Europa Games and Military History

Tag: general staff

The Casino is open!

As a little experiment I’ve installed some more plugins (breaking my vow to not overload the poor site with gimmicks) and opened some forums. You’ll find them in the main navigation under “Casino” – I thought that would be a fitting name. Also, I´ve copy&pasted&adapted some rudimentary forum rules, but in the end I will have little time and motivation to police, so it comes down to:

  1. Be respectful
  2. Do not do anything illegal
  3. Talk about Strategy games.

If you need an extensive rulebook to understand these guidelines, the General Staff is not for you, and, since it is my little fiefdom, I will ban you, quicker than you can say Sturmgeschütz.

But aside with the nasty talk, I hope you´ll enjoy this little adition. I am still thinking on how to best add a files section, for now its a simply another forum.


How it all came to be

I managed to finalize the translation of “About the General Staff” today. the original article was in German, and since I dropped the second language from the website, I had to translate it. the article describes the history of this website, intermixed with some personal information, various ramblings and other things probably not very interesting, but if you really need to know how this website started, there you go.
It also adds another item to my todo-list: Writing up a short article about the original Generalstab.