Europa Games and Military History

Category: AWW AAR No 1 (Page 1 of 2)

March II 40 Soviet Turn and Wrap Up

Per Rule 41G3d-NTO Scenario: End to Russo-Finnish War, “at the start of each Soviet initial phase beginning with the Feb I 40 Soviet turn, the Soviet player checks to see if his war with Finland ends. The war ends if Finland has at least 25 demoralization points [DPs]….” The Finnish DP tally is now 28: 10 for Soviet-owned Finnish point cities (one point each), 6 for Soviet-owned Mannerheim Lines (two points each), 2 for the two presently on-map Finnish inf cadres (one point each), and 10 for the Soviet-owned dot city of Viipuri.

With the Winter War thus ended, “…both sides tally their Finnish and Soviet victory points,” presumably using the untitled Victory Point charts on p. 70 (back page) of the SoS Scenario Rules booklet. Since the DP tally and consequential “war ending” is done at the start of the Soviet initial phase, the subsequent VP tally is done prior to the Soviet replacement substep of their initial phase, and so the Soviet side cannot do any last minute rebuilding of lost forces. This war gamer tallies a total of 21 VPs for the Finnish side and 72 VPs for the Soviet side.

“All Finnish And Soviet forces are then removed from play.” Also, “if the Russo-Finnish war ends before any Allied or Axis Intervention occurs, the scenario ends at that point.” This is the situation in the current SoS NTO Scenario Study. War gamers are referred to Rule 24-Victory, for the NTO Scenario Victory Conditions. Here we are assured that “if your VP total is greater than your opponent’s VP total, then you are in a better military position than your opponent.” In the final analysis per the Victory rule, “the player with the higher VP total…is the victor.”

There will possibly be a finishing SoS NTO Scenario Study EA posting about some SoS NTO scenario game play/rules/revision issues and discussing certain features of the Winter War and Finland in Europa war gaming in a 1939-41 historical context.

March I 40 Finnish Turn

Perhaps sometimes in both war and crisis diplomacy a country’s present actions are cut out for them by the circumstances; their course is set on rails that can go only one way. In the current war game, simulating now the Russo-Finnish Winter War at its climax, it seems to me the Finns this turn have only one option, or issue: Can they or can they not retake Viipuri? Otherwise this game certainly ends on the Mar II 40 Soviet initial phase, per Rule 41G3d-NTO Scenario: End to Russo-Finnish War.

The Soviets have in Viipuri (4517) a total of 24 def factors and one pos flk unit. They can certainly add to this up to 2 factored def factors of DAS (using also the surviving DB-3t), for a likely grand total of 26 def factors against the Finnish counterattack. An enormous Soviet air arsenal is at hand based at nearby Leningrad/Kronshtadt. However, Viipuri is one of the rare clear terrain hexes in Finland; so finally, after all these game turns, the Finns maybe actually have a chance of counterattacking in the Winter War with a modified +1 attack die roll, using the +2 die roll modifier enjoyed by the Finnish Regular Army units and RVV Finnish Foreign Volunteer (FV) units, per rule 14I-Winterization, to offset the -1 TEC attack die roll modifier for attacking in Winter (Snow) weather.

As far as I can tell, the best the valiant Finns can do now is to attack Russian held Viipuri in the combat phase from four hex sides at 1 to 1 +1 odds, with the Soviets having a pltcl pol III in the hex, which would alter a DR into an EX. If the Finns wish, they can block with their ZOC’s any Soviet combat retreat avenues, which at best would eliminate the three retreating Soviet 1-6 inf cadres of the three flipped 5-6 inf XXs. But a counterattack at Viipuri is the only “reasonable” simulation option for the Finns in the war game at this time, excluding conceding the game in their initial phase, as if simulating a negotiated settlement done deliberately prior to the risky and frankly probably dangerous (both militarily and diplomatically) impending counterattack. Those interested can study the CRT and ponder the military and diplomatic implications of the current Finnish turn.

A Finnish counterattack at Viipuri requires the Finns to muster a giant attacking ground force in the Isthmus of probably at least 26 ground attack factors, and will require stripping the already paper thin Ladogan Karelia front of the stout 4-6 Inf XX 1, will require stripping to the bone what’s left that’s holding the remnant of the eastern segment of the Mannerheim Line, and will require almost all the turn’s available inf RPs to rebuild a needed 3-4-6 inf XX to throw into the battle.

Of course a Finnish victory resulting from a successful counterattack at Viipuri on the Mar I 40 turn would likely electrify the Western Allies and perhaps even neutral Sweden and Norway, assuming there were Finnish survivors after the 1 to 1 attack to occupy and take control of the Viipuri hex.

In the initial phase the Finns place the 0-1-6 Inf X Sisu (FV) and the pos flk unit, both Foreign Aid via Sea, at the ice free minor port of Hanko (4530). The Blen 1 A type air unit is brought on at Kotka (4521) and the MS.406 F type air unit is placed at the at start 3-cap permanent airfield at Lappeenranta (4318), along with the C.X A type and Glad F type air units already there. Per the SoS Errata Sheet 18 Jan 1999 the Finns receive 2 ARPs as production on the Mar I 40 air cycle. They spend one ARP to bring back on-map the aborted D.XXI F type air unit and place it at their 1-cap temporary airfield at 4518.

The Finns begin their turn with a new total of 2 ½ accumulated inf replacement points (RPs), and receive 1 inf RP as a reinforcement, for a total of 3 ½ inf RPs. The Finns replace the *3-4-6 Inf XX 9 and place it at Helsinki, with ½ inf RPs pocketed for later.

Prior to the reinforcement segment of their initial phase the Finns remove from the map the dummy guerrilla unit at forest road hex 2512 (just north of Soumussalmi), which they can do “at any time” per Rule 39D-Dummy Guerrilla Units. Then, in the reinforcement segment of their initial phase the Finns bring on-map the conditional reinforcement 1-8 Ski X Lapin guerrilla in combat mode and place it at woods s. rail terminus hex 2613, adjacent to the now black U-1 Soviet 4-6 Inf XX 81 occupying recently captured Soumussalmi (woods road junction hex 2612). Afterwards the Finns place at forest hex 2713 (just south of Soumussalmi) the dummy guerrilla unit they had just removed from the game map a little earlier in their initial phase.

By the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Finnish ground units north of the A weather line are as follows:

Kemijarvi (wooded swamp s. rail terminus hex 1514): 1-6 Ski III 41, never moved

Woods road hex 2114: *1-6 Ski III 2/LR: never moved

Woods s. rail terminus hex 2613: dummy guerrilla unit, from 2713

Woods s. rail hex 2614: 1-8 Ski X Lapin guerrilla unit in combat mode, from 2613

Woods road hex 2913 right on the A weather line: 1-2-8 ski X Rv, never moved.

At woods hex 4213, in southern Ladogan Karelia near its junction with the Karelian Isthmus, the 4-6 Inf XX 1 breaks down into its two component *2-6 Inf Xs 2 and 3 at the beginning of the movement phase. Later in the movement phase both *2-6 inf Xs move one hex southwestwards to rail hex 4314 and from there rail to hex 4416.

By the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Finnish ground units in the vast Ladogan Karelia south of the A weather line and north of Lake Ladoga are as follows:

Forest hex 3113: dummy guerrilla unit, from 3213

Woods rail hex 3114, second dummy guerrilla unit from 3213

Woods rail hex 3212: *1-6 Inf X 4, from 3313

Forest L. Pielinen coast hex 3413: 1-8 Ski X Kraj guerrilla unit in combat mode, from 3514

Forest L. Hoytianen coast hex 3514: 1-6 Ski X Kymen guerrilla unit in combat mode, from 3413

Joensuu (woods rail junction hex 3613): *3-4-6 Inf XX 12, never moved

Woods s. rail/road junction hex 3614: 1-0-8 Arm II 1, never moved

Woods L. Ori coast hex 3714: 1-6 Ski III 1/LR, never moved

Wooded intermittent lake hex 3814 w/ a frozen all lake narrow straits hexside: 1-8 Ski III 1-2 J, regular moved from 4213

Forest hex 3914: *3-4-6 Inf XX 13, never moved

Forest L. Pyha coast hex 4013: *1-2-6 Inf III A, never moved

Forest L. Pyha coast hex 4114: *1-2-6 Inf III A, never moved

Woods hex 4213: *1-6 Ski III 2/KR, from 4313

Forest rail L. Simpele coast hex 4214: *1-6 Inf III A, from 4313. Note: Quite earlier in the game when the 4-5-6 Inf XX 6 was broken down into the component supported IIIs of the “A” Inf XX, the *1-6 Inf III A breakdown component was picked in error rather than the correct *1-6 Ski III A breakdown component. It’s too late now to fix this probably minor error.

Woods rail junction L. Simpele coast hex 4314: 3-4-6 Inf XX 21 and 0-1-5 Const III Kar, both from 4213.

In the Karelian Isthmus, at M.L. woods Lake Ladoga coast hex 4613, the 4-5-6 Inf XX 10 breaks down into its three supported component IIIs at the beginning of the movement phase. At G. of Finland coast hex 4518 the 0-1-5 Const III Kan spends 3 MPs to upgrade the 1-cap temp. airfield there to a 2-cap temp. airfield, adding to the 1 MP already expended the previous turn.

By the end of the movement phase, the dispositions of the Finnish ground units in the Karelian Isthmus are as follows:

M.L. woods Lake Ladoga coast hex 4613: *1-2-6 Inf III B, never moved

M.L. wooded intermittent swamp rail/lake causeway hex 4614: *1-2-6 Inf III B, from 4613

Woods hex 4515: 2-6 Art III 2 and 0-1-6 Inf III 66, both from 5614; 0-1-6 Inf III HaL, from 4613

Kakisalmi (wooded intermittent lake Ladoga coast hex 4514): 0-1-8 Cycle III VL, from 4614

Forest rail hex 4316: pos flk unit, admin moved from Kakisalmi

Woods rail hex 4445: *1-6 Ski III B, from 4613

Woods hex 4516: 4-5-6 Inf XX 8, two 1-6 Inf IIIs 22/63 and 22/64, all three never moved; 1-2-6 Inf III 22/65, from 4416; 1-8 Ski III 3-4 J, from 4515

Wooded intermittent lake rail hex 4416: 4-5-6 Inf XX 4, *1-2-6 Inf Cadre 11, and 1-2-6 Ski III 1/KR, all three never moved; 3-4-6 Inf XX 9, repl railed in from Helsinki; *3-8 Ski X RVV/1, from 4213; 4-6 Inf XX 1, reassembled here at the end of the movement phase from the two railed in *2-6 Inf Xs 2 and 3

Woods rail/sea causeway hex 4417: *1-2-6 Inf Cadre 5, from 4518; pos flk unit, never moved

G. of Finland coast hex 4518: *3-4-6 Inf XX 23 and 1-6 Art III 3, both from 4417; 0-1-5 Const III Kan w/ 2-cap temp. airfield, never moved

Lappeenranta (woods rail hex 4318 w/ an at start 3-cap permanent airfield): pos flk unit, from 4417; MS.406 and Glad F type air units, C.X A type air unit, all three never moved

Forest hex 4418: 0-6 RR Eng III Yhd, from 4417

Imatra (woods rail hex 4317): pos flk unit, from 4417.

Near the end of the initial phase the Finns send the D.XXI F type air unit from the temp. airfield at 4518 on the CAP mission over the Viipuri hex. Immediately afterwards the non-phasing Soviets send the two I-153 F type air units based at Leningrad on the CAP mission over the Viipuri hex; the Finns refuse to intercept the two I-153 air units with their fighter also on the CAP mission in the same hex.

In the combat phase the Soviets send seven SB-3bis’, two SB-2’s, the R-10, and the R-5Sh on the DAS mission over the Viipuri hex with three I-16’s, two I-16/t10’s, and the I-16/t17 as escort, all from the Leningrad/Kronshtadt zone. The two Soviet I-153 air units flying CAP over the hex decline to switch to the escort mission. The Finnish MS.406 and the Glad from Lappeenranta, and the D.XXI flying CAP over Viipuri all intercept the Soviet DAS mission.

In random drawings an I-16 pairs with the MS.406 and aborts it; the formidable French fighter misses. An I-16/t17 aborts the Glad and the British biplane misses on its roll. An I-16/t10 pairs up with the D.XXI, but both F types roll misses. This time Luck flies with the Soviet fighters.

The Finns, perhaps having a fill of bad luck this turn with aerial combat and just wanting to get on with the Viipuri counterattack, decline to send any GS to the Viipuri hex.

The Soviets add two SB-2bis’ tac factors and the DB-3t’s tac factor (raw total of 4), modified by poor weather to 2 def factors, to the 24 def factors of their ground units defending Viipuri for a grand total of 26 def factors. The Finns throw in everything they’ve got into the counterattack, minus a GS attempt, and attack Viipuri with 26 attack factors from all four hexes 4516, 4416, 4417 and 4518, with inf XX ZOCs coming from the two important encroaching hexes 4516 and 4518, at 1 to 1 +1 and roll a 4, which modifies to a 5: AS.

From here on the polished diplomats again take charge to quickly put and end to what’s so far taken place this winter in snow covered Scandinavia. Perhaps we can imagine scenes at the Viipuri sea causeway transportation line hexside at hexes 4417/4517 similar to the pictures on pp. 148-151 of Richard Condon’s The Winter War: Russia Against Finland, showing the Finnish diplomatic delegation crossing the Karelian Isthmus front line under the truce flag, as if phantoms from a bygone era wanting to make the former world come back again. Perhaps back at Helsinki the brave internationalists of the 0-1-6 Inf X Sisu (FV), who along with the reinf pos flk unit admin moved from Hanko into the Finnish capital, will still have a chance to proudly march down its streets, as if attempting to convince all Europe that this recently borne and still juvenile and immature continental conflict is, after all, just a kind of enlarged Spanish Civil War embroilment that will run its course and eventually sputter out, and not at all a preliminary troubled sleep interlude transitioning into the incredible total war nightmare of WW II.

All the above in no way intends to disparage the Finnish effort in the Winter War. The Finns, I believe, fought for their national sovereignty and dignity and the best intentions of the prewar Versailles peace paradigm. Keep in mind the Soviets in March of 1940 probably wanted peace quickly as much as the Finns, and then had no intentions of fighting on to Helsinki. They treated with the bourgeois Finnish government, forgot all about their puppet Finnish National government, insisted their occupation of Hanko was temporary, harped mightily on the defense of Leningrad aspects of their territorial demands, and on their own initiative gave back to the Finns Petsamo.

Having said all that, I’ll spare the EA the rebasing details of the various air units involved in the Viipuri counterattack, or the interesting fact of the large number of forward Soviet ground units in the Ladogan Karelia in Finland between hexes 3812 and 3212 inclusive that become black U-1 in the Finnish initial phase due to advancing beyond their supply line back to the Murmansk railway, or the fact that the recently arrived Blen 1 air unit at Kotka does a transfer to Kuopio (3417) in the exploitation phase.

March I 40 Soviet Turn

The Soviets roll a 1 for the weather die roll, so it’s Snow everywhere on map 35; eg., in weather zones A and B. To be sure, if we were playing the NTO scenario with all the SoS maps on this turn, it’d be Mud in weather zone C and N in weather zone D, which I believe would mean Winter weather there. In any event, there are on this turn rough seas in the Arctic Ocean and the sea in calm in the Baltic.

The Soviets have 2/5 accumulated special inf replacement points for their losses incurred the last Feb II 40 Soviet turn. In the Soviet replacement box are a 3-2-8 art X, a 1-6 eng III, the 2-1-8 lt arm X, and an eliminated I-153. Per the SoS Errata Sheet 18 Jan 1999 the Soviets get 10 new ARPs for this turn’s new air cycle and they accumulate one additional ARP from the previous pool, giving them a total of 11 ARPs. In the initial phase they spend 2 of these 11 ARPs to replace the eliminated I-153, and place it at SE Leningrad hex 5114.

In the Mar I 40 Soviet initial phase the Finnish demoralization point (DP) tally is currently 14: 8 for captured Finnish point cities (1 point each), 4 for two “owned” Mannerheim Line hexes (2 points each), and 2 for the two Finnish *1-2-6 inf cadres on the map (1 point each).

By the end of the Soviet movement phase the dispositions of the Soviet forces north of the A weather line are as follows:

Petsamo (rough terrain Arctic Ocean minor port hex 0304): winterized 4-6 Inf XX 104, never moved; fulfills a garrison requirement

Murmansk (rough terrain Arctic Ocean major port and rail terminal hex 0701): 3-6 Inf XX 49, pos flk unit, an I-15 and I-152 F type air unit, and the 1-pt DD TF Flotilla-1, all forces never moved; the inf XX fulfills a garrison requirement

Salla (woods road junction hex 1510): 4-6 Inf XX 14, never moved; functions as a garrison

Wooded rough road hex 1509: winterized 1-2-6 Inf X Dol, never moved

Allakurtti (wooded rough road border hex 1508 inside Finland): 3-6 Inf XX, admin moved from 1604; functions as a garrison

Wooded rough road border hex 1507 inside the USSR: 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 4, admin moved from Loukhi (2104)

Wooded rough road hex 1606: 1-6 Inf III 19, from Allakrurrti

Kandalaksha (wooded rough Murmansk railway White Sea standard port hex 1504 w/ a 1-cap permanent airstrip): 0-1-5 Const X 7, admin moved from 1507

Kuusamo (woods road junction hex 2010): 4-6 Inf XX 163, never moved; functions as a garrison

Wooded rough road border hex 2109 inside Finland: 1-6 Inf III 529, never moved

Kestenga (wooded swamp s. rail terminus/road hex 2107 w/ a 1-cap permanent airstrip): winterized 1- 2-6 Inf X BOS, never moved; I-152, air transferred in from Loukhi during the movement phase

Loukhi (woods Murmansk rail junction hex 2104 w/ 1-cap permanent airstrip): 3-6 Inf XX 42 reinf railed in from the Leningrad central city hex 5014

Wooded swamp road border hex 2611 inside Finland: 4-6 Inf XX 81, never moved; black U-1, but in special supply by 3 supply points two hexes away at the temp. airfield at 2510 that were delivered there on the Feb II Soviet turn; 4-6 Inf XX 54, from 2510

Woods road border hex 2510 inside the USSR w/ a 1-cap temp. airfield at the start of the turn: 0-5 Const III 9, never moved; spends 5 MPs to complete the build of a 2-cap temp. airfield here (1 MP needed) and does an initial 4 MP spend on the next cap level build; 3-6 Inf XX 51, admin moved from 2308

Woods road hex 2509: 3-6 Inf XX 33, never moved

Ukhta (woods road junction hex 2508 w/ a 3-cap permanent airfield): winterized 1-6 Inf III 8 A, never moved;TB-3, G-1, and G-2 T type air units. All three air transports air transport six supply points to the friendly temp. airfield at 3010, then return to base at Ukhta.

Kuhmo (woods road hex 2912): winterized 1-6 Inf III 88/273 and the 2-6 Art X 45, never moved, both are black U-4; at least one RE acts as a garrison

Forest/woods road hex 3011: 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 5, from 3209

Wooded swamp border hex 3010 inside Finland: 0-5 Const III 8, never moved; spends 5 MPs to complete the build of a 1-cap temp. airfield here (2 MPs needed) and does an initial 3 MP spend on the next cap level build; 1-2-6 MG X 7 A, black U-1, from 3011

Forest Border hex 3112 inside Finland and right on the A weather line: winterized 4-6 Inf XX 3, black U-2, from 3211

Forest border hex 3211 inside USSR and right on the A weather line: 3-6 Inf XX 16, from 3111.

In the combat phase the two 4-6 Inf XXs 54 and 81 at hex 2611 attack the Finnish 1-2-6 Ski III 1/PKR at Soumussalmi, at woods road junction hex 2612, at 8 to 1 -2 and roll a 6: DE. After combat the 4-6 Inf XX 81 enters and occupies Soumussalmi.

At the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Soviet forces in the vast Ladogan Karelia on or south of the A weather line and north and east of Lake Ladoga are as follows:

Forest border hex 3311 in the USSR and right on the A weather line: winterized 3-6 Inf XX 142, black U-1, never moved

Wooded intermittent lake border hex 3410 inside the USSR: 3-6 Inf XX 122, black U-1, from 3411

Wooded intermittent lake border hex 3411 inside Finland: 4-6 Inf XX 50, from 3511; 3-6 Inf XX 60, from 3510; 1-6 Lt AA III 8, from 3611

Forest/woods rail hex 3512: 3-6 Inf XX 113, from 3611

Woods border hex 3510 inside Finland: 1-2-6 Para-Inf X 201, from Ilomantsi (3711)

Forest hex 3611: 4-8 Mot Inf XX 44, black U-1, from 3512

Forest hex 3612: 4-6 Inf XX 18, from 3712

Forest/woods road hex 3712: 3-6 Inf XX 128, admin moved from 3707

Ilomantsi (woods road hex 3711): 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 6, admin moved from Pitkaranta (4310)

Wooded swamp road hex 3707: winterized 3-6 Inf XX 91 and 3-6 Inf XX 173, both reinfs railed from SE Leningrad hex 5114 and then admin moved in

Woods rail/road junction hex 3812: 3-6 Inf XX 155, black U-1, from 3713

Woods hex 3813: 3-6 Inf XX 62, from 3912

Woods rail hex 3912: 3-6 Inf XX 86, from 4111; 3-6 Inf XX 1 FNA, from 3811

Woods L. Janis coast hex 4010: 1-2-8 Para-Inf X 204, never moved

Woods L. Pyha coast hex 4012: 4-6 Inf XX 11 and 3-2-8 Arm X 34, never moved

Woods L. Pyha coast hex 4113: 3-6 Inf XX 139, from 4211; two 3-2-8 Arm X 13 and 20, both from 4112

Woods rail junction hex 4112: 3-2-8 Arm X 28, from 4012

Woods rail L. Ladoga coast hex 4212: winterized 4-6 Inf XX 168, from 4112; 3-6 Inf XX 72 and 2-6 Art X 56, both from 4211

Sortavala (clear terrain L. Ladoga coast rail hex 4211): 3-2-8 Art X 8, never moved

W. End of Valamo Island hex 4312: 3-6 Inf XX 136, never moved

Pitkaranta (woods s. rail terminus/road L. Ladoga coast hex 4310): 1-8 Cav III 102, from 4410

Wooded swamp L. Ladoga coast road border hex 4510 inside Finland: 2-3-6 Inf XX 3 FNA, never moved

Wooded swamp L. Ladoga coast road hex 4608 w/ an at start 3-cap permanent airfield: two SB-2bis and the R-10 air units, never moved

Wooded swamp L. Ladoga coast Murmansk railway hex 4908: 1-8 Cav III 116, admin moved from the Leningrad central city hex 5014.

In the combat phase the 3-6 Inf XX 60 at 3411 attacks the dummy guerrilla unit at Lieksa (3312). The dummy guerrilla unit automatically retreats before combat to forest hex 3212 right on the A weather line and stacks with the dummy guerrilla unit already there. After combat the 3-6 Inf XX 60 advances into Lieksa.

The 3-6 Inf XX 16 at 3211 then attacks the two dummy guerrilla units stacked at 3212. Both dummy guerrilla units automatically retreat before combat to 3213, and the Soviet inf XX advances after combat into hex 3212.

Then the Soviet 4-6 Inf XX 50 and the 1-6 Lt AA III 8 stacked together at hex 3411 attack the Finnish 1-6 Ski Kymen guerrilla unit in combat mode at 3412. The guerrilla ski unit attempts to retreat before combat and rolls a 6 on the Success Table, and thereby successfully retreats before combat westwards across the frozen full lake hexside of Lake Pielinen to forest hex 3413. The 4-6 Inf XX 50 advances after combat into hex 3412.

The 1-8 Ski X Kraj guerrilla unit in combat mode is then attacked by the 4-6 Inf XX 18 at hex 3612 and the 3-6 Inf XX 113 at hex 3512 across the rail causeway crossing the frozen full lake hexside of Lake Pielinen. The guerrilla ski unit attempts to retreat before combat but rolls a Failure on the Success Table. The Soviets roll a 2 on their 9 to 1 -3 combat attack die roll: DR. The 1-8 Ski X Karj guerrilla unit retreats westwards to hex 3514 across the frozen full lake hexside of Lake Hoytianen. The 3-6 Inf XX 113 advances after combat across the rail causeway across Lake Pielinen to hex 3513.

The Soviets also attack the *1-6 Ski III 2/PKR at hex 3913 from four hexes: 4012, 3912, 3812, and 3813 at 9 to 1 -3 odds. The Finnish ski III attempts to retreat before combat, but rolls a Failure. It’s an automatic Elim for these Finns due to the high odds and the enemy ZOCs blocking retreat. The 3-6 Inf XX 86 advances into hex 3913 after the combat, leaving the 3-6 Inf XX 1 FNA it was stacked with in hex 3912 to block the hex from guerrilla placement next turn.

In the exploitation phase the 4-8 Mot Inf XX 44, currently black U-1, moves into hex 3512 to block that hex from guerrilla placement next turn. This will certainly make it black U-2 the next Finnish initial phase.

By the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Soviet ground units in the important Karelian Isthmus zone are as follows:

Clear terrain G. of Finland coast hex 4617:

three 5-6 Inf XXs 24, 70, and 100; all three never moved

three 3-2-8 Arm Xs 32, 39, and 51; all three never moved

4-2-8 Art X LVO, never moved

3-2-8 Art X 13, never moved

Woods rail hex 4616:

three 4-6 Inf XXs, 77 and 84 never moved; 43 from 4716

two 3-2-6 [Heavy] Arm Xs, 35 and 40, railed in from 4714

1-8 Pltcl Pol III 3, railed in from 4714

3-2-8 Art X 9, from 4716

3-2-8 Art X 15, reinf railed in from NW Leningrad hex 4915

pos flk unit, from 4617

Wooded intermittent lake G. of Finland coast hex 4717:

4-8 Mot Inf XX 25, from 4816

4-8 Mot Inf XX 95, reinf admin moved from NW Leningrad hex 4915

3-2-8 Arm X 24, from 4815

3-2-8 Arm X 33, admin moved from 4814

2-6 Art X 50, never moved

Woods rail hex 4716:

9-6 Art XX 1, never moved

4-6 Inf XX 41, never moved

4-6 Inf XX 17, from 4813

2-1-8 Eng Tank III LVO, never moved

two 2-6 Art Xs 1 and 40, both never moved

Woods hex 4715:

Note: This turn the Soviet corps marker here flips to its regular stacking side per Rule 38H2a-Reduced Stacking.

two 4-6 Inf XX 4 and 75, both never moved

1-6 Eng III 13, from 4716

2-6 Art X 3, never moved

2-6 Art X 23, from 4714

Woods rail hex 4714:

three 4-6 Inf XXs 52, 123, and 138; all three never moved

2-6 Art X 34, never moved

Clear terrain L. Ladoga coast hex 4713:

Note: This turn the Soviet corps marker here flips to its regular stacking side per Rule 38H2a-Reduced Stacking.

4-6 Inf XX 41, never moved

4-6 Inf XX 17, from 4813

two 2-6 Art Xs 1 and 40, both never moved

Clear terrain G. of Finland coast hex 4816:

winterized *2-6 Marine X VMF/5, from 4715

*1-2-8 Mot MG X 50, never moved

3-2-8 Arm X 31, reinf from NW Leningrad hex 4915

Clear terrain G. of Finland coast hex 4815:

1-8 Pltcl Pol III 2, from 4715

Woods hex 4814:

4-6 Inf XX 37, from 4816

Woods rail hex 4813:

*0-1-0 FA X Kar, never moved

1-8 Pltcl Pol III 1, from 4713

2-0-6 Siege Art X LVO, from 4713

pos flk unit, from 4714

Isle of Kronshtadt (4916):

5-pt BB TF Marat

5-pt TF O. Rev

two 1-6 Lt AA IIIs 7 and 14, never moved

1-6 Lt AA III 15, reinf from NW Leningrad hex 4915

NW Leningrad hex 4915:

1-6 Eng III 7, from 4717

NE Leningrad hex 4914:

1-6 Eng III 8, admin moved from 4717

Leningrad central city hex 5014:

reinf 0-5 Const III 15, never moved

resource point

SE Leningrad hex 5114:

0-5 Const III 13, never moved

Near the end of the initial phase the Soviet player sends on the CAP mission over the Viipuri hex (4517) the replacement I-153 based at the SE Leningrad hex 5114. The Finns refuse to intercept with either of their two fighters based at Viipuri.

Early in the combat phase, when it’s time for the non-phasing player to fly DAS missions, the Finns send up the C.X A type on the DAS mission over Viipuri with the Glad F type as escort. The Soviets intercept with all seven F type air units in range from their airbases at Kronshtadt (4916) and the NW Leningrad hex (4915), both 4 hexes away from Viipuri. That’s three I-16’s, two I-16/t10’s, and two I-16/t17’s. All 7 intercepting Soviet fighters opt to bypass the Finnish Glad fighter. The I-153 performing the CAP mission in the Viipuri hex declines to participate and remains on its CAP mission. A random drawing pits the Glad against an I-16/t17 and the Finns roll a 4, which modifies to a 3 and per the SoS Air CRT: a Kill. Then the six remaining Soviet I-16’s (of various model types) close in on the C.X A type performing the DAS mission. The very first Soviet fighter randomly picked to intercept, an I-16/t10, rolls a 6 and Returns the C.X A type. The A type rolls a 9 for no effect. At the end of the air op the Soviet fighters return to base at Leningrad and Kronshtadt and the Finnish Glad and C.X air units return to base at the nearby at start 3-cap permanent airfield at Lapenranta (4318).

Then the Soviets send no less than 16 of their A and B type air units (eg., the whole available lot in the game) based at Leningrad and the permanent airfield at hex 4608 on the GS mission to Viipuri, with the other I-153 based at NE Leningrad hex 4914 as escort. That’s seven SB-2bis’, two SB-2’s, two R-5Sh’s, the R-10, two DB-3m’s, the DB-3t, and the DB-3b air units. At the last hex of the mission movement step the I-153 performing the CAP mission over Viipuri switches to the escort mission over the hex. The Finnish D.XXI F type air unit based at Viipuri intercepts the entire Soviet air op over the Viipuri mission hex and attempts to bypass the two escorting I-153s. The first I-153 rolls high and misses; but the second one rolls a 4: an Abort for the Finnish D.XXI F type air unit.

Then the 16 Soviet A and B type air units performing the GS mission must run the gauntlet of the 3 Finnish pos flk factors at Viipuri. The dice rolls of the SoS Antiaircraft Fire Table return two SB-2bis’, the R-10, and the DB-3b. The AA rolls also abort an R-5Sh and both DB-3m’s. Of the 9 remaining A and B (just one, the DB-3t) type Soviet air units, only 5 (owning player’s choice) can contribute their factored tac factors (due to poor weather) as GS to the upcoming battle, per Rule 20G2b-Ground Support. The Soviets pick the DB-3t and three of their SB-2bis’ (raw tac factor total of 5) for a factored GS total of 2 ½ to add to the combat attack for Viipuri. The Soviets attack Finnish held Viipuri with 31 attack factors from hex 4617, 25 attack factors from 4616, including a pltcl pol III, and the 2 ½ factored GS factors for a total of 58 ½ to 19, which equates to 3 to 1 -1 for Winter (Snow) weather. The Soviets roll the die and get a 5, which factors to a 4: DR.

The three Finnish pos flk units, the *3-4-6 Inf XX 23, the *3-8 Ski X RVV/1, and the 1-6 Art III 3 retreat to hex 4417, where the 0-6 RR Eng III Yhd is. The 4-5-6 Inf XX 4, the 1-2-6 Inf III 22/65, the 1-2-6 Ski III 1/KR, and the *1-2-6 Inf Cadre 11 all retreat to hex 4416.

The Soviets advance into Viipuri the three 5-6 Inf XXs 24, 70, and 100, the two [Heavy] Arm Xs 35 and 40, the 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 3, the two 3-2-8 Art Xs 9 and 15, and the pos flk unit.

The surviving Soviet air units participating in the battle for Viipuri return to base at Leningrad.

But the Soviets aren’t done just yet in their combat phase. They then attack the Finnish *3-4-6 Inf XX 9 at the central M.L. wooded intermittent lake hex 4615 from hexes 4715 and 4716 at 9 to 1 -2. They attack with 1/7th combat engineer capability (one combat eng capable type III in each hex) and the 9-6 Art XX 1 at hex 4716. They roll a 4, which modifies to a 2: DE. After combat the Soviets advance into hex 4615 the two 4-6 Inf XXs 90 and 97.

In the exploitation phase the Soviets advance the 4-8 Mot Inf XX 25 and the 3-2-8 Arm X 33 into hex 4617, the 4-8 Mot Inf XX 95 into hex 4615, and two 3-2-8 Arm Xs, the 24th and 31st, into hex 4616. The 1-2-8 Mot MG X 50 exploits into hex 3717.

At the end of the exploitation phase the dispositions of the Soviet air units based in the Leningrad/Kronshtadt zone are as follows:

Kronshtadt: three I-16, one 1-16/t10

NW L. hex 4915: I-153, I-16/t10, I-16/t17

NE L. hex 4914: two SB-2, I-153

L central city hex 5014: R-5Sh, SB-2bis, DB-3t

Eastern L. hex 5013: R-10, two SB-2bis

SW L. hex 5115: two SB-2bis, DB-3b

SE L. hex 5114: two SB-2bis

The 3-6 Inf XX 150, currently black U-3, lingers perhaps miserably on the north end of the Isle of Suur (4621) in the frozen G. of Finland. At its rear the 1-8 Cav III 5 watches out for Finnish guerrillas on the small Isle of Tatar (4820).

At Tallinn (4826) only the pos flk unit remains. At the end of the exploitation phase the I-16/t18 and I-16/t17 F type air units based there since the start of the turn do an air transfer mission to Soviet occupied Viipuri.

Feb II 40 Finnish Turn

The Finns begin their turn with ¾ accumulated inf replacement points (RPs). They get 1 ½ special inf RPs for unisolated non-guerrilla losses incurred the last Soviet turn along with 1 reinf inf RP per the AWW Finnish OB. With this they rebuild the *1-2-6 Inf Cadre 11 and the 1-6 Ski III 1/LR from the replacement pool and place them at Helsinki. This leaves them 1 ¼ inf RPs for use the next Finnish turn. Of course it’s tempting to spend the third RP now, but maybe saving it would be good, too, if it might help rebuild say, a whole inf XX on the Mar I turn.

All Finnish ground and air units are in supply in the initial phase.

Per the AWW Finnish OB, the Finns receive as a ground reinforcement this turn only the “Discretionary Reinforcement” 0-1-5 Nvl Trps III Aalt, in the original game taken from the old AWW BD Ilmar and BD Vaina naval units. Presumably in SoS NTO scenarios this unit can be “taken” from the new SoS 2-pt BD TF Ilmar naval unit (see the SoS Orders of Battle booklet, pp. 11-12), in this game presently anchored at the port of Turku (4320) along with the RF Sisa (AA=1). If the AWW nvl trps III discretionary reinforcement is taken in the SoS NTO game, I’m assuming the Ilmar TF may not use it gunnery strength for the rest of the game, though may continue to fire its AA (AA=1) and also perhaps move.

The Finns start their turn with 2 ARPs. Initially the Finns consider spending only 1 ARP to move the C.X A type air unit from the eliminated box to the abort box. This would frugally leave them 1 ARP left over to carry over into the Mar I air cycle next turn. Doing this might give them an extra ARP to spend on replacing fighter unit losses late in the game, which at first thought by the Finns seems to be a wise move for these times. However, a hard look at the situation in the Karelian Isthmus zone, and in particular at Viipuri, makes them then think that the hour of decision is at hand, and so they opt to spend their remaining 2 ARPs to rebuild the C.X A type air unit and bring it on-map.

As a ruse to hopefully deceive the Soviet side as to what their real air strategy intentions are, which an alert Soviet side could likely frustrate, in their initial phase the Finns bring on the C.X A type at the reference city of Kotka (4521), as if gamely and quaintly attempting to perhaps defend some peripheral hexes. Perhaps even then too busy mulling over their likely big attack against Viipuri next turn, the Soviets never think about sending up any non-phasing CAP missions at the end of the initial phase, after the Finnish reinforcement/replacement step is done. Then, having evidently caught the Soviets off-guard, the very first thing the Finns do in their movement phase is to announce they’re doing a large air op to a particular target hex, per Rule 16D-Air Operations Sequence and Rule 18-Movement of Air Units. Then the Finns pick up the C.X A type at Kotka and also the two F type Finnish fighter air units at Helsinki and fly them eastwards.

Although the non-phasing Soviets cannot right now initiate any CAP missions, their I-16/t17 and I-16/t18 fighters based at Tallinn (4826) gamely announce patrol missions against the two Finnish fighters taking off from Helsinki (4526). Unfortunately for the USSR, each of the Soviet patrol attack die rolls are low: both No Effect, and in the end all three Finnish air units successfully complete their air transfer mission to Viipuri (4517).

By the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Finnish ground units both north of the A weather line and also in the Ladogan Karelia region between the A weather line and the north shores of Lake Ladoga are as follows:

Kemijarvi (wooded swamp road hex 1514): 1-6 Ski III 41, never moved

Woods road hex 2114: *1-6 Ski III 2/LR, never moved

Forest road hex 2512: dummy guerrilla unit, never moved

Soumussalmi (woods road junction hex 2612): 1-2-6 ski III 1/PKR, never moved

Woods road hex 2913, right on the A weather line: 1-2-8 Ski X Rv, never moved

Forest hex 3212: dummy guerrilla unit: from Lieksa (3312)

Woods rail L. Pielinen coast hex 3313: *1-6 Inf X 4, railed in from M.L. hex 4614 in the Karelian Isthmus

Lieksa (woods rail hex 3312): dummy guerrilla unit, from 3412

Woods rail L. Pielinen coast hex 3412; 1-6 Ski X Kymen guerrilla unit in combat mode, from Lieksa

Forest rail/causeway hex 3513: 1-8 Ski X Kraj guerrilla unit in combat mode, from 3412

Joensuu (woods rail junction hex 3613): *3-4-6 Inf XX 12, from 3612

Woods s. rail hex 3614: 1-0-8 Arm II 1, from Jeonsuu

Woods L. Ori coast hex 3714: 1-6 Ski III 1/LR, repl railed from Helsinki at double cost, then moved in

Forest hex 3913: *1-6 Ski III 2/PKR, never moved

Forest hex 3914: *3-4-6 Inf XX 13, from 3913

Forest L. Pyha coast hex 4013: *1-2-6 Inf III A, never moved

Forest L. Pyha coast hex 4114: *1-2-6 Inf III A, from 4113

Woods hex 4213: 4-6 Inf XX 1 and the 0-1-5 Const III Kar, both from 4212; 1-8 Ski III 1-2 J, regular moved from Viipuri

Clear terrain L. Ladoga coast rail hex 4313: *3-4-6 Inf XX 21, from 4113; *1-6 Ski III 2/KR and *1-6 Inf III A, both never moved.

In the Finnish initial phase several Soviet ground units north of the A weather line get back into regular or special supply and in the Ladogan Karelia at least five Soviet units are now either black U-1 or U-2, having moved or lingered beyond their regular supply line hex limit. The following list shows the dispositions and current status of those Soviet ground units with affected supply status changes in the Finnish initial phase:

Wooded rough road border hex 2109 inside Finland: 1-6 Inf III 529, back in regular supply, the red U- 1 marker removed

Wooded swamp road border hex 2611 inside Finland (adjacent to Finnish held Soumussalmi): 4-6 Inf XX 81, becomes black U-1 this turn, but is in special supply because it can trace an overland supply line to three of the four friendly supply points delivered to the Soviet 1-cap temp. airfield two road hexes away at 2510

Kumo (woods road hex 2912): winterized 1-6 Inf III 88/273 and 2-6 Art X 45, both units are still black U-4

Forest/woods road hex 3011: 1-2-6 MG X 7 A, becomes black U-1 this turn

Forest border hex 3211 inside the USSR and right on the A weather line: winterized 4-6 Inf XX 3, becomes black U-2 this turn

Forest/woods road hex 3209: 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 5, back in regular supply, black U-2 marker removed

Forest border hex 3311 inside the USSR and right on the A weather line: winterized 3-6 Inf XX 142, becomes black U-1 this turn

Wooded intermittent lake border hex 3411 inside Finland: 3-6 Inf XX 122, becomes black U-1 this turn

Forest rail hex 3512: 4-8 Mot Inf XX 44, becomes black U-1 this turn

Woods road/rail junction hex 3713: 3-6 Inf XX 155, becomes black U-1 this turn

By the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Finnish ground units in the important Karelian Isthmus zone are as follows:

M.L. woods L. Ladoga coast hex 4613:

4-5-6 Inf XX 10, never moved

0-1-6 Inf III HaL, from 4614

M.L. Vouksa Lake/Causeway woods rail hex 4614:

0-1-8 Cycle III VL, from 4615

0-1-6 Inf III RR, never moved

2-6 Art III 2, never moved

Central M.L. wooded intermittent lake hex 4615:

*3-4-6 Inf XX 9, never moved

Woods hex 4516:

4-5-6 Inf XX 8, from 4615

two 1-6 Inf IIIs 22/63 and 22/64, both from Viipuri

Woods hex 4515:

1-8 Ski III 3-4 J, from Viipuri

Kakisalmi (wooded intermittent lake Ladoga coast rail hex 4514):

pos flk unit, never moved

Viipuri (clear terrain G. of Finland coast rail junction hex 4517):

4-5-6 Inf XX 4, from 4615

*3-4-6 Inf X 23, never moved

3-6 Ski X RVV/1, from 4615

1-2-6 Inf III 22/85, never moved

*1-2-6 Inf Cadre 11, repl railed in from Helsinki

1-2-8 Ski III 1/KR, regular moved from 4212

1-6 Art III 3, never moved

two pos flk uits, never moved

pos flk unit, from 4516

Glad and D.XXI F types, and also the C.X A type air units, all air transferred in this turn

Clear terrain G. of Finland coast multiple narrow straits hex 4518:

*1-2-6 Inf Cadre 5, never moved

0-1-5 Const III Kan, never moved

Woods rail G. of Finland coast hex 4417:

0-6 RR Eng III Yhd, never moved

The 0-1-5 Const III Kan at clear terrain G. of Finland coast hex 4518 spends 4 MPs to build there a 1-cap temp.airfield.

In the movement phase the reinf 0-1-5 Nvl Trps III Aalt brought on at Turku rails and then moves into clear terrain G. of Finland coast hex 4522, adjacent to Kotka, just in case the now black U-3 Soviet 3-6 Inf XX 150 across the frozen full sea hexside at the northern end of Suur Island (4621) attempts to cross over to this hex and invade the Finnish mainland. The 0-1-6 Inf III KL continues to defend Kotka.

At Helsinki are the two pos flk units and the Finnish govt marker.

The Finnish factory still functions at Tampere (3825).

In the Feb II 40 Soviet turn combat phase, for the second time in the game, the perhaps exuberant Soviets have advanced after combat the 9-6 Art XX 1, which is not allowed per Rule 38H5a-The Soviet Artillery Division. Accordingly, to comply with this SoS game rule, the Soviets remove their 9-6 art XX from the attacked hex 4616 that it moved into after combat and place it back where it attacked from, which is hex 4716. Except for the 9-6 art XX, all other Soviet ground units in hexes 4616 and 4716 remain the same as posted in the SoS NTO Scenario Study: Feb II 40 Soviet Turn game report to the EA.

Finally, near the end of the Finnish exploitation phase the Soviets, having considered that the Finns have prepared for them what appears to be a bloody clash for Viipuri next turn, do a big non-phasing air unit transfer reshuffle in preparation for the upcoming battle and in pursuit to an end to the Winter War. The affected airfield rebasing dispositions are as follows:

Kronshtadt airfield hex 4916:

I-16/t10, from 1914

I-16, from Petrozavodsk (4305)

I-16, from Medvezhyegorsk (3704)

I-16, from Kestenga (2107)

NW Leningrad airfield hex 4915:

I-16/t17, never moved

I-16/t17, from 4608

I-16/t10, from 4608

NE Leningrad airfield hex 4914:

two SB-2bis, never moved

I-153, from Kronshtadt

Central Leningrad city airfield hex 5014:

SB-2bis, never moved

SB-2, from 4915

DB-3m, never moved

Eastern Leningrad airfield hex 5013 SB-2bis, never moved

SB-2, from 4915

DB-3m, never moved

SW Leningrad airfield hex 5115:

R-5Sh, from 4916

DB-3b, never moved

SB-2bis, from 4916

SE Leningrad airfield hex 5114:

R-5Sh, from 4916

DB-3t, never moved

Wooded swamp L. Ladoga coast road hex 4608 w/ an at start 3-cap permanent airfield:

R-10, never moved

two SB-2bis, from Medvezhyegorsk (3704)

Feb II 40 Soviet Turn

If one searches either the original AWW or the newer SoS rules for the Soviet replacement rate in Winter War Europa games, it will be in vain, I believe. Evidently the only replacements the Soviets get in either AWW or SoS NTO games are special (infantry only) replacements generated at 1/5 of the previous turn’s unisolated attack factors lost in combat and in the Soviet replacement pool. Nevertheless there are in Gary Stagliano’s “More Additions for A Winter War,” found in Europa #66, under Replacements (Addition): Soviet Replacement Limitations, a host of restrictions on what and how many of what the Soviets can bring on using presumably only their special replacements. By the way, the only Finnish replacement limitation per the same article is that the Finns may not replace any artillery units until the Mar I 40 Finnish turn.

Accordingly, the Soviets bring on with their single freshly available special inf replacement point the recently eliminated 1-6 Eng III 8 at NW Leningrad hex 4915. The Soviets also use one ARP to replace the aborted I-152 and another two ARPs to resurrect the eliminated 1-16/t10. This leaves them with six ARPs just prior to the Mar I air cycle. At the beginning of the Soviet initial phase the weather die roll is a 3: still Snow everywhere on map 35 and stormy in the Arctic Ocean and calm seas in the Baltic. In the Soviet initial phase there is now a tally of 11 Finnish demoralization points (DPs), the one extra being for the Finnish *1-2-6 inf cadre currently on the map. They need a total of 25 DPs to force Finland to sign peace and end the Winter War, per Rule 41G3d-End to Russo-Finnish War.

By the end of the Soviet movement phase the dispositions of the Soviet forces north of the A weather line are:

Petsamo (rough terrain Arctic Ocean minor port hex 0304): winterized 4-6 Inf XX 104, never moved; fulfills a garrison requirement

Murmansk (rough terrain Arctic Ocean major port and rail terminal hex 0701): 3-6 Inf XX 49, pos flk unit, the I-15 F type air unit, an initial phase repl I-152 F type air unit, and the 1-pt DD TF Flotilla-1, all forces never moved; the inf XX fulfills a garrison requirement

Salla (woods road junction hex 1510): 4-6 Inf XX 14, never moved; functions as a garrison

Wooded rough road hex 1509: winterized 1-2-6 Inf X Dol, from 1605

Allakurtti (wooded rough road border hex 1508 inside Finland): 1-6 Inf III 19, never moved, garrision

Wooded rough road border hex 1507 inside the USSR: 0-1-5 Const X 7, never moved

Kandalaksha (wooded rough Murmansk railway White sea standard port hex 1504 w/ a 1-cap permanent airstrip): I-152 F type air unit transferred from Kestenga

Wooded rough Murmansk rail junction White Sea coast hex 1604: 3-6 Inf XX 80, reinf railed in from SE Leningrad hex 5114

Kuusamo (woods road junction hex 2010): 4-6 inf XX 163, never moved; functions as a garrison

Wooded rough road border hex 2109 inside Finland: 1-6 Inf III 529, red U-1 this turn, admin moved from 1810

Kestenga (wooded swamp s. rail terminus/road hex 2107 w/ 1-cap permanent airstrip): winterized 1-2-6 Inf X BOS, from Loukhi; I-16 F type air unit transferred from NE Leningrad hex 4914

Loukhi (wooded rough Murmansk railway White Sea coast hex 2104 w/ 1-cap permanent airstrip): 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 4, railed in from NW Leningrad hex 4915; I-152 F type air unit, never moved

Woods road hex 2308: 3-6 Inf XX 51, admin moved from Loukhi

Wooded swamp border road hex 2511 inside Finland: 4-6 Inf XX 81, from Ukhta

Woods road border hex 2510 inside USSR w/ a 1-cap temp. airfield: 0-5 Const III 9 and 4-6 Inf XX 54, both never moved. The const unit spends 5 MPs in the hex to continue building to the second cap level the 1-cap temp. airfield already in the hex, adding to the 2 MPs of initial construction done the previous Soviet turn.

Woods road hex 2509: 3-6 Inf XX 33, never moved

Ukhta (woods road junction hex 2508 w/ 3-cap permanent airfield): winterized 1-6 Inf X 8 A, admin moved from Kestenga; G-1, G-2, and TB-3 T type air units. Two T type air units air transport four supply points generated at the Ukhta airfield to the 1-cap temporary airfield at hex 2510, then return to base at Ukhta after delivering the supply points. The G-1 T type air unit attempts another supply point airdrop at hex 3010 five hexes to the SW just inside Finland, but both airdropped supply points are scattered.

Kuhmo (woods road hex 2912): winterized 1-6 Inf III 88/273 and the 2-6 Art X 45, never moved, both are black U-4; at least one RE a Soviet garrison for Kuhmo

Forest/woods road hex 3011: 1-2-6 MG X 7 A, from 3010

Forest /woods road border hex 3111 inside Finland: 3-6 XX 16, admin moved from Rugozero (3106)

Wooded swamp border hex 3010 inside Finland: 0-5 Const 8, never moved. The const III spends 5 MPs in the hex to continue building a 1-cap temp. airfield in the hex, adding to the 1 MP of initial construction done the previous Soviet turn.

Forest/woods road hex 3209: 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 5, admin moved from 3011, still black U-2

Forest border hex 3211 inside USSR and right on the A weather line: winterized 4-6 Inf XX 3, never moved, black U-1.

In the combat phase the 4-6 Inf XX 81 at hex 2511 attacks the Finnish dummy guerrilla unit at wooded swamp road hex 2611. The dummy guerrilla unit automatically successfully retreats before combat to hex 2512, ignoring the inf XX’s regular ZOCs. The Soviet inf XX advances into hex 2611 after combat; it is now adjacent to the Finnish 1-2-6 Ski III 1/PKR at Soumussalmi (2612).

At the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Soviet ground units in the Ladogan Karelia south of the A weather line and north of Lake Ladoga are as follows (air unit dispositions are for the end of the exploitation phase):

Wooded intermittent lake border hex 3410 inside USSR: winterized 3-6 Inf XX 142, from 3510

Woods border hex 3511 inside Finland: 3-6 Inf XX 122, never moved; 4-6 Inf XX 50, from 3611; 2-1- 8 Lt Arm X 1, from 3610

Woods border hex 3510 inside Finland: 3-6 Inf XX 60, admin moved from 3707

Forest hex 3611: 4-8 Mot Inf XX 44, from 3711; 3-6 Inf XX 113, from 3810; 1-6 Lt AA III 8, from 3712

Forest/woods road hex 3712: 4-6 Inf XX 18, never moved; 3-6 Inf XX 155, from 3912

Ilomantsi (woods road hex 3711): 1-2-8 Para-Inf X 201, from 4010

Forest/woods road border hex 3709 inside Finland: 1-2-8 Para-Inf X 214, never moved

Wooded swamp road hex 3707: 3-6 Inf XX 128, reinf railed and admin moved from SE Leningrad hex 5114

Medvezhyegorsk (Murmansk railway/road junction hex 3704 w/ 3-cap permanent airfield): I-16, never moved; two SB-2bis, returned to base here from GS missions in the Ladogan Karelia

Woods rail hex 3812: 3-6 Inf XX 56, never moved

Woods hex 3811: 3-8 Inf XX 1 FNA, never moved

Woods rail hex 3912: 3-6 Inf XX 62, from 4111

Woods hex 4012: 4-6 Inf XX 11 and 3-2-8 Arm X 28, both never moved; 3-2-8 Arm X 34, from 4112

Woods hex 4010: 1-2-8 Para-Inf X 204, from Pitkaranta

Soujarvi (wooded intermittent lake s. rail border hex 4008 inside Finland): 1-8 Cav III 1, never moved

Woods rail junction hex 4112: winterized 4-6 Inf XX 168 and 3-2-8 Arm X 20, both never moved; 3-2- 8 Arm X 13, from Sortavala

Woods s. rail junction hex 4111: 3-6 Inf XX 86, from 4108

Sortavala (clear terrain L. Ladoga coast rail hex 4211): 3-6 Inf XX 139, 3-2-8 Art X 8, and the 2-6 Art X 56, all three never moved; 3-6 Inf XX 72, from 4311

W. end of Valamo Island hex 4312: 3-6 Inf XX 136, never moved

Pitkaranta (woods s. rail terminus/road L. Ladoga coast hex 4310): 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 6, admin moves back again from 4908

Petrozavodsk (Murmansk rail junction/reference city hex 4305 w/ a 3-cap permanent airfield): I-16, never moved

Clear terrain L. Ladoga coast road hex 4410: 1-8 Cav III 102 railed and admin moved from SE Leningrad hex 5114

Wooded swamp L. Ladoga coast road border hex 4510 inside Finland: 2-3-6 Inf XX 3 FNA, never moved

Wooded swamp L. Ladoga coast road hex 4608 w/ an at start 3-cap permanent airfield: I-16/t10, I- 16/t17, and the R-10 air units; all three never moved.

In the combat phase the Soviets send an SB-2bis A type from Leningrad on the GS mission over the Lieksa hex (3312), containing the 1-6 Ski X Kymen guerrilla unit in combat mode. The DB-3t B type and the two old SB-2 A type air units, all based at Leningrad, are sent on the GS mission to forest hex 3512, containing the *2-6 Inf X 1; finally another SB-2bis A type air unit based at Leningrad is sent over woods hex 3713, containing the 1-6 Ski X SH guerrilla unit in combat mode.

In the Ladogan Karelia the Soviets follow a sequenced combat attack procedure. First, the 3-6 Inf XX 12 at hex 3511 attacks the Finnish dummy guerrilla unit at 3411. The dummy guerrilla unit promptly retreats before combat to woods rail hex 3412, stacking with the 1-8 Ski X Karj guerrilla unit in combat mode. The 3-6 Inf XX 122 enters hex 3411 after combat.

Then the winterized 3-6 Inf XX 142 at 3410 attacks the Finnish dummy guerrilla unit at forest hex 3311, right on the A weather line. The dummy guerrilla unit can only retreat to Lieksa, stacking there with the 1-6 Ski X Kymen guerrilla unit. It cannot retreat into either forest hex 3310 or 3210, due to the nevertheless reduced APZOCs of the black U-2 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 5 at hex 3208. The winterized 3-6 Inf XX 142 enters hex 3311 after combat.

Afterwards the black U-1 winterized 4-6 Inf XX 3 at hex 3211, right on the A weather line, attacks at half strength the 1-6 Ski X Kymen at Lieksa (w/ the recently retreated dummy guerrilla unit stacked with it) along with the SB-2bis A type on GS at 5 to 1 -2, and rolls a 1: which modifies to an AS. The SB-2bis air unit returns to base at Medvezhyegorsk.

The Soviet stacks at hexes 3511 and 3611 then attack the *2-6 Inf X 1 at forest hex 3512, along with the quartered tac factors of the DB-3t and the two SB-2 air units providing GS. The mot inf XX and lt arm X attack factors are duly halved, and the factored attack factors tally to a 12, which equates to a 6 to 1 -3 combat attack. The Soviets roll a 3, which modifies to a 0: EX. The Finnish *2-6 Inf X 1 is eliminated for the second turn in a row and the Soviets place the 2-1-6 Lt Arm X 1 into their replacement pool. After combat the Soviets advance the 4-8 Mot Inf XX 44 into forest hex 3512. The three Soviet air units providing the GS return to base at Leningrad.

Finally the Soviets attack the 1-6 Ski X SH guerrilla in combat mode at 3713 from hexes 3712 and 3812 along with the SB-2bis from Leningrad providing GS; the odds are 9 to 1 -2. The guerrilla ski X attempts to retreat before combat but rolls a 4: failure. The Soviets roll a 3 for the combat, which modifies to a 1: DH, which means the guerrilla unit is eliminated. Per Rule 40B2-Replacement Pools it is not placed in the Finnish replacement pool, but instead is returned to the “…pool of guerrillas available for deployment.” The 3-6 Inf XX 155 at 3712 advances after combat into hex 3713. The SB-2bis returns to base to Medvezhyegorsk, joining there the other SB-2bis and an I-16 F type air unit based there.

By the end of the movement phase in the important Karelian Isthmus zone the dispositions of the Soviet forces are as follows (air unit dispositions are for the end of the exploitation phase):

Clear terrain G. of Finland coast hex 4617:

three 5-6 Inf XXs 24, 70, and 100; all three never moved

three 3-2-8 Arm Xs 32, 39, and 51; all three from 4717

4-2-8 Art X LVO, never moved

3-2-8 Art X 13, never moved

pos flk unit, never moved

Wooded intermittent lake G. of Finland coast hex 4717:

Note: this turn the Soviet corps marker here flips to its regular stacking side per Rule 38H2a-Reduced Stacking.

4-6 Inf XX 77, reinf from NW Leningrad hex 4915

4-6 Inf XX 84, from NW Leningrad hex 4915

1-6 Eng III 8, repl from NW Leningrad hex 4915

1-6 Eng III 7, from 4815

three 2-6 Art Xs 15 and 19, from 4815; 50 from 4816

Woods Viipuri-Leningrad railway hex 4716:

9-6 Art XX 1, never moved

two 4-6 Inf XXs 43 and 97, never moved

1-6 Eng III 13, from 4814

2-1-8 Eng Tank III LVO, from 4814

3-2-8 Art X 9, from 4814

pos flk unit, never moved

Woods hex 4715:

two 4-6 Inf XXs 4 and 75, never moved

winterized *2-6 Marine X VMF/5, from 4716

1-8 Pltcl Pol III 2, from 4716

2-6 Art X 3, never moved

Woods rail hex 4714:

three 4-6 Inf XXs 52, 123, and 138, all three never moved

two 3-2-6 [Heavy] Arm Xs 35 and 40, from 4715

1-8 Pltcl Pol III 3, from NW Leningrad hex 4915

two 2-6 Art Xs 23 and 34, never moved

pos flk unit, never moved

Clear terrain L. Ladoga coast hex 4713:

4-6 Inf XX 41, never moved

1-8 Pltcl Pol III 1, from NE Leningrad hex 4914

two 2-6 Art Xs 40, never moved; 1, from 4814

2-0-6 Siege Art X LVO, from 4814

Clear terrain G. of Finland coast hex 4816:

4-6 Inf XX 37, reinf from NE Leningrad hex 4914

*1-2-8 Mot MG X 50, never moved

Clear terrain G. of Finland coast hex 4815:

4-8 Mot Inf XX 25, from 4717

3-2-8 Arm X 24, from 4716

Woods hex 4814:

4-6 Inf XX 90, from 4713

3-2-8 Arm X 33, from 4815

Woods rail hex 4813:

*0-1-0 FA X Kar, never moved

4-6 Inf XX 17, never moved

Isle of Kronshtadt (4916):

5-pt BB TF Marat

5-pt BB TF O. Rev

two 1-6 Lt AA IIIs 7 and 14, never moved

I-153, never moved

two R-5Sh, returned to base here after pinpoint tac bombing attack in Finland in the exploitation phase

SB-2bis, returned to base here after Helsinki terror bombing attack

NW Leningrad hex 4915:

I-16/t17, never moved

two SB-2, returned to base here after GS attack in Ladogan Karelia

NE Leningrad hex 4914

I-16/t10, initial phase repl, never moved

SB-2bis, returned to base here after Helsinki terror bombing attack

Leningrad central city hex 5014:

1-8 Cav III 116, reinf from SW Leningrad hex 5015

resource point

SB-2bis and DB-3m, both returned to base here after Helsinki terror bombing attack

Eastern Leningrad hex 5013:

SB-2bis and DB-3m, both returned to base here after Helsinki terror bombing attack

SW Leningrad hex 5015:

DB-3b, returned to base here after Helsinki terror bombing attack

SE Leningrad hex 5014:

0-5 Const III 13, never moved

DB-3t, returned to base here after GS attack in Ladogan Karelia.

In the combat phase the Soviets attack the Finns at woods Viipuri-Leningrad railway Mannerheim Line hex 4616 from hexes 4617, 4717, and 4716. The Finns defend with two 4-5-6 inf divs and the *3-8 Ski X RVV/1 for a total of 13 def factors. The Soviets attack with 31 attack factors at 4616 (one of the most powerful possible Soviet attack stacks in the game, I believe), 16 attack factors at 4717, and 23 attack factors at 4716, including the 9-6 Art XX 1. They attack with 1/7 combat eng capability, but with no pltcl pol IIIs. They attack the Finns at 5 to 1 -2 and roll a 6, which modifies to a 4: DH. The Finns first flip the 4-5-6 Inf XX 11 to cadre and then remove the *1-2-6 Inf cadre 11 for a total of 7 printed def factors lost for the DH combat loss, per Rule 9D-Losses and Rule 9E-Cadres. The two surviving Finnish units retreat to 4516 and stack atop the pos flk unit already there. After combat the Soviets advance the following units into hex 4616: the 9-6 Art XX 1, the two 4-6 Inf XXs 77 and 84, and the two 2-6 Art Xs 15 and 19.

Then the Soviets attack the Finns at woods Lake Ladoga coast Mannerheim Line hex 4613, defended by the 4-5-6 Inf XX 10. They attack it from 4714 across the “open water” river hexside, per Rule 37A4-The Vuoksa River System (NTO Scenario) and from 4713 across the frozen full lake hexside per A Winter War Errata, Q and A, September 13, 1994. They attack it at 4 to 1 -3 odds, with no combat engineers but with a pltcl pol III in both attacking hexes, and roll a 3, which modifies to a 0: AS.

In the exploitation phase the 4-8 Mot Inf XX at 4815 moves to adjacent hex 4816.

Late in the exploitation phase the Soviets do another large Helsinki terror bombing attack with the DB-3b, the two DB-3m’s, and five SB-2bis’, all from Leningrad/Kronshtadt. The I-16/t18, an I-16/t17, and an I-153 from Tallinn (4826) fly escort. The Finnish D.XXI F type based at Helsinki intercepts, and a random drawing pairs it up first with the I-153. The Soviet escort returns the Finnish fighter, but the Fokker fighter rolls a kill and eliminates the I-153. Except for one returned SB-2bis A type, all the Soviet B and A type air units successfully fly past Helsinki’s two pos flk factors and score two terror bombing hits on the Finnish capital.

Then the two R-5Sh’s based at Kronshtadt fly another pinpoint bombing mission against the railway junction at Kouvola (4321) in Finland, but fail to roll a 6 and miss.

The 3-6 Inf XX 50, now black U-2, remains at the northern end of the Isle of Suur at hex 4621; and the 1-8 Cav III 5 guards its rear from guerrillas at nearby Tytar Island (4820). A pos flk unit still guards the fighter units based at Tallinn.

Finally, seeing that the surviving Soviet fighters based at Tallinn are inoperative, the Finnish Glad F type air unit based at Tampere (3825) does a non-phasing air transfer to Helsinki, joining the D.XXI fighter unit based there.

Feb I 40 Finish Turn

The Finns begin their turn with ¼ accumulated inf replacement points. During the previous Feb I 40 Soviet turn combat phase the Finnish attack strength point loss was 6, which equates to 1 ½ Finnish special inf replacement points per Rule 40B4-Replacement Points. This turn the Finns receive another inf replacement point as a reinforcement. With their total of 2 ¾ inf replacement points the Finns rebuild the *2-6 Inf X 1, which they must bring on at Helsinki per Rule 40B1-Production, and pocket ¾ inf replacement points for later. The Finns have 2 remaining ARPs.

The 23rd Inf XX HQ unit reinf is brought on at Kotka (4521), the 1-6 Inf III 23/68 reinf is brought on at Lahti (4223), and the 1-6 Inf III 23/69 reinf is brought on at Kuopio (3417). The 0-6 Lt Arm II 1 does its conversion to a 1-0-8 arm II at forest rail hex 3513. The Foreign Aid via Sweden Glad F type air unit reinforcement is brought on at Tampere (2825); see Rule 40A3-Foreign Aid to Finland for placement details.

Per the AWW Finnish OB, under Conditional Reinforcements, a new guerrilla unit, the 1-8 Ski X Karj is placed in combat mode at forest border hex 3212 inside Finland. The third and last available Finnish dummy guerrilla unit is placed north of the A weather line at wooded swamp road border hex 2511 inside Finland. There are so many well positioned Soviet anti-guerrilla units in the Ladogan Karelia that it cannot be placed there. The 1-8 Ski X Karj guerrilla unit was placed in the only available Finnish hex in that zone not covered by an APZOC or occupied by a Soviet ground unit or adjacent to a Finnish non-guerrilla ground unit.

At the beginning of the movement phase the 4-5-6 Inf XX 6 at woods hex 4113 breaks down into the supported component inf IIIs of the “A” Infantry XX.

By the end of the exploitation phase the Finnish ground unit dispositions north of the A weather line are as follows:

Kemijarvi (wooded swamp road hex 1514): 1-6 Ski III 41, never moved

Woods road hex 2114: *1-6 Ski III 2/LR, never moved

Soumussalmi (woods road hex 2612): 1-2-6 Ski III 1/PKR, never moved

Woods swamp road hex 2611: reinf dummy guerrilla unit, from 2511

Woods road hex 2913 right on the A weather line: 1-2-8 Ski X Rv, never moved.

By the end of the movement phase the Finnish ground unit dispositions in the vast Ladogan Karelia region are as follows:

Lieksa (woods rail hex 3312): 1-6 Ski X Kymen guerrilla unit in combat mode, never moved

Forest border hex 3311 inside the USSR and right on the A weather line: dummy guerrilla unit, from 3411

Wooded intermittent lake hex 3411: dummy guerrilla unit, never moved

Woods rail hex 3412: 1-8 Ski X Karj reinf guerrilla unit in combat mode, from 3212

Forest/woods rail hex 3512: *2-6 Inf X 1, repl from Helsinki railed at double cost to 3513, then moved in

Joensuu (woods rail junction hex 3613): freshly converted 1-0-8 Arm II 1, from 3513

Forest hex 3612: *3-4-6 Inf XX 12, never moved

Woods rail/road junction hex 3713: 1-6 Ski X SH guerrilla unit in combat mode; from 3512

Forest hex 3913: *3-4-6 Inf XX 13 and *1-6 Ski III 2/PKR, never moved

Forest hex 4013: *1-2-6 Inf III A, from 4113

Woods hex 4113: *1-2-6 Inf III A never moved; 1-2-6 Inf III 21/40, never moved; 1-2-6 Inf III 21/61, from 4212; 21st Inf XX HQ unit and 1-6 Inf III 21/62, both from 4313. At the end of the movement phase these last four units assemble into the *3-4-6 Inf XX 21.

Woods L. Ladoga coast rail hex 4212: 4-6 Inf XX 1, 1-2-6 Ski III 1/KR, and 0-1-5 Const III Kar, all three never moved

Clear terrain L. Ladoga coast rail hex 4313: *1-6 Ski III 2/KR, never moved *1-6 Inf III A, from 4113.

In the Karelian Isthmus zone the campaign appears to be approaching the decisive period of the Winter War. Recent battles have made things desperate here. Last turn, at the big Soviet combat attack in the Isthmus against the Finnish stack at important hex 4617, the Finns had a 1 in 3 chance of staving off for at least another turn this current desperation if perchance the Soviets rolled a 1: which modified by a -1 for Winter weather would be an AR, or even rolled a 2: which modified by the same -1 would be an AS, instead of the 4 that they did roll, which modified to a HX by the -1. The point here is to keep in mind, I think, that even in this game the Finns have up to now had a fighting chance of holding out until the historically critical Apr I 40 game turn. Although this accomplishment of continuing the war with the Soviet Union until the historical date of the German invasion of Norway does not in itself buy the Finns much in terms of the existing SoS NTO scenario rules without any prior Allied intervention into the Winter War, it does perhaps add food for thought in the pondering for a possible future Basic Grand Europa 1939-40 Scandinavian Campaign scenario,which might accompany the SoS war game.

Note: in the SoS NTO Scenario Study posting for the Feb I 40 Soviet turn the Soviets erroneously took combat losses for an EX instead of for a HX. What was I thinking? Accordingly, to correct this play error, the Soviet *1-6 Inf Cadre 24 that advanced into hex 4617 after the combat has been flipped back to its full strength 5-6 Inf XX 24 side. The other Soviet losses for the HX remain in the Soviet replacement pool as reported in the EA posting.

By the end of the exploitation phase the dispositions of the Finnish ground units in the Karelian Isthmus are as follows:

M.L. woods L. Ladoga coast hex 4613: 4-5-6 Inf XX 10, never moved.

Kakisalmi (wooded intermittent lake Ladoga coast rail hex 4514): pos flk unit, from 4613

M.L. Vouksa Lake/Causeway woods rail hex 4614: *1-6 Inf X 4, from 4613 0-1-6 Inf III HaL, from 4613 0-1-6 Inf II RR, from 4613 2-6 Art III 2, from 4615

Central M.L. wooded intermittent lake hex 4615: 4-5-6 Inf XX, from 4614 *3-4-6 Inf XX 9, from 4616 0-1-8 Cycle III VL, from 4613

Woods hex 4516: pos flk unit, from 4615

M.L. woods Viipuri-Leningrad railway hex 4616: 4-5-6 Inf XX 4, never moved 4-5-6 Inf XX 11, from 4615 *3-8 Ski X RVV/1, from 4616

Viipuri (clear terrain G. of Finland coast rail junction hex 4517): 23rd Inf XX HQ unit, reinf railed in from Kotka 1-2-6 Inf III 23/67, from 4615 1-6 Inf III 23/68, reinf railed in from Lahti 1-6 Inf III 23/69, reinf railed in from Kuopio

Note: At the end of the movement phase the above four units assemble into the *3-4-6 Inf XX 23. 1-8 Ski III 1-2 J, from 4613 1-8 Ski III 3-4 J, from 4313 1-2-6 Inf III 22/65, from 4615 1-6 Inf III 22/64, from 4615 1-6 Inf III 22/63, from 4615 1-6 Art III 3, from 4615 pos flk unit, from 4616 pos flk unit, never moved

Clear terrain G of Finland coast multiple narrow straits hex 4518: *1-2-6 Inf Cadre 5, from Viipuri 0-1-5 Const III Kan, from Viipuri

Woods rail G. of Finland coast hex 4417: 0-6 RR Eng III Yhd, from Kakisalmi.

Some may perhaps fret that the Finnish short stack at G. of Finland coast hex 4518 just to the west of Viipuri is liable to attack across the narrow straits hexside from the powerful Soviet stack at 4617, along with maybe some reinforcement arm Xs from 4717 also moved into the hex. Perhaps it should have got the repl *2-6 Inf X 1 instead of this primo Finnish ground unit being railed off instead to the arguably less important northern sector of the Ladogan Karelia. At coast hex 4517, the Soviets seem to have here the makings of an attack something along the lines of a 5 to 1 -1 against the Finns. But this war gamer is currently guessing that next turn the Soviets will have bigger fish to fry than attacking across the frozen narrow straits hexside towards the wayward G. of Finland coast hex and instead will throw everything they have available against likely the M.L. woods Viipuri-Leningrad railway hex 4616 or perhaps even against Viipuri (4517) itself in search of a quick end to the Winter War. I believe near the end of the historical Winter War campaign the Soviet Union did manage to capture the ground across the narrow straits at 4518.

The 0-1-6 Inf III KL remains at Kotka. At Helsinki (4526) are the two pos flk units, the Finnish govt. marker, and the D.XXI F type air unit. At Tampere (3825) are the still functioning factory and the new Glad F type air unit. The Ilmar TF and the Sisa RF are still moored at Turku (4230).

Feb I 40 Soviet Turn

At the start of their initial phase Soviets roll a 3 on the weather die roll: it’s Snow everywhere on map 35; it’s rough seas in the Arctic, calm seas in the Baltic. Also, per Rule 41G3d-NTO Scenario: End to Russo-Finnish War, beginning with the Feb I 40 Soviet initial phase, “…the Soviet player checks to see if his war with Finland ends.” To accomplish this Finland must must tally “at least 25 demoralization points [DPs].” In the Feb I 40 Soviet initial phase the Soviets currently “own” 8 Finnish point cities: Petsamo (0304), Allakurtti (1508), Salla (1510), Kuusamo (2010), Kumo (2912), Ilomantsi (3711), Soujarvi (4008), and Pitkaranta (4310). They also currently “own” one Mannerheim Line hex: 4717. This tallies to 10 Finnish DPs. Also, in their initial phase the Soviets have 8 remaining ARPs. In the Soviet replacement pool there is an I-16/t10 F type air unit in the eliminated box and an I-152 F type air unit in the abort box.

At the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Soviet forces north of the A weather line are as follows:

Petsamo (rough terrain Arctic Ocean minor port hex 0304): winterized 4-6 Inf XX 104, never moved; a garrison requirement

Murmansk (rough terrain Arctic Ocean major port and rail terminal hex 0701): 3-6 Inf XX 49, pos flk factor, the I-15 F type air unit, 1-pt DD TF Flotilla-1, all forces never moved; the inf XX fulfills a garrison requirement

Salla (woods road junction hex 1510): 4-6 Inf XX 14, moved back here from 1512; functions as a garrison. This unit has done all it can for the USSR; the victor of a ground attack on the Kandalaksha-Salla-Torino transportation line, conqueror of Salla and Allakurtti (1508), it now settles into being the USSR’s stout front line barrier on this important transportation route in what appears to be the end game period of the Winter War. Westwards down the road from it, the Finnish 1-6 Ski III 41 at Kemijarvi (1514) is behind a frozen full lake hexside and beyond the Soviet supply line limit north of the A weather line in snow weather.

Allakurti (wooded rough road border hex 1508 inside Finland): 1-6 Inf III 19, never moved; garrison

Wooded rough road border hex 1507 inside the USSR: 0-1-5 Const X 7, admin moved from 1604

Wooded rough White Sea coast rail terminus hex 1605: winterized 1-2-6 Inf X Dol, railed in from 5008

Wooded swamp road hex 1810: 1-6 Inf III 529, regular moves southwards 3 hexes from Salla down uncontrolled hexes towards Kuusamo

Kuusamo (woods road junction hex 2010): 4-6 Inf XX 163, never moved; functions as a garrison

Kestenga (wooded swamp s. rail terminus/road hex 2017 w/ 1-cap permanent airstrip): winterized 1-6 Inf III 8 A, admin moved from Ukhta; I-152 F type air unit, never moved

Loukhi (wooded rough Murmansk railway White Sea coast hex 2014 w/ 1-cap permanent airstrip): 3-6 Inf XX 51 and the winterized 1-2-6 Inf X BOS, both are railed in reinf from SE Leningrad hex 5114; I-152 F type air unit, never moved

Woods road border hex 2510, inside USSR: 0-5 Const III 9, never moved. This unit spends another 5 MPs in the hex to complete a 1-cap temporary airfield begun here the previous turn and adding 2 MPs to the next cap build level. Also in the hex is the 4-6 Inf XX 54, never moved, here guarding the 0 strength const III against Finnish guerrillas.

Woods road hex 2509: 3-6 Inf XX 33, admin moved down the road from 2603

Ukhta (woods road junction hex 2508 w/ 3-cap permanent airfield): 4-6 Inf XX 81, admin moved from 2703; G-1, G-2, and TB-3 T type air units. The three T type air units attempt another supply point airdrop at hex 3010 five hexes to the SW just inside Finland, but all 6 airdropped supply points are scattered.

Kuhmo (woods road hex 2912): winterized 1-6 Inf III 88/273 and the 2-6 Art X 45, never moved and at least one RE a Soviet garrison for Kuhmo; both are black U-4

Forest/woods road hex 3011: 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 5, never moved, black U-1

Forest/woods road border hex 3111 inside Finland: winterized 4-6 Inf XX 3, never moved

Wooded swamp border hex 3010 inside Finland: 0-5 Const III 8 and the 1-2-6 MG X 7 A, both spend 4 MPs to move off-road one hex from 3110; The const III spends its last MP in the hex beginning building a 1-cap temporary airfield here.

Rugozero (wooded intermittent lake s. rail terminus/road hex 3106): 3-6 Ind XX 19, railed and admin moved in from 5009.

In the combat phase for the second Soviet turn in a row the winterized 4-6 Inf XX 3 at 3111 attacks the 1-6 Ski X Kymen guerrilla unit at forest border hex 3211, inside the USSR and right on the A weather line, at 8 to 1 -3 and rolls a 1: DR. The Finnish ski X guerrilla retreats to Lieksa (3312); this time the Soviet winterized inf XX advances into hex 3211 after combat. This move will make it black U-1 in the next Finnish initial phase.

At the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Soviet ground units in the Ladogan Karelia are as follows:

Woods hex 3510: winterized 3-6 Inf XX 142, from 3609

Forest hex 3611: two 4-6 Inf XX 18 and 50, never moved

Woods hex 3610: 3-6 Inf XX 122, never moved

Woods road hex 3711: 4-8 Mot Inf XX 44 and 1-6 Lt AA III 8, never moved

Forest/woods road border hex 3709 inside Finland: 1-2-6 Para-Inf X 214, from 3710

Wooded swamp road hex 3707: 3-6 Inf XX 60, railed and admin moved in from 5009

Woods rail hex 3812: 3-6 Inf XX 56, from 3811

Woods hex 3811: 3-6 Inf XX 1 FNA, from 4111

Wooded intermittent lake hex 3810: 3-6 Inf XX 113, from 3707; 2-1-8 Lt Arm X 1, never moved

Woods rail hex 3912: 3-6 Inf XX 155, from 3911

Woods L. Janis coast hex 3911: 3-2-8 Arm X 28, from 3811

Woods L. Janis coast hex hex 4012: 4-6 Inf XX 11, from 4011

Woods L. Janis coast hex 4010: 1-2-8 Para-Inf X 201, from 4110

Soujarvi (wooded intermittent lake s. rail border hex 4008 inside Finland): 1-8 Cav III 1, from 3909

Woods rail junction hex 4112: winterized 4-6 Inf XX 168, two 3-2-8 Arm Xs 20 and 34, all from 4111

Woods s. rail junction L. Janis coast hex 4111: 3-6 Inf II 62, admin moves from 4109

Woods s. rail border hex 4108 inside Finland: 3-6 Inf XX 86, railed and admin moved in from 5009

Sortavala (clear terrain L. Ladoga coast rail hex 4211): 3-6 Inf XX 139 and 3-2-8 Art X 8, both from 4210; 3-2-8 Arm X 13 and 2-6 Art X 56, both from 4311

W. end of Valamo Island hex 4312: 3-6 Inf XX 136, never moved

E. end of Valamo Island hex 4311: 3-6 Inf XX 72, from 4509

Pitkaranta (woods s. rail terminus/road L. Ladoga coast hex 4310): 1-2-8 Para-Inf X 204, from 4410

Wooded swamp L. Ladoga coast road hex 4508: 2-3-6 Inf XX 1FNA, from 4309

Wooded swamp L. Ladoga coast Murmansk railway hex 4908: freshly converted 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 6, admin moved from Pitkaranta.

In the combat phase the 3-6 Inf XX 122 at 3610 attacks the Finnish dummy guerrilla unit at woods hex 3511, across the Lake Keitele frozen full lake hexside. The dummy guerrilla unit retreats automatically successfully before combat resolution per Rule 39B2-Guerrilla Mode, and retreats to hex 3411, stacking there with the other Finnish dummy guerrilla unit on the map. The attacking Soviet inf XX advances into hex 3511 after combat.

Then the Finnish *2-6 Inf X 1 at forest/woods road hex 3712 is attacked from four hexes at 3812, 3811, 3711 (Ilomantsi), and 3611. The two SB-2 A type air units from Leningrad fly GS over the attacked hex, just in case the 3-6 Inf XX 1 FNA at 3811 punks out and attacks at half strength per Rule 38H4-FNA Unreliability. The two Soviet GS air units add their tac bombing strengths quartered: halved first for poor weather and halved again per the TEC for bombing into a forest hex. Also, the c/m 4-8 Mot Inf XX 44 attacking from Ilomantsi is halved per the TEC due to attacking into a forest hex. However the 1 FNA inf XX attack attempt rolls a 5 on the Success Table and attacks at full strength. In the end the Soviets attack the Finnish *2-6 Inf X 1 from four hexsides with a total of 17 1/2 factored attack factors, which equates to an 8 to 1 -3, which means automatic Elim (but not isolated due to the Finnish inf XX at adjacent hex 3612) for the defending Finnish unit. After combat the Soviet 4-6 Inf XX 18 at 3611 advances into hex 3712. The two SB-2’s return to base at Leningrad.

In the exploitation phase the 2-1-8 Lt Arm X 1 exploits into woods L. Keitele coast hex 3610 to deny it to possible guerrilla unit placement the next Finnish turn; and the 3-2-8 Arm X 28 exploits to 4012 to stack with and reinforce the 4-6 Inf XX 11 at this exposed position.

By the end of the movement phase in the important Karelian Isthmus zone the dispositions of the Soviet forces are as follows (the air unit dispositions are also for the end of the exploitation phase):

Wooded intermittent lake G. of Finland coast hex 4717: three 5-6 Inf XXs 24, 70, and 100, from 4716 1-6 Eng III 7, from 4716 1-6 Eng III 9, never moved 3-2-8 Art X 13, from 4815 3-2-8 Art X 7, from 4716 4-2-8 Art X LVO, from 4716 pos flk unit, never moved

Woods rail hex 4716: 9-6 Art XX 1, from 4816 two 4-6 Inf XXs 97 and 43, from 4717 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 2, from 4717 3-2-8 Arm X 24, from 4717 winterized *2-6 Marine X VMF/5, from NE Leningrad hex 4914 pos flk unit, from 4715

Woods hex 4715: two 4-6 Inf XXs 4 and 75, never moved two 3-2-6 [Heavy] Arm Xs 35 and 40, never moved 2-6 Art X 3, from 4814

Woods rail hex 4714: Note: This turn the Soviet corps marker here flips to its regular stacking side per Rule 38H2a-Reduced Stacking. Three 4-6 Inf XXs 52 and 123, never moved; 138 from 4814 two 2-6 Art Xs 23 and 34, never moved

Clear terrain L. Ladoga coast hex 4713: two 4-6 Inf XXs 41 and 90, never moved 2-6 Art X 40, reinf from NE Leningrad hex 4914

Clear terrain G. of Finland coast hex 4816: *1-2-8 Mot MG X 50, never moved three 3-2-8 Arm Xs 39, never moved; 32 and 51, from NW Leningrad hex 4915 2-6 Art X 50, from 4815

Clear terrain rail hex 4815: 4-8 Mot Inf XX 25, never moved 1-6 Eng III 7, from 4716 3-2-8 Arm X 38, reinf from NE Leningrad hex 4914 two 2-6 Art Xs 15 and 19, never moved

Woods hex 4814: 2-1-8 Eng Tank III LVO, reinf from NE Leningrad hex 4814 1-6 Eng III 13, reinf from NE Leningrad hex 4814; Note: for this reinf OB change see Gary Stagliano’s “A Winter War Additions” in Europa #61. 3-2-8 Art X 9, never moved 2-6 Art X 1, never moved 2-0-6 Siege Art X LVO, never moved

Woods road hex 4813: 4-6 Inf XX 17, never moved *0-1-0 FA X Kar, never moved

Isle of Kronshtadt (4916): 5-pt BB TF Marat 5-pt TF O. Rev two 1-6 Lt AA III 7, never moved; 14, reinf from central Leningrad hex 5014 I-153 two R-5Sh

NW Leningrad hex 4915: two 1-8 Pltcl Pol IIIs 4, never moved; 3, from 4716 4-6 Inf XX 84 reinf, never moved two SB-2 I-16/t17

NE Leningrad hex 4914: 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 1, admin moved from Soujarvi (4008) to Petrozavodsk (4305) and then railed in I-16 I-16/t17 SB-2bis

Central Leningrad full city hex 5014: resource point three SB-2bis

Eastern Leningrad hex 5013: three SB-2bis SW Leningrad hex 5115: DB-3m DB-3b
SE Leningrad hex 5114: 0-5 Const III 13, reinf, never moved DB-3m DB-3t

In the combat phase the Soviet stack at 4717 attacks the Finnish stack at clear terrain G. of Finland coast fort hex 4617. The Finns have a total of 9 def factors there and also a pos flk unit. The Soviets attack with a total of 27 attack factors with 1/7 combat eng capability, but with no plctl pol III. The odds tally to 3 to 1 -1 and the Soviets roll a 4, which modifies to probably the best results they could wish for: HX. The Finns flip their 5th Inf XX to its *1-2-6 Inf Cadre 5 and retreat both it and the pos flk unit into Viipuri (4517). The Finns place the three 0-1-6 Inf IIIs MLR, HL, and UR along with the 1-6 Inf III 40 into the replacement pool. The Soviets eliminate the two eng IIIs (per Rule 9J-Required Losses), the 3-2-8 Art X 7, and and flip to cadre the 5-6 Inf XX 24. The Soviets advance after combat all the surviving units attacking from 4717 into 4617: two 5-6 Inf XXs 13 and 70, the 1-6 Inf Cadre 24, the 3-2-8 Art X 13, the 4-2-8 Art X LVO, and the pos flk unit. In their exploitation phase the Soviets advance into the vacant hex 4717 the 4-8 Mot Inf 25 and the three 3-2-8 Arm Xs 32, 29, and 51.

Late in the exploitation phase the Soviets try a giant strat bombing raid per Rule 20G1c-Factories on the Finnish factory at Tampere (3825) using all seven available SB-2bis’, the two DB-3m’s, and the DB-3b and DB-3t air units. With no flack or fighter interceptor interfering, the air units are able to group unopposed into five 2 bombing strength and one 1 bombing strength die rolls on the Bombing Table. In the end they obtain two hits against the factory, one less than the three required to knock it out per Rule 37D-Factories.

Finally the two R-5Sh’s fly together to pinpoint bomb with their combined tac bombing factors the rail junction at Kouvola (4321) but fail to roll a 6 on the Bombing Table and miss.

At the end of the turn the Soviet 3-6 Inf XX 150 still remains at hex 4621 on the Isle of Suur, menacing from there the adjacent Finnish 0-1-6 Inf III KL across the frozen full sea hexside at Kotka (4521). The Soviet inf XX is currently black U-1. Two hexes to the south of it, across another frozen full sea hexside, is the evidently in supply Soviet 1-8 Cav III 5 at Tytar Is. (4820), guarding with its APZOC against possible guerrillas popping up in the Finnish G. of Finland island chain.

At Tallinn (4827) remain the pos flk unit, an I-153, and the I-16/t18.

At the at start permanent airfield at wooded swamp L. Ladoga coast road hex 4608 are still the R-10, an I-16/t10, and an I-16/t27. Petrozavodsk (4305) and Medezhyegorsk (3704) each have an I-16 air unit.

Situation Jan II and Errata

At least two minor errors have been detected so far in the Jan II 40 Soviet turn report posted at the EA. First, the Soviet 9-6 Art XX 1 is not supposed to advance after combat per Rule 37H5a-The Soviet Artillery Division. Therefore the dispositions of of the Soviet ground forces in two Karelian Isthmus hexes have been adjusted to comply with the SoS rules:

Wooded intermittent lake G. of Finland coast hex 4717: two 4-6 Inf XX 43 and 97, advanced in after combat 3-2-8 Arm X 24, advanced in after combat 1-6 Eng 9, advanced in after combat 1-8 Ptcl Pol III 2, advanced in after combat pos flk unit, advanced in after combat

G. of Finland clear terrain hex 4816: 9-6 Art XX 1, never moved *1-2-8 Mot MG 50, exploited in from 4815 3-2-8 Arm X 39, exploited in from 4815.

Second, when doing the big Soviet terror bombing attack against Helsinki late in the exploitation phase using the two DB-3m’s, the DB-3b, the DB-3t, and the three SB-2bis’, the Soviets conveniently forgot to halve their strat bombing factors due to snow weather per Rule 20B (Intro). All B and A type air units originally got through Helsinki’s two pos flk factors; and so a redo was done of the strat bombing factor tallies and die rolls. The redo result was 1 terror bombing hit against Helsinki instead of the originally posted 3.

Finally, regarding the dispositions of the Soviet air units at the end of the Jan II 40 Soviet turn, an important Soviet airfield was accidently omitted:

At start 3-cap permanent airfield at wooded swamp Lake Ladoga coast road hex 4608: I-16/t10 I-16/t17 R-10

When the current SoS NTO Scenario game was begun, one of the intentions was to attempt to play an essentially “historical” (read: in the context of a preliminary and provisional Basic Grand Europa 1939-40 campaign scenario) Winter War campaign using the newer SoS NTO rules rather than the earlier AWW rules, thinking this was the wisest approach in an effort to contribute to the advancement the Europa war game project. By “historical” I mean specifically without actual Allied intervention into the Winter War, just as happened historically, at least in war game terms prior to the Mar II or Apr I 40 game turns, (eg., allow Allied intervention to occur only beyond the historical March 12, 1940 end date of the Winter War) if the Finns in fact held out that long. In pursuit of this “good intention,” the die roll (using two dice) for Allied intervention called for per Rule 41G3a-NTO Scenario: Allied Intervention required “at the start of each Finnish initial phase” from the game’s first Finnish turn has been consistently “controlled” by the invisible hand of the war game player to be sure and not trigger Allied intervention by a roll of 2 or 3. Subsequently, the strategy and tactics of the current SoS NTO scenario study war game has been largely determined by the necessity of the Soviets to accumulate Finnish “demoralization points” per Rule 41G3d-End to Russo-Finnish War, in order to end the conflict basically as soon as possible.

This EA member confesses to not currently being an expert on either the Europa AWW or SoS games. I have played/messed with some with AWW about 25 years ago with a good Europa player, but many of these memories are admittedly hazy by 2013. However, the more this war gamer plays SoS and studies its various scenarios, the better he likes it as the correct and ready made basis for playing what might be called Basic or Advanced Grand Europa campaign specific scenarios involving Scandinavia; but these games could also accurately be called “stand alone” games for those who suspect that “Grand Europa” talk inevitably leads to a chain hobble.

If playing a complete SoS NTO scenario war game with all the SoS maps and all the NTO counters, a neutral Norway at neutrality watch will order partial mobilization if Finland is invaded by the USSR, per Rule 38G1-[Norwegian] Neutrality and Activation. Evidently this partial mobilization occurs on the Dec II 39 turn. “Norway is now Axis-leaning (but still neutral).” The situation is essentially the same for Sweden in SoS NTO scenarios, I believe, per Rule 38I1-[Swedish] Neutrality and Activation. See the SoS Orders of Battle for the inevitable partial mobilizations of Norway and Sweden in NTO scenarios after the Winter War starts. Note that the SoS Campaign for Norway and Nordic Adventure scenarios both begin with Norway and Sweden at partial mobilization, I believe, on their Apr I 40 start turn. A neutral Denmark remains at neutrality watch until either Norway or Sweden is invaded. All this implies, I think, that the SoS NTO scenario is in essence what could be called the basis for a first class GE 1939-40 Scandinavian campaign scenario, at least for those who might like the idea.

I’d like to propose an additional SoS NTO scenario variant with the following rules changes. First, drop the required each Finnish turn die roll for possible Allied intervention and instead allow the Allied/Finnish player to either a) voluntarily choose to intervene on the Mar II 40 turn, if the Winter War lasts that long, or if Europa players feel this is too restrictive, then b) voluntarily choose to intervene any Finnish turn after the Winter War begins. After declaring the Allied intervention, the Norwegian and Swedish die rolls would take place per Rule 41G3b-Neutral Reaction to Allied Intervention. There is apparently already in place some rules provisions in the SoS NTO scenario for a Winter War continuing after standard German historical intervention into Norway on the Apr I 40 turn at Rule 41G3c-Axis Intervention, with or without any prior Allied intervention into the Winter War.

Secondly I’m also thinking now that in the proposed SoS NTO scenario variant discussed above the Apr I 40 game turn weather should automatically be what it is in both the SoS Campaign for Norway and Nordic Adventure scenarios per their starting conditions (on the Apr I 40 game turn) found in Rule 41B and C. This gives the Axis the historical weather conditions on their historical invasion date. Of course I’m assuming this turn the Axis (or Allies) will invade Norway in SoS NTO scenarios played like a hypothetical Basic GE Scandinavian campaign scenario.

Note that per SoS NTO scenario rules the Winter War will continue after Allied intervention has occurred until “…Finland has at least 25 demoralization points” in a Soviet/Axis initial phase after subtracting 10 for Allied intervention.

Jan II 40 Finnish Turn

The Finns begin their turn with an accumulated ½ sp inf replacement points. From their combat losses the last Soviet turn the Finns receive ¾ sp inf replacement points. They receive 1 inf replacement point as a reinforcement this turn. From their replacement pool they rebuild the *1-6 Ski III B and the 1-8 Ski III 3-4 J, both of which must be brought on at Helsinki. This leaves them ¼ unused inf replacement points. The replacement buy of the second ski III was done only after much deliberation. In the Finnish replacement pool remain the 1-6 Ski III 1/LR and the 0-1-0 Art II SHRT.

The reinf 21st Inf XX HQ unit is brought on at Viipuri (4517), where it initially stacks with the 1-6 Inf III 22/64 and the 0-1-8 Cycle III VL, these two units beginning the turn there. The reinf 1-6 Inf III 21/62 is brought on at Kotka (4521). The reinf *3-8 Ski X RVV/1 (FV) is brought on at Torino (1820), adjacent to the Finnish-Swedish border per Rule 40A3-Foreign Aid to Finland.

The Finns begin their turn with 3 ARPs. They expend one ARP to bring back the aborted D.XXI F type air unit; it is placed at Helsinki. The Finnish C.X A type air unit remains in the eliminated box. Although it’s tempting to rebuild the C.X A type air unit also, these three ARPs are likely the last available in the game, and the remaining two may be needed to rebuild the fighter unit, which may score the Finns VPs.

Just in time, the 0-1-5 Const III Kan at G. of Finland clear terrain coast hex 4617 completes its fort build there. The Soviet army is breathing down the Finns’ necks from southward adjacent Karelian Isthmus hexes 4716 and 4717. In the movement phase the const III moves one hex to adjacent Viipuri (4517). The new fort is not officially a part of the Mannerheim Line, and therefore its capture by the Soviets will not score them Finnish demoralization points.

As the Finns study their turn’s serious situation, they decide to burn their remaining resource point located at woods rail junction hex 4314 in order to increase their railcap to 7 ½. This implies they’ve abandoned any intentions of building a fort at important Viipuri.

In the far north the 1-6 Ski III 41 at 1516 moves two hexes eastwards to Kemijarvi, at wooded swamp s. rail terminus hex 1514 on the Kandalaksha-Salla-Torino transportation line. With an intervening frozen full lake hexside to the east, it will likely be protected from attack from the now black U-1 Soviet 4-6 Inf XX 14 two road hexes away eastwards at woods road hex 1512.

Farther south, the *1-6 Ski III 2/LR remains at woods road hex 2014. To the south of it, at Suomussalmi (2612), is encamped the 1-2-6 Ski III 1/PKR . Continuing southwards, the 1-2-8 Ski X Rv still blocks the Rugozero-Kuhmo transportation line at woods road hex 2913, right on the A weather line. However, one road hex to its east at adjacent Kuhmo (2912) the Soviet 2-6 Art X 45 and the winterized 1-6 Inf III 88/273 become black U-4 this turn, with no nearby Soviet airdropped supply points to draw supply from this turn. One road hex southeast of the Soviet short stack at Kuhmo, the 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 5 at forest/woods road hex 3011 goes black U-1 this turn.

In the vast Ladogan Karelia region between the A weather line and the northern shores of Lake Ladoga the Finns are faced with defending against a powerful and steadily reinforced Soviet Eighth Army. At the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Finnish Army in the region is as follows:

Forest hex 3211 (right on the A weather line): the guerrilla unit 1-6 Ski X Kymen in combat mode, from Lieksa (3312)

Wooded intermittent lake hex 3411: dummy guerrilla unit, from 3410

Forest/woods rail hex 3513: 0-6 Lt Arm II 1, from 3512

Forest rail hex 3512: guerrilla unit 1-6 Ski X SH in combat mode, from 3511

Woods hex 3511: dummy guerrilla unit, from 3510

Forest hex 3612: *3-4-6 Inf XX 12, from 3713

Forest/woods hex 3712: *2-6 Inf X 1, never moved

Forest rail hex 3913: *3-4-6 Inf XX 13, from 3912; *1-6 Ski III 2/PKR, from 3612

Woods hex 4113: 4-5-6 Inf XX 6 and 1-2-6 Inf III 21/60, both from 4112

Woods clear terrain lake coast rail hex 4212: 4-6 Inf XX 1, 0-1-5 Const III Kar, 1-6 Inf III 21/61, 1-2-6 Ski III 1/KR, all four moved from adjacent Sortavala

Clear terrain lake coast rail hex 4313: *1-6 Ski III 2/KR, never moved; 21st Inf XX HQ unit, reinf railed in from Viipuri; 1-6 Inf III 21/62, reinf railed in from Kotka; 1-8 Ski III 3-4 J, repl railed in from Helsinki

Kakisalmi (wooded intermittent lake Ladoga coast rail hex 4514): 0-6 RR Eng III Yhd, moved from 4414.

Sadly, the Finns withdraw westwards from Sortavala (4211), which they defended so bravely for so long. Upon the Finnish const III vacating the Sortavala hex, the 3-cap temporary airfield there is removed from the map.

In the important Karelian Isthmus zone the dispositions of the Finnish Army at the end of the movement phase are as follows:

Viipuri (4514): 0-1-5 Const III Kan, moved in from 4617

Clear terrain G. of Finland coast fort hex 4617: 4-5-6 Inf XX 5, never moved 1-6 Inf III 40, never moved three 0-1-6 Inf IIIs UR, HL, and MLR, all three never moved pos flk unit, never moved

M.L. woods Viipuri-Leningrad railway hex 4616: 4-5-6 Inf XX 4, moved in from adjacent hex 4615 *3-4-6 Inf XX 9, never moved *3-8 Ski X RVV/1 (FV), reinf railed in from 1820 1-6 Art III 3, never moved pos flk unit, never moved

Central M.L. wooded intermittent lake hex 4615: 4-5-6 Inf XX 11, moved in from adjacent hex 4614 1-2-6 Inf III 22/65, never moved 1-2-6 Inf III 23/67, never moved 1-6 Inf III 22/63, moved in from 4616 1-6 Inf III 22/64, moved in from Viipuri 2-6 Art III 2, never moved pos flk unit, never moved

M.L Vuoksa Lake/Causeway woods rail hex 4614: *1-2-6 Inf III B, from adjacent hex 4615 *1-2-6 Inf III B, from adjacent hex 4613 * 1-6 Ski III B, repl railed in from Helsinki

Note: all three “B” Inf XX breakdown units reassemble this turn to form the 4-5-6 Inf XX 8.

M.L. Ladoga coast woods hex 4613: 4-5-6 Inf XX 10, never moved 1-8 Ski III 1-2 J, never moved *1-6 Inf III 4, railed from 4616, then moved in 0-1-8 Cycle III VL, railed from Viipuri, then moved in 0-1-6 Inf III RR, from adjacent hex 4614 0-1-6 Inf III HaL, railed from Helsinki, then moved in pos flk unit, never moved.

Although the situation in the Ladogan Karelia is currently somewhat unfavorable, in a strange way the situation along the Mannerheim Line front in the Karelian Isthmus has apparently stabilized for at least a turn. At least three things have contributed to this. First, last turn the Soviets won the Mannerheim Line wooded intermittent lake G. of Finland coast hex 4714 with a DR; eg., without any Finnish losses, which would have meant untimely heavy ground unit losses impossible for the Finns to quickly replace. Secondly the stout *3-8 Ski X RVV/1 (FV) reinf readily jacked up one of the important M.L. fort hex defense factor totals by its timely arrival by rail. Finally, last turn’s loss and this turn’s rebuild of the *1-6 Ski III B via replacement points enabled the Finns to reassemble the 4-5-6 Inf XX 8 and get it back into the line, enabling a handy reshuffle of the Karelian Isthmus front there and abetting its ultimate strengthening. Next turn the Soviets may well be pushed into attempting an unfavorable Mannerheim Line hex attack with a possible AH result in a risky and hasty effort to break the Line and end the Winter War.

Kotka (4521) is still guarded by the 0-1-6 Inf III KL. Across the frozen sea hexside from it at the G. of Finland sea isle of Suur (at 4621) is the Soviet 3-6 Inf XX 150, this turn beginning at black U-1.

At Helsinki (4527) is the Finnish govt marker, two pos flk units, and the D.XXI F type air unit. The Ilmar TF and the Sisa river flotilla remain in port at Turku (4230), its port still open to the ice free Baltic and Atlantic sea lanes by virtue of the Finnish icebreakers. The Aland Islands are still garrisoned by the by now perhaps sleepy headed 0-1-8 Cycle III TL.

Jan II 40 Soviet Turn

The Soviets roll a 6 on the weather die roll, and so it’s still Snow in weather zones A, B, and C. The Arctic Ocean is stormy and the sea is rough in the Baltic.

The winterized 4-6 Inf XX 104 remains idle garrisoning Petsamo (0304); at Murmansk (0701) are still the 3-6 Inf XX 49, a pos flk unit, the 1-pt DD TF Flotilla-1, and the I-15 F type air unit.

Allakurtti (1508) is still garrisoned by the 1-6 Inf III 19 and the 1-6 Inf III 529 moves one hex west along the Kandalaksha-Salla-Torino transportation line to garrison Salla (1510). The 4-6 Inf XX 14 moves one hex west down the road from Salla to wooded swamp road hex 1511, where in the combat phase it attacks the Finnish 1-6 Ski III 1/LR at woods road hex 1512. It rolls a 6 at 8 to 1 -2, and eliminates the Finns; after combat it advances into hex 1512.

The 4-6 Inf 163 remains at Kuusamo (2010), having by default become its garrison after initially occupying it. Five road hexes eastwards at Kestenga’s 1-cap permanent airstrip is still the I-152 F type air unit, perhaps by now so iced over it can’t take off. Another I-152 air unit sits idle at the 1-cap permanent airstrip at Loukhi, 3 secondary rail hexes eastwards at woods rail junction hex 2104 on the Murmansk railway. The 0-5 Const X 1 at Loukhi admin moves 5 rail hexes northwards to wooded rough rail junction hex 1604.

The 4-6 Inf XX 54 and the 0-5 Const III 9 remain stacked at woods road border hex 2510, just inside the USSR, but the const III spends 5 MPs to begin building a 1-cap temporary airfield there per Advanced Rule 43A8-Incremental Construction of Airfields. I believe it will take a total of 8 MPs to complete this feat in a woods hex north of the A weather line. This Soviet stack is at the six hex regular supply limit north of the A weather line in snow weather, counting overland 3 hexes and then road 3 hexes to the secondary rail terminus at Kestenga (2107).

At Ukhta (2508) are the winterized 1-6 Inf III 6 A and the three T type air units based at the 3-cap permanent airfield there. In the movement phase the G-1, the G-2, and the TB-3 T type air units there fly yet another supply point air drop mission to wooded swamp border hex 3010, five hexes to the SW just inside Finland. But this time all six supply points are scattered per the SoS Disruption Table die rolls, with no sixes being rolled. The remaining supply point already in the hex (dropped on the Jan I 40 Soviet turn) is removed at the end of the Soviet initial phase after supplying the 2-6 Art X 45 two hexes away at Kuhmo (2912) one final player turn. All three air transports return to base at Ukhta.

On the Rugozero-Kuhmo transportation line the 1-2-6 MG X 7 A and the 0-5 Const III 8 move three road hexes west from 3207 to forest road border hex 3110, still inside the USSR. The MG X has to stay with the 0 strength const III to protect it from Finnish guerrillas. The 1-8 Plctl Pol III 5 at wooded swamp border hex 3010, now having no more air dropped supply points to guard, moves one hex west to forest road hex 3011 to help form a three road hex long rat tail to the winterized 1-6 Inf III 88/273 and the 2-6 Art X 45 stacked together guarding and garrisoning Kuhmo. In the combat phase the winterized 4-6 Inf XX 3 at forest road border hex 3111 attacks the Finnish 1-6 Ski X Kymen guerrilla unit at forest border hex 3211, right on the A weather line. The Finns attempt to retreat before combat per Rule 14F-Ski Units, but roll a 4 and the attempt fails. However, the Soviets roll a 1 on the 8 to 1 -3 combat attack die roll and the relieved Finnish guerrilla unit retreats to Lieksa (3312), just south of the A weather line. After combat the Soviet inf XX perhaps timidly stays put at its defensive position on the supply road rat tail leading to Kuhmo.

By the end of the movement phase the dispositions of the Soviet ground units in the Ladogan Karelia are as follows:

Woods hex 3610: 3-6 Inf XX 122, never moved; 4-6 Inf XX 50, moved from 3810

Woods border hex 3609: winterized 3-6 Inf XX 142, moved from 3707

Ilomantsi (woods road hex 3711): 4-8 Mot Inf XX 44, from 3710; 4-6 Inf XX 18 and the 1-6 Lt AA III 8, both from 3810

Wooded intermittent lake road hex 3710: 1-2-8 Para-Inf X 214, never moved; 3-2-8 Arm X 28, from 3708

Woods hex 3811: 3-6 Inf XX 56, never moved

Wooded intermittent lake hex 3810: 2-1-8 Lt Arm X 1, admin moved from 4207

Woods hex 3911: 3-6 Inf XX 155, from 4010

Wooded intermittent lake hex 3909: 1-8 Cav III 1, never moved

Woods hex 4010: 4-6 Inf XX 11, from 4108

Soujarvi (wooded intermittent lake s. rail hex 4008): 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 1, from 4010

Woods s. rail junction hex 4111: winterized 4-6 Inf XX 168, 3-6 Inf XX 1 FNA, two 3-2-8 Arm Xs 20 and 34, all three never moved

Woods s. rail hex 4110: 1-2-8 Para-Inf X 201, never moved

Woods lake coast s. rail hex 4210: 3-6 Inf XX 139, from 4310 (Pitkaranta); and 3-2-8 Art X 8, never moved

East end of Valamo Island hex 4311: 3-6 Inf XX 136, from 4210; and 3-2-8 Arm X 13, from 4310 (Pitkaranta); 2-6 Art X 56, from 4410

Pitkaranta (woods lake coast road hex 4410): 0-1-8 Bdr III 6, from Soujarvi (4008

Woods border hex 4309: 2-3-6 Inf XX 3 FNA, never moved

Clear terrain lake coast s. rail hex 4410: 1-2-8 Para-Inf X 204, never moved.

Like wily wolves attacking only the weakest in the herd, the Soviet army attacks the Finns in the Ladogan Karelia only where the odds are optimal. The Finnish *1-6 Ski III 21/PKR and the 1-8 Ski III 3-4 J, both stacked at forest hex 3611, are attacked by the Soviet stacks at 3711 and 3610 at 9 to 1 -3 odds. Both Finnish ski units attempt to retreat before combat and both retreat attempts fail. The Soviets roll a 3 and the modified result is a DH. The 1-8 Ski III 3-4 J is eliminated and the *1-6 Ski III 2/PKR unit retreats to forest hex 3612. the two 4-6 Inf XXs 18 and 50 advance into forest hex 3611 after combat.

The Finnish *1-6 Ski III B at Janis coast woods rail hex 4011 is attacked by the Soviet stacks at hexes 4111, 4010, and 3911 at 9 to 1 -2. The odds are so high the Finns don’t bother to send their C.X A type air unit in as DAS; it can’t change the odds. Nor do the Soviets bother to attempt add the combat strength of the 3-6 Inf XX 1 FNA to their attack per Rule 38H4-FNA Unreliability; it’s simply left out of the attack. The Finnish ski III attempts to retreat before combat, but rolls a fail on the SoS Success Table. The Soviets roll a 6 and the *1-6 Ski III B is eliminated: DE. The Soviet 4-6 Inf XX 11 from 4010 advances after combat across the frozen Lake Janis all lake hexside into 4011.

Near the end of their movement phase the Soviets send three 16/t10 F type air units from bases within range on the CAP mission over the west end of Valamo Island hex 4312. They are certainly harbingers of a Soviet attack there in the combat phase. Early in the combat phase the Finns send their C.X A type air unit on the DAS mission over hex 4312 with their D.XXI F type air unit as an escort, come what may. But this turn Fortune does not fly with them; the D.XXI fighter unit is aborted and the C.X A type is eliminated after the I-16/t10’s flying CAP there intercept the DAS mission at the target hex. Just before combat the *1-6 Ski III 2/KR attempts to retreat before combat but the attempt fails. The Soviets attack at 8 to 1 -1 and roll a 1, which modifies to a DR. The Finnish ski III happily retreats across the frozen full lake hexside to clear terrain coast rail hex 4313. After combat the Soviet 3-6 Inf XX 136 moves in to occupy the west end of Valamo Island hex 4312. The three surviving I-16/t10 fighter units return to Soviet airbases.

In the initial phase the Soviets have a total of 9 ARPs. For ARP availability in the SoS NTO scenarios see the SoS Errata Sheet 18 Jan 1999. They use 1 ARP to replace the aborted SB-2bis, which is placed at Leningrad. This leaves an I-152 in the aborted box and an I-16/t10 in the eliminated box.

Early in their movement phase the Soviets rail and then admin move the 3-6 Inf XX 33 from Murmansk railway hex 5009 to wooded swamp road hex 2603 on the Kem-Ukhta-Suomussalmi transportation line. Then the reinf 4-6 Inf XX 82 brought in at SE Leningrad hex 5114 rails and admin moves to adjacent swamp road hex 2703. The reinf 3-6 Inf XX 113 brought on at SE Leningrad hex 5114 rails and admin moves to wooded swamp road hex 3709 on the Medvezhyegorsk-Ilomantsi transportation line. The 3-6 Inf XX 62 at Murmansk railway hex 5009 rails and admin moves to woods s. rail border hex 4108, just inside Finland on the Petrozavodsk-Soujarvi transportation line. The reinf 3-6 Inf XX 72 brought on at SE Leningrad hex 5114 rails and then admin moves to wooded swamp lake coast road border hex 4509 on the Lodeynoye Pole-Pitkaranta transportation line. With their 15 RE rail cap used up, the Soviets admin move three reinf 3-6 Inf XXs 16, 60, and 86 brought in at Leningrad central full city hex 5014 to Murmansk railway hex 5009. One hex ahead of them is the admin moved reinf winterized 1-2-6 Inf X Dol at Murmansk railway hex 5008, from the SE Leningrad hex.

In the Karelian Isthmus the Soviets attack forthwith the Finnish Mannerheim Line fort hex 4717, jutting out like a chin waiting to be punched. They attack it from the two adjacent hexes at 4816 and 4716, using the full array of available Soviet attack advantages: two corps markers flipped to their regular stacking sides, the big 9-6 Art XX 1 in place at hex 4816, a pltcl pol III in each attack hex stack, and 1/7th engineering attack capability. The Finnish hex has 11 def factors plus a pos flk unit. Using no GS, the Soviets attack with a total of 47 attack factors, using the above mentioned attack advantage additives; which tallies to a 4 to 1 -2. They roll a 6, which modifies to a DR. The Finns are able to retreat most of the attacked stack to adjacent G. of Finland coast hex 4617, there joining the 0-1-6 Const III Kan nearing completion of the fort under construction there. The 0-1-0 Art II SHRT is eliminated, as it cannot retreat, and the 1-6 Inf III 22/64 must retreat two hexes to Viipuri (4517), due to stacking limitations at 4617.

In their exploitation phase the Soviets still have available a large operative air armada to do air bombing attacks with against Finnish target hexes. For starters, after some preliminary staging, the Soviets send four SB-2bis’ on a pinpoint bombing mission to rail hex 2715 to bomb the rail junction there, but roll a 2: a miss.

Then after doing the appropriate staging, the Soviets once again send the two old SB-2’s and the two R-5Sh’s on a pinpoint bombing mission to rail hex 4321 (Kouvola) to bomb the rail junction there, but roll a 1: a miss.

Finally, late in the exploitation phase another Helsinki terror bombing attack is done using the strat bombing factors of the two DB-3m’s, the DB-3b, the DB-3t, and three SB-2bis’. All seven B and A type air units make it through Helsink’s two flack factors. Seven dice rolls are made on the 2 Bombing Strength column of the SoS Bombing Table and the results are three terror bombing hits against Helsinki (4526).

By the end of the exploitation phase the Soviet ground forces in the Karelian Isthmus zone and in the G. of Finland region, including also the dispositions of the Soviet air force, are as follows:

Tallinn (4826): pos flk unit, I-153, I-16/t18 G. of Finland north end of Suur Is. (4621): 3-6 Inf XX 150, from 4820 G. of Finland Tytar Is. (4820): 1-8 Cav III 5, never moved

Wooded intermittent lake G. of Finland coast hex 4717: two 4-6 Inf XX 43 and 97, moved in after combat 9-6 Art XX 1, moved in after combat 3-2-8 Arm X 24, moved in after combat 1-6 Eng III 9, moved in after combat 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 2, moved in after combat pos flk unit, moved in after combat

Woods rail hex 4716: three 5-6 Inf XX 24, 70, 100, never moved two 1-6 Eng III 7 and 8, never moved 1-8 Pltcl Pol III 3, never moved 4-2-8 Art X LVO, never moved 3-2-8 Art X 7, never moved

Woods hex 4715: two 4-6 Inf XX 4 and 75, never moved two 3-2-6 [Heavy] Arm X 35 and 40, never moved pos flk unit, never moved

Woods rail hex 4714: two 4-6 Inf XX 52 and 123, never moved two 2-6 Art X 23, reinf moved in; and 34, never moved pos flk unit, never moved

Clear terrain lake coast hex 4713: two 4-6 Inf XX 9 and 41, never moved G. of Finland clear terrain hex 4816: *1-2-8 Mot MG X 50, exploited in from 4815 3-2-8 Arm X 39, exploited in from 4815

Clear terrain rail hex 4815: 4-8 Mot Inf XX 25, never moved 3-2-8 Art X 13, reinf moved in three 2-6 Art X 15 reinf moved in; 19 and 50, never moved

Woods hex 4814: 4-6 Inf XX 138, never moved 3-2-8 Art X 9, reinf moved in 2-0-6 Siege Art X LVO, never moved two 2-6 Art X 1 and 3, never moved

Woods road hex 4813: 4-6 Inf XX 17, never moved *0-1-0 FA X Kar, never moved

Isle of Kronshtadt (4916): 5-pt BB TF Marat 5-pt BB TF O. Rev 1-6 Lt AA III 7, moved in from 4914 I-153 two R-5Sh SB-2bis

NW Leningrad hex 4915: 1-5 Pltcl Pol III 4 two SB-2 I-16/t17

NE Leningrad hex 4914: *2-6 winterized 2-6 Marine X VF/5 I-16 I-16/t17 DB-3m

Central Leningrad full city hex 5014: resource point DB-3b Db-3t

Eastern Leningrad hex 5013: two SB-2bis DB-3m

Petrozavodsk (reference city) w/ a 3-cap permanent airfield (4305): I-16 two SB-2bis

Medvezhyegorsk w/ a 3-cap permanent airfield ( 3704): I-16 two SB-2bis.

In the exploitation phase the Soviets move the 3-2-8 Arm X 28 at hex 3710 to woods hex 3811, where it stacks with the 3-6 Inf XX 56.

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