Iraqi Order of Battle
Initial Forces: Mar II 41 Axis player turn (taken from the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet).
Initial Conditions:
Capital: Baghdad (22A:2825).
Rail Capacity: Iraqi rail net: 5.
1-Capacity Permanent Airstrip: Rutbah (21A:5023). [per the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet, p. 2]
Supply Terminal (Iraqi specific): Baghdad (22A:2825).
Infantry Replacement Points (RPs): Iraq receives 1 inf RP on the Jan I turn of each year, beginning no sooner than the second turn of full mobilization [I assume this to mean Coup Turn 2, along with with the Jan I turn stipulation; and so receiving any Iraqi inf RPs would be unlikely in either the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario project or in standard WW Middle East (ME) Scenarios].
Iraqi ARPs: Iraq receives 1 ARP on the first turn of the air cycle, beginning no sooner than the second turn of full mobilization. In the case of the new Scenario with the Iraqi Coup date of Apr I 41, that appears to mean an Iraqi ARP would be received on the May I 41 Axis I. Phase. Then, another Iraqi ARP would appear on the Jul I 41 turn, and so on.
No intrinsic AA.
Other: the Iraqi minor port of Umm Qasr (22A:4513) has maximum damage, e.g., 5 port damage hits.
Kirkuk (21A:3904):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 2
In or adjacent to Baghdad (22A:2825):
1 x 1-2-6 Inf XX 3
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 1
1 x 0-1-6 Lt Arm X 1
Diwaniya (22A:3623):
1 x 0-1-6* Inf XX 4
Any airbase in Iraq:
1 x Mxd 1A2 1/8
In Iraq:
21A:4717 (H-1 Pump Station) [stony desert road hex]:
0-1-8 Inf II Fawzi (Bandit) [Guerilla-capable unit; currently in combat mode]
- Watson’s “Iraq: Rashid Ali and the Golden Square” Europa Battle Scenario found in TEM#81 is used as a basis for determining an at-start location for the pro-Axis Fawzi bandit/guerrilla unit.
Special considerations regarding the 0-1-8 Inf II Fawzi (Bandit) unit:
- On the Mar II 41 Axis at-start turn of the new Scenario, the 0-1-8 Inf II Fawzi (Bandit) unit begins at hex 21A:4717. The provisions of Optional Rule 39E4-Fawzi al Qawukji, do not come into effect until step 2 of the Initial Phase of the Apr II 41 Axis turn, after the automatic Iraqi coup occurs at step 13 of the Initial Phase of the Apr I 41 Axis turn. On both the Mar II 41 and Apr I 41 Axis turns the 0-1-8 Inf II Fawzi (Bandit) remains at hex 21A:4717, in its combat mode, and may not move at all or change modes; nor is the die roll done per WW Optional Rule 39D3 until step 4 of the Initial Phase of the Apr II 41 Axis turn.
- Per a new Scenario Rule, Axis, Vichy French Levant, or Iraqi air units may not provide DAS to the Fawzi unit, which is similar to Rathe’s provision for Vichy French TS ground units in his TFL article in TEM#81.
- The Fawzi unit cannot be eliminated by random movement die rolls (per WW Optional Rule 39E4) off the map edge or into prohibited hexes. In this case the Fawzi unit simply ends its random movement at the last rules-legal hex.
- Note that per WW Optional Rule 39E4 the Fawzi unit “may never stack with another unit (including another Axis, Iraqi, or Vichy French unit). If in guerrilla mode, Fawzi must always attempt to retreat before combat.”
- It is currently assumed here that after the Iraqi Coup the national territory in the pro-Axis neutral Iraq is still not 100% Axis “friendly-owned” for the purposes of WW Optional Rule 39D3-Changing Modes. Perhaps this occurs after a pro-Axis coup Iraq “join[s] the Axis,” per the last sentence of Rule 38J4 [Iraq] Coup. I’m also currently thinking the Fawsi unit cannot, in any mode (eg., combat or guerrilla), admin move in Iraq or in the Vichy French Levant.
- Also, neither the Fawzi unit in its regular mode, nor either of the Fawzi guerrilla mode units, either the dummy or the Fawzi hidden mode, may end their movements in any Iraqi dot city hexes or the partial full city hex of Baghdad, unless they are Allied-owned. If forced to retreat in a Combat Phase, the Fawzi units may pass through an Iraqi dot city hex or the partial full city hex of Baghdad, but may not end their retreat there, unless they are Allied-owned. The Iraqi dot city of Basra is not considered to be Allied-owned until the Basra hex is occupied by an Allied unit, per WW Advanced Rules 5B3-Ownership of Cities, Ports, and Airbases and/or 5B4-Half RE Units. The main thing is to prevent the Fawzi unit or its Dummy guerrilla unit from blocking the Iraqi port of Basra from initial Allied entry or other important Iraqi towns from entry by either side.
Commentary Regarding Some of the WW Rules That are Related to the Iraq Campaign in the new Scenario:
- In WW, per Rule 4-Sequence of Play (Intro), “each game turn consists of an Allied player turn followed by an Axis player turn.”
- Per WW Rule 41-Preparing for Play (Intro), “within each map group [in our case, the WD and NE map groups], where there is overlap, ensure the higher number map always overlaps the lower numbered map. Once each map group is assembled, ensure the group with the highest numbered maps overlaps the group with the lowest numbered maps.” Per WW Rule 41A-Initial Deployment, the Axis player sets up the “Iranian, Iraqi, and Vichy French at-start OBs for those commands he controls.” In standard WW Desert and the Balkans Scenario-based games, the Balkan map group overlaps the WD map group, but in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario, BF map 15B (used for the Assault on Crete Segment) goes underneath the WD map group. Map 20A goes over map 19A, and map 21A goes over map 20A. Whatever you do, do not use the defective and misprinted NE maps 22A & 32 that also have the tell-tale printer’s reference mark hexes: defective map 22A has this printer’s indicator at 2728 and defective map 32 has this printer’s indicator at 1624.
- Careful players of the new Scenario should note conditions on the NE map group indicated under the Starting Conditions section of WW Rule 41B3-War in the Desert Campaign. These NE map group conditions are used in the WW Middle East Campaign Scenario. The map conditions indicated for the Enter Rommel-II (ER-II) WD map group are listed under the Starting Conditions of the Western Desert Campaign (see Rule 41B1). Also note that the Allied player begins the new Scenario controlling all hexes in Kuwait and Iraq.
- In the new Scenario, the Iraqi coup automatically occurs in the Apr I 41 Axis Initial Phase, at step 13. This is done to channel the shortened 1941 ME Scenario into a kind of “historical game” for Europa play, at least in terms of the Iraqi coup date and in conjunction with the ER-II at-start set-up in the Western Desert play. Using the Apr I 41 Axis turn as the date of the Iraqi coup, then the WitD Allied OB’s Iraqi Coup Reaction Forces Conditional Reinforcements (found at p. 5 of the WitD Allied OB booklet) begin to appear on the Apr II 41 Allied turn (Coup Turn 2). Proceeding then, May I 41 = Coup Turn 3, which includes the 2-1-10* Mot Inf X Hab Conversion (along with a new Allied unit tentatively introduced in the new Scenario, the Trans-Jordanian 1-10 mot Cav III AL [Arab Legion]) and the Allied NE Command Arrivals, via the Persian Gulf to the Iraqi port of Basra; Jun I 41 = Coup Turn 5; Jun II 41 = Coup Turn 6; and Jul I 41 = Coup Turn 7.
- We strive to remember Rule 38B2-Habbaniya/Shaibah Airbase Guards, whereby each of the two British Colonial 0-1-4 Static IIs, 1AS & 2AS, are in “in general supply if it is in or can trace an overland-element of supply line to either Habbaniya (22A:2828) or Shaibah (22A:4314), and the hex to which it traces supply has never been enemy owned.” We assume “enemy owned” means either by an Axis unit or an Iraqi coup unit.
- Per Rule 38J4-[Iraqi] Coup, “except for hexes already occupied by Allied units [eg., in our case Habbaniya and Shaibah], Iraqi territory is no longer Allied-owned and is treated as being Axis-owned [after the Iraqi Coup]. … However, … the Allied player may use the Iraqi[-owned] port of Basra (22A:4313) so long as it is unsecured. The port of Basra is unsecured until the first time an Iraqi unit enters its hex.” This rule allows the Allied player to conveniently land his initial WitD Allied OB Conditional Reinforcements at Basra, in our case in the naval movement segment of the Apr II 41 Allied M. Phase. Evidently, at the moment of the said Allied unit’s completed disembarkation, Basra forthwith becomes Allied-owned, per the meaning of Advanced Rule 5B3-Ownership of Cities, Ports, and Airbases. Immediately after that, per Rule 12C1a-Standard Supply Terminals, the major port of Basra may be opened as an Allied standard supply terminal, and “from the start of the next player turn [in our case, the subsequent Apr II 41 Axis player turn], the port is a standard supply terminal for the side that opened it.” At this point, the Allied major port hex of Basra apparently now has an intrinsic flack factor of 1, per the Intrinsic Light AA Chart. Advanced Rule 5B3 is currently a recommended Advanced Rule for the new Scenario, as is also Advanced Rule 5B4-Half RE Units.
- Rule 23I-Out of Supply Airbases is recommended in the new scenario, and affects play in the NE map groups. Also (new) Optional Rule 23J-Axis Ops from Aegean Islands should be utilized, I think. It is due to this new Optional Rule 23J that gsp’s are introduced as part of the conditional reinforcements in the new Scenario’s revisions of the WW Optional Axis Near East Forces OB, found in the WW OB booklet. For the Axis supply capabilities in the Dodecanese after the Axis player ceases operations in the Balkans (Rule 3E5), see Rule 12C2a-Axis Ports.
- Quite importantly, I think, WW Optional Rule 38J7-Iraqi Armor is currently strongly recommended for use in the new Scenario. This stipulates the Iraqi light armor brigade “…as having neutral AECA/AECD (instead of full AECA/half AECD).” On the other hand, I currently see no purpose of using WW Optional Rule 38J8-The Anglo-Iraqi Treaty, considering the conditions of the new Scenario mentioned above, what with the Mar II 41 Axis turn start date and the Iraqi Coup automatically occurring on the Apr I 41 Axis turn.
- WW Optional Rule 38J8-The Anglo-Iraqi Treaty doesn’t seem to be applicable in the new Scenario, with its Mar II 41 Axis turn at-start date and the Iraqi Coup automatically occurring in the Apr I 41 Axis I. Phase. In any event, there are no Allied ME ground units particularly appealing to be sent to pre-Coup Iraq in the short period of opportunity between the Mar II 41 Axis at-start date and the end of the Apr I 41 Allied turn, say by naval transport via the Aden Off-Map Holding Box and a final disembarkation at Basra, or by the overland Mesopotamian desert road trek from Palestine eastwards across Trans-Jordan and Iraq. I say “Allied ground units” because, at least to me, a careful read of the first sentence of the last paragraph of Optional Rule 38J8 seems to indicate that only additional Allied ground units, and not air units, signifies a violation of the Treaty, thereby kicking in the +2 Dice Roll Modifier possibly used in conjunction with the Iraqi Coup Table, which isn’t used in the new Scenario, anyway. And so, an Allied air unit, such as the British Glad air unit, prior to the Iraqi coup on the Apr I 41 Axis I. Phase, might possibly do a transit across pre-Coup Iraq to Habbaniya (22A:2828), doing even a necessary in-flight air transfer leg basing at either Iraqi Rutbah (21A:5023) or the Iraqi reference city of Ramadi (22A:2830) without violating the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty. But just in case a resourceful and determined Allied player found a suitable Allied ME Command ground unit to say, sea transport to pre-Coup Iraqi Basra, via the Aden Off-Map Holding Box, then a fitting new Scenario replacement to the irrelevant treaty violation penalty of Optional Rule 38J8 as written might be a -1 Dice Roll Modifier to the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table (Opt. Rule 38J5) “if an Allied ground unit other than the Habbaniya/Shaibah airbase guard units (Rule38B2) was in Iraq in an Axis I. Phase prior to the Iraqi Coup.”
- There might be a +1 Dice Roll Modifier to the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table on the immediate Axis turn I. Phase (only) dice roll using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table “if the Allied 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME unit (only) has seized either of the bridge hex-sides (from 22A: 2826&2926) at the Baghdad partial full city hex (22A:2825) on the prior Allied turn (only).”
- Optional Rule 38J5-Variable [Iraqi] Coup Collapse/Surrender is strongly recommended in the new Scenario, along with the important WW Chart Errata indicated in Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005 addendum, which changes the flawed wording at the critical +5 Dice Roll Modifier of the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table. When the Iraqi Coup collapses and Iraq surrenders, then by Optional Rule 38J5 and per the corollary stipulation found at 38J4b, “Iraqi territory, except any hexes occupied by Axis ground or air units or in uncontested ZOCs of Axis units, becomes Allied-owned.”
- Axis 1941 Near East intriguers and strategists should note the -1 Dice Roll Modifier for “an Axis air unit in Iraq” and another -1 Modifier “if there is at least 1 RE of German units in Iraq.” This would be for the dice roll using the Variable Iraq Coup Collapse Table.
Standard WW Vichy French Levant Order of Battle
- This would be the new Scenario’s standard Vichy French Levant set-up, based on the WitD Neutral Nations OB for the French Levant.
Initial Forces, Mar II 41 Axis player turn
Initial Conditions.
Rail Capacity: Levant rail net: 4.
Supply Terminals: Beyrouth (20A:4207) and Damas (20A:4505).
Steps of Attack Supply: 1 step each at Beyrouth (20A:4207) and Damas (20A:4505). [the second step of attack supply at Beyrouth is from Rathe’s article; see below]
Resource points: 2 resource points each at Beyrouth (20A:4207) and Damas (20A:4505), for a grand total of 2. [from the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet, p. 14]
SMPs: 5. [from the WW OB booklet, at p. 32, and also Rathe’s article; see below]
Intrinsic AA: 1 point per dot and major city hex in the Vichy French Levant. [per the WW Intrinsic Light AA Summary]
Accumulated Replacements: None.
Airfields: Place a 1-cap permanent airstrip at Rayak (20A:4306). [based on Watson’s “Syria: Operation Exporter” Europa battle scenario; but he uses a 3-cap temporary airfield. Per WitD, there are no airfields in the Vichy French Levant.]
Note: The Vichy French Levant at-start fort at 20A:4505, indicated in the WitD Neutrals OB and F. Watson’s “Syria: Operation Exporter” Europa battle scenario, is tentatively omitted here, per Rathe’s advice found on p. 44 of his article.
Vichy French [aka, the standard Vichy French Levant Set-Up, per the WitD Neutrals OB booklet]:
Alep (21A:3231):
1 x 3-2-6* Inf III 6 LE (LE)
1 x 0-1-5 Const X LEV (Col)
Tripoli (20A:4005):
Railhead marker
- Per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.
1 x 3-6 Inf III 24 MC (Col)
Damas (20A:4505):
one step of attack supply [eg., Initial Forces]
one resource point [eg., Initial Forces]
2 x 1-6* Lt Arm II 6 C A, 7 CA (Afr)
Beyrouth (20A:4207):
one step of attack supply [eg., Initial Forces]
one resource point [eg., Initial Forces]
Anywhere in the Levant:
3 x 1-8 Cav III 1 SM, 4 ST, 8 SA (Afr)
Within two hexes of the Palestine/Lebanon border:
2 x 2-6* Inf III 22 TA, 29 TA (Afr)
Within two hexes of the Transjordan/Syria border:
1 x 2-6* Inf III 7 TS (Col)
1 x 1-6* Inf III 16 TT (Afr)
Any airbase in the Levant:
1 x D520 6F5 0/11 [Conversion, on Mar I 41]
Vichy French Levant Reinforcements and Replacements for the standard Vichy French Levant Set-Up:
On the Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jun II 41):
Conditional Mobilization Turn 1 (based on the WitD Neutrals OB, p.17):
Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 x LeO451 3B5 2-5/25
On the 2nd Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jul 1 41):
Conditional Mobilization Turn 2 (Based on WitD Neutrals OB, pp. 16 &17).
Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles.
Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 ARP [its possibility may be implied in the WitD Neutrals OB; evidently per “Syria” only, but Watson apparently shows it Arriving in the Levant]
Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 Inf RP [eg., a Vichy French inf RP; per “Syria” only]
On the 3rd Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jul II 41):
In the Axis Initial Phase, place at any one clear or rough terrain hexside of the following Axis controlled hexes, if in general supply: 20A:4308, 20A:4208 (Beyrouth), 20A4307 (Rayak), 20A:4305, 20A:4405, 20A:4406, or 20A:4505 (Damas):
1 x Unimproved Fortified Hexside [this comes from Rathe’s article; see below]
On Subsequent Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles (hypothetical historical: Sep I 41, Nov I 41, etc.):
Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles (Based on WitD Neutrals OB, pp. 16 &17).
Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 ARP [per Air Cycle]
If the Levant surrenders to the Allies: Withdraw from the Levant in the following Axis Initial Phase:
1 x LeO451 3B5 2-5/25
Commentary Regarding Some of the WW Rules Related to the Vichy French Levant in the New Scenario:
Per Rule 38V3a-Axis Privileges in the Levant, “The Allied player loses one victory port at the end of each game turn that the Axis has privileges in the Levant and the Levant has not surrendered to the Allies.” This reading is amended by the Wavell’s War Errata-28 October 2005. Also, per Rule 38V3a, in the new Scenario the Axis player may begin to roll for Axis privileges in the Levant, using the Vichy Levant Table, at step 5 of the Apr I 41 Axis I. Phase. This is assuming that the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario is not being used to play the WW Alternate History and Variant (AH&V) D-Axis Use of Tunisia, found at p. 13 of the WW Scenarios & Appendices booklet. It appears that the new Scenario would be an excellent platform to experiment with this Variant in the 1941 time frame. Finally, in conjunction with Rule 38V3a, in the new Scenario, an Axis Intervention in Iraq may be declared by the Axis player in the April II 41 Axis turn I. Phase, at step 5 (only), immediately prior to a dice roll on the Vichy Levant Table for Axis Privileges in the Levant.
In the new Scenario, beginning on the Apr I 41 Axis turn the Axis player may try to gain Axis privileges in the Vichy French Levant for the first time, starting in the I. Phase at step 5. This coincides with the bullet text indicated in the WitD Axis OB for the Apr I 41 Axis turn. The WitD Axis OB is used as a basis for the new Scenario. Also, per WW Rule 38V3a-Axis Privileges [in the Levant], “The Axis player may receive special privileges in the Levant through the Vichy Levant Table … [i]f the Axis player has not violated the neutrality of any Vichy region [and beginning on] [a]ny turn starting from the turn that Germany intervenes in the Balkans (Apr I 41 if the Southeast Command is not under Axis player control) through the end of 1941. [Also, the Axis player may roll on the Vichy Levant Table] … [a]ny turn at all if the Allied player has violated the neutrality of the Levant and the Vichy forces in the Levant have not surrendered ….”
It appears that at least in WW ME-based Scenarios, the Allied player may invade the neutral Vichy French Levant at any time. Following an Allied invasion of a neutral Vichy French Levant, per the provisions of Rules 38Va & b-Allied Invasion, the Axis player is restricted in any force intervention into the French colony, meaning that although the Axis player subsequently gains control of the Vichy forces in the Levant after an Allied invasion, “… the Axis player may not operate any non-Vichy Axis forces in the Levant except as allowed by the Vichy Levant Table.”
Per WW Rule 38V1, the Vichy French Levant operational area would be the Levant and adjacent sea zones. No Vichy French Levant ground unit may leave the Levant or attack into hexes outside the borders of the Levant. The French LeO451 3B5 2-5/25 air unit may not conduct harassment air missions or other bombing air missions to land hex targets outside the Levant. It may conduct naval patrol air missions to Mediterranean Sea hexes, and in the new Scenario may also conduct Naval Harassment air missions. When utilizing recommended WW Optional Rule 23E3-Bombers as Transports, it may take on as cargo only Vichy French-specific items and may never carry Axis-specific cargo items.
WW Optional Rule 38V3f-Variable Levant Surrender to Allies is recommended for use in the new Scenario, which calls for the use of the Variable Levant Surrender Table, found on Game Play Chart 5. This Optional Rule and the Variable Levant Surrender Table applies only to the surrender of the Levant to the Allies. In the new Scenario the following + dice roll Modifier is added: +1 for every 5 Allied-owned Levant cities except for Beyrouth, Damas, and Alep, for a possible total of 3.
After the Vichy French Levant surrenders to the Allied player per the Variable Levant Surrender Table, then per the corollary Vichy Levant surrender stipulation indicated at Rule 38V3d-Surrender, “all Vichy ground and air units in the Levant are removed from play; these forces are considered to be eliminated.” But evidently hex ownership in the French Levant is determined strictly by WW Rule 4B-[Hex] Ownership, meaning that there could be Axis-owned cities and land hexes in the French Levant after the Vichy French Levant surrender per Optional Rule 38V3f.
Special Vichy French Levant Variant At-Start Set-Up for the Scenario, Based on Jean-Guy Rathe’s TEM#81 Article:
- The following special Vichy French Levant variant at-start set-up is based on one of the two Vichy French Levant OBs found in Jean-Guy Rathe’s excellent article “Troupes Francaises du Levant Order of Battle (Land), June 1941,” (TFL) published in TEM#81. Players will need a copy of this article to make the required new Vichy French Levant counters and to have some of the necessary rules text and dice roll tables for playing with them, supplemented by the minor changes and finishing done for the new Scenario and found in the Scenario’s draft Rules and Neutrals draft OB. His other variant is intended to be scrutinized and eventually worked into the new Scenario. The variant is not as hard to grasp as it may appear, if one makes the new Vichy French units and then follows the set-up instructions, step by step.
Initial Conditions.
Standard Supply Terminals: Damas (20A:4505/19A4701) and Beyrouth (20A:4207).
Steps of attack supply: 1 step each at Damas and Beyrouth. [both Vichy French specific]
SMPs: 5
Rail Capacity, Levant Rail net: 4 (+1 for BANP railroad). [See Rathe’s The BANP Railroad supplement for this, found at p. 47 of his TEM#81 article.]
Airfields: a 1-cap permanent airstrip at Rayak (20A:4306) [based on Watson’s “Syria: Operation Exporter” Europa battle scenario; but he uses a 3-cap temporary airfield]
Resource points: 2 resource points each at Beyrouth (20A:4207) and Damas (20A:4505), for a grand total of 2. [from the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet, p. 14]
Intrinsic AA: Per the WW Intrinsic Light AA Summary, 1 point per dot and major city hex in the Levant.
Note: The Vichy French Levant at-start fort at 20A:4505, indicated in the WitD Neutrals OB and F. Watson’s “Syria: Operation Exporter” Europa battle scenario, has been omitted, per Rathe’s advice found on p. 44 of his article.
Initial Forces Set-Up Cross-Reference Notations for the TFL Vichy French Levant forces:
- The notation “TFL” refers to the TEM#81 article by Jean-Guy Rathe entitled “Troupes Francaises du Levant Order of Battle (Land), June 1941”.
- The notation “Syria” refers to the TEM#81 Europa Battle Scenario article by Frank Watson entitled “Syria, Operation Exporter: June-July 1941”.
- The “WW” reference is for the WW Western Desert Scenario Neutral Nations OB for Vichy Levant forces found only on the WD map group map 19A; and so this particular OB deliberately omits those Vichy French Levant forces found on the NE map group maps 20A and 21A, which are included in the WW Middle East Scenario.
- The “WitD” reference is for the WitD Neutral Nations OB booklet.
- The “Scenario” references are for the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario project, found in either its Neutral draft OB or draft Rules texts.
- Coloring has been done to the at-start Vichy French Levant unit designations, so as to make it easier for players to better make a listing of the particular at-start units. This is because there are so many particulars for the at-start set-up Troupes Speciales (TS) units. And so, in the at-start set-up OB below, the regular Vichy French units are designated in blue, and the Troupes Speciales units are designated in burnt orange. In this manner an accurate accounting of the at-start Vichy French Levant units can better be made, I hope.
- The draft OB instructions below are certainly intended to closely coincide with the finished Scenario product Vichy French Levant Variable OB, pending any further input.
Vichy French [the Special Vichy French Levant Variant At-Start Set-Up, Based on Jean-Guy Rathe’s TEM#81 Article]:
Within 2 hexes of the Palestine/Lebanon border:
1 x 2-6* Inf III 22 TA (Afr) [per “Syria,” WitD, WW, & TFL]
1 x 2-6* Inf III 29 TA (Afr) [per “Syria,” WitD, WW, & TFL]
1 x C-8 Cav III Ligne (TS) CL = 4 [new TS unit per TFL. After the Allied invasion it can move freely.]
Within 2 hexes of the Transjordan/Syria border:
1 x 1-2-6* Inf III 16 TT (Afr) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria,” WitD, and WW indicate it as a 1-6* inf III.]
1 x 2-6* Inf III 17 TS (Col) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria,” WitD, and WW indicate it as a 2-6* inf III.]
Damas (20A:4505):
Standard Supply Terminal marker [Vichy French Levant specific]
1 x 2-1-6* Lt Arm III 6 CdA (Afr) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria,” WitD, and WW indicate it as a 1-6* lt arm II.]
1 x 2-1-6* Lt Arm III 7 CA (Afr) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria,” WitD, and WW indicate it as a 1-6* lt arm II.]
1 x 1-6 Inf II V/1 TM (Afr) [new unit per TFL. After the Allied invasion it can move freely.]
- The new Scenario draft OB placement appears to correspond w/ his article. Per Rathe’s Vichy French Levant OB (Land) supplement, which is included in his TEM#81 article, this unit is an Apr II 41 Conversion of an earlier 2-6 Inf III 10 NA (Afr) unit not found in the WitD Vichy French Levant OB. For the time being, I have not implemented his conversion into the new Scenario, which admittedly begins on the Mar II 41 Axis turn. But perhaps additional input will change this.
1 x A-8 Cav III Tcher (TS) CL = 5 [new TS unit per TFL. After the Allied invasion it can move freely.]
One step of attack supply [eg., Initial Forces; per WitD/WW and TFL; required set-up here per the Scenario draft OB; Vichy French specific]
One resource point [eg., Initial Forces; per WitD/WW and TFL; required set-up here per the Scenario draft OB; Vichy French specific]
Beyrouth (20A:4207):
Standard Supply Terminal marker [Vichy French Levant specific]
At least one permitted Vichy French Levant unit must be placed at-start at Beyrouth. This unit may move freely after the Allied invasion, although the particular unit may still have other operational restrictions.
One step of attack supply [eg., Initial forces; This is per TFL]
- This second step of Vichy French attack supply is not indicated in “Syria,” WitD, or WW. Vichy French specific. But I currently believe that it is quite necessary.
one resource point [eg., Initial Forces; per WitD/WW and TFL; required set-up here per the Scenario draft OB; Vichy French specific]
Tripoli (20A:4005):
Railhead marker
- Per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.
1 x 3-6* Inf III 24 MC (Col) [per “Syria,” WitD, and TFL]
Alep (21A:3231):
1 x 0-1-5 Cons X Lev (Col) [per “Syria,” WitD, and TFL]
1 x 4-3-6* Inf III 6 LE (LE) [revised unit per TFL. “Syria” and WitD indicate it as a 3-2-6* inf III.]
1 x C-8 Cav III NSyr (TS) CL = 4 [new TS unit per TFL. After the Allied invasion it can move freely.]
Lattique (20A:3405):
At least one permitted Vichy French Levant ground unit must be placed at-start at Lattique. This unit may move freely after the Allied invasion, although the particular unit may still have other operational restrictions. [I may drop the at-start placement requirement at Lattique.]
Hassetche (21A:3218):
1 x D-8 Cav III Djez (TS) CL = 3 [new TS unit per TFL.]
- The Scenario draft OB places this unit at-start at Hassetche, and this appears to correspond w/ his article. In the Scenario draft OB it is a required at-start unit at Hassetche and must remain at Hassetche unless it is moved out of the hex by movement after combat in a C. Phase, after which it may move freely. The reason for the movement restriction is that evidently the historical Allied push into the Vichy French Levant from NW Iraq encountered definite although admittedly brief resistance at Hassetche, and that resistance was likely due to this unit.
Deir ez Zoir (21A:3922):
At least one permitted Vichy French Levant ground unit must be placed at-start at Dier ez Zoir. It may move freely after the Allied invasion.
Anywhere in the Levant:
1 x 1-8 Cav III 1 SM (Afr) [per “Syria,” WitD, WW and TFL]
1 x 1-8 Cav III 2 MS (Afr) [new unit per TFL. Rathe appears to substitute it for one of the three 1-8 cav IIIs in WitD/WW, but he evidently omits the third 1-8 cav III indicated in the “Syria,” WitD, and WW OBs.]
Any airbase in the Levant:
1 x D 520 6F5 0/11 [This is a Mar I 41 Axis turn conversion of the original Fr MS 406 4F4 0/8 air unit.]
Special Considerations Regarding the TFL At-Start Troupes Speciales (TS) units:
- A-8 Mot Cav III Lev (TS) CL = 4: This new unit, evidently corresponding w/ TFL, must be placed at-start at either Damas, Palmyre, or Deir ez Zoir. It may move freely after the Allied invasion.
- A-5 Inf III 1 Lev (TS) CL = 4: This new unit’s (evidently corresponding w/ TFL) operational area is restricted to the Syrian hex area north of the Lebanon border and on or west of the major rail line going from Tripoli-Homs-Hama-Alep-Turkish border, in Syria. It must begin the game placed in this operational area, in any city hex. This restriction is lifted if it is pushed/moved out of its operational area due to movement after Combat in a C. Phase.
- At the start of the Scenario two TS units must be considered permanently Removed. One of these Removed units must be the D-8 Cav III PTch CL = 5, which is evidently always “Removed” the “1st turn of invasion,” per Rathe’s article, p. 44. The other required Removed unit must be either the A-8 Cav III Tcher, or the A-8 Cav III Ligne, or the A-5 Inf III 1 Lev, or the B-5 Inf III 2 Lev, or the B-5 Inf III 3 Lev, or the C-8 Cav III NSyr, or the C-8 Cav III Druze.
- At the start of the Scenario at least two TS units must be scrapped. The two initially scrapped TS units must be either the A-8 Cav III Tcher, or the A-8 Cav III Ligne, or the A-5 Inf III 1 Lev, or the B-5 Inf III 2 Lev, or the B-5 Inf III 3 Lev, or the C-8 Cav III NSyr, or the C-8 III Druze. Scrapping these two units fetch the Axis player a total of .5 TS inf RPs (.25 for each one), which are stored at Damas, at the start of the Scenario after the required scrapping. This tentatively required TS removing and scrapping is done to deliberately reduce the number of additional TS units that have been introduced into the Vichy French Levant OB. But the TS scrapping provides the Axis player an available store of TS inf RPs with which he can “rally” (eg., bring back into play, by the expenditure of .25 TS inf RPs per each Dispersed unit) TS units that have been placed into one of the three Levant territory boxes (eg., the Liban, Nord-Syrie, or Sud-Syrie Territory Boxes) due to Cohesion Table die rolls done in Combat Phases where there are TS units either attacking or defending.
- If the C-8 Cav III Druze (TS) CL = 3 is neither initially Removed nor scrapped, it must be placed at-start at Soueida (20A:4905). After the Allied invasion it may move freely.
- If the B-5 Inf III 2 Lev CL = 3 is neither initially Removed nor scrapped, it must be placed at-start at either Damas or Deir ez Zoir. It may move freely after the Allied invasion.
- If the B-5 Inf III 3 Lev (TS) CL = 4 is neither initially Removed nor scrapped, it must be placed at-start at any city hex in Lebanon. After the Allied invasion its operational area is Lebanon. This restriction is lifted if it is pushed/moved out of its operational area due to movement after Combat in a C. Phase.
- Use the Troupes Speciales Rules found on pp. 44-45 of Rathe’s TEM#81 article. Of specific importance are the CL (Cohesion Level) Modifications (cumulative) Chart, the Cohesion Table Chart, the Other Rules section, the BANP Railroad section, and the Iraq Petroleum Company [IPC] Pipeline section. The last section is needed to determine the three Levant territory boxes corresponding geographical areas.
Vichy French Levant Reinforcements and Replacements pertaining to Jean-Guy Rathe’s article:
On the 1st Allied Turn of Invasion (historical: Jun I 41 Allied turn):
Modify, during the Allied Initial Phase:
1 x A-8 Cav III Tcher (TS) CL = 4 [from its initial CL = 5]
On the Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jun II 41 Axis turn):
Conditional Mobilization Turn 1 [based on WitD, at p. 17; also “Syria”]
Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 x LeO451 3B5 2-5/25
On the 2nd Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jul I 41):
Conditional Mobilization Turn 2.
Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles.
Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 ARP [its possibility may be implied in the WitD Neutrals OB; evidently per “Syria” only, but Watson apparently shows it Arriving in the Levant]
Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 Inf RP [eg., a Vichy French inf RP; per “Syria”]
Place in Damas (20A:4505), in the Axis Initial Phase
1 x resource point [per TFL]
On the 3rd Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Jul II 41):
In the Axis Initial Phase, place at any one clear or rough terrain hexside of the following Axis controlled hexes, if in general supply: 20A:4308, 20A:4208 (Beyrouth), 20A4307 (Rayak), 20A:4305, 20A:4405, 20A:4406, or 20A:4505 (Damas):
1 x Unimproved Fortified Hexside [per TFL]
On Subsequent Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles (hypothetical historical: Sep I 41, Nov I 41, etc.):
Conditional Mobilization Air Cycles (Based on WitD Neutrals OB, pp. 16 &17).
Available in the Mainland Europe Off-Map Holding Box:
1 ARP [per Air Cycle]
On the 4th Axis turn following the Allied invasion of the Levant (historical: Aug I 41):
Place in Beyrouth (20A:4207) [this appears to be a local scrape-up contingent, per Rathe’s article]:
1 x French Colonial Inf RP
August I 41:
In the Axis initial phase, place in any Axis controlled dot or partial city hex in the Vichy French Levant, if Damas (20A:4505) and Beyrouth (20A:20A:4207) are still in Axis control and have never been Allied owned:
1 x C-10 Recon II AMD (TS) CL = 5 [per Rathe’s article, but he shows it as a regular and not a conditional reinforcement]
- Note: If the Vichy French Levant is not yet invaded by the Allies, this unit appears as a regular reinforcement at Deir ez Zoir (20A:3922), per Rathe’s article.
If the Levant surrenders to the Allies: Withdraw from the Levant in the following Axis Initial Phase:
1 x LeO451 3B5 2-5/25
Iran Order of Battle
Initial Forces, Mar II 41 Axis player turn
Initial Conditions.
Capital: Tehran (32:1512).
Rail Capacity: Iranian rail net: 8 REs. Note: The Iranian rail net has not been renovated.
No intrinsic AA.
Iranian Armed Forces:
Tabriz (32:0229):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 3 [north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]
Rizaieh (21A:2902):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 4 [north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]
Resht (32:0718):
1 x 0-1-6 Inf X Resht [north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]
Senna (32:1627):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 5 [north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]
Gurgan (32:0701):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 11 [Conversion, on Jun I 40; also, north of the D weather line, therefore out of play, per Rule 38I3]
Tehran (32:1512):
1 x pos hv AA AA=1 [technically in play, but probably designated as guarding the capital, per Rule 38I3]
2 x 1-2-6 Inf XX 1,2 [technically in play, but probably designated as guarding the capital, per Rule 38I3]
1 x Art III 1 [technically in play, but probably designated as guarding the capital, per Rule 38I3]
1x 1-8 Lt Arm X 1 [Regular reinforcement on Jun I 40; technically in play, and probably the single Iranian unit designated as able to move from Tehran, per Rule 38I3]
Kermanshah (32:2127):
1 x -6* Inf XX 12 [Conversion, on Jun I 40; definitely in play]
- This Iranian unit will likely be attacked by the invading Allied army via the road from Khanaquin (21A:4501/32:2133), in Iraq. A successful Allied attack and occupation of the Kermanshah hex will help assure the minimum of 8 Allied-owned cities in Iran typically needed to clinch Iranian surrender, per Rule38I4, using the Iranian Surrender Table, found on WW Game Play Chart 8. Included in the tally of Allied-owned cities in Iran, assuming also Kermanshah in the count, would be two Iranian point cities along the road from Khanaquin to Kermanshah, namely Karind (32:2130) and Shahabad (32:2229).
Ahwaz (22A:3810):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 6 [definitely in play]
- This unit will likely be attacked by the invading Allied army from starting point hexes in Iraq in the vicinity of Basra. A successful Allied attack and occupation of Ahwaz will help assure the minimum of 8 Allied-owned cities in Iran typically needed to clinch Iranian surrender, per Rule 38I4, using the Iranian Surrender Table. Included in the tally of Allied-owned cities in Iran, assuming also Ahwaz in the count, would certainly be at least the Iranian reference city of Abadan (22A:4410) and the Iranian point city Khorramshahr (22A:4311). Both these cities are by the the Iranian-Iraqi border and within three hexes of Basra (22A:4313). Including the three Iranian cities mentioned above in the vicinity of the Iranian city of Kermanshah, these three Iranian cities in the vicinity of Ahwaz would add to a subtotal of 6. Utilizing an Allied c/m brigade in the SW Iranian-Iraqi border region, there would be several other unoccupied Iranian cities in this region that could be Allied-owned by the end of the exploitation phase of the first turn of of the Allied invasion of Iran.
Any airbase in Iran:
1 x Mxd 2F2 1/8 [Two possible placements of this unit would be at the Iranian reference city of Ahwaz (22A:3810) or the Iranian reference city of Dizful (22A:3311), both in SW Iran.]
Meshed (off-map):
1 x 1-7* Mtn XX 7 [off-map]
Isfahan (off-map):
1 x 0-1-6 Inf X Isf [off-map]
Shiraz (off-map):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 8 [off-map]
Kerman (off-map):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 10 [Conversion, on Jun I 40; off-map]
Zahidan (off-map):
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 9 [off-map]
Regular Reinforcements:
Jun I 41
Convert: 1 x 0-1-6 Inf X Isf to:
1 x 1-6* Inf XX 13 [at-start at Isfahan (off-map)]
Commentary of Some of the WW Rules Related to the Iran Campaign in the New Scenario:
Per WW Rule 38I3-Allied Invasion [of Iran], the Allied player “may not invade Iran before Aug I 41. He loses 3 victory points (VPs, Rule 42B) during each Allied initial phase from Oct I 41 on if he has not invaded Iran. He loses 1 VP during each Allied initial phase if he has invaded Iran, but not yet forced its surrender.”
Both players ought to be aware of the at-start map conditions for the Near East map group indicated at Rule 41B3, in particular around the Basra zone, at the Iraq-Iran borderline hexes along the Shatt al Arab. Appendix G-Transportation Lines, found in the WW Scenarios & Appendies booklet helps some. I take these texts to mean that in 1941 there is no bridge at all at the major river hex side at 22A:4112/22A:4212. The aforementioned Appendix G says something about “only a rail ferry crossed the Shatt al Arab until mid-1943,” but it is unclear precisely where this rail ferry would cross at, if the transportation line “does not exist.” I take these two text wordings to mean that in 1941/42 there is absolutely nothing at the major river hex side at 22A:4112/22A:4212. But then the whole discussion opens up the status of the major river hex side at 22A:4411/22A:4410 (Abadan). This is also where a road apparently crosses the Shatt al Arab, according to Map 22A. The last Middle East Scenario-based game I played I treated the major river hex side at 22A:4411/22A:4410 (Abadan) as an unbridged major river hex side with a road ending at each hex side, at the river. Both hexes are swamp hexes. I presently take this to mean that it takes +2 MPs, per the GE TEC, to cross at unbridged hex side 22A:4411/22A:4410 (Abadan), +1 for a road hex-to-road hex movement (with the roads in each swamp hex ending at the major river hex side, thereby negating the swamp hex movement effects), for a total of 3 MPs. To me, the best solution is to treat the hex side at 22A:4411/22A:4410 (Abadan) as a special-case Narrow Straits Ferries, per Rule 37A2, even though it does not have the specific map symbol. Treating it as such exquisitely solves a number of important WW Rules issues arising in this geographical zone, using the last sentence of Rule 37A2. Otherwise you will likely have nothing but trouble and regret over the issues here, I think.
Axis 1941 Near East intriguers and strategists should note the -2 Dice Roll Modifier “for each RE of German and Italian units in Iran” when the Allied player rolls on the Iranian Surrender Table, per Rule 38I4, in the Axis I. Phase after the Allied invasion of Iran.
Turkish Expeditionary Force:
- Use the Turkish Expeditionary force OB found in the WitD Neutrals OB, p.3.
Egyptian Order of Battle
Initial Forces, March II 41 Axis player turn (both Scenarios).
Use the Egyptian OB found in the WitD Neutrals OB, p 2. There are no Egyptian reinforcements.
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