Published May – June 1986
Pages: 60
Dimensions: 8.5x11x.25″
- Editorial: Generally Speaking by Jeffry Tibbetts
- World in Flames review by Jim Hambacher and Scott Jackson
- Druid Counter insurgency in 61 A.D. – review by James T. Naughton
- S— from Shinola analysis by Greg Costikyan
- China Incident: Wellspring of the Pacific War – review by John T. O’Toole
- Confessions of a Literate Grognard by Marion Bates
- 9:00 by Jack Radey
- Boot Camp: Wargame Jargon by Jonathan Southard
- Europa Notes: Red Falcons by Charles Sharp
- Pass in Review – books of interest to the military hobbyist by George Mead, Booksellor
- CRT [computer wargame review column] by Bill Nichols
- Gato by Spectrum Holobyte
- Silent Serrvice by Microprose
- Balance of Power by Chris Crawford
- Clash of Wills by Digital Kamp [sic] Group
- Short Arms – Reviews in Brief
- Duel for Kharkov by People’s War Games
- Pacific Fleet: the decline and fall of the Japanese Empire by Hobby Japan Company
- Napoleon at Lutzen by 3-W in The Wargamer 32
- Thunder at Lutzen by SPI [TSR] in Strategy & Tactics Magazine 99
- Sixth Fleet – Modern Naval Combat in the Mediterranean by Victory Games
- Warlords: China in Disarray 1916-1950 by Panther Games
- Unconditional Surrender by 3-W in The Wargamer 36
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