Game Report
The game seems to have reached a tipping point. The two sides are like a couple of drunks in a club brawl. Each is delivering a right hook in the hopes that the next punch will be decisive but at the same time not having the strength to effectively parry the others blows. The Nationalists have the crucial rail junction at Aranjuez and threaten to strangle Madrid and the forces defending it. The Loyalists for their part have captured Catalayud and isolated the Nationalists left flank. Both have realised that it may be easier to open new paths to their armies than reopen the old ones. Thus the Loyalists have turned due East from Catalayud and now have only one hex to clear on the rail line to Madrid. If they can open up this line it will make the whole Nationalist summer offensive be for nought. The Nationalist for their part have realised rather late in the game that they should clear the south of Euzkadi. This will open an alternative supply route to their left flank and form a springboard for the elimination of the Basques.
Both sides are running low on supplies and need to capitalise on the U2 status of their opponents, both have run out of Artillery RPs. The Loyalists seem to be holding the upper hand in the field but they have run out of manpower while the Nationalists can easily replace losses.
The game hangs in the balance…
Nationalists Turn
Weather; Weather: Clear/Clear, Clear/Rough in Atlantic.
Supply: Units north of Madrid go to U2. The left flank of the Nationalist line East of Zaragosa including the attack forces in south Euzkadi go U1.
Replacements: 1 SRP, ½ (col) SRP recovered.
2-6 inf 3Ceu (Col), 2-1-8 cav 2O (col), 3-2-6 infs 1LE, 2LE, 1-6 infs 19,30, 1-6 sec 23 GC, Inf XX 22 replaced and equipped by art point to 3-4-5* inf XX 22.
1 Res pt expended for temp rail cap increase to 15.5
Naval Activity; NTs transport 2-6 inf 3Ceu (col), 2-1-8 cav 2O (Col) to Malaga
Fleet and subs move to station in Mediterranean to intercept Loyalist Supply shipping.
Air Activity;
Sortie 1; He 45 hits rail line at 3505.
Sortie 2; Mxd bomber bombs artificial harbour at Motril and inflict 2 Hits.
Sortie 3; CR.32Bis (CTV) escorts CR.32 on airfield bombing mission to Madrid. Intercepted by Mxd F who engages CR.32Bis (CTV). CR.32Bis (CTV) Eliminates Mxd F. (+2 VPs) CR32 bombs airfield and misses.
All Republican Naval Patrols fail to make contact.
Attack 1: 2033 rough/fort (S Euzkadi) Unsupplied 4-6 inf XX3 (Req) and 5-6 inf XX 4 (Req), 5-6 inf 71 and 3-2-6 inf 2LE, 1-8 mtns 4,7 , 1-6 mg 2, 1-8 lt 1, 1-6 art 12L with He 51 GS attack 2-4 infs 14,15 (Bas), 1-2-4 inf 2 @ 4:1 (-2) = AR!. the gamble fails. 4-6 inf XX3 (Req) eliminated (no retreat path)
Attack2: 1902 rough/fort (S Euzkadi) Supplied 4-6 inf XX 1 (Req), 3-2-6 inf 1LE, 2-6 art 4P, 1-8 lt tk LE, 1-8 aslt G (CTV), unsupplied 2-5 inf 6 (Req) 2-5 inf AGM (Fal) with Ju 52g4e, SM 81 GS attack 2-3-4* inf XX5 (Bas) @ 5:1(-2) = DR. Advance 1 (Req), 6 (Req). Fort destroyed.
Attack 3: 2714 clear (NW of Toledo) Unsupplied 3-6 inf XX 2FN (CTV) and 1-6 infs 27,33 and 3-8 inf XX 3Lit (CTV) attack 2-6* inf 3Car (U2) @ 3:1 = AS
Attack 4; 3313 clear/fort (E of Tomelloso) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 11, 4-6 inf XX Mov, 1-6 inf 28, 1-8 lt 5, 2-3-6 art 61, 2-1-8 cav 1E (Col) and 2-6 infs Tdi, 2Mel (Col) and unsupplied 1-6 eng ZMO, 1-6 art 4L attack 2-3-5 inf XX 42, 2-6* inf 2Ch at 4:1 (-1) = HX. Lose 28, 1E (Col). Advance Mov, 61, ZMO
Attack 5: 2405 rough (40 miles SW of Soria) Unsupplied 2-3-5* inf XX 1Sor and 1-6 sec 24GC, 1-8 mg Ard (CTV), Supplied 4-6 inf XX 83 and 4-6 inf XX2 (Req), unsupplied 1-8 lt 6 attack 50-6 inf XX 11Ch @ 4:1 (-1) = HX. Lose 6,24,Ard (CTV). (+2 VPs to Loyalists). Advance 83 XX
Republican Turn
VPs (+15) for lack of gobernetos collapse.
Reinforcements: Delayed art RPs attempt to land at Valencia 1 succeeds, 1 turned back.
2 AS points attempt t to land at Valencia both are turned back.
Replacements: 1 SRP recovered.
Mxd Fighter replaced. 2-3-5* inf XX 42 replaced.
Construction: Airfield built at 3619 (E of Guadix)
Attack 1; 2912 clear (E of Aranjuez) Supplied 2-1-8 tks 1,2, 2-6 inf 15AL (Int), 2-6* inf cadre 45, 4-6 inf XX 6, 5-6 inf XX 46Ch, 1-2-6 art 4 and (over river) 2-6 eng ZM, 3-6* inf XXs 4, 68, Unsupplied 1-5 mech 2, 1-8 lt tk 1 Attack 3-6 inf cadre 13, 3-2-6 inf 3LE, 1-8 mb B (CTV), 3-1-2 sge art Man (Transported) (CTV) @ 3:1 (+1) = EX Lose ZM, XX 68, 15AL (Int). Advance 1 tk, 45 (Int), 6 XX.
VPs (+6) to Loyalist (I have awarded VPs for the Transport unit)
Attack2; 2703 rough (W of Catalayud) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int), 2-6 nav 151, 2-6 art 2P, Unsupplied 1-8 mtn 6, 3-6* inf XX 1 and Supplied 2-6* inf 5Car, Unsupplied 4-6 inf XX 47, 1-2-6* infs 21,24, 3-6* inf XX 24 Attack 3-4-5 inf XX 31 @ 4:1 (-1) = Ex Lose 24 XX, 6 mtn. Advance 1 XX, 151 nv1, 2P art
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