Initial Phase: The Weather is clear in Zones D and E, Sea is calm in Atlantic and Mediterranean. All units are in supply. Spain generates 3 GSPs in Madrid and 3 in Sevilla.

It is the start of a new air cycle, so 10 ARPs are received and one is carried over for a total of 11. A Me109E is brought back at 2206, and a He111H4 reappears in Vitoria, leaving 9 ARPs. The 519th Combat engineer regiment is replaced at Tarragona (2 Inf RPs, 7 remain).

Germany spends 9 Resource points at San Sebastian to permanently increase the capacity on the Spanish rail net by 3 REs. 2 ME109Es and a ME109F from 2207 fly CAP over Madrid 2710. 2 Me110C1s fly CAP over 3704.

Movement Phase: The 512th Combat engineer regiment receives new orders ands heads forward to 3633, where it repairs the rail line break. It uses its last MP to enter 3734. Behind it, the 4 rail mounted Siege artillery units move to 3633. Also, the newly reformed 519th Engineer regiment administratively moves up to 23A:3702.

In other construction activity, the 16th Construction regiment repairs the rail break in 3521 and then moves to 3522. Near Zaragoza, the 108th Construction regiment moves to 23A:2702 and uses quick construction along with the 674th Combat Engineer regiment to repair the rail line damage there. Its last MP is spent using rail transport to get to 2705. The aforementioned 67th moves west to Guadalajara.

Rail regauging continues, the 4th RR Engineer regiment advances the southern railhead to 33:3626, while the 1st RR Engineers regauge as far as 23A:1905. Each unit advances one hex past their railheads. In the Valencia sector, the 4th Panzer Corps pushes through to 3705, surrounding the Spanish 52Exp division. The rest of the 25th Corps manoeuvres to 3603, allowing the 65th Corps (and its siege artillery) to advance to 3703.

Behind them, the 62nd Corps moves up to 3701, protecting the rail line against further Spanish partisan activity. This will allow the rail guns to come in to play next turn. The 15th Mountain Corps is detailed to catch the fleeing Spanish units in 3404. The Corps moves through the high country in the area to 3505, unimpeded by enemy ZOCs. It is followed closely by the 98th Mountain regiment, which advances to 23A:3504 from 33:3533.

In the centre of the country, the 64th Corps moves up to 2709, facing Madrid. Extra forces for the Madrid assault arrive in the form of the 66th Corps which moves to 2809, absorbing the 263rd Infantry division along the way. In the rear, the 63rd Corps administratively moves up towards the front as far as Guadalajara. Looking northwards, the 2 detached regiments of the 11th Infantry division in 1410 move into the Cordillera Cantabrica, and take a position in the mountain pass at 1113.

With no opposition in its sector, but at the limit of supply range, the SS TK division shuffles a bit further forward to 2217. It is joined there by the 7th Panzer division which moves out from 2312.

Combat Phase: A mission is sent up from the Madrid airfields over 2710 consisting of a single He111E escorted by 2 CR32bis fighters and a ME109E. The German Me109s flying CAP over the hex switch to intercept and the Me109F attempts to bypass the screen. The first German Me109E takes on its Spanish twin. It appears that the Spanish pilots have mastered the intricacies of the German machines, and they shoot down the interceptors at no loss to themselves. The second Me109E takes on a CR32bis, and in another poor showing, neither aircraft scores a hit. The second CR32bis shoots at the Me109Fs trying to bypass the screen, and to complete the rout they score an abort. The bombers make it past the German AA and through to the target, in an overwhelming air victory for the Spanish.

Since the Madrid defenders sent all their fighters on escort, German bombers can fly in unmolested. An air armada takes to the skies, 5 Ju87s, 4 He111s, 2 JU88s and 3 ME109s carrying bombs. In the city are 5 points of antiaircraft. Perhaps due to the sheer volume of aircraft in the skies, a Ju87, a He111 and Me109E are aborted, and a Ju88 and a Me109F are returned. 26 points of GS make it through to the target, but are halved to 13 due to the city.

The 52Exp Infantry division is attacked in 3704 by the 4th Panzer division and 25th Corps, who have full AECA and can muster 31 attack factors. The woods terrain brings the attack back to 6:1 +2. 4 rolled results in a 6 for a DE. Due to ZOCs the infantry is eliminated, and the 25th Corps advances into the hex.

The main city hex of Madrid (2710) is attacked by no less than 4 German Corps and 9 air units. The 53rd, 34th, 64th and 66th Corps have a modified attack value of 66, when added to the 13 points of GS this makes 79, as against the 18 points of defenders (including DS). Despite significant air losses, the Germans still have a 4:1 attack, but at -2 due to the city and the fort inside it. Due to the overwhelming barrage from the air and land, the Spanish are forced to retreat out of the city. 5 is rolled modified to a 3 for a DR. Due to ZOCs, only the cadres of the 13th and 23rd division survive, and these retreat to 2810. The German 64th Corps advances into Madrid. 3 German fighters and 3 Ju87s land at the newly captured city airfield.

Exploitation Phase: The 4th Panzer Corps shifts forward to 3804, now Valencia is surrounded on 3 sides. Near Madrid, the 34th Corps heads west to occupy 2512, behind the 2 Spanish divisions in the mountains in 2412. The pincer around the Spanish is completed by the TK Motorised division and the 7th Panzer division, which move down the road and then off into the mountains of 2414. Their ZOC will put the enemy out of supply next turn.


  • Spanish Unisolated – 5+12 = 3 Special RPs
  • Spanish Isolated – 0
  • Spanish Air – 0
  • German Unisolated – 0
  • German Isolated – 0
  • German Air – 4A/1K