EOT Dispositions
[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:
Malta Status: 10, end of turn [at turn’s start 11, – 1 repair this turn, at step 19 of the I. Phase = 10]
Malta Repair Rate: beginning on the Jul I 41 turn, 2 repair points each I turn and 1 repair point each II turn, per the WitD Allied OB booklet.
At the start of the Allied turn there were 4 gsp’s present in the Valletta hex. However, there are 5.5 REs of ground units on Malta, and so the Allied player designates the 0-4 Cons X MC as the 1 RE unit that is definitely Red U-2. The Br 5 pos flk unit is designated as definitely black U-1. This would make the rest of the ground units at Malta technically U-2, but in special general supply by tracing to the available gsp’s at Valletta. Malta’s intrinsic flack is not affected by supply, as in the EA game reports for the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario we are not using WW Optional Rule 12E4-Intrinsic AA and General Supply Effects.
Valletta (18A:0407) [rough terrain point city major port hex, w/ a strong natural harbor]:
Valletta hex flack factor: 7 (3 intrinsic, + a total of 4 for the two Br 0-1-8 hv AA II units now in special general supply)
3-cap permanent airfield; one hit of damage
3-6* Inf X 1 M [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
3-6* Inf X 3 M [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 10 [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 4 [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
0-4 Cons X MC [began turn here; definitely Red U-2; never moved]
Hurri 2 5F5 1/9 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
4 gsp’s [sea transported to here from Gibraltar in a W Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase of the current Allied turn]
1 gsp [sea transported to here from Suez in an E Med NTP in the naval movement step of the M. Phase of the current Allied turn]
{4 gsp’s [sea transported from Gibraltar in a W Med NTP in the naval movement step of the Oct I 41 Allied M. Phase; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current Allied I. Phase]}
18A:0307 [rough terrain hex, NW of Valletta]:
This hex currently has an intrinsic flack factor of 2, per the WW Intrinsic Light AA Summary, found on Game Play Chart 2–Air War.
2-6* Inf X 2 M [began turn here; technically Red U-2; never moved]
5 pos flk unit AA=1 [British; began the turn at Valletta; at step 11 of the I. Phase declared definitely Black U-1; moved one hex to here in the M. Phase]

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Central Mediterranean
[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:
Sidi Barrani (19A:0718) [clear terrain point city coast road hex]:
0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218); regular moved to here]
19A:0719 [clear terrain hex, S of Sidi Barrani]:
1-8 Art II 1 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:0920; regular moved to here]
7-10* Arm XX 7 [this Br arm XX assembled from its component parts at 19A:0218, SW of Porto Bardia, at the end of the M. Phase; at the beginning of the turn the two component 3-2-10 Arm X units 7 & 22 were assembled with the 7-6-10* Arm XX 2, at 19A:0819; this arm XX broke down into its component parts at the beginning of the M. Phase and the two aforementioned 3-2-10 arm Xs regular moved to 19A:0218, SW of Porto Bardia; these two 3-2-10 arm Xs were then joined there by the 1-2-10* Mot SG X 7, which began turn at 19A:0920, and all three component parts eventually assembled into the 7-10* Arm XX 7, at the end of the M. Phase; in the C. Phase the 7th Arm XX participated in the Porto Bardia attack; exploited to here]
1-10 Recon II 6 (SA) [began turn at 19A:0918; regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
1-10* Mot Inf X 3 (Ind) [began turn at 19A:0819; regular moved to 19A:0218, SW of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; advanced into the Porto Bardiya hex after the combat; exploited to here]
19A:0720 [clear terrain hex]:
3-8 Art X 13 [turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; railed to 19A:0819, then regular moved two hexes to here]
6-4-6 Arm X 1 T [began turn at 19A:0920; regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
3-2-10 Arm X 1 [turn arm RP build; began turn at Alexandria, a step 14 of the I. Phase; railed to 19A:0819, then regular moved to Halfaya Pass (19A:0419), which was as far west as it could move; exploited to here]
2-1-10* Lt Arm X 9 [began turn at 19A:0819; regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
1-10* Mot SG AA=1 X 2 [began the turn assembled w/ the 7-6-10* Arm XX 2, at 19A:0819; at the beginning of the M. Phase this arm XX broke down into its component parts; the 1-10* Mot SG X 1 component regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
19A:0820 [clear terrain hex]:
6-4-6 Arm X 32 T [began turn at 19A:0818; in the M. Phase regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
1-10 Recon II 4 (SA) [began turn at 19A:0818; in the M. Phase regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
3-8 Art X 10 [began turn at 19A:0818; regular moved to here]
5 pos flk unit AA=1 [British; began turn at 19A:0818; regular moved to here]
5 pos flk unit AA=1 [British; began turn at 19A:0818; regular moved to here]
1-10 Recon II 1 DG [began turn at 19A:0920; in the M. Phase regular moved to 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya; participated in the Porto Bardiya attack; exploited to here]
19A:0819 [clear terrain hex; containing the next uncompleted Tobruch Matruh railway line]:
2-cap temporary airfield [constructed this turn by the 1-2-8 Eng X 8]
1-2-8 Eng X 8 [began turn at 19A:0918; regular moved 2 hexes to here, then spent 6 MPs in the hex constructing a 2-cap temporary airfield]
2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus) [began turn at El Arish (19A:4012), in the Sinai, in Egypt; railed to here]
2-8* Inf X 26 (Aus) [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218); supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; regular moved to here]
Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 (RAAF) [inop.; began turn at Matruh; in the M. Phase flew the CAP air mission to the Porto Bardiya target hex, first staging to 19A:0918; switched to the Interception air mission in the C. Phase, when an Axis DAS air op entered the target hex; survived the ensuing air combat; returned to base here]
Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 [inop.; began turn at Matruh; in the M. Phase flew the CAP air mission to the Porto Bardiya target hex, first staging to 19A:0918; switched to the Interception air mission in the C. Phase, when an Axis DAS air op entered the target hex; survived the ensuing air combat; returned to base here]
6 gsp’s [4 of these gsp’s were generated at Alexandria and 2 were generated at Suez, all at step 16 of the current I. Phase; railed to 19A:0919 in the M. Phase; in the E. Phase all spent 6 SMPs moving to here]
2 steps of attack supply [began turn at Alexandria; railed to 19A:0919 in the M. Phase; in the E. Phase spent 6 SMPs moving to here]
19A:0919 [clear terrain hex; containing the Tobruch-Matruh railway line route]:
railhead marker
The Matruh-Tobruch railhead marker was not advanced this turn, as a cons/eng unit was not set up for its construction. The last time the railhead marker advanced was in the Sep II 41 Allied M. Phase, from 19A:1019 into this hex.
{one step of attack supply [began turn here; expended in the C. Phase for the Allied attack at Porto Bardiya, in Libya]}
{7 gsp’s [began turn here; all were generated at either Alexandria or Suez on the previous Oct I 41 Allied turn; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current I. Phase]}
19A:0818 [clear terrain coast road hex, SE of Sidi Barrani]:
7-8 Inf XX 2 (SA) [began turn at 19A:1119; regular moved to here]
19A:0918 [clear terrain coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield [completed on the Sep II 41 Allied turn]
3-8 Inf Cadre 50 Nth [turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; railed to 19A:0919, then moved one hex to here]
P-40C 5F5 1/13 (SAAF) [inop.; began turn at Matruh; late in the E. Phase flew the Escort air mission w/ the airfield bombing air missions flying to the 18A:4718 target hex, SW of Tobruch, after first staging to here; returned to base here]
Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 (SAAF) [inop.; began turn here; in the M. Phase flew the CAP air mission over the Porto Bardiya target hex, first staging to 19A;0918; switched to the Interception air mission in the C. Phase, when an Axis DAS air op entered the target hex; survived the ensuing air combat; returned to base here]
P-40C 5F5 1/13 [inop; turn ARP expenditure repair; placed here at step 14 of the I. Phase; in the C. Phase flew the Intercept air mission to the Porto Bardiya target hex when an Axis DAS air op entered the target hex; in the ensuing air combat it successfully bypassed two Axis fighters and aborted the Ger LW Ju 88A4 B type air unit flying the DAS air mission at the target hex; returned to base here]

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions, Western Desert
Matruh (19A:1218) [clear terrain point city/minor port road-major rail line junction coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
fort marker
2-8* Inf X 161 [began turn at Alxeandria; supported breakdown of the Br 7-8* Inf XX 6; admin moved 14 hexes along the coast road to here]
0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 68 [began turn here; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
Bombay 1T2 1-2/15 [inop.; began turn at Alexandria; late in the E. Phase air transferred to here]
Hurri 1 5NF5 1/8 [inop.; turn ARP expenditure repair; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; air transferred to here late in the E. Phase]
19A:1319 [major rail line coast hex, SE of Matruh]:
3-cap temporary airfield
0-8 Hv AA II AA=1 2 (Aus) [began turn here; never moved]
0-8 Lt AA II AA=1 51 [began turn at 19A:1418; moved one hex to here]
A-22 3A3 2-1/19 (SAAF) [inop.; began turn here; late in the E. Phase it flew the airfield bombing air mission to the 18A:4718 target hex, SW of Tobruch; Hit; returned to base here]
A-22 3A3 2-1/19 [inop.; began turn at 19A:1418; late in the E. Phase it flew the airfield bombing air mission to the 18A:4718 target hex, SW of Tobruch; Miss; returned to base here]
Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23 [inop.; began turn here; in the E. Phase it flew a daylight strat port bombing air mission to the Derna hex (18A:4116); Hit; returned to base here]
19A:1418 [clear terrain major rail coast hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 57 [turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; admin moved 12 hexes along the coast road to here]
Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23 [inop; began turn at 19A:0918; in the E. Phase it flew a daylight strat port bombing air mission to the Derna hex (18A:4116); Hit; returned to base here]
Well 1C 3NB4 1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; in the E. Phase it flew a daylight strat port bombing air mission to the Derna hex (18A:4116); Miss; returned to base here]
Well 1C 3NB4 1-6/28 [inop.; began turn here; in the E. Phase it flew a daylight strat port bombing air mission to the Derna hex (18A:4116); Hit; returned to base here]
19A:0920 [clear terrain hex]:
7-8 Inf XX 6 (Aus) [assembled here from its unsupported components at the end of the M. Phase]
8 Inf XX HQ 6 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1018; unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 17 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1018; unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 19 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1018; unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 16 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:0919; unsupported component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 6; moved one hex to here]
10A:1019 [clear terrain Matruh-Tobruch major rail line hex]:
2-8* Inf X 20 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1319; supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; regular moved to here]
2-8* Inf X 24 (Aus) [began turn at 19A:1319; supported breakdown component of the Aus 7-8 Inf XX 9; regular moved to here]
19A:1120 [clear terrain Siwa road hex]:
2-8* Inf X 150 [began turn at 19A:0918; regular moved to here]
2-8* Inf X 151 [began turn at 19A:0919; regular moved to here]
19A:1220 [clear terrain hex]:
8 Inf XX HQ 2 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1419; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 6 (NZ) [began turn at 19A:1419; regular moved to here]
2-8 Inf X 4 (NZ) [began turn at 19A;1419; regular moved to here]
19A:1321 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 7 (Ind) [began turn at 19A:1520; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); regular moved two hexes to here]
2-8* Inf X 6 (SA) [began turn at 19A:1420; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); regular moved two hexes to here]
19A:1421 [clear terrain hex]:
2-8* Inf X 5 (Ind) [began turn at 19A:1521; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); regular moved one hex to here]
2-8* Inf X 3 (SA) [began turn at 19A:1521; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); regular moved one hex to here]
19A:1522 [clear terrain hex, adjacent to Qattara Depression]:
2-8* Inf X 11 (Ind) [began turn at 19A:1621; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 4 (Ind); regular moved one hex to here]
2-8* Inf X 1 (SA) [began turn at 19A:1621; supported breakdown component of 7-8 Inf XX 1 (SA); regular moved one hex to here]
El Alamein (19A:2119/20A:5033) [clear terrain point city major rail coast road hex]:
3-cap temporary airfield
fort marker [completed in the Jul II 41 Allied I. Phase]
1-8 AT II 65 [began turn at 19A:0920; moved one hex to 19A:0919, entrained, and railed to El Alamein]
19A:2417 [clear terrain major rail line coast hex, SW of Alexandria]:
1-8 MG II 1 RNF [began turn at Matruh (19A:1218); admin moved to here]

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: Western Desert
Alexandria (20A:4930/19A:2416) [full city hex/major port major rail line coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
3-cap permanent airfield
3-8* Inf X 1 FL (FF) [began turn at Haifa (20A:4710), in Palestine; railed to here]
0-8 Lt AA II AA=1 27 [British; began turn here; never moved]
Glad 3F3 0/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
one step of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
Cairo (19A:3219) [full city hex transportation line junction hex, NW of the Cairo partial city hex]:
0-1-6 RR Eng X MEF (Emp) [began turn here; Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit; never moved]
This unit can’t move from here w/out violating the Egypt Garrison eng/cons unit provision, unless another 1 RE eng/cons unit takes its place.
Cairo (19A:3320) [clear terrain partial city hex, SE of the Cairo full city hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
Ismailia (20A:3516) [sand reference city/standard port/Suez Canal transportation line junction hex]:
1-8 Cav X 6 [began turn here; never moved]
Suez (19A:3718) [clear terrain reference city/major port transportation line nexus coast hex]:
Supply Terminal marker
1-8 Cav X 5 [began turn here; never moved]
El Arish (19A:4012) [sand major rail line coast hex, in the Sinai, in Egypt]:
vacant at the end of the M. Phase
[end of turn]
Per WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons, the Palestine garrison requirement is 3 REs of Garrison-category units. The Allied garrisons are determined at step 17 of the Allied I. Phase. However, per WW Rule 37E4, Forming units in the ME Replacement Pool count at their regular RE size for the Palestine Garrison requirement, as do also ME Replacement Pool units, but they count at 1/3 their regular RE size. In addition to the 1.5 Garrison-capable REs present on-map in Palestine, the Allied player is counting some of the 3.5 Garrison-capable REs in the Forming Box of the Middle East Command Replacement Pool. See below, in the Middle East Replacement Pool section, for further details.
Haifa (20A:4710) [clear terrain dot city/major port transportation line junction coast hex]:
Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.
3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) [turn NZ inf RP build; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; railed to here]
Tel Aviv (19A:4308 [clear terrain dot city/minor port major rail line junction coast hex]:
2-8 Inf X 29 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
Allied Units in Armistice Lebanon & Syria [end of turn]:
Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements for the Vichy French Levant, and has been since the beginning of the Allied invasion of the the Levant on the Jun I 41 Allied turn.
Beyrouth (20A:4207) [rough terrain dot city/standard port transportation line junction coast hex]:
2-8* Inf X 25 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]
20A:4308 [rough terrain coast road hex]:
0-1-6 Cons X 61 RPC (Col) [began turn at 20A:4810, in Palestine; admin moved north along the coastal transportation line to here]
20A:4107 [rough terrain coast road hex]:
0-1-4 Cons X 43 RPC (Col) [began turn at 20A:4911, in Palestine; admin moved north along the coastal transportation line to here]
20A:4006 [rough terrain coast road hex, SW of Tripoli]:
0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) [Br inf RP rebuild; began turn at Alexandria, at step 14 of the I. Phase; sea transported to Beyrouth (20A:4207) in the naval movement step of the M. Phase on an E Med NTP; admin moved along the coast road to here]
Tripoli (20A:4005) [rough terrain reference city/minor port transportation line coast hex]:
Railhead marker [per WW Rule 41B1a-Western Desert Campaign Starting Conditions, “the transportation line from Haifa to Tripoli (20A:4005) is a road, not a railroad.” This stipulation is used in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario.
2-8* Inf X 18 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]
Lattique (20A:3405) [clear terrain reference city/minor port road terminus coast hex]
2-8* Inf X 21 (Aus) [began turn here; supported component of the 7-8 Inf XX 7 (Aus); never moved]
Homs (20A:3902) [clear terrain reference city transportation line junction hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase
Hama (20A:3702) [clear terrain reference city major rail line hex]:
hit marker on reference city airbase
Alep (21A:3231) [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:
21A:4220 [clear terrain hex]:
1-10 Mot Cav III AL (T-J) [Arab Legion; began turn here]
This is a provisional new unit introduced in the 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario on the May I 41 Allied turn. For more details, see that posted EA game report.
[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:
Limassol (20A:3615) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
Famagusta (20A:3411) [clear terrain point city/standard port coast road hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
Nicosia (20A:3414) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
1-8 MG II 2 Ch [began turn here; technically Black U-1; never moved]
1-8 Inf II 11 (CS) [began turn here; technically Black U-1; never moved]
Larnaca (20A:3513) [clear terrain point city/minor port road hex]:
{one gsp [generated at Suez on the Oct I 41 Allied turn at step 14 of the I. Phase; sea transported to here in the naval movement step of the Oct I 41 Allied turn M. Phase in an E Med NTP; removed from the maps at step 24 of the current I. Phase]}
one gsp [generated at Suez on the current Allied turn at step 14 of the I. Phase; sea transported to here in the naval movement step of the M. Phase in an E Med NTP]
Non Phasing Axis Air Unit Air Transfers Late in the Allied Exploitation Phase:
Late in the E. Phase the MC 200 3F4 1/8 air unit based at 18A;0403, in Sicily, air transfers to 18A:4918, SE of Tobruch. The operative Br Hurri 2 F type air unit based at Valletta, on Malta, declines a patrol attack air mission.
Late in the E. Phase the Ger LW He 111H4 4B4 2-7/22 air unit based at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch, air transfers to Tripoli (18A:0121), in Libya.
Late in the E. Phase the two It BR 20M 3NB4 2-5/24 air units based at Derna (18A;4116) air transfer to Bengasi (18A:3121), in Libya.
Middle East Command Replacement Pool
[{beginning of turn}/end of turn]:
{3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) [NZ inf RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; moved to here from the Balkan Command Replacement Pool after the fall of Crete]}
3-2-10 Arm X 4 [in the WW 1941 ME/ER-II/Crete Scenario this unit is at-start in the ME Replacement Pool, per F. Watson’s ER-II Europa battle scenario, published in TEM#71]
{3-2-10 Arm X 1 [Br arm RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; moved to here from Balkan Command Replacement Pool after the fall of Crete; this is the original pre-conversion unit of the one sent to Greece]}
{0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) [Br inf RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]}
3-8* Mtn X Karp (Pol) [eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]
{7-8 Inf XX 50 Nth [Br inf RP 3-8* Inf Cadre 50 Nth rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; the 50 Nth Inf XX was eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]}
{0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 13 [Br inf RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]}
3-8 Inf X 22 G [eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]
2-8 Inf X 14 [eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]
{3-8 Art X 13 [Br inf RP rebuild this turn, at step 14 of the I. Phase; eliminated at Tobruch on the Oct I 41 Axis turn]}

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions: off-map display details
Aborted Air Units Box:
{Hurri 1 5NF5 1/8 [turn ARP expenditure repair; aborted in air combat over the Tobruch target hex in the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]}
{P-40C 5F5 1/13 [turn ARP expenditure repair; aborted in air combat over the Tobruch target hex in the Oct I 41 Axis C. Phase]}
Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23 [turn ARP expenditure build & Box move; on the Oct II 41 Allied turn the Allied player spent 1 ARP to move this unit from the Eliminated Air Units Box to the Aborted Air Units Box]
Eliminated Air Units Box:
Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 [killed in air combat on the Oct II 41 Allied C. Phase at the Porto Bardiya target hex, by the Ger LW Me 109E F type air unit, which the Br Hurri 1 air unit managed to abort]
Forming Box:
3-8* Mtn X 1 (Gk) [counted as part of the Palestine Garrison]
0-1-8 Inf II Gd (Yugo)
2-8* Inf X 2 FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the Apr II 42 Allied turn; this turn it counted as part of the Levant Garrison]
1-2-6 Inf X 3FL (FF) [placed here at step 14 of the Aug I 41 Allied I. Phase after the Allied conquest of the Levant, per the WitD Allied French Conditional Reinforcements: Forces from the Levant, in the WitD Allied OB booklet, p. 6; this unit will be Full on the May II 42 Allied turn]
The Allied Near East (NE) Command on the Oct II 41 Allied turn
The Iraqi coup collapse occurred in the May II 41 Axis I. Phase, per the dice roll done then using the Variable Iraqi Coup Collapse Table. At that time all Iraqi forces/production were removed from the map and the Iraq Replacement Pool. By the end of the I. Phase all Iraqi territory was Allied owned; except in our case the Mosul hex, which at the time contained the Axis Conditional Reinforcement Ger LW Mxd A type air unit. Seeing that the Iraqi coup had indeed collapsed, the Axis Conditional Reinforcement promptly air transferred out of the Mosul hex later in the May II 41 Axis turn, and Mosul was captured by the Allies in the following Jun I 41 Allied turn.
The current Allied Iraqi railnet-cap is 3 1/2.
At step 14 of the Sep II 41 Allied I. Phase the Allied player transferred back to the Middle East Command the 10 SMPs that had been transferred to the Near East Command on the Aug I 41 Allied turn, per WW Rule 12H2b.
At step 4 the Aug II 41 Axis I. Phase Iran surrendered to the Allies, per the Iranian Surrender Table. All Iranian forces surrendered to the Allies and were removed from the map.
pro-Allied Iran
[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:
Per the WW Game Play Chart 5–Allied Garrisons (Rule 37E), it appears the Allied player is fulfilling the garrison requirements this turn, for Iraq. This would be per the horizontal line reading: “EJIS [Jul II 41] – Sep I 41.” For a more detailed discussion of the Iraq garrison, see the Jul I 41 Allied game report.
21A:5127 [ravines road hex, next to the T-J/Iraq borderline]:
2-8 Inf X 10 (Ind) [began turn at 21A:4921; moved to here along the roads]
Rutbah (21A:5023) [stony desert point city road junction hex]:
1-cap permanent airstrip
2-8 Inf X 9 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
Audax 1A1 1/8 [operative; began turn here; never moved]
Ramadi (22A:2830) [clear terrain reference city road hex]:
1-8 Inf X 20 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
Habbaniya (22A:2828) [clear terrain point city road hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 1 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]
Baghdad 22A:2825 [clear terrain partial city transportation line junction hex]:
one hit marker on the airbase
8* Inf XX HQ 10 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 25 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
Shaibah (22A:4314) [clear terrain secondary rail line hex]:
3-cap permanent airfield
0-1-4 Static II 2 As (Col) [began turn here; never moved]
Basra (22A:4313) [clear terrain dot city/major port, w/ a major river hexside]:
Allied Supply Terminal marker
8 Inf XX HQ 5 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 19 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
2-8 Inf X 18 (Ind) [began turn at Bandar Shahpur (22A:4407) in Iran; admin moved to here along the transportation lines]
0-8 Lt AA II AA=1 1 [began turn here; never moved]
1-pt river flotilla AA=1 PAIC (RN) [began turn here; never moved]
2 steps of attack supply [began turn here; never moved]
{3 gsp’s [generated here at step 16 of the I. Phase of the Oct I 41 Allied turn; removed from the maps at the end of the current I. Phase]}
[{beginning of the turn}/end of turn]:
32:1914 [clear terrain major rail line hex, NW of Qum]:
2-8 Inf X 24 (Ind) [began turn at Karaj (32:1413); regular moved to here, capturing point city Saveh (32:1815) for the Allies]
32:2413 [clear terrain road hex]:
2-8 Inf X 21 (Ind) [began turn at 22A:2807; regular moved off-road to here, capturing point city Qulpaigan for the Allies]
32: 2012 [clear terrain secondary rail line hex, E of Qum]:
2-1-10* Lt Arm X 252 (Ind) [began turn at 32:1710; regular moved along the transportation lines to 32:2012, exploited along the secondary rail line to 32:2510, at the S edge of map 32, on the way capturing reference city of Kashan for the Allies, and then it double backed along the secondary rail line to here]
Abadan (22A:4410) [swamp reference city/minor port road hex, on a major river hex]:
1-8 Inf X 17 (Ind) [began turn at Bushier (22A:5101); in the naval movement step of the M. Phase it was sea transported to here in an E Med NTP]
Ahwaz (22A:3810) [clear terrain reference city major rail line-road junction hex]:
8* Inf XX HQ 8 (Ind) [began turn here; never moved]
Bandar Shahpur (22A:4407) [clear terrain point city/standard port major rail line terminus island hex, w/ a sea causeway to the mainland]:
vacant by the end of the M. Phase
Ganaweh (22A:4802) [clear terrain point city/minor port coast hex]:
{one gsp [generated at Basra on the previous Oct I 41 Allied turn; removed from the maps at the end of the I. Phase of the current turn, after the supply determination phase]}
Turn Activity
The weather die roll was a 4 this turn, and so it is mud in the D and C weather zones. It is clear in the E and F weather zones. All seas are calm in the EA reported new Scenario map groups. Part of the C weather zone is visible in northern Iran on map 32, as is also part of D weather zone, but on map 32 both these weather zones are in the Soviet occupation zone and therefore are not a factor in the new Scenario. On the WD map group of 18A and 19A, (and 20A) the rough terrain notch of the Cyrenaica is in weather zone E, as is part of the coastal littoral of Palestine, and all of the coastline of Lebanon and NW Syria. In addition to these North African and West Asian mainland areas, a number of Mediterranean islands that are indicated on the WD map group are also in weather zone E, namely: Cyprus, Crete, the Dodecanese, Sicily, and Malta. On the Oct II 41 game turn the weather is automatically clear in weather zones E and F (eg., the F weather zone prevailing in the Western Desert and Mesopotamian regions).

Oct II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the I. Phase dispositions in Lybia
At step 11 of the I. Phase, which is the supply determination step, at Malta, four of the 5.5 REs of Allied ground units there are declared technically Red U-2, but in special general supply via the 4 gsp’s which were sea transported to Valletta from Gibraltar on the previous Oct I 41 Allied turn. The Br 0-4 Cons X MC at the Valletta hex is the ground unit designated as being definitely Red U-2. The Br 5 pos flk unit is still only Black U-1 this turn, and so is designated as the other ground unit on Malta not in special general supply.
At step 14 of the I. Phase the Allied player receives no reinforcements or replacements, but he rebuilds the recently aborted Hurri 1 5NF5 1/8 and the P-40C 5F5 1/13 air units, removing them from the Aborted Air Units Box of the ME Command Replacement Pool and placing the P-40C air unit at 19A:0918 and the Hurri 1 NF type at Alexandria. He also spends a third ARP to move the Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23 air unit from the Eliminated Air Units Box to the Aborted Air Units Box of the ME Command. This leaves him 1 ARP left going into the new air cycle coming up the next Nov I 41 turn. In addition, he spends arm and inf RPs to rebuild the following units, all of which begin the turn at step 14 of the I. Phase, at Alexandria:
3-2-10 Arm X 1 = 3 Br arm RPs
0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) = 1 Br inf RP; see WW Rule 40B3d for this RP rebuild
0-1-8 Hv AA II AA=2 51 = 1 Br inf RP
3-8 Art X 13 = 3 Br inf RPs
3-8 Inf Cadre 50 Nth = 3 Br inf RPs
3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) = 3 NZ inf RPs.
At step 16 of the I. Phase the Allied player generates 4 new gsp’s at his Suez and Alexandria Standard Supply terminals. But this turn the Allied player believes it is not necessary to generate gsp’s at the Basra Standard Supply terminal.

Oct II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase, Western Desert
At step 22 of the I. Phase neither side flies CAP air missions, nor does the Axis player fly any Harassment air missions. But he does assign two Axis air units to the Naval Patrol air mission. These would be the Ger LW Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 air unit at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch, and the It SM 79-2 2B3 2-4/V/20 air unit at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch.
At step 24 of the I. Phase the Allied player removes from the maps the 4 gsp’s at Valletta hex, at Malta, and the 7 gsp’s at 19A:0919, in the Western Desert, and the 1 gsp at Larnaca (20A:3513), on Cyprus, and the 3 gsp’s at Basra, in Iraq, and the single gsp at Ganaweh (22A:4802), in Iran. All these old gsp’s were generated in the previous Oct I 41 Allied I. Phase.

Oct II 41 Allied end of step 23 of the Initial Phase dispositions in the Levante
This turn, at the start of the the naval movement step of the M. Phase, the Allied player has available 8 E Med NTPs and also his single W Med NTP available for his sea transport requirements.
The first thing the Allied player does in the naval movement step is to sea transport to Malta in a W Med NTP 4 gsp’s generated at the Gibraltar standard supply terminal. This is done through the Gibraltar Convoys proviso found at WW Rule 41B1-Western Desert Campaign, which is used in standard WW Middle East Campaign Scenarios. However, by admittedly a home brew stipulation in the new Scenario, apparently verbally [eg., I assume/declare it is still unofficial] sanctioned by a Europa significant in an EA posting several years ago, the gsp amount has been upped to 4, from the published limit of 2 given in the aforesaid WW Rule 41B1. This W Med NTP carrying the 4 gsp’s from Gibraltar enters Map 18A at hex 0701, and successfully rolls a no contact for the Cent Med Axis anti-shipping effects, using the Naval Table; and so the naval group safely enters the port of Valletta, on Malta.

Oct II 41 Allied naval movement action details: The Malta convoy from Gibraltar
Then the Allied player sends a fresh gsp generated at Suez to the port of Larnaca (20A:3513), on Cyprus, in order to keep the two Allied inf IIs there at Nicosia supplied, who are guarding the island from Ger LW paratroop attack. Next, the newly rebuilt 0-1-4 Cons X 66 RPC (Col) unit is sea transported in an E Med NTP from Alexandria to Beyrouth, in Lebanon, in order to comply with the Haifa-Tripoli RR garrison requirement. Using this recently eliminated cons unit from Tobruch will enable the Allied player to have the better Aus 2-8 Eng X 1 do a U-turn on its long rail journey from the Western Desert to Lebanon, and instead go back to the Egyptian desert front, rather than languish in Lebanon for the rest of a WW Middle East Campaign Scenario. Both of these naval groups leave Alexandria expending 10 naval movement steps of night movement through 10 all-sea hexes, just to be safe from a possible extended range Naval Patrol attempt by the It SM 79-2 2B3 3-2/V/20 air unit, assigned to the Naval Patrol air mission and based at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch.

Oct II 41 Allied naval movement in the Eastern Mediterranean.
After this, the Allied player instigates a frankly dangerous naval transport mission, using 1 E Med NTP to sea transport to Malta a fresh gsp generated at Suez in the I. Phase, daring to cross at feasible contact range the two Axis air units assigned to Naval Patrol, both based at airfields surrounding now Axis-owned Tobruch. The cargo naval group leaves Alexandria at night, and voyages in darkness to all-sea hex 20A:3929. The next hex the Allied cargo naval group enters is all-sea hex 20A:3839, which is the first hex in the daylight. From there it continues to voyage NW across the Mediterranean to 20A:3033, where it veers to a more WNW bearing. It goes this route to all-sea hex 19A:0305, just south of the eastern end of Crete and not yet in the Cent Med sea zone; but now the Axis player has taken an interest in the daring convoy and requests a contact die roll on the Success Table, using the Ger LW Ju 87B 2D3 4-1/8 air unit at extended range, based at 18A:4718, 16 hexes away. He uses this Axis air unit now because he believes that if he waits until the naval group gets onto map 18A, after certainly voyaging 10 all-sea hexes in darkness skirting south of Crete, it will then be out of range of the Ger LW Stuka unit, even using extended range. At the target hex 19A:0305 there is a +3 modifier for calm seas and a -3 for the 16 hex range, making for a straight-up die roll on the Success Table; and the Axis player rolls low, for a Failure.
And so the Allied naval group sails on, beginning its first hex using night movement at 19A:0105. On its second all-sea hex of night movement it enters the Cent Med sea zone (on the game maps here) at 18A:5005, south of Crete, where it rolls on the 9 column of the Naval Table, checking for Axis anti-shipping effects, and is lucky again with a no contact result. Continuing to use night movement, it proceeds westwards 8 more all-sea hexes, and enters daylight again at 18A:4104, which is south of the Greek isle of Andikthyera. Here the Axis player again calls for a Naval Patrol contact die roll, using the Success table, utilizing the It SM 79-2 2B3 3-2/V/20 air unit, based at 18A:4818, 17 hexes away. Once again there is a +3 modifier for calm seas and a -3 for the 17 hex range. This time the Axis player rolls high on the Success Table, for a Success, and it looks like a watery grave for the Allied convoy, with the V code bomber flying at regular range. But the air unit’s V code carries with it a -1 modifier (when carrying torpedoes) on the Antiaircraft Fire Table, and the Allied player’s dice roll is a 5, modified to a 4: Return! And so the It SM 79-2 B type air unit returns to its base at 18A:4818, south of Tobruch, and the Allied naval transport group makes it to Valletta, and there disembarks its 1 gsp, which will supply the 5 pos flk unit, which later in the M. Phase will move to the rough terrain hex adjacent to Valletta, upping that hex’s flack factor from 2 to 3, in case of a Ger LW paradrop assault.

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Gulf of Sidra
Immediately after the naval movement step of the M. Phase, at the beginning of the ground movement step, the Allied player sends three Hurri 1 F type air units on the CAP air mission over the Porto Bardiya target hex (19A:0318), where the worried It 3-6 Inf XX 27 Brs is probably hunkered low in its foxhole, wondering about its fate. These Hurri 1’s would be the two air units based at Matruh (the Br Hurri 1 and the RAAF Hurr 1 air units) and another Br Hurri 1 air unit based at 19A:1319. All three Allied Hurri 1 5F5 1/8 air units need to first stage to the forward airfield at 19A:0918 in order to fly the CAP air mission at the relatively distant Porto Bardiya hex.
This opening air unit move of the Allied ground movement step is in effect a challenge to the Axis player to forthwith commence an air combat battle of attrition over the Porto Bardiya hex. The offer is tempting, and certainly would be the first step towards protecting the beleaguered It inf XX in the hex. But at this stage of the game, the Axis has nothing to prove to the Allied side, having just captured Tobruch, and is presently not inclined to jump into battles instigated by the enemy, and so it sends no Intercepting air missions of its own to the Porto Bardiya hex just yet. However, later in the M. Phase the Axis player gets restless to do something and sends four Axis fighter units to the Porto Bardiya hex on the CAP air mission. These would be the It MC 200 3F4 1/8 air unit based at Tobruch and all three Axis fighters based at adjacent hex 18A:4918, to the SE, which are the Me 109E 7F5 1/7 (Ger LW) unit, the Me 109F1 6F6 1/8 (Ger LW) unit, and another It MC 200 F type air unit. In sending the four good Axis fighter air units to the Porto Bardiya target hex, the Axis player is saying “switch your CAP fighters to the Intercept air mission and engage now in a major air battle, if you wish.” But Allied player does not wish to fight now, but he is willing to up the bluffing ante, and in response to the Axis player’s trick he sends the SAAF Hurr 1 air unit based at 19A:0918 on the CAP air mission to the Porto Bardiya hex, which makes for both the Axis and the Allies having 4 fighter units each on the CAP air mission at the hex. Upon the arrival to the Porto Bardiya target hex of the SAAF Hurri 1 air unit on the CAP air mission, the Axis player declines to switch any of his fighter units on the CAP mission there to the Intercept air mission, as by now he is watching and waiting, maybe for the C. Phase. And so all 8 air units on the CAP air mission at the Porto Bardiya hex will remain so “until the mission movement step of a subsequent air op,” moving into the target hex that may precipitate their air mission switch, or until the end of the player turn, all per the specifics of WW Rule 20E-Combat Air Patrol (CAP).

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, Western Desert
In the M. Phase the Allied player moves the 1-2-8 Eng X 8 from coast road hex 19A:0918 to 19A:0819, and constructs there a 2-cap temporary airfield. He feels he must have forward airfields as soon as possible, if he is to somehow sooner gain back the initiative in the campaign. This hex also happens to be the next unconstructed hex on the Matruh-Tobruch railway line. He also rails the Aus 2-8 Eng X 1 to here, back from El Arish, in the Egyptian Siani, as since the unexpected fall of Tobruch he is able to send the rebuilt 0-1-4 Cons 66 RPC (Col) to Syria instead, in order to fulfill the Haifa-Tripoli RR garrison requirement.

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions, WEstern Mediterranean
Of course the Allied player is angry about the Axis player’s luck with the die in capturing the fortress of Tobruch last turn, and assuredly takes a long time looking on the maps for ways to “get back,” perhaps as early as this turn. But in eastern Libya the Axis player is now, much like the Allied player was in west-central Egypt the entire 3rd quarter of ’41, under the protective umbrella cover of both close-in fighter protection and also DAS, due to the number and proximity of his airfields in the desert frontline zone, and also due to the successful conservation of his air units. The obvious Allied consolation prize would be to attack the 3-6 Italian inf XX at Porto Bardiya, but as the Allied player discovers upon close inspection, it is very tricky and fraught with danger, and he has to put into harm’s way quite a large quantity of the Allied F type air units available in the ME Command in order try and clinch good odds for the attack. He feels he must attack only with c/m units, in order that in the E. Phase they might exploit several hexes back into Egypt, to what might be called a Sidi Barrani line, in order to be under his own protective air umbrella and out from underneath the Axis player’s hostile air umbrella, which can also be used offensively. Additionally, he feels he must not take any attacker losses, which per the Allied battle plan would necessarily be c/m units, if he is to use later these same c/m units at a substantial desert front line placed as close to the Axis front line as is feasible. He estimates that the Allied desert front line must be comprised of at least 3 good stacks of AEC capable units, and with what he has available before any combat, he feels he is already right at the minimum amount for the necessary c/m counter mix for these three needed fitting generic front line stacks.

Oct II 41 Allied EOT dispositions in the Levante
In the C. Phase the Axis player flies the Ju 88A4 4B5 3-7/26 (Ger LW) air unit based at Derna (18A:4116) on the DAS air mission to the Porto Bardiya hex, escorted by the two It CR 42 3F3 0/9 air units based at Ain el Gazala (18A:4518). When the Axis DAS air op enters the target hex the Axis player then switches to the Escort air mission all 4 of his fighter units flying the CAP air mission at the target hex. This is the moment of truth for the Allied player, because if the Axis DAS manages to safely arrive and remain at the target hex, it creates an unfavorable combat die roll situation, where an EX is possible. But the battle for Porto Bardiya starts to spin out of control when the Allied player opts out on cautious play and instead switches to the Intercept air mission all four of his F type air units flying the CAP air missions at the target hex. These Allied CAP switches are done in the Axis Mission Movement Step. Most importantly, it appears per WW Rule 20E, that in our situation where both sides have active CAP air missions in the target hex, the Axis player initiating the DAS air op must first commit his fighters flying the CAP air missions to the Escort, and only afterwards does the reacting Allied player commit his fighters flying the CAP air missions to the Intercept air missions. But it’s not over yet, because after the Axis Mission Movement Step is done, the Allied player sends the Br P-40C 5F5 1/13 air unit, based at 19A:0918, to the Porto Bardiya hex on the Intercept air mission, in the Interceptor Movement Step, following the air operation sequence per WW Rule 16D. The Br P-40C F type air unit will attempt to bypass the escort screen and attack the mission force, which the lucky fighter unit successfully does against the two air combat dice rolls of the CR 42 and MC 200 fighter screen.

Oct II 41 Allied end of the Movement Phase dispositions: Iraq and Iran
The big Combat Phase air battle over the Porto Bardiya target hex is admittedly messy and fairly bloody. See the photo below for additional information on the particulars of the C. Phase air battle over the Porto Bardiya hex. But after all, the lucky Allied player manages to abort the Ger Lw Ju 88A4 air unit flying the DAS air mission, in air combat with the Br P-40C air unit. This enables him to proceed with an 8 to 1, -1 ground combat die roll against the Italian 3-6 inf XX, using entirely c/m attacking forces. Per the Allied battle plan he would not have attempted the Porto Bardiya ground combat attack had the Axis successfully delivered the DAS to the target hex, as then the combat would have risked the loss of some of his meager c/m units. This is assuming the Allied player would be able to stifle his wish for quick revenge, and cancel the Porto Bardiya attack in the face of the EX risk. Instead, in our case he wins the Porto Bardiya hex with an automatic ELIM, taking into account the enemy ZOC entrapment of the Italian inf XX in the hex. The Allied player enters the hex after combat, but does not remain there in the E. Phase. Instead, he withdraws his c/m force from eastern Libya and retreats eastwards a few hexes to the relative safety of a “Sidi Barrani” line, utilizing the 0-8 Marine Cmdo II ME unit to effectively cover the Sidi Barrani hex from Axis entry in the upcoming Axis M. Phase.

Oct II 41 Allied C. Phase: The air battle over Porto Bardiya
In the E. Phase the Allied player conducts two bombing air missions into eastern Libya, doing a daylight strat bombing air mission at the Derna hex (18A:4116) and an airfield tac bombing air mission at the 3-cap temporary airfield at 18A:4718, SW of Tobruch. The Axis player has a single operative fighter in the zone, which would be the G 50bis 3F3 0/10 air unit at 18A:4818, S of Tobruch. But the two Well 1C 3NB4 1-6/28 air units, both based at 19A:1418, and the two Blen 4 3B3 1-2/23 air units, one based at 19A:0913 and the other at 19A:1319, are all able to skirt around the G 50bis’ interception range in their flight to the Derna target hex. The two A-22 3A3 2-1/19 air units, one being the SAAF A-22 air unit based at 19A:1319 and the other the Br A-22 air unit based at 19A:1418, are escorted to the target hex by the sole remaining operative Allied fighter in the zone, which would be the long-ranging SAAF P-40C 5F5 1/13 air unit based at Matruh (19A:1218), which must first stage to 19A:0918. And so the weaker G 50bis F type air unit decides not to get involved, hoping the Axis flack shots and bad Allied Bombing Table die rolls will do its war work, instead. But Derna’s 2 factor flack shot are misses against all four Allied B type air units, perhaps because of the +1 modifier they get on the Antiaircraft Fire Table; and airfield hex’s single flack shot whizz by the two A-22 A type air units. But Luck still lingers with the Allied pilots, as the Allies score 3 port damage hits at Derna, and the A-22s inflict a hit of damage on the 3-cap temporary airfield at 18A:4718, which also aborts a Ger LW Ju 87B D type air unit there, after a random selection of the three Axis air units based at that hex.

Oct II 41 Allied middle of the Explitation Phase dispositions, Western Desert
Turn rail movement inventory on the Middle East railnet:
1 RE = for the 3-8 Art X 13 turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, where it entrained
2 REs = for the 3-2-10 Arm X 1 turn Br arm RP build; began turn at Alexandria, where it entrained
1 RE = for the 2-8 Eng X 1 (Aus); began turn at El Arish, in the Sinai, in Egypt, where it entrained
1 RE = for 4 gsp’s; began the turn at Alexandria, where they entrained
.5 RE = for 2 gsp’s; began the turn at Suez, where they entrained
1 RE =for the 3-8* Inf Cadre 50 Nth turn RP build; began the turn at Alexandria, where it entrained
6 REs = for two steps of attack supply; began the turn at Alexandria, where they both entrained
.5 REs = for the 1-8 AT II 65; began the turn at 19A:0920, from where it moved one hex to 19A:0919, where it entrained
1 RE = for the 3-8 Inf X 5 (NZ) turn RP build; began turn at Alexandria, where it entrained.
Allied Middle East rail net railcap: 16, per ER-II Allied OB Initial Forces, Mar II 41 Axis turn.
At the beginning of the turn the Allied player has the following inventory of Middle East (ME) Command RPs/ARPs stored at the Alexandria hex: 13.5 Br inf, 3.5 Br arm, 2.5 Aus inf, 3 NZ inf, 4 Ind inf, and 4 Allied ARPs.
After doing a number of rebuilds/ARP repairs in the I. Phase, the Allied player has a revised inventory of ME Command RPs/ARPs stored at the Alexandria hex; 5.5 Br inf, .5 Br arm, 2.5 Aus Inf, 0 NZ inf, 4 Ind inf and 1 Allied ARP.

Oct II 41 Allied middle of the Exploitation Phase bombing air missions action details
This was a difficult turn for the Allied player, insofar as determining the turn’s various end of phase dispositions. What he had to do was “back” into the main body of the turn from his initially determined EOT dispositions, and from the projected EOT dispositions, then “back” into the Combat Phase dispositions, as he was firmly fixed on taking a shot at the Italian inf XX at Porto Bardiya. And from the projected Combat Phase dispositions, which were eventually decided to require exclusively c/m units for the Porto Bardiya attack, he “backed” into the end of the Movement Phase dispositions for the final placement of his non-motorized units, in particular those non-motorized artillery and pos flack units needed in the desert shield front line in west-central Egypt, at the new Sidi Barrani line.
The Allied end of turn dispositions also went through three evolutionary versions, or plans. The first EOT plan envisioned two inf XXs (the SA 2nd and the Aus 6th) at Porto Bardiya, with one of the three “generic” Allied c/m stacks (see the maps below) then necessarily positioned at 19A:0319, S of Porto Bardiya, and the other two Allied c/m stacks at 19A:0520 and 19A:0620. But this quite aggressive EOT disposition plan seemed laced with potential regret, and the Allied player is sure he cannot be begging for another big ground unit stack loss so soon after the fall of Tobruch.
The second Allied EOT disposition plan envisioned exploiting out of the immediate Porto Bardiya vicinity after the battle there and hunkering into a nearby Halfaya Pass (19A:0419)-19A:0520-19A:0620 front line shield, with the rest of the 8th Army being stretched from there to the Qattara Depression, but this was eventually considered too risky, also; and so it was scrapped.
The third plan, the one seen in the present game report, was done only after a heaving sigh of resignation, as it seemed to imply a secure Axis position in eastern Libya, but at least the attack on the hapless It 3-6 inf XX at Porto Bardiya was successfully carried out. But a close observation of the game report concerning how the combat attack transpired might indicate that “this was an attack that oughtn’t be.” This is because it was only by bad air combat dice rolls, from the Axis point of view, that the Axis player failed to deliver the 3 tac factors of DAS (halved to 1.5 defense factors) in the Porto Bardiya target hex, in spite of his clear fighter superiority in the zone. Had the Axis player successfully delivered the DAS to the Porto Bardiya target hex, the Allied player was going to try and persuade himself to abandon the attack, in order to avoid an EX possibility involving his c/m attacking units.
The ground and air unit attrition rate is starting to climb in the game, what with the fall of Tobruch with its big EX result and both sides’ collateral air unit losses. Then this turn there was a mixed bag of air unit losses by both sides, at Malta and in the Western Desert, due in part by the newly changed situation in the latter region. And this attrition has happened to two players (read: myself) that claim to sometimes follow a policy of air and ground unit conservation in their Western Desert Europa wargaming. I will let other Rommels, Wavells, and Auchinlecks criticize a so-called broad strategy of “conservation” in Europa wargame play, and admit that in some cases sudden large antes and big wagers are good for the wargame, as in poker play.