My initial intention was to provide a very detailed exploded turn report down to unit level across the whole front this turn but after beginning the exercise I decided that as the game is so close to the end that this would take too long to compile and report and would slow things down far too much. I have therefore limited this approach to Initial Phase, Arctic and Steppe Front. The remainder of the game is reported, as previously, at a lighter reporting level.
Initial Phase
Isolation & Supply. The Arctic mud has shortened supply lines considerably so only a few units close to the supply dump at Alta are supplied (15 RES) These units include a 4-6 XX, 5-6 Gds inf, 3-6 Naval, 3-1-8 Rkt.
In Rumania the supply status of the forward Gds Tank and Mech Corps outside Bucharesti and Ploetsti is unchanged at U1 but they are now Isolated by German actions. A second group just west of Galati becomes U1 and Isolated due to the Axis counterattack last turn eliminating the 2-1-8 eng Tk which was forming a supply bridge to the main front. This group comprises a 12-9-8 Gds Tk corps, 5-8 Gds tk cadre, 5-8 mech cadre, and 3-1-8 mot rkt .
Reinforcements & Replacements: No Reinforcements but 2 Production Res Pts are placed at Baku. 19 Inf rep are recovered from last turn’s high losses. 10 are placed at Riga and are used to replace 2×5-6 gds inf, and 9 at Minsk that together with accumulated replacements replace a 6-6 gds inf and a 5-6 gds inf. 13 armour Replacements enter the pool and a 12-8 Gds Mech is rebuilt at the Leningrad Factory which has been in full production throughout the war.
Air Replacements: 69 Available aircraft are culled sending 6 to Remnants. Remnant culling permanently eliminates 1 squadron. Eliminated Over Friendly contains 3 Assault bombers and 2 Fighters so because this is not the start of an Air Cycle these are unchanged. But in the EET Box 3 Bombers are Grouped dropping the GA by one to 104 and placing one in Available, one in Remnants and Permanently eliminating one. The 13 Remnants are grouped randomly into 5s. 2 become active, 8 are permanently eliminated and 3 remain as remnants. A C47 and a Il-4 are Activated from the Available box and placed at Nikolayev.
Air Repair: Favourable dice rolls repair 5 units out of 15 currently Aborted Units.
Construction: 3 Permanent Airfields are built.
Planning: 2×3-6 Marines with BB Archangelsk and a DD flotilla in support plan an Amphibious Landing at A:0607 on the Alta-Narvik coast road. This aims to flank and Isolate any defence of the river/mountain line at the pinch point by the northern tip of Sweden.
In the Black Sea a 3-6 Marine plans a landing at Point 3619 immediately east of Constanta on the Rumanian coast. This is joined by a parallel supporting action by a 3-6 marine and a 2-6 Marine at 3419 immediately to the west. This joint operation aims to capture the port and drive remaining coastal forces north and allow follow up reinforcements to push south of the Danube into Bulgaria.
Arctic Front Movement Phase: A 4-6xx placed in supply is used to haul Res Pts along the coast road while other supplied units move forward at speed to reach the front. The 5-6 gds inf xx, 3-1-8 Rkt and 2-6 Nvl catch a 2 pt Hvy AA unit below the German Mtn redoubt struggling to cross the causeway to safety.
Arctic Front Combat Phase: The Guards charging down the mountain paths to the crossing catch the AA units strung out along the narrow defile desperately trying to load the prime movers and guns onto the ferry. They are mercilessly cut down and many of the guns captured. (Automatic Defender Elimination and all attackers advance).
Arctic Front Air Phase: The Soviets expend 2 Res Pts at Archangelsk to put the 7 strong Arctic Air Squadrons into action. With no ground battles to assist they target the German airfields, in particular Tromso occupied by a Ju87B. A Me110e intercepts (No Res pt needed) and engages an A20B Aborting it. With no AA the Ju87B is a sitting duck but mist and rain squalls over the target driven by the increasingly violent weather front prevents accurate targeting and all sorties fail to hit the target. Further south the fields at Narvik and Halstead are targeted. The Halstead attack also ends in failure but 2 hits at Narvik result in overkill for a single Hit reducing the Capacity to Zero.
Steppe Front Movement Phase: Units on the Rumanian plain are scattered and interspersed following the precipitous Soviet advance towards Ploesti and Bucharesti. These units have been isolated by German reinforcements and Rumanian moves. There is a cavalry/infantry/artillery force moving south down the road from Stanislaw and the advanced guard of the main front advancing from Odessa has now occupied the eastern bank over the river from Galati and is preparing to assault the city and its fortified adjuncts. Axis defences comprise a relatively strong two hex stack at Galati and scattered non-divisional units across the plain to the main line at Ploesti/Bucharesti. Barring the Stanislaw road is a 4-8 cavalry division in the mountains ZOCing the road. Linking this unit to the Galati defence is a powerful assembly of a 16-10 Panzer division and an adjacent stack of a 7-8 Panzer cadre with the Rumanian 6-10 motorised division. In the north both supplied and U1 units move towards the Hungarian border.
I will consider the options for the four Soviet groupings as follows;
The Isolated group between Galati and Bucharetsti/Ploesti
The main assault on Galati and its associated defences.
The group moving South from Stanislaw
The small group approaching the Hungarian border.
Group 1. As can be seen from map the 15-8 mechanised unit has few options; it can only combine with one other unit, the 15-12-8 for a 3:1 (-1) attack on the 4-8 Panzer Grenadier cadre which carries too high a risk of exchanges and this would leave both attackers still deep in enemy territory. So while it has the advantages of attacking a German unit rather than a Rumanian unit. (that is likely soon to seek terms) this is not considered a viable option. Likewise although the 15-8 could, with its one hex movement, engage the 2-10 Luftwaffe unit stacked with a 2-3-8 Rumanian artillery this would be suicidal given the 88’s (-4) AT DRM. 15-8 mech therefore moves one hex East and is not involved in any subsequent combats.
The 15-12-8 however has other options for combat; by moving one hex East it reaches a Rumanian stack comprising a 1-2-8 artillery regiment and 0-1-5 cons with air support from the Rumanian Blenheim bomber. In isolation this would provide a 1.5:1(+3) attack that carries the risk of an Exchange. However this unit can combine with all or part of the second section of this group; the isolated support train west of Galati. This group comprises a 12-9-8 Gds Tk corps, 5-8 Gds tk cadre, 5-8 mech cadre, and 3-1-8 mot rkt all of which can engage the Rumanians. Looking at the combat table 3:1 (+3) is sufficient to avoid any possibility of exchanges and if surrounded would eliminate the defenders. This will have the advantage of allowing the 15-12-8 tank Corps to advance one hex further west in the combat phase to relative safety. (Hot pursuit carries its rewards). This assumes the worst case, that the air defence unit remains unscathed by attacking AA. Calculation show that 12 points are needed for the 3 to 1 and with 7 ½ being provided by the 15-12-8 due to the attackers being U1 4.5 points (9 printed) are needed from the other units. Unless the defenders are ZOC’d there is a 50% chance that some or all can survive the attack so the 12-9-8’s ZOC would need to be positioned to ensure annihilation of the defenders. This is achievable by the unit swinging NE “behind” the Rumanians and lack of ZOCs among the scattered stacks will allow this. Consequently this engagement frees part of the force for use elsewhere. Adjacent to these units to the West is a weak stack comprising a 0-1-5 Rumanian cons and a 2-8 artillery unit caught hauling 2ResPts. The attack would be no better than 2:1(+3) which carries a risk of exchange. The defenders however would not be able to retreat due to action by Group 2 (see below) so would be eliminated if retreated. Air power could boost this attack to a safe and secure 3:1 (+3) by the application GS so this is a viable option. But is it optimal? I will park this at the moment and return to it later.
Group 2: Main attack from Odessa. This group can be considered as two distinct parts. The northern wing which comprises various armoured and motorized units, primarily sub divisional, and the southern wing which is infantry based. The main bulk of this latter part is marching west from Odessa and will not be in contact with the Galati defences this turn. The northern wing could be used to cross the river to the north and pass the defenders either to attack the northern fort from the NW or engage Axis units directly west. The river prevents any unit getting right behind the forts.
The goal and options here are more straightforward. The southern stack comprises 2x 3-1-8 rkt and 3x 1-2-8 AT units. The AT units cross to the south and take no part in the attack while the rockets move SW slide around Galati, cross the Danube and prepare for combat either into the city or striking directly west into a practically abandoned fort SW of the city at Braila. This is held by a lone unsupported 1-2-6 MG Brigade and ripe for slaughter. It is important to include a division in the attack for its ZOCs which is needed to advance and pin the 0-1-5 cons/2-8 art group referred to above. This attack will require 9:1 to ensure elimination. (-1 for Fort.). Follow up forces cross the river and add to the rockets. A 3-8 Cav xx swings wide to the south through wooded rough and begins a crossing of the Danube 50 miles south of Galati.
With the bulk of the Guards Rifle and Artillery Corps still re-deploying from the assault on Odessa the forces at hand are barely sufficient to manage a direct assault on Galati. The three hexes adjacent comprise:
- North East; 3×5-6 gds inf xx, 1-2-8 AT, 3×3-1-8 rkt, 4-1-8 rkt (21 effective);
- East; 15-3-8 gds rkt corps (moved so 50%), 3×4-6 inf xx, 3-6* gds inf brig, 2-6 art, 2-8 mtr (effective 19)
- South; (South of the Danube) 2×4-6 inf xx, 2-6 gds inf cdre, 2-6* inf brig, 4-2-8 art, 2-6 art, 4-1-8 rkt. 3-1-8 rkt. (effective 16) (For a total of 56 effective points.
Galati comprises all Rumanian 2×5-6 inf xx, 1-2-6 AA, 2-3-8 art plus DAS from a Hs129B (2 pts) = 17 points.
Ratio is 56:17 = 3.29 insufficient to guarantee an elimination due to the NE but “safe”. There is insufficient AA to attack the Hs1329 so this is the final ratio prior to any additional GS to try for an odds increase. This is a crucial attack because if Galati is lost it will persuade Rumania to seek terms. However 34 points of GS will be needed to guarantee the defenders retreat or elimination (at 5:1) and this may or may not be the best use of the air power. The Soviets will have to balance the rewards of a Rumanian Surrender/Armistice against the other uses of the SVS. (see below)
Because the southern stack needs to advance one of the 4-6 inf xxs to ZOC the Galati defenders and cause more damage on their retreat the stack is split leaving exactly 51 points (3:1) against Galati and allowing 5 effective points in the form of the one of the 4-6xx inf and the 4-2-8 art, attacking Braila.
The 5:1 odds have a 1/6 chance of an NE and while this unit is small fry it is important to gain this hex and place the 4-6xx over the river. 6:1 is needed to guarantee this so 1 point of GS minimum will be needed to top up the attack.
For the hex immediately to the north of Galati insufficient force can be administered from arriving infantry. The mobile portion of this Group could engage this northern stack and tip the odds to a viable attack but they see a juicer prize to the west. The hex immediately to the north of Galati is therefore left un-attacked.
Barring the way West is a group including a 16-10 pz XX. This is assaulted by all available tank and motorized forces and the 15-3-8 rkt corps from the Stanislaw group. Only a poor 3:1 (-1) is possible which provides a high chance of escape for the Panzers. However by utilising the trapped forces to the West a pincer attack can be launched against this unit.
This is decided to be the best option and the attack against the 0-1-5 engineer/2-8 art discussed above is abandoned and the engineers are left un-molested.

Pre move showing options not taken
The 12-9-8 exfiltrates through the Axis lines and takes up position behind the 16-10 from where it also ZOCs the Blenheim group. It is joined by the 3-1-8 mot rkt unit. The inclusion of the Corps and Rkt against the 16-10 now requires only 8 GS to top up to a 5:1 (-1) attack which has a high possibility of mauling the Panzer – a far greater prize than a Rumanian construction and artillery unit. The two cadres join the 12-9-8 but attack West in its place with the 15-12-8 to secure the elimination of the Blenheim assisted stack and the advance and escape of the 15-12-8. (One additional dilemma here is the location of a15-12-8 Tk corps which is part of the mobile northern assault group from east of the river. This is the only corps or divisional sized unit in this group. If placed in the northern of the two stacks attacking the 16-10 it supports the artillery but in the southern hex it ZOCs Galati. In the end it is decided to support the artillery to maximise the attack value. This makes it imperative that Galati is ZOC’ed from the south by the advance over the Danube.)
Group 3; This group moving south along the Stanislaw road splits off two mountain divisions and a cavalry division which infiltrate through the mountain passes while the rest of the force moves south and directly assaults the Rumanian 4-8 Cavalry xx in a straight 4:1 attack.
Group 4: In the north of Steppe Front units move slowly into Hungary and at U1 attack and eliminate by overwhelming force a 1-7 Light Police Regiment on the road to Cluj.
Rear area: Units force march to the front and engineers and Combat engineers move in the direction of Bucharesti. Marines enter Odessa to board their invasion transports and are joined by paradrops and glider troops.

Sept II 1944 Post Soviet Combat Phase in Romania
Steppe Front Pre-combat Isolation check; The move of the 12-9-8 to trap the 16-10 pz and the Blenheim assisted stack means that the whole Galati defence is un-isolated. In fact of all the defenders only the Blenheim stack is Isolated. This is not considered that significant because the collapse of Rumania is imminent and so any replacements are unlikely to see action anyway.
Steppe Front Ground Support: NB. Anyone following this from the outset will remember that I decided to use a pseudo “on demand” air system. This was primarily to handle GS/Harassment without having to pre-plan all the moves and combats that in a large solitaire game of this type would add lots of time. The air system used has evolved so that air drops are made during movement and GS immediately pre-combat. All other air activities take place after exploitation including DAS and Harassment for the next player turn. I accept this makes GS and Harassment more powerful to some degree because none is “wasted” but it does allow the game to run quicker and smoother. Because at the time of placing DAS no moves or combats are pre-planned there does not seem to be much distortion to this aspect. In effect then most air activity is moved to the end of the turn.
GS is allocated as follows: To Galati; 3xIl4 incl 1xgds),5xPe-2B 9 (incl 2xgds), Pe-2FT gds, escorted by Yak-9DD, Yak-9 gds, Yak-9U
To the 16-10 Pz attack; 3x Pe-2FT (incl 1xgds), P-40n (as GS) with escorts of 2xYak9.
To the solitary MG unit; 3xPe-2FT, A20-G gds escorted by a just repaired Yak 1B (All at extended range)
Interceptions: The two available Fighters in range (Rumanian Me109G and IAR81) choose to intercept the flight over the 16-10 Pz. They are swept from the skies by the escorts (Snakes eyes and a 3) and the bombers are unscathed.
AA; The 16-10 pz flack is ineffective and so all 10 points of GS are added to the attack. The 5:1 attack is assured.
The MG has no flack so 4 2/3rds effective GS is added raising the odds to 9:1(-1) and ensuring the MGs destruction. The advance will cut off any retreat from Galati.
The attack against Galati meets heavy, well targeted flak from the 3 points of combat AA in the town and an Il4 and 4xPe2Bs are “Returned”. The effective GS is dropped to 11 points so the attack remains at 4:1(-1).
Steppe Front Combats: Three auto kills; one against the 1-2-6 MG 9-1 (-1) at Braila, one verses the Blenheim assisted stack at 3:1(+3) surrounded, and the lone Police detachment on the Cluj road (9:1 -1), are executed and advances made. The 4-6xx/4-2-8 art south of Galati crosses the Danube and eliminating the fort. The 15-12-8 East of Ploesti advances closer to safety and a pair of Guards infantry advance along the road to the Hungarian Border.
The larger attacks are now resolved. Against the 4-8 Cav a “2” causes a HX eliminating the Cavalry and reducing to cadre a Guards Para Inf xx.
Against the 16-10 Pz A “6” Eliminates the unit. The cadre can retreat onto the adjacent stack of 7-8 pz cadre and 6-10 Rum Mot xx and so is spared immediate elimination.
Units advance sufficient to form a 30 point mobile stack for possible overrun of the 0-1-5 cons/2-8 art stack.
Galati is now attacked with bated breath. A “1” is rolled for an Exchange! Soviets loose 3×4-6 inf and a 1-2-8 AT. All Rumanians are eliminated including the two 5-6 inf xx cadres who have no retreat path. Units advance over un-bridged rivers where possible to reduce movement costs next turn.
This concludes all attacks.

Combat Setup, September II 1944
In exploitation a truck moved south from Ukraine front adds to the supply extension running from Odessa where poor positioning of Rail engineers has left a break in the line.
This should bring all the advanced moto/mech units back in supply assuming Clear weather. The fall of Galati will ensure Rumania negotiates for some form of settlement next player turn so the planned overrun against the cons/art stack is scrubbed in favour of moves to pin the German Panzers against the mountains and thus facilitate their destruction next month.

Romaia in Late September 1944, after the Soviet Explotation Phase
Steppe Front Air Phase: All aircraft were used in GS so other than some transfers from the rear there is no further air activity.
Steppe Front Combat Losses: The Steppe Front battles have resulted in the following casualties:
Soviet = 19, Fort = 1, German = 8, Rumanian Isolated= 2, Un-isolated=18, Air = 2.
The Other Fronts
Byelorussian: (4 Attacks) Any illusions the German Army may have had that they had held the Soviets in check is shattered as two major armoured thrusts split the front in three and surround two Fortified Areas containing a Pz xx, Inf xx and 4 smaller units. The isolation of the German units is temporary for sure designed to reduce the Germans ability to counterattack but the breaches advance the Soviets ever further West. The advance overruns some small units moving forward and three airfields. Caught by total surprise no aircraft escape and 5 are sent direct to Remnants. Forward elements west of Allenstein are now only 2 hexes from the map edge. Further south a third breach west of Brest-Litovsk threatens to compromise the main German river line to the south.
Ukraine: (8 Attacks) A number of attacks converge to eliminate the remaining pocket at Lvow and an outward drive reaches the heavily forested area NW of the city.
Little action against the Hungarians due to limited force levels and supplies. The Soviets have one Gds Tk Corp and one Gds Mech corps committed to this sector but the latter is re-assigned to Lvow so is withdrawn and begins to move north.
Air combat: 4 Mission groups are intercepted; 1 providing GS, 2 on airfield bombing missions and one on Rail-line bombing. Fate deals an even hand with an A20G/P-39Q falling in one mission and two Me110Es being knocked out of the sky by accurate Attacker AA.
Combat Report
Total Attacks = 19
Soviets = 23
2x Air.
Forts = 4
German; 92
Air = 2
On Ground = 5