Initial Phase: The Weather is clear in Zones D and E, Sea is calm in Atlantic and Mediterranean. All units are in supply. 1 ARP is spent (10 left) to bring back a He111H at 33:1725
Movement Phase:The 66th Corps advances to 3623 in preparation for an assault on Barcelona.
In the mountains near Andorra, the 63rd Corps detaches the 78th Infantry division in order to alleviate a stacking oversight. The 78th administratively moves down to Perpignan. The rest of the Corps gets on trains and rails around to 3222 and then by foot to 3223 (using 24 REs of rail capacity). Nearby the 62nd Corps sheds the 28th Infantry division, which is tasked to invade Andorra. This order uses all of its movement allowance.
In the Bilbao area, the 11th Infantry division advances to 1734 to come up behind the defenders. Also, the 1st RR Engineer regiment begins the process of regauging the Iberian rail network by advancing a railhead to San Sebastian and then moving forward to 2032. The 22nd Air Landing division moves up from Bordeaux to provide a (somewhat large) protective force for the railroad workers. The 4th RR Engineer regiment has been stymied in its plan to work through the Pyrenees so it moves by ground to Pau and then rails down to 3021. (Game Note: I have assumed that Axis border and occupation forces prevent Spanish units from entering Vichy France, though I have allowed Spanish ZOCs to extend across the border the turn after Spain has entered the war)
The 34th Corps, which is composed of armoured units, moves to 2601 in order to attack Calatyud. On its eastern flank, the 64th Corps heads south to 33:2632, threatening Zaragoza and the two Spanish units in the nearby mountain pass. The 15th Mountain Corps also moves to flank the Spanish divisions by advancing to 2531. Further north, the 54th Corps uses admin movement through German territory to penetrate just past Miranda de Ebro in 1904. To facilitate staging aircraft, the 674th Combat Engineer moves to 33:2625 and constructs a temporary airfield.
In the air, a Me109F escorts 2 Ju87Bs in an attack on the airfield in Zaragoza. They are intercepted by Soviet supplied I-16/t10s based in the city. The I-16s are aborted for no loss to the Messerschmitts. The Spanish AA is ineffectual, and one hit is achieved, aborting an SM81 unit on the ground.
Combat Phase: One Ju87 is escorted by a Me109F and Me109E to Bilbao. 3 He111Hs from Toulose and 1 from 1725 fly against Barcelona (3624). They are escorted by a Me110C from Perpignan and a second Me110 which stages from near San Sebastian through the newly built field in 2624. A Ju88A4 joins in from 1626. Ground AA fire from the city aborts a He111H A Ju88A4 swaps its torpedoes for bombs as it flies against 3226, escorted by a Me109E which stages from Pau through 2624. Now that the fighters at Zaragoza are out of action, a Ju87 flies unescorted to Calatyud. Lastly, a Ju87 and Me110C pound the positions of the Spanish 82nd Infantry in 2630.
The available Spanish fighters are totally outclassed in the air and decide not to intercept, at least until some Spanish ARPs start to be received. None other of the target hexes have any antiaircraft guns so the rest of the attacking aircraft proceed with their missions unhindered.
Combat: Bilbaos 6 points of defenders face 37 points of Germans. There is no AEC and -1 for the rough terrain, for a 6:1 -1. 3 modified to 2 for a DR. The Spanish are surrounded by ZOCs so the 72nd infantry division cadres and retreats to 1801. The German 11th Infantry division advances into Bilbao.
In a bold attack, the 15th (Mountain) Corps assaults the well prepared positions of the Spanish 82nd Infantry division in 2630. With GS the odds are 21:5 or 4:1 with a -2 for the mountainous terrain. In an unexpected reverse, a modified -1 is rolled for an AR. The Germans fall back to 2431. Further west at Catalyud, the 33rd Corps can muster 30 AF versus 7 with full AEC. This makes 4:1 with the rough terrain reducing the modifier to +2. 6 on the roll modified to 8 is a DE. The surviving 81st cadre retreats to 2703 and the Axis armour occupies the important rail junction.
Adjacent to the Andorran border, the 43rd Spanish mountain division comes under attack from 2 sides through the mountain valleys. With air support, the Germans muster 26 points against 5, a 5:1 -2. A 3 is modified to 1 for a HX. The cadre retreats to 3325, while the Germans lose a 3-8 Artillery regiment. The 62nd Corps advance into the vacated hex.
Finally at Barcelona, the Spanish 23rd Infantry regiment leads the resistance along with numerous security and border regiments, for a total of 10. Arrayed against the city are the 25th, 65th and 66th Corps, plus 9 points of GS. This gives a final outcome of 56.5:10 or 5:1. The defense is completely overwhelmed, as a 6 confirms the DE. The only unit to survive is the 23rd cadre which falls back to 3626, as the main city hex is already fully stacked. The German 66th Corps advances into the partial hex city.
During the air return step, the Axis bases 2 long range fighters and 3 He 111H bombers at its newly captured airbase in Barcelona 3624. Torpedo capable Ju88s are also placed at Bilbao in order to get closer to Allied shipping lanes through the Bay of Biscay.
Exploitation Phase: The 33rd overruns the 72nd cadre in 1835 and then heads north into Santander territory to stop in 1604. The 34th Corps overruns the 81st cadre in 2703 and then heads back to the hills above Zaragoza in 33:2834.
- Spanish Unisolated – 5+4+8+2 = 19 (3.5 Special RPs received)
- Spanish Isolated – 6
- Spanish Air 2A
- German Unisolated 3 (0.5 Special RPs received)
- German Isolated – 0
- German Air – 1A
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