Miguel scans the single sheet newspaper from one of the many presses now in the service of the cause. His unit with others under Lt Col Yague is being described as “The Column of Death” on its march north to Badajoz. It is true they have swept all beside them and certain reprisals were “necessary”. Also, he secretly admitted, he did not mind too much if the women of the republic were threatened by exaggerated stories of his and his comrades’ sexual prowess!
The republican government has still not recovered from the earlier turmoil although reports from Barcelona indicate that the purges have petered out in the city and some sense of normality has returned. But there is little to rejoice over. Seville is surrounded and isolated, Valladolid has fallen, Malaga is out of communication and marine patrol craft out of Cartagena have reported enemy battle groups and submarines establishing a blockade off the coast.
Insurgent Turn
Supply; Seville and Badajoz go U2 although Seville draws supply from GSPs from last turn’s attack supply. Nationalist army of Aragon goes U1
Reinforcements/Replacements; 2 new Divisions are brought on supported by expending the 1 art RP arriving at Cordoba. Placed as 2-3-5 Divs at Jaen (ov) and Caceres (cac). 2-5 inf 3 (Req) at Vitoria and 2-5 inf 4 (Req) at Burgos. SS3 (CVT), CR32bis and 2 Sup at Cadiz. RP and 2 Sup at Cordoba.
BBTF-1 and CATF gain one NRP each. 1 inf RP from losses plus those received to general pool. (7.5)
Rebuilds 3 x 1-6 Inf 22,24,26, 1-6 Sec 2 GC, 12-6 Bdr 7car
Moves. NTs shuttle 3 X 2-6 (col) to mainland. NT2 then to Canaries. NT1 with BBTF-1 to Melilla. CATF to 4022 blockading Malaga. Subs form a picket line anchored on Almeria across to Eastern tip of Spanish Morocco. SS3 off shore at Almeria spots Vild on patrol but the aircraft fails to make contact.
CR32bis transfers to Salamanca.
2-3-5 Div (cac) moves to 2416 to block PA Army of Madrid moving North West up Tajo valley.
Attack 1; 3724 (Malaga area) Supplied 2-1-8 art o, 2-6 inf 1Tet (col), 2-6 inf 5alh (Col), 2-6 inf mel (col), 1-6 inf 5mr (Col), attack PA 16GC in Mtn at 9-1( -2) = DE. Advance; All
Attack 2; 2722 (Almendralejo) Unsupplied 2-1-8 art E, 1-6 inf 33, 1-8 lt 4, 3-2-6 inf 2LE, 2-6 art 1P attack PA 11GC at 9:1 = DE. Advance; All
Attack 3; 2403 (Soria) .2-5 inf Req 4 (half strength after Militia check), 1-6 mg2 (not supplied), 1-8 cav 1, 1-6 art 11L, 1-8 cav 5 (supplied) attack PA 1-8 bike 9:1 (-1), = DE. Advance; All except Cav 1.
Attack 4 ; 2604, 1-8 cav2, 1-6 art 13L (supplied) and 1-8 cav 9, 1-6 art 10L (unsupplied) attack 1-8 cav 9, 1-6 sec GC. (Militia check failed so halved). 6:1 -1 DH (both eliminated as no retreat path) Cav 2 and art 13L advance
Attack 5: 3515 East of Jean. Unsupplied 2-3-5 inf div Ov and 1-6 sec 12GC and 1-6 sec18GC attack 1-8 cav 8. (Militia check failed so halved). 6:1 (-1) = DE. Advance: 2-3-5 Inf XX Ov.
Republican Turn
Supply: Restored to Army of Aragon. Purification Complete except for Lerida and Tarragona. Malaga U1
Reinforcement/Replacements; 1-5 inf Lar (an) to Seville. Pos AA, 2 steps supply and Art Rep at Valencia; 0-1-5 cons 1 at Madrid and 0-1-5 cons 2 at Lorca. Mechanics estimate D.371 will take takes two months till combat ready. Rebuilds;: 1-2-6 art 1 (Cat), 2 x 1-2-6 Art 1 and 2,, 1-8 mtn 6 , 1-8 cav 8, 1-6 sec 9, 1-6 bdr 6 CAR,
1-6 eng2, 1-5Aml (An).
Moves; N52 Transfers to Madrid
Attack 1; 4015; Unsupplied 1-6 Sec 9Gc, 1-6 sec 15Gc, 1-6 inf 25, 1-2-6 art 2, 1-6 art 6L attack 1-6 art 4L. (Failed Militia check so halved) at 2:1 (-1) = AS.
Attack2; 4216; Presaged by the first Air-Air Combat of the war as BRe19 GS is intercepted by CR32bis which fails to engage. Supplied 1-5mech 2, 1-0-8 AAC, 1-8 cav 8, 1-6 inf 1, 1-6 inf 4, 1-6 art iL attack 2-3-5 inf Div Cac at 2:1 = AS.
Attack 3; 3332 ; Supplied 1-6 art 7L, 1-8 Cav 4, 1-6 inf 13, and 1-8 mtn 3, 1-8 mtn 1, 2-6 art 2P, and unsupplied 1-8 cav 3, 1-8 mtn art 1 attack Nat Art 9L, 1-6 Inf 13. At 4:1 = DR. Advance; 1-8 cav 3 and 2-6 art 2P.
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