Dr. Niehorster’s website on the Armed Forces of World War II needs little introduction I presume, being around even longer than the Generalstab and having itself established as one of the most important sites on TO/Es on the web. His thorough research has been the base for countless wargames, and his books are an established reference for scholars interested in the organisational details of armed forces in the Second World War. His Website provides extensive information about all participants at various stagtes of the war, while his books provide the background to the snapshots shown online.
As additional goodies, since Sept 12th the complete German WWII Organizational Book Series are now available for free as pdfs from its site. I can only strongly reccomend stopping by and grabbing a copy.
Date: Oct 15th, 2018
URL.: niehorster.org
Reading your organisation series I’m confused overthe letters used in the Order of Battle Pakets for Armies etc. For instance K in the Army 1 column.
Hi Chris,
I’m afraid any questions about Niehosters publications you’d have to ask himself, since I cannot speak for Mr Niehorster, only reccommend his website. You should be able to contact him at Leo_Niehorster [ at ] yahoo [ dot ] com
Best Regards.
The K stood for Army-Group Kleist, named for Field Marshal Ewald v.Kleist. Later there was a G for Guderian, etc.
This was most likely done by the OKW simply for vanity purposes; but to be fair these guys were some of the best of the Wehrmacht. They probably deserved the distinction.
Thank you!