NOVEMBER I – INSURGENTS – Clear weather north and south. Disaster for the Loyalists as Santander, Toledo, Albacete, and the western most hex of Madrid all fall. Madrid and all Loyalist forces in northern Castilla la Nueva are at U-1 due to Italian move into Cuenca. Zaragoza front fortified with several divisions.
NOVEMBER I – LOYALISTS – Ugh. Where do we go from here? Three large corps freed up from the liberation of Valencia advance to take back Albacete and Cuenca. Forces in Castilla la Nueva do their best to move towards Madrid or the safety of being in supply. Attacks on Zaragoza seize the hex west of the city and, with the aid of the Pamplona force, the hex northeast of the city as well.
NOVEMBER II – INSURGENTS – Mud/Clear – Continued reinforcement of the line in Castilla la Nueva, western Murcia, approaches to Almeria, and Bilbao. No offenses occur.
NOVEMBER II – LOYALISTS – Consolidation around Madrid continues while numerous corps advance to the Madrid/Albacete and Madrid/Valencia railroads. Supplies moved up to Zaragoza in the hopes of cooling weather next turn.
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