Rule 2 – Game Components (p4): This section is in error regarding the number of maps and charts in the game. There are 19 map sections in the game. These comprise 4 full-sized maps (G1 to G4 each with 4 sections), one half sized map (G5 with 2 sections), and one quarter sized map (G6 with 1 section). Two copies (not 1) of the Master Sequence of Play are provided. A single copy each (not 2 each) of the Terrain Effects Chart and the Unit Identification Chart are provided.
Rule 3E3 – Basic Game Concepts / Geography / Regions (p6): The province of Sikang should be added to the bullet for Southwest China.
Rule 5 – Zones of Control (p7): Add the following sentence to the end of the 2nd paragraph: “In addition, a unit does not exert a ZOC into hexes that are out side of its area of operation.”
Rule 7A5 – Transportation Lines / Railroads / Rail Nets / Szechwan rail net (p9): The hex reference for Chengtu should be G5:0804 (not G5:0204).
Rule 7A5 – Transportation Lines / Railroads / Rail Nets / Chaochow rail net (p9): The hex reference for Chaochow should be G3:4225 and for Swatow should be G3:4325.
Rule 12C4 – Supply / General Supply / General Supply Points (p16): The 6th paragraph refers to both red and black status markers. However, the red status markers were inadvertently printed in black. So players will either need to remember in which phase a general supply point was placed, or use red status markers from other Europa/Glory games.
Rule 12I2a – Supply / Chinese Supply Difficulties / Effects of KMT Control / Limited General Supply Sources (p18): In the second sentence, change the word “through” to “from.” Add the following sentence: “Note that a limited source of supply that is not KMT controlled does not block the tracing of a supply line to other sources.”
Rule 20G2b Air Missions / Bombing / Tactical Bombing / Ground Support (p29): Change “… until the mission resolution step is reached.” in the 2nd paragraph, 3rd sentence to read “… until the AA fire step is reach.” Add a step between steps 1) and 2): “1a) The AA fire step occurs. Resolve any AA fire against the GS-mission air units.”
Rule 20G2c Air Missions / Bombing / Tactical Bombing / Defensive Air Support (p29): Change “… until the mission resolution step is reached.” in the 2nd paragraph, 3rd sentence to read “… until the AA fire step is reach.” Add a step between steps 1) and 2): “1a) The AA fire step occurs. Resolve any AA fire against the DAS-mission air units.”
Rule 20G2j – Air Missions / Bombing / Tactical Bombing / Burma Road (p31): All map G5 hex references in this rule are incorrect. Six should be added to the hex column (i.e., the first two digits of the hex reference). For example, hex reference G5:2717 should be G5:3317 (27xx plus 6 is 33xx).
Rule 27A – Naval Rules Introduction / Naval Units (p37): Change the 2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph to read: For War of Resistance, use the side printed with “RF”.
Rule 31A – Naval Transport / Transport Costs (p41): Change the 2nd sentence of the 4th paragraph to read: If a unit has insufficient MPs to embark/disembark, it may embark/disembark by spending all of its MPs remaining in the current phase. A unit with a zero MP allowance in the exploitation phase (per Rule 6C) may disembark in that phase; it may not, however, embark during the exploitation phase.
A unit with insufficient MP (including a unit with zero MP) may disembark in a phase by spending all of its remaining MP.
Rule 33 – Naval Gunfire Support (p43): The two bullets should be re-worded for clarification as follows:
To provide NGS for friendly attacking units, the hex being attacked must be in or adjacent to a TF’s or RF’s hex or in or adjacent to the hex adjoining the TF’s or RF’s hexside.
To provide NGS for friendly defending units, the units must be in or adjacent to a TF’s hex or in or adjacent to the hex adjoining a TF’s hexside; in a RF’s hex; or adjoining a RF’s hexside.
Rule 34D2 – Special Naval Rules / Rivers / The Hwang Ho (p43): Add the following to the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph: … and from Paoting (G2:0511/0611) to Lanchow (G2:2433/2533).
Rule 37B4 – Special Rules / Holding Boxes / Burma Road Holding Box (p47): All map G5 hex references in this rule are incorrect. Six should be added to the hex column (i.e., the first two digits of the hex reference). For example, hex reference G5:2717 should be G5:3317 (27xx plus 6 is 33xx).
Rule 37B5 – Special Rules / Holding Boxes / Hanoi Holding Box (New Rule): Map G5 was moved northward by six hexes during production (after the Rules and OBs had been printed). This was done to gain more coverage in the Chengtu area in Szechwan province. However, parts of Northern Indo-China, including Hanoi, were lost off of the southern edge of the map. Add the following rule to show the effects of the missing area (note that players need to hand draw a Hanoi Holding Box):
The Hanoi Holding Box is part of Northern Indo-China. In general, all rules for Northern Indo-China apply to the Hanoi Holding Box. The box is considered to be connected by three off-map rail hexes to on-map hexes G4:4833, G5:5108, and G6:0120. Forces and supply/resource items may exit or enter the box to or from any of these hexes by using strategic rail movement or by spending a number of MPs or SMPs as required to enter three rail hexes. No unit or air unit may enter the box before the Sep II 40 game turn. On and after that turn Japanese units and air units (only) may enter the box.
The Hanoi Holding Box has an airbase capacity of one. Airfields and airstrips may be built in the box as if it were a clear hex. Air units may enter or exit the box from any map-edge hex from G5:5101 to G5:5110 and G4:4633 to G6:0420 by spending 3 MPs.
Rule 41A2bi – Preparing for Play / 1937-41 China Theater Scenario / Opening Turns / Tokyo Mandates / Levels of Restriction / Level 2 (p60): In the first sentence, change “… and north of hex row G3:08xx …” to read “… and on or north of hex row G3:08xx …”
Rule 41A2c – Preparing for Play / 1937-41 China Theater Scenario / Opening Turns / Chinese Aggressive Posture (p61): The 6th bullet should be reworded as follows: “Japanese naval units may ignore enemy forces and …” The 7th bullet should be reworded as follows: “Chinese forces on or adjacent to the Whangpoo River do not block …”
Rule 45A2b – Chinese Factions / Factional Attributes / Level of Cooperation / Uncooperative Factions (p62): The 6th bullet should be reworded as follows: “perform demolition of any type in their home territory … “.
Chinese Order of Battle
Initial Forces, Jul II 37 / Forts (p1): The fort listed as deploying at G3:0308 deploys at G3:0309 instead.
Initial Forces, Jul II 37 / Airstrip (p1): The airstrip listed as deploying at Lao Kay (G5:4210) deploys at Laokay (G5:4810) instead.
Initial Forces, Jul II 37 / Factional Levels of Cooperation (p1): The abbreviation for Hunan should be Hun (not Hu).
Initial Forces, Jul II 37 / Chinese National Forces / Chung-yang Chun [Central Army] (CA) (p2): The hex reference for the fortress Tienchiachen is incorrect. It should be (G3:1027).
Initial Forces, Jul II 37 / Chinese Factional Forces / Muslim Forces (Mus) (p3): The hex reference for Ningsia is incorrect. It should be (G2:1324).
Notes / Note 3 (p9): The hex reference for Kunming (G5:2813) is incorrect. It should be (G5:3413).
Production and Replacements / French Foreign Aid (p11): Change the deployment instructions to read: Place in the Hanoi Holding Box.
Chinese Replacement Chart (p12): The factional assignment of the Kiangsu, Anhwei, Hupei, Kiangsi, and Kansu replacement districts should be National Forces (not Central Army: CA). In practice this makes no difference in the play of the game since only CA forces can use these replacement points. However, confusion can arise since the separate Chinese Replacement Table lists the factional assignment as National Forces.
Battle Scenarios Booklet
The China Incident / Chinese Order of Battle / Initial Forces, Jul II 37 (p3): The reference to Tsinghai should read G1:1620 (not G1:1521).
Nanking’s Fate / Scenario Special Rules / Play Area (p9): The reference to hex G2:4818 should be G1:4818.
Nanking’s Fate / Chinese Order of Battle / Initial Forces, Jul II 37 / Forts (p9): The fort listed as deploying at G3:0308 deploys at G3:0309 instead.
Nanking’s Fate / Chinese Order of Battle / Initial Forces, Jul II 37 / Hangchow Bay Garrison (p10): Deployment instructions should read: Any hexes in Chekiang east of the Tayun Ho (Grand Canal) and north of Hangchow Bay.
Hong Kong 1941 / British Order of Battle / Initial Forces, Dec I 41 / Island Forces (p16): Deployment instructions should read: Either hex of the island that contains
Victoria (G4:4902 or 4903).
The Hundred Regiments Offensive / Chinese Order of Battle / Initial Forces, AUG I 40 / Available Chinese Guerrillas (p20): The number of available guerrillas listed is incorrect. There should be available 3x 3-5 Guerrilla X and 12x 1-5 Guerrilla lll.
Foreign Contingents in China / Initial Forces, Jul II 37 / Treaty Ports (p22): The hex reference for Mengtze should be G5:4312 (not G5:3712).
Foreign Contingents in China / Initial Forces, Jul II 37 / China Theater (p22): The reference to Kwangchowan (G5:0218) is incorrect. It should be Fort Bayard (G6:0105).
China Reference Map: The Central China province should be spelled Hupei (not Hupeh). Hupeh is an alternate spelling. However, WoR has used the Hupei spelling throughout.
China Reference Map: The Central China province should be spelled Anhwei (not Anwhei).
Game Play Chart (2) / Supply Conditions Summary: The “In General Supply” row is missing a tab causing the columns to be misaligned. The following is correct: Defense Str. FULL; Attack Str. ½; Overrun Str. FULL; Mvmnt Rating FULL.
Game Play Chart (2) / Stacking Summary: The “Units (Any)” column of the “Regular” row should be 3 (not 6).
Game Play Chart (3) / Unit Color Codes: The entry for “Mongolian” is extra and should be deleted; there are no counters in this color. Mongolian forces appear in the game as Jehol Provincial forces.
Game Play Chart (1) / Railroad Construction Table: Replace the entire table with the following:
Rail Line Hexes Date Completed
Teshih RR Gl:2222-Gl:2024-Gl:1928 Nov I 40
New Lungsui RR G2:0511-G2:1730-G2:2432 not completed during war
Tungkwan Branch G2:3515-G2:3316-G2:3216 Dec I 40
Lunghai RR Extension G2:3522-G2:3330-G2:2432 Sep I 45
Szechwan RR G4:0828-G5:1302-G5:0804 not completed during war
Hunan-Kweichow RR G4:1805-G4:1912-G4:2427 not completed during war
Hunan-Kwangsi RR G4:2507-G4:2712-G4:3216 Oct I 38
Hunan-Kwangsi RR G4:3216-G4:3418-G4:3620 Dec I 39
Hunan-Kwangsi RR G4:3620-G4:4122-G4:4325 Jun I 40
Hunan-Kwangsi RR G4:4325-G4:4529-G4:4632 not completed during war
Kweichow-Kwangsi RR G4:3620-G4:3523-G4:3425 Jan I 41
Kweichow-Kwangsi RR G4:3425-G4:2927-G4:2427 Jan I 44
Kweichow-Kwangsi RR G4:2427-G4:2428-G4:2429 not completed during war
Szechwan-Yunnan RR G5:3413-G5:3309-G5:3208 Jun I 40
Szechwan-Yunnan RR G5:3208-G5:2308-G5:1706 not completed during war
Szechwan-Yunnan RR G5:1706-G5:1704-G5:1302* not completed during war
*This stretch of potential rail construction does not follow a road. It traverses these hexes: G5:1706 – 1705 – 1704 – 1603 – 1503 – 1402 – 1302.
Chinese Game Chart: The Strategic River Transport Holding Box calls out the “Si Kiang System.” However, this river is spelled “Hsi” on the maps (e.g., G4:4410). Both spellings are correct.
Japanese Game Chart: The Strategic River Transport Holding Box calls out the “Si Kiang System.” However, this river is spelled “Hsi” on the maps (e.g., G4:4410). Both spellings are correct.
Master Sequence of Play: While the rules are correct, the Master Sequence of Play can be confusing in regards to which events take place only on the first turn of the month (vis-à-vis every turn). Some entries explicitly state that it is a “first-turn-of-month” event while others do not. The following initial phase events are performed only on the first turn of the month, but are not so indicated on the Master Sequence of Play:
6a Place production at factories.
6c Place foreign-aid/general imports.
8 Perform guerrilla recruitment activities.
10 Remove damage from factories and Burma Road.
General: The difference between regular and shallow rivers on maps G1 and G2 may not always be readily apparent on every map section without close scrutiny. To aid in identifying the shallow rivers, the following is provided. The entire Hwang Ho (Yellow River) system (the main river and all its tributaries) is shallow except for the following sections: rivers between hexsides G1:2620/2621 and G1:3023/2924 and between hexsides G2:0511/0611 and G2:2433/2533. No other rivers are shallow. Note that the Tayun Ho (Grand Canal) is not part of the Hwang Ho and is not shallow. (Also see Rule 34D2.)
General: Some full-hex cities may not be readily apparent as such. These are Tientsin (G1:1419), Hankow (G3:0631), Wuchang (G3:0731), Shanghai (G3:0506 & G3:0507), Changsha (G4:1805), and Chungking (G4:0828).
General: There are some minor overlap problems between map sections that can be minimized with careful assembly.
Map section G1NE is missing mountain hexsides at G1:0716/0717/0816. Overlapping map section G1NW on top of G1NE fixes this problem.
Map section G2SE is missing part of the gray border between Kansu and Shensi. Overlapping map section G2SW on top of G2SE fixes this problem.
Map G3 has the wrong terrain in hexes 3233 and 3033. Overlapping map G4 on top of map G3 fixes this problem.
Maps G2 and G4 differ from map G5 in a number of respects along the overlap edge. In all cases, map G5 is correct and should thus overlap the other two maps.
Map G1NE: This map section was mistakenly cut to smaller-than-normal size, thus there is no overlap between it and map section G1SE; the two map sections butt strait up against each other instead.
Map G2SE / Hexes 3010 and 2911: The provincial notations are reversed. Shensi should be in hex 2911 and Shansi in hex 3010.
Map G5: The corner notations (G5NE and G5SE) have inadvertently been left off of the two sections of map G5. The map section with several hundred high mountain hexsides and the major city of Chengtu (G5:0804), but no identifying notation of any kind, is the north half of map G5 (and should have had the G5NE notation). The map section with the compass arrow, the Glory Map G5 copyright notice, and the major city of Kunming (G5:3413) is the south half of map G5 (and should have had the G5SE notation).
Map G6: Hexes 1208, 1209, 1210, 1307, 1311, 1312, 1408, 1409, 1411, 1509, and 1510 are mountain jungle.
Sheet CS-G6: IJA forces should have been printed in a lighter red than the IJN forces. Very close scrutiny will reveal that, in fact, they have been. Unfortunately, the color screen for the IJA did not print nearly as lightly as intended.
Sheet CS-G7: The single Italian counter is orange on black (not yellow on black as listed on the Unit Colors Chart).
Sheet CS-G7: The four counters in the extreme lower right corner of the sheet were misprinted as black/blue on orange (they should have been black/blue on light yellow); these belong to the Chinese Kwangsi (Kwns) faction.
Sheet CS-G7: The colors of the two HK brigades have been swapped. The 1-6 Inf X HK should be in Canadian colors (not British Empire) and the 2-3-6 Inf X HK should be in British Empire colors (not Canadian).
Glory I – War of Resistance
Clarifications and Errata 16-Jul-98
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Europa, Glory, and War of Resistance are Trademarks of Game Research/Design
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