Nationalists Turn
Weather; Land; North (D)= Mud. South (D) = Mud. Seas; Med = Rough. Atlantic = Storms
Supply: Madrid Pocket (U4 isolated) dices for elimination; No losses
Replacements: CR.32 Repaired. 1-8 mtn 4 replaced
Air Activity: Sortie 1 Me108B (KL), CEr2bis (CTV) bomb Zaragoza airfield and are intercepted by the I-16/t10 which eliminates the CR.32bis for no loss
Attack 1: 2710 (Madrid East Major city) Supplied 7-6 inf XX 13, 1-6 eng ZMO, 3-1-2 sge art Man (CTV), 4-6 art 1RG, 2-6 inf 3ceu (Col), Unsupplied 5-6 inf XXs 54, 62, 2-6 inf 10BT (Col) and Supplied 4-3-6 art Leg (CTV), 1-8 aslt G (CTV), 4-6 art 2RG, 1-6 engs ZC, ZME, 2-6 inf iTet (Col), 2-1-8 cav 1E (Col), 1-8 mtn B, 1-6 mg E and Supplied 1-8 lt 3,4, 2-6 inf 7Lam (Col), unsupplied 6-6 inf XXs108, 152 and 6-6 inf XX 4, supplied 6-6 inf XX 102, 1-6 art 13L, 2-6 art 4P, 1-8 lt 6, 2-6 inf AM, 2-6 inf 9Arc (Col) and unsupplied 2-3-5* inf XX Cac (over river) and unsupplied 2-3-5* inf XX 3Mad over river Attack U4 isolated 3-4-5* inf XX27CM, 2-6*inf2 2Ch,3Car, 2-6* inf 11Ch, 1-6 mg 4 cadre, 3pt Garrison @ 6:1 (+1 -3) = DH survivors eliminated as no retreat path 3Mad, 2Cac, 152, 3,4,6 lt inf. Garrison dispersed. 1RERailcap captured. Factory captured with 0.5 art RP suffering only minor damage. Available Next Turn!. MADRID CAPTURED!
Attack 2; Supplied 3-2-6 infs 1LE, 2LE, 4-8 cav XX 2, 2-1-8 art ), 4-6 art 3RG, 1-6 art 9L, 1-8 cav VMS (Req), 2-1-8 cav 2O (Col) and Supplied 5-6 inf XX82, 1-6 inf 26, 2-6 inf Tdi, unsupplied inf 19 and inf 30, supplied 4-6 inf XX 86, unsupplied 6-6 inf 3 Attack 2-3-4* XX infs 3,4 (San) @ 6:1 (-3) = Dh eliminated no retreat path. Advance 82, 85 XX, 3RG art.19, 26 infs. SANTANER INVADED!
Republican Turn
VPs : Lack of Goberneto collapse (+15 VPs)
French border; Open.
Air Activity
Sortie 1: 2X SB-2, R-5 with I-16/t10 escort break rail line @ 2305 (woods north of Soria) ,Interception by ME 109B(KL) which is aborted.
Sortie 2; Airbase @ 4213. A-101, R-Z fly bombing mission. Intercepted by CR 32 for no result, AA aborts A-101 and mission has insufficient strength to bomb.
Attack 1: 2332 rough (S of Pamplona) Supplied 5-6 inf XX 15 (Int), 5-6 XX inf 46ch, 4-6 inf XX 34, 2-1-8 cavs 3,4, 2-1-8 tk 3 attack U4 1-8 mtn 4, , 1-2-6 inf 42, U2 2-8 mtn Pir @ 8:1 (-3) = DR Advance 34 XX, 46Ch XX.
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