf RP [began the turn at Tripoli; late in the E. Phase it was air transported to here by the He 111H4 B type air unit on a 1-way air regular transport air mission at twice its printed range, along w/ a Ger inf RP]
He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn at Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya; it air transferred to Tripoli late in the Oct II 41 Allied E. Phase; late in the E. Phase of the current turn it flew a 1-way air regular transport air mission at twice its printed range to Derna (18A:4116), carrying 1 It inf RP and 1 Ger inf RP]

Ain el Gazala (18A:4518) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield
8 Inf XX HQ 102 Trn [began turn here; never moved]
1-6 Inf III A [began turn here; never moved]
G 50bis  3F3  0/10 [inop.; began turn at 18A:4818; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]
Ca 311  2B2  1/L/14 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

18A:4618 [clear terrain coast road hex, SE of Ain el Gazala]:
{3-6 Inf XX 55 Sav [began turn here; at the beginning of the M. Phase it breaks down into the Italian “B” Inf XX unsupported breakdown components, which includes two 1-6 Inf IIIs “B” and the 6 Inf XX HQ B unit]}
1-6 Inf III B [unsupported breakdown component of the 3-6 Inf XX 55 Sav, which broke down in this hex at the beginning of the M. Phase; this unsupported component remained in the hex]

18A:4520 [sand hex]:
1-6 Inf III B [unsupported breakdown component of the 3-6 Inf XX 55 Sav, which broke down at hex 18A:4618 at the beginning of the M. Phase; this unsupported component regular moved to here]
1-8 Mot Art III 1 AC [began turn at 18A:4420; regular moved to here; remained in the hex]
1-8 Mot Art III 3 AC [began turn at 18A:4719; regular moved to here; remained in the hex]

18A:4619 [clear terrain hex]:
0-1-6* Inf III 280 GaF [began turn at 18A:4520; moved one hex to here]

18A:4719 [clear terrain hex]:
1-8 Mot Inf III 65 [began turn at 18A:4719; regular moved to here]
1-8 Mot Inf III 66 [began turn at 18A;4719; regular moved to here]
1-8 Mot Art III 2 AC [began turn at 18A:4619; moved one hex to here; remained in the hex]

18A:4718 [clear terrain coast road hex; SW of Tobruch]:
fort marker
3-cap temporary airfield  [began the turn w/ one hit of damage, but it was repaired in the M. Phase by the Ger 0-8 Cons III Afr]
6 Inf XX HQ B [unsupported breakdown component of the 3-6 Inf XX 55 Sav, which broke down at hex 18A:4618 at the beginning of the M. Phase; the unsupported HQ unit regular moved to here]
0-1-10 Mot Lt AA II  AA=1  617 (Ger) [began turn at Tobruch; moved one hex to here; remained in the hex]
0-8 Cons III Afr (Ger) [began the turn an Ain el Gazala (18A:4518); spent 6 MPs regular moving along the road to here and then spent 2 MPs in the hex repairing the one hit of damage on the airfield]
2-3-6 Art III 24 C [began turn here; never moved]
G 50  3F3  0/6 [inop.; turn ARP rebuild; 2 It ARPs were spent to rebuild the air unit; placed at Ain el Gazala (18A:4518), at step 14 of the I. Phase; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]
Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 [operative; Italian; began turn here; never moved]
Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 (Ger LW) [operative; began turn here; never moved]

18A:4818 [clear terrain road hex; S of Tobruch]:
3-cap temporary airfield
2-1-8 Lt Arm III 32 [began turn here; never moved]
3-4-6 Art III 5 A [began turn here; never moved]
CR 42  3F3  0/9 [inop.; began turn at Ain el Gazala (18A:4518); late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]
SM 79-2  2B3  3-4/V/20 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

18A:4918 [clear terrain coast road hex; SE of Tobruch]:
3-cap temporary airfield
fort marker [completed on the Sep I 41 Axis I. Phase]
5-8* Inf XX 90 LA (Ger) [began turn at 18A:4718; moved to here]
1-10 Mot Hv AA II  AA=2  I/33 (Ger LW) [began turn at 18A:4919; moved to here; remained in the hex]
1-10 Mot AT II 605 (Ger) [began turn at 18A:4919; moved to here; remained in the hex]
2-3-8 Art III 16 C [began turn at 18A:4818, moved one hex to here]
3-4-8 Art III 221 (Ger) [began turn here; remained in the hex]
Me 109F1  6F6  1/8 (Ger LW) [operative; began turn here; never moved]
MC 200  3F4  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
MC 200  3F4  1/8 [operative; began turn here; late in the E. Phase of the Oct II 41 Allied turn it air transferred to here from 18A:0403, on Sicily; never moved]

Tobruch (18A:4817) [clear terrain point city/standard port w/ a strong natural harbor unimproved fortress hex]:
3-6 Inf XX 17 Pav [began turn at 18A:4918; moved one hex to here]
{4-8* Pz Cadre 21 (Ger) [began turn here; at step 14 of the I. Phase it was rebuilt into the 9-10 Pz XX 21]}
MC 200  3F4  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
CR 42  3F3  0/9 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn at Tripoli (18A:0121); sea transported to here in 3 Axis Med NTPs using inshore movement in order to avoid Allied Cent Med anti-shipping effects; arrived and disembarked at Tobruch in the E. Phase naval movement step]

18A:4919 [clear terrain hex]:
9-10 Pz XX 21 (Ger) [turn inf/arm RP build; began the turn at Tobruch as the 4-8* Pz Cadre 21; at step 14 of the I. Phase the pz cadre was rebuilt into the 9-10 Pz XX 21, using Gerf arm & inf RPs; regular moved to here after first moving into Porto Bardiya (19A:0318), gaining Axis ownership of that hex; remained at 18A:4919]
3-8* Arm Cadre 132 Ar [began turn at 18A:4818; moved to here; remained in the hex]
5-8 Mot Inf XX 101 Trs [the mot inf XX assembled here at the end of the M. Phase from its unsupported component parts; remained in the hex]
8 Mot Inf XX HQ 101 Tre [began turn at Tobruch; moved to here and assembled into the mot inf XX]
1-8 Inf III 61 [began turn at 18A:4619; moved to here and assembled into the mot inf XX]
1-8 Inf III 62 [began turn at 18A:4619; moved to here and assembled into the mot inf XX]
2-10 Mot Inf III 9 B [began turn at 18A:4420; moved to here and assembled into the mot inf XX]

18A:5018 [clear terrain hex]:
9-10 Pz XX 15 (Ger) [began turn at 18A:4919; moved one hex to here; remained in the hex]
2-10 Mot Inf III 7 B [began turn at 18A:4918; regular moved eastwards along the coast road to 19A:0618, in Egypt, where it ended at the end of the M. Phase; along the way it captured road hexes for the Axis, including Halfaya Pass (19A:0419); exploited back  to here]
1-10 Mot Hv AA II  AA=2  I/18 (Ger LW) [began turn at 18A:4918; moved one hex to here; remained in the hex]
1-6 Tnk II 4 [began turn at 18A:4918; moved one hex to here; remained in the hex]
3-10 Mot Inf III 115 (Ger) [began turn at 18A:4919; in the M. Phase it regular moved to Siwia road hex 19A:0725, capturing for the Axis that road hex and also 19A:0726, 19A:0824, and 19A:0823; exploited to here]

Porto Bardiya (19A:0318) [clear terrain unimproved fortress/point city/minor port road terminus coast hex]:
unimproved fortress
5 port damage hit markers
vacant at the end of the M. Phase, but Axis-owned


[end of turn]:

Khania (18A:4403) [rough terrain reference city/standard port road terminus coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Erakleion (18A:4903) [rough terrain reference city/standard port coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

On Scarpanto [end of turn]:
Scarpanto (19A:0701) [rough port point city minor port hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

At Rodi [end of turn]:

Rodi (20A:2230) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

20A:2331 [rough terrain coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Med/NA Replacement Pool

[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:
1 x 2-6 Inf XX 60 Sbr
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 10 B
1 x 2-1-8 Lt Tnk III 3
2 x 1-8 Lt Tnk X 1, 2
5 x 1-6 Tnk II 1, 3, 5, 6, 21
1 x Para Inf III Tonini
3 x 0-1-6* Inf III 300 GaF, 310 GaF, 320 GaF
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 24 dM
3 x 2-3-6 Art III 10 C, 20 C, 21 C
1 x 1-6 Art III 23 C
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 8 A [Jun I 41 Axis turn reinf; sunk in sea transit to Libya that turn by Allied anti-shipping, per the Naval Table]
1-8 Aslt Eng II 31 G [participated in the Tobruch attack on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase; part of the combat EX loss]
{1-6 Hv AA II  AA=1  29 [participated in the Tobruch attack on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase; part of the combat EX loss]}
3-6 Inf XX 27 Brs [eliminated in ground combat at Porto Bardiya in the Oct II 41 Allied C. Phase]
4 x 0 pos flk unit  AA=1 [Italian]

Med/NA Aborted Air Units Box
{Me 109E  7F5  1/7 (Ger LW) [turn ARP repair; 1 Ger ARP was spent to repair the air unit; placed at 18A:0403, at Sicily, at step 14 of the I. Phase; aborted in air combat over the Porto Bardiya target hex in the Oct II 41 Allied C. Phase by a Hurri 1 F type air unit, which was killed]}
{Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12 (Ger LW) [turn ARP repair; 1 Ger ARP was spent to repair the air unit; placed at 18A:0403, at Sicily, at step 14 of the I. Phase; aborted by Tobruch’s flack when flying the GS air mission to the Tobruch target hex on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]}
Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) [aborted by Tobruch’s flack when flying the GS air mission to the Tobruch target hex on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]
Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) [aborted by Tobruch’s flack when flying the GS air mission to the Tobruch target hex on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]
Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) [aborted in air combat by a bypassing Allied intercepting fighter in the Oct II 41 Allied C. Phase]
Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 (Ger LW) [aborted by an Allied airfield tac bombing air mission Hit in the Oct II 41 Allied E. Phase]

Oct II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: off-map display detail

Oct II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: off-map display detail

Med/NA Command Eliminated Air Units Box
{G 50  3F3  0/6 [turn ARP rebuild; 2 It ARPs were spent to replace the air unit; placed at Ain el Gazala (18A:4518), at step 14 of the I. Phase; killed in air combat on Oct I 41 Axis turn at the Valletta target hex by the Br Hurri 2 F type air unit]}


Axis Near East Command

On the Jul II 41 Axis turn the Vichy French Levant surrendered to the invading Allies, per the Allied player’s Variable Levant Surrender Table dice roll, done at step 13 of the Axis I. Phase. At the start of the Aug II 41 Axis turn all cities in the Levant were finally Allied-owned, and there were no remaining Axis forces anywhere in the Levant or in the Near East. And so at step 12 of the Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase, all land hexes in Syria and Lebanon were declared Allied owned.

The Iranians surrendered in the Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase. There are still neutral pro-Axis hexes in Iran, but they are too far away to be of any use to the Axis war effort.

This Axis turn, At step 2 of the I. Phase, the Axis player did the Fawzi al Qawukji action die roll, per WW Optional Rule 39E4, and came up with a 1: “Fawzi does nothing.”

In Armistice Syria [end of turn]:

21A:4621 [stony desert hex]:
Guerrilla unit Fawzi (Bandit) [guerrilla-capable bandit unit, in guerrilla mode; began turn here; remains in the hex, as per the Fawzi al Qawukji action die roll,  “Fawzi does nothing;” in its combat mode it is a 0-1-8 inf [II] unit]

In pro-Allied neutral Iraq [end of turn]:
In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario the pro-Axis Iraqi coup automatically occurs in the Apr I 41 Axis I. Phase.
The Iraqi coup collapsed at step 4 of the I. Phase of the May II 41 Axis turn, when the Allied player rolled the dice checking for an Iraqi Coup Collapse, using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table, per WW Rule 38J5. The Iraqi army then surrendered and all its forces were removed from the maps. All Iraqi hexes became Allied-owned, except Mosul, which at that time contained a Ger LW air unit. This Ger LW air unit subsequently evacuated Iraq later in the May II 41 Axis turn. On the following Jun I 41 Allied turn a Br ground unit gained control of the Mosul hex, and thus the Allies had complete control of all hexes in newly pro-Allied Iraq.

21A:4318 [clear terrain hex]:
Guerrilla unit Fawzi (Bandit) [dummy guerrilla-capable unit, in guerrilla mode; began turn here; remained in the hex, as per the Fawzi al Qawukji action die roll, ” Fawzi does nothing.”]

Oct II 41 Axis I. Phase/M. Phase/EOT dispositions in Iraq and Iran

Oct II 41 Axis I. Phase/M. Phase/EOT dispositions in Iraq and Iran

Turn Activity

At step 2 of the I. Phase the Axis player does the Fawzi al Qawukji action die roll, per WW Optional Rule 39E4, and comes up with a 1: “Fawzi does nothing.”

At step 11 of the I. Phase at Malta, 5 of the 5.5 ground unit REs there are in special general supply by virtue of the 5 gsp’s at the Valletta hex. The two Br 0-1-8 hv AA IIs (AA = 2) are certainly in special general supply, as is also the Br 5 pos flk unit. The Br 0-4 Cons X MC is the single Allied unit at Malta designated as definitely Red U-2.  On Cyprus, the two Allied inf IIs at Nicosia (20A:3414) would technically become Black U-3 this turn, but per WW Rule 12C1b-Limited Supply Terminals, “each Allied-owed port on an island outside of the Adriatic Sea Zone” is considered a limited supply terminal, and although they are not a source of regular general supply, they do evidently prevent units from in effect going below a U-2 supply status “for the purposes of judging isolation,” per WW Rule12E3; and so the Black U-2 marker will remain on the maps for their supply status designation.  However, this turn these two inf IIs draw special general supply via the single gsp beginning the turn on the island, at the port of Larnaca (20A:3513).

Oct II 41 Axis end of the I. Phase dispositions: Central Mediterranean

Oct II 41 Axis end of the I. Phase dispositions: Central Mediterranean

At step 14 of the I. Phase the Axis player does some Ger and It ARP repairs and rebuilds.  He is careful not to spend in excess of his ARP spending limits.  In Libya, using arm and inf RPs, he rebuilds the Ger 9-10 Pz XX 21 from its 4-8* Pz Cadre, and also rebuilds the It 1-6 Hv AA II 29.  He uses the Axis RPs beginning the turn at Derna for both these Axis ground unit rebuilds, along with the rest needed for the pz XX rebuild from his principal Libyan store of RPs at Tripoli.

At step 22 of the I. Phase neither side flies any CAP, Harassment, or Naval Patrol air missions.

Oct II 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions: Western Desert

Oct II 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions: Western Desert

The first thing the Axis player does in the M. Phase is send an air op to the Valletta hex (18A:0407), at Malta. It is escorted by the Me 109E  7F5  1/7 (Ger LW) air unit based at 18A:0403, at Sicily. The It CR 42AS 3F3 1/8 and the Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12 (Ger LW) air units, both based at 18A:0403, fly the fighter on a bombing air mission.  However, for the time being the Axis player leaves the SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 air unit, beginning the turn at Licata (18A:0102), in Sicily, where it’s at.  In case it’s not apparent to some readers, the intent of the fighters on a bombing mission air op is to hopefully force the Br Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 air unit based at Valletta to fly the Intercept air mission and engage in air combat with the stronger Me 109E 7F5 type air unit, lest it otherwise be bombed while sitting at the Valletta airfield.  The Allied player cooperates and flies his Hurri 2 F type air unit on the  Intercept air mission at the Valletta target hex, where it engages in air combat with the recently repaired Ger LW Me 109E F type air unit; both air units roll a (-) against each other. When the Axis sees the Hurri 2 air unit is flying the Intercept air mission, the It CR 42AS F type and the Ger LW Me 110D HF type air units flying the bombing air missions jettison their bomb loads, but remain with the air mission group.  They jettison in order to avoid the menacing 7 flack factor flack shot they would have to endure had they persisted in bombing the now empty enemy Valletta airfield.  Although disappointed that he has not aborted or killed the annoying Br Hurri 2 air unit guarding Malta, he has least rendered it inoperative in the face of further Axis air attacks this turn against the Valletta hex.

After the fighter air combat at the Valletta target hex the Allied player then stages the two It BR 20M  3NB4  2-5/24 air units beginning the turn at Bengasi (18A:3121) to Misurata (18A:1022), and they both fly a daylight strat bombing Malta Status air mission.  The two Br 20M air units make it past Valletta’s 3 factor flack shot (against Malta Status bombing air missions) and then each scores a Hit on the target hex, using the 5 column on the Bombing Table.  This jacks up the Malta Status to 12, from 10.  The two Br 20M NB type air units eventually rebase at Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya.

Oct II 41 Axis naval movement step action details

Oct II 41 Axis naval movement step action details

In the Movement Phase the Axis player has one Italian cons III beginning the turn at Derna (18A:4116) repair two hits of port damage at the minor port.  One of the hits of port damage began the turn with 3 MPs of repair already done the previous Axis turn by that same Axis construction unit.  The German Afr cons III beginning the turn at Derna moves along the coast road to 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, and fixes the hit of damage on the airfield there.  The second It cons III beginning the turn at Derna admin moves 11 hexes along the coast road to Bengasi.

Late in the E. Phase the He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22 (Ger LW) air unit based at Tripoli air transports a Ger and an It inf RP to Derna, on a 1-way regular air transport air mission at twice its printed range.  The Axis player keeps moving It and Ger RPs up towards the Western Desert front in order to be able to rebuild ground units closer to it, as per WW Rule 40B3b-Replacing Units, “the player spends the RPs required to replace the unit, removes the unit from the replacement pool, and places it as a reinforcement at any of the locations where the RPs are spent.”  Rebuilding cadres from RPs is different: to rebuild a cadre, the “cadre may not be in an enemy ZOC and must be able to trace an overland-element supply line (of any length) to each RP that will be spent to rebuild it.”  The Axis player, in accordance with his RP policy used in the new Scenario, air transports to Tripoli, from the mainland Europe off-map holding box, some more It and Ger RPs, using the SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 air unit that began the turn at Sicily.  He air transports them as a guarantee of their safe arrival to North Africa, as any item sea transporting across the Cent Med sea zone must roll the dice on the Naval Table for possible Allied anti-shipping effects.  And so unless special provisions are made to increase the NTPs above the minimum required for the sea transport of a supply/resource item, a contact dice roll is normally good as dead for the sea transported RP supply cargo when the subsequent Shipping Results Table die roll is done.

Oct II 41 Axis end of the EOT dispositions: Egypt and Levante

Oct II 41 Axis end of the EOT dispositions: Egypt and Levante


With the fall of Tobruch a new epoch of Axis strategy arrives in the Western Desert, but it is also influenced by the Porto Bardiya attack the Oct II 41 Allied turn and the apparently still strong position of the Allied player in Egypt, with a stout 8th Army and a somewhat formidable Allied air force.  But the Axis in North Africa is presently tempered by the fact that its army is no longer between a rock and a hard place, as it was when the Allies held the improved fortress of Tobruch with practically as big a stack of ground units there as possible.

And so, “what now” for the Axis in the Med/NA Command?  Well, for one thing, in the short run the Axis player’s air strength is withered with four good Ger LW air units still in the Aborted Air Units Box, but he will get three of them back on the Nov I 41 Axis turn, and he can place the new ARP repaired air units at either Sicily, or in the Western Desert, or at airfields in the South Aegean Islands.  In the meantime, even as early as this turn the recently cadred 21st Pz XX is already again at full strength, rebuilt in the I. Phase from its diminished 4-8* Pz Cadre.  The It 3-8* Arm Cadre 132 Ar will remain so for quite awhile, until at least the Mar II 42 Axis turn, at the earliest, I think.  It could be argued that the Axis player might ought to have taken his EX losses at Tobruch from another source than the 7 taken from the 7-8 Arm XX 132 Ar, but at the time this was considered the best long-term strategy, based on RP rebuild efficiency.

Implicit in the “what now?” analysis is what the Axis player will do with his three construction units, and part of what he is doing is a long term construction strategy aimed well into 1942 that goes beyond the probable end turn of the current EA reported game.  The Ger 0-8 Cons III Afr unit’s move towards Tobruch is a necessary immediate short-term movement in order to do some airfield repairs in this critical forward zone, but the two It cons IIIs are already being sent westward to begin longer-term construction activities in the rear.

In a seeming sideshow, the Axis player has been actively engaging the Br Hurri 2 F type air unit based at Valletta, on Malta, in an apparent attempt to either abort or kill it in air combat or else abort it on the ground at its airfield, with his recent threats of an airfield bombing air mission, using consistently the fighters on a bombing mission air ops.  But what he is really doing is what he believes are the necessary preliminary operations for a big Ger LW airborne assault on the island, in fact duly planned for the Nov II 41 Axis turn.  This possible big Axis para-op is certainly contingent on the weather that turn, which is 50-50 Mud weather, and which would force the cancellation the operation.  In any event the current strategy sentiment of the Axis player is that the Ger LW para units are needed more at the Russian front in the winter of ’41-’42, probably for their winterization effects, than for a dicey Axis airborne assault at Malta in the 4th quarter of 1941.  But he goes through these necessary preliminary Valletta bombing motions, just as he believes a good Axis player should, in keeping all available big Axis strategic options going forward as best he can on the game maps, just in case their execution appears timely.

In theory the Axis player could very soon try to engage the 8th Army in battle in the Western Desert with the aim of destroying as much of it as he can.  This is what Rommel might have done, influenced by his likely Axis world war paradigm at the time and its consequent desperate search for Victory.  But in our Europa wargame the British 8th Army is currently quite strong in Egypt and has been persistent in staying under its protective/offensive air umbrella of close-in fighter protection and potential DAS/GS assets.  In order to “actively engage” the 8th Army in western Egypt, the Axis player probably needs to repair with ARPs the four good Ger LW air units presently in the Aborted Air Units Box, base them in eastern Libya and/or Crete, and then use them for GS and DAS in conjunction with any Axis advance eastwards.  But instead of this short-term aggressive WD strategy, the Axis player might ought to hold fast and ready in the Tobruch/eastern Libya zone, waiting instead for the Allied player to sally forth westwards, which eventually he must, and then engage the Allies in a reactive counter-punch battle strategy, taking into account the relative positioning of both sides’ respective air umbrellas in the zone at that time.  If the Allied player accordingly pursues a “prudent” and calculated methodical westwards advance of his protective/offensive air umbrella, it implies a protracted and dragged-out campaign with the meager Allied construction/eng assets calling the shots insofar as maneuver, whereby the Axis side might be able to implement stifling countermeasures, as he watches the gameboard and time goes by.  This is what the 2016 cardboard Rommel might do, influenced by his paradigm of all-knowing world war hindsight.

But the present situation after the fall of Tobruch could devolve into a deliberately static situation in the Western Desert, where both sides in essence remain where they’re at until maybe the third quarter of ’42, as the Allies bide their time and continue to steadily strengthen.  This doesn’t make for an exciting Europa wargame, but it is one method of playing the game in attempting a particular side’s wargame victory, utilizing the the numbers, proportions, likely odds, and aggregate resources in a given way.  In any event, in the almost finished WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario EA game reports, I cannot offer a July 4th fireworks display spectacular finale, for the sake of coliseum entertainment, and instead feel rather obliged to keep to conservative Allied play at least, thinking that’s how Wavell or Auchinleck would do it, mostly.

WW Supplemental TEC usage update in the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario EA game reports:

Up until now, the WitD game box provided GE TEC (Terrain Effects Chart) has been used in this game instead of the WW Supplemental TEC, thinking here at the gameboard that it was all the same, insofar as the terrain features of the WD and NE map groups are concerned.  But now we know that there are relevant differences between the two terrain effects charts regarding at least Escarpment hexsides and Ravines hexes.  In addition, it appears that the revised +2 MP costs to cross an Escarpment hexside affects the Dec I 40 Allied turn at-start turn of the WW WD or ME Scenarios, insofar as how the Allied opening turn was typically done previously using the original/older WitD game box provided GE TEC.

Beginning this Oct II 41 Axis turn I intend to use the WW Supplemental TEC movement effects for Escarpment hexsides and Ravines hexes.  A quick review of the previous EA game reports indicates that the use of the GE TEC has not profoundly affected game play, although it is admitted that the older +1 Escarpment movement effect was done in mostly Axis ground unit movement between hexes 18A:4618 and 4619, during the siege of Tobruch.  But I know of no turn where this Axis ground movement perversely coincided with and was a decisive factor in, say, an Axis attack on Tobruch.  A more subtle but admittedly also important factor with the +2 Escarpment movement effect could/would be in regards to the Allied front line desert shield positioning in west-central Egypt against possible Axis maneuvers towards it from eastern Libya in 1941-42.  But for now I am not dismayed or discouraged by the discovery of the TEC differences, insofar as attempting Europa WW desert wargames beginning on the ER-II Mar II 41 Axis turn.  Use of the WW Supplemental TEC in standard Europa WW WD & ME based desert wargames beginning on the standard Dec I 40 Allied turn, with the special surprise Allied turn, is another Europa issue requiring further special attention and study, and will not be discussed here in the context of the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario EA game reports.

Oct II 41 Allied Turn

EOT Dispositions


[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

Malta Status: 10, end of turn [at turn’s start 11, – 1 repair this turn, at step 19 of the I. Phase = 10]

Malta Repair Rate: beginning on the Jul I 41 turn, 2 repair points each I turn and 1 repair point each II turn, per the WitD Allied OB booklet.

At the start of the Allied turn there were 4 gsp’s present in the Valletta hex. However, there are 5.5 REs of ground units on Malta, and so the Allied player designates the 0-4 Cons X MC as the 1 RE unit that is definitely Red U-2.  The Br 5 pos flk unit is designated as definitely black U-1.  This would make the rest of the ground units at Malta technically U-2, but in special general supply by tracing to the available gsp’s at Valletta. Malta’s intrinsic flack is not affected by supply, as in the EA game reports for the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario we are not using WW Optional Rule 12E4-Intrinsic AA and General Supply Effects.

Valletta (18A:0407) [rough terrain point city major port hex, w/ a strong natural harbor]:
Valletta hex flack factor: 7 (3 intrinsic, + a total of 4 for the two Br 0-1-8 hv AA II units now in special general supply)
3-cap permanent airfield; one hit of damage
3-6* Inf X 1 M [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
3-6* Inf X 3 M [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  10 [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  4 [began turn  here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
0-4 Cons X MC [began turn here; definitely Red U-2; never moved]
Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
4 gsp’s [sea transported to here from Gibraltar in a W Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase of the current Allied turn]
1 gsp [sea transported to here from Suez in an E Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase of the current Allied turn]
{4 gsp’s [sea transported from Gibraltar in a W Med NTP in the naval movement step of the Oct I 41 Allied M. Phase; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current Allied I. Phase]}

18A:0307 [rough terrain hex, NW of Valletta]:
This hex currently has an intrinsic flack factor of 2, per the WW Intrinsic Light AA Summary, found on Game Play Chart 2–Air War.
2-6* Inf X 2 M [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began the turn at Valletta; at step 11 of the I. Phase declared definitely Black U-1; moved one hex to here in the M. Phase]

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Central Mediterranean

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Central Mediterranean


[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

Sidi Barrani (19A:0718) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218); regular moved to here]

19A:0719 [clear terrain hex, S of Sidi Barrani]:
1-8 Art II 1 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:0920; regular moved to here]
7-10* Arm XX 7 [this Br arm XX assembled from its component parts at 19A:0218, SW of Porto Bardia, at the end of the M. Phase; at the beginning of the turn the two component 3-2-10 Arm X units 7 & 22 were assembled with the 7-6-10* Arm XX 2, at 19A:0819; this arm XX broke down into its component parts at the beginning of the M. Phase and the two aforementioned 3-2-10 arm Xs regular moved to 19A:0218, SW of Porto Bardia; these two 3-2-10 arm Xs were then joined there by the 1-2-10* Mot SG X 7, which began turn at 19A:0920, and all three component parts eventually assembled into the 7-10* Arm XX 7, at the end of the M. Phase; in the C. Phase the 7th Arm XX participated in the Porto Bardia attack; exploited to here]
1-10 Recon II 6 (SA) [began turn at 19A:0918; regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
1-10* Mot Inf X 3 (Ind) [began turn at 19A:0819; regular moved to 19A:0218, SW of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; advanced into the Porto Bardiya hex after the combat; exploited to here]

19A:0720 [clear terrain hex]:
3-8 Art X 13 [turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; railed to 19A:0819, then regular moved two hexes to here]
6-4-6 Arm X 1 T [began turn at 19A:0920; regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
3-2-10 Arm X 1 [turn arm RP build; began turn  at Alexandria, a step 14 of the I. Phase; railed to 19A:0819, then regular moved to Halfaya Pass (19A:0419), which was as far west as it could move; exploited to here]
2-1-10* Lt Arm X 9 [began turn at 19A:0819; regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
1-10* Mot SG  AA=1  X 2 [began the turn assembled w/ the 7-6-10* Arm XX 2, at 19A:0819; at the beginning of the M. Phase this arm XX broke down into its component parts; the 1-10* Mot SG X 1 component regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]

19A:0820 [clear terrain hex]:
6-4-6 Arm X 32 T [began turn at 19A:0818; in the M. Phase regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
1-10 Recon II 4 (SA) [began turn at 19A:0818; in the M. Phase regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
3-8 Art X 10 [began turn at 19A:0818; regular moved to here]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began turn at 19A:0818; regular moved to here]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began turn at 19A:0818; regular moved to here]
1-10 Recon II 1 DG [began turn at 19A:0920; in the M. Phase regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]

19A:0819 [clear terrain hex; containing the next uncompleted Tobruch Matruh railway line]:
2-cap temporary airfield [constructed this turn by the 1-2-8 Eng X 8]
1-2-8 Eng X 8 [began turn at 19A:0918; regular moved 2 hexes to here, then spent 6 MPs in the hex constructing a 2-cap temporary airfield]
2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus) [began turn at El Arish (19A:4012), in the Sinai, in Egypt; railed to here]
2-8* Inf X 26 (Aus) [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218); supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; regular moved to here]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 (RAAF) [inop.; began turn at Matruh; in the M. Phase flew the CAP air mission to the Porto Bardiya target hex, first staging to 19A:0918; switched to the Interception air mission in the C. Phase, when an Axis DAS air op entered the target hex; survived the ensuing air combat; returned to base here]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 [inop.; began turn at Matruh; in the M. Phase flew the CAP air mission to the Porto Bardiya target hex, first staging to 19A:0918; switched to the Interception air mission in the C. Phase, when an Axis DAS air op entered the target hex; survived the ensuing air combat; returned to base here]
6 gsp’s [4 of these gsp’s were generated at Alexandria and 2 were generated at Suez, all at step 16 of the current I. Phase; railed to 19A:0919 in the M. Phase; in the E. Phase all spent 6 SMPs moving to here]
2 steps of attack supply [began turn at Alexandria; railed to 19A:0919 in the M. Phase; in the E. Phase spent 6 SMPs moving to here]

19A:0919 [clear terrain hex; containing the Tobruch-Matruh railway line route]:
railhead marker
The Matruh-Tobruch railhead marker was not advanced this turn, as a cons/eng unit was not set up for its construction. The last time the railhead marker advanced was in the Sep II 41 Allied M. Phase, from 19A:1019 into this hex.
{one step of attack supply [began turn here; expended in the C. Phase for the Allied attack at Porto Bardiya, in Libya]}
{7 gsp’s [began turn here; all were generated at either Alexandria or Suez on the previous Oct I 41 Allied turn; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current I. Phase]}

19A:0818 [clear terrain coast road hex, SE of Sidi Barrani]:
7-8 Inf XX 2 (SA) [began turn at 19A:1119; regular moved to here]

19A:0918 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield [completed on the Sep II 41 Allied turn]
3-8 Inf Cadre 50 Nth [turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; railed to 19A:0919, then moved one hex to here]
P-40C  5F5  1/13 (SAAF) [inop.; began turn at Matruh; late in the E. Phase flew the Escort air mission w/ the airfield bombing air missions flying to the 18A:4718 target hex, SW of Tobruch, after first staging to here; returned to base here]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 (SAAF) [inop.; began turn here; in the M. Phase flew the CAP air mission over the Porto Bardiya target hex, first staging to 19A;0918; switched to the Interception air mission in the C. Phase, when an Axis DAS air op entered the target hex; survived the ensuing air combat; returned to base here]
P-40C  5F5  1/13 [inop; turn ARP expenditure repair; placed here at step 14 of the I. Phase; in the C. Phase flew the Intercept air mission to the Porto Bardiya target hex when an Axis DAS air op entered the target hex; in the ensuing air combat it successfully bypassed two Axis fighters and aborted the Ger LW Ju 88A4 B type air unit flying the DAS air mission at the target hex; returned to base here]

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Western Desert

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Western Desert

Matruh (19A:1218) [clear terrain point city/minor port road-major rail line junction coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
fort marker
2-8* Inf X 161 [began turn at Alxeandria; supported breakdown of the Br 7-8* Inf XX 6; admin moved 14 hexes along the coast road to here]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  68 [began turn here; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
Bombay  1T2  1-2/15 [inop.; began turn at Alexandria; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]
Hurri 1   5NF5   1/8 [inop.; turn ARP expenditure repair; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; air transferred to here late in the E. Phase]

19A:1319 [major rail line coast hex, SE of Matruh]:
3-cap temporary airfield
0-8 Hv AA II  AA=1  2 (Aus) [began turn here; never moved]
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  51 [began turn at 19A:1418; moved one hex to here]
A-22  3A3  2-1/19 (SAAF) [inop.; began turn here; late in the E. Phase it flew the airfield bombing air mission to the 18A:4718 target hex, SW of Tobruch; Hit; returned to base here]
A-22  3A3  2-1/19 [inop.; began turn at 19A:1418; late in the E. Phase it flew the airfield bombing air mission to the 18A:4718 target hex, SW of Tobruch; Miss; returned to base here]
Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [inop.; began turn here; in the E. Phase it flew a daylight strat port bombing air mission to the Derna hex (18A:4116); Hit; returned to base here]

19A:1418 [clear terrain major rail coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  57 [turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; admin moved 12 hexes along the coast road to here]
Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [inop; began turn at 19A:0918; in the E. Phase it flew a daylight strat port bombing air mission to the Derna hex (18A:4116); Hit; returned to base here]
Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; in the E. Phase it flew a daylight strat port bombing air mission to the Derna hex (18A:4116); Miss; returned to base here]
Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; in the E. Phase it flew a daylight strat port bombing air mission to the Derna hex (18A:4116); Hit; returned to base here]

19A:0920 [clear terrain hex]:
7-8 Inf XX 6 (Aus) [assembled here from its unsupported components at the end of the M. Phase]
8 Inf XX HQ 6 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1018; unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 17 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1018; unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 19 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1018; unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 16 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:0919; unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; moved one hex to here]

10A:1019 [clear terrain Matruh-Tobruch major rail line hex]:
2-8* Inf X 20 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1319; supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; regular moved to here]
2-8* Inf X 24 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1319; supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; regular moved to here]

19A:1120 [clear terrain Siwa road hex]:
2-8* Inf X 150 [began turn at 19A:0918; regular moved to here]
2-8* Inf X 151 [began turn at 19A:0919; regular moved to here]

19A:1220 [clear terrain hex]:
8 Inf XX HQ 2 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1419; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 6 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1419; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 4 (NZ) [began turn at 19A;1419; regular moved to here]

19A:1321 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 7 (Ind) [began turn at 19A:1520; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); regular moved two hexes to here]
2-8* Inf X 6 (SA) [began turn at 19A:1420; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); regular moved two hexes to here]

19A:1421 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 5 (Ind) [began turn at 19A:1521; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); regular moved one hex to here]
2-8* Inf X 3 (SA) [began turn at 19A:1521; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); regular moved one hex to here]

19A:1522 [clear terrain hex, adjacent to Qattara Depression]:
2-8* Inf X 11 (Ind) [began turn at 19A:1621; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); regular moved one hex to here]
2-8* Inf X 1 (SA) [began turn at 19A:1621; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); regular moved one hex to here]

El Alamein (19A:2119/20A:5033) [clear terrain point city major rail coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield
fort marker [completed in the Jul II 41 Allied I. Phase]
1-8 AT II 65 [began turn at 19A:0920; moved one hex to 19A:0919, entrained, and railed to El Alamein]

19A:2417 [clear terrain major rail line coast hex, SW of Alexandria]:
1-8 MG II 1 RNF [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218); admin moved to here]

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Western Desert

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Western Desert

Alexandria (20A:4930/19A:2416) [full city hex/major port major rail line coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
3-cap permanent airfield
3-8* Inf X 1 FL (FF) [began turn at Haifa (20A:4710), in Palestine; railed to here]
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  27 [British; began turn here; never moved]
Glad  3F3  0/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]

Cairo (19A:3219) [full city hex transportation line junction hex, NW of the Cairo partial city hex]:
0-1-6 RR Eng X MEF (Emp) [began turn here; Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit; never moved]
This unit can’t move from here w/out violating the Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit provision, unless another 1 RE eng/cons unit takes its place.

Cairo (19A:3320) [clear terrain partial city hex, SE of the Cairo full city hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Ismailia (20A:3516) [sand reference city/standard port/Suez Canal transportation line junction hex]:
1-8 Cav X 6 [began turn here; never moved]

Suez (19A:3718) [clear terrain reference city/major port transportation line nexus coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
1-8 Cav X 5 [began turn here; never moved]

El Arish (19A:4012) [sand major rail line coast hex, in the Sinai, in Egypt]:
vacant at the end of the M. Phase


[end of turn]

Per WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons, the Palestine garrison requirement is 3 REs of Garrison-category units. The Allied garrisons are determined at step 17 of the Allied I. Phase. However, per WW Rule 37E4, Forming units in the ME Replacement Pool count at their regular RE size for the Palestine Garrison requirement, as do also ME Replacement Pool units, but they count at 1/3 their regular RE size. In addition to the 1.5 Garrison-capable REs present on-map in Palestine, the Allied player is counting some of the 3.5 Garrison-capable REs in the Forming Box of the Middle East Command Replacement Pool. See below, in the Middle East Replacement Pool section, for further details.

Haifa (20A:4710) [clear terrain dot city/major port transportation line junction coast hex]:
Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.
3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) [turn NZ inf RP build; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; railed to here]

Tel Aviv (19A:4308 [clear terrain dot city/minor port major rail line junction coast hex]:
2-8 Inf X 29 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Allied Units in Armistice Lebanon & Syria [end of turn]:

Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements for the Vichy French Levant, and has been since the beginning of the Allied invasion of the the Levant on the Jun I 41 Allied turn.

Beyrouth (20A:4207) [rough terrain dot city/standard port transportation line junction coast hex]:
2-8* Inf X 25 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

20A:4308 [rough terrain coast road hex]:
0-1-6 Cons X 61 RPC (Col) [began turn at 20A:4810, in Palestine; admin moved north along the coastal transportation line to here]

20A:4107 [rough terrain coast road hex]:
0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col) [began turn at 20A:4911, in Palestine; admin moved north along the coastal transportation line to here]

20A:4006 [rough terrain coast road hex, SW of Tripoli]:
0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) [Br inf RP rebuild; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; sea transported to Beyrouth (20A:4207) in the naval movement step of the M. Phase on an E Med NTP; admin moved along the coast road to here]

Tripoli (20A:4005) [rough terrain reference city/minor port transportation line coast hex]:
Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.
2-8* Inf X 18 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

Lattique (20A:3405) [clear terrain reference city/minor port road terminus coast hex]
2-8* Inf X 21 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

Homs (20A:3902) [clear terrain reference city transportation line junction hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase

Hama (20A:3702) [clear terrain reference city major rail line hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase

Alep (21A:3231) [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:

21A:4220 [clear terrain hex]:
1-10 Mot Cav III AL (T-J) [Arab Legion; began turn here]
This is a provisional new unit introduced in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario on the May I 41 Allied turn. For more details, see that posted EA game report.


[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

Limassol (20A:3615) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Famagusta (20A:3411) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Nicosia (20A:3414) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
1-8 MG II 2 Ch [began turn here; technically Black U-1; never moved]
1-8 Inf II 11 (CS) [began turn here; technically Black U-1; never moved]

Larnaca (20A:3513) [clear terrain point city/minor port road hex]:
{one gsp [generated at Suez on the Oct I 41 Allied turn at step 14 of the I. Phase; sea transported to here in the naval movement step of the Oct I 41 Allied turn M. Phase in an E Med NTP; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current I. Phase]}
one gsp [generated at Suez on the current Allied turn at step 14 of the I. Phase; sea transported to here in the naval movement step of the M. Phase in an E Med NTP]

Non Phasing Axis Air Unit Air Transfers Late in the Allied Exploitation Phase:

Late in the E. Phase the MC 200  3F4  1/8 air unit based at 18A;0403, in Sicily, air transfers to 18A:4918, SE of Tobruch.  The operative Br Hurri 2 F type air unit based at Valletta, on Malta, declines a patrol attack air mission.

Late in the E. Phase the Ger LW He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22 air unit based at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch, air transfers to Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya.

Late in the E. Phase the two It BR 20M  3NB4  2-5/24 air units based at Derna (18A;4116) air transfer to Bengasi (18A:3121), in Libya.

Middle East Command Replacement Pool

[{beginning of turn}/end of turn]:

{3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) [NZ inf RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; moved to here from the Balkan Command Replacement Pool after the fall of Crete]}
3-2-10 Arm X 4 [in the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario this unit is at-start in the ME Replacement Pool, per F. Watson’s ER-II Europa battle scenario, published in TEM#71]
{3-2-10 Arm X 1 [Br arm RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; moved to here from Balkan Command Replacement Pool after the fall of Crete; this is the original pre-conversion unit of the one sent to Greece]}
{0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) [Br inf RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]}
3-8* Mtn X Karp (Pol) [eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]
{7-8 Inf XX 50 Nth [Br inf RP 3-8* Inf Cadre 50 Nth rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; the 50 Nth Inf XX was eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]}
{0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  13 [Br inf RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]}
3-8 Inf X 22 G [eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]
2-8 Inf X 14 [eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]
{3-8 Art X 13 [Br inf RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]}

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: off-map display details

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: off-map display details

Aborted Air Units Box:
{Hurri 1  5NF5  1/8 [turn ARP expenditure repair; aborted in air combat over the Tobruch target hex in the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]}
{P-40C  5F5  1/13 [turn ARP expenditure repair; aborted in air combat over the Tobruch target hex in the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]}
Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [turn ARP expenditure build & Box move; on the Oct II 41 Allied turn the Allied player spent 1 ARP to move this unit from the Eliminated Air Units Box to the Aborted Air Units Box]

Eliminated Air Units Box:
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 [killed in air combat on the Oct II 41 Allied C. Phase at the Porto Bardiya target hex, by the Ger LW Me 109E F type air unit, which the Br Hurri 1 air unit managed to abort]

Forming Box:
3-8* Mtn X 1 (Gk) [counted as part of the Palestine Garrison]
0-1-8 Inf II Gd (Yugo)
2-8* Inf X 2 FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the Apr II 42 Allied turn; this turn it counted as part of the Levant Garrison]
1-2-6 Inf X 3FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the May II 42 Allied turn]

The Allied Near East (NE) Command on the Oct II 41 Allied turn

The Iraqi coup collapse occurred in the May II 41 Axis I. Phase, per the dice roll done then using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table. At that time all Iraqi forces/production were removed from the map and the Iraq Replacement Pool. By the end of the I. Phase all Iraqi territory was Allied owned; except in our case the Mosul hex, which at the time contained the Axis Conditional Reinforcement Ger LW Mxd A type air unit. Seeing that the Iraqi coup had indeed collapsed, the Axis Conditional Reinforcement promptly air transferred out of the Mosul hex later in the May II 41 Axis turn, and Mosul was captured by the Allies in the following Jun I 41 Allied turn.

The current Allied Iraqi railnet-cap is 3 1/2.
At step 14 of the Sep II 41 Allied I. Phase the Allied player transferred back to the Middle East Command the 10 SMPs that had been transferred to the Near East Command on the Aug I 41 Allied turn, per WW Rule 12H2b.
At step 4 the Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase Iran surrendered to the Allies, per the Iranian Surrender Table. All Iranian forces surrendered to the Allies and were removed from the map.

pro-Allied Iran

[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:
Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements this turn, for Iraq. This would be per the horizontal line reading: “EJIS [Jul II 41] – Sep I 41.”  For a more detailed discussion of the Iraq garrison, see the Jul I 41 Allied game report.

21A:5127 [ravines road hex, next to the T-J/Iraq borderline]:
2-8 Inf X 10 (Ind) [began turn at 21A:4921; moved to here along the roads]

Rutbah (21A:5023) [stony desert point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
2-8 Inf X 9 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
Audax  1A1  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

Ramadi (22A:2830) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
1-8 Inf X 20 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Habbaniya (22A:2828) [clear terrain point city road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 1 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

Baghdad 22A:2825 [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:
one hit marker on the airbase
8* Inf XX HQ 10 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 25 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Shaibah (22A:4314) [clear terrain secondary rail line hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 2 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

Basra (22A:4313) [clear terrain dot city/major port, w/ a major river hexside]:
Allied Supply Terminal marker
8 Inf XX HQ 5 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 19 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 18 (Ind) [began turn at Bandar Shahpur (22A:4407) in Iran; admin moved to here along the transportation lines]
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  1 [began turn here; never moved]
1-pt river flotilla  AA=1  PAIC (RN) [began turn here; never moved]
2 steps of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
{3 gsp’s [generated here at step 16 of the I. Phase of the Oct I 41 Allied turn; removed from the maps at the end of the current I. Phase]}


[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

32:1914 [clear terrain major rail line hex, NW of Qum]:
2-8 Inf X 24 (Ind) [began turn at Karaj (32:1413); regular moved to here, capturing point city Saveh (32:1815) for the Allies]

32:2413 [clear terrain road hex]:
2-8 Inf X 21 (Ind) [began turn at 22A:2807; regular moved off-road to here, capturing point city Qulpaigan for the Allies]

32: 2012 [clear terrain secondary rail line hex, E of Qum]:
2-1-10* Lt Arm X 252 (Ind) [began turn at 32:1710; regular moved along the transportation lines to 32:2012, exploited along the secondary rail line to 32:2510, at the S edge of map 32, on the way capturing reference city of Kashan for the Allies, and then it double backed along the secondary rail line to here]

Abadan (22A:4410) [swamp reference city/minor port road hex, on a major river hex]:
1-8 Inf X 17 (Ind) [began turn at Bushier (22A:5101); in the naval movement step of the M. Phase it was sea transported to here in an E Med NTP]

Ahwaz (22A:3810) [clear terrain reference city major rail line-road junction hex]:
8* Inf XX HQ 8 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Bandar Shahpur (22A:4407) [clear terrain point city/standard port major rail line terminus island hex, w/ a sea causeway to the mainland]:
vacant by the end of the M. Phase

Ganaweh (22A:4802) [clear terrain point city/minor port coast hex]:
{one gsp [generated at Basra on the previous Oct I 41 Allied turn; removed from the maps at the end of the I. Phase of the current turn, after the supply determination phase]}

Turn Activity

The weather die roll was a 4 this turn, and so it is mud in the D and C weather zones. It is clear in the E and F weather zones.  All seas are calm in the EA reported new Scenario map groups. Part of the C weather zone is visible in northern Iran on map 32, as is also part of D weather zone, but on map 32 both these weather zones are in the Soviet occupation zone and therefore are not a factor in the new Scenario. On the WD map group of 18A and 19A, (and 20A) the rough terrain notch of the Cyrenaica is in weather zone E, as is part of the coastal littoral of Palestine, and all of the coastline of Lebanon and NW Syria. In addition to these North African and West Asian mainland areas, a number of Mediterranean islands that are indicated on the WD map group are also in weather zone E, namely: Cyprus, Crete, the Dodecanese, Sicily, and Malta. On the Oct II 41 game turn the weather is automatically clear in weather zones E and F (eg., the F weather zone prevailing in the Western Desert and Mesopotamian regions).

Oct II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the I. Phase dispositions in Lybia

Oct II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the I. Phase dispositions in Lybia

At step 11 of the I. Phase, which is the supply determination step, at Malta, four of the 5.5 REs of Allied ground units there are declared technically Red U-2, but in special general supply via the 4 gsp’s which were sea transported to Valletta from Gibraltar on the previous Oct I 41 Allied turn. The Br 0-4 Cons X MC at the Valletta hex is the ground unit designated as being definitely Red U-2.  The Br 5 pos flk unit is still only Black U-1 this turn, and so is designated as the other ground unit on Malta not in special general supply.

At step 14 of the I. Phase the Allied player receives no reinforcements or replacements, but he rebuilds the recently aborted Hurri 1  5NF5  1/8 and the P-40C  5F5  1/13 air units, removing them from the Aborted Air Units Box of the ME Command Replacement Pool and placing the P-40C air unit at 19A:0918 and the Hurri 1 NF type at Alexandria.  He also spends a third ARP to move the Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 air unit from the Eliminated Air Units Box to the Aborted Air Units Box of the ME Command.  This leaves him 1 ARP left going into the new air cycle coming up the next Nov I 41 turn.  In addition, he spends arm and inf RPs to rebuild the following units, all of which begin the turn at step 14 of the I. Phase, at Alexandria:

3-2-10 Arm X 1 = 3 Br arm RPs

0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) = 1 Br inf RP; see WW Rule 40B3d for this RP rebuild

0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  51 = 1 Br inf RP

3-8 Art X 13 = 3 Br inf RPs

3-8 Inf Cadre 50 Nth = 3 Br inf RPs

3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) = 3 NZ inf RPs.

At step 16 of the I. Phase the Allied player generates 4 new gsp’s at his Suez and Alexandria Standard Supply terminals.  But this turn the Allied player believes it is not necessary to generate gsp’s at the Basra Standard Supply terminal.

Oct II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase, Western Desert

Oct II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase, Western Desert

At step 22 of the I. Phase neither side flies CAP air missions, nor does the Axis player fly any Harassment air missions.  But he does assign two Axis air units to the Naval Patrol air mission.  These would be the Ger LW Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 air unit at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, and the It SM 79-2  2B3  2-4/V/20 air unit at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch.

At step 24 of the I. Phase the Allied player removes from the maps the 4 gsp’s at Valletta hex, at Malta, and the 7 gsp’s at 19A:0919, in the Western Desert, and the 1 gsp at Larnaca (20A:3513), on Cyprus, and the 3 gsp’s at Basra, in Iraq, and the single gsp at Ganaweh (22A:4802), in Iran.  All these old gsp’s were generated in the previous Oct I 41 Allied I. Phase.

Oct II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions in the Levante

Oct II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions in the Levante

This turn, at the start of the the naval movement step of the M. Phase, the Allied player has available 8 E Med NTPs and also his single W Med NTP available for his sea transport requirements.

The first thing the Allied player does in the naval movement step is to sea transport to Malta in a W Med NTP 4 gsp’s generated at the Gibraltar standard supply terminal.  This is done through the Gibraltar Convoys proviso found at WW Rule 41B1-Western Desert Campaign, which is used in standard WW Middle East Campaign Scenarios.  However, by admittedly a home brew stipulation in the new Scenario, apparently verbally [eg., I assume/declare it is still unofficial] sanctioned by a Europa significant in an EA posting several years ago, the gsp amount has been upped to 4, from the published limit of 2 given in the aforesaid WW Rule 41B1.  This W Med NTP carrying the 4 gsp’s from Gibraltar enters Map 18A at hex 0701, and successfully rolls a no contact for the Cent Med Axis anti-shipping effects, using the Naval Table; and so the naval group safely enters the port of Valletta, on Malta.

Oct II 41 Allied naval movement action details: The Malta convoy from Gibraltar

Oct II 41 Allied naval movement action details: The Malta convoy from Gibraltar

Then the Allied player sends a fresh gsp generated at Suez to the port of Larnaca (20A:3513), on Cyprus, in order to keep the two Allied inf IIs there at Nicosia supplied, who are guarding the island from Ger LW paratroop attack.  Next, the newly rebuilt 0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) unit is sea transported in an E Med NTP from Alexandria to Beyrouth, in Lebanon, in order to comply with the Haifa-Tripoli RR garrison requirement.  Using this recently eliminated cons unit from Tobruch will enable the Allied player to have the better Aus 2-8 Eng X 1 do a U-turn on its long rail journey from the Western Desert to Lebanon, and instead go back to the Egyptian desert front, rather than languish in Lebanon for the rest of a WW Middle East Campaign Scenario.  Both of these naval groups leave Alexandria expending 10 naval movement steps of night movement through 10 all-sea hexes, just to be safe from a possible extended range Naval Patrol attempt by the It SM 79-2 2B3 3-2/V/20 air unit, assigned to the Naval  Patrol air mission and based at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch.

Oct II 41 Allied naval movement in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Oct II 41 Allied naval movement in the Eastern Mediterranean.

After this, the Allied player instigates a frankly dangerous naval transport mission, using 1 E Med NTP to sea transport to Malta a fresh gsp generated at Suez in the I. Phase, daring to cross at feasible contact range the two Axis air units assigned to Naval Patrol, both based at airfields surrounding now Axis-owned Tobruch.  The cargo naval group leaves Alexandria at night, and voyages in darkness to all-sea hex 20A:3929.  The next hex the Allied cargo naval group enters is all-sea hex 20A:3839, which is the first hex in the daylight.  From there it continues to voyage NW across the Mediterranean to 20A:3033, where it veers to a more WNW bearing.  It goes this route to all-sea hex 19A:0305, just south of the eastern end of Crete and not yet in the Cent Med sea zone; but now the Axis player has taken an interest in the daring convoy and requests a contact die roll on the Success Table, using the Ger LW Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 air unit at extended range, based at 18A:4718, 16 hexes away.  He uses this Axis air unit now because he believes that if he waits until the naval group gets onto map 18A, after certainly voyaging 10 all-sea hexes in darkness skirting south of Crete, it will then be out of range of the Ger LW Stuka unit, even using extended range.  At the target hex 19A:0305 there is a +3 modifier for calm seas and a -3 for the 16 hex range, making for a straight-up die roll on the Success Table; and the Axis player rolls low, for a Failure.

And so the Allied naval group sails on, beginning its first hex using night movement at 19A:0105.  On its second all-sea hex of night movement it enters the Cent Med sea zone (on the game maps here) at 18A:5005, south of Crete, where it rolls on the 9 column of the Naval Table, checking for Axis anti-shipping effects, and is lucky again with a no contact result.  Continuing to use night movement, it proceeds westwards 8 more all-sea hexes, and enters daylight again at 18A:4104, which is south of the Greek isle of Andikthyera.  Here the Axis player again calls for a Naval Patrol contact die roll, using the Success table, utilizing the It SM 79-2  2B3  3-2/V/20 air unit, based at 18A:4818, 17 hexes away.  Once again there is a +3 modifier for calm seas and a -3 for the 17 hex range.  This time the Axis player rolls high on the Success Table, for a Success, and it looks like a watery grave for the Allied convoy, with the V code bomber flying at regular range.  But the air unit’s V code carries with it a -1 modifier (when carrying torpedoes) on the Antiaircraft Fire Table, and the Allied player’s dice roll is a 5, modified to a 4: Return!  And so the It SM 79-2 B type air unit returns to its base at 18A:4818, south of Tobruch, and the Allied naval transport group makes it to Valletta, and there disembarks its 1 gsp, which will supply the 5 pos flk unit, which later in the M. Phase will move to the rough terrain hex adjacent to Valletta, upping that hex’s flack factor from 2 to 3, in case of a Ger LW paradrop assault.

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Gulf of Sidra

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Gulf of Sidra

Immediately after the naval movement step of the M. Phase, at the beginning of the ground movement  step, the Allied player sends three Hurri 1 F type air units on the CAP air mission over the Porto Bardiya target hex (19A:0318), where the worried It 3-6 Inf XX 27 Brs is probably hunkered low in its foxhole, wondering about its fate.  These Hurri 1’s would be the two air units based at Matruh (the Br Hurri 1 and the RAAF Hurr 1 air units) and another Br Hurri 1 air unit based at 19A:1319.  All three Allied Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 air units need to first stage to the forward airfield at 19A:0918 in order to fly the CAP air mission at the relatively distant Porto Bardiya hex.

This opening air unit move of the Allied ground movement step is in effect a challenge to the Axis player to forthwith commence an air combat battle of attrition over the Porto Bardiya hex.  The offer is tempting, and certainly would be the first step towards protecting the beleaguered It inf XX in the hex.  But at this stage of the game, the Axis has nothing to prove to the Allied side, having just captured Tobruch, and is presently not inclined to jump into battles instigated by the enemy, and so it sends no Intercepting air missions of its own to the Porto Bardiya hex just yet.  However, later in the M. Phase the Axis player gets restless to do something and sends four Axis fighter units to the Porto Bardiya hex on the CAP air mission. These would be the It MC 200  3F4  1/8 air unit based at Tobruch and all three Axis fighters based at adjacent hex 18A:4918, to the SE, which are the Me 109E  7F5  1/7 (Ger LW) unit, the Me 109F1  6F6  1/8 (Ger LW) unit, and another It MC 200 F type air unit.  In sending the four good Axis fighter air units to the Porto Bardiya target hex, the Axis player is saying “switch your CAP fighters to the Intercept air mission and engage now in a major air battle, if you wish.”  But Allied player does not wish to fight now, but he is willing to up the bluffing ante, and in response to the Axis player’s trick he sends the SAAF Hurr 1 air unit based at 19A:0918 on the CAP air mission to the Porto Bardiya hex, which makes for both the Axis and the Allies having 4 fighter units each on the CAP air mission at the hex.  Upon the arrival to the Porto Bardiya target hex of the SAAF Hurri 1 air unit on the CAP air mission, the Axis player declines to switch any of his fighter units on the CAP mission there to the Intercept air mission, as by now he is watching and waiting, maybe for the C. Phase.  And so all 8 air units on the CAP air mission at the Porto Bardiya hex will remain so “until the mission movement step of a subsequent air op,” moving into the target hex that may precipitate their air mission switch, or until the end of the player turn, all per the specifics of WW Rule 20E-Combat Air Patrol (CAP).

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Western Desert

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Western Desert

In the M. Phase the Allied player moves the 1-2-8 Eng X 8 from coast road hex 19A:0918 to 19A:0819, and constructs there a 2-cap temporary airfield.  He feels he must have forward airfields as soon as possible, if he is to somehow sooner gain back the initiative in the campaign.  This hex also happens to be the next unconstructed hex on the Matruh-Tobruch railway line.  He also rails the Aus 2-8 Eng X 1 to here, back from El Arish, in the Egyptian Siani, as since the unexpected fall of Tobruch he is able to send the rebuilt 0-1-4 Cons 66 RPC (Col) to Syria instead, in order to fulfill the Haifa-Tripoli RR garrison requirement.

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, WEstern Mediterranean

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, WEstern Mediterranean

Of course the Allied player is angry about the Axis player’s luck with the die in capturing the fortress of Tobruch last turn, and assuredly takes a long time looking on the maps for ways to “get back,” perhaps as early as this turn.  But in eastern Libya the Axis player is now, much like the Allied player was in west-central Egypt the entire 3rd quarter of ’41, under the protective umbrella cover of both close-in fighter protection and also DAS, due to the number and proximity of his airfields in the desert frontline zone, and also due to the successful conservation of his air units.  The obvious Allied consolation prize would be to attack the 3-6 Italian inf XX at Porto Bardiya, but as the Allied player discovers upon close inspection, it is very tricky and fraught with danger, and he has to put into harm’s way quite a large quantity of the Allied F type air units available in the ME Command in order try and clinch good odds for the attack.  He feels he must attack only with c/m units, in order that in the E. Phase they might exploit several hexes back into Egypt, to what might be called a Sidi Barrani line, in order to be under his own protective air umbrella and out from underneath the Axis player’s hostile air umbrella, which can also be used offensively.  Additionally, he feels he must not take any attacker losses, which per the Allied battle plan would necessarily be c/m units, if he is to use later these same c/m units at a substantial desert front line placed as close to the Axis front line as is feasible.  He estimates that the Allied desert front line must be comprised of at least 3 good stacks of AEC capable units, and with what he has available before any combat, he feels he is already right at the minimum amount for the necessary c/m counter mix for these three needed fitting generic front line stacks.

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions in the Levante

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions in the Levante

In the C. Phase the Axis player flies the Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) air unit based at Derna (18A:4116) on the DAS air mission to the Porto Bardiya hex, escorted by the two It CR 42  3F3  0/9 air units based at Ain el Gazala (18A:4518).  When the Axis DAS air op enters the target hex the Axis player then switches to the Escort air mission all 4 of his fighter units flying the CAP air mission at the target hex.  This is the moment of truth for the Allied player, because if the Axis DAS manages to safely arrive and remain at the target hex, it creates an unfavorable combat die roll situation, where an EX is possible.  But the battle for Porto Bardiya starts to spin out of control when the Allied player opts out on cautious play and instead switches to the Intercept air mission all four of his F type air units flying the CAP air missions at the target hex.  These Allied CAP switches are done in the Axis Mission Movement Step.  Most importantly, it appears per WW Rule 20E, that in our situation where both sides have active CAP air missions in the target hex, the Axis player initiating the DAS air op must first commit his fighters flying the CAP air missions to the Escort, and only afterwards does the reacting Allied player commit his fighters flying the CAP air missions to the Intercept air missions.  But it’s not over yet, because after the Axis Mission Movement Step is done, the Allied player sends the Br P-40C  5F5  1/13 air unit, based at 19A:0918, to the Porto Bardiya hex on the Intercept air mission, in the Interceptor Movement Step, following the air operation sequence per WW Rule 16D.  The Br P-40C F type air unit will attempt to bypass the escort screen and attack the mission force, which the lucky fighter unit successfully does against the two air combat dice rolls of the CR 42 and MC 200 fighter screen.

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions: Iraq and Iran

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions: Iraq and Iran

The big Combat Phase air battle over the Porto Bardiya target hex is admittedly messy and fairly bloody.  See the photo below for additional information on the particulars of the C. Phase air battle over the Porto Bardiya hex.  But after all, the lucky Allied player manages to abort the Ger Lw Ju 88A4 air unit flying the DAS air mission, in air combat with the Br P-40C air unit.  This enables him to proceed with an 8 to 1, -1 ground combat die roll against the Italian 3-6 inf XX, using entirely c/m attacking forces.   Per the Allied battle plan he would not have attempted the Porto Bardiya ground combat attack had the Axis successfully delivered the DAS to the target hex, as then the combat would have risked the loss of some of his meager c/m units.  This is assuming the Allied player would be able to stifle his wish for quick revenge, and cancel the Porto Bardiya attack in the face of the EX risk.  Instead, in our case he wins the Porto Bardiya hex with an automatic ELIM, taking into account the enemy ZOC entrapment of the Italian inf XX in the hex.  The Allied player enters the hex after combat, but does not remain there in the E. Phase.  Instead, he withdraws his c/m force from eastern Libya and retreats eastwards a few hexes to the relative safety of a “Sidi Barrani” line, utilizing the 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME unit to effectively cover the Sidi Barrani hex from Axis entry in the upcoming Axis M. Phase.

Oct II 41 Allied C. Phase: The air battle over Porto Bardiya

Oct II 41 Allied C. Phase: The air battle over Porto Bardiya

In the E. Phase the Allied player conducts two bombing air missions into eastern Libya, doing a daylight strat bombing air mission at the Derna hex (18A:4116) and an airfield tac bombing air mission at the 3-cap temporary airfield at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch.  The Axis player has a single operative fighter in the zone, which would be the G 50bis  3F3  0/10 air unit at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch. But the two Well 1C   3NB4  1-6/28 air units, both based at 19A:1418, and the two Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 air units, one based at 19A:0913 and the other at 19A:1319, are all able to skirt around the G 50bis’ interception range in their flight to the Derna target hex.  The two A-22  3A3  2-1/19 air units, one being the SAAF A-22 air unit based at 19A:1319 and the other the Br A-22 air unit based at 19A:1418, are escorted to the target hex by the sole remaining operative Allied fighter in the zone, which would be the long-ranging SAAF P-40C  5F5  1/13 air unit based at Matruh (19A:1218), which must first stage to 19A:0918.  And so the weaker G 50bis F type air unit decides not to get involved, hoping the Axis flack shots and bad Allied Bombing Table die rolls will do its war work, instead.  But Derna’s 2 factor flack shot are misses against all four Allied B type air units, perhaps because of the +1 modifier they get on the Antiaircraft Fire Table; and airfield hex’s single flack shot whizz by the two A-22 A type air units.  But Luck still lingers with the Allied pilots, as the Allies score 3 port damage hits at Derna, and the A-22s inflict a hit of damage on the 3-cap temporary airfield at 18A:4718, which also aborts a Ger LW Ju 87B D type air unit there, after a random selection of the three Axis air units based at that hex.

Oct II 41 Allied middle of the Explitation Phase dispositions, Western Desert

Oct II 41 Allied middle of the Explitation Phase dispositions, Western Desert

Turn rail movement inventory on the Middle East railnet:

1 RE = for the 3-8 Art X 13 turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, where it entrained

2 REs = for the 3-2-10 Arm X 1 turn Br arm RP build; began turn at Alexandria, where it entrained

1 RE = for the 2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus); began turn at El Arish, in the Sinai, in Egypt, where it entrained

1 RE = for 4 gsp’s; began the turn at Alexandria, where they entrained

.5 RE = for 2 gsp’s; began the turn at Suez, where they entrained

1 RE =for the 3-8* Inf Cadre 50 Nth turn RP build; began the turn at Alexandria, where it entrained

6 REs = for two steps of attack supply; began the turn at Alexandria, where they both entrained

.5 REs = for the 1-8 AT II 65; began the turn at 19A:0920, from where it moved one hex to 19A:0919, where it entrained

1 RE = for the 3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, where it entrained.

Allied Middle East rail net railcap: 16, per ER-II Allied OB Initial Forces, Mar II 41 Axis turn.

At the beginning of the turn the Allied player has the following inventory of Middle East (ME) Command RPs/ARPs stored at the Alexandria hex: 13.5 Br inf, 3.5 Br arm, 2.5 Aus inf, 3 NZ inf, 4 Ind inf, and 4 Allied ARPs.

After doing a number of rebuilds/ARP repairs in the I. Phase, the Allied player has a revised inventory of ME Command RPs/ARPs stored at the Alexandria hex;  5.5 Br inf, .5 Br arm, 2.5 Aus Inf, 0 NZ inf, 4 Ind inf and 1 Allied ARP.

Oct II 41 Allied middle of the Exploitation Phase bombing air missions action details

Oct II 41 Allied middle of the Exploitation Phase bombing air missions action details


This was a difficult turn for the Allied player, insofar as determining the turn’s various end of phase dispositions.  What he had to do was “back” into the main body of the turn from his initially determined EOT dispositions, and from the projected EOT dispositions, then “back” into the Combat Phase dispositions, as he was firmly fixed on taking a shot at the Italian inf XX at Porto Bardiya.  And from the projected Combat Phase dispositions, which were eventually decided to require exclusively c/m units for the Porto Bardiya attack, he “backed” into the end of the Movement Phase dispositions for the final placement of his non-motorized units, in particular those non-motorized artillery and pos flack units needed in the desert shield front line in west-central Egypt, at the new Sidi Barrani line.

The Allied end of turn dispositions also went through three evolutionary versions, or plans.  The first EOT plan envisioned two inf XXs (the SA 2nd and the Aus 6th) at Porto Bardiya, with one of the three “generic” Allied c/m stacks (see the maps below) then necessarily positioned at 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya, and the other two Allied c/m stacks at 19A:0520 and 19A:0620.  But this quite aggressive EOT disposition plan seemed laced with potential regret, and the Allied player is sure he cannot be begging for another big ground unit stack loss so soon after the fall of Tobruch.

The second Allied EOT disposition plan envisioned exploiting out of the immediate Porto Bardiya vicinity after the battle there and hunkering into a nearby Halfaya Pass (19A:0419)-19A:0520-19A:0620 front line shield, with the rest of the 8th Army being stretched from there to the Qattara Depression, but this was eventually considered too risky, also; and so it was scrapped.

The third plan, the one seen in the present game report, was done only after a heaving sigh of resignation, as it seemed to imply a secure Axis position in eastern Libya, but at least the attack on the hapless It 3-6 inf XX at Porto Bardiya was successfully carried out.  But a close observation of the game report concerning how the combat attack transpired might indicate that “this was an attack that oughtn’t be.”  This is because it was only by bad air combat dice rolls, from the Axis point of view, that the Axis player failed to deliver the 3 tac factors of DAS (halved to 1.5 defense factors) in the Porto Bardiya target hex, in spite of his clear fighter superiority in the zone.  Had the Axis player successfully delivered the DAS to the Porto Bardiya target hex, the Allied player was going to try and persuade himself to abandon the attack, in order to avoid an EX possibility involving his c/m attacking units.

The ground and air unit attrition rate is starting to climb in the game, what with the fall of Tobruch with its big EX result and both sides’ collateral air unit losses.  Then this turn there was a mixed bag of air unit losses by both sides, at Malta and in the Western Desert, due in part by the newly changed situation in the latter region.  And this attrition has happened to two players (read: myself) that claim to sometimes follow a policy of air and ground unit conservation in their Western Desert Europa wargaming. I will let other Rommels, Wavells, and Auchinlecks criticize a so-called broad strategy of “conservation” in Europa wargame play, and admit that in some cases sudden large antes and big wagers are good for the wargame, as in poker play.

Oct I 41 Axis Turn

End of Turn dispositions

Mainland Europe off-map holding box [end of turn]:

1-6 Tnk II 52 [turn reinf; sea transported towards Tripoli, in Libya, in a turn reinf NTP; first rolled a Contact on the Naval Table for Allied anti-shipping effects, then rolled a Return on the Shipping Results Table; returned to the mainland Europe off-map holding box]
.5 Italian inf Replacement Points (RPs) at the end of the Axis I. Phase and the Axis turn: 0 It inf RPs at the start of the turn, + .5 It inf RP reinforcement this turn, = .5; no It inf RP expenditures or movement this turn from here.
3 German inf RPs at the end of the Axis I. Phase and the Axis turn: 1.5 Ger inf RPs at the start of the turn, + 1.5 Ger inf RP reinforcements this turn, = 3; no Ger inf RP expenditures or movement this turn from here.
5 Ger ARPs at the end of the I. Phase and Axis turn: No Ger ARP expenditures this turn
4 It ARPs at the end of the I. Phase and Axis turn: The Axis player began the turn w/ 5 It ARPs, but at step 14 of the I. Phase 1 It ARP was expended to repair the G 50  3F3  0/6 air unit. The air unit was removed from the Aborted Air Units Box of the Med/NA Command Replacement Pool and placed on the maps at 18A:0403, in Sicily.

Oct I 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Lybia

Oct I 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Lybia

In Sicily [end of turn]:

Licata (18A:0102) [point city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield
SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 [inop.; began turn here; early in the M. Phase flew a Malta Status bombing mission to the Valletta target hex, along w/ a larger Axis air op; rolled on the 3 column of the Antiaircraft Fire Table; Hit; rebased here]

Coast hex 18A:0403:
3-cap permanent airfield
MC 200 3F4 1/8 [inop; began turn here; early in the M. Phase flew a fighter on a bombing air mission w/ the Axis air op flying to the Valletta target hex; jettisons its bomb load after the Hurri 2 air unit based at Valletta flew the Intercept air mission; rebased here]
CR 42AS  3F3  1/8 [inop.; began turn here; early in the M. Phase it flew a fighter on a bombing air mission w/ the Axis air op flying to the Valletta target hex; jettisons its bomb load after the Hurri 2 air unit based at Valletta flew the Intercept air mission; rebased here]

Coast hex 18A:0603:
3-cap permanent airfield

Syracusa (18A:0702) [reference city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Augusta (18A:0701) [point city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Malta on the Oct I 41 Axis turn:

Malta Status: 10, at the start of the turn, + 1 for Malta Status bombing hits done in the M. Phase prior to the naval movement step, = 11 during this turn’s naval movement step and at the EOT.

Valletta hex (18A:0407) flack this turn: 8 (3 intrinsic + 1 for the Black  U-1 British 5 pos flk unit, + a total of 4 for the two Br 0-1-8 hv AA IIs’ 2 flack factors each, as this turn these two ground units are in special general supply via the 4 gsp’s successfully sea transported from Alexandria to Malta on the Sep II 41 Allied turn)

On this turn Malta Status air missions to the Valletta hex would roll on the 3 column of the Antiaircraft Fire Table, shifted two columns to the left, Per WW Rule 37I2a.

There were 4 gsp’s present in the Valletta hex at the start of the Axis player turn, and 5.5 REs of ground units on Malta. At step 11 of the I. Phase the Allied player designated the 0-4 Cons X MC unit as definitely Red U-2.  The recently arrived Br 5  pos flk unit began the turn at Black U-1 and is designated as definitely Black U-1.  The Br Hurri 2 F type air unit based at Valletta is in “special air unit supply” per WW Rule 24I3-Allied Malta Special Air Unit Supply. The gsp’s beginning the turn at Malta were generated at Gibraltar on the Oct I 41 Allied turn and sea transported to Valletta in the M. Phase of that turn.

Oct I 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Western Desert

Oct I 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Western Desert

Libya [end of turn]:

Tripolitania Garrison Box:
0-1-6* Inf III 290 GaF
0-1-6* Inf III 340 GaF
0-1-6* Inf III 350 GaF
0-2-6* Inf III 330 GaF

Tripoli (18A:0121) [clear terrain dot city/major port hex transportation line junction coast hex]:
Axis Supply Terminal marker
fort marker
0 pos flk unit  AA=3 [Italian]
5 steps of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
2 steps of attack supply [turn reinfs; both were successfully sea transported to Tripoli in the M. Phase by turn reinf NTPs]
4.5 Ger arm Replacement Points (RPs) [began turn here, stored at the standard supply terminal; neither expended nor moved this turn]
1.5 Ger arm RPs [turn reinfs; began turn in the mainland Europe off-map holding box, at step 14 of then I. Phase; successfully sea transported to here in the naval movement step of the M. Phase in 3 turn reinf NTPs; disembarked and remained in the hex]
4 It inf RPs [began turn here; neither expended nor moved this turn]
1.2 It special inf RPs [generated this turn by Italian ground unit losses incurred at the battle for Tobruch; stored at the Axis standard supply terminal]
2 Ger inf RPs [began turn here; neither expended nor moved this turn]
1.25 Ger special inf RPs [generated this turn by German ground unit losses incurred at the battle for Tobruch; stored at the Axis standard supply terminal]

18A:0122 [Castel Benito; clear terrain secondary rail line hex, S of Tripoli]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Homs (18A:0522) [rough terrain point city/minor port road junction coast hex]:
vacant at the end of the E. Phase

18A:0924 [clear terrain road hex]:
one step of attack supply [began turn at Homs (18A:0522); in the E. Phase it spent 7 SMPs moving along the road to here]

Misurata (18A:1022) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
1-cap temporary airfield

18A:1026 [clear terrain road junction hex]:
2-10 Mot Inf III 288 SV (Ger) [turn reinf; began turn at step 14 of the I. Phase, in the mainland Europe off-map holding box; successfully sea transported to Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya, in the naval movement step of the M. Phase, embarked on 2 turn reinf NTPs; after disembarkation at Tripoli it admin moved to Homs (18A:0522); exploited to here]

Sirte (18A:1727) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
fort marker
3-cap permanent airfield

18A:2730 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

El Agheila (18A:2930) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
one step of attack supply [began turn at 18A:1327; in the E. Phase it spent 16 SMPs moving along the coast road to here]

Agedabia (18A:3327) [clear terrain point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Bengasi (18A:3121) [clear terrain reference city/major port transportation line junction hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
12 port damage hit markers
4 pos flk  AA=1 [Italian; began turn here; never moved]
1-6 Inf III A [began turn here; unsupported breakdown component of the 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]

Soluch (18A:3222) [clear terrain point city secondary rail terminus hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

18A:3617 [rough terrain road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

18A:3618 [Maraua; rough terrain road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Derna (18A:4116) [rough terrain point city/minor port coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
3 port damage hit markers
6 Inf XX HQ A [began turn here; unsupported breakdown component of the 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol; never moved]
0-6 Lt AA II  AA=1  38 [began turn here; never moved]
0-6 Cons III 5 A [began turn at 18A:4317; spent 2 MPs regular moving 2 road hexes to Derna and then spent its 4 remaining MPs repairing one hit of port damage there]
0-6 Cons III 10 A [began turn at 18A:4417; spend 3 MPs regular moving 3 road hexes to Derna and then spent its 3 remaining MPs towards the partial repair of a hit of port damage there]
0-8 Cons III Afr (Ger) [began turn at 18A:4619; regular moved to here]
1 Ger inf RP [began turn here; neither expended nor moved this turn]
1 It inf RP [began turn here; neither expended nor moved this turn]
Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn at Ain el Gazala (18A:4518); in the C. Phase it provided GS for the attack on Tobruch; returned to base here]
BR 20M 3NB4 2-5/24 [inop.; began turn here; in the C. Phase it provided GS for the attack on Tobruch; returned to base here]
BR 20M 3NB4 2-5/24 [inop.; began turn here; in the C. Phase it provided GS for the attack on Tobruch; returned to base here]

18A:4218 [stony desert road hex]:
{one step of attack supply [began turn here; in the C. Phase it was expended in the Tobruch attack]}

Ain el Gazala (18A:4518) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield
8 Inf XX HQ 102 Trn [began turn here; never moved]
1-6 Inf III A [began turn at 18A:4618; moved one hex to here]
CR 42  3F3  0/9 [inop; began turn at 18A:3617; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]
CR 42  3F3  0/9 [inop; began turn at 18A:3617; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]
Ca 311  2B2  1/L/14 [inop.; began turn at 18A:3617; did a non-phasing air transfer to here late in the M. Phase of the Oct I 41 Allied turn; in the C. Phase it provided GS for the attack on Tobruch; returned to base here]

18A:4618 [clear terrain coast road hex, SE of Ain el Gazala]:
3-6 Inf XX 55 Sav [began turn at 18A:4719; regular moved 2 hexes to here]

18A:4420 [clear terrain hex]:
1-8 Mot Art III 1 AC [began turn at 19A:0218; regular moved to 18A:4818, S of Tobruch; participated in the Tobruch attack; exploited to here]
2-10 Mot Inf III 9 B [began turn at 18A:4718; regular moved to 18A:4819, 2 hexes S of Tobruch; exploited to here]

18A:4520 [sand hex]:
0-1-6* Inf III 280 GaF [began turn here; never moved]

18A:4619 [clear terrain hex]:
1-8 Mot Art III 2 AC [began turn at 18A:5017; regular moved to 18A:4918; participated in the Tobruch attack; exploited to here]
1-8 Inf III 61 [began turn at 18A:4918; regular moved to here]
1-8 Inf III 62 [began turn at 18A:4918; regular moved to here]

18A:4719 [clear terrain hex]:
1-8 Mot Art III 3 AC [began turn at a19A:0218; regular moved to 18A:4818, S of Tobruch; participated in the Tobruch attack; exploited to here]
1-8 Mot Inf III 65 [began turn at 18A:3423; admin moved 13 hexes along the roads to 18A:4618; exploited to here]
1-8 Mot Inf III 66 [began turn at 18A:3423; admin moved 13 hexes along the roads to 18A:4618; exploited to here]

18A:4718 [clear terrain coast road hex; SW of Tobruch]:
fort marker
3-cap temporary airfield
5-8* Inf XX 90 LA (Ger) [began turn here; never moved]
2-3-6 Art III 24 C [began turn at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch; spent 4 MPs moving 1 road hex to here, due to enemy ZOCs; participated in the Tobruch attack; remained in the hex]
Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 [inop.; Italian; began turn at Derna (18A:4116); in the C. Phase it provided GS for the attack on Tobruch; returned to base here]
Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn at 18A:4818; in the C. Phase it flew the GS air mission to the Tobruch target hex; Returned by flack; rebased here]
Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 (Ger LW) [inop; began the turn inoperative; flew the Harassment air mission on the prior Oct I 41 Allied turn]

18A:4818 [clear terrain road hex; S of Tobruch]:
3-cap temporary airfield
3-8* Arm Cadre 132 Ar [began the turn at 18A:4818, as the 7-6-8 Arm XX 132 Ar; the arm XX didn’t move in the M. Phase; it participated in the Tobruch attack; the arm XX was cadred as a result of the EX combat result; the arm cadre advanced into Tobruch after combat; then exploited back to here]
2-1-8 Lt Arm III 32 [began turn at 19A:0218; moved to 18A:4819, 2 hexes S of Tobruch; exploited to here]
3-4-6 Art III 5 A [began turn at 18A:4918; spent 4 MPs moving 1 road hex to here, due to enemy ZOCs; participated in the Tobruch attack; remained in the hex]
2-3-8 Art III 16 C [began turn at 18A:4619; regular moved 2 hexes to here; participated in the Tobruch attack; remained in the hex]
G 50bis  3F3  0/10 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
SM 79-2  2B3  3-4/V/20 [inop; began turn at 18A:4718; in the C. Phase it provided GS for the attack on Tobruch; returned to base here]
He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn at Misurata (18A:1022); in the C. Phase it provided GS for the attack on Tobruch, after first staging to Bengasi; returned to base here]

18A:4918 [clear terrain coast road hex; SE of Tobruch]:
3-cap temporary airfield
fort marker [completed on the Sep I 41 Axis I. Phase]
3-6 Inf XX 17 Pav [began turn here; never moved]
2-10 Mot Inf III 7 B [began turn at 19A:0319; in the M. Phase it moved along the Egyptian coast road to Sidi Barrani (19A:0718), and then double backed to 19A:0218, capturing Sidi Barrani and the Egyptian coast road hexes in between for the Axis, including Halfaya Pass (19A:0419); exploited to here]
1-10 Mot Hv AA II  AA=2  I/18 (Ger LW) [began turn at 19A:0219; in the M. Phase it moved to 18A: 4818, where it assembled into the 2-10 Mot Hv AA III  AA=4  135 (Ger LW); the mot hv AA III participated in the Tobruch attack; at the beginning of the E. Phase the Ger LW mot hv AA III unit broke down again and this 1-10 hv AA II component exploited to here]
1-6 Tnk II 4 [began turn at 18A:5017; moved to 18A:4819, 2 hexes S of Touch; exploited to here]
3-4-8 Art III 221 (Ger) [began turn at 18A:4919; regular moved one hex to here; participated in the Tobruch attack; remained in the hex]
Me 109F1  6F6  1/8 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn here; flew the Intercept air mission in the C. Phase against the Allied air op in the Tobruch target hex; in air combat aborted the Br Hurri 1 F type air unit flying the Escort air mission; returned to base here]
Me 109E  7F5  1/7 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn here; flew the Intercept air mission in the C. Phase against the Allied air op in the Tobruch target hex; attacked the Allied mission force; in air combat rolled a (-) against the Br Blen 4 B type air unit flying the DAS air mission; returned to base here]
MC 200  3F4  1/8 [inop.; began turn here; flew the Intercept air mission in the C. Phase against the Allied air op in the Tobruch target hex; in air combat aborted the Br P-40C F type air unit flying the Escort air mission; returned to base here]

Oct I 41 Axis EOT dispositions in Cyrenaika

Oct I 41 Axis EOT dispositions in Cyrenaika

Tobruch (18A:4817) [clear terrain point city/standard port w/ a strong natural harbor unimproved fortress hex]:
8 Mot Inf XX HQ 101 Tre [began turn at 18A:3423; admin moved 13 hexes along the roads to 18A:4618; exploited to here]
4-8* Pz Cadre 21 (Ger) [began turn at 19A:0319, as the 9-10 Pz XX 21 (Ger); in the M. Phase the pz XX regular moved to 18A:4918; in the C. Phase the pz XX participated in the Tobruch attack; the pz XX was cadred as a result of the EX combat result; the pz cadre advanced into Tobruch after the combat; remained in the hex]
0-1-10 Mot Lt AA II  AA=1  617 (Ger) [began turn at 18A:4718; regular moved to 18A:4819, 2 hexes S of Tobruch; exploited to here]
MC 200  3F4  1/8 [inop.; began turn at 18A:4718; in the C. Phase it flew a fighter on a bombing mission and provided GS for the attack on Tobruch; returned to base here]

18A:4919 [clear terrain hex]:
9-10 Pz XX 15 (Ger) [began turn at 19A:0219; in the M. Phase it regular moved to 18A:4918; participated in the Tobruch attack; exploited to here]
3-10 Mot Inf III 115 (Ger) [began turn at 19A:0219; in the M. Phase it regular moved to 18A:4818; participated in the Tobruch attack; exploited to here]
1-10 Mot Hv AA II  AA=2  I/33 (Ger LW) [began turn at 19A:0319; in the M. Phase it moved to 18A: 4818, where it assembled into the 2-10 Mot Hv AA III AA=4 135 (Ger LW); the mot hv AA III participated in the Tobruch attack; at the beginning of the E. Phase the Ger LW mot hv AA III unit broke down again and this 1-10 hv AA II component exploited to here]
1-10 Mot AT II 605 (Ger) [began turn at 18A:4919; regular moved one hex to 18A:4818; participated in the Tobruch attack; exploited to here]

19A:0218 [clear terrain road junction hex, SE of Porto Bardiya]:
{one step of attack supply [began turn here; in the C. Phase it was expended in the Tobruch attack]}

Porto Bardiya (19A:0318) [clear terrain unimproved fortress/point city/minor port road terminus coast hex]:
unimproved fortress
5 port damage hit markers
3-6 Inf XX 27 Brs [began turn at 18A:5118; moved to here]

Crete [end of turn]:

Khania (18A:4403) [rough terrain reference city/standard port road terminus coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Erakleion (18A:4903) [rough terrain reference city/standard port coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

On Scarpanto [end of turn]:

Scarpanto (19A:0701) [rough port point city minor port hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

At Rodi [end of turn]:

Rodi (20A:2230) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

20A:2331 [rough terrain coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Med/NA Replacement Pool [end of turn]:
1 x 2-6 Inf XX 60 Sbr
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 10 B
1 x 2-1-8 Lt Tnk III 3
2 x 1-8 Lt Tnk X 1,2
5 x 1-6 Tnk II 1, 3, 5, 6, 21
1 x Para Inf III Tonini
3 x 0-1-6* Inf III 300 GaF, 310 GaF, 320 GaF
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 24 dM
3 x 2-3-6 Art III 10 C, 20 C, 21 C
1 x 1-6 Art III 23 C
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 8 A [Jun I 41 Axis turn reinf; sunk in sea transit to Libya that turn by Allied anti-shipping, per the Naval Table]
1-8 Aslt Eng II 31 G [participated in the Tobruch attack on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase; part of the combat EX loss]
1-6 Hv AA II  AA=1  29 [participated in the Tobruch attack on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase; part of the combat EX loss]
4 x 0 pos flk unit AA=1 [Italian]

Med/NA Aborted Air Units Box:
{G 50  3F3  0/9 [Oct I 41 Axis ARP turn repair; placed at 18A:0403, in Sicily, at step 14 of the I. Phase; on the Sep II 41 Axis turn the unit had been aborted in air combat at the Valletta target hex by the Hurri 2 F type air unit]}
Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12 (Ger LW) [aborted by Tobruch’s flack when flying the GS air mission to the Tobruch target hex on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]
Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) [aborted by Tobruch’s flack when flying the GS air mission to the Tobruch target hex on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]
Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) [aborted by Tobruch’s flack when flying the GS air mission to the Tobruch target hex on the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]

Med/NA Command Eliminated Air Units Box:
G 50  3F3  0/6 [Oct I 41 Axis turn ARP repair; placed at 18A:0403, in Sicily, at step 14 of the I. Phase; early in the M. Phase flew the Escort air mission for an air op flying to the Valletta target hex; engaged in air combat w/ the Br Hurri 2 t type air unit based at Valletta flying the Intercept air mission; Killed in the air combat]

Oct I 41 Axis EOT dispositions: off-map display details

Oct I 41 Axis EOT dispositions: off-map display details

Axis Near East Command

  • On the Jul II 41 Axis turn the Vichy French Levant surrendered to the invading Allies, per the Allied player’s Variable Levant Surrender Table dice roll, done at step 13 of the Axis I. Phase. At the start of the Aug II 41 Axis turn all cities in the Levant were finally Allied-owned; and there were no remaining Axis forces in the Levant or in the Near East. And so at step 12 of the Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase, all land hexes in Syria and Lebanon were declared Allied owned.
  • The Iranians surrendered on the previous Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase. There are still neutral pro-Axis hexes and airbases in Iran, but they are too far from friendly Axis bases to be of any use to the Axis war effort.
  • This Axis turn, At step 2 of the I. Phase, the Axis player did the Fawzi al Qawukji action die roll, per WW Optional Rule 39E4, and came up with a 4: “Fawzi does not change mode and moves randomly during the upcoming movement phase”

In Armistice Syria [end of turn]:

21A:4621 [stony desert hex]:
Guerrilla unit Fawzi (Bandit) [guerrilla-capable bandit unit, in guerrilla mode; began turn here; remains in the hex, as per the two die rolls done for the random movement it could not move, due to its 2MP die roll and the APZOCs of the T-J 1-10 mot cav III adjacent to it; in its combat mode it is a 0-1-8 inf [II] unit]

In pro-Allied neutral Iraq [end of turn]:

  • In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario the pro-Axis Iraqi coup automatically occurs in the Apr I 41 Axis I. Phase.
  • The Iraqi coup collapsed at step 4 of the I. Phase of the May II 41 Axis turn, when the Allied player rolled the dice checking for an Iraqi Coup Collapse, using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table, per WW Rule 38J5. The Iraqi army surrendered and all forces were then removed from the maps. All Iraqi hexes then became Allied-owned, except Mosul, which at that time contained a Ger LW air unit. This Ger LW air unit subsequently evacuated Iraq later in the May II 41 Axis turn. On the following Jun I 41 Allied turn a Br ground unit gained control of the Mosul hex, and thus the Allies had complete control of all hexes in newly pro-Allied Iraq.

21A:4318 [clear terrain hex]:

Guerrilla unit Fawzi (Bandit) [dummy guerrilla-capable unit, in guerrilla mode; began turn at 21A:4519; moved to here per the two die rolls done for the random movement]

Turn Activity

At step 2 of the I. Phase the Axis player does the Fawzi al Qawukji action die roll, per WW Optional Rule 39E4, and comes up with a 4:  “Fawzi does not change mode and moves randomly during the upcoming movement phase.”

Sep I 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Lybia

Sep I 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Lybia

At step 11 of the I. Phase the Allied forces at Tobruch are still isolated and most all the ground units there are at U-4 supply status, except the recently arrived Br Hurri 1 NF type air unit, which becomes Black U-1.  Also, the 2-8 Inf X 14, now becomes black U-3, and the 3-8 Mtn X Karp (Pol), now becomes Black U-2, and the Br  3-8 Inf X 22 G now becomes Black U-4. But all forces in the Tobruch hex are in special general supply due to the gsp’s available there at the supply determination step of the I. Phase. At Malta, 4 of the 5.5 ground unit REs are in special general supply by virtue of the 4 gsp’s at the Valletta hex. The two Br 0-1-8 hv AA IIs (AA = 2) are certainly in special general supply, and the recently arrived Br 5 pos flk unit is only Black U-1. In far away Iran, at Bushier (22A:5101), on the east coast of the Persian Gulf, the Ind 1-8 Inf X 17 unit technically becomes Black U-1 this turn, but is in special general supply via the single gsp at the near-by Iranian minor port hex of at Ganaweh (22A:4802).

At step 14 of the I. Phase the Axis player brings on his turn reinforcements to the mainland Europe off-map holding box.  He also spends one It ARP to repair the aborted G 50  3F3  0/6 air unit, and places it at 18A:0403, at Sicily.  He does no other ARP or RP builds at this time, nor does he transfer any of his RPs in the mainland Europe holding box to 18A on-map ports or airfields at Sicily.

Oct I 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions

Oct I 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions

At step 16 of the I. Phase the Allied player converts the single step of attack supply at Tobruch into 12 new gsp’s, per WW Rule 12C4b.

At step 22 of the I. Phase neither side performs any CAP, Harassment, or Naval Patrol air missions.

At step 24 of the I. Phase the Allied player removes from the map the 12 old gsp’s at Tobruch that were generated there on the earlier Sep I 41 Axis phase from a step of attack supply then at the hex.

The first thing the Axis player does in the M. Phase is send an air op to the Valletta hex (18A:0407), at Malta. It is escorted by the G 50 3F3 0/6 air unit based at 18A:0403, at Sicily. The MC 200 3F4 1/8 and the CR 42AS 3F3 1/8 air units, both also beginning the turn at 18A:0403, fly the fighter on a bombing air mission. The SM 79-1 2B3 1-5/22 air unit based at Licata (18A:0102), in Sicily, also flies in the air op to the Valletta target hex. The Br Hurri 2 5F5 1/9 air unit based at Valletta flies the Intercept air mission at the Valletta target hex and engages the recently repaired G 50 F type air unit in air combat, and this time Kills it; the G 50 air unit rolls a (-). When the Axis sees the Hurri 2 air unit is flying the Intercept air mission, the MC 200 and CR 42AS F type air units flying the bombing air missions jettison their bomb loads, but remain with the small air mission group. After the fighter air combat the Allied player rolls for his flack shot against the SM 79-1 B type air unit on a Malta Status strat bombing air mission, using the 3 column of the the Antiaircraft Fire Table, and comes up with a no effect. But when the Axis player rolls on the Bombing table, using the 5 column, he gets a Hit, which increases the Malta status to 11.  Both sides’ involved air units then rebase at their respective airfields.

Oct I 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Levante and Iraq

Oct I 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Levante and Iraq

In the Movement Phase the Axis player moves all three of his on-map construction units, two Italian and the German Afr cons III, to the Derna (18A:4116) minor port hex.  One It cons III fixes one of the damage hits to the port capacity of Derna, and another spends its 3 remaining MPs towards fixing another damage hit to its port capacity.  The Ger cons III ends its movement at Derna with 1 MP remaining, but the way I play the game, a cons/eng unit cannot add its MPs to the partial construction labor of another cons/eng unit for a particular increment of repair or construction, nor can it begin construction of another increment of repair/construction if a preliminary increment is only partially done.

Basically, the Axis player moves his ground units in the Tobruch zone in preparation for another major assault of the hex, which he figures will be either a straight-up 3 to 2 or a 2 to 1, if he uses again the It 1-8 Asslt Eng II 31 G to gain the critical +1 modifier against the fortress.  In his final M. Phase dispositions in the Tobruch zone he must take into account the possibility of an AR result, or an EX result.  He moves the 3-6 Inf XX 27 Brs into the Porto Bardiya hex (19A:0318) in order to keep the Allied player out of that unimproved fortress the next turn, regardless of what happens in the Tobruch attack.  It might become a “sacrificial lamb” for the protection of the greater bulk of the Afrika Korps, or it might not, all depending on what happens at Tobruch and then what the Allied player does.

The attack on Tobruch this turn is one of those dread tasks imposed by the demands of the world war upon those who do it.  The consequences are almost unimaginable in terms of potential costs to both sides.  But for the Axis to do nothing means either to wait for the Allied player to attack when he is good and ready, or else to meekly execute a strategic retreat, and admit to fearing both the attack on Tobruch and the Crusader offensive of the 8th Army, and this the cardboard Rommel cannot do.  After all, it was his strategy that got the Axis in the predicament it is in.  And a strategic retreat now would come at the worst of times in terms of weather in the E zone notch in Libya, in the rough terrain region of the Cyrenaica.   A weather change there could put the Axis in an awful maneuver bind, if it would not trap those Axis units in the mud weather zone in the Cyrenaica and ultimately cause them to be separated from the rest of the Axis army in Libya remaining in the clear weather F zone, somewhere to the south, or the southwest, in Tripolitania.  And so this turn the Axis side is compelled to do his wild attack against the improved fortress of Tobruch, come what may.

Oct I 41 Axis naval movement phase action details, Central Mediterranean

Oct I 41 Axis naval movement phase action details, Central Mediterranean

The Allied player is not completely without defensive options.  He does in fact have a single Br Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 air unit based at 19A:0918, which is close enough to Tobruch to fly a DAS air mission to it, and there is a Br P-40C  5F5  1/13 air unit there to provide escort.  There is also a Hurri 1  5NF5  1/8 air unit based at Tobruch which could provide escort, or perhaps DAS, also.  In the C. Phase the Allied player sends the Blen 4 B type air unit on the DAS air mission to the Tobruch target hex and utilizes the two previously mentioned F type air units for escort at Tobruch.  The two Allied escort fighter units are unlucky and get aborted, but by a miracle the Blen 4 B type survives the air combat with the Ger LW Me 109 E air unit.  In the DAS air Mission Resolution Step, the Axis player gets a 2 factor flack shot at the Blen 4 B type air unit, per WW Rule 22B1, 4th bullet; but Luck still flies with the British bomber crews and the Axis player rolls high, using the Antiaircraft Fire Table, for a miss.  And after all the single Blen 4 air unit adds its .5 DAS adjusted tac factor to the Tobruch hex’s 20 ground unit defense factors.

The Axis player sends in virtually every available Axis air unit in range of Tobruch with a tac factor good for GS, excepting only the three Axis fighter air units thrown against the Allied DAS air op, comprised of the single Blen 4 B type air unit and escorted by the Hurri 1 and P-40C F type air units.  But still the Blen 4 air unit makes it through the gauntlet of formidable Axis fighters, although the two escorting Allied fighter units are aborted with no corresponding intercepting Axis fighter unit losses.  Meanwhile, three Axis units flying the GS air mission are aborted by Tobruch’s 3 factor flack shot, and one is returned.  Afterwards a raw air unit tac factor total of 18 is tallied, but due to the GS stipulations of WW Rule 20G2b-Ground Support (GS) and WW Optional Rule 20G4-Air Support Limits, this raw tac factor is whittled down to 17.  But then this diminished raw tac total is halved for the improved fortress, per the Fortifications Chart, found on the GE Terrain Effects Chart, and used in WW games.  The final adjusted Axis GS tac factor total is 8.5 factors.

Oct I 41 Axis end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Western Deser

Oct I 41 Axis end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Western Deser

The Axis player attacks Tobruch with a total of 19.5 adjusted non-artillery attack factors and 13 artillery attack factors.  And so 8.5 + 19.5 + 13 = 41.  The Allied player has 20 ground unit defense factors in Tobruch, + .5 DAS tac factors for a total of 20.5, and so the Axis attacks Tobruch at a straight-up 2 to 1 odds, the -1 modifier for the improved fortress being off-set by the +1 for the assault engineer modifier, per WW Rules 14A2&3.  The Axis player rolls the die and it comes up a 4: EX; and so after 4 tries Tobruch has finally fallen to the Axis after a bloody assault.

Axis ground units participating in the Tobruch assault:
1-8 Asslt Eng II 31 G = 1 adjusted RE; attacks w/ 2 adjusted attack factors
1-6 Hv AA II 29 = .5 RE; attacks w/ 1 adjusted attack factor
1-10 Mot AT II (Ger) 605 = .5 RE; attacks w/ .5 adjusted attack factor
2-10 Mot Hv AA III (Ger LW) = 1 RE; attacks w/ 2 adjusted attack factors
3-10 Mot Inf III 115 (Ger) = 1 RE; attacks w/ 1.5 adjusted attack factors
9-10 Pz XX 15 (Ger) = 2 RE; attacks w/ 4.5 adjusted attack factors
9-10 Pz XX 21 (Ger) = 2 RE; attacks w/ 4.5 adjusted attack factors
7-6-8 Arm XX 132 Ar = 2 RE; attacks w/ 3.5 adjusted attack factors.

The above tallies to 10 REs of ground units, w/ an adjusted 1 RE being combat eng capable, and with an adjusted attack factor total of 19.5.

Axis artillery units participating in the Tobruch attack:
3-4-8 Art III 221 (Ger)
3-4-6 Art III 5 A
2-3-8 Art III 16 C
2-3-6 Art III 24 C
1-8 Mot Art III 1 AC
1-8 Mot Art III 2 AC
1-8 Mot Art III 3 AC.

The above tallies to 13 artillery attack factors.

After the combat all the Allied ground units at Tobruch are eliminated and are placed in the Middle East Command Replacement Pool.  The Allied player receives no special replacements for these eliminated ground units, as they were isolated in a single hex.

Per the Exchange result, the Axis player is required to eliminate 18 printed attack factors of Axis units actually participating in the attack, which is equal to the printed attack factors of the eliminated Allied ground units at Tobruch.  He cadres the 9-10 Pz XX 21, he cadres the 7-6-8 Arm XX 132 Ar, he must eliminate the 1-8 Asslt Eng II 31 G, and lastly he eliminates the Italian 1-6 Hv AA II 29.  The two Axis c/m cadres advance into Tobruch after combat.

The Axis player receives 1.25 Ger sp inf RPs and 1.2 It sp inf RPs for his unisolated combat losses, which are required to be stored at their Tripoli standard supply terminal, per WW Optional Rule 40B4-Special Replacements.


The fall of Tobruch brings up several issues regarding Europa in WW games.  First, it appears to me right now that it’s likely that in about half the WW ME/ER-II games Tobruch will eventually fall to the Axis in 1941, if he persists in the straight-up 2 to 1 attacks, as has been the case here, in the EA game reports. This is when the Axis player uses the Italian 1-8 Asslt Eng II 31 G for the +1 modifier, as then he needs not fear in any event the AH or AE result.

Another issue of Europa wargame strategy focuses strictly on this game alone, as it might be that had the Allied player another forward airfield available (eg., a second one, the first one being already present at 19A:0918) in west-central Egypt on the Oct I 41 Axis turn, at perhaps 19A:0919, and with at least one other Blen 4 B type air unit and the other SAAF P-40C F type air unit based there, he might have been able to have just enough DAS present at the Tobruch hex to make the attack a 3 to 2.  The Allied player could also have attempted to air transfer more Hurri 1 air units into Tobruch on his previous Oct I 41 turn.  But the construction of this additional airfield implies a further difficult increase of strategic efficiency based on foresight.  The utilization of several Blen 4 B types on the DAS air mission, along with the two P-40C F types for escort, and also attempting one or two Hurri 1 air unit transfers to Tobruch on the prior turn in the face of available Axis fighter units in intercept range presents a dicey series of air combat rolls of unknown results.  And even then, assuming many or all these second thought “what ifs” go right for the Allied side, the Axis player can still roll a DR at a 3 to 2, completely eliminating the Allied side without any Axis losses, which would be a stunning Axis victory.  

In this turn’s EA commentary for our truncated and customized WW ME Campaign Scenario, we will not take into account the patent Allied hazards in the Iraq, Levant, or Crete campaigns, which are separate issues from what took place here this turn in the Western Desert.  These other peripheral campaigns are themselves fraught with frustrations, roadblocks, disappointments, delays, dilemmas, and defeats for the Allied side, and full of opportunities, victories, and stunning battle coup potentialities for a crafty Axis desert fox, with little or no risks at all to his Afrika Korps main force busy in the Western Desert fiddling with Tobruch and the 8th Army in Egypt.  But in 1941 that seems to be the name of the game in the Middle East–known here as “Wavell’s War”.


Oct I 41 Allied Turn

End of Turn dispositions

Malta [{beginning of turn}/end of turn]:

  • Malta Status: 10, end of turn [at turn’s start 12, – 2 repairs this turn, at step 19 of the I. Phase = 10]
  • Malta Repair Rate: beginning on the Jul I 41 turn, 2 repair points each I turn and 1 repair point each II turn, per the WitD Allied OB booklet.
  • At the start of the Allied turn there were 4 gsp’s present in the Valletta hex. However, there are 5 REs of ground units on Malta, so the Allied player designates the 0-4 Cons X MC as the 1 RE unit that is definitely Red U-2, and makes the rest of the ground units at Malta technically U-2, but in special general supply by tracing to the available gsp’s at Valletta. Malta’s intrinsic flack is not affected by supply, as in the EA game reports for the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario we are not using WW Optional Rule 12E4-Intrinsic AA and General Supply Effects.

Valletta (18A:0407) [rough terrain point city major port hex, w/ a strong natural harbor]:
3-cap permanent airfield; one hit of damage

  • Valletta hex flack factor: 7 (3 intrinsic, + a total of 4 for the two Br 0-1-8 hv AA II units now in special general supply)

3-6* Inf X 1 M [technically Red U-2]
3-6* Inf X 3 M [technically Red U-2]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  10 [technically Red U-2]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  4 [technically Red U-2]
0-4 Cons X MC [definitely Red U-2]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; sea transported to here from Gibraltar in a turn reinf NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; disembarked at Valletta and remained in the hex, as it had no MPs left after its long voyage]
Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
4 gsp’s [sea transported to here from Gibraltar in a W Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase of the current Allied turn]
{4 gsp’s [sea transported from Alexandria in an E Med NTP in the naval movement step of the Sep II 41 Allied M. Phase; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current Allied I. Phase]}

18A:0307 [rough terrain hex, NW of Valletta]:

  • This hex currently has an intrinsic flack factor of 2, per the WW Intrinsic Light AA Summary, found on Game Play Chart 2–Air War.

2-6* Inf X 2 M [began turn at the adjacent Valletta hex (18A:0407); technically Red U-2; moved to here]

Oct I 41 Allied end of the M. Phase/ EOT dispositions in Lybia

Oct I 41 Allied end of the M. Phase/ EOT dispositions in Lybia

In Libya [end of turn]:

Tobruch (18A:4817) [clear terrain fortress point city standard port road junction hex, w/ a strong natural harbor]:

  • Improved fortress; construction of the improved fortress was completed in the May II 41 Allied I. Phase.
  • Per the WW Airbase Summary, improved fortresses have a permanent airfield capacity of 1.

3-cap temporary airfield
one hit of airfield damage [at the start of the turn the Tobruch hex had three hits of airfield damage, but 2 hits of damage were repaired by the 0-1-4 cons X expending 4 MPs in the M. Phase]
0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) [began turn here; never moved; technically Red U-4; spent 4 MPs in the hex repairing two hits of airfield damage]
3-8* Mtn X Karp (Pol) [began turn here; never moved; technically Black U-1]
7-8 Inf XX 50 Nth [began turn here; never moved; technically Red U-4]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  51 [began turn here; never moved; technically Red U-4]
3-8 Inf X 22 G [began turn here; never moved; technically Black U-3]
2-8 Inf X 14 [began turn here; never moved; technically Black U-2]
3-8 Art X 13 [began turn here; never moved; technically Red U-4]
Hurri 1  5NF5  1/8 [inop.; began turn at Alexandria; late in the M. Phase it air transferred to here, at night]
12 gsp’s [generated at step 16 of the Sep II 41 Axis I. Phase from a step of attack supply present in the Tobruch hex; these provide special general supply this turn and in the following Oct I 41 Axis turn; they will be removed from the maps at step 24 of the Oct I 41 Axis I. Phase, after the step 11 supply determination step]
one step of attack supply [turn reinf; successfully sea transported into Tobruch in the naval movement step of the M. Phase of the current Allied turn, in 3 turn reinf NTPs]

Oct I 41 Allied end of the M. Phase/EOT dispositions in the Western Desert

Oct I 41 Allied end of the M. Phase/EOT dispositions in the Western Desert

In Egypt [{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

19A:0818 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
6-4-6 Arm X 32 T [began turn here; never moved]
1-10 Recon II 6 (SA) [began turn here; never moved]
1-10 Recon II 4 (SA) [turn reinf; disembarked at Alexandria and railed to 19A:0919, then moved one hex to here; remained in the hex]
3-8 Art X 10 [began turn here; never moved]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began turn here; never moved]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began turn here; never moved]

19A:0819 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
7-6-10* Arm XX 2 [assembled from its component parts at the end of the M. Phase]

  • 3-2-10 Arm X 7 [began turn here; never moved; assembled into the 7-6-10* Arm XX 2 at the end of the M. Phase]
  • 3-2-10 Arm X 22 [turn reinf; disembarked at Alexandria and railed to 19A:0919, then moved one hex to here; assembled into the 7-6-10* Arm XX 2 at the end of the M. Phase]
  • 1-10* Mot SG X  AA=1  2 [began turn here, in the M. Phase it moved westwards along the Egyptian coast road, capturing for the Allies in all the Egyptian coast road hexes previously owned by the Axis, up to and including 19A:0519 and Sidi Barrani (19A:0718), and then it double backed and returned to here; assembled into the 7-6-10* Arm XX 2 at the end of the M. Phase]

2-1-10* Lt Arm X 9 [began turn here; never moved]
1-10* Mot Inf X 3 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

19A:0920 [clear terrain hex]:
6-4-6 Arm X 1 T [began turn at 19A:0819; regular moved to here; remained in the hex]
1-2-10* Mot SG X  AA=1  7 [began turn at 19A:0819; regular moved to here; remained in the hex]
1-8 Art II 1 (Aus) [began turn here; never moved]
1-8 AT II 65 [began turn here; never moved]
1-10 Recon II 1 DG [began turn at 19A:0818; regular moved to here; remained in the hex]

19A:0919 [clear terrain hex; containing the Tobruch-Matruh railway line completed in the M. Phase of this turn]:
railhead marker

  • The Matruh-Tobruch railhead marker was not advanced this turn, as a cons/eng unit was not in place for its construction.  The last time the railhead marker advanced was into this hex, in the Sep II 41 Allied M. Phase, from 19A:1019.

2-8* Inf X 151 [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 16 (Aus) [unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; the inf XX began the turn at 19A:1018 and broke down into its unsupported component parts at the beginning of the M. Phase; this component part regular moved one hex to here]
one step of attack supply [began turn at 19A:0819; in the M. Phase it spent 3 SMPs to move one hex to here]
7 gsp’s [4 gsp’s were railed to here from Alexandria and 3 gsp’s were railed to here from Suez]

19A:0918 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield [completed on the Sep II 41 Allied turn]
2-8* Inf X 150 [began turn here; never moved]
1-2-8 Eng X 8 [turn reinf; sea transported to Alexandria in a turn reinf NTP and disembarked; railed to 19A:0919 and then moved one hex to here]
Hurri 1 5F5  1/8 (SAAF) [operative; began turn here; never moved]
P-40C  5F5  1/13 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [inop; began turn here inoperative; flew the Harassment air mission on the Sep II 41 Axis turn]

19A:1018 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
{7-8 Inf XX 6 (Aus) [began turn here; at the beginning of the M. Phase it broke down into its unsupported component parts]}
8 Inf XX HQ 6 (Aus) [unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; the inf XX began the turn here and broke down at the beginning of the M. Phase; this component part remained in the hex]
2-8 Inf X 17 (Aus) [unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; the inf XX began the turn here broke down at the beginning of the M. Phase; this component part remained in the hex]
2-8 Inf X 19 (Aus) [unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; the inf XX began the turn here and broke down at the beginning of the M. Phase; this component part remained in the hex]

19A:1119 [clear terrain major rail line (Matruh to Tobruch railway) hex, SW of Matruh]:
7-8 Inf XX 2 (SA) [began turn here; never moved]

Matruh (19A:1218) [clear terrain point city/minor port road-major rail line junction coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
fort marker
2-8* Inf X 26 (Aus) [began turn here; never moved]
1-8 MG II 1 RNF [began turn at 19A:0919; regular moved to here]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  68 [began turn here; never moved]
0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME [began turn at 19A:0920; regular moved to here]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
P-40C  5F5  1/13 (SAAF) [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 (RAAF) [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 [inop.; began turn here; in the naval movement step of the M. Phase it flew the CAP air mission over the all-sea hex at 19A:0717, N of Sidi Barrani; returned to base here at the end of the naval movement step]

19A:1319 [major rail line coast hex, SE of Matruh]:
3-cap temporary airfield
2-8* Inf X 20 (Aus) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; never moved]
2-8* Inf X 24 (Aus) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; never moved]
0-8 Hv AA II  AA=1  2 (Aus) [began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 [operative; turn ARP repair; placed at Alexandria at step 14 of the I. Phase; late in the M. Phase it air transferred to here]
A-22  3A3  2-1/19 (SAAF) [inop.; began turn here inoperative; flew the Harassment air mission on the Sep II 41 Axis turn]
Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [inop.; began turn here inoperative; flew the Harassment air mission on the Sep II 41 Axis turn]

19A:1418 [clear terrain major rail coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  57 [began turn here; never moved]
A-22  3A3  2-1/19 [inop.; began the turn at 19A;1319; late in the M. Phase it air transferred to here]
Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; late in the M. Phase it flew a night Port strat Bombing air mission to the Derna hex, in Libya, Miss; rebased here]
Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; late in the M. Phase it flew a night Port strat Bombing air mission to the Derna hex, in Libya, Miss; rebased here]

19A:1419 [clear terrain hex]:
8 Inf XX HQ 2 (NZ) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 6 (NZ) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 4 (NZ) [began turn here; never moved]

19A:1520 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 7 (Ind) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); never moved]
2-8* Inf X 6 (SA) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); never moved]

19A:1521 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 5 (Ind) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); never moved]
2-8* Inf X 3 (SA) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); never moved]

19A:1621 [clear terrain hex, adjacent to Qattara Depression]:
2-8* Inf X 11 (Ind) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); never moved]
2-8* Inf X 1 (SA) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); never moved]

El Alamein (19A:2119/20A:5033) [clear terrain point city major rail coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield
fort marker [completed in the Jul II 41 Allied I. Phase]

Alexandria (20A:4930/19A:2416) [full city hex/major port major rail line coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
3-cap permanent airfield
2-8* Inf X 161 [began turn here; supported breakdown of the Br 7-8* Inf XX 6;]
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  27 [British; began turn here; never moved]
Glad  3F3  0/8 [inop.; began turn at Ismailia (20A:3516); late in the M. Phase it air transferred to here]
Bombay  1T2  1-2/15 [operative; began turn here; late in the E. Phase of the Sep II 41 Axis turn it did a non-phasing air transfer to here from Nicosia, on Cyprus; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
two steps of attack supply [turn reinfs; both disembarked at Suez in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; both railed to here]

Cairo (19A:3219) [full city hex transportation line junction hex, NW of the Cairo partial city hex]:
0-1-6 RR Eng X MEF (Emp) [began turn here; Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit; never moved]

  • This unit can’t move from here w/out violating the Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit provision, unless another 1 RE eng/cons unit takes its place.

Cairo (19A:3320) [clear terrain partial city hex, SE of the Cairo full city hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Ismailia (20A:3516) [sand reference city/standard port/Suez Canal transportation line junction hex]:
1-8 Cav X 6 [began turn here; never moved]

Suez (19A:3718) [clear terrain reference city/major port transportation line nexus coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
1-8 Cav X 5 [began turn here; never moved]

El Arish (19A:4012) [sand major rail line coast hex, in the Sinai, in Egypt]:
2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:0918; moved one hex to 19A:0919, where it entrained, and railed to here]

Oct I 41 Allied end of the M. Phase/EOT dispositons, Egypt and the Levante

Oct I 41 Allied end of the M. Phase/EOT dispositons, Egypt and the Levante

In Palestine [end of turn]:

  • Per WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons, the Palestine garrison requirement is 3 REs of Garrison-category units. The Allied garrisons are determined at step 17 of the Allied I. Phase. However, per WW Rule 37E4, Forming units in the ME Replacement Pool count at their regular RE size for the Palestine Garrison requirement, as do also ME Replacement Pool units, but they count at 1/3 their regular RE size. In addition to the 1.5 Garrison-capable REs present on-map in Palestine, the Allied player is counting some of the 3.5 Garrison-capable REs in the Forming Box of the Middle East Command Replacement Pool. See below, in the Middle East Replacement Pool section, for further details.

Haifa (20A:4710) [clear terrain dot city/major port transportation line junction coast hex]:

  • Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.

3-8* Inf X 1 FL (FF) [began turn here; never moved]

20A:4810 [clear terrain major rail line hex]:
0-1-6 Cons X 61 RPC (Col) [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218), in Egypt; railed to here]

20A:4911 [clear terrain major rail line hex]:
0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col) [began turn at 19A:0919; railed to here]

Tel Aviv (19A:4308 [clear terrain dot city/minor port major rail line junction coast hex]:
2-8 Inf X 29 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Allied Units in Armistice Lebanon & Syria [end of turn]:

  • Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements for the Vichy French Levant, and has been since the beginning of the Allied invasion of the the Levant on the Jun I 41 Allied turn.

Beyrouth (20A:4207) [rough terrain dot city/standard port transportation line junction coast hex]:
2-8* Inf X 25 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

Tripoli (20A:4005) [rough terrain reference city/minor port transportation line coast hex]:

  • Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.

2-8* Inf X 18 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

Lattique (20A:3405) [clear terrain reference city/minor port road terminus coast hex]
2-8* Inf X 21 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

Homs (20A:3902) [clear terrain reference city transportation line junction hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase

Hama (20A:3702) [clear terrain reference city major rail line hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase

Alep (21A:3231) [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:

21A:4220 [clear terrain hex]:
1-10 Mot Cav III AL (T-J) [Arab Legion; began turn at 21:4721, in Iraq; regular moved to 21A:4219, in Syria; exploited one hex to here]

  • This is a provisional new unit introduced in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario on the May I 41 Allied turn. For more details, see that posted EA game report.

On Cyprus [end of turn]:

Limassol (20A:3615) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Famagusta (20A:3411) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Nicosia (20A:3414) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
1-8 MG II 2 Ch [began turn here; Black U-1; never moved]
1-8 Inf II 11 (CS) [began turn here; Black U-1; never moved]

Larnaca (20A:3513) [clear terrain point city/minor port road hex]:
one gsp [generated at Suez at step 14 of the I. Phase of the current Allied turn; sea transported to here in the naval movement step of the Allied M. Phase in an E Med NTP]

Non Phasing Axis Air Activity in the Allied Exploitation Phase:
Late in the M. Phase the It  Ca 311  2B2  1/L/14 air unit based at 18A:0603, at Sicily, air transferred to 18A:3617, in Libya.

Middle East Command Replacement Pool [{beginning of turn}/end of turn]:
3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) [moved to here from Balkan Command Replacement Pool]
3-2-10 Arm X 4 [in the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario this unit is at-start in the ME Replacement Pool, per F. Watson’s ER-II Europa battle scenario, published in TEM#71]
3-2-10 Arm X 1 [moved to here from Balkan Command Replacement Pool; this is the original pre-conversion unit of the one sent to Greece]

Aborted Air Units Box:

{Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 [turn ARP repair; placed at Alexandria at step 14 of the I. Phase; in the prior Sep II Axis turn it was aborted in air combat over the Tobruch target hex]}
Eliminated Air Units Box:

Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [in the Jun I 41 Allied C. Phase it participated in the first Allied attack in the Vichy French Levant, flying the GS air mission at 20A:4607; it was Killed in air combat there by the bypassing Vichy Fr D 520 F type air unit, flying the Interception air mission to the target hex]

Forming Box:

3-8* Mtn X 1 (Gk) [counted as part of the Palestine Garrison]
0-1-8 Inf II Gd (Yugo) [counted as part of the Palestine Garrison]
2-8* Inf X 2 FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the Apr II 42 Allied turn; this turn it counted as part of the Levant Garrison]
1-2-6 Inf X 3FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the May II 42 Allied turn]

Oct I 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase disposiitons, Iraq and Iran

Oct I 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase disposiitons, Iraq and Iran

The Allied Near East (NE) Command on the Oct I 41 Allied turn:

  • Iraqi coup collapse occurred in the May II 41 Axis I. Phase, per the dice roll done then using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table. At that time all Iraqi forces/production were removed from the map and the Iraq Replacement Pool. By the end of the I. Phase all Iraqi territory was Allied owned; except in our case the Mosul hex, which at the time contained the Axis Conditional Reinforcement Ger LW Mxd A type air unit. Seeing that the Iraqi coup had indeed collapsed, the Axis Conditional Reinforcement promptly air transferred out of the Mosul hex later in the May II 41 Axis turn, and Mosul was captured by the Allies in the following Jun I 41 Allied turn.
  • The current Allied Iraqi railnet-cap is 3 1/2.
  • At step 14 of the Sep II 41 Allied I. Phase the Allied player transferred back to the Middle East Command the 10 SMPs that had been transferred to the Near East Command on the Aug I 41 Allied turn, per WW Rule 12H2b. They cannot be used in the ME Command until the following Oct I 41 Allied turn.
  • At step 4 the Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase Iran surrendered to the Allies, per the Iranian Surrender Table. All Iranian forces surrendered to the Allies and were removed from the map.

In pro-Allied Iraq [end of turn]:

  • Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements this turn, for Iraq. This would be per the horizontal line reading: “EJIS [Jul II 41] – Sep I 41”. For a more detailed discussion of the Iraq garrison, see the Jul I 41 Allied game report.

21A:4921 [stony desert pump station road hex]:
2-8 Inf X 10 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Rutbah (21A:5023) [stony desert point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
2-8 Inf X 9 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
Audax  1A1  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

Ramadi (22A:2830) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
1-8 Inf X 20 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Habbaniya (22A:2828) [clear terrain point city road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 1 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

Baghdad 22A:2825 [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:
one hit marker on the airbase
8* Inf XX HQ 10 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 25 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Shaibah (22A:4314) [clear terrain secondary rail line hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 2 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

Basra (22A:4313) [clear terrain dot city/major port, w/ a major river hexside]:
Allied Supply Terminal marker
8 Inf XX HQ 5 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 19 (Ind) [began turn here; formerly an unsupported component of the 6-8* Inf XX 8 (Ind); never moved]
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  1 [turn reinf; British; disembarked here from a turn reinf NTP and remained in the hex]
1-pt river flotilla AA=1 PAIC (RN) [began turn here; never moved]
2 steps of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
3 gsp’s [generated here at step 16 of the I. Phase of the current Allied turn; the 4th gsp generated in the I. Phase at Basra was later sea transported in the naval movement step of the M. Phase to Ganaweh (22A:4802), in Iran, on the east coast of the Persian Gulf, in an E Med NTP]

In Iran [end of turn]:

Karaj (32:1413) [clear terrain point city major rail line/road junction hex]:
2-8 Inf X 24 (Ind) [began turn at 32:1419; regular moved to here along the transportation lines; on the way it captured reference city Kasun (32:1217) for the Allies]

22A:2807 [rough terrain major rail line hex]:
2-8 Inf X 21 (Ind) [began turn at Burujird (32:2420); regular moved to here; on the way it captured point city Kharramabad (22A:2711) for the Allies]

32:1710 [clear terrain major rail line hex]:
2-1-10* Lt Arm X 252 (Ind) [began turn at 32:1505; regular moved 6 hexes along the secondary rail line to point city Damghan (32:1101), at the edge of map 32, and then double backed along the secondary rail line to 32:1402, ending the M. Phase there; on the way it captured reference city Samnan for the Allies; in the E. Phase it exploited along the transportation lines to here]

Ahwaz (22A:3810) [clear terrain reference city major rail line-road junction hex]:
8* Inf XX HQ 8 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Bandar Shahpur (22A:4407) [clear terrain point city/standard port major rail line terminus island hex, w/ a causeway to the mainland]:
2-8 Inf X 18 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Ganaweh (22A:4802) [clear terrain point city/minor port coast hex]:
one gsp [began turn at step 16 of the I. Phase at Basra, when it was generated along w/ three other gsp’s; this one was sea transported to here in the naval movement step of the M. Phase, in an E. Med NTP]

Bushier (22A:5101) [clear terrain point city/minor port road terminus hex]:
1-8 Inf X 17 (Ind) [began turn at Ganaweh (22A:4802), on the Iranian Persian Gulf coastline; Black U-1; regular moved to here, capturing the point city for the Allies]

Turn Activity

The weather die roll was a 1 this turn, and so it is clear in the E, D, and C weather zones. Part of the C weather zone is visible in northern Iran on map 32, as is also part of D weather zone, but on map 32 both these weather zones are in the Soviet occupation zone and therefore are not a factor in the new Scenario. On the WD map group of 18A and 19A, (and 20A) the rough terrain notch of the Cyrenaica is in weather zone E, as is part of the coastal littoral of Palestine, and all of the coastline of Lebanon and NW Syria. In addition to these North African and West Asian mainland areas that are indicated on the WD map group, a number of Mediterranean islands are also in weather zone E, namely: Cyprus, Crete, the Dodecanese, Sicily, and Malta. On the Oct I 41 game turn the weather is automatically clear in weather zones E and F (eg., the F weather zone prevailing in the Western Desert and Mesopotamian regions).

Oct I 41 Allied end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Iran and Iraq.

Oct I 41 Allied end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Iran and Iraq.

At step 11 of the I. Phase the Allied ground and air units at the isolated Tobruch hex that began the turn at technically Red or Black U-4 essentially remain at this U-4 status, as per WW Optional Rule 12E, U-4 is in effect the most severe supply status for a unit. All ground units and the two air units beginning the turn at Tobruch are in special general supply at step 11 of the I. Phase due to the 12 gsp’s in the hex. These twelve gsp’s were generated from a step of attack supply present in the hex on the Sep II 41 Axis I. Phase. They will be removed from the maps at step 24 of the Oct I 41 Axis I. Phase, after the supply determination step for that turn. At Malta, at the supply determination step of the I. Phase, 4 of the 5 REs of Allied ground units are declared technically Red U-2, but in special general supply via the 4 gsp’s which were sea transported to Valletta in the previous Sep II 41 Allied turn.  The Br 0-4 Cons X MC at the Valletta hex, on Malta, is the ground unit designated as being definitely Red U-2.

At step 14 of the I. Phase the Allied player spends one ARP to repair the Br Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 air unit in the Aborted Air Units Box of the Middle East Replacement Pool and places it at Alexandria. He does no other RP or ARP builds. He could rebuild the Br Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 air unit in the Eliminated Air Units Box of the Middle East Command, but wants to wait another turn before doing this, in case more valuable Allied air units are aborted or eliminated in the meantime, which he thinks might happen, under the circumstances.

At step 16 of the I. Phase the Allied player generates 4 new gsp’s at the Suez, Alexandria, and Basra (in Iraq) Allied Standard Supply terminals.

At step 22 of the I. Phase the Axis player flies the Ger LW Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/9 air unit based at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, on the Harassment air mission to hex 18A:5020. From the same 3-cap temporary airfield adjacent to Tobruch the Axis player assigns to the Naval Patrol air mission the It SM 79-2  2B3  3-2/V/20 air unit. The Ger LW Ju 87B D type air unit based at the 3-cap temporary airfield at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch, is also assigned to the Naval Patrol air mission.  The two CR 42  3F3  0/9 air units based at 18A:3617, in Libya, both fly a CAP air mission.  One flies the CAP air mission over the Bengasi hex, at 18A:3121; the other flies the CAP air mission over the Derna hex, at 18A:4116.

At step 24 of the I. Phase the Allied player removes from the maps the old 4 gsp’s at the Valletta hex, on Malta. The gsp’s at Malta were generated on the previous Sep II 41 Allied I. Phase.

In the naval movement step of the M. Phase the Allied player does a series of naval transport activities in the East and Central Mediterranean sea zones. This turn he will very likely be compelled to attempt to sea transport to Tobruch one of his turn reinforcement steps of attack supply. The subsequent naval actions done this turn are listed below in sequential order.  This turn, after the step 14 of the I. Phase replacement of some of his eliminated NTP assets, the Allied player has 8 E Med NTPs and also his single W Med NTP available for his sea transport requirements.

Oct I 41 Allied end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Levante

Oct I 41 Allied end of the Initial Phase dispositions, Levante

The first naval transport of the Allied naval movement step are 4 fresh gsp’s generated this turn at off-map Gibraltar and embarked on the Allied player’s single available W Med NTP. In this same naval group from Gibraltar is a turn reinf NTP carrying the turn reinf Br 5 pos flk unit, which the Allied player wants to get to Malta, and so he opts to bring this cargo naval group on-map from Gibraltar, per the WW Rule 40A3 Special #3 proviso.  The cargo naval group enters the west edge of map 18A at all-sea hex 0107, and both NTPs survive the Naval Table dice rolls for Axis anti-shipping effects in the Cent Med sea zone, and so they continue their voyage to the port of Valletta, at Malta, where the 4 gsp’s and the 5 pos flk unit finally disembark.

Now, taking out and scrutinizing the Torch map group of maps 24A and 25A, which would be the western parts of the vast map group comprising a WW War in the Desert (WitD) Campaign Scenario, which encompasses both Gibraltar and Malta on the war game maps, we see that there is an 84 naval movement point count through 82 all-sea hexes from Gibraltar to Valletta (18A:0407) inclusive [82 n.m. points for the all-sea hexes, +2 n. m. points for the island coast hex, = 84], assuming the Allied naval group enters WD map group map 18A at the west edge all-sea hex 0107, which is one of the closest west edge hexes to Malta.  Adding the 30 naval MPs for its embarkation and the 30 MPs for its disembarkation to the 84 naval movement point count for the voyage of the 5 pos flk unit, we see that per the WW Naval Transportation Costs Summary, found on Game Play Chart 3–Naval War, it has no ground MPs left for the ground movement step of the M. Phase.

Oct I 41 Allied naval movement phase action details: The Malta convoy, CEntral Mediterranean

Oct I 41 Allied naval movement phase action details: The Malta convoy, CEntral Mediterranean

At this time the Allied player sends the Br Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 air unit based at Matruh (19A:1218) on the CAP air mission to all-sea hex 19A:0717, north of Sidi Barrani, certainly in preparation of a big convoy to Tobruch.

After this the Allied player sends one of the turn reinf steps of attack supply towards Tobruch, which begins the turn at step 14 of the I. Phase embarked on 3 turn reinforcement NTPs at all-sea hex 19A:5126, at the SE edge of the map in the Red Sea.  After entering the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal this naval group continues on a westwardly course, mostly along the Egyptian coastline.  At Egyptian coast hex 19A:0918 it veers NW to all-sea hex 19A;0817, thereby avoiding the Axis-held Sidi Barrani coastal hex, and ultimately preparing to enter all-sea hex 19A:0717, the last daylight hex before the final all night leg of the voyage to Tobruch.  But as has been his habit at this stage of the game, the Axis player declines to engage in a major aero-naval battle at the all-sea target hex 19A:0717, evidently saving his assigned Naval Patrol air units for just the Allied naval groups voyaging from Egypt to Malta.  The cargo naval group continues its westward voyage, and upon entering the Cent Med sea zone at 18A:5117 rolls good on the Naval Table, thereby evading the Axis anti-shipping forces, and finally enters the safety of the Tobruch harbor.

Then the Allied player brings in his turn reinforcement ground units, per the WitD Allied OB booklet, and all his turn reinforcement Replacement Point (RP) production, all embarked in turn reinforcement NTPs, and sends the whole lot in a large cargo naval group to the Alexandria hex, where they disembark.  However, due to port capacity considerations, he sea transports the two remaining turn reinforcement steps of attack supply to Suez, where they disembark. Then an E Med NTP embarks 1 gsp generated at Suez earlier in the I. Phase and transports it to the port of Larnaca (20A:3513), in Cyprus, where it is disembarked.  Finally, in the far away Persian Gulf, on map 22A, an E Med NTP embarks one of the gsp’s generated in the I. Phase at Basra, in Iraq, and transports it to the Iranian port of Ganaweh (22A:4802) on the east coast of the Persian Gulf, where it disembarks.

At the very end of the naval movement step the Allied player rebases the Br Hurri 1 F type air unit flying the CAP air mission over the all-sea hex at 19A:0717 at Matruh.

Oct I 41 Allied naval movement step of the Movement Phase action details, Western Desert

Oct I 41 Allied naval movement step of the Movement Phase action details, Western Desert

In the M. Phase the Allied player rails two of the Col 0-1-4 Cons Xs and the Aus 2-8 Eng X 1 in the Egyptian Western Desert towards the Levant, intending to have them in Lebanon by the end of the upcoming Allied Oct II 41 turn.  That way they can be in place there at step 17 of the I. Phase of the Nov I 41 Allied turn, when required Garrison compliances are checked, and thereby enable the Allies to presumably then finally be in compliance with the Haifa-Tripoli RR garrison requirement as indicated on the Allied Garrisons chart, found on WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons.  If three 1RE cons/eng units are in Lebanon at the beginning of the Nov I 41 turn, and remain there until the end of a WW Middle East Campaign Scenario game, which ends at the competition of the Jan II 43 game turn, then the Haifa-Tripoli RR should be finished, and this act of competition presumably fulfills the WW Allied garrison requirement.  The 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario is based on the WW Middle East Campaign Scenario.

With the arrival of the 3-2-10 Arm X 22 turn reinf, the Allied player is finally able to assemble a British armored XX again, which he has been unable to do since the costly Sep I 41 Allied turn 6-4-6 Arm X 32T conversion, which left him with only one 3-2-10 arm X on the maps.  However, in our case, he elects not to assemble this turn the probably preferred and much more used 7-10* Arm XX 7, but rather he assembles the weaker and probably much less used 7-6-10* Arm XX 2, in order to keep on-map the broken down Br 1-2-10* Mot SG X 7 unit, which he feels he needs at another hex in the desert front line shield in west-central Egypt.

Oct I 41 Allied end of the Initial Phase disposiitons, Western Desert

Oct I 41 Allied end of the Initial Phase disposiitons, Western Desert

Turn rail movement inventory on the Middle East railnet:

  • 2 REs = the 3-2-10 Arm X 22 turn reinf; disembarked at Alexandria and entrained there
  • 1 RE = the 1-2-8 Eng X 8 turn reinf; disembarked at Alexandria and entrained there
  • 1 RE = the 1-10 Recon II 4 (SA) turn reinf; disembarked at Alexandria and entrained there
  • 1 RE = the 0-1-4 Cons X 61 RPC (Col); began the turn at Matruh, where it entrained
  • 1 RE = the 2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus); began the turn at 19A:0918; moved one hex to major rail line hex 19A:0919, where it entrained
  • 1 RE =the 0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPS (Col); began the turn at 19A:0919, where it entrained
  • 6 REs = the two turn reinf steps of attack supply that disembarked at Suez, where they both entrained
  • 1 RE = 4 gsp’s, which were generated at Alexandria at step 16 of the I. Phase, where they entrained
  • .75 REs = 3 gsp’s, which were generated at Suez at step 16 of the I; Phase, where they entrained.

Allied Middle East rail net railcap: 16, per ER-II Allied OB Initial Forces, Mar II 41 Axis turn.

Allied Middle East (ME) Command and Near East (NE) Command SMP Recap/Update:

The Allies began the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario with 25 SMPs, per F. Watson’s ER-II Europa battle scenario Mar II 41 Allied at-start OB.  On the Aug I 41 Allied turn, 10 ME Command SMPs were transferred to the  Allied NE Command.  These same 10 SMPs were subsequently  transferred back to the ME Command on the Sep II 41 Allied turn, and were available for use this turn in the ME Command.  Then this turn, per the WitD Allied OB booklet, 10 additional SMPs Arrived in the ME Command from East Africa.  So, by the M. Phase of the current Oct I 41 Allied turn the Allied player has a total of 35 SMPs available for use in the ME Command.  In the NE Command the Allied player currently has 10 SMPs available for use.  5 SMPs Arrived there on the Coup Turn 3/May I 41 Allied turn, in this particular game, per the WitD Allied OB booklet, under the Allied Conditional Reinforcements Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces listings, on p. 5; and 5 more SMPs Arrived there on the Aug I 41 Allied turn, per the WitD Allied OB booklet.

At the beginning of the Allied turn the Allies had the following Replacement Point (RP)/ARP inventory in his ME Command: 11.5 Br inf, 2.5 Br arm, 1.5 Aus inf, 2.5 NZ inf, 3 Ind inf, and 5 Allied ARPs, all of which were stored in Alexandria.  At step 14 of the I. Phase one ARP stored at Alexandria is expended to repair the Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 air unit.  At that time it was removed from the Aborted Air Units Box of the Middle East Command Replacement Pool and placed at the Alexandria hex, in Egypt.

This turn the Allied player receives a number of production RPs as Middle East Command Arriving Reinforcements.  By the end of the naval movement step of the M. Phase the Allied player has the following new inventory of Middle East Command RPs/ARPs stored at the Alexandria hex:  13.5 Br inf, 3.5 Br arm, 2.5 Aus inf, 3 NZ inf, 4 Ind inf, and 4 Allied ARPs.


The Allied player is getting very close to being ready to launch a Western Dessert offensive.  Next turn he can build with Br arm Replacement Points another 3-2-10 arm X, which would strengthen his attack clout.  He presently has 5 steps of attack supply in Egypt, although he will likely attempt to sea transport one of them to Tobruch his next turn.  He can take no more from his Near East Command, as the Iraq/Iran Garrison requirement calls for two steps of attack supply to be present there, which is what he presently has, and per the WitD Allied OB booklet there are no more reinforcement steps of attack supply in store for the NE Command.

At the end of the Allied turn the big question is what will the Axis do next turn, which likely means:  Will they attack Tobruch, or not?  Right now the Allied player feels he could use another forward airfield at maybe 19A:0919, where the railhead marker is, and mulls whether he should have let the Aus 2-8 Eng X 1 unit build even a small 1-cap temporary airfield there, and then rail away towards Lebanon.

In any event, until the Allied player attacks the Afrika Korps, and attacks with a writhing blow, he will have to count on the wayward die to get him off the hook when and if the Axis player rolls it for the war prize of Tobruch.


Sep II 41 Axis Turn

End of Turn dispositions

Mainland Europe off-map holding box [end of turn]:

0 Italian inf Replacement Points (RPs) at the end of the Axis I. Phase and the Axis turn:  No It inf RP reinforcements this turn or RP expenditures or movement.
1.5 German inf RPs at the end of the Axis I. Phase and the Axis turn:  No Ger inf RP reinforcements this turn or RP expenditures or movement.
5 Ger ARPs at the end of the I. Phase and Axis turn:  The Axis player began the turn w/ 6 Ger ARPs, but 1 Ger ARP was expended to repair the Me 109E  7F5  1/7 (Ger LW) air unit, which was removed from the Aborted Air Units Box of the Med/NA Command Replacement pool and placed on the map at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, at step 14 of the I. Phase.
5 It ARPs at the end of the I. Phase and Axis turn:  The Axis player began the turn w/ 7 It ARPs, but 2 It ARPs were expended to repair the CR 42AS  3F3  1/8 and the MC 200  3F4  1/8 air units.  Both these air units were removed from the Aborted Air Units Box of the Med/NA Command Replacement Pool and placed on the maps at step 14 of the I. Phase.  The CR 42AS F type air unit was placed at 18A:3617, in Libya, and the MC 200 F type air unit was placed at 18A:0403, in Sicily.

Sep II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Lybia

Sep II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Lybia

In Sicily [end of turn]:

Licata (18A:0102) [point city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield
SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 [inop.; began turn here; early in the M. Phase flew a Malta Status bombing mission to the Valletta hex; rolled on the 3 column of the Antiaircraft Fire Table; Hit; rebased here]

Coast hex 18A:0403:
3-cap permanent airfield
MC 200  3F4  1/8 [inop; turn ARP repair, placed here at step 14 of the I. Phase; early in the M. Phase it flew a fighter on a bombing air mission in a larger air op to the Valletta target hex; after the Br Hurri 2 F type air unit flew the Intercept air mission the MC 200 air unit jettisoned its bomb load; rebased here]
CR 42AS  3F3  1/8 [inop.; turn ARP repair; placed at 18A:3617, in Libya, at step 14 of the I. Phase; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]

Coast hex 18A:0603:
3-cap permanent airfield
Ca 311  2B2  1/L/14 [inop.; began turn at Ain el Gazala (18A:4518), in Libya; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]

Syracusa (18A:0702) [reference city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Augusta (18A:0701) [point city/minor port]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Malta on the Sep II 41 Axis turn:

Malta Status: 11, at the start of the turn, + 1 for Malta Status bombing hits done in the M. Phase prior to the naval movement step, = 12 during this turn’s naval movement step and at the EOT.

Valletta hex (18A:0407) flack this turn: 7 (3 intrinsic + a total of 4 for the two Br 0-1-8 hv AA IIs’ 2 flack factors each, as this turn these two ground units are in special general supply via the 4 gsp’s successfully sea transported from Alexandria to Malta on the Sep II 41 Allied turn)

On this turn Malta Status air missions to the Valletta hex would roll on the 3 column of the Antiaircraft Fire Table, shifted two columns to the left, Per WW Rule 37I2a.

There were 4 gsp’s present in the Valletta hex at the start of the Axis player turn, and 5 REs of ground units on Malta. The Allied player designates the 0-4 Cons X MC as the designated 1 RE unit that is definitely Red U-2.  The Br Hurri 2 F type air unit based at Valletta is in “special air unit supply” per WW Rule 24I3-Allied Malta Special Air Unit Supply.  The gsp’s beginning the turn at Malta were generated at Alexandria on the Sep II 41 Allied turn and sea transported to Valletta in the M. Phase of that turn.

Libya [end of turn]:

Tripolitania Garrison Box:
0-1-6* Inf III 290 GaF
0-1-6* Inf III 340 GaF
0-1-6* Inf III 350 GaF
0-2-6* Inf III 330 GaF

Tripoli (18A:0121) [clear terrain dot city/major port hex transportation line junction coast hex]:
Axis Supply Terminal marker
fort marker
0 pos flk unit  AA=3 [Italian]
5 steps of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
4.5 Ger arm Replacement Points (RPs) [began turn here, stored at the standard supply terminal; neither expended nor moved this turn]
4 It inf RPs [began turn here; neither expended nor moved this turn]
2 Ger inf RPs [began turn here; neither expended nor moved this turn]

18A:0122 [Castel Benito; clear terrain secondary rail line hex, S of Tripoli]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Homs (18A:0522) [rough terrain point city/minor port road junction coast hex]:
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]

Misurata (18A:1022) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
1-cap temporary airfield
He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn at Bengasi (18A:3121); late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]

18A:1327 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
one step of attack supply [began turn at 18A:0925; in the E. Phase spent 5 SMPs exploiting to here]

Sirte (18A:1727) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
fort marker
3-cap permanent airfield

18A:2730 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

El Agheila (18A:2930) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Agedabia (18A:3327) [clear terrain point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Bengasi (18A:3121) [clear terrain reference city/major port transportation line junction hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
12 port damage hit markers
4 pos flk  AA=1 [Italian; began turn here; never moved]
1-6 Inf III A [began turn here; unsupported breakdown component of the 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]

Soluch (18A:3222) [clear terrain point city secondary rail terminus hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

18A:3423 [stony desert road hex, SE of Zaulet Msus]:
8 Mot Inf XX HQ 101 Tre [began turn at 18A:1427; admin moved 16 hexes along the coast road to 18A:3029; exploited to here]
1-8 Mot Inf III 65 [began turn at 18A:1427; admin moved 16 hexes along the coast road to 18A:3029; exploited to here]
1-8 Mot Inf III 66 [began turn at 18A:1427; admin moved 16 hexes along the coast road to 18A:3029; exploited to here]
18A:3617 [rough terrain road hex]:

3-cap permanent airfield
CR 42  3F3  0/9 [inop; began turn at Ain el Gazala (18A:4518); late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]
CR 42  3F3  0/9 [inop.; began turn at Ain el Gazala; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]

18A:3618 [Maraua; rough terrain road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Derna (18A:4116) [rough terrain point city/minor port coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
3 port damage hit markers
6 Inf XX HQ A [began turn here; unsupported breakdown component of the 3-6 Inf XX 25 Bol; never moved]
0-6 Lt AA II  AA=1  38 [began turn here; never moved]
BR 20M  3NB4  2-5/24 [inop.; began turn here; in the middle of the E. Phase it flew a night strat port bombing air mission to Matruh (19A:1218), in Egypt; Returned by the Matruh flack; rebased here]
Br 20M  3NB4  2-5/24 [inop.; began turn here; in the middle of the E. Phase it flew a night strat port bombing air mission to Matruh, in Egypt; Miss; rebased here]
Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 [inop.; Italian; began turn at 18A:0603, at Sicily; late in the E. Phase it flew an air transfer air mission to here]
1 Ger inf RP [began turn here; neither expended nor moved this turn]
1 It inf RP [began turn here; neither expended nor moved this turn]

18A:4218 [stony desert road hex]:
one step of attack supply [began turn at El Ageheila (18A:2930); in the E. Phase spent 18 SMPs exploiting to here]

18A:4317 [stony desert road hex]:
0-6 Cons III 5 A [began turn at 18A:4719; regular moved to here]

18A:4417 [stony desert road junction hex, NW of Ain el Gazala]:
0-6 Cons III 10 A [began turn at 18A:4819; regular moved to here]

Ain el Gazala (18A:4518) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield
8 Inf XX HQ 102 Trn [began turn here; never moved]
Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn at Sirte (18A:1327); early in the E. Phase flew a tac bombing air mission to the Tobruch target hex in a large air op; first staged to 18A:3618 (Maraua); Returned by Tobruch’s flack; rebased here]
Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn at Sirte (18A:1327); began turn here; early in the E. Phase flew a tac bombing air mission to the Tobruch target hex in a large air op; first staged to 18A:3618 (Maraua); Returned by Tobruch’s flack; rebased here]
Ju 88A4  4B5  3-7/26 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn at Sirte (18A:1327); early in the E. Phase flew a tac bombing air mission to the Tobruch target hex in a large air op; first staged to 18A:3618 (Maraua); evaded Tobruch’s flack and bombed the airfield; Hit; rebased here]

18A:4618 [clear terrain coast road hex, SE of Ain el Gazala]:
1-6 Inf III A [began turn here; never moved]

18A:4520 [sand hex]:
0-1-6* Inf III 280 GaF [began turn at 18A:4720; regular moved 2 hexes to here]

18A:4619 [clear terrain hex]:
0-8 Cons III Afr (Ger) [began turn at Porto Bardiya (19A:0318); regular moved to here; in so doing it abandoned the 1-cap temporary airfield it began constructing there on the Sep I 41 Axis turn, w/ 2 MPs already spent towards construction]
2-3-8 Art III 16 C [began turn at Porto Bardia; regular moved to here]

18A:4719 [clear terrain hex]:
3-6 Inf XX 55 Sav [began turn at 18A:4819; moved one hex to here]

18A:4718 [clear terrain coast road hex; SW of Tobruch]:
fort marker
3-cap temporary airfield
5-8* Inf XX 90 LA (Ger) [began turn here; never moved]
1-8 Aslt Eng II 31 G [began turn here; never moved]
2-10 Mot Inf III 9 B [began turn at 18A:2227; admin moved along the road to 18A:3821; exploited to here]
0-1-10 Mot Lt AA II  AA=1  617 (Ger) [began turn at 18A:2227; admin moved along the road to 18A:3821; exploited to here]
MC 200  3F4  1/8 [inop.; began turn at 18A:4918, SE of Tobruch; early in the E. Phase flew a fighter on a bombing air mission to the Tobruch target hex in a large air op; evaded Tobruch’s flack and bombed the airfield; Hit; rebased here]
Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 (Ger LW) [inop.; began the turn here inoperative; in the previous Sep II 41 Allied turn it flew the Harassment air mission]
SM 79-2  2B3  3-4/V/20 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

18A:4818 [clear terrain road hex; S of Tobruch]:
3-cap temporary airfield
7-6-8 Arm XX 132 Ar [began turn here; never moved]
2-3-6 Art III 24 C [began turn at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch; regular moved one hex to here]
Me 110D  5HF5  4-2/12 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn here; early in the E. Phase flew a fighter on a bombing air mission to the Tobruch target hex in a large air op; evaded Tobruch’s flack and bombed the airfield; Hit; rebased here]
G 50bis  3F3  0/10 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/8 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn here; early in the E. Phase flew a tac bombing air mission to the Tobruch target hex in a large air op; evaded Tobruch’s flack and bombed the airfield; Miss; rebased here]

18A:4918 [clear terrain coast road hex; SE of Tobruch]:
3-cap temporary airfield
fort marker [completed on the Sep I 41 Axis I. Phase]
3-6 Inf XX 17 Pav [began turn here; never moved]
1-8 Inf III 61 [began turn here; never moved]
1-8 Inf III 62 [began turn here; never moved]
3-4-6 Art III 5 A [began turn here; never moved]
Me 109F1  6F6  1/8 (Ger LW) [inop.; began turn here; early in the E. Phase flew the Escort air mission with the big Axis air op flying to the Tobruch target hex; engaged in aerial combat w/ the Br Hurri 1 F type air unit based at Tobruch; rolled a (-); rebased here]
Me 109E  7F5  1/7 (Ger LW) [inop.; turn ARP repair; placed at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, at step 14 of the I. Phase; early in the E. Phase flew the Escort air mission with the big Axis air op flying to the Tobruch target hex; engaged in aerial combat w/ the Br Hurri 1 F type air unit based at Tobruch, after its initial combat w/ the Me 109F1 air unit; rolled an Abort; rebased here]
MC 200  3F4  1/8 [inop.; began turn here; early in the E. Phase flew a fighter on a bombing air mission to the Tobruch target hex in a large air op; evaded Tobruch’s flack and bombed the airfield; Miss; rebased here]

18A:4919 [clear terrain hex]:
1-10 Mot AT II 605 (Ger) [began turn at 19A:0218; regular moved to here; remained in the hex]
1-6 Hv AA II  AA=1  29 [began turn at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch; regular moved to here]
3-4-8 Art III 221 (Ger) [began turn at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch; regular moved one hex to here]

18A:5017 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
1-6 Tnk II 4 [began turn here; never moved]
1-8 Mot Art III 2 AC [began turn here; never moved]

18A:5118 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-6 Inf XX 27 Brs [began turn at 18A:4620; regular moved to here]

19A:0218 [clear terrain road junction hex, SE of Porto Bardiya]:
2-1-8 Lt Arm III 32 [began turn at 18A:5118; moved one hex to here; remained in the hex]
1-8 Mot Art III 1 AC [began turn here; never moved]
1-8 Mot Art III 3 AC [began turn at 18A:5118; moved one hex to here; remained in the hex]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]

Porto Bardiya (19A:0318) [clear terrain unimproved fortress/point city/minor port road terminus coast hex]:
unimproved fortress
5 port damage hit markers
vacant at the end of the M. Phase

19A:0319 [clear terrain coast road hex, S of Porto Bardiya]:
9-10 Pz XX 21 (Ger) [began turn here; in the M. Phase it moved along the Egyptian coast road to Sidi Barrani (19A:0718), and then double backed to here, capturing Sidi Barrani and the Egyptian coast road hexes in between for the Axis; afterwards remained in the hex]
2-10 Mot Inf III 7 B [began turn here; never moved]
1-10 Mot Hv AA II  AA=2  I/33 (Ger LW) [began turn here; never moved]

19A:0219 [clear terrain hex]:
9-10 Pz XX 15 (Ger) [began turn here; never moved]
3-10 Mot Inf III 115 (Ger) [began turn here; never moved]
1-10 Mot Hv AA II  AA=2  I/18 (Ger LW) [began turn here; never moved]

Sep II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Western Desert

Sep II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Western Desert

Crete [end of turn]:

Khania (18A:4403) [rough terrain reference city/standard port road terminus coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Erakleion (18A:4903) [rough terrain reference city/standard port coast road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

On Scarpanto [end of turn]:

Scarpanto (19A:0701) [rough port point city minor port hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

At Rodi [end of turn]:

Rodi (20A:2230) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

20A:2331 [rough terrain coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Med/NA Replacement Pool [end of turn]:
1 x 2-6 Inf XX 60 Sbr
1 x 2-10 Mot Inf III 10 B
1 x 2-1-8 Lt Tnk III 3
2 x 1-8 Lt Tnk X 1,2
5 x 1-6 Tnk II 1, 3, 5, 6, 21
1 x Para Inf III Tonini
3 x 0-1-6* Inf III 300 GaF, 310 GaF, 320 GaF
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 24 dM
3 x 2-3-6 Art III 10 C, 20 C, 21 C
1 x 1-6 Art III 23 C
1 x 3-4-6 Art III 8 A [Jun I 41 Axis turn reinf; sunk in sea transit to Libya that turn by Allied anti-shipping, per the Naval Table]
4 x 0 pos flk unit AA=1 [Italian]

Med/NA Aborted Air Units Box:

G 50  3F3  0/9 [aborted in air combat this Sep II 41 Axis turn early in the M. Phase by the Hurri 2 F type air unit at the Valletta target hex]

Med/NA Command Eliminated Air Units Box:


Allied non-Phasing Air Unit Transfers Late in the E. Phase

Late in the E. Phase the Bombay  1T2  1-2/15 air unit based at Nicosia (20A:3414), on Cyprus, flew a non-phasing air transfer air mission to Alexandria, in Egypt.  This turn it is Black U-1.

Sep II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Egypt and Levante

Sep II 41 Axis EOT dispositions, Egypt and Levante

Axis Near East Command

  • On the Jul II 41 Axis turn the Vichy French Levant surrendered to the invading Allies, per the Allied player’s Variable Levant Surrender Table dice roll, done at step 13 of the Axis I. Phase.  At the start of the Aug II 41 Axis turn all cities in the Levant were finally Allied-owned; and there were no remaining Axis forces in the Levant or in the Near East.  And so at step 12 of the Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase, all land hexes in Syria and Lebanon were declared Allied owned.
  • The Iranians surrendered on the previous Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase. There are still neutral pro-Axis hexes and airbases in Iran, but they are too far from friendly Axis bases to be of any use to the Axis war effort.
  • This Axis turn, At step 2 of the I. Phase, the Axis player did the Fawzi al Qawukji action die roll, per WW Optional Rule 39E4, and came up with a 5:  “Fawzi is under the control of the Axis player for the player turn.”

In Armistice Syria [end of turn]:

21A:4621 [stony desert hex]:

Guerrilla unit Fawzi (Bandit) [guerrilla-capable inf II bandit unit, in guerrilla mode; began turn at 21A:4621, in Iraq; moved to here]

In pro-Allied neutral Iraq [end of turn]:

  • In the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario the pro-Axis Iraqi coup automatically occurs in the Apr I 41 Axis I. Phase.
  • The Iraqi coup collapsed at step 4 of the I. Phase of the May II 41 Axis turn, when the Allied player rolled the dice checking for an Iraqi Coup Collapse, using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table, per WW Rule 38J5. The Iraqi army surrendered and all forces were then removed from the maps. All Iraqi hexes then became Allied-owned, except Mosul, which at that time contained a Ger LW air unit. This Ger LW air unit subsequently evacuated Iraq later in the May II 41 Axis turn. On the following Jun I 41 Allied turn a Br ground unit gained control of the Mosul hex, and thus the Allies had complete control of all hexes in newly pro-Allied Iraq.

21A:4519 [stony desert hex]:

Guerrilla unit Fawzi (Bandit) [dummy guerrilla-capable unit, in guerrilla mode; began turn at 21A:5020; moved to here]

Sep II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Off-map displays

Sep II 41 Axis EOT dispositions: Off-map displays

Turn Activity

At step 2 of the I. Phase the Axis player does the Fawzi al Qawukji action die roll, per WW Optional Rule 39E4, and comes up with a 5:  “Fawzi is under the control of the Axis player for the player turn.”  In order to better assure its short-term survival, being that it is stalked by Allied ground units, the Axis player elects to keep Fawzi in its guerrilla mode, so that it can then retreat before combat.

At step 11 of the I. Phase the Allied forces at Tobruch are still isolated and most all the ground units there are at U-4 supply status, except the Br 2-8 Inf X 14, which now becomes black U-2, and the 3-8 Mtn X Karp (Pol), which becomes Black U-1. The Br Hurri 1 F type air unit now becomes Black U-3, as does the Br 3-8 Inf X 22 G. But all forces in the Tobruch hex are in special general supply due to the gsp’s available there at the supply determination step of the I. Phase.  At Malta, 4 of the 5 ground unit REs are in special general supply by virtue of the 4 gsp’s at the Valletta hex.  The two Br 0-1-8 hv AA IIs (AA = 2) are certainly in special general supply.  But in far away Iran, at Ganaweh (22A:4802), on the east coast of the Persian Gulf, the Ind 1-8 Inf X 17 unit becomes Black U-1 this turn, having moved beyond its overland supply line in its long march to gain Allied control of remote Iranian cities still considered to be Axis controlled.

Sep II 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions in Lybia

Sep II 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions in Lybia

At step 14 of the I. Phase the Axis player receives no reinforcements or production this turn.  He does no ground unit Replacement Point (RP) builds, but he expends two It ARPs and one Ger ARP to do three Axis air unit repairs, and removes one Ger LW and two Italian air units from the Aborted Air Units Box of his Med/NA Command Replacement Pool.  See the text above or the pictures below for these turn ARP repairs of aborted Axis air units.

At step 16 of the I. Phase the Allied player converts the single step of attack supply at Tobruch into 12 new gsp’s, per WW Rule 12C4b.

At step 22 of the I. Phase the Allied player sends the two A-22  3A3  2-1/19 (one Br & one SAAF) air units based at 19A:1319 on the Harassment air mission to the Egyptian target hex at 19A:0821. At the end of step 22 the two A type air units rebase at 19A:1319, having delivered their total of 4 tac factors to the 0821 target hex, good for two harassment marker hits.

At step 24 of the I. Phase the Allied player removes from the map the 12 old gsp’s at Tobruch that were generated there on the earlier Sep I 41 Axis phase from a step of attack supply then at the hex.

Sep II 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions

Sep II 41 Axis end of the Initial Phase dispositions

The first thing the Axis player does in the M. Phase is send an air op to the Valletta hex (18A:0407), at Malta.  It is escorted by the G 50  3F3  0/6 air unit based at 18A:0403, at Sicily.  The MC 200  3F4  1/8 air unit, also beginning the turn at 18A:0403, flies a fighter on a bombing air mission.  The SM 79-1  2B3  1-5/22 air unit based at Licata (18A:0102), in Sicily, also flies in the air op to the Valletta target hex.  The Br Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 air unit based at Valletta flies the Intercept air mission at the Valletta target hex and engages the G 50 F type air unit in air combat, and aborts it; the G 50 air unit rolls a (-).  When the Axis player sees the Hurri 2 air unit is flying the Intercept air mission, the MC 200 F type air unit flying the bombing air mission jettisons its bomb load, but remains with the small air mission group.  After the fighter air combat the Allied player rolls for his flack shot against the SM 79-1 B type air unit on a Malta Status strat bombing air mission, using the 3 column of the the Antiaircraft Fire Table, and comes up with a no effect.  But when the Axis player rolls on the Bombing table, using the 5 column, he gets a Hit, which brings the Malta Status back up to 12, the maximum Status # with an adjusted dice roll column on the Naval Table.

After this, the Axis player proceeds with the ground movement portion of the M. Phase, in Libya and western Egypt.  Interestingly, he declines to get involved with the small but tricky Allied stack at 19A:0920, but may feel like it’d be too much to bear if he went after it with both his panzer XXs and the Allied units managed to retreat before combat via the retreating abilities of the 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME, leaving the mighty Afrika Korps high and dry.

Sep II 41 action details: the Axis Malta air raid

Sep II 41 action details: the Axis Malta air raid

But what he does do is continue the westward movement of his two Italian cons Xs, moving them both along the coastal road west of Ain el Gazala.  In a somewhat dramatic reversal of apparent earlier plans, the Ger 0-8 Cons III Afr and the It 2-3-8 Art III 16 C, both beginning the turn at  Porto Bardiya, quit their just started temporary airfield building project there and instead regular move 8 hexes westwards, ending their movement 3 hexes SW of Tobruch, evidently poised to access the coast road on the Oct I 41 Axis turn.  However, the main Axis mobile concentration, consisting of the two panzer XXs and associated minor mobile units, still lingers in far eastern Libya, at 19A:0219-0319, south of Porto Bardiya and right at the Egyptian borderline.  A short twisted “rat tail” of Axis units connects this forward Axis spearhead with the main mass of Axis forces besieging Tobruch and to the vital supply line road stretching all the way back to Tripoli.

Early in the E. Phase the Axis player initiates a big Axis air op, with Tobruch as the target hex.  Its object is to eliminate the Br Hurri 1 air unit based at Tobruch and inflict damage hits at the Tobruch airfields.  It bears some of the earmarks of a success, as the Hurri 1 air unit is aborted in air combat and three damage hits are inflicted on the 4-cap total of the Tobruch airfields, and there are no Axis air unit casualties.

Sep II 41 Axis end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Western Desert

Sep II 41 Axis end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Western Desert

Then an Axis flight group is flown at night to strat bomb Matruh’s port capacity, using the two It Br 30M NB type air units, based at Derna (18A:4116).  One of the It NB type air units is Returned by Matruh’s 2 factor flack shot; the other evades the minor port’s flack fire but rolls a Miss on the Bombing Table, taking into account the -1 modifier when rolling on the Bombing Table at night.  And so they both rebase at Derna.

These just mentioned Axis E. Phase air ops result in a major reshuffle of Axis air units in both Libya and at Sicily, both in the air op rebasing and in a subsequent final rebasing shuffle in order to maintain airbase capacity limits and to be better prepared for the next turn.  See the text above or the pictures below for these rebasing details.  The end result of the Axis air unit EOT dispositions  implies a new Axis game strategy in both the Western Desert and at Sicily that the Allied player must take into account on his upcoming Oct I 41 turn.

Sep II 41 Axis Exploitation Phase air op action details

Sep II 41 Axis Exploitation Phase air op action details


Things are coming to a head in the Western Desert.  No one can stop it.  The Axis side, in particular, feels that time is running out for his long hot summer vacation there, taking into account the continual strengthening of the British 8th Army in the Egyptian Western Desert and the prolonged deadlock at Tobruch, which apparently implies Allied success.  Already he prudently clears out his construction assets from the Tobruch zone, and does not pretend any more to construct airfields east of the besieged fortress in order to better plunge deep into Egypt and clash against the Allied armored desert shield there.  But at the same time he has cleared his best air assets out of Sicily and at the important Sirte airfield, concentrating them instead in the Cyrenaica.  A blind man might see what Rommel is preparing; but he must do it very soon, or else be preempted.


Sep II 41 Allied Turn

End of Turn dispositions

Malta [{beginning of turn}/end of turn]:

  • Malta Status: 11, end of turn [at turn’s start 12, – 1 repair this turn, at step 19 of the I. Phase = 11]
  • Malta Repair Rate: beginning on the Jul I 41 turn, 2 repair points each I turn and 1 repair point each II turn, per the WitD Allied OB booklet.
  • At the start of the Allied turn there were 4 gsp’s present in the Valletta hex. However, there are 5 REs of ground units on Malta, so the Allied player designates the 0-4 Cons X MC as the 1 RE unit that is definitely Red U-2, and makes the rest of the ground units at Malta technically U-2, but in special general supply by tracing to the available gsp’s. The Br Hurri 2 F type air unit based at Valletta is in “special air unit supply” per WW Rule 24I3-Allied Malta Special Air Unit Supply.   Valletta’s intrinsic flack is not affected by supply, as in the EA game reports for the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario we are not using WW Optional Rule 12E4-Intrinsic AA and General Supply Effects.
  • At step 14 of the I. Phase the Allied player spends the 2 ARPs stored at the Valletta hex to rebuild the Br Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 air unit, removing it from the Eliminated Air Units Box of the Malta Command Replacement Pool and placing it at the 3-cap permanent airfield in the Valletta hex.

Valletta (18A:0407) [rough terrain point city major port hex, w/ a strong natural harbor]:
3-cap permanent airfield; one hit of damage

  • Valletta hex flack factor: 7 (3 intrinsic, + a total of 4 for the two Br 0-1-8 hv AA II units now in special general supply)

3-6* Inf X 1 M [technically Red U-2]
3-6* Inf X 3 M [technically Red U-2]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  10 [technically Red U-2]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  4 [technically Red U-2]
0-4 Cons X MC [definitely Red U-2]
Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 [operative; ARP turn rebuild, expending 2 ARPs; at step 14 of the I. Phase it was placed at the Valletta airfield; never moved]
4 gsp’s [generated this turn at Alexandria at step 16 of the I. Phase; sea transported to here in an E Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; this cargo naval group sailed after the W Med NTP carrying the 4 gsp’s voyaging from Gibraltar to Malta was sunk by Cent Med Axis anti-shipping forces, per the Shipping Results Table die roll]
{two ARPs [began the turn at the Valletta hex; expended at step 14 of the I. Phase to rebuild the Hurri 2 F type air unit in the Eliminated Air Units Box of the Malta Command Replacement Pool]}
{4 gsp’s [sea transported from Gibraltar in the naval movement step of the Sep I 41 Allied M. Phase, in a W Med NTP; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current Allied I. Phase]}
18A:0307 [rough terrain hex, NW of Valletta]:
2-6* Inf X 2 M [began turn at the adjacent Valletta hex (18A:0407); technically Red U-2; moved to here]

Sep II 41 Allied end of the M. Phase dispositions in the Central Mediterranean

Sep II 41 Allied end of the M. Phase dispositions in the Central Mediterranean

In Libya [{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

Tobruch (18A:4817) [clear terrain fortress point city standard port road junction hex, w/ a strong natural harbor]:
Improved fortress; construction of the improved fortress was completed in the May II 41 Allied I. Phase.

  • Per the WW Airbase Summary, improved fortresses have a permanent airfield capacity of 1.

3-cap temporary airfield
{one hit of airfield damage}
0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) [began turn here; never moved; technically Red U-4; spent 2 MPs in the hex repairing the hit of airfield damage]
3-8* Mtn X Karp (Pol) [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218), in Egypt; sea transported to Tobruch in the naval movement step of the M. Phase, in an E Med NTP]
7-8 Inf XX 50 Nth [began turn here; never moved; technically Red U-4]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  51 [began turn here; never moved; technically Red U-4]
3-8 Inf X 22 G [began turn here; never moved; technically Black U-2]
2-8 Inf X 14 [began turn here; never moved; technically Black U-1]
3-8 Art X 13 [began turn here; never moved; technically Red U-4]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved; technically Black U-2]
12 gsp’s [generated at step 16 of the Sep I 41 Axis I. Phase from a step of attack supply present in the Tobruch hex; these provide special general supply this turn and in the following Sep II 41 Axis turn; they will be removed from the maps at step 24 of the Sep II 41 Axis I. Phase, after the step 11 supply determination step]
one step of attack supply [began the turn at Suez; in the naval movement step of the current M. Phase it was successfully sea transported to here in 3 E Med NTPs; this cargo naval group sailed after the 3 E Med NTPs carrying the step of attack supply from Alexandria to Tobruch was sunk by Cent Med Axis anti-shipping forces, per the Shipping Results Table die roll]

Sep II 41 Allied end of the Movement /Exploitation Phase dispositions: Western Desert

Sep II 41 Allied end of the Movement /Exploitation Phase dispositions: Western Desert

In Egypt [{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

19A:0818 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
6-4-6 Arm X 32 T [began turn here; never moved]
1-10 Recon II 1 DG [began turn here; never moved]
1-10 Recon II 6 (SA) [began turn here; never moved]
3-8 Art X 10 [began turn here; never moved]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began turn here; never moved]
5 pos flk unit  AA=1 [British; began turn here; never moved]

19A:0819 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
6-4-6 Arm X 1 T [began turn here; never moved]
3-2-10 Arm X 7 [began turn here; never moved]
2-1-10* Lt Arm X 9 [began turn here; never moved]
1-10* Mot Inf X 3 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
1-10* Mot SG X  AA=1  2 [began turn here, in the M. Phase it moved westwards along the Egyptian coast road,  capturing for the Allies in all the Egyptian coast road hexes previously owned by the Axis, up to and including 19A:0519 and Sidi Barrani (19A:0718), and then it double backed and returned to here; remained in the hex]
1-2-10* Mot SG X  AA=1  7 [began turn here; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn at 19A:1018; in the M. Phase it spent 2 SMPs moving along the road to 19A:0818 and then 3 SMPs moving off-road 1 hex to here, for a total of 5 SMPs expended]

19A:0918 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield [constructed this turn by the Aus 2-8 Eng X 1]
2-8* Inf X 150 [began turn at 19A:1320; supported breakdown of the 7-8* Inf XX 6; regular moved to here]
2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus) [began turn here; spent its 8 MPs in the hex constructing the new 3-cap temporary airfield]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 SAAF [inop.; ARP turn repair, expending 1 ARP; at step 14 of the current Allied I. Phase it was placed at Alexandria; air transferred to here in the M. Phase]
P-40C  5F5  1/13 [inop; began turn at 19A:1319; air transferred to here in the M. Phase]
Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [inop.; began turn at 19A:1418; air transferred to here in the M. Phase]

19A:0919 [clear terrain hex; containing the Tobruch-Matruh railway line completed in the M. Phase of this turn]:
railhead marker

  • The Matruh-Tobruch railhead marker was advanced into this hex in the M. Phase, from 19A:1019, after the  cons X beginning the turn in hex 19A:0919 declared all its MPs expended in building the railway line there. Doing this also gives the 0-1-4 cons X the ability to voluntarily automatically advance into the adjacent not yet completed Tobruch-Matruh railway hex, per WW Rule 14A1. Per the WitD Allied OB booklet the Tobruch-Matruh railway construction may begin on the Aug II 41 Allied turn.

0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col) [began turn here; spent all its MPs in the hex completing there the construction of the Tobruch-Matruh railway line; after this construction MP expenditure it elected to remain in the hex and not voluntarily advance into the next not yet completed Tobruch-Matruh railway line hex to the west, which it could have done]
2-8* Inf X 151 [began turn at 19A:1320; supported breakdown of the 7-8* Inf XX 6; regular moved to here]
1-8 MG II 1 RNF [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218); regular moved to here]

19A:0920 [clear terrain hex]:
0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME [began turn here; never moved]
1-8 Art II 1 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:0919; moved south 1 hex to here]
1-8 AT II 65 [began turn at 19A:0918; regular moved to here]

19A:1018 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
7-8 Inf XX 6 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1119; moved one hex to here]
{8 gsp’s [all generated in the Sep I 41 Allied I. Phase, 4 at Alexandria and 4 at Suez; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current Allied I. Phase]}

19A:1119 [clear terrain major rail line (Matruh to Tobruch railway) hex, SW of Matruh]:
7-8 Inf XX 2 (SA) [began turn at 19A:1018; moved one hex to here]

Matruh (19A:1218) [clear terrain point city/minor port road-major rail line junction coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
fort marker
2-8* Inf X 26 (Aus) [began turn at Tobruch; supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; technically Red U-4, but in special general supply via gsp’s; in the naval movement step of the M. Phase it was sea transported to Alexandria in an E Med NTP, where it disembarked; then it railed to Matruh]
0-1-8 Hv AA II  AA=2  68 [began turn here; never moved]
0-1-6 Cons X 61 RPC (Col) [began turn at 19A:1319; moved one hex to here]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
P-40C  5F5  1/13 SAAF [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 (RAAF) [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 [inop.; began turn here; flew the CAP air mission to all-sea hex 19A:0717 in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; rebased at the very beginning of the ground movement step of the M. Phase]

19A:1319 [major rail line coast hex, SE of Matruh]:
3-cap temporary airfield
2-8* Inf X 20 (Aus) [began turn at Alexandria; supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; admin moved along the coast road to here]
2-8* Inf X 24 (Aus) [began turn at 190A:0919; supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; regular moved to here]
0-8 Hv AA II  AA=1  2 (Aus) [began turn at El Alamein (19A:2119); moved along the road to here]
A-22  3A3  2-1/19 [inop.; began the turn here inoperative; flew the Harassment air mission on the previous Sep I 41 Axis turn]
A-22  3A3  2-1/19 SAAF [inop.; began the turn here inoperative; flew the Harassment air mission on the previous Sep I 41 Axis turn]
Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [inop.; began turn at El Alamein (19A:2119); air transferred to here in the M. Phase]

19A:1418 [clear terrain major rail coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  57 [began turn here; never moved]
Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; late in the M. Phase it flew a night Port strat Bombing air mission to the Derna hex, in Libya, Miss; rebased here]
Well 1C  3NB4  1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; late in the M. Phase it flew a night Port strat Bombing air mission to the Derna hex, in Libya, Miss; rebased here]

19A:1419 [clear terrain hex]:
8 Inf XX HQ 2 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1219; regular moved 2 hexes to here]
2-8 Inf X 6 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1219; regular moved 2 hexes to here]
2-8 Inf X 4 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1219; regular moved 2 hexes to here]

19A:1520 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 7 (Ind) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); never moved]
2-8* Inf X 6 (SA) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); never moved]

19A:1521 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 5 (Ind) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); never moved]
2-8* Inf X 3 (SA) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); never moved]

19A:1621 [clear terrain hex, adjacent to Qattara Depression]:
2-8* Inf X 11 (Ind) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); never moved]
2-8* Inf X 1 (SA) [began turn here; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); never moved]

El Alamein (19A:2119/20A:5033) [clear terrain point city major rail coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield
fort marker [completed in the Jul II 41 Allied I. Phase]

Alexandria (20A:4930/19A:2416) [full city hex/major port major rail line coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
3-cap permanent airfield
2-8* Inf X 161 [began turn at 19A:0919; supported breakdown of the Br 7-8* Inf XX 6; moved to Matruh and then railed to Alexandria]
0-8 Lt AA II  AA=1  27 [British; began turn here; never moved]
Hurri 1  5NF5  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn at Suez (18A:3718); railed to here]
{one step of attack supply [began turn here; in the naval movement step of the M. Phase it was sea transported using 3 E Med NTPs, voyaging to Tobruch, but was sunk per the Shipping Results Table die roll due to Axis anti-shipping]}
{4 gsp’s [generated at Alexandria this turn at step 16 of the I. Phase; successfully sea transported to Malta in an E Med NTP in the naval movement step off the M. Phase; this was done after the initial naval group carrying the 4 gsp’s generated at Suez was sunk in the Cent Med sea zone by Axis anti-shipping forces]}

Cairo (19A:3219) [full city hex transportation line junction hex, NW of the Cairo partial city hex]:
0-1-6 RR Eng X MEF (Emp) [began turn here; Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit; never moved]

  • This unit can’t move from here w/out violating the Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit provision, unless another 1 RE eng/cons unit takes its place.

Cairo (19A:3320) [clear terrain partial city hex, SE of the Cairo full city hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield

Ismailia (20A:3516) [sand reference city/standard port/Suez Canal transportation line junction hex]:
1-8 Cav X 6 [began turn at Haifa (20A:4710), in Palestine; admin moved to here]
Glad  3F3  0/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

Suez (19A:3718) [clear terrain reference city/major port transportation line nexus coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
1-8 Cav X 5 [began turn at Ismailia (20A:3516) in Egypt; moved to here]
{one step of attack supply [began turn here; sea transported to Tobruch using 3 E Med NTPs in the naval movement step of the M. Phase; this cargo naval group sailed after the 3 E Med NTPs carrying the step of attack supply from Alexandria voyaging to Tobruch was sunk by Cent Med Axis anti-shipping forces, per the Shipping Results Table die roll after rolling a contact on the Naval Table dice roll]
{4 gsp’s [generated at Suez this turn at step 16 of the I. Phase; sunk by the Cent Med Axis anti-shipping dice rolls when attempting to be sea transported to Malta in an E Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase]}

Sep II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase/Exploitation Phase dispositions

Sep II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase/Exploitation Phase dispositions

In Palestine [end of turn]:

  • Per WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons, the Palestine garrison requirement is 3 REs of Garrison-category units. The Allied garrisons are determined at step 17 of the Allied I. Phase. However, per WW Rule 37E4, Forming units in the ME Replacement Pool count at their regular RE size for the Palestine Garrison requirement, as do also ME Replacement Pool units, but they count at 1/3 their regular RE size. In addition to the 1.5 Garrison-capable REs present on-map in Palestine, the Allied player is counting some of the 3.5 Garrison-capable REs in the Forming Box of the Middle East Command Replacement Pool. See below, in the Middle East Replacement Pool section, for further details.

Haifa (20A:4710) [clear terrain dot city/major port transportation line junction coast hex]:

  • Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.

3-8* Inf X 1 FL (FF) [began turn at Beyrouth (20A:4207), in Lebanon; admin moved along the coast road to here]

Tel Aviv (19A:4308 [clear terrain dot city/minor port major rail line junction coast hex]:
2-8 Inf X 29 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Sep II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase/Exploitation Phase dispositions in the Levante and Western Iraq

Sep II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase/Exploitation Phase dispositions in the Levante and Western Iraq

Allied Units in Armistice Lebanon & Syria [end of turn]:

  • Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements for the Vichy French Levant, and has been since the beginning of the Allied invasion of the the Levant on the Jun I 41 Allied turn.

Beyrouth (20A:4207) [rough terrain dot city/standard port transportation line junction coast hex]:
2-8* Inf X 25 (Aus) [began turn at Alep (21A: 3231), in Syria; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); admin moved to here along the transportation lines]

Tripoli (20A:4005) [rough terrain reference city/minor port transportation line coast hex]:

  • Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.

2-8* Inf X 18 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

Damas (20A:4505) [clear terrain dot city transportation line junction hex]:

Lattique (20A:3405) [clear terrain reference city/minor port road terminus coast hex]
2-8* Inf X 21 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]

Homs (20A:3902) [clear terrain reference city transportation line junction hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase

Hama (20A:3702) [clear terrain reference city major rail line hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase

Alep (21A:3231) [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:
vacant at the end of the M. Phase

On Cyprus [end of turn]:

Limassol (20A:3615) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Famagusta (20A:3411) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip

Nicosia (20A:3414) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
1-8 MG II 2 Ch [began turn at Suez (19A:3718), in Egypt; late in the M. Phase the Bombay T type air unit based at Alexandria staged to Suez and air transported the unit to Nicosa, at Cyprus on a 1-way air transport air mission; it also air transported the 1-8 Inf II 11 (CS) to here]
1-8 Inf II 11 (CS) [began turn at Rutbah (21A:5023), in Iraq; admin moved westwards 16 hexes along the road to secondary rail line hex 20A:5006, in Trans-Jordan; from there it railed to Suez, in Egypt; late in the M. Phase the Bombay T type air unit based at Alexandria staged to Suez and air transported the unit to Nicosa, at Cyprus on a 1-way air transport air mission; it also air transported the 1-8 MG II 2 Ch to here]
Bombay  1T2  1-2/15 [inop.; began turn at Alexandria, in Egypt; late in the M. Phase it staged to Suez and air transported the 1-8 MG II 2 Ch and the 1-8 Inf II 11 (CS) from there to here; rebased here]

Non Phasing Axis Air Activity in the Allied Exploitation Phase:

In the E. Phase the Ger LW He 111H4  4B4  2-7/22 air unit beginning turn at Derna (18A:4116) does a non-phasing air transfer to Benghazi (18A:3121).

Sep II 41 Allied EOT dispositions in Iran

Sep II 41 Allied EOT dispositions in Iran

Middle East (ME) Command Replacement Pool [{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:

3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) [moved to here from Balkan Command Replacement Pool]
3-2-10 Arm X 4 [in the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario this unit is at-start in the ME Replacement Pool, per F. Watson’s ER-II Europa battle scenario, published in TEM#71]
3-2-10 Arm X 1 [moved to here from Balkan Command Replacement Pool; this is the original pre-conversion unit of the one sent to Greece]

Aborted Air Units Box:

{Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 SAAF [in the Sep I 41 Axis E. Phase the air unit was aborted in air combat over the Tobruch target hex; the Allied player expended an ARP to repair it in the current I. Phase, and placed it at Alexandria]}

Eliminated Air Units Box:

Blen 4  3B3  1-2/23 [in the Jun I 41 Allied C. Phase it participated in the first Allied attack in the Vichy French Levant, flying the GS air mission at 20A:4607; it was Killed in air combat there by the bypassing Vichy Fr D 520 F type air unit, flying the Interception air mission to the target hex]

Forming Box:
3-8* Mtn X 1 (Gk) [counted as part of the Palestine Garrison]
0-1-8 Inf II Gd (Yugo) [counted as part of the Palestine Garrison]
2-8* Inf X 2 FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the Apr II 42 Allied turn; this turn it counted as part of the Levant Garrison]
1-2-6 Inf X 3FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the May II 42 Allied turn]

The Allied Near East (NE) Command on the Sep II 41 Allied turn:

  • Iraqi coup collapse occurred in the May II 41 Axis I. Phase, per the dice roll done then using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table. At that time all Iraqi forces/production were removed from the map and the Iraq Replacement Pool. By the end of the I. Phase all Iraqi territory was Allied owned; except in our case the Mosul hex, which at the time contained the Axis Conditional Reinforcement Ger LW Mxd A type air unit. Seeing that the Iraqi coup had indeed collapsed, the Axis Conditional Reinforcement promptly air transferred out of the Mosul hex later in the May II 41 Axis turn, and Mosul was captured by the Allies in the following Jun I 41 Allied turn.
  • The current Allied Iraqi railnet-cap is 3 1/2.
  • At step 14 of the current Allied I. Phase the Allied player transferred back to the  Middle East Command the 10 SMPs that had been transferred to the Near East Command on the Aug I 41 Allied turn, per WW Rule 12H2b. They cannot be used in the ME Command until the following Oct I 41 Allied turn.
  • At step 4 the Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase Iran surrendered to the Allies, per the Iranian Surrender Table. All Iranian forces surrendered to the Allies and were removed from the map.

In pro-Allied Iraq [end of turn]:

  • Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements this turn, for Iraq. This would be per the horizontal line reading: “EJIS [Jul II 41] – Sep I 41”. For a more detailed discussion of the Iraq garrison, see the Jul I 41 Allied game report.

21A:4721 [ravines hex]:

1-10 Mot Cav III AL (T-J) [Arab Legion; began turn here; never moved]

  • This is a provisional new unit introduced in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario on the May I 41 Allied turn. For more details, see that posted EA game report.

21A:4921 [stony desert pump station road hex]:
2-8 Inf X 10 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Rutbah (21A:5023) [stony desert point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
2-8 Inf X 9 (Ind) [began turn at 21A:4719; moved to here]
Audax  1A1  1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]

Ramadi (22A:2830) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
1-8 Inf X 20 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Habbaniya (22A:2828) [clear terrain point city road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 1 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

Baghdad 22A:2825 [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:
one hit marker on the airbase
8* Inf XX HQ 10 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 25 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Shaibah (22A:4314) [clear terrain secondary rail line hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 2 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]

Basra (22A:4313) [clear terrain dot city/major port, w/ a major river hexside]:
Allied Supply Terminal marker
8 Inf XX HQ 5 (Ind) [began turn at 22A:4021; admin moved along the transportation line to here]
2-8 Inf X 19 (Ind) [began turn here; formerly an unsupported component of the 6-8* Inf XX 8 (Ind); never moved]
1-pt river flotilla  AA=1  PAIC (RN) [began turn here; never moved]
2 steps of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]

In Iran [end of turn]:

Kangavar 32:2023 [clear terrain point city road hex]:
vacant by the end of the M. Phase

32:1419 [clear terrain road hex]:
2-8 Inf X 24 (Ind) [began turn at Kangavar (32:2023); regular moved northeastwards along the road to here; captured the dot city hex of Hamadan (32:1922) along the way]

Burujird (32:2420) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
2-8 Inf X 21 (Ind) [began turn at Kangavar (32:2023); regular moved to here, capturing point city hex Nehavar (32:2222) and point city hex Malayer (32:2220), along the way

32:1505 [clear terrain secondary rail line hex, SW of Samnan]:
2-1-10* Lt Arm X 252 (Ind) [began turn at 22A:2217; regular moved northeastwards along the major rail line to 32:1612, SW of Tehran, capturing dot city hex Qum (32:2013) along the way; exploited eastwards along the transportation lines to 32:1505, capturing partial city hex Tehran (32:1512) along the way]

Ahwaz (22A:3810) [clear terrain reference city major rail line-road junction hex]:
8* Inf XX HQ 8 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Ganaweh (22A:4802) [clear terrain point city/minor port coast hex]:
1-8 Inf X 17 (Ind) [began turn at 22A:4205; regular moved SE to here, capturing point city hex Behbehan (22A:4304) and point city hex Gach Saran (22A:4402) along the way]

Bandar Shahpur (22A:4407) [clear terrain point city/standard port major rail line terminus island hex, w/ a causeway to the mainland]:
2-8 Inf X 18 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]

Turn Activity

The weather is clear this turn in the E, D, and C weather zones. Part of the C weather zone is visible in northern Iran on map 32, as is also part of D weather zone, but on map 32 both these weather zones are in the Soviet occupation zone and therefore are not a factor in the new Scenario. On the WD map group (eg., strictly speaking, maps 18A & 19A, but in our case including map 20A) the rough terrain notch of the Cyrenaica is in weather zone E, as is part of the coastal littoral of Palestine, and all of the coastline of Lebanon and NW Syria. In addition to these North African and West Asian mainland areas that are indicated on the WD map group, a number of Mediterranean islands are also in weather zone E, namely: Cyprus, Crete, the Dodecanese, Sicily, and Malta. On the Sep II 41 game turn the weather is automatically clear in weather zones E and F (eg., the F weather zone prevailing in the Western Desert and Mesopotamian regions).

Sep I 41 end of step 23 of the Initial Phase, Central Mediterranean

Sep I 41 end of step 23 of the Initial Phase, Central Mediterranean

At step 11 of the I. Phase the Allied ground and air units at the isolated Tobruch hex that began the turn at technically Red or Black U-4 essentially remain at this U-4 status, as per WW Optional Rule 12E, U-4 is in effect the most severe supply status for a unit. All ground units and the two air units beginning the turn at Tobruch are in special general supply at step 11 of the I. Phase due to the 12 gsp’s in the hex. Twelve of these gsp’s were generated from a step of attack supply present in the hex on the Sep I 41 Axis I. Phase. They will be removed from the maps at step 24 of the Sep II 41 Axis I. Phase, after the supply determination step for that turn. At Malta, at the supply determination step of the I. Phase, 4 of the 5 REs of Allied ground units are declared technically Red U-2, but in special general supply via the 4 gsp’s which were sea transported to Valletta in the previous Sep I 41 Allied turn.  At step 11 of the I. Phase the Br 0-4 Cons X MC is designated as being definitely Red U-2.

At step 14 of the I. Phase the Allied player spends one ARP to repair the SAAF Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 air unit in the Aborted Air Units Box of the Middle East Replacement Pool and places it at Alexandria.  He does no other RP or ARP builds.  Per the WitD Allied OB booklet, there are no Allied reinforcements this turn.

At step 16 of the I. Phase the Allied player generates 4 new gsp’s at both the Suez and Alexandria Allied Standard Supply terminals.

At step 22 of the I. Phase the Axis player flies the Ger LW Ju 87B  2D3  4-1/9 air unit based at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, on the Harassment air mission to hex 18A:5020. From the same 3-cap temporary airfield adjacent to Tobruch the Axis player assigns to the Naval Patrol air mission the It SM 79-2  2B3  3-2/V/20 air unit. The Ger LW Ju 87B D type air unit based at the 3-cap temporary airfield at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch, is also assigned to the Naval Patrol air mission.

Sep II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions: Western Desert

Sep II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions: Western Desert

At step 24 of the I. Phase the Allied player removes from the maps the 8 gsp’s at 19A:1018, and the 4 gsp’s at the Valletta hex, on Malta.  All these old gsp’s were generated on the previous Sep I 41 Allied I. Phase.

In the naval movement step of the M. Phase the Allied player does a series of naval transport activities in the East and Central Mediterranean sea zones. This turn he will very likely be compelled to attempt to sea transport to Tobruch one of his turn reinforcement steps of attack supply. The subsequent naval actions done this turn are listed below in sequential order. Those that are numbered with # sign are indicated as such in the naval movement step action activities picture included below in the game report. This turn the Allied player has his full complement of 10 E Med NTPs available for his sea transport requirements.

The first naval transport of the Allied naval movement step are 4 fresh gsp’s generated this turn at off-map Gibraltar and embarked on the Allied player’s single available W Med NTP.  The naval group enters the west edge of map 18A at all-sea hex 0107. But then the Allied player rolls a Contact on the Naval Table, using the 9 column, and subsequently, per the Shipping Results Table, the 4 gsp’s and W Med NTP from Gibraltar are in effect automatically sunk and lost.

Sep II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions Egypt and the Levante

Sep II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions Egypt and the Levante

#1. On the WD map group the first naval movement the Allied player does is embark the 2-8* Inf X 26 (Aus) unit, beginning the turn at Tobruch (18A:4817), on an E Med NTP, which exits the harbor at night to all-sea hex 18A:4917. At this time the Allied player rolls on the 9 column of the Naval Table for Axis anti-shipping effects, but is lucky and rolls a no contact. After doing this, the cargo naval group continues moving eastwards at night in all-sea hexes just north of the North African coastline until it enters all-sea hex 19A:0917, which must be its first daylight hex of the voyage. At this point the Axis player declines to attempt a die roll on the Success Table for Naval Patrol contact.  And so the Allied naval group continues its voyage eastwards, and the E Med NTP carrying the Aus 2-8* inf X finally enters the Alexandria port hex, where it disembarks its cargo. Although the ground unit is technically Red U-4 this turn, it is in special general supply via the gsp’s present in the Tobruch hex in the I. Phase.

Right after this the Allied player flies the Br Hurri 1 F type air unit based at Matruh on the CAP air mission over the all-sea hex at 19A:0717, N of Sidi Barrani, likely preparing for one or more of the turn’s critical naval transport operations.

#2. Next the Allied player embarks the 3-8 Mtn X Karp (Pol) unit, beginning the turn at Matruh (19A:1218), in Egypt, in an E Med NTP and sends it westwards along the Egyptian coastline.  At Egyptian coast hex 19A:0918, it veers NW to all-sea hex 19A:0817, preparing to enter next all-sea hex 19A:0717, thereby avoiding the enemy-owned Sidi Barrani coastal hex, at 19A:0818.  When the cargo naval group enters all-sea hex 19A:0717, where the Br Hurri 1 F type air units is flying the CAP air mission, the Allied player pauses to see what the Axis player wants to do, as this is the last daylight hex of the voyage to Tobruch.  The next sea voyage hex would be to all-sea hex 19A:0617, the first hex of the final night leg of the voyage into the port of Tobruch.  But the Allied player does not want to attempt a Naval Patrol Contact die roll on the Success Table against this Allied convoy, and so the naval group continues its voyage.  It rolls a no contact result on the Naval Table upon entering the Cent Med sea zone at 18A:5016, still at night, and so the E Med NTP carrying the illustrious Polish 3-8 Mtn X Karp unit successfully makes it into the port of Tobruch.

Sep II 41 Allied Movement Phase action details: Between Crete and Lybia

Sep II 41 Allied Movement Phase action details: Between Crete and Lybia

#3.  After this, the step of attack supply beginning the turn at Alexandria is embarked on 3 E Med NTPs and sent westwards, moving along the Allied-held Egyptian coastline starting at coastal hex 19A:2018, NE of El Alamein.  At Egyptian coast hex 19A:0918, it too, veers NW to all-sea hex 19A:0817, just like the previous cargo naval group voyaging to Tobruch, thereby preparing to enter next all-sea hex 19A:0717, and thus avoiding the enemy-owned Sidi Barrani coastal hex, due south at 19A:0718.  The moment of truth appears to be when the naval group enters all-sea hex 19A:0717, but again the Axis player declines to attempt a Contact die roll for either of his two air units assigned to the Naval Patrol air mission, and so the big Allied naval group sails onwards, this time using night movement.  But spiteful disaster strikes anyway, when the naval group enters the Cent Med sea zone and the required dice roll on the Naval Table is done.  It comes up with a Contact result, which is good as a Sunk result for the cargo, even before the subsequent Shipping Results Table die roll, using the Supply/Resource Item column, as its results are in any event either an E (Eliminated) or H (Half Eliminated).  In our case here, the Shipping Results Table die roll was an E, and so the whole of this valuable convoy sinks beneath the sea waves at night, likely by the torpedo of an Axis submarine, or possibly an Italian torpedo boat.  However, I believe that in the event of an H (Half Eliminated) result, the Allied player would retain possession of one of his three used E Med NTPs, assuming that half of the E Med NTPs (eg., 2, in this case) are duly lost/sunk, along with the whole of the step of attack supply cargo, which require 3 surviving NTPs.  Somebody correct me if this line of reasoning is wrong.

#4.  Undaunted, the Allied player forthwith embarks one of the two steps of attack supply at Suez on 3 East Med NTPs and sails them northwards up the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean Sea.  Further into the voyage, the naval group uses night movement from all-sea hex 19A:2217 to coastal hex 19A:1818, inclusive.  It voyages in the daylight from 19A:1719 to 19A:0717, inclusive.  Once again, at all-sea hex 19A:0717, N of Sidi Barrani, the last daylight hex of the voyage to Tobruch, the Axis player declines to attempt a Naval Patrol Contact die roll, using the Success Table.  In pure theory the big aero-naval attack at the said target hex might work, but it would certainly be bloody, with a high attrition rate and certainly some good Axis air units being lost.  And in any event these Axis air units will likely be wanted again for the GS air missions needed in any big Tobruch ground attack follow-up, even when counting on the possible halved ground unit defense factor effects of the U-4 supply status, and pending any possible successful gsp deliveries by sea or air, and the actual results of the elimination due to lack of supply die rolls, not to mention the outcome of the ground combat die roll, itself.  And so this second attempt to get a step of attack supply to Tobruch continues its westwards voyage.  When it enters the Cent Med sea zone it successfully avoids contact with Axis anti-shipping forces and finally enters the safety of the Tobruch improved fortress harbor.

Sep II 41 Allied end of the naval movement step dispositions

Sep II 41 Allied end of the naval movement step dispositions

#5.  The Allied player hasn’t forgotten that Malta is still without any gsp’s, and is quite worried about the possibility of a possible all-out Axis paradrop assault on the island the next Axis turn, and so he embarks the 4 fresh gsp’s at Suez on his 9th available E Med NTP and directs it to Malta.  After entering the Mediterranean, the E Med NTP carrying the 4 gsp’s from Suez first sails NW, towards Crete, in order to get as far away as possible from the two Axis air units assigned to the Naval Patrol air mission that are based at two airfields surrounding Tobruch.  The Allied cargo naval group enters the Cent Med sea zone all-sea hex 18A:5005, just south of Crete, which is also the first hex using night movement.  But then Death comes and sways the Naval Table dice roll to indicate a Contact with the Axis anti-shipping forces, which means an automatic Sinking, per the Shipping Results Table; and so this convoy, too, sinks, no doubt with fire and smoke in the darkness.

#6.  Appalled by the recent naval transport losses, but nevertheless sticking to his original plan, the Allied player embarks his remaining 4 fresh gsp’s at Alexandria on his last available E Med NTP, and sails this naval group towards Malta, using essentially the same sea route and chronology schedule as the previous stricken Malta convoy.  This time it successfully evades the Axis anti-shipping forces upon entering the Cent Med sea zone at night at all-sea hex 18A:5005, S of Crete.  Using night movement it proceeds westwards through 9 more all-sea hexes to 18A:4104, which is S of the Greek isle of Andikthyera (18A:4103).  But when the cargo naval group enters the next all-sea hex at 18A:4003, in the daylight, the Axis player tells the Allied player to pause his naval movement there, as he wishes to roll for Naval Patrol Contact on the Success Table, using the It SM 79-2  2B3  3-4/V/20 air unit, based at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, 18 hexes away.  For the Success Table die roll for the Naval Patrol contact, there’s a +3 modifier for the calm seas, off-set by a -3 for the range, and in the end the Axis player rolls a 3: No Contact, and so the E Med NTP carrying the 4 gsp’s successfully makes it to the port of Valletta, at Malta, where it disembarks it supply cargo.

In the naval movement step of his Movement Phase the Allied player has lost 4 E Med NTPs and his one available W Med NTP.  On his next turn, on Oct I 41, he can replace the lost W Med NTP and two of the four sunk E Med NTPs, leaving him with a net of 8 E Med NTPs for his Oct I & Oct II 41 player turns.

Late in the M. Phase the Allied player sends the two Well 12C 3NB4 1-6/28 air units based at 19A:1418 on a night Port strat Bombing air mission to the Derna hex (18A:4116), in Libya. Both NB type air units make it past Derna’s 2 factor flack shot, but miss when they each roll on the 5 column of the Bombing Table, with a -1 for bombing at night. He also does a series of air unit transfers in Egypt late in the M. Phase, primarily as a result of building the new 3-cap temporary air field at 19A:0918, requiring a repositioning of the air units in the zone.  The Allied player wonders if he should attempt to air transfer a Hurri 1 F type air unit to besieged Tobruch, perhaps using a risky night air unit transfer technique to avoid intercepts or patrol attacks, but decides against it.

At the beginning of the Allied turn the Allies had the following RP inventory in his ME Command: 11.5 Br inf, 2.5 Br arm, 1.5 Aus inf, 2.5 NZ inf, 3 Ind inf, and 6 Allied ARPs, all of which were stored in Alexandria.  One ARP was expended to repair the SAAF Hurri 1  5F5  1/8 air unit.  The two ARPs stored at the Valletta hex were expended to rebuild the Hurri 2  5F5  1/9 air unit.  The Allied Middle East Command ARP inventory amounted to 5 ARPs at the end of the turn, stored at Alexandria.


In an earlier draft version of the Allied EOT disposition for this turn, the Egyptian desert shield front line was backed eastwards a hexrow, to 19A:0919-0920.  This was done in part because of the Axis player’s advance of both his pz XXs to the Libyan-Egyptian border and also due to the additional 2 tac factors of Harassment that appear to be required to protect the final front line position from the Axis mobile units outflanking it from the south.  The Allied player was also a little embarrassed by the contorted supply line “rat tail” extending eastwards along the coast road from the back of the desert shield, towards Matruh and beyond.  But in the end he convinced himself that the contorted rat tail was only a minor element in a momentary EOT frozen snap shot of the over-all Allied front-line position, perhaps essentially more accurately symbolized by the final stout forward position at 19A:1818-1819.  After all, the Axis has one now, too, in between Tobruch and his forward position at the Libyan-Egyptian border.  We shall see if this turn “snap shot” of a “stout final position” does not in fact expose a blunder after its publication, for the Axis player to exploit.

In the meantime the Allied player appears to have maximized his defensive position at Tobruch, with a total of 20 defense factors present in the hex.  All the above presents a short-term dilemma to the Axis player, it seems to me right now.  Should he go ahead and strike at Tobruch, at a raunchy 3 to 2, or hopefully a better 2 to 1 combat die roll?  Should he complete the 3-cap temporary airfield at Porto Bardiya and instigate a major, and certainly bloody aero-naval conflict at likely all-sea hex 19A:0717, north of Sidi Barrani, and hopefully sink the Allied cargo naval groups attempting to bring in steps of attack supply to Tobruch, and then attack the improved fortress later on?  Or, with the wargamer’s cunning advantage of historical foresight, should he sooner pull away from the siege of Tobruch to the west, in order to protect the Axis army better from the Allied Crusader offensive, which in effect symbolizes the maximum strength point of the 8th Army in the Western Desert just prior to the Dec II 41 game turn fact of Pearl Harbor and the Japanese entry into the world war, when big Allied withdrawals from the MTO will be demanded by this new reality, in order to  protect vital Allied off-map interests in the Far East and the Pacific?

Here is what I can tell you about the German 1941 Special Operations Forces strategy, as manifested by WW Rule 33D and the German 1941 Special Operations Forces Conditional Reinforcements, found at p. 4 of the WitD Axis OB booklet.  Up until the previous Axis Sep I 41 turn, the Axis player had a special operation planned, using everything listed in the said German Conditional Reinforcement OB, with the Oct I 41 Axis turn as the planned activation date and Malta island hex 18A:0307, NW of Valletta, as the single target hex.  He planned it for the Oct I rather than the Sep II turn in order to maybe fool the Allied player, who might think that the Axis was wanting to execute a big para-drop operation in the MTO as soon as possible, which in this particular game would be on the Sep II 41 Axis turn.  But on the Sep I 41 Axis turn, at step 8 of the I. Phase, this German LW special para op was cancelled and a new sp op was planned, 5 turns in advance, to occur on the Nov II 41 Axis turn.  Perhaps more later on this new Ger sp op plan and why the original plan was scrapped, if we get that far in the EA game reports.

For now, I will confess that in a hypothetical special truncated GE Scenario linking up Scorched Earth (SE) with a WW ER-II/M-M (Marita-Merkur)/War in the Desert Campaign Scenario game, where it might be agreed to end the big Scenario on, say, either the turn of Axis “in-theater surrender” in the Med/NA Command, per WW Rule 41A, or the Jun II 43 turn, at the latest, and assuming this scenario was being played for the first time, that I would likely want to keep the Ger LW paratroop units in Russia in the fall and winter of 1941-42, for the sake of that decisive WWII campaign, for the Axis side.  A slightly “shorter” version of the previously mentioned monster game might be a 1941-42 SE/WW ER-II/M-M/ME Scenario, likely ending on the Jan II 43 turn.  An even shorter GE “mini-scenario” might be a 1941 FitE (or TW, or BU?)/WW ER-II/M-M/ME Scenario, ending probably on the Mar II 42 turn.  But perhaps all these visions of titanic Europa games are only mirage, caused by the intense desert heat layer just above the Saharan sands, and then the sun’s glare.


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